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AFU NEWSLETTER lssu4e9 - Ju ne2 005 ISSN0 283-6378 -- PublibsyhA:er dc hifvoeUrsF OR eseaFrocuhn da(tAiFoUnP) ,O B1o1x0 2S7-,6 0101 N orrköSpwiendge,n New additiotnost heA FU archivesT hel atthearsn owb een soirtnetddo i fferehneta pUsF:O reporctosr,r espondaerntciecd,oe p ieSsw,e disahn d ArchivfeosrUF O Researchha sa steasdtrye amo f internaticolniaplp iSnwgesd,i s&h f oreiogrng anizational incomimantge riaWles .a rea lwayists, e emsthinkin,g material,c abtoaolko g&u peusb lriecl atimoantse rieatlc,. aboufutt urree arrangeomeftn htecs o llectWieo nasl.w ays TheU FO repormtast eripaols,s ibtlhyem ostv aluable tryt om aket hem osto fo u r-relatyi mveea!g r-eb asement parotf i atl lh,a sb eens ortcehdr onologiicnattlohl rye e faciliitnti hersed ei fferepnlta c(ewsi thaif ne wh undred folde(rpsr e-19c8a0s etsh,e1 980sa,n dt he1 990sP)l.u as meterosfe acoht herF)i.n dinnegw w ayso fa rrangtihneg 4thf oldweirt rhe porfrtosm persi"sUtFeOnr te peat.e rs" .m aterifaolrbs e ttoerrd earn dr etrie.v.Wai lt.h everytbing _ undeorn er ooofu rw orkw oulbde m uche asier!! Int hen ewc entusriyn,c yee a2r0 00w,e h avhea dm uch ofo urf ocuosn t heb ookl ibraarnydm agazine (serials) collectIinjo unsa.tf ew yearwse havea cquirabe odu t 2.00b0o okt itltehsr,o udgihf ferceonltl ectwieo'nvste a ken ovears d onatioanses x,c hangaessp ,u raec quisitions (agaicnosltl ecmtoende ya)n,d t hrousgahl &e purchaosne eBay. Thifso cumsu stn ows hifItb ,e liefvorea ,f ewy eartso, othepra rtosft he colleifc wteia ornet, o l ivuep t ow hatw e thintkh iasr c/1ive bseia lboouu/itdn t hel oug ruu. We hav!ea rgceo llectoifop nesr son&a olr ganisation fileUsF,O repofirlte sa,u di&o videtoa peasn,dp ictures, thata lnle eadt tenttiobo enc cmmeo r eu s efu lp artosfo u r folkloarricch iWviet.h osuatr tianngdc atalogtuoi ng digidtaatla bastehse,sp ea rtosfA FU arem oreo rl ess unusabWlee h.a vea bou1t0 .00S0w edisahn dD anisUhF O A youBnogr iJsun kgv iisftn r oonfht i bso ocaske. reporttows o rko n,a nda t! eas2.t0 0a0u dicoa ssettatpee s, justton amet woe xamples. BoriJsu ngkviissr te tirfrionmg u fologHye.d ecided Oneo ft hem orei rnportdaonnta tiotnhsiw,si ntecra,m e thaittw ould tbheeb esfto rh icso llecttoib oenc omaep art froml ibrarSivaeAnnn derssoofFn a lköpiHnegd.o nated ofAFU . Ju ngkvihsatsw rittfievnew ell-recbeoiovkesd abou2t0 0e xtrab ookfrso m hisb ooks helvteoAFUs , plus publisihne1 d9 771,9 801,9 831,9 89a nd1 992H.e h as an umbeorf m agazinTehse.b ookwse r eceivreeds ulitne d d beent hec hairmoafnt woS wedjsghr oupUsF:O -Häggvik fifteenne wt itles/edpiltuais!o anrs,gn eu mbeorf 2 "and rd andU FO-Luftrumsbevakning.H isi ntersetsatr taettd h e 3 copifeosrt hel ibraSrvye.nh asb eena supporotfe r ageo f1 6,w itahc loseen counhteeh ra di,n t hec ompany AFU sincoeu re arldya yasn db esidbeesi nagu fologhies t, ofh isf athaenrd h ise lderblryo ther. hasa d etaielxepde rtiinos led a,n tiquabroioaknas n d Ona warrn urnms er'dsa y( Augu1s8t, 1 949t)h ewye re litteurrae . takian bga tihn L akeM age/ungen,s outohfS tockholm, Onep roblweim tmha kindge finiatned g ood-looking whens uddenals yi lednits,sc h-apesda ucaeprp earfreodm workp lanfso rt hefu turiest hatth eayl waysse emt ob e then ortIhtf. l eawl ontgh es horaeta bou7t5 m eter's throwtnot heg rounbdy r ealitOyp!p!o rtuni-tthiaets altitaunddwe ass omel 0 0m eterfrso m theg rouwph,e na t cannot be atwharyo-wanl ways cuopm,we h en !ewaes t thec loseTshte.o bjehcatd p orthaslpeasc eadl onag expetchte mt o. cupolTah.e s aucmera dea suddetumn anda ccelerated We havej usetx perientcweosd u cihn cideinnJtu sn e ovetrh em ountacilno sbey t hel aked,i sappeairnitntogh e 2005a ndh aveo,n cem oref,i lloeudr" acquisittaibolne s" bluhee avenAss.t hihsa ppenetdh,ew atewra sa gitaatnedd wituhn expectneedwa, r chimvaatle rials. hundreodfsd ragonfalnideo st heirn secftesli lnt oi t Jusatf eww eekasg oC laSsv ahwna sc ontacbtye d � seerninglfyr omt hef orceej ectbeydt her isisnagu cr. BoriJsu 11gkvviestte,r Sawne djsuhf ologainsdat u thor of Borissi'g htliendtg oa I ifelong iinnUt FeOrse.s tH e fiveU FO bookwsh,o w antetdos elhli cso llecftrioomn becamaen e xpeirntt hew ayt heU .S. FAoirrc bea dt reated manyd ecadiensU FO studWye. havaeg reeudp ona d eal, thes ubjetchtr oughtohueyt e aras c,e ntre-ptiheecmeoe f ando nJ un9e, C laasn dA FU boarmde mberH åkan hisfi veb ooksH.i ss harppr o-EsTt anhcaes m adeh im Blomqvbirsotu gthhtec ollecbtyie oanrf romB orihso'm e comea to ddsw itUhF O-Swedewnh,i ctha keasm ore ins outShw edetno N orrköp.i ng neutrpaols itoinotn h eq uestiooftnh eU FO'so rigin. Them ateriinacll udseosm e5 50b ooks7,5v ideo2s5, Despitthei dsi ffereonfoc pei niBoonr ihsa sd ecidteod auditoa peasn da bou2t0 t hicfko ldeorfgs e nermaalt erial. allouws t o manahgiesa rchives. 1 Anotherert ifrroeme u foloigsya Swedish ex-"UFiOno thewro rdtsh ec ontactreeecse,i veexdtr aterrestrial journalisfrto"m whomA FU hasn owa cquirheids messagtehsr oupghhy sical coortn etlaecpta atnhdy collecotfiloent tfreormsJ ohnA .K ee/a, c ollectioofn channelling. bookasn dm agazinaebso,u 2t0 0a udio t(aipnecsl uding Sincteh eb ook( actuaalnal nyt holoigsey x)a rnining intervmiaetwe rifaolarsp rojechtuetnd e verre alibzoeodk newr eligimoouvse menatnsd t heiidre atsh,ec onteinst onS wedisUhF O abductsi)oa,nn dm oret ha1n. 000 freefr om descriptoifvo anrsi ofuasrn ouUsF O sightings transparenacnidie lsl ustra(tmioosnyts p! h otoosfS wedish (whichha veb eedne alwti tihn n umerooutsh ebro oks, UFO-USOe xperiencWeer hsa)v.em adet hed eatlo s ave anywayT)h.e orioense xplanatoiros nosl utitoown hsa tt he thipso ssiibmlpyo rtfaonltk lomraitce rifaolrt h efu ture, UFO phenomenroena lilsya, r ea lsaob senSto.a ren ew despiotuerI onigd eolog&i cpaelr sondailff erenwcietsh sightianngdns e wr evelations. thimsa n. Instetahdeh, u manfactioswr hat'bse infgo cusoend, Itm ustb eu nderlitnheapdta yinfgo rc ollectiiosnn sot discussaiboonuswt h yp eoplbee liewvhea tt hebye lieve, theu suaslc hemwee f olloTwh.er easotnh ihsa sb een andt hep ositaisvw ee ials n egatifvaec totrhsarni tg ht possiibnlt eh eaf orementitownoe dc aisset sh awte h ada surfawchee n traditrieolniaglii sbo eni nrge placbeyd smalfuln do fu nusemdo neyfr om theS wedis&h saviours ofruotmes rp ace. internatimoonnaelyc ollec(tiin2o 0n0 3-200t4ob) u yi,n Thea ntholoag mya,s sipviee cwei tmho ret ha5n0 0 cooperatwiiottnhh eF rencShC EAU organizatthieo n pageiss,d ividiendt soi dxi fferseenctt ioTnhsefi. r st archivoefts h ed isbandSeOdS -OVNJo rganizaotwinoend, sectioofnf earnso vervwi oef v arioruesl igious byP errPye trakWies m.a dea g enerofuosr maolf fefro r interpretoaftt ihoeUn FsO phenomenoann,dh owt he thiisnc ompanwyi tShC EAUa ndR odD yke'Asm erican flyinsga ucmeyrt hw,i tiht bse nevoleexntrta terrestrials, archihvuet,n everre ceivaendyr eaction Pefrtorma kis. camei nteox istepnrciem, ariinlt hye U niteSdt atdeudr ing th Witht impea ssiwnegt ,h inwke a refr eet ou set himso ney thel atthearlo ff t he2 0 century. foro theirm portaacnqtu iisointtsh acto meu p. Sectitowno d escribtewroUs F O religifroonms t he Ofc ourswee, m uchr athreerc eicvoell ectiaosn s 1950tsh aatr es tiilnel x istenTcheeA: e therSioucsi eatyn d donati(opnoss siwbiltyh dtohneo risn strucotnih oonws& UnariAucsa demoyf S cience. whenh is/hmeart erciaanlb eu sedI)n.t hestew or ecent Nexts ectiiosdn e votteodm ovemenftosu ndiendt he casetsh erhea veb eenm,o reo rl esdsi,s agreements 1970sT:h eR aeliMaonv emenatn dH eave'nsG ateT.h e betweeunsa ndt heo thepra rtwyh,i cmho tivatmeodn etaryf ormeirst hem ostp romineUnFtO religiino n contributions toovwearragdlosla olof us rav ing contemporsaorcyi eatnydt hel atter chreeaadtleidan lels potentially ifmoplokrltodaranittca . over wtohrel wdh eni tmse mberasn d lraesmta ining Form ored etaoinlr se ceanctq uisitainoddn osn ationsf oundceorm mittmeads ss uiciidnSe a nD iegoC,a lifornia, pleavsiee wo urw ebpagaetw ww.afu.info. in1 997. AndersL iljegren Aftert haste ctitohner, e adiesro ffereadn e xposition ovemro vementthsa wte ref oundmeodr er ecentClhya:n Bookr eviews Taoa ndt hei ntembeats eTdh eG rounCdr ew. Thef olwliongs ectiiosln a ckidnigr eacnta lysoefs TheE ncyclopedic movementasn,di si nstead foocnhu oswep de oplien SourceboookfU FO genervaile wt hee xtraterrehsytrpioatlh ehsoiws , Religions contemporarreyl igiwoonusl rde acttot hde iscovoefr y JamesR .L ewis intelliegxetrnatt errelsitrfiaean,ldh owa future meeting (editor) witah c osrnici ntelliwgoeunlcadef fetchteE arth. PrometheuBso oks Thef mal secitsai Ioonn agp pendwiixt mha terial 2003 gatherfreodm someo ft hem ovementTsh.eG odsh ave Landeedn dewdi tahn e xtensbiivbel iogroafpc hoyn tactee literafrtoumr 1e9 50t o1 994b yJ GordoMne /tohnu,t a similoarur p datleidsc ta nnotb ef ounidn T he EncyclopeSdoiucr ceboHookw.e vesri,n clei terature producbeydt hem ovementthse mselrvaerse olryn ever canb ef ounidn t raditiboonoakls totrheefs m,a sle ction Scholabroloyk wsh icohb jectiavnedlt yh orougdhelayl givetsh er eadae crh ancteoh eafrro m theb elievers witthh eU FO phenomenaonnd a lilt vsa rioeulse ments themselavnedsn ,o tj usfrto m thes cientwihsoth sa ve aref,o rtunately, mAunldt,it phlely aisfnteg w.y earhsa ve studitehde m. seeans teardiys ient heb ookpsu blisdheeadl iwnigt thh e Ands peakionftg h es cientailsclto sn,tr ibutaorres religious, antharnodps oolcoigoilcoagalis,cp aelc Tthse. well-knoawnndq uitree spectwehdi,cm ha ketsh er eading Godh avLea nde(d1 99a5l,s eod itbeydL ewisb)r ought botih nteresatnidmn egm orabilned eeBdu.t t,h eb ooki s togetsheerv eroault stansdcihnog laarnds thaeniarl yses verayc ademiacn,d thvuesrd ye manding. ands tudioefrs e ligieoluesm enwtist hitnh eU FO On numerooucsc asitohners e admeurs tb ea waroef movemenitng eneraanld tehxet raterrheysptortihaels is in anthropolosgoicciaoll,o goircr aell,i gisocuhso larisnh ip particular. ordetrofu lyl u nderstands g wohiantog'n .T hel anguage Thel atebsoto kf romL ewicsa nb er egardaesad s equel canb eq uitae c hallenagneds, e versaelc tiaornesn ote asy tot heo nep ublisihne1 d9 95T.h eE ncyclopedic tograsfpo trh ee verydraeya deOrn. m oret haonn e Sourcebeoxoak mines dmiafnfye rneenwtr eligious occasitohnet exfte elsso mewharte petitwihvieco,hn t he movementthsa t wfeoruen daeftde ir tlse adeorrl, e aders, 2 other hcaannd sbues pecfrtoemd a na nthology dealianngo thcehra ptaerrg uefso irt t ob e1 956T.h ep roof-reading witshu cahs pecitfiocp ic. hasm issesde vertaylp ohse raen dt herheu,tl uckitlhye y Stiilflo ,n ei sa bl et oc opew ith atchaed emEincg lish,a rent'otom anya ndo verailmlp ressrieornani nusn altered. lotasn dl otosfg oodiest oab refe o unTdh. ee ssabyys Farnoupss ycholoCgairsJltu nga ndh ist heoraibeosu t SusaPna lmearn dM ichaeRlo thstaebionu tth eR aelians flyinsga ucebresi nag m odernm ythi st horoughly arev eriyn teresCthianrgl.Ae .sZ iegloeffre rgsr eaitn sightd iscusswehdi,cI hm usts ayi sa w elcomceh angsei,n chei s inthoo ww idespreabde l itfehi ene xttrear restrial theoraireeos ft enm entionberdi efliyno thebro okhsu t intelliigseR,no cbee rEtl wooddo eas g reajtob seldopme netratmeodr et horougHhilsyi .d eaasb ouUtF Os philosophaibzoiunwtgh atw oulhda ppetnh ed ayC ontact ande xtraterresbtreiian"lgts e chnoloagnigceallas r"e wasfir rnly establiasnhdeH di,l aryE vanhsa sa splendid defmitweolryt ah c losleoro k. contributwiiotnah n e ssamya deo fe asy-to-understandA notheerx cellcehnatp treart ion(aalnledya sily languaagnedi nteresatpipnrgo ach. understodoeda)lw si tahp ocalyptteincd encwiietsh tihne JohnA .S ali'bsea s saayb ouUtn ariuosn,t heo ther alieanb ductpihoenn omenaonnd a lstoh eU FO pheno­ handi,sb otbho rianngd r edundaanntdt, h ee ntisreec tion menoni ng enereavle,tn h ougthh ea uthDoarn ieWlo jcik foudro enso tl ivuep t ot hes tandasredbt y t heo theers saysfr om timteo t imhea sa t endentcory e pehaitm selltf'.s int hea ntholoOgvye.r aTlhle,E ncyc/opeSdoiucr cebooofk stitlhlo,u gah c,o ntributwioorntr he adisnegv ertailm es, UFO Religiiosan b sr eaotfhf resahi orf r easonainndg andt haitsn ota lwaytsh ec aswei tche rtaoitnh er interesstcihnogl aarnlayl ysoefns e wr eligimoouvse mentsc ontributions. whicahl li,no new ayo rt heo theurs,et heU FO UFO Religiiosno,sv eraalnla ,n tholvoegrym yu ch phenomeniontn h eiidre ologainedps r oroisaebso uat wortrhe adianngd,i t'as m uchc heapaelrt ernattioTv hee bettweorr lfdo ru sa llT.h ep rictea gi sl itotvleerl 000 EncyclopSeodiucr cebooofUk F O Religions. SEK,b ut i fy out hinyko u' raeb l et oa ffosrudc ahp rice, StefaIns aksson theyno u'gJeIta p iecoefs cholarwsehiiwlpo rtahp lacoef honoirn y oubro okshfe.l StefaIns aksson Pietunrgi E xtraterrestArliiaelInsm -agesi n ModernM assC ulture UFO Religions JohnF .M ottitt ChristophPearr trgied( e dit)or PrometheuBso oks2 003 Routledg2e0,0 4 lt'mso reo rl escso mmonk nowledtghee sdea ytsob ea ble Y eta nother antholUoFgOy realbioguito ns, byw­rittteond escritbheep hysicaaplp earanocfae nsa lleged andf or-m emberosft he rme oaflh igehre ducatiTohne. extraterrTehsetyr'ieravele .r ywhweirteth h e!iarr ghee ads, anthoiiosgd yi vidiendt soe etidaenasl ing swpietchi fic blaceky est,h in bosdhioersstt, a tuertce e,t erWae. a ll movementcse,r taeilne menotrds i rectiwointsht ihne "knoww"h ati tl ooklsi ke. movementasn,dg eneraanla lysoefds i fferernetl igious Whichi sv eroyd di,n deeBde.c austeh eraer en or eal interpretoaftt hiUeo FnOs phenomenoAnn.di itst hel atteprr oofofsa ltlh et alked-acbloouseten countAenrdsn .o o ne seetitahnaspt e rhapsm oasrtae p pealtiont gh e" normal" hase vens eeann e xtrtae rresatlrE.ix cepfto arb ductaeneds readesri,n cteh eo thesre etidaonn so to ffearn contactAelelws e.h avear et alepss,e udoscientific understanodfti hnewg h ol ep ictubruet i, n stefaodc uosn literasttuorrei,ne osr ;e aaln dp hysiceavli denYc eet., speciafirce aosfr eligiroeusse arch. "everybomdoyr"eo rl es"sk nowst"h aatn e xtraterrestrial Howevewrh,e ni tc ometsor eligious r(easneda rchl ooktsh ew ayb e,s heo,r i td oes. otherre searacswh e,i li)t,'o sf tenne cesstaoru yn derstand Andw hyi st hatW?e ilt,h att'hseq uestiaosnk e(da nd altlh el itptileec ienso rdetrog aiann u nderstanodfti hneg answerebdya) rhti tsor iaJno hnF. Moffitti nh isl itmtolree larger onteh,u asal cnlod n tributiinot nhsea ntholhoagsy tha5n5 0p ageI onbgo okP icturEixntrga terrestrials. somethitnoog ff ere,v etnh e" normarle"a diesrI iketloby e Buti t'nso ta s implree adQ.u itteh eo pposiTthee. ablteo d eawli tIho nagn dt horoudgihs cussaiboonustt h e languaigsde i fficulvte,r ayc ademoiftce,n fl avourweidt h differeknatr ma-relaftoiuonindns UN ARIUS,h owt he Ionagn de xtensive qseunotteensic,ne L sa tiann,d t erms receyn dte!c easpesdy chiaDtrri.sJ to hnM ackm akes basicaolnllykny o wn tod evotaerdht i storiBauntas tt. h e parallbeeltsw esehna rnanisvtiisci oannsda lien samet imiet 'vse rpye rsonMaolffi;t th asa u niquset yloef abductioornt sh,he i stobreyh intdh en ot-wseoi kln own writiwnhgi cmha ketsh er eadienxgp eriesnocmee thionugt movemenTth eU nitNeudw aubiNaant ioonfM oars. oft heo rdinaSroym.e timietes v efn eealssi fo nei sh av ing Foru sE uropeatnwsos, e ctiaorneos f p articular ano raclo nversawtiitahhni mi nsteoafad c tuarlelayd ing interest sTehcetsiedo enaswl i tthh eh istoorfUy F O hiwso rdsO.n eg ettsh ef eelitnhgai tti ss pakelna nguage, spirituianGl eirtmya nayn do urn eighboucroiunngt orfy hutt hea cademtiocu cnhe vecro mpletdeilsya ppeTahres . FinlanEdv.en t hougmho stb ookisn t heg enrdeo n'fto cus mixb etweesnt risccth olalralnyg uaagnedd own-to-Earth onN ortAhm ericexac lusili·etl'syst; ia l wle lcomceh ange everydlaayn guabgeec omeasc hallewnhgiel aet,t hes ame tofi nda ni n-depdtihs cussaiboonut th eE uropesacne ne. timei,tb ecomepsu reen tertainment. Unfortunantoec lryi,t ivcoailci esr aisaegda inFsitn nish Moffitti sa skeptaincd,u nfortunhaet-eallyo nwgi th ufologRiasutn i-LeLeunukaa nen-Kilde,w hicihs r ather manyo thesrk ept-iucsse tsh et er"mu fologiinsa t " stransgien cseh eh asb eeonn e oft hem osts everely samewhat deramgaantnoerPrye. o plseu cahs t hel atJeo hn criticNiesweA dg eu folotgsi.s Mack,W hitlSetyr iebDearv,i Jda cobasn,d B uddH opkins Anothdeirl emmiast hed atoef t hef oundionfTg h e -alrle presentthiefrn i gn gsei doef u fologgye-tt o AerherSioucsi eOtyn.e c haptseary ist '1s9 54( thsea me represmeonrteo rl estsh ee ntidries ciplwihniec,ih s h ighly year mtohvee menitt self clwaaisfm osu nidte wdh)i,l e unfortunMaotfef.ii tsct o mpletreultyh liensh si sc riticism. 3 Hed oesnh'ets ittaote ea UB ettyA ndreassaonndo ther CyriLle T alleLce:ss eetuefso logiq1u9e50s- 1980. contact"epeast hetaincdh" e,u sesst roenvgi dentcoe Apri2l0 05H,a rrnattanP,a risso,ft cov1e3r9,p ageIsS,B N disregtahreud s agoef h ypnosiisno rdetroe ncounter 2-7475-8367-8. st(uFdroyef UnFcOh sects). regresmseemdo ries. RogeK.r LeirU:F O crasihnB raziMla.r ch2 005T,h e Aftera llM,o ffitsta yst,h ep osmto demi derae gardingB ookT reeU,S A,s oftcove1r5,2p ageIsS,B N1 -58509105- thetr aditioenxatrla terreissntr eiiatlh neerw n orm uch 7.( Ont heB razilViaarng inchaas e). unexpectQeudi.tt eh eo pposiitte'a,s n aturraels ufrlotm JohaLni ndstrVöemt:e nskapsftoepros ryik oloocghi mankind's eonstalnotn gifnogtr h es pirittuhael , samhällsvetemneds karpe lefvöaprna sr apsykoUlFoOg­i, inconceivmaybsltei,ca anldo, c cult. logbii,o plasmaotcehojroir dstrålning2s0t0e2o,r i. Largpeo rtioofnt sh eb ookd on otd eaelx clusiwvietlhy INOVA ,G othenbuSrwge,d enp,a ginugnk nownI,S BN9 1- extraterresotrrUi FaOlss,b uti nstefaodc uosn t heo rigin 631-2898(-N5o.n -adcearnicw orko nt het heoorfys cience andn eefdo sru cmha ttearsts h eo cculmty,s ticimsam,s s appliteopd a rapsychoulfooglyo,&g y b orderlsiullbej ects). hysterdiiav,ii nceo nograSpwheyd,e nborgpihainl osophy, HeleLni ttr&e Jlela nB ilodeaRuxa:e cheely'ess , thei npuitn fotainhmaeson ntp eoplieng eneraanld,m uch, volum2e: e videnocfae c ovearlti ehnu manizaptrioojne ct. muchm oreH.o weveart,t hee ndo ft hed ayh ea lways Dec2 004, GraPnuibtlei shUiSnAg,,s oftcov2e1r0,p ages, retumtsot hec ontemporbaerlyii enfe xtraterrleisftrei alISBN1 -930-72404-7. andp resenocneE artahn,d o neo fh isc onclusiiostnhsa t Jean-PiePrerteiL t':a nnedeuc ontaDc'ta.u tres it'asli lm aginatainodwn i shfutlh inkisnigm,p ldyu et ot he intelligseonncte-se åll l' eose uvdraen ls' univers? April factth amta nkinhda sa lwaybse lieviensd i milsatro ries.2 004A,l biMni cheFlr,a ncseo,ft cov1e6r0,p ageIsS,B N2 - TheT rue Believcearns ayt hatth ifsa cotn,t heo ther 22615136-2. hando,n lwyo rktsop rove otphpeo si(tteh watei ndeeadr e AntonGioon zG!Peizn eir5o0:a nödse l iteratura beinvgi sitbeytd h ospee sklyi ttle GarnadMy osf)f,i tt ufol6loegniE csap aiiSae.g undead iti2o0n0.5 t,h ea uthor, doesnb'ott hteorp rvoethatth eraer en otbinnegw u nder SpaiAn4, siz1e8,4 p age(sB.i biogroafpU hFyO bookisn thes un( ori ns pac)e.I nstehae d,i na vereyn tertaiannidn gt heS panish languakgien,d dlcoyon payt teodA FU byt he fascinawtaiynex,gp lainhso ww hatm anyB elievers author). belieivsen v'etr pya ranoramtaa ll lI.t 'asna nciebnetl ief, NicRke dferBno:d y-snatcihnte hreds e serTth.e dressienda moderno utfit. horritbrluetahtt heh earotft heR oswesltlo rJyu.n 2e0 05, It'nso ta n ewt heorayn,di t'nso tt hefi rsbto oka bouitt Paraview Pockets oftBcooovk2se5,r 6,p ageIsS,B N0 - eithbeurt,f ewa uthomrasn agteo d efenadn dp ropois aets 74349753(-I8ts.h eR oswelslt ortyakians gensatitounma l skilfulelnyt,e rtaiannidcn ogn,v incaisnJ go hnF .M offitt. here?) PicturEixntgr aterrersetarliilsaay l m su st. RoberSta la&s J ameKsl otFza:d egdi anFte.b 2r0 05, Stefan haksson BookSurPguel bishUiSnAg,,s oftcove1r5,3p ageIsS,B N 1-4196-0341-8.i nc(iUdFeOnn etasMr a lmstraAmF B Recenatn du pcominbgo oks wher2e0 n uclear rnissiles became inoperable). -"Bootkhsaw to ufilndad h omien t hAeF U library" RoberStw iateUkF:O se xposetdh;ec lassUiFcO DolorCesa nnonT:h ec onvoluutneidv erbsoeo,kt wo. photogra2p0h0s4.F, u ndf oUrF O ResearMcth.,R ainier, May2 005O,z arMko untaPiunb lishUiSnAg,,s oftcover, Maryland, bo3o2pk algeetns,o, I SBN(.D escrinbiensoe f 672p ageIsS,B N1 -88609-490-8. theb espth otogracpahsiecs ). RoberM.t Colli&n Rsi chaDrodty :E xempt from RoberTtr undlIesE: .T .h ereN?o ,p oliticbaultyl eys , disclostuhrdeei :s turbciansaegb outth eU FO cover-up. scientifiacnadlt lhye ologicMaalyl2 y0.0 5E,c ceNova, Apri2l005P,e regriUnSeA,,s oftcove1r9,2p ageIsS,B N Victoria, B.C.s,o ftCcaonva3ed4ra8,p, a geIsS,B N0 - 0-9766426-(0P-r3o.rni steost eltlh et rutahbo utth eP aul 9735341-2-5. Bennewiatffza iarn do theUrF O-relasteecdr ets.) CharlUepst onC:r ackisnt heg reawta llt:h eU FO Ra/fE tt&! G iinther HöDlalsld eeru:t scUhFeO ­ phenomenaonnd tr aditiomneatlah pysic2s0.0 4Sophia PhänomeEni.nG renzgaanngd asa nseheinend PerennUiSsA,, softeover (also 10h8ap radgceosv,e r), UnbegreifliJcuhne2e.0 05C,a usNao strGae,rrna ny, ISBN1 -59731-02(4S-e7e.m ingalnyo,t hoenreo ft hose softcov1e6r0,p ageIsS,B N3 -9810358-1-X. "UFOsa red emonisct"u dies). JoaquiFme rnande&z F inad 'ArmadHae:a venly lights -theF atimaap paritainodtn hse U FO phenomenon. ForewobrydJ acquVeasl leJeu.l 2y0 05E,c ceNova, VictorBi.aC,.C ,a nadsao,ft cov2e8r4,p ageIsS,B N0 - IJoo-TheA FU Newsletteirsp ublishqeuda rtebryl y 9735341-3(-T3r.a nslaotf1i 9o9n5 w orki nP ortugese) AFU. Editor: LAinldjeergsrA eFnU. w ase stablished TimotLh.yH ammondT:h eC hillicUoFtOh ceh ronicleins 1 97a3n dt hen ewsletsttearr tiend1 975C.op yright conta2c0t0 5A.p ri2l0 05X,l ibr(ipsr int-on-deUmSaAn,d )i,sn otc laimeudn iesesx plicsittaltye Rde.p roductian softcovel0r 8,p ageIsS,B N1 -4134673(5s-e0c.u rity ise ncouragperdo vidtehda "tA FUN ewslettiesr " p offichearsU FO sightoivnegar h ositailn1 983a ndi s referencaesd y ours ource. drawinn t oa Iifoefn ightmares.) IJoo-Archivefso rU FO Researchi sa non-profit, JanB ertHieli lunSdp:e nningseyrn,t eosges piritualpirtievta ftoeu ndatiaoinm,i ntgo b uilad S wedish­ in orsUkF O-bevegeslaseer,le ikgs emlpifisie 11 InternatiUoFnOa lli braarnyd r esearacrhc hivteo; organisasNjEoTn!esfn o restillingMsauyn2 i0v0e5r,s . supporatn de ncouragsee rioruess earcahn;d t o doctortahle saitts h eU niversoifBt eyr ge2n4,8 p ages, stimulaat cer itisccaile,n tdiifsiccu ssioonn U FO ISBN8 2-497-028(3S-t2u.do yfa Norweginaenw a ge& phenomena. ufom ovement). 4

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