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AFU NEWSLETTER lssue 4M5a rc2h 00-3-I SSN0 283-6378 -- PublibsyhA:er dc hifvoUerFs O R eseaFrocuhn da(tAiFoUPn) ,OB ox1 102S7-,6 0101N orrköSpwiendge,n www.afu.info Bookr eview counted almotshto uosnarene dp orctosm intgo Beyondt heh arizo-nS wedish thek nowlgeedo fa uthoriSteiceosn.od n ltyo t he ghosflti ero'fst he1 930t,h eg hosrto ckeatrse airre connaissaangcaei nstth e regardaestd h efi rsUFtO phenometnoah it 1946-1952. SovieUtn ion Sweden. ByA ndreaOsh lsson Iti si nterestthiaAntng d erssaonndH ellstpruötm LemtAanrdte rsLseoHifne llström Authors and thessei ghtiinngtsaoh istorpiecraslp ecatnidv e havWer ittmeanny b ookosn S wedisahih ri storyc.o nnetchte mt oc ontemporSawreyd isahi r In Borthoomr iso(Bnetyeonntd h eh orizotnh)e y reconnaisosnaS nocvei e1t9.4 6w ast hey ear focus tohnep ost-waairrr e connaisasgaanicnes tw henP rimMei nistPeerrA lbiHna nssodni ed theS oviUenti onw,h icsht arteodu ts eriously andT ageE rlandteoro okv er. The rogchkoestt duritnhge y earism mediately fotlhleeo nwdi npgh enomewnear et ob e detebcytr eadd asry stems ofWorlWda r II. thatth eS wedismhi litwaarnyt etdob orrofrwo m GreaBtr itaTihne.c onnectitooGn rse aBtr itain wereh,o wevecro,n sidear-sep do litdiycnaalm ite inv iewo fo urn eutralTihtuyst. h es ecrBerti tish forcuen,d etrh en ame Task 1F9o6rw,ch ei ch wast oa ido urm ilitwairtyrh a daerq uipmeanntd knowledwgaes, nwoetl comhee re. Despitthei esx,c hanogfei nformation about the ghosrto ckebtest weeSnw edeann dG reaBtr itain continuTehdeU. n ited Statuepsu nwtatishl,e earl1y9 50's, uanbsouurwteh ats idSew eden realwlays o n- thWee sto rt heE astM.a ybe evetnh eS oviet ldeeveepdl e fenwcaes e nhanced ift heU .Sc.o ntribtuetcehdn imcaatle ritaol s Swede.n.? W hen GreaBtr itaienc'osn omy . deterioraaftteer1d 9 47t,h eU .Sb.e cammeo re andm orea ctiivneE uropaen da lstoh e connectitooSn wse deinn tensified. Thef eaorf w hatt hec ontemporSaorvyi Uenti on hado nl inwea s great. mSiolmiet sapreyc ulated abourto cket firingi nt rhaeBm aplst sitca toers atP eenemiintdhea;it tw asfr om these ptlhaacets theS wedisghh osrto ckewtesr es enotf f. Reconnaisspahnocteot sa,k ebny S wedisahi r Thea uthosrtsa'r tingi-spt ohiern etp oratbso ut forcpei loitns1 949o,ft hei slaonfdÖ se(lo ff thge hosrto cketthsab ta ffledo urD efencfeo rces Esthoniwae)r,ep arotf tryitnogfi ndr ocket in1 946A. l argneu mbeorf s ightionfwg hsa t basetsh ere. appearleidkm ei ssiwleerse r eportfreodm all oveSrw edenA.l li na ltlh eD efencSeta ff Fearwse ret haSto viheatd takenG eormvaenr ForcNeo.t hisnugbs tacnafmiea olof utth ose ' technolaongdcy o ntintuoed de velVo1p- and meetings. V2-weapoinnste of fective wriotcahkI eotnsg rangSeo.m eonmeu sth avem anoeuvrtehde "IEnn glatnhRdeA Fe stab/aiT sahsFekod r ce, weaponasn dt herefSowreed eant tempttoe d consiosfta ri andgga rro wuipt thhv ee ryl atest tracteh er emote-cosnitgnraoltls h atth ee nemy anmdo smto deemq uipm·TeansFtko. r 1c9e6 a, s mustu seW.h ath asb eenr evealiestd h aSto viet iwta sn amewda,sg atheartHe eda tharnodw madet essth otosfa t! eatswte lvVe2 rockeotns madree atdoyb es hippteoSd w edeThneg. r oup wasm otorainssdee dlf- suppoarnt ing, Octob1e8r, 1 947a ndf orwairndt imeT.h e rocektt eswtesr em adea tK apustYi anra tt he indepeonpdeernatut niiEvtve.e rythwianstg o p CaspiSaena N.e ithteirm enso,rp lacemsa,t cuhp secrtehoteffi, c ivaelr swiaostn h atthr ea dar witthh es ightimnagdseo ver Sweadnedpn a rts growuaps t od eomnstrtahuets eoe fr adaasra ofS candinavia. tolof omro dearni cro ntThreoS lw.e dish Air Forhcaejd ursetc eitvheefidir rsV ta mpjiertes Speculataiboonutsth es ightionvgesSr w eden anidw ta sap arotft hter aionfiV nagm pire werem anya ndt hem ateriwaalsc lassified cretwh sat th e radasrh ogurlodu wpai st.sh.i .s.t immediatEevleyr.sy i ghtwiansgn otp ossitbole explaailnt,h oumgohs tw ered uet oa nu nusual ". ..I ena rA/uyg uSswte,d iPsrhiM mien isPteerr numbeorf brigmhett eobrurnisn g throutghhe Albin Hansstoodn o ustbthtawe ri lsedodof m atmospheervee,dn u rindga yligThhteg host bringtihRneAg F t oS wedNene.g otiawtiitohn s rockpehte nomenon ocacnui pmipeosr tpaanrtt Britsauidnd ehna/lyla endnd od ecisciooublned oft hibso okw,h ic hi nt hem aind,e scriibne s, reachOenAd u.g u2s2tt h mee ssage came: The muchd etafiolo,l haSrwdeyd isrhe connaissanpcreo jweacsat b ortTheedB .r itisihr rwietraet ed, flighatgsa inSsotv ieAtn.d erssaonndH ellströmt os atyh /ee aosvte,tr h de_e cisainotdnh B er itish hasw rittaenin m portbaonotk , putthtegi hnogs t legationt oLr oenpdoworantsa ppenwdiettdhh e rockreetp orotf1s 9 46i ntaos eeurity-politciocmaemln ta"ry. :t. h.Se w edish MiPnriismhteae sr framework. beebnoh ts tupainddc owar.d."l..y LennAanrdte rs&s LoenifH ellstrBöomr:t om "ThBer itAiisArht ta[cihSnet ockhmoaldme} horiso-snvteeflnnys gks pamnoitn g contwaictGthe neNroarld ensckhiiooelftfd h ,e Sovjetu1n9i4o6-n1e9Fn5r 2e.d dSyt enboms SwediAsiFhro rce,w awsvh eoru yp sbeytt h e förlSatgo,c kho2l0m0,2 I.S BN9 1-7243-015-X[.P riMmien istdeerc'issI}int o hnae.t tache repoNrotr densiksci loalidtm ohe adv sea itdh at, 196 if sai milar sshiotuuclaodtmu iepo t,nh mea tter When RAFTaskF orce sho u/bdeh andl".e w.di. t hroeufte rteotn hcee almost catmoSe w eden. PolitDiecpaalr tamtae ln"lt . InS vensFkl yghistToirdisskk rift( publissheemdi ­ monthlbyyt heS wedisAhv iatiHoins toriScoacli ety), Danisrhe porta rchivteoA FU issu3e/ 200S2v,e nL övw,r itae ss horatr ticle concerntinhgeg hosrto cketWse. t ranslhaetreet he On March1 8,C laSsv ahannd A ndreOahsl sson, passages contnaeiwni innfgo rmattihoacnto nfirm from theA FU and UFO-Swedebno ardasn,d whatw asf ounadt t heP ubliRce corOdf ficbyeB ritish Håkan Eksfrtorma UnFOd- Swedebnr,o ught the researchDearvsi Cd/ arkaen dA ndyR oberts( Outo f theS hadowsP,i atk2u0s0 2,p p.2 9-30M)r.. L övh as compleDtaen isrhe poarrtc hiovfeS UFOI alsvoi sittehdeP ubliRce corOdf ficaen dh ash ad (ScandinaUvFiOa Inn format-ion contabcytl etter ownieot fht hem emberso fT ask www.ufo.tdokA )FU 'sp remisSeUsF.O Is tarted Forc1e9 6. outi n1 958a sa nA damsk-ioriented organizahtuitoc nh,a ngeidtp so licayn,db oard ". T.h.Se w ediAsiFhro rhcae sdp lendid memberisn,t hem id1-960asn dh ass incturnee d connecwtiittohhnR eso yAailFr o rcTeh.Re A F intaom orea ndm ores ceptirceasle argcrho up. wasp repatroae sds wiisttthh s ee arIcnJh u./ ay , coupo/fme e nc amteoS wedteoan n alyse Ther epoarrtc hiivnei ,t 'rsa wf ormm,e asures reporsliegdh tainntdgo cs o nfweirto hu Ari r abou4t- 5m eterosno urs helvaensd includes report fnoort mesos,f i nvestigactliiopnpsi,n gs -- -- ----- andp hotoAs .p reliminary shoaqsbi enegdn o ne.h isr esearocnmh e teoarnsd b olidients h e Discussiaornens o wu nderway wtihteSh U FOI atmospheLrien.d bldaodnataec do pyo ft he boarodn h owt hea rchisvhea lble sbte p reserveodr igi(n19a6l8 U). Sg.o vemmenptr intoifnt gh e andt akecna roef f otr hefu ture. Condorne porat t,r uluyn iqupei ec.e.T .h anks! AFU hasp revioutsalkyec na roef p artosf Newp arapsychloiralbroyg y Danisshk eptic-liWbirlalrWyie agnn er's TheS wedisSho cieftoyPr a rapsychological (www.skeptiUcFaO. dnke)w sclipping Resear(cShP F), 2w0i9tm he mbersst,a rtiend , collection, maangdpa hzoitnoepssa; r tosf Octob2e0r0 2t,o m ovei tlsi braorfby o okasn d formeSrU FOIc hairmPaenrA ndersen's magazinteons e w faciilniD tainedse ryodn,eo f collecotfiU oFnO materiaanldsa ;l stoh em ore theS tockhoslumb urbs. 'oddt'h inignst heS UFOIm agazianrceh ive. Alonwgi tthh eS UFOIr epoarrtc hiAFUv e also Thec ollechtaisop nr evioubseleymn a nagebdy a receivpeadc kagoefsm agazicnoep ifreosm sub-secotfit ohneS tockhoUlnmi versLiitbyr ary, SUFOIr eseareOhleeHr e nningsen. hutt hen ewf acilwiitlmyla kei pto ssifbolre memberasn do thetrosm akem ored ireucsteo f TheA FU librahraysa bou1t7 5t itlienDs a nish. thec ollectSioof na.r3 ,0 m eterosfs helvheasv e WillWye gner'sg reabti bliograopnh y beenm oveda ndy eta noth3e0rm eterasr es till ScandinaUvFiOa nl iteraitsau tr:e waititnogb em ovedfr om theU niversAi tlyi.s t www .skepticai.bIdo ikgr /aBfi/bibl.ihotgrma fi ofb ookbso ughitnr eceyneta rissa th ttp://psi­ Forp ictuarnedsm ored etaialbso urte cent sweden.org/books.html. donatitoonAFU s checukp - www .afu.info/rhetcmdlo.n s. Bookc ataloguing project • TheA FU Newsletteirsp ublishqeuda rterly by SincJae n uar2y0 03t hec ompleAtFeU book AFU.E ditoArn:d erLsi ljegArFeUn w.a se stablished librairsiy n ventorAni eAdc.c esdsa tabase in1 973a ndt hen ewsletsttearr tiend1 975C.o pyright (d evelopbeydW olfgaRnagn diasnedu kpd ated isn otc laimeudn iesesx plicsittaltye Rde.p roductian ise ncouragperdo vidtehda "tA FUN ewslettiesr " byB arbGursot avsissuo pnd)at beydA nders referenacsey do urs ource. Liljegwrietnhne wi nformatsiuocnah,s : • Archivefso rU FO Researchi sa non-profit, differeednitt ioofnt sh es amet itnluem,b eorf privaftoeu ndatiaoinm,i ntgob uilad S wedish­ copioefse acthi tle/edIiStBiNno unm,b erasn,d InternatUiFoOn alli braarnydr esearacrhc hivteo; suppoarntd e ncourasgeer ioruess earch;t oa nd infaob ouwth od onattehde ficrosptyt oo ur stimulaa ctrei tisccaile,n tdiifsiccu ssoinoU nF O collec-tiifkonnown. phenomena. • Membershiipn S weden:b ya nnuadlo natioofn Thed atabacsoen teinsrt e ality-chaegcakiendst 1 50S EK eachy eart op ostgailr noo 4 9 071 4-3o,r whats'r ealolnyo urs helves. Theh apsjr uosjteb cyta nnuadlo natioofnm aterifaoltrsh ea rchive equivalteon1 t5 0S EK. reachleedt t"eMr" a ndw ilble c omplebtyet his • Internatieoxncahla ngesw:e area lways sprinumgm/serw,h ent hed atabawsielb le interesitnee xdc hangdee alwsi tphu blishoefr s searchaabtol uerw ebs it(wwew .afu.inWfeo ). newslettjeorusr,n amlosn,o grapohsro themre dia. area ddinagg oodn umbeorf p reviounsolny­ TheN ewsletitseN rO T availatbhlreo ugsuhb scrinp tio catalogiuteedm ssu,c ahs s malblo oklefrtosm outsiodfeS wedenM.a teriyaoluss endu sw ilall ways bec ataloguaendds avedf opro steraintdyf ,u ture religicouulstb so,o kosn a stronomy, researcahtt, h ea rchives. paraspycholocghya,n nellsicnige,nf ciec tieotnc,, • SponsorshiSpp:o nsorsohfit ph eA FU tot hec ataloWgeu ea.r e aaldsdoi nnge wt itles foundatiisom no stw elcomew,h etheyro ul ivien addetdo t hec ollecitni2 o0n0 2-2003 (presSewnetdleyno ,r i na nyo thecro untrMyi.n imuamn nual moret ha2n0 0t itles). donatiboyns ponsoirss6 00S EK (oreq uaalm ounitn anyo thecru rrencbyu)tm, o res ubstanmtoinaelt ary donatioanrse o,f c ourswee,l comea,sw eials Theo riginCaoln donr eport donatiolnd se positioofrn esc or&d sm ateriraellsa ted Oneo ft hep eoplCel aSsv ahmne to na r ecent tot heU FO subje(csti ngpliee ceosr c ol/ectoifo ns booksn,e wslettmeargsa,z inerse,p ortcsl,i ppings, toutros outh-SweadnedDn e nmarwka sS wedish BerAtnidlLe irnsd blad, photoasu,d i&o videroe cordinmgisc,r ofieltmcs), astronomer knownf or

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