AFU NEWSLE1TER lssu4e3 - -Ju ne2 002- -ISSN0 283-6378 PublisbhyAe:rcd h ivfeoUsrF OR eseaFrocuhn da(tAiFoUnP) ,OB o1x1 02S7-,6 0101 N orrköpSiwnegd,e n A TrojaHno rse nowb er estructaunrdce odm plewtietdah n other 16s eetioafIKEn As shelves. AFUN ewsle#4t3t wearsi ntenfdoerd Parotfst hceollecitnio ounrfis rsatr chive distriibnMu atricoOhnn. M arc6h,j uasw te ek whicwha so urm aionp eratiboansiaenlt he befooruedr e adlIil noeps,rt actiacloalflm /yy W ordE,x cejlp,ag ndht mfl l etsh routghhe peri1o9d8 0-1-9h9a3v bee ernna vetdo t htew o othaerr chivtehesr,e mbayk inagn8 s quare vialaecntti ooftn hsWe 3 2K levzi raunsd its metrreoso mfr eef oars eeond-theannadtn hte Trojhaonr sAenO. p eratTiroonj Haonr soeft he ' archiovfetshS e wediHsuhm anSioscti ety. worksitn d. HåkanB lomqvAiFsUbt o,a rmde mbearn,d v ice Aftaef re mwo ntIha sm n owf aibra/cyok n chairmfaotnrh Heu maniswtislb,let hkee eper traacgka -iann do,fc ourwsiet,ahm ucbhe tter virpurso leeptrioagnr am! ofthenseew a rcyheisw,i tsho me( minoirn)t c;rest . areiansc ommowni tAhF U,a llowfionsrgo nie Besitdheaesl morseta Ndeyw s/etthtoeet rh·,e, r interchoafin ngfeo rmaatnidmo ant erial. majolro sisnt hMea rc6ha ttawcakst h2e0 01 This seeonlde-rhtaoinfnsd gp achee lps booka cquisitliiosnt iwnhg.i chh'a dt hegnr own financteh nee w arcahsid yoeei,sn creased toa bo1u4tp ageAs m.a jopra rotft hIei sted financial frsoupmtp hoer tn atgrioounpUa FlO acquisfirtoiOmol neJs o nnByne nne( seoeu r Swedeann da lsaon umbe.orfn ews pons·oOrfs previiosussuw ee)rl eo sTth.e tsiet wleerse thAeF U foundaItfyi oouwn o.u lldi kteom akea cataloagnudae ddd etdoo ubro oskh e/avfetsae r lastcionngt ribtuot" iporne seurfvoel ofgoyr Decemb20eb ra ckbuupbt,e fotrheve i rhuis!t t. posterpilteya"cs,oe n sirler dmoonnaetoyir n g wiltla kaec anceerffloetrdotr econstthreu ct Braenpnaero tft hlei asgta in. AndeLrislj egren AFU'sn ewl ibrary ArchifvoeUrsF OR eseamrocv hed i ntaon ew librdaurryi tnhgfe u shta loffJ u neo:u rt hird archilvoec alailtoynt gh sea mset reWeet a.r e noww,i thoauntyd oubtth,Ae r chifveoUsrF O y reseairnct hh,pe l urfaolr mA.d dinegt a nother 62s quamreet roefsfl oaarr eAaF,U i sr eaydf or newc halleanngdfue tsu rdeo nations. Then ewl ibrhaorlydo su rr efereanncde lendilnigb raTrhyr.ou ghJouunte3 ,5s eetioafn s shelvweesrm eo vedt,h fien apla rotft his exercciosmeb inweidta hb oarmde etintgh eo f UFO-Swedoerng anisoantJ iuonn1e 6 W.e woulldi kteot hanaklt lh ospeeo pwlheo t ook partt hirnena vinogfo ur collection, especially JohnannydC onnLyj unagn,dW olfgang materitaotl hsAe F Uf ounda.t ion Randisek. Thusfr,o mt hissu mmeArF Uw ilolp erate Theb ookwse rrnea vefdr otmh per esemnati n thraerec hiavleosnt gh sea mset reet: archi(v7es4 q uamreet rewsh)i,ch ha sb eeinn The' A'a rchi(ve7 4s quamreet rewsi)t h operatsiionn1c 9e9 3T.h ilso calwiitlnylo wb e magazicnoel lectSiwoendsi,&s hS candinavian usedp urefloyarr chival collections. Workplaces . UFO repocrltisp,p ipnegrss,o annadl wllall sroe maiinnt hmea ianr chiwvhei,cw hi ll 1 organisafitlieobsni,ab ll iograapnbdi es pleamsaek ed irect cwointAthFa Uc,tw herefrom encyclopapeldutisha beso ,o ska ldee partmentth.e new,m ajioliilnnitgis stm aintained. The' B'a rchi(vlei br6a2rs yq,u amreet rewsi)t h ourre fereanncdle e ndibnogo lki brasrciieesn,c e & SF,pa ranor&m easlo tecroilcl ectaiuodniso, ._ .. & videloi bramriyc,r ofil(misn cluad ing ·-=·- et*'--"L"'Mi.•A microfirlema daenr)do urp ictluirber ary. (71r.UftiJ.• ... ,,...._ The' C'a rchi(v3e0s quamreet rewsi)tt hh e ... surpmlausg cso llecmtaipoc no,l lecatnido n storfagoer optahrearp hernalia. Thefo/lowsihnogrr te viebwy,U FO historiJaannA ldrich, Fielidn vestigpartoijoenc t wasp ublisohnet dh eP roje1c9t 4m7a ililnigsotnM ay 3, A grouopf& ixtfieeelnid vn e stigafrtoamUr Fs O200E2x.c ellaerngtu menftosyr o usru ppoorftp rivate Swedethnne,a tioUnFaOlo rganizaitnivoand,e dar chivseusc ahs t heA FU foundation: thdee solaatreedoa fst hwee st-Swedish counht y The9 tissoufeU FOH istorRiecvauilesn ow ofV ärmlandd,u ritnhgfie r swte eko fJ ul2y0 02. outT.h ee ntiirses iused evotteoad J ooming Thei nvesticgoamtboertdsh aer ecal,o tsoe ourw estebrno rdweirt Nho rwafyo,nr e wi nfoon crisinit sh per eservoaftU iFoOnH istoPra�ye.r � recorpdhso,t ograpfihlsma,,u diaon do ther olrde po(rr etpso crutelsd fr o�t hAeF U mediaar dee terioraatat r ianpgri adt Bea.r ry databaansdpe a pecro ptreest vnedfr omt he · ·• � � Greenwdoiosdc ussseevse rteaclh nifqoure s AFU-UFO-Sewner eport arbcuhatil vsfesoo) r preserrveicnogri dnps r ivhaatned isn,c ludai ng brannde wp,r evzouunsknloywr ne prts. ? higthe cmhe thoodffr eshenfiandge d newspaper Prelimirneaproyr tst hfrceoo m- ordmastaoyr s . . . . c1 1ppmgs. . thper oJweacsta h ugseu ccews1sta h large Howevetrh,ce r isciasn cenrnosot n lpye rsonal numbeorff ormyeu dn knowenp rtasd ded, and � � UFOr ecords. Inrsetciotroudftas il tolyn paels alspor ovaes du ccesesxfuelr cm1 csleo dsaey - _ arbee inlgo stth roungehg leacntdm ismanage- by-dcaay- operwaittilhoo nc naelw mse dta. mentT.h ev andaalrsne o tat t hgea taeny m ore, E che veniinngv teigatgoartsrh efdo r � � � thenyo wc ontlrt ohl ei braAr iseism.p le decision debnefianngdr eportamlglf,t hrep hot o ? � �. canc onsihgnu ndreodfls i nefaereo tfi rreplace- materainadal u diroe cor1dteedr v1eewmsg ? � . ablree cortdots h lea ndfiIlthl a.s h appenaesd ecurbeydt ep rojceoc-to rdmaftoornr csl uswn � � Barrsyh owisnh iesd itoSriinaclte.h eirses uch m afi napln,n treedp oTrhte fi eld cetxsemeu st � cavaltireera tmoefmn ati nstrreeacmo wrhd,ao tf ber egaradseu dn iqeuvee bny i nternational UFOc ollecdtoinoantste oad r chiavneds standards. insttiitounFso?o fdo trh ought. JanA ldrich Join'tm age'x chanpgreo gram Proj1e9c4t7 AFU aUnFdO -Swedweinls lt aarj to int, htt/p/:wwpwr.oje4c7t1.m9c/o internateixocnhaalnd gies tribpultafinoo trnh e P.O .B ox3 91 AFU News/ectotmebri,nw eidt UhF O-Swed'se nCanterbCuTr0 y6,3 31 quality-pUrFOi-nAtketdu eelldti,t beydH åkan (860) 546-9135 EkstraannddC laSsv ahann,da nE nglish translationt-hseurnmraereoydf ift,be ydS tefanC omemntA:sa nother eoxfha omwap le IsakssAolnl. tphurbelei caatriqeou nasr terlyu,f ologairccahlis vyesstc eambn e o rganiasnedd and wbieml ali ljeodi nttolm yu tuaslalvyoe n managtehdit,si mwei tihnt hfrea mewoorfak our cosctrse aaatnneed f fecetxicvhea nge governmaerncth ipvreoasgm rI,a skMerd program. JacquSecso rnaouxft hFer enacrhe higvraotu p AFU'asn dU FO-Aukctllatc'tsi evxec hange SCEAUf oarp resentianEt nigolnoi fsthh eir partnaerriesn vittoer de spotnotd h ien itiatiuvne iqwuoer fko prr eservoafut fioolno gical viian formaetnicolno wsietdth h inse wsleItft err.ce o ridnst hFer enscphe akcionugn torfti hees youd on orte ceitvhieen vitabtuihtoa nv,se o me Europceoannt inleA nLt . regular pubalviacialftaiobeorlxn ec hange, 2 • , Whati sS CEAU ? augmentewdi toht hebro oknse wlayc quibrye d SCEAU. SCEAU( SauvegCaorndsee rvdaetsi aEnte utd es Fora ldle posiat cso,n triascs ti gnweidt thh e ArchiUvfeosl ogiiqstu heFesr e)n acchr onfyomr archivceesn troer t hel ibraernys,u ritnhge "Preservaantdci oonns ervaotfiu ofno logical durabiloift tyh ed eposaintd d efinintgh e studainedsa rchivOeusra" s.s ociaotfwi h oicn h, consultcaotnidoint ions. alclo llaboraarvteoo lrusn thaarstyh ,le e gal SCEAUi ntentdosb ea merei nteerdmiary statoufas n on-profit orgIatan iimzasat tt hieo n. betwetehnde o noarn dt haer chicveenst orret he long-tperrems ervoaftt ihuoefn o loghiecrailt age, libraIrtysc. o deo fe thicisn,s criibne idt s thaitsa lblo okmsa,g azinleest,ti enrvse,s tigation statutperse,s enbietts o s tricrtelsyp etchte reporntesw,s paper calnidpa pniyon tghse r donorw'isl aln dt ok eepf ori tsenlofo riginal docume(nwtrsi tatuedni,o viosreu laelc tronic) document. relattoeU dF Or esearch. Anothreurl aed optbeydS CEAU,w hichha s SCEAU'Y asf oundien1d 9 90i,nc onsideration noo fficiaplo sitaiboonu wth atU FOsa re( its oft hes orrfya ctth atto,oo ftenw,h ens omeone membe'ro spiniaorndesi verisset )od, i scnaortd who weansg agiends tudytihnegs peh enomena anyd ocumehnotw,e vfeurt iiltme a ys eem. deceaosrec se asbeesi nign tereosrtw ehde,n a Indeefdo,r s o ill-underpshteonoodm eansa UFOg rouipsd isbantdhededo ,c umehnetlss helit UFOs,i ta ppeairrnsp ossitbolf eo reswehea t possessaerded ispersdeids,a ppeoarr e ven futurer esearchwehros w,e presertvhee se destrobyyte hdhe e i.r.s. documenftosrm ,a yc onsiidmepro rtEavnetni. f SCEAUt herefuonrdee rttoooc ko ntaaclttlh e someu fologicclaali rnssh ouladp peairl l persoannsdg rosuk pn owtno u s. -ianst ereisnt ed foundiendt hefu turree,l adtoecdu menwtislb le UFOso rr elatpehde nomeinnaF rancaen d usefutlos ociala-fgoisrst tusd ybienlgi oeffo su r propostehde ma n" architvreasn scfoenrt ract". time. Preserved madyo tchuemreenftboser e Undetrh icso ntratchted, o notrr ansfaelrolsr usefuilna nyc asbee,i tt op hysisccaile ntoirs ts parotf h is/haerrc hitvoeS sC EAUa tt het ime tos ocisacli entists. helschheo oseesi,t hiemrm ediatoerll ayt oerr SCEAUa lspol ayasn a wareness-rroalies ing aftehri s/dheeart ahn,dd efinetsh ec onsultation in the ufologiccoamlm unitcyo ncerning conditions. preservaotfii tohsne ritaEgxep.e rieinthc aes Somep eoplaen sweurs t hatth ehya vef ew interesdtoicnugm ents, beuxtp eroiueron fc e archirveecso vsehroyw uss t hat even people who sayt hiasl wahyasv seo mei mportdaonctu ments ' includbionogkw se d ind oyte hta ve. Afterc lassificaantddi eotna iilnevde ntoofr y recovedroecdu menStCsE,UA puttsh emi nt he - acquiarleldo SwCsE AUt oa cta sa na dvisteor FrencPhu bliRce cordnse twor(kN ational any researewhoenrd erianbgo utl ong-term ArchivienPs a riasnd d epartme-nit.aell.o c-al preservaotfih oins /huefro logiwcoarlk sa nd archivIents h)i.s sy stem evehraysao cncee tsos documents. thdeo cumenattcs o,n ditsieobtny sF rench Law Oura ssociation ap aunbnluiasblhu elsl etin onA rchiv(enso tafbolry protoefcp triinvga cy) givintgh ec ompleitnev entoorfy a rchives ora t morrees triccotnidviet iiofsn ods e,s irbeyd preserved dtuhrei ynega rS.C EAU has thdeo n.or establilsihnekwdsi tthh eS HG( SiHgins torical Asf orb ookasn dm agazintehsat,th eP ublic Groupa)n dt heA FU (Acrhivfeosr U FO Recoradrsne o tl egabloluyn tdo a ccetphte,a yr e ReseaFrocuhn dattihoapntu) r,s suiem ilaairm s deposiitnep du blliicb ra.rA i gersealti brairny � inU SAa ndS wedeann,dS CEAUa lsmoa intains hee asotf F rance was bygS iCvEeAnU,,a n contacwtist hf oreirgens earchnoetrasb,il ny 1mportcaonltl ecotfis oenv erhauln drbeodo ks BelgiaunmdS witzerland. andm agazinoens U FOsa ndr elatteodp ics. Ourp apemra ila ddresSsC:E AUIArchives 120U FO books rehcaevnebt eleydn e posiitne d OVNI, B1.9P,.F -19810 BRUNOY CEDEX, a univerlsiibtrya Ar yt.h irdde posoiftU FO . FrancEe-.m alslc:e [email protected] bookissp lannperdo,b abilnBy e lgiuamn,da ll thes"eS CEAUl ibrarwiielslb" e gradually 3 Recennte we xchanges intEon gli(slhi iknet h aeg eo fth"eV imana" magi nt heea r1l9y7 '0s)w oulcdo meh andy. +LaN avdee l oLso coSsa,nN icol1å5s9 0S,a n MigueSla,n tiaCghoi,lE ed.i tDori:e gZou niga. www .egocictoime/sl.a navleodceolso.s Lanvaedleoslocootsmi@aclho .m . Thee ditworri ttehsaL taN a vdee l oLso cos ("Thseh iopff ooliss"t )ob ec ountaemdo ng • TheA FU Newslettiespr u blisqhueadr terly "thgeo osdk eptitchsus"sk, e ptiwciitshmo tuhte byA FU.E ditAonrd:e rs LilAFjUe grweans. overtoonfoe ust ridgehbtu nkiPnugb.l isehveedr y establiisn1h 9e7da3 n dt hnee wslestttaerrit ne d othmeorn tthh nee wsleitsat g eirso tfs keptical 1975C.o pyriigsnh otct l aimuendi eesxsp licitly analyisnti hsSe p anilsahn guwaigtech o verage statReedp.r oducitsei nacno urapgreodv itdheadt ofm ost aorfet ahAsem ericaansds outhem "AFUN ewsletitsre erf"e reanscy eodus ro urce. Europe. • Archivfeosr U FO Researcihsa n on-profit, Whilies su1e1sa n d1 2i nclude very short privfaotuen dataiiomni,tn ogb uialS dw edish Englissuhm maraitet sh set aorfte acahr ticle ' International UaFnOdr elsiebarararcrchyh ive; thifse atuurnef,o rtuniasrt eemloyv,fre odm i ssue tos uppoarntde ncoursaegrei roeusse aarncdht ;o 13I.a mc urioaubso utth dee taoiflsso meo fthe stimulaca rtiet isccaile,n tific doinsU cFuOs sion materii.aRelo., d olfToa ssairtsi icnl#e1 ,2 , ., · phenomena. concernaipn sgy chicaatsrweih ce raeg irhla d • MembershiipnS wedenb:y a nnudaoln ation claimceodn tawcitta hl iens. -' of1 50S EKe acyhe atrop ostgailrn oo 4 90 71 4- 3,o rb ya nnudaoln atoifom na terifaotlrhs e LA NAVE DE archievqeu ivatloe1 n5t0S EK. LOS LOCOS .,.... �...,...........,,.,..._.....w.,_ • • Internatieoxncahla ngewse:a rael ways ..... ....: .,...... = intereisnet xecdh andgeea wlist phu blisohfe rs OOSSIERA BDUCCIONES, newsletjtoeurrnsa,l s, monoorog trhaeprh s LAVENGANZA mediTah.e N ewsleitstNe OrT a vailtahbrloeu gh ;Salen hasta en l� 30p�l subscrioputtisoiondf Se w edeMna.t eriyaolus �� '--IWRLt.• senudsw ilall wabyesc ataloagnudes da vefdo r .....,... �·r•·• ••u.-.· ----�t �· ............. posteraintdfuy t,u rree searactt hh,ae r chives. • SponsorshSipp:o nsorosfht ihApeF U foundaitsim oons wte lcomweh,e thyeorul ivien -- Swedeno,ri na nyo thceoru ntMriyn.i mum � 000 annudaoln atbiyos np onsiosr6 s00 S EK( or �JJU.� equal amionau nnyot t hecru rrenbcuymt)o ,r e ./.11 • substamnotnieatla droyn atiaorneos,fc ourse, l.... ..., . welcomaesw, e lalsd onatilod nesp ositoifo ns recor&d msa teriraellsat toet dh UeF Os ubject •�aG.,., , PtlerB rookeesmlmmr mm 3 8eftllllfl (sinpgileec oercs o llecotfiboonosk s, ......... ,. ··y"" so!lloa lvsaae IJOJdoia Ci a. newsletmtaegrasz,i nreesp,o rctlsi,p pings, photos, &a vuiddierooe cordimnigcsr,o films, etc) + YhteySsu,rn omeUnf otutrkyiP,jLa 5 t1 F,I - 3372T1a mperFei,n laEnddi.t Sora:mL ia itala. li'�·1.'Hs uomenjuar[i{o. .ts uutokmie mt{ojtautt ki @hotmail.Icsosmunre.2 /200i2st h6e1h i ssoufe thnee wsleftrtoetmrh Fei nnish ReUFsOe arch grouNpe.w sf roma,n da boutth,ge r ouhpe,a ded byc hairmMaenn nWaa risM.y graspoifn g Finniissah l moasttt hzee rloe vseola t ranslation 4