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After Globalisation New Patterns of Confict and their Sociological and Legal Re-constructions Christian Joerges (ed.) in co-operation with Tommi Ralli ARENA Report No 4/11 RECON Report No 15 After Globalisation New Patterns of Conflict and their Sociological and Legal Re-constructions Christian Joerges (ed.) in co-operation with Tommi Ralli Copyright  ARENA and authors ISBN (print) 978-82-93137-32-0 ISBN (online) 978-82-93137-82-5 ARENA Report Series (print) | ISSN 0807-3139 ARENA Report Series (online) | ISSN 1504-8152 RECON Report Series (print) | ISSN 1504-7253 RECON Report Series (online) | ISSN 1504-7261 Printed at ARENA Centre for European Studies University of Oslo P.O. Box 1143, Blindern N-0318 Oslo, Norway Tel: + 47 22 85 87 00 Fax: + 47 22 85 87 10 E-mail: I anledning de grusomme ugjerningene som ble utført på Utøya og i Oslo den 22. juli 2011 ønsker alle som har deltatt i arbeidet med denne boken å uttrykke sin dypeste medfølelse  og solidaritet.  In view of the enormity of the atrocities which occurred on the island of Utøya and in Oslo on 22 July 2011, all those involved in this volume would like to express their condolences and solidarity. Preface Reconstituting Democracy in Europe (RECON) is an Integrated Project supported by the European Commission’s Sixth Framework Programme for Research, Priority 7 ‘Citizens and Governance in a Knowledge-based Society’. The five-year project has 21 partners in 13 European countries and New Zealand, and is coordinated by ARENA – Centre for European Studies at the University of Oslo. RECON takes heed of the challenges to democracy in Europe. It seeks to clarify whether democracy is possible under conditions of pluralism, diversity and complex multilevel governance. See more on the project at www.reconproject.eu. The present report is part of RECON’s Work Package 9 ‘Global Transnationalisation and Democratisation Compared’, which examines the conditions and prospects of democratisation in European transnational legal and political arrangements, and in postnational constellations more generally. The report contains the proceedings of the workshop ‘After Globalisation – New Patterns of Conflict’, which was a joint workshop by RECON and the Collaborative Research Centre 597 on ‘Transforma- tions of the State’ at the University of Bremen. The workshop was organised in Loccum by the Centre of European Law and Politics (ZERP) on 5-7 September 2010. Erik O. Eriksen RECON Scientific Coordinator Acknowledgements The present report will be the last one to be published in the RECON series by our project. Hence, it seems only fitting to look back briefly at the work of nearly five years before I turn to say a word about the future. When RECON started on 1 January 2007, I was still Professor at the European University Institute in Florence. It was, therefore, possible to engage Ph.D researchers – Poul F Kjaer, Claire Methven O’Brien and Maria Weimer – from the EUI, all of whom were working on issues which were closely related to the agenda of the RECON work package on the prospects of democratic European and transnational governance. This engagement was complemented by the support both of my former colleague Neil Walker and of Jürgen Neyer with whom I had already co-operated intensively in Bremen in a project on Comitology and throughout the Citizenship and Democratic 1 Legitimacy in the European Union (CIDEL) Project. In 2003, the Collaborative Research Centre “Transformations of the State” at the University of Bremen had already taken up its work, which was – and still is – generously funded by the 2 German Science Foundation. From that beginning onwards, Josef Falke and I have co-directed in this context the project on “Trade liberalisation and social regulation in transnational structures”, research which is closely related to the agenda of the RECON work package. Intense co-operation suggested itself and was accomplished – to the mutual benefit of both partners. Our very first workshop on “Re-framing Transnational Governance” at the EUI in March 2007 was already organised jointly by RECON and the “Transformations of the State” Project, as were the follow-up events, in particular, the workshop on “Transnational Standards of Social Protection: 1 See http://www.sv.uio.no/arena/english/research/projects/cidel/ 2 See http://www.sfb597.uni- bremen.de/pages/ueberPresseStimmen.php?SPRACHE=en. Contrasting European and International Governance”, the conference on “The Social Embeddedness of Transnational Markets” both held in Bremen at the “Haus der Wissenschaft” on 23-24 November 2007 and on 5-7 February 2009, and this also holds true for the reports and books which these events 3 have have generated. Not too long ago, the study of European integration was essentially in the hands of legal academia, and international law scholars were, for the most part, conceptualising their analyses of the role of law in the international system autonomously. However, this situation has changed dramatically. Political science is clearly dominating European studies and many lawyers who strive for academic survival feel the need to develop an inter-disciplinary profile. This is true not only in the RECON context, but also in the Bremen “Transformations of the State” Project, and increasingly in other spheres. Inter- and pluri-disciplinarity is by no means a bad thing in itself. However, it is not so easy for lawyers to make their concerns for what they seek to defend as the proprium of law understood in the neighbouring disciplines which they once used to perceive as “Nebenfächer” and “Hilfswissenschaften” – disciplines of minor significance. Within our work package, we have continuously sought a response to this challenge, which has gradually developed into an approach which we – by now – have coined “conflicts-law constitutionalism”. Rainer Nickel has become a 4 strong ally in this endeavour, and the present report represents another step towards its further elaboration. Another legacy of legal scholarship, which political scientists tend to under- estimate, is its very direct and concrete embeddedness into 3 Christian Joerges and Poul F. Kjaer (eds), Transnational Standards of Social Protection: Contrasting European and Transnational Governance, RECON Report No. 4 (2008), Oslo: ARENA; Christian Joerges and Josef Falke (eds), Karl Polanyi, Globalisation and the Potential of Law in Transnational Markets, (Oxford-Portland OR, Hart Publishing, 2011). 4 See the RECON Report No. 7 (2009) on Conflict of Laws and Laws of Conflict in Europe and Beyond: Patterns of Supranational and Transnational Juridification, edited by Rainer Nickel and recently transformed into a book publication with Intersentia, in Antwerp-Cambridge-Portland OR (Ius Commune Series 88), 2011. seemingly mundane economic affairs. WP 9 can point to an 5 effort to address this deficit. The workshop in the Evangelische Akademie Loccum (the 6 Protestant Academy of Loccum) required considerable preparatory efforts, which were shouldered by Olga Batura, Henning Deters and Tommi Ralli. The Academy was a wonderful host. Anybody in search for something like an ideal speech situation should consider this academic setting seriously – and will also find excellent food and a cosy environment there, too. We once again have to thank Chris Engert for his work on our use of his language and also for his assistance in both the editorial process and the technical preparation of this volume. This is the last report which we can publish before the RECON project comes to an end in December 2011. But the proceedings which we are publishing herein will be followed by a second Loccum workshop which is presently being prepared – and should eventually lead to a book presentation on the conflicts-law approach. All of us regret the end of RECON. We have profited enormously from this stimulating academic environment and from the professional practical support by the wonderful RECON/ARENA team in Oslo. Christian Joerges Bremen, July 2011 5 Christian Joerges and Tommi Ralli (eds), European Constitutionalism without Private Law - Private Law without Democracy, RECON Report No. 14, Oslo 2011. 6 See http://www.loccum.de/english/connect.html.

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