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Aerospace Materials and Material Technologies : Volume 2: Aerospace Material Technologies PDF

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Indian Institute of Metals Series N. Eswara Prasad R.J.H. Wanhill Editors Aerospace Materials and Material Technologies Volume 2: Aerospace Material Technologies Metallurgy Materials Engineering Indian Institute of Metals Series Editors-in-chief Baldev Raj, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore, Karnataka, India U. Kamachi Mudali, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam, Tamil Nadu, India More information about this series at http://www.springer.com/series/15453 N. Eswara Prasad R.J.H. Wanhill (cid:129) Editors Aerospace Materials and Material Technologies Volume 2: Aerospace Material Technologies 123 Editors N.EswaraPrasad R.J.H.Wanhill Defence Materials andStores R&D Emmeloord, Flevoland Establishment(DMSRDE) TheNetherlands Kanpur,Uttar Pradesh India ISSN 2509-6400 ISSN 2509-6419 (electronic) Indian Institute of Metals Series ISBN978-981-10-2142-8 ISBN978-981-10-2143-5 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-2143-5 LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2016948239 ©SpringerScience+BusinessMediaSingapore2017 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsarereservedbythePublisher,whetherthewholeorpart of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission orinformationstorageandretrieval,electronicadaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilarordissimilar methodologynowknownorhereafterdeveloped. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publicationdoesnotimply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfrom therelevantprotectivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authorsortheeditorsgiveawarranty,expressorimplied,withrespecttothematerialcontainedhereinor foranyerrorsoromissionsthatmayhavebeenmade. Printedonacid-freepaper ThisSpringerimprintispublishedbySpringerNature TheregisteredcompanyisSpringerNatureSingaporePteLtd. Theregisteredcompanyaddressis:152BeachRoad,#22-06/08GatewayEast,Singapore189721,Singapore To our eminent teachers and close associates for aerospace materials and material technologies; and to our partners and families for their support, notably during 2014–2016, the years in which these books were prepared. N. Eswara Prasad and R.J.H. Wanhill Foreword by Dr. S. Christopher Firstofall,Iwouldliketocongratulatealltheauthors, the editors, Drs. N. Eswara Prasad, R.J.H. Wanhill, andtheeditor-in-chief,Dr.BaldevRaj,andtheIndian Institute of Metals (IIM) and Springer for publishing this two-volume innovative reference work on aero- space materials and materials technologies. I am also extremelyhappytowritetheforewordforthisspecial volume, since I have been associated with Indian Avionics for more than 30 years and have fair knowledge on the present status of the material technologiescoveredinthissecondvolume.Materials and material technologies are the backbone of any engineering industry. This is especially so for the aerospace industry, which has provided the impetus to develop many advanced manufacturing and design tech- nologies. The world has seen massive investments in the aerospace industry in a number of developed countries, notably the USA, Europe and Russia, and also in developing nations, including India and China. Still more countries are becoming importantplayersandpartnersindevelopingaerospacematerialsandtechnologies. The present volume on aerospace material technologies is a well-devised and considered book encompassing nearly 20 material technologies, including propul- sion, refurbishment, stealth, failure analysis, certification and life extension, and more traditional aerospace technologies such as metal and material processing, characterization and property evaluation. This volume also contains a very useful sectiononstructuraldesign,discussingfatigueandfracturerequirementsandstress corrosion cracking (SCC) criteria. I find that the editors have taken special care to present the book chapters with extremely useful contents and good readability. In this context, I applaud the efforts of Dr. R.J.H. Wanhill for single-handedly reviewing all the chapters and assisting in their revision and the equally daunting editorial work by Dr. Eswara Prasad. vii viii ForewordbyDr.S.Christopher I hope and wish that this kind of book will appear in the international literature from time to time, so that engineering graduates, aerospace and mechanical engi- neers, and aeronautical designers are provided with essential and state-of-the-art knowledge and databases on aerospace material technologies. Such volumes also aid in finalizing a number of white/approach papers for establishing material technologyandproduction centres. Theyalsopointoutthefuturerequirementsfor aerospace development. Every country should identify the gaps in materials developmentandestablishfacilitiesfortheproductionofthesematerials,especially theadvancedmaterialsrequiredforaerospaceapplications.Ifeelthesetwovolumes greatly aid in addressing this task. Hence emerging countries like India and South Asia can benefit greatly from these kinds of endeavours. Finally,beingatthehelmofDRDO,India,Itakespecialprideincongratulating several of the DRDO authors and Dr. N. Eswara Prasad, for their valuable inter- national contributions. I wish success all around the world in the development of future aerospace material technologies and the production, qualification and certi- fication of aerospace components and subsystems for various aircraft, missiles and spacecraft. If this book volume serves as a basis for such endeavours, it will have amply achieved its purpose. Dr. S. Christopher, FNAE, FIETE Former Distinguished Scientist and Director Centre for AirBorneSystems (CABS), DRDO, Bangalore,India Presently, the Director General Defence Research and Development Organisation, and Secretary Department of Defence R&D, Government of India New Delhi, India Foreword by Dr. G. Satheesh Reddy Whilematerialsandmaterialsdevelopmentarewidely acknowledged ascore expertiseinengineering inany country, the material processing and production technologies and facilities for metal and materials production essentially dictate the actual progress of that country in terms of actual GDP growth. Every country should identify its materials strengths and develop material production around those strengths. India has vast material resources, but it is the lack of large-scale processing and production facilities that limitusinjoiningtheelitemembersofthedeveloped world.TheIndianInstituteofMetalshasonnumerous occasions tasked its eminent members and researchers to identify technology gaps not only for India but for the whole world, so that corrective measures could be takenfortheadvancementofnewmaterialsandtechnologies.Iamveryhappythat thepresentbook project,conceivedby Dr. Baldev Raj, putinplace bythe various authors and two able editors, Dr. N. Eswara Prasad and Dr. R.J.H. Wanhill, and brought out in book form by IIM and Springer, notably serves this purpose. Aerospace materials andtheirmanufacturingareeasily themostbasicandmost important core aerospace/aeronautical technologies. The present Volume 2 on Aerospace Material Technologies of the 2-Volume Source Book Series of IIM/Springer is a rich compilation of various traditional, advanced and futuristic material technologies encompassing nearly 20 major areas. Each of the chapters addressesscientificprinciplesbehindprocessingandproduction,productiondetails, equipmentandfacilitiesforindustrialproduction,andfinallyaerospaceapplication areas of these material technologies. The authors of these chapters have been pioneers of industrial aerospace material technologies and they are not only from India but from advanced countries like the Netherlands, Australia and the USA. Thisbookhasawell-plannedlayoutin4parts.PartIdealswithprimarymetaland material processing, including nanomanufacturing. Part II deals with materials ix x ForewordbyDr.G.SatheeshReddy characterization and testing methodologies and technologies. Part III addresses structural design. Finally, several advanced material technologies such as quality assurance, refurbishment, failure analysis, certification, and life extension tech- nologies are covered in Part IV. Some of the very important and advanced topics such as ‘Structural Design by ASIP’, ‘Damage Mechanics-Based Life Prediction and Extension’ and ‘Principles of Structural Health Monitoring’ are dealt with at equal length as the traditional aerospace materials technology topics. I am happy that some of these chapters bring out the present Indian scenario vis-a-visinternationaldevelopments,thusprovidingimportantscopeforidentifying gapsinaerospacematerialtechnologiesinIndiaandSouthAsia.Iamgladthatthe present volume provides a summary of various aspects of the technologies and serves as a ready reference for all the readers. Dr. G. Satheesh Reddy FNAE, FRIN, FAeSI, FIET, FSSWR, FIE, FAPAS, AFAIAA, HFCSI Scientific Advisor to RakshaMantri (SA to RM) Min. Defence, Govt. India, New Delhi, India

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