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AIAA 2003-3785 Aerodynamics for Revolutionary Air Vehicles William L. Sellers 111, Bart A. Singer, and Laurence D. Leavitt NASA Langley Research Center Hampton,VA 21 st Applied Aerodynamics Conference 23-26 June, 2003 Orlando, FL ~~ For permission to copy or to republish, contact the copyright owner named on the first page. For AIAA-held copyright, write to AIAA Permissions Department, 1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Suite 500, Reston, VA, 20191-4344. AI AA-2003-3785 Aerodynamics for Revolutionary Air Vehicles William L. Sellers HI*, Bart A. Singert, and Laurence D. Leavitt‘ NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA 2368 1-2 19 Abstract Introduction Aeronautics research has seriously declined Projecting visions for the future is always a risky partly because of the perception that it is a mature endeavor. The tendency in predicting future science and only incremental improvements are technological advances is to be overly optimistic in possible. Recent aeronautics roadmapping activities at terms of evolutionary improvements, and to be NASA Langley paint a different picture of the future. completely blindsided by truly revolutionary advances. Breakthroughs are still felt to be possible if we expand These tendencies should not be overly surprising; linear the current design space of today’s vehicles and extrapolations of current trends are natural. Foreseeing optimize the airspace and vehicles as a system. The the nonlinear saturation of those trends is more paper describes some of the challenges that the aircraft difficult. Identifying promising opportunities that have and airline industry face. These challenges include real potential for completely disrupting the way we live political, technical and environmental issues. Examples and work is even more difficult. In the area of of the opportunities and technologies that could provide aerodynamics and air transportation learned scientists a different vision for the future are discussed. predicted that we would never fly, never cross a speed barrier, or the public would never accept air Nomenclature transportation only to be proven wrong in a relatively short period of time. Those making the negative b Span (inches) predictions often worked long and hard on what they CL 3-D Wing lift coefficient D Drag Force believed to be the relevant problems before deciding that no solution was in sight. Their error was in not L Lift Force M Machnumber appreciating that some new approach could bypass the problem(s), they understood to be in the critical path. It W Weight is with this in mind that this paper presents visions of a possible future and the impact aerodynamics must have Abbreviations to enable a future filled with new and revolutionary air FLOPS Floating-point operations per second vehicles. MIPS Millions of Instructions per second There is an oft-spoken concern that aeronautics, SFC Specific fuel consumption and aerodynamics in particular, is mature, and nothing CMOS Complementary metal-oxide semiconductor more than incremental gains in performance and LlNPACK Linear algebra software package capacity are possible. That perception is partly due to Superscripts past successes in the field. The public, for the most Fluctuating component - part, sees an efficient and safe air transportation system Subscripts with flights to most every part of the globe. Today’s max Maximum value during actuator blowing cycle aircraft are a marvel of engineering, science, and mean Mean value technology. Aerodynamic efficiency in terms of ML/D min Minimum value during actuator suction cycle has increased approximately 30% since the beginning rms Root-mean-square value of the jet age’. Range has increased such that non-stop w Freestream c flights of 8,000 nm are a reality. Aircraft noise has been reduced significantly in the last 20 years. ‘Head. Flow Physics and Control Branch, Associate Fellow Unquestionably, the rates of improvement in PAsst. Head, Computational Modeling and Simulation these areas have slowed, and linear extrapolation of the Branch. Senior Member $Head. Configuration Aerodynamics Branch, Associate current rates of improvement could certainly lead Fellow someone to conclude that the future holds only incremental improvements. This is especially Copyright0 This material is declared a work of the US. Government unfortunate because straightforward extrapolation and is not subject to copyright protection in the U.S. suggests that significant problems lie ahead. These 1 problems require a rethinking of our air transportation controls, and aerodynamics and acoustics looked at and vehicle systems. The airline industry is under their own disciplines and the interactions between them economic pressure and increased public attention to that would be required. The NASA teams’ efforts paint quality-of-life issues, such as noise and emissions will an entirely different picture of aeronautics, one in make profits harder to generate and operations more which it is not mature, but is poised to take off in bold difficult. Prior to September 11, 2001, travelers were new directions. facing increased transportation delays and projected This paper will focus on the role of 4 growth that would make the situation worse. aerodynamics in that future vision and discuss the Geopolitical and economic circumstances have environment and constraints in which it will have to complicated projected growth scenarios, but most operate. There is a deep belief that for this vision to projections suggest that air transportation growth will become a reality, multi-disciplinary efforts must be pick up and we again will be faced with increasing increased and the interactions dramatically improved. delays in a few years. This is especially true if one believes that truly Hence, just at a time when dramatic leaps in disruptive capabilities can occur through the innovative performance would be most beneficial, we are faced integration of existing technologies as well as through with a possible future of slow incremental advances in the invention of new previously undiscovered traditional aeronautics metrics. No one should be technologies. Therefore, there will also be a discussion blamed for such dire forecasts; they are the predictable of some of the advancements coming from other result of extrapolating current trends. We can ensure disciplines that are critical. that the forecasts are true by continuing on our current path. We can continue the steady declines in NASA Blueprint for Aeronautics Aeronautics research funding, the steady aging of the NASA recently published its blueprint for workforce in the field, and the inclination to continue to aeronautics4 that provides a glimpse of what the future work on familiar problems in familiar ways. of aviation could be in the year 2050. Revolutionary On the other hand, we recognize that huge new air vehicles will be required for this new vision. improvements are possible if we ask the right questions. This new future brings about the possibility for new For instance, we don’t need to increase aircraft speed to large, long haul concepts, increased speed, autonomous reduce passenger travel time. We might accomplish operations, and the necessity for new vehicle concepts this better if we started to look more closely at that provide runway independence. The concept of improving our ability to take off and land safely in a runway independence will require lightweight vehicles wider range of weather conditions, to take off and land with high thrust-to-weight ratio, and very effective quietly and safely from an increased number of airports, high-lift or propulsive systems that will likely have to many with considerably shorter runways, and to make be low noise solutions as well. The blueprint for air transport accessible to small communities without aeronautics briefly described some of the new introducing noise and emissions concerns. While the technologies that will enable the increased capabilities current hub and spoke system of air transportation of these revolutionary air vehicles. evolved as a cost-effective optimum for a given type of The blueprint addressed the challenges facing aircraft, we have only begun to consider the the current aviation system including capacity, safety, aerodynamic issues that need to be tackled to provide and security. It highlighted the fact that there are over opportunities for other approaches to air transportation. 800 restrictions worldwide on aircraft operations that The Europeans, to their credit, have formulated severely limit growth into certain markets. It discussed a vision for their future in aeronautics, and have a the issues of C02 and NOx emissions on both air highly effective European framework2 for research and transportation capacity and the environment. It outlined technology development as well. Perhaps the best the importance of aeronautics to the future of our nation example of their vision for the future3 describes a 2020 and the global economy. The blueprint laid out the role future where European aeronautics is the best in the of the U.S. government in this future vision. It also world, and they are winning more than 50% of the stated that NASA’s role was to provide enabling world market share in aircraft. The document includes technology, by conducting high-risk research, devel- their goals on reduced emissions and noise, and oping unique facilities, and fostering an educated and increased air transport safety. innovative workforce. With these factors as a backdrop, in 2001 NASA The NASA aeronautics blueprint recognized that formulated a team to develop a future vision for if we were to meet these challenges, exciting Aeronautics. NASA Langley Research Center further technologies could open up a new world of aviation. It refined the vision and started developing roadmaps for was proposed that by utilizing the nearly 5,300 smaller technologies to support the Aeronautics Blueprint. airports in the United States, the congestion at the big Teams from structures and materials, flight systems, national hub airports would be relieved, and a new era 2 of point-to-point travel enabled. But as we expand to opportunities to alter the design space using active flow all those new airports, emissions and noise will become control and structural morphing technologies. The even more critical as a larger portion of our population structural morphing can include both small local and becomes exposed to these issues due to increased large global shape changes coupled with flow control. proximity. We will need to learn to operate from In fact, in the future we may be able to exploit shorter runways with less ground-control dependence, structural flexibility instead of trying to avoid it. As and less dependence on ground-based maintenance. historically been the case, vehicle designers will continue to exploit technology advances across all NASA Langley Aerodynamics Roadmap Planning disciplines to break through the barriers for innovative approaches for air travel. The Langley Aerodynamics Roadmap Planning These sorts of changes require entirely new Team consisted of representatives from aerodynamics, ways to think about aerodynamics and how it fits into fluid mechanics, acoustics, systems analysis, NASA the broader field of aeronautics. Vast new regions of program offices, and representation from structures and design space become available when we step towards materials and flight systems and controls. It also designing for both unsteadiness and flexibility, rather included a representative from academia to address than against it. How to best use the additional design future educational issues as well as conceptual design. space is a question that only innovative future research Shortly after the planning process began NASA can answer. had a change in administration, and a new vision and In this section, we first look more closely at the mission statement. aviation system as a system of systems. After appreciating the many levels of interconnectedness The NASA Vision is: associated with aviation systems, we will look in detail To improve life here, at noise and emissions, two particularly important To extend life there, environmental issues that fall well within the NASA To find life beyond mission of “improving life here” and the vision of “understanding and protecting our planet”. Next, we The NASA Mission is: will discuss some rapid developments in supporting To understand and protect our home planet technologies, which give us hope that the challenges To explore the universe and search for life before us can be met. To inspire the next generation of explorers ... As only NASA can System of Systems The NASA Aeronautics Blueprint recognized The role of aeronautics in the NASA vision is clearly, that the aviation system is in fact a “system of “To improve life here.” In terms of the NASA mission, systems”. As the demand for capacity goes up, adding aeronautics is crucial to understanding and protecting additional aircraft to the existing system will in most our home planet. These inspirational words are cases exasperate the problems. Additional aircraft in consistent with the NASA Aeronautics Blueprint theme the sky and on the runways will make the airspace and of bringing a new environmentally sensitive level of traffic control issues worse. Adding more airports will personal freedom of mobility to the American public. bump up against environmental constraints. It was clear that new technology, including new models for Technolow Issues and Possibilities the airspace system (vehicles included) needed to be developed so that a systems analysis approach could be Looking toward the future in aerodynamics, the taken. roadmap exercise at NASA Langley saw several Other teams at Langley have looked at these general trends. It should be no surprise that multi- issues and see a future as depicted in Fig. 1. Today the disciplinary analysis (MDA) and optimization (MDO) state-of-the-art is a hub and spoke air traffic system was deemed critical for the future. MDO would have to populated with long haul and regional aircraft. The be expanded to include multi-fidelity methods, future will include revolutionary air vehicles with emissions and noise constraints, and atmospheric exciting new operating capabilities in a fully integrated modeling. airspace. In the past we have worked the vehicle and What is different is that we see a paradigm shift airspace capability axes separately. To achieve the in the field of aerodynamics from the steady to the future state, however, we must work them both unsteady world, and from the linear to nonlinear together, while still mindful that the resulting systems phenomena. This shift is being brought about by a must pass through the additional “hoops” relating to desire to predict the full flight envelope, which safetyisecurity, environment, and cost. inherently includes unsteady separated flows, and the 3 potential future benefits to such a flexible system should warrant at least thinking about such a system NASA has had a long and successful history of aircraft noise reduction research'. The majority of the noise reduction has come as a result of decreased engine noise. This large decrease in noise has been largely a fortuitous consequence of the changeover to high-bypass ratio engines with improved propulsive efficiency and lower fuel consumption. The enormity of the sideline noise reduction associated with reduced engine noise can be seen in Fig. 2. As the engine noise has been reduced, other noise contributors, such as those associated with the airframe become increasingly important. Each new increment of noise reduction gets Fig. 1 Strategy for integrated advances in airspace progressively harder to achieve. and aircraft -- NNoorrmmaalliizzeedd ttoo 110000,,ooooOO IIbb TT hh && ii TT Environmental ImDacts of Aviation m NNooiissee lleevveellss ffoorr aaiirrppllaannddeennggiinnee P ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonnss aatt ttiimmee ooff iinniittiiaall BB((KKVVIIWW'' Environmental issues are important to the 11 quality of life of the American public. Aviation has the potential for being environmentally detrimental due to the introduction of objectionable noise, and the emission of harmful compounds into the atmosphere. However, an aviation future does not have to be coupled with these environmental hazards. Appropriate and timely research into critical technologies can help 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 us develop an environmentally fi-iendly aviation future. Year of Initial Service In the following section a short summary of some of the critical issues regarding the noise and emissions Fig. 2 Progress in noise reduction research impacts of aviation are discussed. The Noise Reduction Element of the NASA Advanced Subsonic Transport (AST) program that Noise ended in 2001 had a goal of developing technologies For the foreseeable hture airplanes will create for a 5dB noise reduction. Even if all the technologies noise, probably at levels that are unacceptably high to developed in the AST program were to find themselves those in the immediate vicinity. Long-term exposure to on the next airplanes rolling off the production lines, high noise levels poses serious health risks to those the slow rate of replacement of aircraft coupled with exposed. Abey-Wickrama et a15 document the harmful projected increases in passenger and cargo operations, effects on health resulting from exposure to aircraft make even maintaining the noise impact at constant noise, while Meecham and Shaw' claim increases in levels a short-term achievement at best. The current mortality rate from studies at Heathrow and Los NASA noise initiative has a goal of reducing noise, Angeles. Noise pollution is not just an annoyance, but relative to a 1997 baseline, by a factor of 2 in 10 years also a serious health risk. and by a factor of 4 within 25 years. A factor of 4 Unlike many other pollutants, noise actually reduction corresponds to a 99% reduction in sound dissipates (as opposed to just diffusing) with distance power. As described in reference 7, these reductions from its source. Therefore, a noise-management plan would not make the aircraft inaudible, but would that includes aircraft noise-source reduction, flight- contain the noise impact within most airport trajectory planning, and community land use around boundaries. To meet these goals, both propulsion noise airports can go a long way towards alleviating the and airframe system noise will need to be reduced by health hazards associated with aircraft noise. To be similar amounts. To contain the noise impact within most effective, all aspects need to be worked together the airport boundaries of all the major airports will as a flexible and dynamic approach. Different aircraft likely require an even greater reduction. The goal of types may have their trajectories optimized for low reducing perceived noise by a factor of 4 in 25 years noise in different ways than other airplanes. may require totally new aircraft system^"^ that Considering such variability in today's airport flight incorporate noise shielding andlor other technologies control paradigm is probably unimaginable, but 4 that must be built into the conceptual design of the high clouds. The full impact was difficult to assess14 aircraft and not simply handled as a retrofit. because they spread into non- linear, natural-looking The impact of noise will become increasingly cirrus clouds. It was especially difficult because the important as a result of the increased freedom of dense air traffic prevented the analysis of isolated mobility. Containing the noise impact was based on contrails. There were hints, however, regarding the keeping the day-night average sound level (DNL) 55dE3 impact. Satellite imagery of a racetrack contrail pattern contour within the airport boundaries. The team generated by a NASA DC-8 test aircraft off the coast of recognized that there is a difference between noise California, showed that it later formed a 60-mile cloud regulations and community acceptance and putting system over the state. more small aircraft into the 5,300 public use airports The unprecedented shutdown of aviation traffic may require even more improvements in noise due to the 9/11 disaster provided a rare opportunity to reduction. Military operations are coming under more look at contrail ~preading’~T. he only aircraft flying scrutiny as well. As base consolidations are during that period were a few military aircraft that progressing and additional air wings are stationed at generated isolated contrails in areas that typically were fewer bases in the U.S., the military is being urged to crossed by 70-80 planes an hour. Six aircraft were more seriously consider the environmental noise responsible for the formation of cirrus clouds that impacts of basing. covered more than 20,000 km2 in an area between Emissions Virginia and Pennsylvania”. This allowed Minnis et There have been numerous recent studie~~~’~~a”ll~5 ’to~ ~co’n~d uct a detailed analysis of the isolated of the impacts of aviation on the global environment. contrails and to develop models to simulate both the The NASA Blueprint highlighted some of the issues contrails and their spread to cirrus clouds. regarding carbon dioxide (COZ) and nitric oxide (NG) Technologies to reduce Emissions emissions. The production of COZ can be directly There have been several European studies”” related to fuel burn, whereas the production of NOx is predicting the potential for a 50% reduction in fuel burn related to combustion efficiency. A discussion of the over the next 20 years. Accounting for this reduction atmospheric impact of emissions and the potential among various disciplines can always be debated technologies to reduce them is discussed below. because of the variety of ways design trades can be An excellent summary of the main constituents and accomplished. Fig. 3 shows that the authors predict that their effect on climate changes from aviation was 36% will come from aerodynamics technologies (e.g. provided in reference 10. Their estimates were based lift and drag), 23% from engine technologies, and 8% on the assumption that passenger traffic was projected from structural systems (e.g. weight reductions). to grow by 5% annually from 1990 to 2015, and total aviation fuel use by 3% per year during the same period. After 2015 projections were so uncertain that they established a reference and several other possible emission scenarios due to different aviation constraints. The primary emissions include the greenhouse gases COz and water vapor (HzO), and other major emissions including NOx, sulfur oxides (SOX)a nd soot. Aircraft emissions further alter the atmospheric greenhouse gases, COz, ozone (4)a nd methane (C€&). - In 2050 the increase in COz ftom aviation, based on the Typically (long range de): various scenarios, is expected to range from 1.6 to 10 W 0.3’strUct + 0.Z’Syst + 0.4’Fuel + 0.1’Payload times the amount in 1992. The increase in ozone by Fig. 3 Potential for fuel consumption over the next NOx emissions in the mid-latitudes is expected to 20 years (from Ref. 1) increase by 13% in 2050. Most water vapor emissions are rapidly removed by precipitation, however To obtain these results, the authors of reference emissions in the lower stratosphere can build up to 1, used a simplified form of the range equation and a larger concentrations. Since water vapor is a breakdown of the weight buildup of a typical long- greenhouse gas this buildup would tend to warm the range aircraft to show that improvements in L/D and Earth. SFC have an order 1 effect, while structural weight Contrails from aircraft were not mentioned in the improvements will be less important. Drag is critical to NASA Aeronautics Blueprint because at the time, the fuel bum and the Europeans are attacking drag in any impact of contrails on climate change was uncertain. form including friction, wave, and induced drag. Contrails tend to warm the earth and there was Aerodynamic technologies that they considered include conjecture that they could spread or diffuse into thin both laminar and turbulent flow management. This 5 includes laminarizing the wing, tail, and nacelles using Computational Speed and Processing Power hybrid laminar flow control (HLFC) to reduce friction Information technology, computational speed, drag by 22.5%. Variable camber and smart wings are and processing power will be critical to future projected to provide a 10.5% reduction in drag by aerodynamic developments, both in the way we analyze optimizing the LID throughout the flight envelope as flows, and the ways we implement or control the new well as increasing the buffet boundary. Shock aerodynamic technology. Gordon Moore, a co-founder boundaryilayer control is projected to provide another of Intel, made a prediction in 1965 that the number of 3.0% reduction in drag. Schneider’ provides an transistors on a silicon chip would double every 24 interesting statistic that helps to relate these months. His ‘‘law’’ in the beginning was more an improvements back to emissions. He estimates that a economic observation more than a technology fact. 1% reduction in aerodynamic drag for a long-range Progress however, has been extremely rapid. In the aircraft results in a savings of 400,000 liters of fuel per early days it took 3 years to move processing speed year and aircraft, which in turn will save approximately from 25 to 50 MHz, where today Intel adds 25 MHz 5,000 kg of noxious emissions. every week, and in the next two years the industry Pursuing LID and SFC improvements without expect to do that in day”. Moore‘s law is not leveling considering the vehicle, airspace, and atmosphere as a off and Fig. 4 shows a projection of transistor density system can lead to bad results. Green” presents a through 2010. The industry projection is that by 2007 summary of a report that investigated the challenges of there will be one billion transistors on a chip. reducing emissions. The approach was more conservative in their technology estimates than the 1 billion transistors in 2007 IPCC Report of reference IO, in that only nearer term 10 0 L market driven technologies were considered. They developed models for emission products, aircraft missions including vehicle characteristics and operating c parameters. The study identified that current market .I0- 1 m trends for large, long-range aircraft, with reduced E c operating costs through reduced fuel burn, “will or may, c increase the impact of air travel on climate change.” Their results showed the current long-range wide-body scenarios (e.g. 13,000 km to 16,000 km range) were inferior to vehicles designed to operate at stage lengths of 5,000 km or less. For the same payload, the long- range aircraft is substantially heavier than one designed 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 for the shorter range. They recommended a full system Year study of long-range travel in stages of 7,500 km or less be initiated. They also found that the current trend of Fig. 4 Projection of Moore’s Law for transistor increasing engine pressure ratios to improve thermal density efficiency might increase NOs emissions. The Gelsinger in Reference 18 states: “knowledgeable modeling of the greenhouse effect with altitude people have questioned Moore’s law for a long time. suggested that cruising at lower altitudes might reduce Apparently they are daunted by the same stifling factors the climatic impact. All of their findings have that have always impeded innovation and development. potentially large impacts on the optimization of They cite physical size limitations, runaway power commercially viable aircraft and additional research is consumption, and prohibitive costs as being required into both the technologies and the system insurmountable barriers. ... As far back as 20 years analysis benefits. ago, people doubted that the progress would continue and many barriers (e.g. I-micron) were professed to be Rapid Developments in Supporting Technology impossible only to be broken as new processes were Other discipline technologies are critical to the developed”. Intel labs recently anno~nced’t~he future vision, since many of the new vehicle concepts development of new “TeraHertz” transistors that will will incorporate active flow control, autonomous flight extend Moore’s law for decades. In the development capability, and highly integrated airframe/propulsion process Intel had to address many of the barrier issues systems, and smart structures and materials. A brief that people were saying could not be broken. When discussion of these technologies and the assumptions transistors are scaled down power consumption rises that affect our future vision is included in this section. exponentially, and current leaking through the gate dielectric and from the transistor source to the drain 6 when power is off drives this rise. To increase speed airspace management because airspace control can be requires thinner dielectrics that many people said distributed between the vehicles and the ground. With couldn’t be made because they would only be a few distributed sensors integrated vehicle health monitoring atoms thick. As a tradeoff, they had to consider that will become a reality and offer new levels of safety and thinner dielectrics also leak more. Each one of these security. problems was attacked using new architectures, new materials, and nanotechnology. In fact, Bob Gasser of Mllllon Intel states? “that nanotechnology is here today in the state-of-the-art high speed Silicon CMOS process technologies”. They are already using self-assembly molecular manufacturing forming the dielectric one atomic layer at a time. Intel states that in the last three years they have manufactured and sold over 50 $E & quadrillion nano-transistors. Their projections for CPU 0 speed and density is that 10 GHz to 100 GHz processors are not fantasy and in fact the new multi- F d . * billion transistor processors will allow you to reach ~ ~ - -I- Manual current supercomputer capability with 5 or fewer of .1 0-1. L,,,, C.IC“l.ll0”~. these chips. *’ How we use such incredible capability will lead 1900 1920 1940 IBO lea0 2000 2020 Year to some exciting possibilities. The increased processing Fig. 5 Comparison of computing versus brain power speed and chip density provides two areas of immediate (from Ref. 21) application in regards to advanced aerodynamics For aerodynamic predictions raw processing analysis and revolutionary vehicles. Artificial speed may be a better indicator of the hture rather than intelligence and autonomous operation of flight the MIPS/$1,000 criteria used by Moravec for robotic vehicles will be an enabling technology for several applications. Dongerran has been tracking the classes of flight vehicles (e.g. Personal Air Vehicle). It processing speed of computers ranging fkom the Apple will also allow the distribution of control necessary for I1 to Supercomputers using the LINPACK benchmark. new architectures for the airspace system itself. Over the years the tracking has expanded to cover the change from vector to parallel machines, and the results Artificial Intelligence have also been organized and placed on a dedicated There are several research groups that project an web~ite*ra~n king the top 500 supercomputers in the exponential growth of knowledge in the next 20 to 30 world. Fig. 6 shows results fkom that site that indicate years. They argue that the exponential growth itself that in terms of raw processing capability, makes hture projections difficult because it is felt that supercomputers are doubling every 18 months, and will one cannot even imagine the possibilities that await at the “Spike” or discontinuity resulting fiom exponential reach Petaflop ( IOl5 floating point operations per second) speed by the year 20 10. growth or accelerated knowledge. Moravec‘l in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics, projects increases in computational speed and 10 1O”flopk reduced cost will provide enough processing power to i 10’~ri oph match the human brain by 2020. He shows in Fig. 5, the evolution of computing power versus cost, and its 100 10‘’flOpk impact toward mimicking various biological organisms. He bases his comparison on the number of neurons in 10 10’2flOph each organism and provides the rationale for the criteria as a means of comparison. He traces the evolution of 1 IO“ flo@a computing power from the 1900’s (prior to current silicon devices) and projects the growth forward. What he and others” have found is that the long-term evolution has not been one single path of progression; rather it is a series of “S-curves” that trace the 1994 1996 1998 ZOO0 2002 2004 2008 2008 2010 Year progression of individual technologies. The impact on revolutionary vehicles will be distributed processing Fig. 6 Projected increase in supercomputer and control that will enable autonomous operation, processing power based on LINPACK benchmark distributed flow control, and entirely new paradigms in 7 There are also new trends that show that PC clusters are critical requirements for each of these vehicles do not now present at all levels of performance, and 2 new PC form a self-consistent set because the highest priority clusters have made it into the top 10. To even be technology for one vehicle class may not be the critical considered to be in the top 10 category requires a technology for another vehicle. computational speed of 3.2 Teraflop. The result of all The approach taken to identify candidate the increased computational p ~ w e ? ~is that a technologies during the roadmap planning exercise at computation that in 1980 took a full year to complete NASA Langley was to look across a wide spectrum of can today be done in approximately 5 seconds. vehicle classes. In the transportation sectors these include Personal Air Vehicles (PAV), general aviation EmerPing Aerodynamics Technologies (GA), business jets, regional and long haul aircraft. In the military, sector these include Uninhabited Air A detailed discussion of the emerging Vehicles (UAV) and high-performance vehicles. The technologies would be difficult in this paper due to the dramatic increases in applications and technologies. In vehicle sectors considered were narrowed down to PAVs, a quiet. green transport, and a supersonic this section the reader is pointed to recent review overland vehicle. It was felt that the enabling articles. By highlighting selected technologies we hope technologies for these three vehicles would cover most to set the foundation for understanding that major change is possible. Many of the technologies are not of the requirements of the other classes. “imagination”, but moving rapidly through the Background research was undertaken to identify past studies relevant to each of these vehicle classes. development process. The maturation time will only The National Research Council (NRC) has published shrink as new computing and information technology several studies over the years of supersonic vehicle becomes available. It was also recognized that significant capabilities. One recent studya by the NRC evaluated improvements toward the final vision goals could be commercial supersonic technology and they described made without resorting to advanced technology. barrier issues relating to vehicle performance and environmental impact. Advances in aerodynamic Liebe~kin~ h~is Wright Brothers‘ Memorial Lecture described the evolution of the design of the blended- performance will be required to make a supersonic vehicle commercially viable and their outlook was wing-body (BWB) concept. The BWB provides a 19% reduction in operating empty weight and a 32% based on whether the vehicle mission was a Mach 1.6 reduction in fuel burn compared to an advanced long- business jet or a Mach 2.4 High Speed Civil Transport range transport concept. It achieves these benefits (HSCT). In the case of the business jet the study identified a need for a 10% improvement in LID, air based on the configuration design and vehicle layout vehicle empty weight fraction, specific fuel and does not resort to advanced materials, structures, or aerodynamics. As Liebeck states: “Once-apparent consumption. and thrust to weight. In the case of the HSCT, a 15% improvement in all the above categories show-stoppers have been reduced to technical was required and reaching that goal was deemed to be challenges, or in most cases proper solutions“. The beyond the 25-year horizon. The environmental roadmap planning team felt that to make more vehicles barriers are significant and require either elimination, or like the BWB, which are a departure from our current reduction to acceptable levels the sonic boom for design space, will require significant improvements in overland flight. The vehicle also has to demonstrate a our conceptual design tools and capability. Since these new designs are significant extrapolations from current benign effect on climate and atmospheric ozone. The vehicles, validation of the experimental and quiet green transport has the environmental noise and computational design tools is critical for the future emissions barriers discussed in detail earlier. There are a variety of technologies that can be brought to bear vision. McMasters et al and Dreisbach” provide an 26 ranging from active flow and noise control to smart industry perspective toward the issue facing airplane structures and materials. design including the training of the next generation of Looking across vehicle classes and the design engineers. In this section we discuss the vehicle background literature revealed technologies that can classes considered and some examples of the emerging significantly improve L/D, reduce noise. and provide technologies including active flow and noise control, the tools for advanced vehicle conceptual design. The smart adaptive structures, and improved conceptual team felt that a concerted effort to reduce drag in all its design methodology. forms was of particular importance because reductions in fuel burn through reduced drag results directly in Vehicle Classes reductions of CO? and water vapor emissions. Fully Determining the suite of technologies that will utilizing the more than 5,000 smaller airports presented play a critical role in the future vision is complicated by serious noise issues and the development of the large number of possible vehicle classes. The 8 technologies for predicting and controlling noise was numerous devices and found that a small vane type considered critical. generator extending only 20% of the boundary layer height is still effective. When these devices are applied Flow and Noise Control to a high-lift system they provide both operational and Passive and active flow and noise control has separation control benefits. Operationally they were seen a resurgence of interest in the last decade, as a small enough that when the flaps retract they can be result of either correcting vehicle problems or stowed in the flap cove and thereby avoid a cruise drag expanding the design space due to new vehicle penalty. In terms of separation control, when applied to constraints. In the following discussion, we will use the a modem multi-element high-lift system they provided delineation of active versus passive flow control an L/D improvement of loo%, and a lift increase of proposed by Gad el HAB, which is based on whether 10%. These devices have been used successfully on the energy is expended to achieve flow control. The field Piper Malibu Meridian aircraft and are used on the of flow control is so broad that it is beyond the scope of Gulfstream V aircraft for shock separation control. Lin this paper to describe all the work being pursued. in reference 34, provides many other examples and Kumar et al ", and Thomas et a131 provide excellent applications of passive flow control technology using reviews of some of the issues and future directions of MVGs and micro-vanes. these exciting technologies for vehicles, and Lord et The use of longtudinal grooves on the surface of the ala give similar information for gas turbine engines. In skin or "Riblets" is probably the best-known passive this paper, samples of technologies being developed drag reduction concept for a turbulent boundary layer. around the world that illustrate how one may address Riblets have been studied, both in the U.S. by Walsh= the critical issues (e.g. fuel bum, L/D, drag reduction) and others in Europe, for over 15 years. They were will be presented. Reducing fuel burn in many cases developed at NASA Langley in the early 1980's as part means reducing drag in all its forms. The typical drag of a broad research effort in viscous drag reduction that buildup for aircraft is shown in Fig. 7. also included large eddy breakup (LEBU) devices. NASA teamed with the 3M Corporation to produce a thin Mylar film that had the proper Riblet geometry and spacing embedded into the film. Of all the concepts considered at NASA, Riblet technology is the only turbulent drag reduction concept to make it to flight demonstrations36337s38A. t NASA Langley it was flown on a Learjet where it confirmed that turbulent skin friction reductions of 6% were possible in flight. The Europeans have continued to pursue Riblet technology and conducted film durability evaluations38239o n a Lufiansa Airbus A300-600 aircraft between 1988 and 1990. The testing involved placing samples at various locations on the aircraft to evaluate effects of operating temperatures, film erosion, ultraviolet rays, and fluid Fig. 7 Typical breakdown of drag components spills on the Riblet film. It was reported that there was Skin friction and induced drag comprise almost 70% of no serious damage to the film except in high erosion the total drag of a vehicle. Wave drag is a substantial areas and those areas exposed to anti-icing fluid. portion of the drag and varies from one vehicle type to Marec" describes a flight demonstration done in 1988, another. conducted by Daimler Chrysler Aerospace Airbus, with Passive Flow Control Airbus partners, 3M France, and ONERA. In this Passive flow control technology has been worked for demonstration they covered 700 m2 of an A320 with more than 50 years and shown to be applicable to a Riblet films and measured a reduction of 1 to 1.5% in wide range of issues including separation control, fuel burn. The Europeans are continuing operational secondary flow control in inlets, and most recently testing of the Riblet films on a Cathy Pacific Airline transition or laminar flow control. LinaX3 has reviewed A340 aircraft. Operational testing dem~nstrated~"~~ the field of passive flow control using micro vortex that the Riblet film remained unclogged and generators (MVGs) or micro vanes. Vortex generators undamaged over an %month operational period and that have used for many years in the field of separation the film &d give the expected fuel savings. Marec" control. The MVG concept came from many years of states that in regards to Riblets and drag reduction: ". . . research into separation control technology and the much remains to be done in basic research: refined resulting fundamental question regarding how small can optimization of the shape of riblets, and the use of other the devices be and still be effective. Lin evaluated concepts to be imagined. One is left to imagine that 9

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