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Draftversion January24,2011 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.08/13/06 AEGIS: DEMOGRAPHICS OF X-RAY AND OPTICALLY SELECTED AGNS Renbin Yan1, Luis C. Ho2, Jeffrey A. Newman3, Alison L. Coil4,5, Christopher N. A. Willmer6, Elise S. Laird7, Antonis Georgakakis8, James Aird4, Pauline Barmby9, Kevin Bundy10,11, Michael C. Cooper11,12, Marc Davis10,13, S. M. Faber14, Taotao Fang15, Roger L. Griffith16, Anton M. Koekemoer17, David C. Koo14, Kirpal Nandra7, Shinae Q. Park18, Vicki L. Sarajedini19, Benjamin J. Weiner6, S. P. Willner18 1 DepartmentofAstronomyandAstrophysics,UniversityofToronto,50St. GeorgeStreet,Toronto, ONM5S3H4,Canada; [email protected] 2 TheObservatoriesoftheCarnegieInstitutionforScience,813SantaBarbaraStreet, Pasadena,CA91101,USA 1 3 DepartmentofPhysicsandAstronomy,UniversityofPittsburgh,3941O’HaraStreet, Pittsburgh,PA15260,USA 1 4 DepartmentofPhysicsandCenter forAstrophysicsandSpaceSciences, UniversityofCalifornia,SanDiego,9500GilmanDr.,La 0 Jolla,CA92093,USA 2 5 AlfredP.SloanFoundationFellow 6 StewardObservatory,UniversityofArizona,933NorthCherryAvenue, Tucson,AZ85721, USA n 7 AstrophysicsGroup,BlackettLaboratory, ImperialCollegeLondon,PrinceConsortRd,LondonSW72AZ,UK a 8 National ObservatoryofAthens,V.PaulouandI.Metaxa, 11532,Greece J 9 DepartmentofPhysicsandAstronomy,UniversityofWesternOntario,1151RichmondSt.,London,ONN6A3K7,Canada 10DepartmentofAstronomy,UniversityofCalifornia,Berkeley,601CampbellHall,Berkeley,CA94720,USA 0 11 HubbleFellow 2 12 Center forGalaxyEvolution,DepartmentofPhysicsandAstronomy,UniversityofCalifornia,Irvine,CA92697,USA 13 DepartmentofPhysics,UniversityofCalifornia,Berkeley,CA94720,USA ] 14 UCO/LickObservatory,DepartmentofAstronomyandAstrophysics,UniversityofCalifornia,SantaCruz,CA95064,USA O 15 DepartmentofPhysicsandAstronomy,UniversityofCalifornia,Irvine,CA92697 16 JetPropulsionLaboratory,CaliforniaInstituteofTechnology, MS169-327, 4800OakGroveDr.,Pasadena,CA91109,USA C 17 SpaceTelescopeScienceInstitute, 3700SanMartinDrive,Baltimore,MD21218,USA . 18 HarvardSmithsonianCenter forAstrophysics,60GardenStreet,Cambridge,MA02138, USAand h 19 DepartmentofAstronomy,UniversityofFlorida,Gainesville,FL32611,USA p Draft version January 24, 2011 - o ABSTRACT r t WedevelopanewdiagnosticmethodtoclassifygalaxiesintoAGNhosts,star-forminggalaxies,andabsorption- s a dominatedgalaxiesbycombiningthe[OIII]/Hβratiowithrest-frameU−Bcolor. Thiscanbeusedtorobustly [ select AGNs in galaxy samples at intermediate redshifts (z <1). We compare the result of this optical AGN selection with X-ray selection using a sample of 3150 galaxies with 0.3 < z < 0.8 and I < 22, selected 2 AB from the DEEP2 Galaxy Redshift Survey and the All-wavelengthExtended Groth Strip InternationalSurvey v 4 (AEGIS).Amongthe146X-raysourcesinthissample,58%areclassifiedopticallyasemission-lineAGNs,the 9 rest as star-forming galaxies or absorption-dominated galaxies. The latter are also known as “X-ray bright, 4 optically normal galaxies” (XBONGs). Analysis of the relationship between optical emission lines and X-ray 3 propertiesshowsthatthecompletenessofopticalAGNselectionsuffersfromdependenceonthestarformation . rateandthequalityofobservedspectra. ItalsoshowsthatXBONGsdonotappeartobeaphysicallydistinct 7 populationfromother X-raydetected, emission-line AGNs. On the otherhand, X-rayAGN selectionalsohas 0 strong bias. About 2/3 of all emission-line AGNs at L > 1044 ergs−1 in our sample are not detected in 0 bol 1 our 200 ks Chandra images, most likely due to moderate or heavy absorption by gas near the AGN. The 2–7 : keVdetectionrateofSeyfert2satz ∼0.6suggeststhattheir columndensitydistributionandCompton-thick v fraction are similar to that of local Seyferts. Multiple sample selection techniques are needed to obtain as i X complete a sample as possible. Subject headings: galaxies: active—galaxies: nuclei—galaxies: fundamentalparameters—galaxies: r a Seyfert — galaxies: statistics 1. INTRODUCTION due to three reasons. First, at higher redshifts, it is difficult to spatially Recently,ithasbeenrealizedthatnearlyeverymassive isolate the nuclear regions of galaxies for AGN detec- galaxy bulge hosts a supermassive black hole (SMBH) tion. Due to the smaller apparent sizes and the fainter whose mass is tightly correlated with the stellar veloc- flux levels of distant galaxies, spatially isolated nuclear ity dispersion or the bulge mass (Magorrianet al. 1998; spectroscopy studies such as that of Ho et al. (1995) Ferrarese & Merritt 2000; Gebhardt et al. 2000). The are not feasible at high redshifts. Using the integrated tightnessofthesecorrelationssuggeststhatthegrowthof light, the detectability of AGNs at high-z unavoidably the SMBH is physically linked with the evolution of the depends on host galaxy properties such as stellar mass host galaxy. When SMBHs grow by accretion, they will (e.g. Moran et al. 2002) and star formation rate (SFR). appear observationally as active galactic nuclei (AGNs). All AGN selection methods have such dependences, dif- A complete census of AGNs, which includes both the fering in the galaxy property involved and on the level rare high-luminosity quasars and the more typical low- of sensitivity. This issue has not been fully addressed in luminosity AGNs, is essential for our understanding of the literature. SMBH-galaxy co-evolution. However, such a census is Second, there is no single method that can select a not yet available beyond the local universe, primarily 2 Yan et al. complete sample of AGNs. In other words, no single multi-wavebanddatasetsenabledbythe All-wavelength method identifies allthe AGNs found by other methods. Extended Groth Strip International Survey (AEGIS) Everymethod hasits ownbias. Besides the differentde- Collaboration and high-quality DEEP2 optical/near-IR pendences on host galaxy properties mentioned above, spectra to compare the two major AGN selection meth- obscuration of the AGN light also causes different ob- ods at 0.3 < z < 0.8: optical emission-line diagnostics jects to be missed by different techniques. For exam- and X-ray selection. In particular, we pay attention to ple, the two methods commonly regarded as the most objectsthatareinconsistentlyclassifiedbythetwometh- complete for AGN selection are optical emission-line se- ods. This paves the way to the construction of a more lection and X-ray selection. Dust extinction throughout complete AGN sample. the host galaxy can dramatically reduce the observed As a by-product, a comparison between optical optical emission-line luminosity and bias optical selec- emission-line luminosities and X-ray luminosities of tionagainstedge-ondiskgalaxies. X-rayselection,while AGNs can also help us evaluate the absorbing column unaffected even by the worst levels of extinction in the density distribution among AGNs. In particular, this hostgalaxy,is biasedagainstsourcesin which the X-ray helps to constrain the fraction of Compton-thick AGNs, emission is heavily absorbed and/or Compton-scattered which are required to explain the spectrum of the hard by dense gas clouds much closer to the central engine. X-raybackground(Gilli et al.2007). Manystudiesonlo- When optical AGN selection is compared with X-ray calAGNsamples(e.g.,Bassani et al.1999;Risaliti et al. AGN selection, one type of inconsistency attracts 1999) have shown that about 50% of Type 2 AGNs are special attention: objects generally referred to as Compton-thick. However, the Compton-thick fraction “X-ray bright, optically normal galaxies (XBONGs)” at higher redshift is more uncertain and is hotly de- or “optically dull” X-ray galaxies (Elvis et al. 1981; bated(Daddi et al.2007;Fiore et al.2008;Donley et al. Fiore et al. 2000; Mushotzky et al. 2000; Barger et al. 2008; Treister et al. 2009; Georgantopoulos et al. 2009; 2001; Comastri et al. 2002; Maiolino et al. 2003; Georgakakis et al. 2010; Park et al. 2010), partly due to Brusa et al. 2003; Szokoly et al. 2004; Rigby et al. 2006; thelackofanemission-lineselectedAGNsamplebeyond Cocchia et al.2007;Civano et al.2007;Caccianiga et al. thelocaluniverse. Therefore,wehopetoshedsomelight 2007; Trump et al. 2009b). These galaxies are bright in on this topic with our emission-line AGN sample. the X-ray, so bright that they are undoubtably AGNs. Throughoutthepaper,weuseaflatΛCDMcosmology However, their optical spectra either show no emission with Ω = 0.3. We adopt a Hubble constant of H = m 0 linesatallorelseemissionlineshavinglineratiostypical 70 km s−1 Mpc−1 to compute luminosity distances. All ofstar-forminggalaxies. The natureofthesesourceshas magnitudes are expressed in the AB system. been hotly debated. Some have argued they could have an intrinsically weak narrow-line region due to large 2. DATA covering factor or radiatively inefficent accretion flow 2.1. X-ray imaging and optical identification (Yuan & Narayan 2004). Others have suggested that the missing emission lines are due to dilution by host TheAEGIS-Xsurvey(Laird et al.2009,L09hereafter) galaxy light (Moran et al. 2002) or extinction in the has obtained 200 ks exposures over the entire Extended host galaxy (Rigby et al. 2006). We will investigate the Groth Strip (EGS; Davis et al. 2007; see §2.2.1) using nature of this population here. However, we distinguish Chandra ACIS-I. It covers an area of 0.67 deg2 and those hosts showing star-forming-like emission-line reaches a limiting flux of 5.3 × 10−17erg cm−2 s−1 in spectra from those showing no emission lines, as the the 0.5–2 keV band and 3.8×10−16erg cm−2 s−1 in the explanations are different. 2–10 keVbandatthedeepestpoint. Itprovidesaunique Lastly, the standard method used for spectroscopic combinationofdepthandarea,bridgingthegapbetween identification of AGNs is currently observationally too the ultradeep pencil-beam surveys, such as the Chan- expensive to use for large galaxy samples at z >0.4. In dra Deep Fields (CDFs) and the shallower, very large- the local universe, the classification of AGNs and star- area surveys. Its areal coverage is nearly three times forminggalaxiesis usuallyachievedbythe use ofoptical larger than the CDF-North and South combined. Com- emissionline ratio diagnostics(e.g., Baldwin et al.1981; pared to the Chandra imaging in the Cosmic Evolution Veilleux & Osterbrock 1987). The commonly-used dia- Survey field (Chandra-COSMOS; Elvis et al. 2009), our gram involves two sets of line ratios: [NII] λ6583/Hα survey is slightly deeper but covers a slightly smaller and [OIII] λ5007/Hβ (Figure 1). However, at z > 0.4, area. A detailed comparison of area and flux limits [NII] and Hα are redshifted out of the optical win- among these state-of-the-art X-ray surveys is given by dow into the near infrared. Other available diagnostics Elvis et al. (2009). involve either two emission lines separated by a large The data reduction and point source catalogs of wavelengthinterval, such as [OII] λ3727/Hβ(Rola et al. AEGIS-X are presented by L09. The reduction basi- 1997),whichissensitivetoextinctionandalsohasalim- cally followed the techniques described by Nandra et al. ited observable redshift range, or involve the relatively (2005) with new calculations of the point spread func- weak lines, such as [NI] λ5197,5200/Hβ ratio, which tion (PSF; see L09). L09 used a wavelet detection algo- limit its applicability. These factors have hindered the rithmrunwithalowthresholdof10−4 toidentifycandi- constructionofalarge,complete,narrow-lineAGNsam- dateX-raydetections. Countsandbackgroundestimates ple beyond z ∼0.4. werethenextractedwithinanaperturecorrespondingto This paperfirstestablishesa newopticalemission-line the 70% encircled energy fraction (EEF) for each can- diagnostic method that avoids the use of [NII] and Hα didate source and used to calculate the probability that lines so that we can select emission-line AGNs at red- the source is a spurious detection. All sources with a shifts beyond z ∼ 0.4. We then make use of the rich false-positive probability (p) less than 4×10−6 in any X-ray vs. optical selection of AGNs 3 of the bands (soft, hard, ultrahard, or full band) are in- 2.2.2. MMT/Hectospec follow-up cludedinthefinalcatalog. TheX-raycountratewasesti- Because the sampling fraction of the DEEP2 Galaxy matedusingthe90%EEFaperture. UnlikeL09,wecon- Redshift Survey is ∼50% in the EGS field, and the sur- vertedthecountratetofluxusingaphotonindexofΓ= veybegan before the X-rayobservationsweretaken, not 1.9, which is more appropriate for unabsorbed sources allX-raysourceswithopticalcounterpartsweretargeted (e.g., Nandra & Pounds 1994; Nandra et al. 1997). We forspectroscopy. We thereforeobtainedadditionalspec- also assumed this power-law spectrum to measure K- tra using the Hectospec fiber spectrograph on MMT for corrections from the observed X-ray flux to the rest- as many X-ray sources with optical counterparts as pos- frame bands. Both fluxes and luminosities in this paper sible. Theobservationsanddatareductionaredescribed are reported for the rest-frame bands: 0.5–2 keV for the in detail by Coil et al. (2009). The spectra have a res- softbandand2–10keVforthehardband. Thehardness olution of 6 ˚A and cover a wavelength range of approx- ratio is defined as HR=(H−S)/(H+S), where S and imately 4500−−9000 ˚A. In total, we targeted optical H arethe observedcountsinthe 0.5–2keVand2–7keV counterparts for 498 X-ray sources with 288 yielding re- bands, respectively. The HRs were computed using a liable redshifts, including 23stars and265galaxies. The Bayesian method following Park et al. (2006) and using redshift success rate is a strong function of the optical the BEHR package (version 07-11-2008). They are not magnitude (Coil et al. 2009, Figure 2). K-corrected. Forsourcesdetected(p<4×10−6)insomebandsbut not others, if the false-positive probability (p) in an un- Combining good redshifts from both surveys, out of detectedbandislessthan0.01,westillmakeafluxmea- 895 unique X-ray sources with secure optical counter- surement for that band. Throughout this paper, unless parts, we have redshifts for 493 objects, including 25 otherwisenoted,detectionreferstohavingp<4×10−6. stars and 468 galaxies. If we limit to the 426 sources Incertaincases,wetreatsourcesdetectedinotherbands with IAB < 22 (the limit of our main sample used in but having 4×10−6 < p < 0.01 in the 2–7 keV band this paper), we have 354 secure redshifts out of 388 X- as “detections” to increase the size of the sample with ray sources targeted, correspondingto a redshift success 2–10 keV flux measurement. rate of 91% and an overallcompleteness rate of 83%. The AEGIS X-ray source catalog presented by L09 The rest-frame U −B colors of galaxies in both spec- contains 1325 sources. All but 8 are inside the troscopic samples were derived using the K-correction boundaries of the DEEP2 CFH12K photometry cata- code described by Willmer et al. (2006). Stellar masses log (Coil et al. 2004). Based on a maximum-likelihood were derived by Bundy et al. (2006) from fitting spec- matching method (Sutherland & Saunders 1992), 895 tral energy distributions to Palomar/WIRC J- and Ks- sourcesareuniquely matched1 to the DEEP2photomet- band photometry and CFH12K BRI photometry. For ric catalog with a Likelihood Ratio (LR) greater than galaxies without Bundy et al. (2006) stellar mass esti- 0.5 (L09), corresponding to a 68.0% optical identifica- mates, we substituted the stellar masses computed from tion rate. The estimated contamination rate is ∼6%. If absolute MB magnitude and rest-frame B − V color limitedtoR <24.1,whichistheDEEP2surveylimit, using the prescription given by Bell et al. (2003) and AB calibrated to the Bundy et al. (2006) stellar mass scale the optical identification rate is 53.5%. withcolor-andredshift-dependentcorrections(Lin et al. 2007; Weiner et al. 2009). 2.2. Optical spectroscopy 2.2.1. DEEP2 2.3. Emission-line measurements DEEP2is a galaxyredshiftsurvey using the DEIMOS Wemeasuredtheemissionlinefluxesineachspectrum spectrographontheKeck-IItelescope(Davis et al.2003; afterfittingandsubtractingthestellarcontinuum. Asin J.A.Newmanetal. inprep). Itcoveredfourwidelysep- Yan et al. (2006), each spectrum was fitted by a linear arated fields totaling 3 deg2 on the sky down to a limit- combination of two templates after blocking the wave- ing magnitude of R = 24.1. In the EGS, the survey lengths corresponding to emission lines. The templates AB obtained ∼17,775 spectra with 12,651 yielding reliable were constructed using the Bruzual & Charlot (2003) redshifts. DEEP2 spectra typically cover approximately stellarpopulationsynthesis code. One template features 6500− −9200 ˚A with a resolution of R ∼ 5000. The a young stellar population observed 0.3 Gyr after a 0.1 high resolution enables good subtraction of atmospheric Gyr starburst with a constant SFR. The other template emission lines and thus yields better sensitivity for line isanold7Gyrsimplestellarpopulation. Bothtemplates detection in the target spectra. DEEP2 employed a slit are modeled assuming solar metallicity and a Salpeter width of 1′′, which corresponds to a physical transverse initial mass function. After subtracting the stellar con- scale of 7.1 kpc at z =0.7. tinua, we simply summed the flux around the emission Out of the 895 optically identified X-ray sources, 375 lines and divided by the median continuum level of the wereobservedaspartoftheDEEP2survey,yielding249 originalspectrum (before subtraction) in two bracketing successful redshifts (66.4%) including 5 stars and 244 sidebands to get equivalent widths (EWs). The defini- galaxies. tions for the central bands and sidebands are the same as in Yan et al. (2006). 1 Two X-ray sources in the catalog are matched to the same Emission line luminosity estimates require accurate DEEP2object,bothwithLR>0.5. Thesetwoarenotconsidered flux calibration and correction for slit losses. Both are as valid matches and are removed; visual inspection of both X- difficult to measure to better than 10% accuracy. On ray and optical images suggests that both X-ray sources are in theotherhand,broadbandphotometryusuallyhasmuch fact components of a single extended X-ray-emitting halo around acompactgroupofgalaxies. smallererrors. Usingbroadbandphotometry,wecanap- 4 Yan et al. plyK-correctionstogettherest-frametotalfluxinanar- Bayesian method (Helene 1984; Kraft et al. 1991, L09). tificialfilter correspondingto our sidebandsin EWmea- However,unlike L09,who usedapower-lawpriorfor the surements. Combining this with the EW measurements sourcefluxdistribution,weusedaconstant,non-negative yieldstotallinefluxandluminosity,avoidingtheneedfor prior(Kraft et al.1991)withminimalassumptionsmade spectrophotometricfluxcalibration(Weiner et al.2007). about the source flux distribution. This gives more con- The accuracy of this method relies on the assumption servative upper limits than the power-law prior. As we thatthe emissionline EWdoesnotvaryspatiallywithin do not require an X-ray detection, we do not suffer from a galaxy. This assumption may not be accurate for Eddingtonbias. Ourupperlimitscorrespondtothe95% AGNs, since the narrow-line regions subtend smaller confidence limit (2σ). In detail, the method applies the scales than the stars in the host galaxies, leading to Bayes’theorem, slightly larger[OIII]EWs inthe centralregionsof AGN P(s|N,b)∝L(N|s,b)π(s), (1) hosts. However, for galaxies whose angular sizes are small compared to the seeing, the smearing of light by where L(N|s,b) is the conditional probability of observ- the atmosphere will make the emission line EW more ing N counts given the expected source counts s and uniform across the galaxy. X-ray sources are frequently expectedbackgroundcountsb;itfollowsthePoissondis- massive galaxies. The median angular FWHM of our tribution, main sample of X-ray sources (0.3 < z < 0.8) in the R- band is 1′.′27, which is slightly larger than the slit width L(N|s,b)= (s+b)Ne−(s+b). (2) and the seeing. Therefore, this procedure will only miti- N! gatetheerrorcausedbytheslitlossbutnoteliminateit, π(s) is the prior probability distribution of the expected and the emission line luminosity may be overestimated source counts; following Kraft et al. (1991), we adopt a forAGNs. However,weexpecttheresultingbiasandun- step function for π(s), which is a constant when s > 0 certaintyintheemission-lineluminositytobefarsmaller and is zero otherwise. Bayes’ theorem yields the pos- thanthoseintheX-rayluminosityorotheruncertainties terior distribution function, P(s|N,b), for the expected involved in the analysis, such as X-ray variability and sourcecountsgiventheobservedcountsandtheexpected unknown extinction corrections. background. We used the DEEP2 CFH12K photometry catalog Here we assume that the error in the estimated back- (Coil et al. 2004) and Blanton & Roweis’s (2007) k- ground is small, thus b is known. For each source, the correctcodev4 1 4toderivetherest-frameabsolutemag- totalcountswereestimatedinanellipticalaperturethat nitudesforthesidebandsaroundHβand[OIII]. Wethen contains 70% of the energy in the simulated PSF. The converted the magnitudes to fluxes and multiplied them aperture was obtained using the PSF look-up table pro- bytheEWstocomputethetotallinefluxesandluminosi- vided by L09. The mean background counts for each ties. The uncertainties for the emission-line EWs were sourcewerederivedthe samewayasbyL09butwerees- scaled up according to the differences from repeated ob- timatedfortheaperturewithEEF(enclosedenergyfrac- servations, following Balogh et al. (1999) and Yan et al. tion)of70%insteadofthe90%EEFaperture. Giventhe (2009). The EW uncertainties are propagated into the observedcountsandtheexpectedbackgroundcounts,we luminosity uncertainties, along with uncertainties from estimated the upper limit of the source counts using the photometry and K-corrections. Throughout the paper, formulae given in Kraft et al. (1991). The count limit we call an emission line detected if the EW is at least was then converted to a flux limit and K-corrected by twice as large as its uncertainty. For non-detections, the assuming a power-law photon index of Γ=1.9. luminosity upper limits are taken to be twice the uncer- tainties, i.e., 2σ. 3. A NEW EMISSION LINE RATIO DIAGNOSTIC 2.4. X-ray upper limits for optical sources 3.1. The traditional method Besides studying the X-ray selected sample, we have The classification of AGN and star-forming galaxies alsoinvestigatedtheX-raypropertiesofthe opticallyse- is usually achieved by the use of optical emission line lected sample. Therefore, we estimated the X-ray flux ratio diagnostics (Baldwin et al. 1981, hereafter BPT; upper limits for sources not detected in X-ray. When Veilleux & Osterbrock 1987). One most commonly-used extracting the X-ray counts at positions of the optical diagraminvolvestwosetsofline ratios: [NII] λ6583/Hα sources, we found that many of them have significant and [OIII] λ5007/Hβ (Figure 1). In such a diagram, countsabovethe background. Inmanycases,the proba- a.k.a. the BPT diagram, the star-forming galaxies pop- bility that the counts arise from background fluctuation ulate a sequence from the upper left to the lower center is less than 0.1%. The number of such cases is much whichisthe consequenceofacorrelationbetweenmetal- higher than the expected number of false-positive cases, licity and ionization parameter. With increasing metal- suggesting that many of them could be truly associated licity,the ionizationparameterandhence [OIII]/Hβ de- with the optical sources. It is very tempting to include crease. Galaxiestothe rightandupper rightofthe star- them as X-ray detections to increase the sample size. formingsequence are AGN hosts,whichinclude Seyferts However, because the X-ray PSF is usually larger than ([OIII]/Hβ > 3) and low-ionization nuclear emission- thePSFintheopticalimages,theX-rayfluxcouldcome line regions (LINERs, [OIII]/Hβ < 3). AGNs produce from other untargetted galaxies nearby or even galax- higher[OIII]/Hβ and[NII]/Hαratiosthanstar-forming ies beyond the optical photometry detection threshold. galaxiesbecause oftwo reasons. First, AGNs havemuch Therefore,weonlyquoteX-rayfluxupperlimitsforthese higher ionization parameters so that they are capable sources although the X-ray flux could be significant. of doubly ionizing more oxygen atoms. Secondly, their We estimate the X-ray flux upper limits using the photonsaremoreenergeticthanthosefrommassivestars X-ray vs. optical selection of AGNs 5 and can generate a more extended partially ionized re- gion, where [NII] is produced. The exact line ratios de- pend on the elementalabundances andthe strengthand shape of the ionizing spectra. For a more detailed dis- cussion,seeStasin´ska et al.(2006). Nonetheless,theline ratio diagnostics provide a powerful way to distinguish AGN-dominatedgalaxiesfromstar-formation-dominated galaxies. Two empirical demarcations are commonly used for definingAGNsandillustratedinFigure1. Kewley et al. (2001) provided a demarcation based on extreme star- burst models. It is a fairly conservative limit for defin- ing AGNs. Kauffmann et al. (2003) proposeda more in- clusive demarcation. Galaxies that lie between the two demarcations are often referred to as composite galax- ies that have both AGN and star formation. Since SDSS fiber apertures include both the nucleus and the host galaxy, a lot of galaxies in this region are prob- ably composites. However, this name is misleading in two ways. First, galaxies outside this intermediate re- gion could also be composite galaxies. Second, some galaxies inside this region do not have to be compos- ites, and there are evidences against the composite as- Fig. 1.— Most commonly used line ratio diagnostic diagram sumption. Using HST/STIS observations, Shields et al. (BPT)forasampleoftheSloanDigitalSkySurvey(SDSS)galax- (2007)showedthatinmanysuchobjectsidentifiedinthe ies with 0.05 < z < 0.1, r < 19.77, and all four emission lines Palomar survey (Ho et al. 1995), the line ratios do not detected at >2σ level. The two curves indicate the AGN demar- become more AGN-like on smallerapertures (10–20pc), cations of Kauffmannetal. (2003) (solid line) and Kewleyetal. (2001)(dashedline). Weusethesedemarcationstodividegalaxies contrary to the expectation for composites that smaller intothreegroups: AGNhosts (upperright),star-forminggalaxies apertures will include less star formation contribution. (lowerleft),andtransitionregion(middle). Theirdistributionsin Therefore, we choose to refer to the region in between ournewdiagnosticdiagramareshowninFig.2. the two demarcations as the “Transition Region”. For theregionsaboveandbelow,werefertothemas“AGN” (2006). As discussed above, we separate this sample and “star-forming”, respectively. Note, our definition of into three classes: star-forming galaxies, transition re- “Transition Region” is different from that of the “Tran- gion galaxies,and AGNs. Figure 2 replaces the horizon- sition Objects” as defined by Ho et al. (1997) based on tal axis with the rest-frame U − B color.2 The AGN a set of line ratios including [OI]/Hα and using nuclear hosts (panel c) are still in the upper right portion of spectra. the diagram, separated from the star-forming galaxies. 3.2. Our new diagnostic method Thetransitionregiongalaxiesoverlapprimarilywiththe star-forming galaxies in U −B color. If we limit atten- As mentioned in §1, it is observationally very expen- tiontopure AGNs,the U−B colorprovidesaneffective sive to apply the traditionalAGN diagnostics at z >0.4 alternative to the [NII]/Hα ratio for selecting a sample. due to the inaccessibility of [NII] and Hα in the visible In choosing an empirical demarcation in the new di- window. Weiner et al.(2007) proposeda “pseudo-BPT” agnostic diagram, our preference is to limit contamina- diagramusingrest-frameH-bandmagnitude,M ,tore- H tion to the AGN sample. This new method certainly placethe[NII]/Hαratio. Forstar-forminggalaxies,M , H cannot select all galaxies containing AGNs down to the a proxy for stellar mass, correlates with the metallicity- demarcation of Kauffmann et al. (2003) without being indicating [NII]/Hα ratio. Thus, this method can dis- heavily contaminated by star-forming galaxies. We thus tinguish Seyferts in relatively massive hosts from low place the line just above the area populated by pure mass,lowmetallicitystar-forminggalaxies. However,be- star-forminggalaxies,whichstillallowsustoretainmost causethecorrelationbetweenstellarmassand[NII]/Hα AGNs classified by the Kewley et al. (2001) limit. The breaks down for AGN host galaxies, the separation be- demarcation we use is given by tweenstar-forminggalaxiesand AGNs is not very clean. Inspired by Weiner et al. (2007), we propose a more ef- fectiveclassificationmethodemployingtheopticalU−B log([OIII]/Hβ)>max{1.4−1.2(U −B),−0.1}, (3) color of galaxies in place of the [NII]/Hα ratio. Below where max{a,b} denotes the greater value of a and b, we first demonstrate this method using a galaxy sample and U −B is the rest-frame color in the AB magnitude fromSDSS; then we explainwhy it worksandwhy color system. This is illustrated by the lines in Fig. 2. The works better than stellar mass. horizontal cut is a bit arbitrary: red galaxies with low The galaxy sample used in Fig. 1 is selected from the [OIII]/Hβ ratiocouldbe eithertransitionregionobjects Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS, York et al. 2000) — or very dusty star-forminggalaxies. There are relatively DataReleaseSix(Adelman-McCarthy et al.2008)byre- few of them. We leave the fine tuning for future work. quiring 0.05 < z < 0.1, r < 19.77, and all four emission lines detected at more than 2σ significance. The emis- 2Therest-frameU−BcolorforSDSSgalaxieswasderivedusing sionlines are measuredin the same wayas by Yan et al. Blanton&Roweis(2007)’sk-correctcodev4 1 4. 6 Yan et al. Fig. 2.— Same sample of galaxies as in Fig. 1, but replacing [NII]/Hα ratio on the horizontal axis with the rest-frame U −B color. Thethreepanelsarefor(a)star-forminggalaxies,(b)transitionregiongalaxies,and(c)AGNhosts,classifiedaccordingtotheirpositions inFig.1. Thesolidlinesindicateourempiricaldemarcation forAGNselection,whichremovesnearlyallpurestar-forminggalaxies (only 0.66%ofallstar-forminggalaxiesinthesamplecrossthisline). With this demarcation (Eqn. 3), we find 95.7% (7138 AGN and low-metallicity hot stars. Low-metallicity outof7459)oftheAGNsselectedusingtheKewley et al. stars are only forming in very blue star-forming galax- (2001)demarcationarestillclassifiedasAGNs usingthe ies. Therefore,whenlimitedtoredorgreengalaxies,the newmethod. Ifweincludeallobjectsinthetransitionre- high [OIII]/Hβ ratios have to be due to an AGN. gionas AGNhosts, the completeness ofthe new method Therefore, the rest-frame U −B color can be used to drops to 54.3% (9757 out of 17969). About 1.9% (190 track AGN activity in a similar fashion as the BPT di- out of 9947) of the new “AGNs” were classified as star- agram, because it correlates positively with the bulge forminggalaxiesundertheoldmethod;theseweconsider mass and metallicity, and correlates negatively with the contamination. star formation rate. Other colors or spectral index (e.g., D (4000)) could also be employed provided they satisfy n 3.3. The principle and the bias these criteria. Thenewclassificationmethodisbasedonthefactthat WhatkindofAGNswillourmethodmiss? Firstofall, nearly all BPT-identified AGNs are found in red galax- this method is not intended to select broad-line AGNs ies or those with intermediate colors between red and (Type 1) in which the broadband color is not domi- blue(hereafter,greengalaxies),buthardlyanyarefound natedbythehostgalaxy. Amongnarrow-lineAGNs,one in very blue galaxies. There are several reasons. First, might worry that this method will miss those Seyferts blue galaxiesare less massiveand havesmaller bulge-to- with high L[O III]/MBH which are shown to live in blue diskratiosthanredgalaxies. Smallerbulgeshostsmaller star-forminggalaxies(Kauffmann et al.2007). However, black holes (Magorrian et al. 1998; McLure et al. 2006). since our demarcation is tilted, we will not miss the ma- The bluer a galaxy is, the less massive its black hole is, jority of these Seyferts: their “blue” colors are redder and at a fixed Eddington ratio, the less luminous the than our limit. We tested this using our SDSS sam- AGN will be. Thus, a lower fraction of the AGNs in pledescribedin§3.2. We derivedL /M following [O III] BH blue galaxies will be found above the observational flux Kauffmann et al. (2007) and selected the 5% of AGNs threshold than those in green or red galaxies. Second, (defined using the Kewley demarcation) with the high- star formationin blue galaxiescouldoverwhelmweak or estvaluesofL /M ,77%ofthesearestillclassified [O III] BH moderateAGNssothatthecombinedlineratiosstillput asAGNsinournewdiagram. Thisfractionislowerthan them in the star-formingsequence on the BPT diagram. thatforallAGNs since these galaxiesdofallonthe blue Both of these effects tend to hide AGNs in blue galax- edge of the AGN sample. Nonetheless, our new method ies. There may also be other physical effects that we do can recover the great majority of them. not yet understand. Nonetheless, this observational fact LINERs will be missed by this method if they live in allows us to use host galaxycolor to reproduce the BPT bluegalaxies,whichwillmakethemLINER-star-forming selection of AGNs. composites. On the BPT diagram, they will belong to On the other hand, nearly all red/green galaxies that the transition region. We will not be complete for this have high [OIII]/Hβ ratios are found to be AGNs. This category. The fraction missed depends on where we put is because high [OIII]/Hβ ratios require high ionization the demarcation and which method we regard as giving parameters which are produced in two types of sources: X-ray vs. optical selection of AGNs 7 the “correct” classification for each galaxy, if it can be well defined. By lowering the demarcation to include more transition region galaxies, we would have more “contaminations” from the BPT star-forming sequence. However, some of these “contaminations” could also be AGN–SF composites. Regarding to SF–AGN compos- ites, our method has a similar selection bias as the BPT diagrams, but with different detailed dependences. Locally, we do not find low-metallicity AGNs (Stasin´ska et al. 2006). If there exist at higher-z, they couldbemissedbybothourmethodsandthetraditional BPT diagram. There is also much evidence now suggesting that many luminous AGNs havepreviouslyhad a starforma- tion episode (Kauffmann et al. 2003; Jahnke et al. 2004; Sa´nchez et al.2004; Silverman et al.2008), so they have bluer host galaxies than their inactive counterparts. Would we miss the AGNs in these galaxies? The an- sweris“No”. Mostpost-starburstsinSDSSandDEEP2 have redder U −B colors than the median star-forming galaxy (Yan et al. 2009), because the U band covers the blue side of the Balmer break. We therefore do not ex- pect to miss AGNs in most post-starbursts, at least up to z ∼0.8. anFdigb.e3tw.—eenCo[rNreIlIa]t/iHonαsbaentdweUen−[NBII(]l/oHwαeranpdanMel)∗.(uTphpeerspaamnpelle) The principal advantage of this method is that it is from the SDSS with selection described in §3.4. The contours requires fewer emission lines than the traditional one. denote equal density levels, 1/Vmax weighted so they reflect the Hence, it can be applied to higher redshift galaxies and distribution of a volume-limited sample. The contours are loga- rithmicallyspaced with each level inwardrepresenting a factor of suffers less from incompleteness due to missing line de- twoincrementinnumberdensity. Thehighlightedthickercontour tections, especially in low signal-to-noise (S/N) spectra. encloses88%(upper panel)or90%(lowerpanel)ofallgalaxiesin avolume-limitedsample. 3.4. Comparison to other methods One might expect that stellar masses would perform equally well as a replacement for [NII]/Hα. However, [NII]abundanceor[NII]/Hαratio. Therefore,colorpro- this is not the case. Figure 3 shows how mass compares vides a better alternative to [NII]/Hα than stellar mass with rest-frame U − B color in their correlations with does. [NII]/Hα. The sample used is selected from SDSS DR6 Lamareille et al. (2004; 2010) investigated the use of with 0.02 < z < 0.1, M∗ > 109M⊙, and by requiring [OII] λ3727/Hβ EWratioasanalternativeto[NII]/Hα. both [NII] and Hα are detected at more than 2σ signif- This enables the application to redshifts as high as our icance. The stellar masses are derived as a by-product method, though it also requires that [OII] lines are cov- inK-correction(Blanton & Roweis2007). Weimposeda ered in the spectra. This method also has troubles dif- redshift-dependentstellarmasscutsothatatallredshifts ferentiating the transition region from the star-forming the sample is complete to a certainstellar mass limit for galaxies. Under their method, 84.5% of all Seyferts and all colors. With this cut, for each galaxy, we computed LINERs(above the Kewley et al.2001demarcation)are themaximumvolumeoverwhichagalaxywiththatstel- classified as AGNs, smaller than our completeness of larmasswouldbeincludedinthesample,Vmax. Figure3 95.7%. The contamination from the star-forming se- plots the 1/Vmax-weighted distribution in [NII]/Hα ver- quence (below the Kauffmann et al. 2003 demarcation) susM∗ and[NII]/HαversusU−B spaces. Thesereflect to the AGN categoryis 2.6%, largerthan our number of the distributions ofallgalaxiesin a volume-limitedsam- 1.9%. ple down to M∗ >109M⊙ that have a reliable [NII]/Hα measurement. 3.5. Intermediate-z test In Figure 3, the rest-frame U − B color shows a The SDSS galaxy sample we used is at z < 0.1. We much better correlation with [NII]/Hα ratio than stel- have shown above that the new method works at this lar mass does. The difference is especially dramatic at redshift. Does it still work at higher redshifts? log([NII]/Hα) > −0.2, where the trend for stellar mass We can test our new AGN/star-forming classification becomes horizontal. These high [NII]/Hα galaxies are method between redshifts 0.2 and 0.4, where the tradi- mostly AGN-host galaxies that are old and have very tional line ratio diagnostics are still available within the loworzeroSFRs(asindicatedbytheirredcolors). Both opticalwindow. Weusedthespectroscopicdataobtained [NII]/Hαandcolorincreasewithmetallicityinpassively intheEGSbytheDEEP2surveyandwithHectospecto evolving galaxies (see Groves et al. 2004 for the depen- test the method. The results are shown in Fig. 4. The dence of [NII]/Hα on metallicity for AGNs), and hence traditionalmethodidentified40emissionlineAGNsthat they remain correlated as metallicity changes. However, are above the Kewley et al. (2001) demarcation.3 The althoughstellarmasscorrelateswithmetallicityforstar- forminggalaxies,stellarmassstopsgrowingoncethestar 3 For four objects near the demarcation with arrows pointing formation stops. Thus, it no longer correlates with the acrossit,thelimitsonlineratiosstronglysuggestthattheybelong 8 Yan et al. new method identified 36 of them and missed 4, cor- 5. z >0.3. responding to a 90% completeness. It also picked up 8 objectsfromthetransitionregionwithnocontamination In total, there are 3150 galaxies and 146 X-ray sources fromstar-forminggalaxies. Itisalsoencouragingtonote in this sample. thatasaboutmanyX-raysources(11outof12)areiden- In our analysis, we primarily focus on Type 2 AGNs tified as AGNs in the new diagram as in the traditional sincetheircomovingnumberdensityismuchhigherthan diagram (10 out of 12). thatofType1AGNs,andthelatterareusuallyidentified Because galaxies are bluer at higher redshift (Blanton easily in both optical spectra and X-ray data. However, 2006), in principle, our demarcation should shift blue- wewilluseType1AGNsasareferencesample. Wevisu- ward slightly. By comparing the color–magnitude dia- allyidentifiedType1AGNcandidatesamongthespectra gram of the DEEP2 sample at z ∼ 0.9 with that of an fromDEEP2andthe MMT/Hectospecfollow-upsurvey. SDSSgalaxysampleatz ∼0.1,wefoundthedivisionbe- We measured the FWHM of the broad lines (Hα, Hβ, tween red and blue galaxiesshifts by 0.14 mag in U−B or MgII) and classified those with FWHM greater than between these redshifts (Cooper et al. 2008; Yan et al. 1000 km s−1 as Type 1 AGNs. There are 21 Type 1 2009),whichisconsistentwiththepassiveevolutionpre- AGNs in our sample. All but one are detected in the diction(van Dokkum & Franx2001). Thecorresponding X-ray. The oneundetectedobjectis notfarfromthe de- shift between z =0.3 and z =0.1 is about 0.04. For the tection threshold in the hard band, with a false-positive sample we will discuss later, which has 0.3 < z < 0.8 probability of 1.8×10−3. andamedianredshiftofz ∼0.55,the shiftisabout0.08 In Figure 6, we present the new emission-line diagnos- from z ∼ 0.1. These shifts are quite small and insignif- tic diagram for all non-Type-1 galaxies in our sample. icant for our results. Considering our sample covers a Thedistributionissimilartothatat0.2<z <0.4(right wideredshiftrange,forsimplicity,wedonotapplythese panel of Fig. 4). For galaxies with either [OIII] or Hβ shifts. undetected, we place them attheir loweror upper limits for[OIII]/Hβ. In89%ofsuchcases(726outof815),the 4. X-RAY SELECTION VS. OPTICAL SELECTION upperlimitsontheundetectedlinesaretightenoughthat A commonly used method to identify X-ray AGNs is theydonotintroduceanyambiguityintheclassifications to use a pure luminosity cut of L2−10keV >1042 erg s−1. ofthe objects. The remaining11%areclassifiedas“am- This is a very conservative threshold which is based on biguous”,which represents3%ofour sample andcan be the fact that no local star-forming galaxies have X-ray safely neglected. Figure 6 also plots those galaxies with luminosityaboveit4. However,lowerluminositysources neither [OIII] nor Hβ detected at the bottom. Effec- could also be bona fide AGNs, which are equally, if not tively, we classify all galaxiesinto three main categories: more,interesting. The advantageofaselectionbasedon star-forming, AGNs, and quiescent. The X-ray detected X-ray luminosity is its rough correspondence to a bolo- sources (excluding Type 1 AGNs) are found in all three metric luminosity selection (Elvis et al. 1994). However, categories. We use solid symbols to denote sources with this can be compromised by intrinsic absorption of the LX(2–10 keV) > 1042erg s−1 and open symbols to de- X-ray luminosity. Below, we compare the X-ray selec- note fainter sources. The fainter sources either have a tion to optical emissionline selection in the DEEP2 and detectedLX(2–10 keV)>1041erg s−1,or,inthecasesof Hectospec sample. hard band undetection, have a minimum LX(2–10 keV) We limited our sample to objects that have both extrapolated (assuming Γ ≤ 1.9) from the 0.5–2 keV [OIII]andHβ coveredinthe spectra,whichcorresponds band greater than 1041erg s−1. roughly to a redshift range of 0.3 < z < 0.8. The red- The differences betweenthe two selectionmethods are shift range is approximate due to the slightly varying apparent in this figure. First, consider the optically se- wavelength coverage of the DEEP2 spectra. We made a lected Type 2 AGNs: these are points above the demar- magnitude cut at I < 22 so that our redshift success cation. Manyofthem(78%ofallopticallyselectedType AB rate is above 90% for both red and blue galaxies, and 2 AGNs) are not detected in X-rays. Some are detected the spectra have a sufficient S/N for stellar continuum but are fainter than the commonly used 1042erg s−1 subtraction. As shown in Figure 5, few X-ray sources at threshold. The majority (51%) of non-Type-1 X-ray 0.3<z <0.8areexcludedbythiscut. Tosummarize,all sources with LX(2–10 keV) > 1042erg s−1 are also op- sources in our sample have to satisfy all of the following tically classified as AGNs. However, 22% of them are criteria: found in the star-forming part of the line ratio diagram and 25% are found to have no detectable line emission. 1. be within the X-ray footprint; As mentioned in §1, these cases are often referred to as 2. I <22; XBONGs or optically-dull X-ray galaxies. Often, the AB termXBONGisusedtoreferbothtogalaxieswithnode- 3. have reliable redshifts from either the DEEP2 sur- tectablelineemissionandtothosewithlineratiosoftyp- vey or the Hectospec follow-up; icalstar-forminggalaxies. Wesuggesttreatingthesetwo 4. have [OIII] and Hβ well covered in the spectra, cases separately as the galaxies are two distinct types; not badly affectedby CCDgaps orverybrightsky in the remainder of this paper, we only use XBONG to lines; refer to the class with no detectable line emission, and thus our XBONGs are nearly all red-sequence galaxies. to the category across the demarcation. Thus, we assigned them To understand the reasonfor the discrepancy between thoseclassifications. optical selection and X-ray selection, we investigate a 4 UsingthecalibrationbyRanallietal.(2003),onewouldneed anSFRof200M⊙ yr−1 toproduceenoughX-rayluminosityfrom few classes of objects, grouped according to the differ- non-AGNsourcestocrossthisthreshold. ences in X-ray and optical classifications. To simplify X-ray vs. optical selection of AGNs 9 Fig. 4.— Left: standard line ratio diagnostic diagram for a sample of sources in the EGS with 0.2 < z < 0.4. Arrows indicate the 2σ upper and lower limits for galaxies in which one of the four lines is not significantly detected. The solid and dashed curves show the demarcationusedbyKauffmannetal.(2003)andKewleyetal.(2001)toseparateAGNhostsfromstar-forminggalaxies. Weusethetwo curves to classify all galaxies into three categories: red squares indicate AGN host galaxies; small gray crosses are star-forminggalaxies; andbluetrianglesaregalaxies inbetween, whichisusuallyconsidered ascompositeobjects. Largedarkcrosses indicatesources detected in the X-ray. Right: the same galaxies now plotted on the U −B vs. [OIII]/Hβ diagram. The AGN hosts are still at the upper right portion,separatedfromstar-forminggalaxies. Thesolidlinesmarkourempiricalcuts,whichweredesignedonthebasisoflower-redshift, SDSSdata. things, we do not separate the bright and faint X-ray 4.1. Unambiguous AGNs sourcesintotwoseparatecategories,sincetheluminosity Most(83%)opticallyclassifiedAGNs thatarealsode- threshold is somewhat arbitrary. We have three optical tected in X-rays have L (2–10 keV) > 1042 erg s−1, X classifications—AGN,SF,andquiescent—andtwoX-ray which confirms their identity as AGNs. The correla- classifications—detections and non-detections. tionsbetweentheemissionlineandX-rayluminositiesof First, we will consider the objects that are classified this population establish prototype relations for AGNs. as AGNs by the optical selection and are detected in X- Both[OIII]andhardX-rayaregoodindicatorsforAGN ray. Forbrevity,wewillcallthem“unambiguousAGNs”. bolometric luminosity (Heckman et al. 2004 for [OIII]; Second, we will discuss X-ray detected sources that are Elvis et al. 1994 for X-ray). Because [OIII] originates found in the star-forming branch of our diagnostic dia- fromthenarrow-lineregion,whichisoutside theobscur- gram. FollowingMoran et al.(1996)andLevenson et al. ing dusty torus, it is usually regarded as an isotropic (2001),wecallthem“X-ray-loudcompositegalaxies”,re- luminosity indicator. While X-rays can penetrate dust flecting their AGN-star-formingcomposite nature,as we easily,they canbe absorbedbya highcolumndensity of willshowbelow. Third,wewillinvestigateX-raysources neutralgasinthetorus. AmongType1AGNs,forwhich with no detectable line emission (XBONGs). Lastly, we we have an unobstructed view of the accretion disk, X- willdiscussopticallyselectedAGNswithnoX-raydetec- rayluminosity is foundto correlatewith [OIII]luminos- tion, which we refer to as “optical-only AGNs”. We will ity (Mulchaey et al. 1994; Heckman et al. 2005). There- use these names for each class throughout the remain- fore, comparing X-ray with [OIII] can reveal the level der of this paper. Their definitions are summarized in of X-ray absorption (Maiolino et al. 1998; Bassani et al. Table 1, along with the number of objects in each class. 1999). Note, because of the preferential follow-up of the X-ray Figure 7 compares [OIII] emission with X-ray in both sources, the numbers in this table should not be used flux and luminosity. Type 1 AGNs have a slightly to estimate the fraction of emission-line AGNs that are detected in the X-ray. For that analysis, we limit the larger median log(LX(2–10 keV)/L[OIII]) ratio (1.83 dex) and a narrower distribution than our Type 2 sample to only sources targeted in the DEEP2 survey, AGNs (median=1.42 dex, see Table 2). However, the where no preference was given to X-ray sources. As will be shown below, the union of X-ray selected LX(2–10 keV)/L[OIII] difference between Type 1 and Type 2 AGNs depends on how the sample is selected. AGNsandopticallyselectedAGNsprovidesamuchmore complete AGN sample. Table. 4 lists the IDs, coordi- Heckman et al. (2005) showed that in a hard-X-ray- selectedsampleoflocalAGNs,Type1andType2AGNs nates, redshifts, optical colors, emission line properties, and the classifications of all the X-ray sources and the exhibit LX(2–10 keV)/L[OIII] ratios indistinguishable optical-only AGNs in our sample, along with Type 1 fromeachother. However,inasampleselectedby[OIII] AGNs. luminosity,manyType2’scanbepresentwithlowX-ray 10 Yan et al. TABLE 1 Classification DefinitionsforNon-Type-1 Objects EmissionLine(3129) X-rayDetected (126) X-rayUndetected (3003) AGN(291) UnambiguousAGNs(64) Optical-onlyAGNs(227) SF(1799) X-ray-loudcompositegalaxies(28) Quiescent(950) XBONGs(32) Ambiguous(89) Ambiguous(2) Note. —Thenumbersinparentheses indicatethesamplesizeineachclass. TABLE 2 Median logLX(2–10keV)/L[OIII] RatiosforUnambiguousAGNs Class HX-selected [OIII]-selected OurSample Heckmanetal.(2005) LaMassaetal.(2009) Type1 1.83(0.29) 1.69(0.41) Type2 1.42(0.50) 0.68(1.16) 0.46(1.01) Combined 1.57(0.53) 1.22(1.01) Note. —Numbersinparentheses arethe scaledmedianabsolute deviations SMAD of eachsample. Medianabsolute deviation (MAD) isarobustestimatorofdistributionwidthforsmallsamples. WefollowBeersetal.(1990)todefineSMAD=MAD/0.6745,whichis1for anormaldistributionwithstandarddeviation=1. Statistics fromHeckmanetal.(2005)andLaMassaetal.(2009)have beencomputed fromtheirdatatables. Fig. 5.— Magnitude and redshift distribution of X-raysources Fig. 6.—Newemission-linediagnosticdiagramforDEEP2galax- (large points) that have optical counterparts and successful red- ies with 0.3<z <0.8. The solidline shows the proposed demar- shifts from the DEEP2 survey and/or the Hectospec follow-up cation between star-forming galaxies (below and to the left) and program,comparedwiththeoveralldistributionofgalaxies(small AGNs (above and to the right). Galaxies with either [OIII] or gray points) with redshift successfully obtained in these two sur- Hβ undetected areplacedattheir2σ upper(bluepoints)orlower veys. TheredpointsareX-raysourcesinoursample. Thedashed (red points) limits, respectively (arrows are omitted for clarity). lines indicate the magnitude limit and the approximate redshift Innearlyallcases,theselineratiolimitsdonotaffecttheclassifi- limits. Thelatterisapproximateduetotheslightlyvaryingwave- cation of objects. Quiescent galaxies without detectable emission lengthcoveragesofDEEP2spectra. Objectsarerejectedfromthe linesarealsoshownatthebottom. X-raysources,whicharefound sample if their spectra do not cover both [OIII] and Hβ, which inallthreecategories, aremarkedaslargesymbols. Solidsquares couldalsobeduetoCCDgaps,badcolumns,etc. Wealsoexclude arebrightsourceswithL2−10keV >1042ergs−1;opensquaresare allobjectsatz<0.3. faintsources withL2−10keV <1042ergs−1;andcrosses areX-ray sources withuncertain luminosityclasses—they areusuallyunde- tectedinthehardband. Onlyobjectsinthefirstcategorymaybe definitelyclassifiedasAGNs,thoughmanyinthesecondclasswill luminosity, presumably due to absorption. The Type 1 beAGNs. AGNs then have a median ratio much larger than that of Type 2 and have significantly less variation in the ra- tio than Type 2 AGNs. The unambiguous AGNs are effectively a hard-X-ray-selectedsample; there is a small difference between Type 1 and Type 2 but not nearly as

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