Barbara Radcliffe Rogers & Stillman Rogers HUNTERPUBLISHING,INC. 130CampusDrive Edison,NJ08818-7816 (cid:1)732-225-1900/800-255-0343/fax732-417-1744 [email protected] INCANADA: UlyssesTravelPublications 4176Saint-Denis,Montréal,Québec CanadaH2W2M5 (cid:1)514-843-9882ext.2232/fax514-843-9448 INTHEUNITEDKINGDOM: WindsorBooksInternational TheBoundary,WheatleyRoad,Garsington Oxford,OX449EJEngland (cid:1)01865-361122/fax01865-361133 ISBN1-55650-889-1 ©2001BarbaraRadcliffeRogers&StillmanRogers Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced,stored inaretrievalsystem,ortransmittedinanyform,orbyanymeans,elec- tronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the writtenpermissionofthepublisher. Thisguidefocusesonrecreationalactivities.Asallsuchactivitiescontain elementsofrisk,thepublisher,author,affiliatedindividualsandcompa- niesdisclaimanyresponsibilityforanyinjury,harm,orillnessthatmay occurtoanyonethrough,orbyuseof,theinformationinthisbook.Every effortwasmadetoinsuretheaccuracyofinformationinthisbook,butthe publisherandauthordonotassume,andherebydisclaim,anyliabilityfor lossordamagecausedbyerrors,omissions,misleadinginformationorpo- tentialtravelproblemscausedbythisguide,evenifsucherrorsoromis- sionsresultfromnegligence,accidentoranyothercause. Cover: ShorelineatHorseheadWetlandCenter,Grasonville,MD BackCover:LogHouseatSpruceForestArtisansVillage Allphotographs©2001BarbaraRadcliffeRogers&StillmanRogers MapsbyLissaK.Dailey,©2001HunterPublishing,Inc. IllustrationsbyJoeKohl IndexingbyNancyWolff 4 3 2 1 CONTENTS Introduction 1 Overview 1 History&Geography 4 HowToUseThisBook 4 InformationSources 6 Adventures 7 OnFoot 7 OnWheels 8 OnWater 10 OnSnow 12 Cultural&Eco-TravelExperiences 12 Sightseeing 13 WheretoStay 14 WheretoEat 15 Garrett County 17 Geography&History 17 GettingHere&GettingAround 18 InformationSources 19 Adventures 19 Parks 19 OnFoot 22 OnWheels 29 OnWater 29 OnSnow 38 OnHorseback 41 Cultural&Eco-TravelExperiences 42 NaturalResources 42 Crafts&Culture 42 LocalFoods 44 TheArts 45 WalkingTours 45 Antiques 45 Events 46 Sightseeing 46 Museums&HistoricSites 46 WheretoStay 48 IntheNorth 48 NearDeepCreekLake 49 Camping 50 WheretoEat 52 IntheNorth 52 NearDeepCreekLake 53 Western Canal Country 55 Geography&History 55 iv (cid:1) AdventureGuidetotheChesapeakeBay TheNationalRoad 56 TheC&OCanal 56 TheCivilWar 58 GettingHere&GettingAround 59 InformationSources 60 Adventures 61 Parks 61 OnFoot 63 OnWheels 70 OnWater 74 OnSnow 80 OnHorseback 80 Cultural&Eco-TravelExperiences 81 NaturalAreas 81 TheArts 81 Crafts 83 Antiques 83 Events 84 Sightseeing 85 HistoricSites&Museums 85 WheretoStay 97 Cumberland&RockyGap 97 Hancock 98 Hagerstown 98 Camping 99 WheretoEat 101 Frostburg 101 Cumberland 102 LaVale 103 Hagerstown 104 Williamsport 105 Hancock 105 North-Central Maryland 107 Geography&History 107 Settlement 108 TheCivilWar 110 TheCanal&TheRailroad 111 GettingHere&GettingAround 112 InformationSources 112 Adventures 113 Parks 113 OnFoot 113 OnWheels 120 OnWater 125 OnSnow 130 OnHorseback 130 Contents (cid:1) v Cultural&Eco-TravelExperiences 131 NaturalAreas 131 TheArts 133 Gardens&Farms 133 Crafts 135 Antiques 136 Events 137 Sightseeing 138 Museums&HistoricSites 138 WheretoStay 149 HarpersFerry&Sharpsburg 149 Frederick 150 Thurmont 150 Westminster 150 Camping 152 WheretoEat 153 Frederick 153 Westminster 154 Thurmont 154 Boonsboro 155 Sykesville 155 North of Baltimore 157 Geography&History 157 GettingHere&GettingAround 158 InformationSources 159 Adventures 159 Parks 159 OnFoot 160 OnWheels 162 OnWater 163 OnSnow 167 OnHorseback 167 Cultural&Eco-TravelExperiences 167 NaturalAreas 167 Gardens 169 Wineries 170 Farmers’Markets 170 Crafts 171 Antiques 171 Events 172 Sightseeing 172 HistoricSites&Museums 172 WheretoStay 180 HavredeGrace 180 Camping 181 vi (cid:1) AdventureGuidetotheChesapeakeBay WheretoEat 181 JustNorthofBaltimore 181 HavredeGrace 182 Baltimore 185 Geography&History 187 GettingHere 189 ByCar 189 ByAir 189 ByTrainorBus 190 GettingAround 190 TheNeighborhoods 190 CityTransportation 192 Tours 193 InformationSources 194 Adventures 195 OnFoot 195 OnWheels 197 OnWater 197 OnIce 198 Cultural&Eco-TravelExperiences 199 Science&Nature 199 UniquelyBaltimore 201 ParksandGardens 202 Crafts 203 Antiques 203 Music&PerformingArts 204 Events 205 Sightseeing 207 HistoricSites 207 Museums 213 WheretoStay 220 InnerHarbor 220 FellsPoint 221 BoltonHill 221 FederalHill 222 WheretoEat 223 InnerHarbor 223 MountVernon 225 LittleItaly 226 FellsPoint 227 BoltonHillandNorth 229 North of Washington DC 231 Geography&History 231 GettingHere&GettingAround 233 InformationSources 234 Contents (cid:1) vii Adventures 235 Parks&NaturalAreas 235 OnFoot 238 OnWheels 239 OnWater 240 OnHorseback 243 Cultural&Eco-TravelExperiences 244 NaturalAreas 244 Gardens 245 Crafts 247 Events 247 Sightseeing 248 HistoricSites&Museums 248 WheretoStay 255 AlongtheEasternBeltway 256 NorthernBeltway 256 Camping 257 WheretoEat 257 AlongtheEasternBeltway 257 NorthwestofWashington 258 Annapolis & Anne Arundel County 259 Geography&History 260 GettingHere&GettingAround 261 Tours 262 InformationSources 263 Adventures 263 Parks 263 OnFoot 264 OnWheels 265 OnWater 266 OnIce 270 Cultural&Eco-TravelExperiences 271 Gardens 273 Crafts 274 Farmers’Markets 274 Antiques 274 Events 275 PerformingArts 276 Sightseeing 276 HistoricSites&Museums 276 WheretoStay 287 CentralAnnapolis 287 OntheOutskirts 288 WheretoEat 288 MarketSquare&MainStreet 289 WestStreet 290 viii (cid:1) AdventureGuidetotheChesapeakeBay Eastport 291 Edgewater 291 Washington DC 293 Geography&History 293 PlanningtheDistrict 293 GettingHere 296 ByCar 296 ByPlane 297 ByTrain&Bus 297 GettingAround 298 Orientation 298 PublicTransit 300 Taxis 301 InformationSources 301 Adventures 302 OnFoot 302 OnWheels 304 OnWater 304 OnIce 307 OnHorseback 307 Cultural&Eco-TravelExperiences 307 Gardens 308 WheretoStay&Eat 311 LodgingServices 311 Camping&Hostels 311 Southern Maryland 313 Geography&History 313 TheFirstSettlers 314 The1800s 314 The1900s 315 GettingHere&GettingAround 315 InformationSources 315 Adventures 316 Parks 316 OnFoot 318 OnWheels 320 OnWater 321 Cultural&Eco-TravelExperiences 331 NaturalAreas 331 FossilHunting 338 Gardens 339 Farmers’Markets 340 Crafts 340 Antiques 341 Events 342 Contents (cid:1) ix Sightseeing 344 HistoricSites&Museums 344 WheretoStay 353 CalvertCounty&St.Mary’sCounty 353 CharlesCounty 355 Camping 355 WheretoEat 355 CalvertCounty 356 St.Mary’sCounty 357 CharlesCounty 357 Upper Eastern Shore 359 Geography&History 359 GettingHere&GettingAround 360 InformationSources 362 Adventures 362 Parks 362 OnFoot 363 OnWheels 365 OnWater 366 OnHorseback 370 ShootingSports 371 Cultural&Eco-TravelExperiences 372 Gardens 372 Crafts 373 Antiques 373 Events 374 Sightseeing 375 HistoricSites&Museums 375 WheretoStay 381 BayBridgeArea 381 Chestertown 382 Georgetown 383 ChesapeakeCity 383 Elkton&NorthEast 384 Camping 384 WheretoEat 385 BayBridgeArea 385 Chestertown 386 RockHall 387 Georgetown 387 ChesapeakeCity 387 Elkton&NorthEast 388 Central Eastern Shore 389 Geography&History 390 GettingHere&GettingAround 392 InformationSources 392