GGdd uuvv iiddeenn eettuu dventure Guide rr ee S t . M a r t i n && S t (cid:1)(cid:1)SSIIGGHHTTSSEEEEIINNGG (cid:1)(cid:1)PPLLAACCEESSTTOOSSTTAAYY&&EEAATT . (cid:1)(cid:1)DDIIVVIINNGG&&FFIISSHHIINNGG (cid:1)(cid:1)HHIIKKIINNGG&&BBOOAATTIINNGG B (cid:1)(cid:1)SSHHOOPPPPIINNGG St. Martin a r St. Barts && t s 2nd Edition Lynne Sullivan dventure Guide to St. Martin St. Barts & 2nd Edition Lynne M. Sullivan HUNTERPUBLISHING,INC. 130CampusDrive,EdisonNJ08818 732-225-1900,800-255-0343,fax732-417-0482 [email protected] 4176Saint-Denis,Montréal,QuébecCanadaH2W2M5 514-843-9447;fax515-843-9448;[email protected] TheBoundary,WheatleyRoad,Garsington Oxford,OX449EJEngland 01865-361122;fax01865-361133 [email protected] ISBN1-58843-595-4 ©2006LynneM.Sullivan MapsbyKimAndré,LissaDailey&ToniCarbone, ©2006HunterPublishing,Inc. CartoonsbyJoeKohl Coverphotograph: PhotographscourtesyStMartinTouristBureau,StBarthProp- erties,DreamBeaches,,,sbhonline. com,,DonWissandPaulSullivan. Forcompleteinformationaboutthehundredsofother travelguidesofferedbyHunterPublishing,visitusat Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthisbookmaybereproduced,trans- mittedorutilizedinanyformorbyanymeans,electronicormechan- ical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storageandretrievalsystem,withoutpermissioninwritingfromthe publisher.Briefextractstobeincludedinreviewsorarticlesareper- mitted. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this book is correct, but the publisher and authors do not assume, and herebydisclaim,liabilitytoanypartyforanylossordamagecaused byerrors,omissions,misleadinginformationorpotentialproblems causedbyinformationinthisguide,evenifsucherrorsoromissions arearesultofnegligence,accidentoranyothercause. 4 3 2 1 Contents Introduction 1 WhichOne’sBest? 3 TheLand&Sea 3 Geography,Topography&Ecology 3 Weather 5 PlantLife 7 Wildlife 13 Birds 15 MarineLife 17 ThePeople 20 Language 20 Cuisine 20 Music 23 ASharedHistory 25 EarlyTimes 25 AfterColumbus 26 EuropeanColonization–theShortVersion 26 Sugar&Slavery 29 The20thCentury 31 TravelInformation 33 WhentoGo 33 Celebrations,Events&Holidays 33 Carnival 38 TravelDocuments 40 Arrival 42 ReturningHome 43 DepartureTax 44 Health&Safety 44 Crime 46 MoneyMatters 48 Currency 48 ATMs&Banks 49 GoingMetric 50 Electricity 51 Time 52 Telephones 52 On-IslandPhoneCards 53 ToCalltheIslands 53 iv (cid:1) Contents PlanningYourTrip 54 TourismOffices 54 MakingReservations 55 Finding&EvaluatingaTravelAgent 56 InsureYourTrip 56 TravelersWithSpecialNeeds 59 GettingThere 60 ByAir 60 ByCruiseShip 62 PackageVacations 63 GettingAround 64 St.Martin 69 TheFrench-DutchSplit 72 OfficialBusiness 74 GettingThere 75 ByAir 75 GettingAround 76 GettingMarried 81 ExploringtheIsland 83 TaxiTours 83 GroupSightseeingTours 83 IndependentTouring 85 AdventuresonWater 104 BestBeaches 104 Boardsurfing,Windsurfing&Kiteboarding 121 Sailing 123 MotorboatTrips&Rentals 128 WaterToys 129 Deep-SeaFishing 131 AdventuresUnderwater 132 PopularDiveSites 133 AdventuresonLand 138 HorsebackRiding 138 Hiking 139 Mountain&Off-RoadBiking 141 Tennis 142 Golf 143 Shopping 143 TopShopsinPhilipsburg 145 BestBoutiquesinMarigot 152 WheretoStay 156 Contents n v PrivateVillas 156 Resorts&Hotels 158 AccommodationsDirectory 160 OntheDutchSide 161 OntheFrenchSide 172 WheretoEat 187 RestaurantDirectory 189 InGrandCase 189 RestaurantDirectory 195 InMarigot 195 RestaurantDirectory 199 InPhilipsburg 199 InSimpsonBay 201 Nightlife 206 PopularClubs&Bars 207 Casinos 208 IslandFacts&Numbers 209 St.Barts 217 ASmallIslandLongIgnored 219 OfficialBusiness 221 GettingThere 221 ByAir 221 ByInter-IslandFerry 224 WaterTaxi 224 GettingAround 224 GettingMarried 227 ExploringSt.Barts 228 OrganizedTours 228 TaxiTours 228 IndependentTouring 229 AdventuresonWater 243 BestBeaches 243 JetSkiing&Water-Skiing 246 Surfing&Kiteboarding 247 Boating 248 Deep-SeaFishing 248 AdventuresUnderwater 249 AdventuresonLand 251 HorsebackRiding 251 Hiking 251 Tennis 252 vi (cid:1) Contents ExerciseFacilities&SpaServices 252 Shopping 253 TopShops 253 WheretoStay 261 PrivateVillas 261 Resorts&Hotels 263 TheFrenchStarSystem 264 AccommodationsDirectory 266 WheretoEat 281 RestaurantDirectory 283 InGustavia 284 St.Jean 290 Lorient 292 PointeMilou 293 AnsedesCayes 293 AnsedesFlamands 294 GrandeSalineBeach 294 GrandCul-de-Sac 295 Nightlife 295 IslandFacts&Numbers 297 Index 303 Maps LesserAntilles 2 St.Maarten/St.Martin 70 Philipsburg 87 Marigot 92 St.Barts 218 Gustavia 231 I Introduction n t r o d St. Barts and St. Martin u IN THIS CHAPTER c aretwoofthemostpopu- t larislandsintheCaribbean. (cid:1) TheLand&theSea 3 io They are located 20 miles (cid:1) ThePeople 20 n (cid:1) Cuisine 20 apart, 150 miles east (and (cid:1) Music 23 slightly south) of Puerto (cid:1) SharedHistory 25 Rico, at the top of an archi- pelago known as the Lesser Antilles. Think of them as the pivotjointbetweentheGreaterAntilles,whichstretchwest- to-eastfromCubatotheVirginIslands,andtheLesserAntil- les,whichextendnorth-to-southfromAnguillatoGrenada. SaintBartsisatinyscrapoflandcoveringabouteightsquare miles. It’s an overseas région of France, and old-timers still callitSaint-Barthélemy(pinchyournose,garglethe“r,”and saysahnbartaylehMEE).Butmosteveryoneelsereferstoit asSaintBarts.YoumayseeitspelledSaint-Barth(theFrench abbreviation),butinthisbookweabbreviateAmerican/Eng- lish-styleandusesimplySt.Barts. Saint Martin is several times larger, with about 36 square miles, divided almost equally between France (20 square miles) and the Netherlands (16 square miles). This is the smallestlandareaintheworldtobegovernedbytwonations. The Dutch call their part Sint Maarten. The French call theirsSaint-Martin.Inthisbook,weuseSt.Martintorefer totheislandasawhole. St. Martin is easily reached from the US, and St. Barts is a quickinter-islandhopbyferryorplane.Youmaywanttodi- vide your vacation between the two, or choose one island as yourhomebaseandtakeaday-triptotheother.Day-tripping won’tallowyouapropervisit,butit’seasytodoandrelatively inexpensive. WhichOne’sBest? (cid:1) 3 (cid:1) I Which One’s Best? n t r Ifyouaskadozenvisitorswho’vestayedonbothislandswhich o they prefer, you’ll get a half-dozen zealous votes for each. d u ThosewhofavorSt.MartinraveabouttheDutch-sidecasinos, c French-siderestaurants,andsensationalduty-freeshops.St. t i Bartsfansgushoverluxuriouslittlehotels,exquisitemeals, o n chic boutiques, and camera-shy celebrities seen lounging on thebeaches. Ifyouseekalotofaction,goforSt.Martin.Needmorepeace andquiet?St.Bartsisforyou. The Land & Sea (cid:1) Geography, Topography & Ecology Honestly,St.BartsandSt.Martinarenotgorgeous overall.Eachhaslovelyareas,andbothhavestun- ning beaches and picturesque vistas, but don’t ex- pect breathtaking mountains, cascading water- falls,lushrainforests,oridyllicriversandlakes. PRESERVING PARADISE Eco-tourists probably will be happier elsewhere in the Caribbean, but St. Martin and St. Barts have made recent strides in the direction of protecting andenhancingwhatnatureprovided. On St. Martin, the Nature Foundation (Dutch) andAGRNSM(French)havetakenonthedemand- ing chore of preserving the island’s natural assets forfuturegenerationstoenjoy.BoththeFrenchand the Dutch have set up marine reserves to oversee management of the coral reefs and coastlines, and each government is enforcing new conservation laws. Additional organizations have sprung up to protectwildlifehabitats,restorehistoricalsites,en-