ADVANCING RULE OF LAW IN A GLOBAL CONTEXT PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LAW AND GOVERNANCE IN A GLOBAL CONTEXT (ICLAVE 2017), NOVEMBER 1-2, 2017, DEPOK, INDONESIA Advancing Rule of Law in a Global Context Editors Heru Susetyo, Patricia Rinwigati Waagstein & Akhmad Budi Cahyono Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia CRC Press/Balkema is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business © 2020 Taylor & Francis Group, London, UK Typeset by Integra Software Services Pvt. Ltd., Pondicherry, India All rights reserved. No part of this publication or the information contained herein may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, by photocopying, recording or otherwise, without written prior permission from the publisher. Although all care is taken to ensure integrity and the quality of this publication and the information herein, no responsibility is assumed by the publishers nor the author for any damage to the property or persons as a result of operation or use of this publication and/or the information contained herein. Published by: CRC Press/Balkema Schipholweg 107C, 2316XC Leiden, The Netherlands e-mail: [email protected] – ISBN: 978-1-138-32782-5 (Hbk) ISBN: 978-0-429-44903-1 (eBook) DOI: AdvancingRuleofLawinaGlobalContext–Susetyo,RinwigatiWaagstein&BudiCahyono(eds) ©2020Taylor&FrancisGroup,London,ISBN978-1-138-32782-5 Table of contents Foreword ix OrganizingCommittee xi ScientificCommittee xiii EditorBiographies xv Acknowledgements xvii Thelimitationofinvestigatorauthorityforillegalnarcoticsoffences 1 R.A.Kurniawan&S.Aprilianto DeferredProsecutionAgreement(DPA):Canitbeasolutionforcorporate criminalliabilityinIndonesia? 6 A.B.Ginting&T.Santoso Disclosureofbeneficialownershiptoeradicatetransnationalfinancialcrime 14 R.A.Kurniawan&I.Felisiano Legalculturalcommunicationsystemforcivilsocietyparticipationin eradicationofcorruption 19 Fitriati DecreeofthePeople’sConsultativeAssemblyasthelegalbasisinthelawmakingprocess (analysisoftheDecreeofthePeople’sConsultativeAssemblyoftheRepublicofIndonesia No.XVI/MPR/1998onthePoliticalEconomyintermsofEconomicDemocracy) 26 Kuntari&F.Arsil Justiceprinciplesforstart-upbusinessinIndonesia 35 P.M.Marzuki,I.Prihandono,D.P.Anugerah&D.S.Yuniarti Thecriminalresponsibilityofcorporatebanking:CasestudyofCenturyBank 43 Pujiyono,Supanto&T.Pingky AnalysisofthepositionandauthorityoftheNagariindigenouscouncilasatraditional representativeinstitutionfromaperspectiveofconstitutionallaw 49 R.M.Wasti&Fatmawati State-OwnedEnterprises(SOEs)inIndonesiancompetitionlawandpractice 57 A.Siswanto IndonesiancompetitionlawreforminanticipatingthesinglemarketundertheASEAN EconomicCommunity(AEC) 65 A.Siswanto&M.J.Hutajulu Theroleofulama,adatandgovernmentinstitutionsasthestabilityfactorsofthe Minangkabausystemofgovernment 73 F.Arsil&R.M.Wasti v The authority of the Indonesian power holder related to the state of emergency in terms of the law on states of emergency 81 D. Baskoro, F. Arsil & Q. Ayuni Criminal law reform through the Constitutional Court’s decisions 90 R.F. Febriansyah & T. Santoso Exploring initiatives for a human rights-centered approach in post-disaster housing reconstruction in Tacloban city, Philippines 98 D.K.P. Yee People’s participation, democratic governance, and the asean Economic Community (AEC) 104 K.Y. Hooi A study of the implementation of working conditions of women workers in transnational corporations (TNCs) in Indonesia 112 S.H. Halim Optimization of Hajj fund development through infrastructure-based sukuk 120 I. Karimah & S. Iskandar The penalty policy of criminal blasphemy in the plural society in the framework of renewal of the criminal law 128 A. Ramdan Plan the development from the constitution: Expanding constitutional directives in the 1945 constitution of Indonesia 137 I. Perwira, A. Abdurahman, M. Susanto & A.Y. Zulfikar The bail-in policy: solution or problem? 146 L.E. Sitorus, A. Erliyana & Y. Husein Opportunities and challenges for Indonesian insurance companies in the ASEAN Economic Community 153 K. Simanjuntak Regulating disruptive innovation in Indonesian digital business 163 Q.D. Kusumawardani Constitutional court dismissed the reconciliation effort 176 Junaedi Enhancing the ASEAN Way: Integrating international law into local initiatives in the ASEAN 189 C.P. Osorio Enriching legal studies with socio-legal research 196 S. Irianto Counterterrorism, deradicalization, and victimization in the aftermath of terrorism in Indonesia 210 H. Susetyo Equality before the law for women in Indonesia: An analysis of international law and its implementation at the national, regional, and sector level 219 W.N. Tuslian Contemporary issues on constitutional law 228 J. Asshiddiqie vi Whatwouldalabourmigrationandwomen’srights“champion”do?Examiningrhetorics, lawsandpoliciesofthePhilippinesandtheirimpactsonthelivesofmigrantwomenteachers inThailand 234 J.M.Barredo Digitalidentityandpersonaldataprotection:Analysisofrightstoerasureanddata portabilityinIndonesia 247 E.Makarim&S.Kom HumanrightscertificationinIndonesia:Problemsandimplications 262 P.R.Waagstein Prosandconsofthegovernmentregulationinlieuoflawno.2Year2017concerningmass organizations 270 Q.Ayuni Awakeningthegeopolitical‘spirit’:TransformingIndonesia’sinstitutionstoconfrontglobal challenges 277 F.S.B.P.Susilo&K.W.Soepandji Authorindex 290 vii Advancing Rule of Law in a Global Context – Susetyo, Rinwigati Waagstein & Budi Cahyono (eds) © 2020 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-32782-5 Foreword The manuscripts published in this book originate from articles presented at the 1st Inter national Conference on Law and Governance, (ICLAVE 2017), which took place at the Fac ulty of Law, Universitas Indonesia in 2017. The participants originate from Indonesia and some foreign countries. Invited speakers at this conference come from Malaysia, Thailand, People’s Republic of China, Australia, Japan, Singapore, USA, and Indonesia. This conference aims to provide an excellent international platform for academicians, researchers and budding students around the world to share their research findings and to find international linkage for future collaborations in the areas of Government policy-dispar ity between Law in the Book and Law in Society, Independent Judiciary, Corruption Eradica tion and Asset Rcovery, Legal Protection for Women and Children, Rule of Law and Constitutional Democracy, Law and the Global Labor Market, Law and Management Prob lems in Multinational Corporations, Global Investment Governance, New Developments in Criminal Law, Penal Law and Criminal Justice, Law, Policy and Conflict Management on Environmental and Natural Resources, Law and Identities in Blurred Boundaries, Law and Intellectual Property Rights Protection, Protection to Indigenous People/ Local Communities, The Protection of Individual Identity and Privacy at Cyberspace, Competition Law and the Monopoly of State-owned Enterprises, Opportunities and Challenges of ASEAN Economic Community, Global Market Penetration by Micro, Small and Medium enterprises, Law, Rad icalism and Terrorism, Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, The development of Family Law and Inheritance Law in shaping future global communities, and Islamic finance and economic opportunities. We convey our utmost gratitude to all participants and professors who actively took part in this conference, to all editors and staff at the research and publication unit of the Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia, as well as to Universitas Indonesia, particularly DRPM and KPPRI. Last but not least, our gratitude goes to the staff of CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group), for the proceedings. Depok, Indonesia 5 July 2019 Assoc. Prof. Heru Susetyo, PhD Editor ix