ADVANCES IN TAXATION ADVANCES IN TAXATION Series Editor: Toby Stock Recent Volumes: Volumes 1–3: Edited by Sally M. Jones Volumes 4 and 5: Edited by Jerold J. Stern Volumes 6–13: Edited by Thomas M. Porcano Volume 14: Edited by Thomas M. Porcano Volumes 15 and 16: Edited by Thomas M. Porcano Volumes 17 and 18: Edited by Suzanne Luttman ADVANCES IN TAXATION VOLUME 19 ADVANCES IN TAXATION EDITED BY TOBY STOCK School of Accounting, Ohio University Athens, OH, USA United Kingdom – North America – Japan India – Malaysia – China EmeraldGroupPublishingLimited HowardHouse,WagonLane,BingleyBD161WA,UK Firstedition2010 Copyrightr2010EmeraldGroupPublishingLimited Reprintsandpermissionservice Contact:[email protected] Nopartofthisbookmaybereproduced,storedinaretrievalsystem,transmittedinany formorbyanymeanselectronic,mechanical,photocopying,recordingorotherwise withouteitherthepriorwrittenpermissionofthepublisheroralicencepermitting restrictedcopyingissuedintheUKbyTheCopyrightLicensingAgencyandintheUSA byTheCopyrightClearanceCenter.Noresponsibilityisacceptedfortheaccuracyof informationcontainedinthetext,illustrationsoradvertisements.Theopinionsexpressed inthesechaptersarenotnecessarilythoseoftheEditororthepublisher. BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationData AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary ISBN:978-0-85724-139-9 ISSN:1058-7497(Series) Awarded in recognition of Emerald’s production department’s adherence to quality systems and processes when preparing scholarly journals for print CONTENTS LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS vii STATEMENT OF PURPOSE ix PROBABILITY PERCEPTIONS AND TAXPAYER DECISION-MAKING BEHAVIOR Hugh Pforsich, Susan Gill and Debra Sanders 1 SAVINGS AND FRAMING EFFECTS ON PARTICIPATION IN INDIVIDUAL RETIREMENT ACCOUNTS: MORE EVIDENCE FROM TAX RETURN DATA Charles R. Enis 29 THE EFFECTS OF OBSERVING A PEER’S LIKELIHOOD OF REPORTING INCOME ON TAX REPORTING DECISIONS Martha L. Wartick and Timothy J. Rupert 65 MEASURING TAXPAYERS’ MOTIVATION TO HIRE TAX PREPARERS: THE DEVELOPMENT OF A FOUR-CONSTRUCT SCALE Teresa Stephenson 95 MICROANOMIE AS AN EXPLANATION OF TAX FRAUD: A PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION Michele W. Ganon and James J. Donegan 123 v vi CONTENTS PROPERTY TAX AND OTHER WEALTH TAXES INTERNATIONALLY: EVIDENCE FROM OECD COUNTRIES Sonja E. Pippin, Mehmet S. Tosun, 145 Charles A. Carslaw and Richard M. Mason READABILITY OF TAX COURT OPINIONS Cynthia M.Daily, Roger W. Dorsey and GauravKumar 171 LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS Charles A. Carslaw Department of Accounting & IS, University of Nevada Reno, Reno, NV, USA Cynthia M. Daily Department of Accounting, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Little Rock, AR, USA James J. Donegan Department of Accounting, Ancell School of Business, Western Connecticut State University, Danbury, CT, USA Roger W. Dorsey Department of Accounting, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Little Rock, AR, USA Charles R. Enis Department of Accounting, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA Michele W. Ganon Department of Accounting, Ancell School of Business, Western Connecticut State University, Danbury, CT, USA Susan Gill Department of Accounting, Washington State University, Pullman, WA, USA Gaurav Kumar Department of Accounting, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Little Rock, AR, USA Richard M. Mason Department of Accounting & IS, University of Nevada Reno, Reno, NV, USA vii viii LIST OFCONTRIBUTORS Hugh Pforsich Department of Accountancy, College of Business Administration, California State University – Sacramento, Sacramento, CA, USA Sonja E. Pippin Department of Accounting & IS, University of Nevada Reno, Reno, NV, USA Timothy J. Rupert Department of Accounting, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA Debra Sanders Department of Accounting, Washington State University, Vancouver, WA, USA Teresa Stephenson Department of Accounting, College of Business,UniversityofWyoming,Laramie, Wyoming, USA Mehmet S. Tosun Department of Economics, University of Nevada Reno, Reno, NV, USA Martha L. Wartick Department of Accounting, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA, USA STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Advances in Taxation is a refereed academic tax journal published annually. Academic articles on any aspect of Federal, state, local, or international taxationwillbeconsidered.Theseinclude,butarenotlimitedto,compliance, education, law, planning, and policy. Interdisciplinary research involving economics, finance, or other areas also is encouraged. Acceptable research methods include any analytical, behavioral, descriptive, legal, quantitative, survey, or theoretical approach appropriate to the project. Manuscripts should be readable, relevant, and rigorous. To be readable, manuscripts must be understandable and concise. To be relevant, manu- scriptsmustbedirectlyrelatedtosubstantiveissuesinherentinthesystemof taxation. To be rigorous, manuscripts should scrupulously follow the tenants of sound research design and execution. Conclusions must follow logically from the evidence and arguments presented. Justifiable assump- tions and logical development are essential for theoretical manuscripts. AdditionalinformationregardingthejournalisavailableattheAdvances in Taxation link at htm?id¼1058-7497 Editorial correspondence pertaining to manuscripts should be forwarded to: Toby Stock School of Accountancy Ohio University 526 Copeland Hall Athens, OH 45701 Toby Stock Series Editor ix