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ADVANCES IN PATHOBIOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT OF PAGET’S DISEASE OF BONE ADVANCES IN PATHOBIOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT OF PAGET’S DISEASE OF BONE Editedby SAKAMURI V. REDDY Darby Children’s Research Institute, Medical University of South Carolina, SC, United States AMSTERDAM(cid:129)BOSTON(cid:129)HEIDELBERG(cid:129)LONDON NEWYORK(cid:129)OXFORD(cid:129)PARIS(cid:129)SANDIEGO SANFRANCISCO(cid:129)SINGAPORE(cid:129)SYDNEY(cid:129)TOKYO AcademicPressisanimprintofElsevier AcademicPressisanimprintofElsevier 125LondonWall,LondonEC2Y5AS,UK 525BStreet,Suite1800,SanDiego,CA92101-4495,USA 50HampshireStreet,5thFloor,Cambridge,MA02139,USA TheBoulevard,LangfordLane,Kidlington,OxfordOX51GB,UK Copyrightr2016ElsevierInc.Allrightsreserved. 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ISBN:978-0-12-805083-5 ForInformationonallAcademicPresspublications visitourwebsiteathttp://www.elsevier.com/ Publisher:MicaHaley AcquisitionEditor:TariBroderick EditorialProjectManager:JeffreyRossetti ProductionProjectManager:MelissaRead Designer:VictoriaPearson TypesetbyMPSLimited,Chennai,India LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS OmarM.E.Albagha CentreforGenomicandExperimentalMedicine,InstituteofGeneticsandMolecular Medicine,UniversityofEdinburgh,WesternGeneralHospital,Edinburgh, UnitedKingdom JacquesP.Brown DivisionofRheumatology,DepartmentofMedicine,CHUdeQue´bec-Universite´ Laval, QuebecCity,QC,Canada JulieC.Crockett MusculoskeletalResearchProgramme,UniversityofAberdeen,Aberdeen, UnitedKingdom TimCundy DepartmentofMedicine,FacultyofMedical&HealthSciences,UniversityofAuckland, Auckland,NewZealand DeborahL.Galson DepartmentofMedicine,DivisionofHematology-Oncology,UniversityofPittsburgh CancerInstitute,UniversityofPittsburghSchoolofMedicine,Pittsburgh,PA, UnitedStates MarcF.Hansen CenterforMolecularMedicine,UniversityofConnecticutHealthCenter,Boston, MA,UnitedStates MiepH.Helfrich MusculoskeletalResearchProgramme,UniversityofAberdeen,Aberdeen, UnitedKingdom RobLayfield SchoolofLifeSciences,UniversityofNottingham,Nottingham,UnitedKingdom Lae¨titiaMichou DivisionofRheumatology,DepartmentofMedicine,CHUdeQue´bec-Universite´ Laval, QuebecCity,QC,Canada StuartH.Ralston CentreforGenomicandExperimentalMedicine,InstituteofGeneticsandMolecular Medicine,UniversityofEdinburgh,WesternGeneralHospital,Edinburgh, UnitedKingdom ix x ListofContributors SarahL.Rea HarryPerkinsInstituteofMedicalResearch,UniversityofWesternAustralia,Nedlands, WA,Australia; DepartmentofEndocrinologyandDiabetes,SirCharlesGairdner Hospital,Nedlands,WA,Australia SakamuriV.Reddy DarbyChildren’sResearchInstitute,MedicalUniversityofSouthCarolina,Charleston, SC,UnitedStates IanR.Reid FacultyofMedicalandHealthSciences,UniversityofAuckland,Auckland, NewZealand; AucklandDistrictHealthBoard,Auckland,NewZealand G.DavidRoodman DepartmentofMedicine,DivisionofHematology-Oncology,IndianaUniversity, Indianapolis,IN,UnitedStates; RichardL.RoudebushVAMedicalCenter, Indianapolis,IN,UnitedStates MargaretSeton DivisionofRheumatology,Brigham&Women’sHospital,Boston,MA,UnitedStates QuanhongSun DepartmentofMedicine,DivisionofHematology-Oncology,UniversityofPittsburgh CancerInstitute,UniversityofPittsburghSchoolofMedicine,Pittsburgh,PA, UnitedStates ABOUT THE EDITOR Sakamuri V. Reddy, PhD is a Professor and Director of the Osteoclast Center in the Darby Children’s Research Institute at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC), Charleston, SC, United States. He is a member of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR). Dr Reddy has over 24 years of experience in studying skeletal disorders and bone loss mechanisms. His research is focused on osteoclast biology, Paget’s disease of bone, cancer metastasis to bone, and microgravity induced bone loss. He is very passionate and enthusiastic in presenting this book with recent developments in our understanding of the pathogenesis and treatment of Paget’s disease of bone. xi PREFACE This book represents a comprehensive review of recent advances in our understanding of pathobiology of the Paget’s disease of bone (PDB), a chronic focal skeletal disorder in older adults. The disease can occur with enlarged or deformed bones in one or more regions of the skeleton. Complications of PDB may include bone pain, osteoarthritis, femoral fractures, bowing of limbs, hearing loss, and a rare incidence of osteosar- coma. The disease has variable geographical distribution and is seen most frequently in people of Western European descent. PDB is one of the most exaggerated examples of abnormal bone remodeling and the primary pathologic abnormality resides in the osteoclasts which resorb bone excessively, followed by osteoblast activity to form abundant poor quality new bone. Although the etiology of PDB is unclear, studies have been focused on paramyxo-viral and genetic com- ponents. A viral etiology for PDB has been suggested based on the pres- ence of paramyxo-viral nuclear inclusions and detection of measles virus nucleocapsids (MVNP) containing several sense mutations in pagetic osteoclasts. Studies also suggest that not only the measles virus (MV), but other paramyxo-viruses such as respiratory syncytial virus or canine dis- temper virus, could be responsible for a slow virus infection, although others have failed to confirm these findings. In recent years, significant advancement has been made with respect to MVNP expression and pagetic osteoclast development. Also, recurrent mutations widely occur in the ubiquitin associated domain of a signaling scaffold protein, sequesto- some 1 (SQSTM1/p62) in 5(cid:1)10% of patients with PDB. Several other genetic loci and potential candidate genes associated with PDB are mapped; however, their contribution to PDB remains unclear. A genetic defect may favor environmental factors such as MV infection to have a potential role in pathogenesis of the disease. However, no infectious virus is isolated and the molecular basis for the persistence of the paramyxo- viral infection/expression of viral nucleocapsids in osteoclasts from patients with PDB remains unclear. The focal nature of the disease and the declining prevalence suggest that environmental factors play an important role in the pathogenesis of PDB. It is critical to determine a cause and effect relationship for the persistence of paramyxo-viral xiii xiv Preface infection and genetic predisposition in patients with Paget’s disease. Although PDB is generally classified as a metabolic bone disorder, it is essential to define the late onset of disease and underlying molecular mechanisms to initiate and cause progression of focal lesions. It is also important to unravel the contribution of paramyxo-viruses and genetic mutations to induce a pagetic phenotype in osteoclasts and determine what role genetics plays in marrow stroma/osteoblast function in pagetic lesions. Such studies would further clarify the etiology of PDB and advance our knowledge on skeletal biology/diseases. Bisphosphonates are now considered potent therapeutic agents for the disease; however, the future awaits new antiresorptive therapies to alleviate the risks of long- term use. This book is dedicated in honor of Dr. Frederick R. Singer, MD, a former long-time Director of the Paget Foundation, New York, United States. He is truly a blend of science and humanity advancing this fascinating area of medical science with his noble hearted spirit. S.V. Reddy CHAPTER 1 ’ Clinical Perspectives of Paget s Disease of Bone Tim Cundy DepartmentofMedicine,FacultyofMedical&HealthSciences,UniversityofAuckland,Auckland, NewZealand INTRODUCTION In London in November 1876 the English surgeon Sir James Paget pre- sented to the Medical and Chirurgical Society the case of a patient that he had looked after for almost 20 years, who had an unusual deforming bone disease. He noted similar cases from the literature (the first from 1801) and suggested they were the same disorder; he published a second series of cases in 1882. Paget was particularly struck by the enlargement of affected bones and reasoned that “only tumour, hypertrophy or chronic inflammation” could produce this effect. Thinking of parallels with chronic osteomyelitis he felt the likely pathology was “chronic inflammation” and suggested the name osteitis deformans. However, even by the late 19th century the epon- ymous name, Paget’s disease, was already widely used. We now recognize Paget’s disease of bone as a focal disorder of dysre- gulated bone turnover that is common amongst older people, particularly those of western European descent. Although there have been significant advances in understanding the epidemiology, genetics, and molecular biology of Paget’s disease, we do not yet have a complete understanding of its causes and natural history. In this chapter we examine the pathology, epidemiology, and clinical features of the disorder. Two excellent monographs on Paget’s disease are those by Ronnie Hamdy and John Kanis [1,2]. S.V.Reddy(Ed):AdvancesinPathobiologyandManagementofPaget’sDiseaseofBone. ©2016ElsevierInc. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-805083-5.00001-4 Allrightsreserved. 1 2 AdvancesinPathobiologyandManagementofPaget'sDiseaseofBone NATURAL HISTORY There are still gaps in our knowledge of the natural history of Paget’s dis- ease. It is a lifelong disorder presenting primarily in middle-aged and older people. It arises apparently simultaneously in one or more skeletal sites. In longbonesitoriginatesintheproximalepiphysisor metaphysis[3]. A study of 100 patients who had repeated skeletal scintiscans an average 51/ years after an initial diagnostic scan showed that none had 2 developed new lesions [4], so the disease probably remains restricted to the bones where it originally arose. An exception to this rule is that the disease can be transferred to new skeletal sites by the use of pagetic bone for surgical bone grafting [5]. Once established, the pagetic lesion expands in size. In long bones a typical “lytic wedge,” reflecting active osteoclastic resorption, can often be seen at the advancing edge—and is a sign of early disease (Fig. 1.1). In the skull this appearance is known as “osteoporosis circumscripta.” The rate of progression of the disease through the skull or long bones, as estimated from serial radiographs, is in the order of 8mm/year. Paget’s disease has characteristic radiographic appearances of varying degrees of lysis and sclerosis that reflect the histological findings of increases in both bone formation and resorption. Disease activity as Figure1.1 Lyticbonediseaseofthelowerhumerus.

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