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Advances in organometallic chemistry. / Volume 5 PDF

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ADVISORY BOARD: H. J. EMELEUS HENR Y GI LMA N CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS VOLUME E. W. Abel A. Aguil6 D. A. Armitage Melvyn R. Churchill M. F. Lappert Ronald Mason Rokuro Okawara B. Prokai John S. Thayer Masanori Wada Robert West Advances in ORGANOME TALLIC CHEMISTRY EDITED BY F. G. A. STONE ROBERT WEST DEPARTMENT OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY SCHOOL OF CHEMISTRY UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN THE UNIVERSITY MADISON, WISCONSIN BRISTOL. ENGLAND VOLUME 5 I967 ACADEMIC PRESS New York 0 London COPYRIGH@T 1967, BY ACADEMIPCR ESSIN C. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO PART OF THIS BOOK MAY BE REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM, BY PHOTOSTAT, MICROFILM, OR ANY OTHER MEANS, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE PUBLISHERS. ACADEMIC PRESS INC. 111 Fifth Avenue. New York, New York 10003 United Kingdom Edition published by ACADEMIC PRESS INC. (LONDON) LTD. Berkeley Square House, London, W.l LIBRAROYF CONGRESCSA TALOCGA RDN UMBE6R4-:1 6030 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA List of Contributors Numbers in parentheses indicate the pages on which the authors' contributions begin. E. W. ABEL( I), Department. of Inorganic Chemistry, The University, Bristol, England A. AGUIL(~32 1)) Celanese Chemical Company, Technical Center, Corpus Christi, Texas D. A. ARMITAG(EI) , Department of Inorganic Chemistry, The University, Bra'stol, England MELWNR . CHURCHI(L9L3 ))D epartment of Chemistry, Harvmd University, Cambridge, Massachusetts M. F. LAPPERT(2 25)) The Chemical Laboratory, University of Sussex, Brighton, England RONALDM ASON( 93)) Department of Chemistry, University of Shefield, England ROKUROOK AWAR(1A3 7))D epartment of Applied Chemistry,O saka University, Higashinoda, Miyakojima, Osaka, Japan B. PROKA(I2 25))C hemistry Department, Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology, Cambridge, Massachusetts JOHN S. THAYE(R1 69))D epartment of Chemistry, Illinois Institute of Tech- nology, Chicago, Illinois MASANOWRIA DA(1 37))D epartment of Applied Chemistry, Osaka University, Higashinoda, Miyakojima, Osaka, Japan ROBERTW EST (169)) Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 1 Present address: Department of Chemistry, University College, London, England. 2 Present address: Department of Chemistry, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. Organosulfur Derivatives of Silicon, Germanium, Tin, and Lead E. W. ABEL and D. A. ARMITAGE Deportment of Inorganic Chemistry, The University, Bristol, England I. Introduction . . . . 2 . . . 11. Synthetic Methods . 3 . A. From Halides . 3 B. From Organometallic Oxygen Compounds . . 10 . C. From Organometallic Nitrogen and Phosphorus Compounds 13 . . . D. Cleavage of Metal-Carbon Bonds . 1 4 . . . . E. Fission of Metal-Metal Bonds 15 F. From Organometallic Hydrides . . 16 G. Synthesis of Rs MIv SMI . . 18 H. Reactions of Rs MIv XMI (X = Sor Se) . . 19 I. By Heating Group IV Metal-Sulfur Compounds . . . 21 J. Miscellaneous . . . . 22 111. Chemical Properties . . . . 23 A. Heat and Ultraviolet Light . . 23 . . B. Oxidation 23 . . . . . C. Reduction 24 D. Reactions with Protonic Materials . . . . 24 E. Reactions with Covalent Halides . . . 27 F. Reactions with Organolithium Compounds . . 34 G. Reactions with Metal Salts . . 35 . . H. Miscellaneous Reactions 37 IV. Physical Properties . . . . 38 A. X-Ray Diffraction . . . . 38 . . . B. Electron and Neutron Diffraction 39 C. Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy . . . 40 D. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy . . 41 E. Dipole Moments . . 42 F. BondParachors . . . . 43 . . . G. Magnetic Susceptibility . 4 4 H. Molar Refractivities . . . . 4 4 V. Theoretical Considerations . . . . 44 . . . A. Bond Strength . 4 4 B. Electronegativity . . . . 45 . . . C. n Bonding in Silicon Compounds 45 D. The Group IV Metal-Sulfur Compounds . . . 47 2 E. W. ABEL and D. A. ARMITAGE . . . . . . . VI. Industrial Interests 49 A. Silicon and Germanium . . 49 . . B. Tin 49 C. Lead . . 50 VII. Appendix: Tabular Survey (Tables 1-12) . . 51 . . . . . . . . References. 83 I INTRODUCTION Whereas organotin and organolead compounds of sulfur were reported as early as 1860 (121, 136, 137), the corresponding germanium compounds were first made in 1932 (42),a nd rather surprisingly, organosilicon sulfides were not synthesized until 1950 (71). It is pertinent here to point out some of the restrictions we have imposed on the scope of this article. We shall consider only the bivalent sulfur com- pounds of the tetravalent Group IV elements, thus excluding such extensive fields as the lead(I1) mercaptides (182) and organometallic salts of sulfur oxyacids. No mention will be made of coordinated sulfur compounds of these elements, and isothiocyanates will only be considered where they illustrate a property of a sulfur compound under review. Silyl and germyl compounds and the thiohalogeno derivatives of the Group IV elements only appear where necessary for comparison purposes. The chemistry of the selenium and tellurium analogs of the sulfur compounds under con- sideration are fully reviewed. Nomenclature is founded on the presently accepted convention of the tetravalent silicon and germanium compounds being silane and germane, with the tin and lead compounds based on the name of the metal (109). Thus, for example, the names of (CHJ2Si(SC2HS)2a nd (CH3)2Sn(SC2Hs)2 are, respectively, bis(ethy1thio)dimethylsilane and bis(ethy1thio)dimethyl- tin. A number of excellent reviews exist on various aspects of the organic chemistry of the Group IV elements, and the reader is referred to these for wider discussion of the general properties of these materials: silicon (29, 73, 74, 251, 153,228);g ermanium (111, 277, 184, 285,228);t in (109, 148, 149, 161, 182,228,235);le ad (142,254). Derivatives of Silicon, Germanium, Tin, and Lead 3 II SYNTHETIC METHODS A. From Halides 1. Amine Method The condensation of thiols and halogenosilanes, with the direct elimina- tion of hydrogen halide, has been reported to give a very small yield of a silicon-sulfur compound (114). The use of amine as a base for the removal of the hydrogen halide has, however, proved one of the most general' methods available for the formation of sulfur bonds to silicon, germanium, tin, and lead. This reaction has sometimes been noted to be reversible at elevated temperatures, and linear alkylthio derivatives of silicon (257), germanium (69, 107),t in (69),a nd lead (69)h ave all been prepared by this method. RnMX4-n+ (4-n)R'SH+(4-n)R"sN + RnM(SR)4-n+(4-n)RX3NHX (1) An analogous reaction involves the initial formation of the bis(pyridine)- metal tetrahalide complex which is subsequently treated with further pyridine in the presence of thiol (I, 107). + + MC14(CsHsN)z 4RSH 2CsHsN + M(SR)4+ 4CsHsNHC1 (2) M=Si an&Ge The use of hexamethyldisilazane as the base [see Eq. (l)] has been successful in the preparation of allylthiotrimethylsilane (P71), but the analogous reaction with n-butanethiol is reported to yield no silicon-sulfur derivative (140). Utilization of dithiols or difunctional systems in these reactions can lead either to linear or cyclic compounds. Thus the interaction of bromotri- phenylgermane and chlorotriphenyllead with dithiols yielded the linear compounds (C6H5)3MSRSM(C6H5)3w,h ere R is + Z(CeHs)aMX+HSRSH 2CsHsN + (CsHs)3MSRSM(CaHs)3 (3) The earliest type of cyclic compound prepared by this method was from - 4 E. W. ABEL and D. A. ARMITAGE the interaction of ethane-1,Zdithiol and the dialkyl or diary1 metal dihalides (69,249,P 55). + RzMXz $HS(CHz)zSH 2R3N -+ CHZ-S-M(RZ)SCHZ (4) (1) M = Si, Ge, Sn, and Pb Variation of the difunctional thiol has resulted in the synthesis of a variety of novel heterocyclic compounds: (11) (243,250);( 111) (251);( IV) (247);( V) (248);( VI) (243, 252); (VII) (246, 252). Using the dichloride ClCH2M(CH3)2CI( M = Si and Ge) has given a further modification to the ring systems produced: (VIII) (245);( IX) (245);( X) (244, 248). The two spirans (XI) and (XII) have also been prepared from the thiols and ger- manium tetrachloride in the presence of pyridine (69). 0 The reaction of hydrogen sulfide under similar conditions resembles that of the thiols, but leads to a wider variety of products. The triphenyl Derivatives of Silicon, Germanium, Tin, and Lead 5 H'zC- CHz s ' HzC \ I M Rz HzC- CHz I \ S'G€? / / s s 1 1 HK-CHz halides of silicon (83) and germanium (69) react to give the thiol, whereas analogous tin and lead halides yield the hexaphenyldimetal sulfides. + (CaHs)3MX+HzS+CsHsN -+ (CaH&MSH C5HiiN.HX (5) M=Si, X=CI; M=Ge, X=Br The germanium compound is reported to smell of hydrogen sulfide in the presence of moisture, just as triphenylmethanethiol does (236). The l-bromo-1,3-disilapropanes[ see Eq. (6)] react in a similar way to give the silanethioIs (158). + + + RsSiCHzSiRzBr HzS C5H5N + R3SiCHzSiRzSH C5H5N'HX (6) R= CH3 and C2H5 These thiols reacted with further bromide and pyridine to give the di- silthianes (R3SiCH2SiR2)2Ss, uch compounds being normally prepared directly from the halide and hydrogen sulfide. Thus, halides of the type R3MX react with hydrogen sulfide according to Eq. (7) to give the substituted disilithianes (63, 158) and digermthianes (7). 2RsMX+HzS+2R'sN (R3M)zS +2R'3N*HX (7) -+ M=Si and Ge Dihalides of silicon react in a similar way to produce compounds of formula R2SiS. + + RzSiXz +HzS 2R'sN -+ RzSiS 2R'sNHX (8) These materials have been isolated as dimers (XIII) (63, 82, 154) and trimers (XIV) (154, 163, P54). 6 E. W. ABEL and D. A. ARMITAGE The compound (C6Hll)ZPbSh as also been obtained by this route (96). The analogous reactions of hydrogen sulfide and base with the trihalides in general produce the compounds (RSi)&. The compounds are claimed to be dimeric (82, 83). + + + 4RSiCls 6HzS 12R3’N [(RSi)zS& 12RdNHCl (9) -+ A deficiency of pyridine has given the compound (XV) (82) analogous to those produced from dihalides ; it should possess separable geometrical isomers. It reacts further with hydrogen sulfide and pyridine to produce (TZ-C~H,S~()8~2S) a~n d gives the slender evidence quoted that these tri- sulfides have structure (XVI) and not (XVII). R The ring systems (XVIII) (211), (XIX) (237),( XX) (30)a nd (XXI) (30), have been produced by the reactions recorded in Eqs. (10)-(13), respec- tively. + 2ClCHzSi(CHs)zCl+ 2HzS 4(CzHs)aN -+ (XVIII) (10) + 2Cl(CH3)2SiSi(CHs)zCl+2 H2S 4CsHsN -+ (XIX) (11) [(CICH~)~S~O]ZS~(CH~f)2ZC+sHHZsNS -+ (XX) (12) + 2Cl(CHs)zSiOSi(CHs)zCl+ 2HzS 4CsHsN -+ (XXI) (13)

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