Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering Adam Hamrol Agnieszka Kujawińska Manuel Francisco Suarez Barraza Editors Advances in Manufacturing II Volume 2 - Production Engineering and Management Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering LectureNotesinMechanicalEngineering(LNME)publishesthelatestdevelop- ments in Mechanical Engineering - quickly, informally and with high quality. Original research reported in proceedings and post-proceedings represents the core of LNME. Volumes published in LNME embrace all aspects, subfields and new challengesof mechanical engineering.Topics intheseries include: (cid:129) Engineering Design (cid:129) Machinery and Machine Elements (cid:129) Mechanical Structures and Stress Analysis (cid:129) Automotive Engineering (cid:129) Engine Technology (cid:129) Aerospace Technology and Astronautics (cid:129) Nanotechnology and Microengineering (cid:129) Control, Robotics, Mechatronics (cid:129) MEMS (cid:129) Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (cid:129) Dynamical Systems, Control (cid:129) Fluid Mechanics (cid:129) Engineering Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer (cid:129) Manufacturing (cid:129) Precision Engineering, Instrumentation, Measurement (cid:129) Materials Engineering (cid:129) Tribology and Surface Technology To submit a proposal or request further information, please contact the Springer Editor in your country: China: Li Shen at [email protected] India: Dr. Akash Chakraborty at [email protected] Rest of Asia, Australia, New Zealand: Swati Meherishi at [email protected] All other countries: Dr. Leontina Di Cecco at [email protected] To submit a proposal for a monograph, please check our Springer Tracts in Mechanical Engineering at http://www.springer.com/series/11693 or contact [email protected] Indexed by SCOPUS. The books of the series are submitted for indexing to Web of Science. More information about this series at http://www.springer.com/series/11236 ń Adam Hamrol Agnieszka Kujawi ska (cid:129) (cid:129) Manuel Francisco Suarez Barraza Editors Advances in Manufacturing II Volume 2 - Production Engineering and Management 123 Editors AdamHamrol Agnieszka Kujawińska Poznan University of Technology Poznan University of Technology Poznan,Poland Poznan,Poland Manuel Francisco SuarezBarraza Universidad delasAméricas dePuebla Puebla, Mexico ISSN 2195-4356 ISSN 2195-4364 (electronic) Lecture Notesin MechanicalEngineering ISBN978-3-030-18788-0 ISBN978-3-030-18789-7 (eBook) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-18789-7 ©SpringerNatureSwitzerlandAG2019 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsarereservedbythePublisher,whetherthewholeorpart of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission orinformationstorageandretrieval,electronicadaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilarordissimilar methodologynowknownorhereafterdeveloped. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publicationdoesnotimply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfrom therelevantprotectivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to the material contained hereinorforanyerrorsoromissionsthatmayhavebeenmade.Thepublisherremainsneutralwithregard tojurisdictionalclaimsinpublishedmapsandinstitutionalaffiliations. ThisSpringerimprintispublishedbytheregisteredcompanySpringerNatureSwitzerlandAG Theregisteredcompanyaddressis:Gewerbestrasse11,6330Cham,Switzerland Preface This volume of Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering contains selected papers presented at the sixth International Scientific-Technical Conference MANUFACTURING 2019, held in Poznan, Poland, on May 19–22, 2019. The conference was organized by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Management, Poznan University of Technology, Poland, under the scientific aus- pices of the Committee on Machine Building and Committee on Production Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Theaim oftheconferencewastopresentthelatestachievements inmechanical engineering and to provide an occasion for discussion and exchange of views and opinions. The main conference topics were: (cid:129) quality engineering and management (cid:129) production engineering and management (cid:129) mechanical engineering (cid:129) metrology and measurement systems (cid:129) solutions for Industry 4.0. The organizers received 293 contributions from 36 countries around the world. After a thorough peer review process, the committee accepted 167 papers for conferenceproceedingspreparedby491authorsfrom23countries(acceptancerate around 57%). Extended versions of selected best papers will be published in the following journals: Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, Research in Engineering Design, Management and Production Engineering Review and Archives of Mechanical Technology and Materials. The book Advances in Manufacturing II is organized into five volumes that correspond with the main conference topic mentioned above. Advances in Manufacturing II - Volume 2 - Production engineering and management includespapers onproduct design,planning,and implementation of production processes, business management, and improvement of resources and processes. Research anddevelopment activities, including searchingfor new tools, methods, and methodologies, are conducted by scientists and practitioners around the world. Application of methods varies by country, as well as enterprise, and v vi Preface depends on the level of economic development and various external factors. The exchange of views and experiences in this field through scientific publications contributes to dissemination of their effective application and is also a trigger for innovative solutions. Papers included in this book contain considerations and proposepractical solutionsinthefieldsofproductionflowmanagement,enterprise efficiency, maintenance, modeling, simulation, and optimization of production processes. Papers contribute to the goal of zero-defect manufacturing. The book consists of 32 chapters, prepared by 86 authors from 10 countries. WewouldliketothankthemembersoftheInternationalProgramCommitteefor their hard work during the review process. We acknowledge all that contributed to the staging of MANUFACTURING 2019: authors, committees, and sponsors. Their involvement and hard work were crucial to the success of the MANUFACTURING 2019 conference. May 2019 Adam Hamrol Agnieszka Kujawińska Manuel Francisco Suarez Barraza Organization Steering Committee General Chair Adam Hamrol Poznan University of Technology, Poland Chairs Olaf Ciszak Poznan University of Technology, Poland Stanisław Legutko Poznan University of Technology, Poland Scientific Committee Stanisław Adamczak, Poland Jens J. Dahlgaard, Sweden Michal Balog, Slovakia María de los Angeles Cervantes Rosas, Zbigniew Banaszak, Poland Mexico Myriam Elena Baron, Argentina Andrzej Demenko, Poland Stefan Berczyński, Poland Magdalena Diering, Poland Johan Berglund, Sweden Ewa Dostatni, Poland Wojciech Bonenberg, Poland Jan Duda, Poland Christopher A. Brown, USA Davor Dujak, Croatia Anna Burduk, Poland Milan Edl, Czech Republic Somnath Chattopadhyaya, India Sabahudin Ekinovic, Bosnia Shin-Guang Chen, Taiwan and Herzegovina Danut Chira, Romania Mosè Gallo, Italy Edward Chlebus, Poland Bartosz Gapiński, Poland Damir Ciglar, Croatia Józef Gawlik, Poland Marcela Contreras, Mexico Hans Georg Gemuenden, Norway Nadežda Cuboňová, Slovakia Boštjan Gomišček, UEA vii viii Organization Marta Grabowska, Poland Alejandro Pereira Dominguez, Spain Wit Grzesik, Poland Marko Periša, Croatia Michal Hatala, Slovakia Emilio Picasso, Argentina Sandra Heffernan, New Zealand Jan Pitel, Slovakia Christoph Herrmann, Germany Alla Polyanska, Ukraine Ivan Hudec, Slovakia Włodzimierz Przybylski, Poland Viatlii Ivanov, Ukraine Luis Paulo Reis, Portugal Andrzej Jardzioch, Poland Álvaro Rocha, Portugal Mieczyslaw Jurczyk, Poland Rajkumar Roy, UK Wojciech Kacalak, Poland Iwan Samardzic, Croatia Lyudmila Kalafatova, Ukraine Krzysztof Santarek, Poland Anna Karwasz, Poland Jarosław Sęp, Poland Mourad Keddam, Algeria Bożena Skołud, Poland Sławomir Kłos, Poland Jerzy Sładek, Poland Ryszard Knosala, Poland Roman Staniek, Poland Janusz Kowal, Poland Beata Starzyńska, Poland Drazan Kozak, Croatia Tomasz Sterzyński, Poland Agnieszka Kujawińska, Poland Tomasz Stręk, Poland Janos Kundrak, Hungary Antun Stoić, Croatia Maciej Kupczyk, Poland Manuel Francisco Suarez Barraza, Ivan Kuric, Slovakia Mexico Oleksandr Liaposhchenko, Ukraine Marek Szostak, Poland Piotr Łebkowski, Poland Rafał Talar, Poland José Mendes Machado, Portugal Franciszek Tomaszewski, Poland Aleksandar Makedonski, Bulgaria María Estela Torres Jaquez, Mexico Ilija Mamuzic, Croatia Justyna Trojanowska, Poland Krzysztof Marchelek, Poland Stefan Trzcieliński, Poland Tadeusz Markowski, Poland Maria Leonilde R. Varela, Portugal Edison Perozo Martinez, Colombia Sachin D. Waigaonkar, India Thomas Mathia, France Edmund Weiss, Poland Józef Matuszek, Poland Michał Wieczorowski, Poland Adam Mazurkiewicz, Poland Ralf Woll, Germany Andrzej Milecki, Poland Magdalena Wyrwicka, Poland Mirosław Pajor, Poland Jozef Zajac, Slovakia Ivan Pavlenko, Ukraine Jan Żurek, Poland Dragan Perakovic, Croatia Program Committee Available on http://manufacturing.put.poznan.pl/en/. Organization ix Special Sessions CollaborativeManufacturingandManagementintheContextofIndustry4.0 Special Session Organizing Committee Leonilde Varela University of Minho, Portugal Justyna Trojanowska Poznan University of Technology, Poland Vijaya Kumar Manupati Mechanical Engineering Department, NIT Warangal José Machado University of Minho, Portugal Eric Costa Solent University, UK Sara Bragança Solent University, UK Intelligent Manufacturing Systems Special Session Organizing Committee Ivan Pavlenko Sumy State University, Ukraine Sławomir Luściński Kielce University of Technology, Poland Tooling and Fixtures: Design, Optimization, Verification Special Session Organizing Committee Vitalii Ivanov Sumy State University, Ukraine Yiming Rong Southern University of Science and Technology, China Advanced Manufacturing Technologies Special Session Organizing Committee Jozef Jurko TU Košice, Slovak Republic Michal Balog TU Košice, Slovak Republic Tadeusz E. Zaborowski TU Poznań, Poland