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Springer Transactions in Civil and Environmental Engineering N. A. Siddiqui S. M. Tauseef Kamal Bansal Editors Advances in Health and Environment Safety Select Proceedings of HSFEA 2016 Springer Transactions in Civil and Environmental Engineering More information about this series at http://www.springer.com/series/13593 N. A. Siddiqui S. M. Tauseef (cid:129) Kamal Bansal Editors Advances in Health and Environment Safety Select Proceedings of HSFEA 2016 123 Editors N.A.Siddiqui KamalBansal Department ofHealth Safetyand Collegeof Engineering, University of Environmental Engineering Petroleum andEnergyStudies Collegeof Engineering, University of Dehradun, Uttarakhand Petroleum andEnergyStudies India Dehradun, Uttarakhand India S. M.Tauseef Environmental Research Institute Collegeof Engineering, University of Petroleum andEnergyStudies Dehradun, Uttarakhand India ISSN 2363-7633 ISSN 2363-7641 (electronic) SpringerTransactions in CivilandEnvironmental Engineering ISBN978-981-10-7121-8 ISBN978-981-10-7122-5 (eBook) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-7122-5 LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2017957210 ©SpringerNatureSingaporePteLtd.2018 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsarereservedbythePublisher,whetherthewholeorpart of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission orinformationstorageandretrieval,electronicadaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilarordissimilar methodologynowknownorhereafterdeveloped. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publicationdoesnotimply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfrom therelevantprotectivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authorsortheeditorsgiveawarranty,expressorimplied,withrespecttothematerialcontainedhereinor for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictionalclaimsinpublishedmapsandinstitutionalaffiliations. Printedonacid-freepaper ThisSpringerimprintispublishedbySpringerNature TheregisteredcompanyisSpringerNatureSingaporePteLtd. Theregisteredcompanyaddressis:152BeachRoad,#21-01/04GatewayEast,Singapore189721,Singapore Preface Post industrialization, complexity of the processes and the technology that makes possible the production of variety of consumer products to support the growing population, has been increasing. Additionally, the perils of global warming and climate change have started to manifest in the form of severe environmental and health impacts. Theenvironmentalimpactsareclearintheformofshiftinseasonalcycle,flash floods, droughts, scarcity of potable water, etc. As per World Health Organization (WHO) between the years 2030 and 2050, climate change is estimated to cause 250,000additionaldeathsperyear.Thenumberofpatientsthatarereportinghealth problemsemanatingfromconsumptionorcomingincontactwithcontaminatedair and water is increasing every year. It is estimated that world population will grow to 9.1 billion by 2050. In addi- tion, economic progress, especially in developing world, would result in growing demand for natural resources. More number of people will be employed in man- ufacturing and allied sectors and exploitation of already stressed natural resources will reach its limit. Therefore, the importance of synergy between man and nature and man and his work environment cannot be overlooked. It is essential that sus- tainable means and ways are developed to meet the demands of growing population. The importance of harmony between man and the environment is unquestion- able. The importance of this harmony is even greater in the current scenario because,unlikepast,thecapacityoftheenvironmenttoassimilatepollutioncaused by anthropogenic activities has reached its limit. We are now witness to global warmingandclimatechange.Thisscenarioisgoingtobecomeevenworstifcourse correction is not done immediately. Major stake-holders around the world are chalkingouttheplantocutcarbonemissionandcheckglobalwarmingandclimate change. The same harmony is essential between man and his work environment. Prolonged exposure to hazards at work place and lack of ergonomics results in plethora of work related problems that call for immediate attention. v vi Preface A major objective of this publication is to update ourselves with the latest developments in the field of health and environment safety, and inform on related opportunities and challenges. This volume presents select papers on advances in the field of health and environment safety which were presented at the International conference on advances in the field of health, safety, fire, environment, allied sciences and Engineering(HSFEA2016)fromNovember18–19,2016,UniversityofPetroleum and Energy Studies (UPES), Dehradun. The conference was attended by leading academic scientists, leading engineers, policy makers, budding scholars and grad- uate students. The contribution from the authors cover topics ranging from tech- nology that assist inensuring healthysafe environment tomethods and means that need to be adopted to ensure sustainable development—use of renewable and alternate sources of energy, reduction and control of sources of pollutions, etc. Topics on methods that can be used for monitoring and measurements of climate change and global warming are also presented. Additionally, the importance of ensuring safety and healthy work environment, free from occupational health hazards, is stressed upon. Dehradun, India N. A. Siddiqui S. M. Tauseef Kamal Bansal Acknowledgements ThisvolumehasbenefittedfromcontributionsfromparticipantsattheInternational conference on advances in the field of health, safety, fire, environment, allied sciencesandEngineering(HSFEA2016)fromNovember18–19,2016,University ofPetroleumandEnergyStudies(UPES),Dehradun,andthesupportandinputofa number of individuals and institutions. WethankDr.S.J.Chopra(Hon’bleChancellor,UPES),Prof.ShrihariHonwad (Vice Chancellor, UPES) and Prof. Utpal Ghosh (CEO and President, UPES), for their support and encouragement. We are grateful to the Chief Guest for HSFEA 2016—Prof. V. K. Jain (Vice Chancellor, Doon University) for gracing the event with his presence, distinguished speakers—Senior Prof. S. A. Abbasi (Professor EmeritusUGC,PondicherryUniversity),Mr.DevendraGill,Sr.AdditionalGeneral Manager—Delhi Metro Railway Corporation, Dr. Tasneem Abbasi (Assistant Professor—Pondicherry University and concurrently visiting Associate Professor Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA) and Dr. R. K. Sharma (General Manger— India Glycols Ltd) for their talks. TheorganizersofHSFEA2016wishtothankallthereviewersfortheirvaluable time and comments on the quality of the papers. We acknowledge the support of our sponsors TATA Projects, Uttarakhand Jal Sansthan, Action for Sustainable, Efficacious Development and Awareness (ASEA), Akbar HSE, PARAM Environmental Solutions, SWAN Enviro, Uttrakhand Environment Protection and Pollution Control Board (UEPPCB). We also thank the chairs and members of various committees as under: Steering Committee Chief Patron Dr. S. J. Chopra, Chancellor, UPES, Dehradun (India) vii viii Acknowledgements Patron(s) Mr. Utpal Ghosh, President & CEO, UPES, Dehradun (India) Dr. Shrihari Honwad, Vice Chancellor, UPES, Dehradun (India) Dr. S. R. Das, Vice President, Academic Affairs, UPES, Dehradun (India) General Chair Dr. Kamal Bansal, Dean, College of Engineering Studies, UPES, Dehradun (India) Program Chair Prof S. A. Abbasi, Emeritus Professor (UGC), Centre for Pollution Control and Environmental Engineering, Pondicherry University, Pondicherry (India) Organizing Chair Prof. S. C. Gupta, Assoc. Dean (COES), UPES, Dehradun (India) Dr. Piyush Kuchhal, Assoc. Dean (COES), UPES, Dehradun (India) Dr. Manish Parteek, Assoc. Dean (COES), UPES, Dehradun (India) Dr. S. K. Banerjee, Assoc. Dean (COES), UPES, Dehradun (India) Dr. Suresh Kumar, Assoc. Dean (COES), UPES, Dehradun (India) Dr. Rajneesh Garg, Assoc. Dean (COES), UPES, Dehradun (India) Organizing Co-Chair Dr. N. A. Siddiqui, HOD (HSE), UPES Dr. S. M. Tauseef, A.P (SG)& Head Environmental Research Institute (R&D), UPES Publicity Chair Dr. N. Siddiqui, HOD (HSE), UPES Dr. Adesh Kumar, A.P (SS), EIC, UPES Dr. Vikas Garg, HoD, Civil Engg., UPES Public Relation Chair Dr. Jitendra Kumar Pandey, Head (R&D), UPES Dr. Paawan Sharma, A.P (SS), EIC, UPES Dr. Mukul Gupta, A.P (SS), EIC, UPES Session Management Chair Dr. N. Parsanthi, A.P (SG), EIC, UPES Mr. Ranjan Mishra, A.P (SG), EIC, UPES Acknowledgements ix Organizing Committee Convener Dr. N. A. Siddiqui, Sr. Associate Professor & HOD (HSE), UPES Co-convener Mr. B. P. Yadav, A.P (SG), HSE, UPES Conference Secretary Dr.S.M.Tauseef,A.P(SG)&HeadEnvironmentResearchInstitute(R&D),UPES Finance Committee Mr. Prasenjit Mondal, A.P (SS), EIC, UPES Mr. Dharani Kumar K, A.P, HSE, UPES Technical Support Dr.S.M.Tauseef,A.P(SG)&HeadEnvironmentResearchInstitute(R&D),UPES Dr. Kanchan Deoli Bahukhandi, A.P (SS), UPES Dr. Rajesh Singh, A.P (SG) & Head Institute of Robotics Tech. (R&D), UPES Ms. Anita Gehlot, A.P, UPES Dr. Bhawna Yadav Lamba A.P, UPES Dr. Shiley Singhal, A.P (SG), UPES Dr. Neeraj Anand, UPES Dr. Rajnish Garg, UPES Dr. D. K. Gupta, HOD Petroleum Engineering, UPES Dr. Manish Prateek, UPES Dr. Vikash Garg HOD Civil Eng. UPES Dr. Suresh Kumar, UPES Dr. OM Parkash, HOD, Aerospace Engg., UPES Dr. Pankaj, Sharma, Sr. Associate Prof, Mechanical Engg., UPES Dr. Rajeev Gupta, Associate Prof, Dept. of Physics, UPES Dr. Tarun Dhingra, Sr. Associate Prof, College of Management, UPES Dr. Prasoom Dwidi, Sr. Associate Prof, College of Management, UPES Sponsorship Committee Dr. Nihal Siddiqui, HOD (HSE), UPES Dr. Manish Prateek, Associate Dean (CIT), UPES Dr. Ajay Kumar, Director PG Program, UPES Mr. B. P. Yadav, A.P (SG), UPES Registration Committee Mr. Abhishek Nandan, A.P, HSE, UPES Mr. Dharani Kumar K, A.P, HSE, UPES Dr. Kanchan Deoli Bahukhandi, A.P (SS), UPES

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