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Advances in Filtering and Optimal Stochastic Control: Proceedings of the IFIP-WG 7/1 Working Conference Cocoyoc, Mexico, February 1–6, 1982 PDF

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Preview Advances in Filtering and Optimal Stochastic Control: Proceedings of the IFIP-WG 7/1 Working Conference Cocoyoc, Mexico, February 1–6, 1982

Lecture Notes ni Control dna noitamrofnI Sciences I detidE yb .V.A Balakrishnan dna M.Thoma Fo l IRP! 42 Advances ni Filtering and Optimal Stochastic Contrc sgnideecorP fo eht IFIP-WG 1/? Working ecnerefnoC Cocoyoc, February Mexico, 1-6, 1982 detidE yb W.H. gnimelF dna Gorostiza L.G. I I galreV-regnirpS nilreB Heidelberg NewYork 1982 Series srotidE A. ,V Balakrishnan • M. Thoma yrosivdA draoB L D. Davisson • A. G. .J MacFarlane • H. Kwakernaak .J .L Massey • Ya. Z. Tsypkin • A..1. Viterbi srotidE Wendell H. Fleming Division of Applied Mathematics Brown University Providence, Rhode Island 02912 USA Luis G. Gorostiza Departamento de Matem&ticas Centro de Investigaci6n y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN Apartado Postal 14-740 M~xico 07000, D.E M~xico ISBN 3-540-119364 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg NewYork ISBN 0-387-11936-1 Springer-Verlag NewYork Heidelberg Berlin This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically those of translation, re- printing, re-use of illustrations, broadcasting, reproduction by photocopying machine or similar means, and storage in data banks. Under § 54 of the German Copyright Law where copies are made for other than private use, a fee is payable to 'Verwertungsgesellschaft Wort', Munich. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1982 Printed in Germany Printing and binding: Beltz Offsetdruck, Hemsbach/Bergstr. 2061/3020-543210 PREFACE This volume contains contributions to a conference on filtering, optimal sto- chastic control, and related topics, held in Cocoyoc, Mexico in February 1982. The conference was held under the auspices of IFIP WG 7.1. The host institution was the Centro de Investigaclon y de Estudios Avanzados, whose assistance was appreciated by conference participants. In addition, we wish to thank the following sponsoring or- ganizations in Mexico, whose generous support was essential to the success of the conference: Centro de Investigaci6n y de Estudlos Avanzados del IPN Campanfa Nestle Consejo National de Ciencia y Tecnologfa Fondo de Fomento Educativo BCH Instituto de Investigaciones El~ctricas Instituto Polit~nlco National Secretarfa de Asentamientos Humanos y Obras P6hlicas Secretarfa de Comercio Secretarfa de Educaci6n P6bllca Secretarfa de Turismo Universidad Aut6noma Metropolitana-Azcapotzalco Unlversidad Aut6noma Iietropolitana-Iztapalapa Our thanks also go to other members of the International Program Committee and of the Local Organizing Co~nittee for their valuable assistance in arranging the conference, and to Y-C Liao, R. MeGwler, and S-J Sheu for their help in editing this volume. In addition to specia!ists in nonlinear filtering and stochastic control~ several outstanding probabilists working in related fields came to the conference. Their pre- sence was an important element in its success~ both through the formal lectures presen- ted and through informal discussion with other participants. Conference speakers in- cluded senior scientists of long experience and energetic younger people. As put by one participant, we had both "old coyotes and young lions"*. The intent of the conference organizers was to focus not only on the mathemati- cal aspects of the theory, but also on some newer areas of application and on numer- ical techniques of approximate solution to problems in filtering and stochastic con- .lort We think that this objective was fairly well met. Wendell H. Fleming Luis G. Gorostlza * This simile was in part suggested by the fact that Cocoyoc means "place of the coyotes" in the N~huatl language, and in part by the name of one young speaker. ADDRESSES OF CONTRIBUTORS BARAS, J. S. FLEISCHMANN, K. Deparment of Electrical Engineering Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR University of Maryland ZentralinstitHt fur Mathematik College Park, MD 20742 und Mechanik U.S.A. DDR - 1080 Berlin, Mohrenstrasse 39 GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC BENES, V. E. Bell Laboratories FLEMING, W. H. Murray Hill, NJ 07974 Division of Applied Mathematics U.S.A. Brown University Providence, RI 02912 BENSOUSSAN, A. U.S.A. INRIA Domaine de Voluceau - Rocquencourt GOROSTIZA, .L .G .B .P 105 Departamento de Matem~ticas 78150 Le Chesnay Centro de Investigacidn y de Estudios FRANCE Avanzados, IPN Apartado Postal 14-740 BLANKENSHIP, .G L. M~xico 14, D. F. Department of Electrical Engineering ~x~co University of Maryland College Park, MD 20742 HAUSSMANN, .U .G U.S.A. Department of Mathematics University of British Columbia CLARK, J. M. .C Vancouver, .B C., V6T IW5 Department of Electrical Engineering CANADA Imperial College London, SW7 2BT HELMES, K. ENGLAND InstitUt fur Angewandte Mathematik DAVIS, M. .H A. Universit~t Bonn Department of Electrical Engineering 5300 Bonn, Wegelerstr. 6-10 Imperial College FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY London, SW7 2BT ENGLAND HI JAB, .O Department of Mathematics and Statistics DAWSON, .D A. Case Western Reserve University Department of Mathematics and Statistics Cleveland, OH 44106 Carleton University U.S.A. Ottawa KIS 5B6 CANADA KURTZ, T. G. Department of Mathematics EL KAROUI, .N University of Wisconsin Ecole Normale Sup~rieure Madison, WI 53706 ,3 rue Boucicaut .U .S A. 92260 Fontenay-aux Roses FRANCE KUSHNER, H. .J Division of Applied Mathematics ELLIOTT, .R J. Brown University Department of Pure Mathematics Providence, RI 02912 The University of Hull U.S.A. Hull HU5 2DW ENGLAND LIONS, P-L. Ceremade, Paris IX University Place de Lattre de Tassigny 75775 Paris Cedex 16 FRANCE V MANDL, .P PARDOUX, E. Department of Probability and Mathematical U.E.R. de Mathematiques Statistics Universit~ de Provence Charles University 3 Place Victor-Hugo Sokolovsk~ 83 13331-Maiselle Cedex 3 186 Prague 8 FRANCE CZECHOSLOVAKIA PLISKA, .S R. MARCUS, .S .I Department of Industrial Department of Electrical Engineering Engineering and Management University of Texas at Austin Science Austin, TX 78712 Northwestern University U.S.A. Evanston, IL 50201 U.S.A. MAZZIOTTO, G. Centre National d'Etudes des T~lacommunications PRAGARAUSKAS, H. 92 131 - ISSY LES MOULINEAUX Institute of Mathematics and FRANCE Cybernetics • Academy of Sciences of the MENALDI, J-L. Lithuanian SSR Department of Mathematics 232 600 Vilnius 54, K. Pozelos Str. Wayne State University U.S.S.R. Detroit, MI 48202 U.S.A. QUADRAT, J-P. Domaine de Voluceau-Rocquencourt MITTER, .S K. .B P. 105 Department of Electrical Ehgineering and 78150 Le Chesnay Computer Science and FRANCE Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems RISHEL, .R W. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Mathematics Cambridge, MA 02139 University of Kentucky U.S.A. Lexington, KY 40506 U.S.A. NISIO, M. Department of Mathematics SAZONOV, V. V. Faculty of Sciences Steklov Mathematical Institute Kobe University Academy of Sciences of the USSR Rokkodai-machi, Nada-Ku 42 Vavilova Street Kobe 657 Moscow - B 333 JAPAN U.S.S.R. SHENG, D. D. Bell Laboratories Holmdel, NJ 07733 U.S.A. STROOCK, D. W. Mathematics Department University of Colorado Boulder, CO 80309 U.S.A. VARADHAN, S. R. .S Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences New York University 251 Mercer Street New York, NY 10012 U. .s A. CONTENTS BARAS, .J S., HOPKINS, Jr., W. E., BLANKENSHIP, G. L. Existence, uniqueness i and tail behavior of solutions to Zakai equations with unbounded coefficients BENES, V. .E Optimal stopping under partial observations 18 BENSOUSSAN, A. Optimal control of partially observed diffusions 38 BLANKENSHIP, G. L., HOPKINS, Jr., W. E., BARAS, .J .S Accurate evaluation of 54 conditional densities in nonlinear filtering CLARK, J. M. C. An efficient approximation scheme for a class of stochastic 69 differential equations DAVIS, M. H. A. Stochastic control with noisy observations 79 DAWSON, D. A., KURTZ, T. G. Applications of duality to measure-valued 91 diffusion processes EL KAROUI, N., LEPELTIER, J-P., MARCHAL, B. Optimal stopping of controlled 106 Markov processes ELLIOTT, R. J., AL-HUSSAINI~ A. Two paramter filtering equations for Jump 113 process semimartingales FLEISCHMANN, K. Space-time mixing in a branching model 125 FLEMING, W. H. Logarithmic transformations and stochastic control 131 GOROSTIZA, L. G. Generalized Gaussian random solutions of certain evolution 142 equations HAUSSMANN, U. .G Extremal controls for completely observable diffusions 149 HELMES, K., SCHWANE, A. L~vy's stochastic area formula in higher dimensions 161 HIJAB, .O Asymptotic nonlinear filtering and large deviations 170 KURTZ, .T .G Representation and approximation of counting processes 177 KUSHNER, H. J. Approximate invariant measures for the asymptotic distributions 192 of differential equations with wide band noise inputs LIONS, P. L. Optimal stochastic control of diffusion type processes and 199 Hamilton-Jaeobi-Bellman equations MANDL, P. On reducing the dimension of control problems by diffusion 216 approximation MARCUS~ .S I.~ LIU, C-H.~ BLANKENSHIP~ G.L. Lie algebraic and approximation 225 methods for some nonlinear filtering problems MAZZIOTTO, G., SZPIRGLAS, J. Optimal stopping for two-parameter processes 239 MENALDI, J-L. Stochastic control problem for reflected diffusions in a convex 246 bounded domain VIII MITTER, .S K. Nonlinear filtering of diffusion processes: a guided tour 256 NISIO, M. Note on uniqueness of semigroup associated with Bellman 267 operator PARDOUX, E., BOUC, R. PDE with random coefficients: asymptotic expansion 276 for the moments PLISKA, .S .R A discrete time stochastic decision model 290 PRAGARAUSKAS, H. On the approximation of controlled jump diffusion processes 305 QUADRAT, J-P. On optimal stochatie control problem of large systems 312 RISHEL, R. W. Unnormalized conditional probabilities and optimality for 326 partially observed controlled jump Markov processes SAZONOV, V. V. On normal approximation in Banach spaces 344 SHENG, D. D. A class of problems in the optimal control of diffusions with 353 finitely many controls STROOCK, D. W. A resum~ of some of the applications of Malliavin's calculus 376 VARADHAN, .S .R .S Large deviations 382 EXISTENCE, UNIQUENESS AND TAIL BEHAVIOR OF SOLUTIONS TO ZAKAI EQUATIONS WITH UNBOUNDED COEFFICIENTS W.E. Hopkins, Jr., J,S. Baras and G.L. Blankenshlp Electrical Engineering Department University of Maryland College Park, Maryland 20742 ABSTRACT Conditions are given to guarantee the existence and uniqueness of solutions to the Duncan-Mortensen-Zakal equation for nonlinear filtering of multivariable diffusions with unbounded coefficients. Sharp upper and lower bounds on the tall of conditional densities are also obtained. A methodology is described to treat these problems using classical p.d.e, methods applied to the "robust" version of the DMZ equation. Several examples are included. Supported in part by ONR Contract N00014-79-C-0808. I. INTRODUCTION AND STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Recently the problem of filtering a diffusion process x(t) from non- linear observations y(t) in additive Gaussian noise has been studied by analyzing an unnormallzed version of the conditional distribution of x(t) given the past of y(.). If this conditional distribution is abso- lutely continuous with respect to Lebesgue measure, then it has a density which satisfies a linear stochastic partial differential equa- tion known as the Duncan-Mortensen-Zakai (DMZ) equation [I]. Background information on this equation and other aspects of the nonlinear filter- ing problem may be found in [2]. In the present paper we focus on existence-uniqueness results for the DMZ equation and on tail estimates of the resulting solutions. Our motivation for these problems stems primarily from the following areas: (a) numerical algorithms for the solution of DMZ equation and their subsequent implementation by special purpose array processors; (b) numerical evaluation of the Kallianpur- Striebel path integral representation of the solution; (c) accuracy and convergence analysis in asymptotic expansio~ of the solution. In cases where the process x(t) evolves in a bounded domain in ~n, or when the state space is unbounded but the coefficients of the DMZ equa- tion are bounded, a satisfactory emistence~uniqueness theory is available [3]-[5]. More recently, existence-uniqueness of solutions has been established for filtering problems having "strongly" unbounded coefficients. In [6] polynomial observations are studied via a related optimal control problem. In ~7] classical results for funda- mental solutions of parabolic equations with unbounded coefficients are applied to the "robust" version of the DMZ equation Eli, [2], for scalar diffusions. In [8], [9], the method of [7] is extended to multidimensional problems. Furthermore in [7]-C9] tight estimates of the tail behavior of solutions are obtained. In the present paper we review and summarize the method and main results of ~7]-[9]~ ^ To set the problem, consider the pair of Ito stochastic differential equations dx(t) = f(x,t)dt + g(x,t)dw(t), x(0) = 0 x (1) dy(t) = h(x,t)dt + dr(t) , y(O) = 0 where x(t), w(t)C~ n, y(t), v(t)E~ m, w(-) and v(-) are mutually independent Wiener processes independent of x0, and 0 x has a den- sity p0 (.) 6 LI(~ n) NC00Rn). The coefficients f,g,h are assumed to satisfy fi E I'H0C i h cHC oc , 2,1 where -- denotes the space of functions having locally H~Ider continuous derivatives of order i in x and J in t. Furthermore the generator L of the diffusion process x(') is assumed to be uniformly elliptic; that is, there exist continuous functions 8i(x,t) i=1,2, and a constant eo>O such that for all ~n and (x,t)~ @01512<@l(x,t)l$12<~_ eiJ (x,tl~isjie2(x,t)l~l 2, i T ..--i,~=l where ( iJ)~ ~gg The filtering pron±em lot (I) is to estimate statistics of x(t) given the o-algebr~r~ = o{y(s)lO~s~t}. Equivalently we can compute the conditional distribution of x(t) given~. Formally, the conditional density of x(t) given~ is given by p(x,t) = U(x,t)/l U(x,t)dx ~n where U(x,t) is a solution of the DMZ equatlon dU = (L* -~lhl2)Udt + <h,dy(t)>U, (x,t)e~ (2) U(x,0) = Po(X) , x~R n Here L is the adjoint of L and (2) is written using Stratonovich calculus. It is well known, particularly in recent studies, that if one introduces the transformation V(x,t) = U(x,t) exp (~h(x,t), y(t)>) (3) then V satisfies a classical, linear, parabolic partial differential equation, parametrized by the observation paths y(*), which is called the "robust" version of the DMZ equation rl], [2~: u n VBt~ (x,t) = i,j=iZ AiJ(x't)Vxixj(x't) + Zi=i Bi(x,t)Vxi(X,t) + C(x,t)V(x,t) , (x,t)e9 (4) V(x,O) = ~(x) , xsm n. The functions Bi(x,t) are pointwise linear functions of y(t), while C(x,t) is pointwise a quadratic function of y(t). Since the paths of y(-) are HSlder continuous, (4) is a classical p.d,e, and classical results on existence-uniqueness of fundamental solutions for linear parabolic equations due to Besala ~I0] can be fruitfully applied to the robust DMZ equation, Direct analyses of the DHZ equation is rather complicated. However, since the transformation (3) is invertible, positivity preserving, and (2), (4) are l!nea~ existence, uniqueness, and tail behavlour of solutions of the DMZ equation may he obtained by

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