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ADVANCES IN ENZYMOLOGY AND RELATED AREAS OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Volume 67 LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS JEFFT . BOLIN, Biological Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette. IN 47907. GEORGEW . GOKEL,D epartment of Chemistry, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL 33 124. JEFFREY1 . GORDOND, epartment of Molecular Biology and Pharmacology, Wash- ington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO 631 10. MARKR . HARPEL.B. iology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 378314077, FREDC. HARTMANB,i ology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge. TN 37831-8077. SEYMOUKRA UFMANLa, boratory of Neurochemistry, National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda. MD 20892. RADHAG . KKISHNAD,e partment of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Texas Medical School, Houston, TX 7722s. CHARLEAS. MCWHERrEK, Monsanto Company. St. Louis, MO 63198. T. VANCEM ORGANC.e nter for Metalloenzyme Studies, University of Georgia, Ath- ens, GA 30602. LEONARED. MORYXNSON,C enter for Metalloenzyme Studies, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602. DAVIDA . RUDNICKD,e partment of Molecular Biology and Pharmacology. Wash- ington University School of Medicine. St. Louis. MO 631 10. LANCEC . SEEFELD?C, enter for Metalloenzyme Studies, University of Georgia. Ath- ens. GA 30602. FINNW OLD, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Texas Medical School, Houston, TX 77225. RAYW u, Section of Biochemistry, Molecular and Cell Biology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 148.53. ADVANCES IN ENZYMOLOGY AND RELATED AREAS OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Founded by F. F. NORD Edited by ALTON MEISTER CORNELL UNIVERSITY MEDICAL COLLEGE NEW YORK, NEW YORK VOLUME 67 WILEY 1993 AN INTERSCIENCES PUBLlCATION JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. . New York Chichester Brisbane Toronto Singapore 9 This text is printed on acid-free paper. Copyright 0 1993 by John Wiley & Sons. Inc. All rights reserved. Published simultaneously in Canada. Reproduction or translation of any part of this work beyond that permitted by Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act without the permission of the copyright owner is unlawful. Requests for permission or further information should be addressed to the Permissions Department. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.. 605 Third Avenue. New York, NY 10158-001 2. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the sub,ject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal. accounting, or other professional services. If legal advice or other expert ascistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 41-9213 ISBN 0-471-58279-4 Printed in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 CONTENTS Chemical and Genetic Probes of the Active Site of D- Ribulose-1 $Bifphosphate CarboxylaselOxygenase: A Retrospective Based on the Three-Dimensional Structure .................................................. 1 Fred C. Hartman and Mark R. Harpel Phenylalanine Hydroxylating System ...................... 77 Seymour Kaufman Post-translational Modification of Proteins ................ 265 Radha G. Krishna and Finn Wold The Role of Metal Clusters and MgATP in Nitrogenase Catalysis ................................................... 299 Leonard E. Mortenson, Lance C. Srefeldt, T. Vance Morgan and Jeff T. Bolin Myristoyl CoA: Protein N-Myristoyl-transferase ......... 375 David A. Rudnick, Charles A. McWherter, George W. Gokel and Jeflrey I. Gordon Development of Enzyme-Based Methods for DNA Sequence Analysis and Their Applications in the Genome Projects .......................................... 43 1 Ray Wu Author Index ................................................ 469 Subject Index ................................................ 50 1 V ADVANCES IN ENZYMOLOGY AND RELATED AREAS OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Volume 67 Advances in Enzymology and Related Areas of .!MolecularB iology, Volume 67 Edited by Alton Meister Copyright 0 1993 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. CHEMICAL AND GENETIC PROBES OF THE ACTIVE SITE OF D-RIBULOSE-~,~- BISPHOSPHATE CARBOXYLASEl OXYGENASE: A RETROSPECTIVE BASED ON THE THREE-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURE By FRED C. HARTMAN and MARK R. HARPEL, Biology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN CONTENTS I. Introduction 11. Reaction Pathway A. Carboxylation B. Oxygenation C. Kinetic Mechanism, Rate-Limitations, and Alternate Substrates D. Side Reactions E. Minimal Requirements for Rubisco Catalysis Ill. Crystal Structures A. Features Common to Lz and L& Enzymes 9. L8S8 Enzymes C. The Active Site IV . Active Site Characterization with General Reagents V. Active Site Characterization with Affinity Labels VI. Chemical Properties of the Two Active-Site Lysines Identified with Affinity Labels and Their Inter-Residue Distance VII. General Considerations of Site-Directed Mutagenesis and Characterization of Rubisco Mutants VIII. Chemical Rescue IX . Site-Directed Mutagenesis Guided by Chemical Modification and Comparative Sequences A. Validation (or Invalidation) of Presumed Importance of Residues B. Function of Active-Site Residues C. Active-Site Location and Intersubunit Interactions X. Structure-Guided Mutagenesis A. Substitution of a Phosphate-Binding Site B. The Invisible Base 1 2 FRED C. HARTMAN AND MARK R. HARPEL C. Intersubunit, Electrostatic Interactions XI. Carboxylase/Oxygenase Specificity XII. Concluding Remarks Acknowledgments References I. Introduction Prior to knowledge of its function, D-ribulose-1 ,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) (E.C. had been purified from tobacco and denoted as fraction protein (1). Not until ten Z years later was this high-abundance protein identified as Rubisco after detection of its carboxylation activity during photosynthesis and its purification based on the monitoring of that activity. Pi- oneering studies from the laboratories of M. Calvin, B. L. Horecker, and E. Racker conclusively proved that Rubisco catalyzes carbox- ylation of D-ribulose- 1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) to form two molar equivalents of 3-phospho-~-glycerate( PGA), thereby fulfilling the crucial requirement for photosynthetic fixation of carbon dioxide with the net synthesis of carbohydrate (for an historical account, see ref. 2). Another twenty years elapsed before Rubisco was shown to possess oxygenase in addition to carboxylase activity, whereby RuBP undergoes oxidative degradation to phosphoglycolate and PGA (Fig. I). This startling and profound codiscovery by the groups of Ogren (3) and Tolbert (4, 5) placed Rubisco at the interface of two competing metabolic pathways in which the single enzyme ini- tiates both photosynthetic carbon reduction and photorespiration. Oxygenase activity of Rubisco appears to be a physiologically functionless but unavoidable consequence of the chemical proper- ties of the 2,3-enediol(ate) of RuBP, the initial intermediate in both reaction pathways. The relative reactivity of the enediol(ate) toward COz and O2 dictates the partitioning ratio between the carboxylation and oxygenation pathways. Three-quarters of the phosphoglycolate formed by oxidation of RuBP is returned to the Calvin cycle by the energy-requiring glycolate pathway (6). Despite this salvage path- way, net C02-fixation by C3 plants (plants in which the Rubisco- containing mesophyll cells are in direct contact with the external CHEMICAL AND GENETIC PROBES OF RUBISCO 3 0 /I c -0- CO, + HO, 2 HC-OH /o- 2 H+ I H,C-OP\ 0 I1 0 I1 /0- 0 H,C-OP, I 0- HC?-=OOH Enz HC-OH Mg" I /o- h,C-OP, 0 0II 0 c0II- o- c11 -o- H,CI- OP\ /o i HCI -OH /o- + 2 H+ 02 6 0 H,C-OP, - II 0 0 Figure 1. Stoichiornetries of overall reactions catalyzed by Rubisco. atmosphere) is diminished about one-third by photorespiration. Ap- preciation of the negative impact of Rubisco's oxygenase activity on plant growth and hence the potential advantages of elevating the carboxylase/oxygenase ratio by genetic or chemical manipulation has certainly stimulated interest in Rubisco. However, many addi- tional factors have contributed to the enormous attention focused on Rubisco by biochemists, enzymologists, X-ray crystallographers, molecular biologists, geneticists, plant physiologists, and agrono- mists. These factors will be briefly considered. Rubisco may be viewed as a cornerstone of life; it links the in- organic and organic pools of carbon on our planet and provides the only globally significant route for the net synthesis of carbohydrate from atmospheric COz. The enzyme also provides the major chem- ical route for removing COz from the atmosphere, a fact of potential pertinence to amelioration of the greenhouse effect. Because the carboxylation reaction is rate-limiting in photosynthetic carbon as- similation, Rubisco is a prime determinant of biomass yield. The slow rate (k,,, = 2-5 s-') probably explains the preponderance of Rubisco, which approaches 50% of the total soluble protein in green leaves or an active-site concentration of 3 mM in chloroplasts! Un- doubtedly, Rubisco is the world's most abundant protein. Besides the low k,,, , other mechanistically intriguing features include the absence of cofactors typically associated with oxygenases (Fez , + 4 FRED C. HARTMAN AND MARK R. HARPEL Cu2+,f lavins) and an unusual obligatory activation that entails re- action of C02, distinct from substrate COz, with a lysyl €-amino group to form a carbamate, which is stabilized by the essential Mg2+ ion (7, 8): 0 0 II I1 2c 0 2 Mg2 + Enz-NH2 Enz-NH-C-0- Enz-NH-C-O---Mg*' G c02 Under physiological conditions of [H'l, [Mg2+], [COZI, and [RuBP], the equilibrium favors the nonactivated form of the enzyme (9). This perplexity was resolved by the discovery of another chlo- roplastic protein, denoted activase, which facilitates carbamylation in vivo (for a review, see ref. 10). The mechanism is incompletely understood but involves the release of inhibitory phosphorylated ligands (including RuBP) from the noncarbamylated protein. The ATP-requirement of activase explains, in part, light-mediated acti- vation of Rubisco; however, proteins of the thylakoid membrane are also involved (11). In some plant species, Rubisco activity is regulated by a tight- binding inhibitor, 2-carboxyarabinitol- 1 -phosphate, that accumu- lates in the dark (reviewed in ref. 12). A specific phosphatase relieves this inhibition, possibly following activase-assisted release of the bound inhibitor from the active site. This phosphatase is sensitive to the levels of sugar phosphates in the cell and is inactive in the absence of reduced thiols, suggesting that the light-dependence of this inhibition may be thioredoxin-mediated (see ref. 13 and citations therein). Because of several characteristics, Rubisco is an excellent model for exploring fundamental problems in plant molecular biology. The high abundance of the enzyme's cognate mRNA facilitates inves- tigations of regulation of gene expression and its response to photon flux (14-16). Most species of Rubisco contain eight large (L) and eight small (S) subunits; the L subunits are chloroplastic encoded, whereas the S subunits are nuclear encoded. Both types of subunits are synthesized as larger precursors that are processed by specific proteases prior to assembly of the active L8Ss species (17-21). Thus,

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