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Advances in Developmental Biology and Biochem [Vol 13 - Murine Homeobox Gene Ctl] - T. Lufkin (Elsevier, 2003) WW PDF

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Preview Advances in Developmental Biology and Biochem [Vol 13 - Murine Homeobox Gene Ctl] - T. Lufkin (Elsevier, 2003) WW

Contents Preface vii List of Contributors xi Hox proteins and their co-factors in transcriptional regulation 1 Mark Featherstone Msx genes in organogenesis and human disease 43 Robert E. Maxson, Mamoru Ishii and Amy Merrill Cdx homeobox proteins in vertebral patterning 69 Martin Houle, Deborah Allan and David Lohnes Dlx genes in craniofacial and limb morphogenesis 107 Giorgio R. Merlo, Annemiek Beverdam and Giovanni Levi Prx, Alx, and Shox genes in craniofacial and appendicular development 133 Frits Meijlink, Sanne Kuijper, Antje Brouwer and Carla Kroon Hox gene control of neural crest cell, pharyngeal arch and craniofacial patterning 155 Angelo Iulianella and Paul A. Trainor Role of Otx transcription factors in brain development 207 Antonio Simeone, Juan Pedro Martinez Barbera, Eduardo Puelles and Dario Acampora Colour plate section 251 Preface It has been nearly two decades since the first homeobox gene was molecular cloned in Drosophila. This monumental finding rapidly led to the discovery of additional homeobox genes in essentially every animal species examined. Since that time some twenty years ago, enormous progress has been made in our understanding of the distribution of homeobox genes in the genomes of many species and the common functional role homeobox genes play in cell-type specification and development. The amino acid sequence of the homeodomain, and the presence of other conserved protein domains, has allowed the classification of homeodomain-containing proteins (homeoproteins) into over thirty separate families (e.g. Hox, Dlx, Msx, Otx, Hmx, Cdx etc.) with most commonly between 2–10 members per family in mammals. Additionally, recent analysis of different animal genomes has now permitted more accurate and detailed models of the evolution of homeobox gene families, which appear to have expanded largely in step with overall gene number in the evolution of more complex organisms. With the recent completion of the sequencing of the first arthropod and mammalian genomes a major revelation was the relative paucity of genes necessary to construct complex animal life forms. The parsimonious nature of genes was not so foreign to investigators in the homeobox gene area, where an early question had always been how a single gene could fully direct the morphogenesis and development of a complex tissue, organ or entire body segment. This early and fundamental question on the ‘‘master’’ regulatory ability of homeoproteins to a large part still remains a mystery, in part owing to our limited understanding of the downstream effectors of homeobox gene function. It would be beyond the scope of any single publication to review all recent developments in what has been learned about homeobox gene structure, function and expression. So here we limit ourselves to what has been learned in mammalian systems, primarily focusing on the mouse, as the mouse remains the vertebrate species of choice for using both forward and reverse genetic approaches to generate either gain- or loss-of-function mutations at will. Yet, a common theme to each of these reviews is the underlying importance of what has been learned about each homeobox gene family in other species, particularly Drosophila, and how this has aided our interpretation and understanding of the role these genes play in mice and other mammals, namely human. A question of central interest in the homeobox gene field has been how homeo- proteins which act as DNA binding transcription factors, can with a relatively weak specificity of DNA binding, achieve such specificity of action. The chapter by Featherstone explores the mechanisms through which Hox and other homeoproteins achieve specificity in their role as transcriptional regulators (both activators and repressors) and how homeoprotein interaction with cofactors (often other homeoproteins) affects both cooperativity and specificity of DNA binding. Members of the msh/Msx homeobox gene family have remained remarkably conserved during evolution relative to other homeobox gene families. The section by Maxson et al. explores this evolutionary conservation at the functional level by describing the role of the Msx genes in the convergence of both the control of cell proliferation and differentiation and hence pattern via extracellular signals. This chapter also details the role of the Msx genes in development of the mammalian skull and goes further to integrate them into an emerging homeobox gene developmental cascade whereby expression of the Msx genes is controlled by other homeoproteins and the Msx proteins themselves control the expression of yet other homeobox genes. An example of the role of homeobox genes in patterning specific regions of the body in a wide range of species is described in the chapter by Lohnes and colleagues where they review what is known about the Drosophila caudal homologs in mice (Cdx1 and Cdx2) and other species and their conserved role in patterning the posterior end of the embryo and in gastrulation. Additional functions the Cdx1/2 genes have evolved include the control of vertebral patterning that is intertwined with their control of the early phase of Hox gene expression. How the Cdx genes themselves are regulated is also explored and the wingless/Wnt family of cell–cell signaling molecules is implicated along with retinoic acid, which has also been shown to directly regulate expression of certain members of the Hox gene complex. The chapter by Levi and colleagues describes the role of two murine Dlx genes in craniofacial and limb development. Homologs of Drosophila Distal-less, the murine genes have been shown to play an evolutionary conserved role in appendage out- growth similar to what was seen in their fly counterparts, thus further linking the developmental programs utilized by mammalian limbs and Drosophila appendages (antennae, labium, legs and wings). In a similar manner the chapter by Meijlink et al. explores the contribution of the Prx, Alx and Shox genes to craniofacial and appendicular (limb) morphogenesis. These three mammalian families are highly similar to the Drosophila aristaless gene, which is involved in both embryonic development and pattern formation in appendages and head segments and which furthermore overlaps in expression with the Distal-less gene in the developing fly head and distal tip of fly appendages. Probably the best-characterized and most widely studied family of homeobox genes is the Hox genes. The chapter by Iulianella and Trainor focus on the role of Hox genes in their anterior domain of function and explore their contribution to patterning of the cranial neural crest and head. The authors review the interplay of multiple extracellular signaling systems in neural induction and go on to describe how multiple regulators of Hox gene expression are now known, which include retinoic acid and its associated nuclear receptors, Krox20, kreisler, Fgfs and Hox proteins themselves. With regard to patterning parts of the anterior end of the embryo in diverse species, the section by Simeone et al. review the role of the Otx genes in murine brain development. In Drosophila the Otx homolog orthodenticle (otd) is responsible for patterning the antennal segment, which gives rise to the eye viii Preface and the antenna, as well as sections of the fly brain. This chapter also reviews what is known about the function of neural signaling centers such as the anterior visceral endoderm and their impact on homeobox gene expression. Almost two decades have passed since the molecular cloning of the first homeobox gene and during that interval great advances have been made in our understanding of homeobox gene structure, expression, function and evolution in mammals. At the same time many old questions remain resistant to rapid solutions, such as a full understanding of the nature and number of different homeobox upstream regulators (both at the DNA and protein level) how they integrate their function with other neighboring enhancers and how they restrict themselves from acting on genes that often lie between them and their normal homeobox responsive gene. Likewise the issue of post-translational modification of homeoproteins and homeoprotein cofactors (proteins or otherwise), their diversity and how they modulate homeoprotein function are only beginning to be understood in a handful of cases. Finally how, when and what homeoproteins control in terms of target genes is still in its infancy. Hopefully the emergence of promising new tools in the areas of genomics and proteomics combined with ongoing advances in molecular genetics and bioinformatics will help us better address many of these questions in the near future. Preface ix List of Contributors Dario Acampora MRC Centre for Developmental Neurobiology, New Hunt’s House, 4th Floor, King’s College London, Guy’s Campus, London Bridge, London SE1 1UL, UK e-mail:

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