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Advances in Cholesteric Liquid Crystals PDF

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A d v a n c e s in C h o le s t r ic L iq u id C r y s t a ls • M ic h e l M ito v Advances in C holesteric Liquid Crystals Edited by Michel Mitov Printed Edition of the Special Issue Published in Crystals www.mdpi.com/journal/crystals Advances in Cholesteric Liquid Crystals Advances in Cholesteric Liquid Crystals SpecialIssueEditor MichelMitov MDPI•Basel•Beijing•Wuhan•Barcelona•Belgrade SpecialIssueEditor MichelMitov CentreNationaldelaRechercheScientifique France EditorialOffice MDPI St.Alban-Anlage66 4052Basel,Switzerland ThisisareprintofarticlesfromtheSpecialIssuepublishedonlineintheopenaccessjournalCrystals (ISSN 2073-4352) in 2019 (available at: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/crystals/specialissues/ CholestericLiquid). Forcitationpurposes,citeeacharticleindependentlyasindicatedonthearticlepageonlineandas indicatedbelow: LastName,A.A.; LastName,B.B.; LastName,C.C.ArticleTitle. JournalNameYear,ArticleNumber, PageRange. ISBN978-3-03928-228-9(Pbk) ISBN978-3-03928-229-6(PDF) CoverimagecourtesyofMichelMitov. (cid:2)c 2020bytheauthors. ArticlesinthisbookareOpenAccessanddistributedundertheCreative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license, which allows users to download, copy and build upon publishedarticles,aslongastheauthorandpublisherareproperlycredited,whichensuresmaximum disseminationandawiderimpactofourpublications. ThebookasawholeisdistributedbyMDPIunderthetermsandconditionsoftheCreativeCommons licenseCCBY-NC-ND. Contents AbouttheSpecialIssueEditor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii Prefaceto”AdvancesinCholestericLiquidCrystals” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix YuqiHan,YanJiangandWeiGuo SensingCharacteristicsofSide-PolishedFiberBasedontheAlterationsinHelicalStructureof Thermo-SensitiveCholestericLiquidCrystals Reprintedfrom:Crystals2019,9,465,doi:10.3390/cryst9090465. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 YuedaLiu,YanLi,QuanmingChen,SidaLiandYikaiSu LiquidCrystalBasedHead-UpDisplaywithElectricallyControlledContrastRatio Reprintedfrom:Crystals2019,9,311,doi:10.3390/cryst9060311. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Chen-Yue Li, Xiao Wang, Xiao Liang, Jian Sun, Chun-Xin Li, Shuai-Feng Zhang, Lan-Ying Zhang, Hai-Quan Zhang and Huai Yang Electro-Optical Properties of a Polymer Dispersed and Stabilized Cholesteric Liquid Crystals System Constructed by a Stepwise UV-Initiated Radical/Cationic Polymerization Reprintedfrom:Crystals2019,9,282,doi:10.3390/cryst9060282. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Mikhail N. Krakhalev, Rashid G. Bikbaev, Vitaly S. Sutormin, Ivan V. Timofeev and Victor Ya. Zyryanov Nematic and Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Structures in Cells with Tangential-Conical Boundary Conditions Reprintedfrom:Crystals2019,9,249,doi:10.3390/cryst9050249. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 ZihengWang,PardisRofouieandAlejandroD.Rey Surface Anchoring Effects on the Formation of Two-Wavelength Surface Patterns in Chiral LiquidCrystals Reprintedfrom:Crystals2019,9,190,doi:10.3390/cryst9040190. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Chia-HuaYu,Po-ChangWuandWeiLee Electro-Thermal Formation of Uniform Lying Helix Alignment in a Cholesteric Liquid CrystalCell Reprintedfrom:Crystals2019,9,183,doi:10.3390/cryst9040183. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 HenricusH.Wensink EffectofSizePolydispersityonthePitchofNanorodCholesterics Reprintedfrom:Crystals2019,9,143,doi:10.3390/cryst9030143. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 YuriYevdokimov,SergeySkuridin,ViktorSalyanov,SergeySemenovandEfimKats Liquid-CrystallineDispersionsofDouble-StrandedDNA Reprintedfrom:Crystals2019,9,162,doi:10.3390/cryst9030162. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 v About the Special Issue Editor MichelMitovisDirectorofResearchatCNRSandPrincipalInvestigatoroftheLiquidCrystalstheme at Centre d’Elaboration de Mate´riaux et d’Etudes Structurales (CEMES) in Toulouse. His current interestslieinthedesignandopticalpropertiesofcomplexcholestericliquidcrystalstructures(pitch gradient, double helicity, spatially variable helical axis), and biomimetic materials inspired from insectcarapaces. Heistheinventorofpatentsrelatedtosmartreflectivewindowstocontrolsolar lightandheat.Hehaspublishedanessayofsciencepopularizationonsoftmatter(SensitiveMatter, HarvardUniversityPress), andatextbookonliquidcrystalscience(Lescristauxliquides, Presses UniversitairesdeFrance). vii Preface to ”Advances in Cholesteric Liquid Crystals” Mostoftheopticalpropertiesofliquidcrystals(LCs)areduetotheirchiralstructures.Withtheir helicalstructure,cholestericLCs(CLCs)—alsonamedchiralnematicLCs—figureprominentlyinLC science.Theselectivereflectionoflightistheirflagshipproperty.AproperlyorientedlayerofCLCis auniquemultifunctionalmaterial:Itis,atthesametime,reflector,notchfilter,polarizer,andoptical rotator. The research on CLCs often requires making a continuous description of chiral structures andtheirpropertiesfromthenanometerrangetothemacroscopicscale. Itprovidesnaturallinks between different disciplines in soft matter science and well beyond. It promises a myriad of applications in the areas of sensors based on color changes, tunable bandpass filters, rewritable colorrecordings,hyperspectralimaging,thermalprintablee-paper,polarizer-freereflectivedisplays, lasing,microlenses,smartwindows,andmanymore. LyotropicCLCformulationsmaybechosen fortheirbeauty,toscreenUVlight,ortoobtainiridescentvisualeffects.TheCLCstructurehasvery far-reachingimplicationsintechnologywhichhavenotyetshowntheirfullsignificance. TheCLCstructureisaubiquitousdesignintheanimalandplantkingdoms. Thefunctionsof biologicalCLCsincludemaximizationofpackingefficiency,opticalinformation,radiationprotection, andmechanicalstability. Theroleofthecholestericstructureinlivingmatterisfarfrombeingfully defined,andmanybiomimeticreplicasarestillawaitingrealization. Thisbookisaseriesofpapers writtenbyresearchersworkinginLCscienceandtechnology,andcoversexperimentalinvestigations, theoreticalaspects,andapplications.Itincludesonereviewpaperonthepackingofdoublestranded DNAmolecules[Y.Yevdokimovetal.] andsevenresearcharticlesthatmayfallintothefollowing twogroups: Fundamentalinvestigationsofdefects,textures,andstructures: Experimental studies and computer simulations of director configurations and topological defects in nematic and cholesteric layers with tangential–conical boundary conditions [M. N. Krakhalevetal.]. Theoreticalinvestigationsabouttheroleoflengthpolydispersityonthehelicalpitchofnanorod basedCLCswithcontinuouslengthpolydispersity[H.H.Wensink]. Mechanisms of voltage-induced changes of CLC textures by dielectric heating in the case of pulsesshapedtoaligntheuniformlyinghelixtexture[C.-H.Yuetal.]. TheoreticalanalysisofsurfacepatternsformedatthefreesurfaceofCLCswithafocusonthe multiple-length-scalesurfacewrinklingphenomenon[Z.Wangetal.]. Experimentalstudiesaimedatapplications: OpticalfiberscoatedwithaCLCastemperaturesensors[Y.Hanetal.]. Head-updisplaysforimprovingautomobiledrivingsafetybasedonthedualroleofreflector andpolarizerofCLCs[Y.Liuetal.]. CLC materials for field-induced opaque-to-transparent smart windows made of a hybrid associationofpolymer-dispersedandpolymer-stabilizedLCmorphologies[C.-Y.Lietal.]. I hope that reading this set of contributions proves to be an enjoyable and illuminating experience. MichelMitov SpecialIssueEditor ix

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