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Advanced Removable Partial Dentures - J. Brudvik (Quintessence, 1999) WW PDF

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Advanced Removable Partial Dentures James S. Brudvik, DDS, FACI' Professor Emeritus of Prosthodontics University of\Vashington School of Dentistry Seattle, \ Vashington Quintessence )lublishing Co, Inc ClJicago, Berl in. Loudon, Tokyo, Paris, Barcelona, Sao Paulo, ~ t o SC()W, Prague, and \Varsaw I l.ihntl)"of Con~n'~~ C;t lalogi ng-in-Puhlic:;tlion Data Bru(hik. [nmes s. Advanced removahlc part ial dentures I [anu-s S. Brudvik. p. em. Includes index. ISBN O-1i67 15-.3.'31 -2 (hard covr-r} L f'urnal dentuu-s, Homovable. I. Tltk-. Il) XL.\l: I. Deutun-, Partial. Hemovnhlr-. WU .515 USfiSa I!/!)!)] Il Km'5.R78 19!~J fili .(i'lJ2-<k2 1 DNLM/DLC for lJhrarv of COII,gn.·SS !)!l~2 1 23 1 e ll' ({) lmm ()lI inh ~ssl 'r l( ·t l Puhlishing Co , Inc- () ll ill t es sell(~ ~ Pl lblis hill 1-( ( :0, 111(' 5.') ] Kunberlv IJri V(' Caml Strea n-l. Illinois 60 lSS All rip;hts rest:'I'Yl"fL This hllok or any part tl...n -of may not b- n·prntllll't...l, stored in a retriP'l.J S:....tr-m, or trunsunttcd in any form nr 1Iy any means. t'1l'ttn mie, mechanical, pl lllh x"' )IJ?oill~, or otherwise, \\; Ihllllt prior written pt 'TII1issilili orthe pllhli.sll<'r. Editor: Lori Ball'IIMI\ Iksign/PrOOtiction: Mil-hat·1 Shanahan Prinn ...1in the US,\ Introduction Contents IX Chapter 1 Patient Evaluation, Diagnosis, and Treatment Planning ] Initial Examination · Decision Making for RPD Treatment Planning > Preliminary Impressions · PreprostheticTherapy Chapter 2 H e~novahl e Partial Denture Design Elements of Design· Design Specifics: Class I-IV 7 Chapter 3 Mouth Preparation 37 Surveying th e Diagnostic Cast · Diagnostic Mouth Preparatio n > Clinical Mouth Preparation Chapter 4 Final Impressions and Master Casts 55 Altered Cast lmpressions > Jaw Relatio n Records Chapter 5 Laboratory Construction of the F ramework 63 Design Transfer · Bla ckout and Duplication >W axing· Spruing, Investing, and Casting · Met al Finishing · A ddition of W ire Clasps· Addition of Alte red Cast Trays Chapter 6 Estahlishing the Tooth-Frame Relationship 7.5 Tooth Contact Surfaces > Static Fit • Functional Fit · Poor Casting Fit Chapter 7 Completion of the Partial D t::nture 79 Jaw Relation Records · Placement of Denture Teeth· Flasking,Tinting,and Packing · lnsertion > Metal Occlusal Surfaces · Long-Term Maintenance • Chapter 8 Repairs, Additions, and Relines 93 Pick-up Impressions · Resin Repairs · Metal Repairs > Restorat ions Under Existing RPDs • Crowns Under EXisti ng RPDs • Relines and Rebases Chapter f) Special Prostheses lO.5 Splinting with the RPD • Hinged Major Connectors · Rotational Partial Dentures Chapter 10 Precision Attachments 11,5 Common Clinical Procedures · Precision Attachment Systems Chapter 11 Implants and Removable Partial Dentures Class I and II Situations ' Class III and IV Situations Index I 1.5:3 160 T he removable partial denture In" a1- way~ 1)('('11 Ill)-' speci al challenge ill dentistry. As a clinician, researcher; 1I('lIlal laboratory director,'lect ure r, and IIIPHtor, I have s[X'llt almost 3-5 years Il")ing to come to grips wi tII tlie co mplexities orthis form or prosthodouttc treatment. r would estimate that 2()1}t of parual W{'aTeTS are more th an just a little dissatisfied " ; 11. their denture. Unlike \\il l. the fixed partial denture. till' patient has the option of removing the p lUS- thesis at tile slightest hint of discomfort. physical or men tal. Civcu the actual state of pructice-c-thc dentist docs only the occa- _..ional partial denture with almost tota! T('- Hance 011t Il t ~ dcutallal»lmlnty for desi gn as well as construcuon-c-I .nnmost pessimistic us to the e f1i.·d of this, or :Ill: ' oilie r text on the subject. \Vhile there are a number of excellent baste texts Oil the rr-movuble pa rtial den- ture. they arc all direc ted toward tht, un- dergraduate dental studen t. I han ! not fou nd anything that I can m e as an ad- vanced text for the graduate student and study club participant who wishes to pur- Preface Sill ' this form of therapy at the highest level. After years of being asked if I had ever considered putting Illy lecture mater- ial in written form and protesting that I did not have the time. my partial ret ire men t from the University of \Va .~hillgt u Tl School of Dentist ty has made my excuses no longer valid. This work is not inten ded to be a text- book ill the classical sense. It is, rathe r. a monog raph on the rem ovable partial den- ture, writte n wi tlr the expec tation that the reader will already have covered the basics of the partial denture and is now ready to take a more sophi...ticatcd look at this treat- mcut modality It dops not have a btbl iogru- phy, and the Illustrations consist of draw- ings that I have placed 011 countless blackboa rds over the years ill all attempt 10 make things clr-ar to m)' students. \ \1.:lt 1'01. lows an' my thoughts as they have evolved over these yearsorpractice and teaclnug in this f ascinating urea. While I take complete rcsponstbtltty for the content of thf.. work, r have l WC B aided in tlll ~ writing hy Illy friend and coworker, vii Advanced Removable Partial Dentures [uuiuc Nr-mcrevr-r Coa l; \~ , who, as pro· gram coordinatororthe (; radu alp Program in Prosthodontics, has long stood watch ove-r Illy faulty grammar and sentence struct ure. I han:' also had the ln-lp of Dr Alex Shor, presently in OIl f graduate pro- gram, who has rovh-wed the entire hook to provide insight and guidalll'l' from the eyt'S or the pote-ntial readership. viii This boo k is dt'dicakd to Illy gradllale suu k-nts-c-past, pn-sent , and hopc-Inllv fll- tnfl"- --who provide. 0 11 a daily basis. the joy ofsl"{'ing S( 1111{"O Il(' learn. It is also rk-dicatod to Illy longtime friend ami colleague, the eminent functional anatomist . Professor J('an I~ OI I 11' row~ki (Iftilt) Unlversity of Parts. VII, who has h('('11 an inspiration in this mailer as ill so mallYotln-r endeavors over the H'aI~. T he removable partial denture bas lon g !JPCH considered an in fer ior means of replaci ng missing 'teet h and assoc iated structures when compared 10 the fixed par- tial de ntu re. Some have even spoken of it as a stepping stone to a complete denture. The old rhyme, "Little HPD , don't yon C'Y. You'll be a CD by and by" may best express our feelings toward this treatment modal- ity. Many Slll\'CYS published over IIH~ years in our journals indicate that den tistry docs a rathr-r pOOT job witlr the HPJ). These re- ports testify to the hid that most RPDs arc created entirely bv the technician wtth a , , minim um of Input from the clinician in the form of mouth p reparat ion or de.sign. Dental schools make it serious effort to teac h the subject, and excellent texts for the undergraduate are available. None- theless, the state of removable partial den- turcs scou in the commercial laboratories and in the cross-sectional studies available to IL~ indicates that, in general, partials are poorly designed and cons tructed and poorly maintained. Introduction Therefore, it is no wonder that patients dislike their partials to tile point of not wearing them and, if they can afford alter- native treatment, request it routi nely It has been my experience that the pattent who states , "1 had a partial once and couldn't wear it!" most likely hall a substandard prosthesis; when treated ,vith a state-of- the-art partial denture, the patient would likely find it tolera ble and easily accept the limitations of this fonu of tooth awl tissue replacement. Plainly stated. there ts a dramatic differ- ence between the standard RPD and the one that approaches the state of the art as we know it today. It is in the attemplto cre- ate that quality rem ovable part ial denture that this book is written. It is intended to serve as a KIdde to both gnHlwlfe students in prosthodontics and conce rned general practitione rs-to challenge the m to think of the removable appliance as they would the fixed partial denture, with all the same considerations of soft tissue management, cades control , periodontal support, ortho- ix Advanced Removable Partial Dentures don tlc therapy. ami implant involveun-nt. In almost eH'ry clinical situ ation . the pa- tieut who requires a removable partial den- turc will have a need for some fonn of fixed prosthodontics as well, from a simple bonded rest to the most complex precision attachments extending from fixed units. Philosophy of Care \\"hat makes a SlIt'('('SSflll RPD? At tilt, risk ofoversimplificat ion . one could say that the successful removable appliance Ill't'tl be onlvIonI' things: ,. , . I, Strong. in that it does not wear, break. distort, or COII\I' apart when worn. 2. He/entire, so that it remains in position in the patient's mouth duri ng usc and g1VtoS tho patlcut confide nce that it will continue to do so (JVP I" the life oftile par- tial. 3. Est/wtie, to satisfy the patients cxpI'ela- tious without undue evidence of its pws- r-ncc. ,I. 1'(1;11-/1'(.'(', lIw,lIling that it docs not (.IlI\(' discomfort when in the mouth for the short term ami that it causes no 101lg- term damage to eit he r hard or soft tissue OW l" the life of thopartial. If these four requirements can hl' met, the partial stands a good chance of long- k rill success. Unfort unately, the Sll l,(,(.'S.~ of the partial in and of itself does 1I0t ~lI a r.m ­ h't' the long-tr-rm he-alth of the rr'maining h't,th ami soft tissues. Matntenancc . there- fore. becomes the primary factor ill the long-term succe ss (If the treatment. The profession has usually substituted conce rn over the tn )e of clasp to be used for the more fundamental requiremen ts (If n'WI- x lady scheduled recall and appropriate mamtcuancc. Preparing tile mouth to its very la-st state of hr-alth be fore starting prosthodontic procedures and then keep- ing the tissues in that state of health over the life of the pa rtial is far mon- important than .IIlY desigll considerations, It has he- come obvious to me that a partial den ture in a healthy mouth, assum ing that it meets our four requirements. will he successful regardless of its design. lk -st placement and clasp (I"sign, Intcrcstiug lLs Ilie}'may IK' to argile ove-r from a tlu -orotical point of vtew, an' simply not germane to the real q llP SIiOIl vf what makes a success ful re-ruov- 'lhlf· partial denture. Suppositions derived from bench studies do not nece ssarily transfe r hithe clinical realities of long-tern care. l low loug should a properly d (~s ignpd , cohstrucu-d. and maintained H.PD lu...t? Good evidence exists that this state-of-the- art pali ial cou ld be l'xpt,tkd to last a ruini- mum of 10years, assuunug tha t the patien t was se-en at reg ular intervals and that both the mout h aut] the partial received the indi- cateduuuntr-nancc. Partial.s pnl\ilIing glKxl service for 20 ~l-'ars art' not unheard of, al- tlltlllgllillt' long-term maintenance re-quire- mcnts lncrcnsc dramatically afte r 10 years. Th e constru ction of the removable par- tial dent ure, more than allYother fonn of dental the-rapy, is almost always delegated to the dental laboratory since the equip- mcnt required to prod uct.' all acceptable ellst framework is not goillj!; to he found ill the dent al offlce. In lllauy cases, the clint- dan urav have never even met the techni- d ans cn-ating the prostlu-sc-s. Tl us fact re- quires that the clinicians maintain co ntr ol by inserting themselves into the pmcess at the critica l steps in construction . These steps will he covered in depth in this book. Since the actual construction is d{'lq~ated , the an'mge clinician is apt to have \'('r)" lit- tie confidence Of experience in these mat- tors and is likelv to take the technicians view of the design ami construction prol'pss, a view thai will he more nu -chani- cul than btologi cal. The wtsc chuiciau will make a point or l"t'lllailling in close coutuct with the techn ician and brin ging; th ( ~sc nux- ilfurtos into the clinical aSjx'd s of eare when ever possible. The modern removable partial denture com bines Iixcd and removable prosthod on- tics and f(,,(plin 's a thorough understanding of I10th aspects of care by the clinician and Introduction by the h·d lllid an. Unfortuuan-ly;the evolu- tion of the dent al lnboratorv industrv has . . separated ted lllicians into often isolated specialties: complete dentures. remova ble partial dentures. and fixed partial dentures. The technician who is knowledgeable in all areas is a \'a ni.shillg hn·(·t1. To direct till' con struction of the most sophisticated rest orations. the clinician must assume the rcspouslblllty of coordi natin g the laboru- tory phases. This text is intended to set standards of care for tln- comprehensive- management ofthe partially edentulous pa- ttcnt who will req uifl' some form of a rc- movable n-storattou. xi

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