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Advanced Methods in the Evaluation of Nuclear Scattering Data: Proceedings of the International Workshop Held at the Hahn-Meitner-Institut für Kernforschung Berlin, June 18–20, 1985 PDF

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Preview Advanced Methods in the Evaluation of Nuclear Scattering Data: Proceedings of the International Workshop Held at the Hahn-Meitner-Institut für Kernforschung Berlin, June 18–20, 1985

INTRODUCTION TO ILL-POSED ASPECTS OF NUCLEAR SCATTERING Pierre .C SABATIER D4partement de Physique Math4matique Universit4 des Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc 34060 MONTPELLIER CEDEX - FRANCE ABSTRACT. This pedagogical survey is presented following a suggestion of the Work- shop Committee. It is tried to present in a simple way the main ill-posed aspects of inverse problems arising in nuclear scattering. One also explains on some examples how they are dealt with or how they are circumvented. I - Foundations I.i. The rules of our game We are interested in nuclear scattering. The experimental results are nuclear cross sections corresponding to "long" wave packets, that justify a time-independent formulation. So as to proceed, we must define what we are seeking, this meaning alto- gether defining the interaction (potential or not, local or non local, relativistic or not, etc) and how it is related with the cross sections (by means of a wave equa- tion, or something else ?) If this is not fixed, we must introduce a framework where all the possible "physical models" are included, with mathematical parameters label- ling them from each other. This first settling yields what is called the mathemati- cal model, i.e. the central rule of our game, the one by which we should be able to derive the mappings from the set of physical parameters (e.g. the interaction poten- tial) into the set of results. In the following, we call "set of parameters", C , the set of physieal parameters, augmented if necessary by the set of mathematical labels which fix the model, and completed to obtain a metric space, i.e. a set on which a distance has been defined. We call "set of results", E, the set of computed results i.e. the image of C by ,M M(C), augmented by the set of physical results, i.e. all the possible results of measurements, and completed to be a metric space. Deriving the computed results is called "solving the direct problem". Describing the recipro- cal images, in C, of all physical results, is called "solving the inverse problem". If the mapping M of C into E was one-to-one, and the inverse mapping M -I was continuous with respect to the distances in E and C, the inverse problem would be called perfectly well-posed. The continuity condition, called stability of the inverse problem, is necessary because it means that for two physical results close to each other, the corresponding parameters are also close to each other, so that measure- ments uncertainties do not yield uncontrolled evolutions of parameters. L Fig - 1 General diagram of direct and inverse problem Unfortunately, almost no physical inverse problem is perfectly well-posed. Our work is to define subsets of C and E which correspond to each other, and to physical requirements, and are such that the inverse problem between them is perf~etly well- posed. Clearly we must first understand the ill-posed aspects of the original problem. In the case of nuclear scattering, the simplest model is described by the time-inde- pendent Schr~dinger interaction : - ~ V + V(~) ~ = k 2 ~ (i.i) where ~ is the wave vector, length k = E ½, k = ~/k, ~ is the position vector. The properties of V must he sufficient to guarantee the following asymptotic form of ~ : ~(~,~) = expi ~.~ + r -I expikr A (~,k) + o(r -I) ~1.2) which characterizes a "scattering process". The usual measurements can give only the modulus o½ of A. The direct problem is the derivation of o from V. The inverse problem goes the reverse way. Now, let us try to sketch its ill-posed aspects. 1.2. lll-posedness of the three-dimensional SchrSdinger problem (1) This question depends on the definition of .E Let us first assume that the "result" is A(9,~). Since A depends on 5 variables, and V only depends on ,3 we necessarily have an existence problem. In other words, the existence of an underlying local potential must lead to strong restrictions on A(9,~). Indeed, we can show that the asymptotic behavior of A for lkI ~ ~ is sufficient to determine V. For any "reasonable" potential, the scattering amplitude approaches its Born approximation at large energies : A = - (4=) -I I d~' V(~') expi ~.~' (1.3) where T = k - k'. Since Tma x = 2k, A approaches the whole Fourier transform of V more and ~ore closely as E increases, and this proves our point. Hence, the inverse problem A(9,5) - V(~) is over-determined. The step o - A does not modify this conclusion : for real V, the unitarity theorem yields an integral equation relating g and A, and we know that the number of different A correspon- ding to an exactly given o is finite (although the problem is not yet fully solved). Of course, the reader objets that anyway A(~,k) is never exactly known for all ,~ all ~, and that the "theoretical" well-posed.~ness of the problem at very large k is of no interest by itself, but means that may be a convenient infor- mation at low energy can fit the problem in the same way. So as to study this ques- tion, it is good to reduce C to the class of potentials depending only on the distance r. I .3. Spherical potentials A is replaced by the scattering amplitude F(k, cos e), which is related to the phase shifts 6£ by i6~ F(k, cos e) = (k) -I E (2~+i) e sin 6~ P~ (cos e) (1.4) ~=O and o = IFI 2 Thus, V depends on one parameter, F on two parameters. One still expects that the inverse problem where F is given as an exact function of k and cos ~ and V(r) is sought, is overdetermined. This is confirmed below. The first step of the inverse problem is still the determination (2) of F from ~, at each k, taking into account real 6£ in (1.4), and hence to solve the integral equation : Im F(x) = f f-i dy dz F(y) F*(z) S(x,y,z) (1.5) where S(x,y,z) = ~ l-x2-y2-z2+2xyz -½ ei-x2-y2-z2+2xy z (1.6) or, if ~(x) is the phase of F(x) sin~(x) = f~ dy dz Q(x,y,z) cos?(y) - ~(z) (1.7) where Q(x,y,z) = IF(x) l -I IF(y) F(z) I S(x,y,z) (l.g) The equation (1.7) reduces for x = i to the so-called "optical theorem" : +i sin~(1) = ½ J-i dx IF(x)I 2 / IF(1)I (1.9) which therefore imposes a constraint on the "physical results" g = IFI .2 This cons- traint,however, does not imply that the positive function M(x) = fldy dz Q(x,y,z) (1.16) must be bounded (counter-example : single £ partial wave F). On the other hand, it is easy to see that if F(x) is a solution of (1.5), so is -F*(x) (~-~x) in (1.7)). Hence, we have altogether an existence and a uniqueness problem. For M < 0.79, we can use an algorithm of compressive mappings to show that the two solutions ~ and ~-~, exist , are the only ones, and stable with respect to the data IFI. For M > 0.79, there are existence problems, and examples of additional ambiguities (2). Local exis- tence and uniqueness of solutions have also been studied. Stability problems are poorly known. Let us now go to the second step, {6~(k)} - V(r). The formula (1.3) still shows that the problem is not well-posed, but another analysis is more precise. Indeed, for ~ = ,O it is possible to prove that the function k- 60(~) , the values kl,k2,...,k N of the bound states, and their normalizing constants, are sufficient to determine the potential in the class of potentials whose first moment is finite. On the other hand, a theorem due to Marchenko (3) states that if F(k) is the Jost function associated with a regular potential V~(r) and angular momentum ~ , it is also the Jost function for any other value '~ and a regular potential V~,(r), which can be constructed from V(r) by appropriate and reversible Darboux transfor- mations. Now, suppose we seek V(r) in a class of functions satisfying the inequality xI 2 V(x) l < C 2 .i( Ii) where C is a real number. If ~ > C V ~(£+i) is everywhere negative, there is -- ' r 2 no bound state and therefore the corresponding Jost function F£(k) has no zero. It also corresponds to a potential V and angular momentum zero. V is completely de- o o termined by the phase 6~(k) of F (k), and, from Vo, going back through Darhoux transforms yields .V Hence V is completely determined by k ~ 6£(k) for any ~ > C. Hence, if we seek a bounded pot@ntial ,v the overdetermination of the problem is such that for all values of ~ but a finite number, the functions k - 6~(k) are determined from each other Z The same conclusion holds if the integral of the poten- tial, or any of its moments, is to be finite. Physicists were thus led to study a different "section" of the problem, name- ly the one defined by using as a result a sequence {6~(k)}, for fixed k. This pro- blem is more realistic than the previous one, since it starts from a "measurable" results. It has been completely studied in a class of twice continuously differentia- ble potentials whose first moment is finite. It has been possible to show that each potential V(r) in this class bijectively corresponds to a function F(r) whose ~ Fourier transform F(u) is determined by the sequence {6£(k)} up and only up to lul = k Thus, if 8(x) is the Heaviside function, we know F(u) ek - lul. Continuing this function by an arbitrary square-integrable function yields a solution to the inverse problem at fixed energy. In particular, the continuation by zero yields the so-called Newton-Sabatier potentials, which are not necessarily in the original -2 class, but are twice differentiable and go to zero as r - = like r , and are cons- tructed in a stable way from {6~(k)}. This construction defines the class of poten- tials which is obtained, so that their characterization in C has no simple physical meaning. (i) A uniqueness theorem, due to Regge and Loeffel , asserts that ,fi for fixed ,k 6~(k) is known as a function of ~ ~ ~, there is at most one potential which yields it. Hence the uniqueness problem in C reduces to the interpolation problem in E. The Newton-Sabatier potentials correspond to a known interpolation (1) . Are there more physically interesting classes corresponding to known interpolations ? The answer is yes. So are the combinations of Yukawa potentials, which correspond to Carlson's interpolations, and so are the finite-range cut potentials, which corres- pond to interpolations by meromorphic functions of C. Unfortunately, the correspon- ding methods for deriving potentials in C are not stable, and they have good reasons to be not. The most interesting problem would start from data made of several sequences {6£(ki)} , {6£(k2)} ... {6£(kn)}. It has not been studied as yet by exact method. Some generalizations of the inverse problem at fixed energy were also studied by exact methods (including spin-orbit potentials, tensor force, Coulomb potential, etc). The results do not modify qualitatively our analysis. Exact analyses taking into account strong repulsive singularities are still lacking. Summary of ill-posed aspects for a spherical potential (4) (1) E : k ~ 6£(k), all £ > C. C : V £ C Sup r 2 V(r) ~ C any 6~(k) determines V (~ > C) overdete~nined ease - (2) E : fixed £, k - 6£(k) + Bound states. C : V~ C fo r V(r) dr < = r ~e~eterm~edoase for fop V(p) dp - normalizing parameters of bound states can be chosen arbitrarily. Once it is done, V can be constructed in a stable way. (3) E : fixed ,k £- {6£} . C : V~ C I VC C2, for IV(r) I dr < = underdetermined case- F(u~ ) 8(u-~ can be arbitrarily chosen. If it vanishes, V can be constructed in a stable way, and belongs to the "Newton- Sabatier" potentials. (4) E : fixed k, £ - {6£} V locally integrable (4a) V(r) ~ 0 for r > a arbitrary a (4b) V(r) = r -I f~ ~(~) exp-~ x d~ ~0 V is determined but is not stable with respect to {6£}. 1.4. Exact approaches by special questions When a problem is ill-posed by underdetermination and overdetermination, a good approach (5) is obtained by formulating a set of well-posed questions, defined in such a way that (I) the answer to one of these questions is clear cut and independent of any unstated assumption. It is stable to measurements errors and rapidly converges when the "discretization steps" vanish. (2) the set of answers yields "several sections" of the set of solutions (this word taken with its weakest meaning) (3) the set of answers enables decisions, and is optimized in a convenient way. Examples of such "well posed" questions are given in the research of "extreme" ele- ments over the set of (generalized) solutions. In our problems, there has been no exact result of this type. The closest related approach is the so-called trace method, in the inverse problem at fixed ~ with C being the Class of holomorphic potentials, and questions for the values of V and derivatives at r = O. The first value V(O) d is stable with respect to k-d 6~ (k) and does not depend on the normalizing constants of the bound state : ~ d 4 V(O) = fo dk k ~-~ k 6g(k) + -~-~ Z En~ (1.12) n The result can be extended to continuous potentials and, if one accepts ~-~d 6£(k) as a "physical input", can be considered an answer to a "well-posed" question. Unfortunately, next values require further derivatives of the phase shifts, and depend on the unknown"normalizing constants" of the bound states. They can be fixed if addi- tionnal a priori assumption in C are introduced, e.g. the parity of the potential, and one could construct a set of "well-posed" questions for appropriate combinations of the n th first derivatives at O of a potential of class C to the price of kno- n' wing phase shifts as a function of class C2n and going to zero rapidly enough as k goes to infinity. These constraints are too strong for a "physical" concept of stabi- lity against measurement errors. Other well-defined informations can sometimes be extracted from incomplete data : suppose for instance we know that there is a bound state, then the potential necessa- rily violates certain inequalities that guarantee the non-existence of a bound (6) state This puts an end to the attempts we know trying to establish on exact and complete results the foundations of inverse nuclear scattering theory. We now try to show a corpus Of approximate results, constructive methods in special classes, and routes for exploring the space of parameters. None of these analyses canbe conside- red a complete exact method, but they contribute a reasonably good description of the problem. II - Corpus II.i. Incomplete exact methods We have seen that the inverse problem at fixed £, k - {6~(k)}=~(r), and the inverse problem at fixed k £ - {6~(k)} =>V(r), are underdetermined. Now, in both cases, it is possible to define in C a reciprocal image of which can be reached by a continuous mapping M -I. In the first problem, one can assume that there is no bound state, and solve the Marchenko equation. In the second problem, one can derive the Newton-Sabatier potential by an explicit and stable constructive method. We would like to emphasize here a consequence of the problems I ill-posedness on !these results : the potential one constructs may differ very much from a potential given in another class and furnishing the same {6£(k)}. If an "input" potential is used for constructing {6£(k)}, it is only when the problem becomes determined that (all) the exact method (s) get at the same result, so that the input is recovered (we recall that this is so for k - ~, and reasonable potentials, in the inverse problem at fixed energy). The obvious character of these remarks has never prevented papers calling the Newton-Sabatier method, or similar ones, "reconstruction methods", which is silly. As a matter of fact, suppose you start from a Saxon-Woods potential, cons- truct {6£(k)}, construct V(r) from {6£(k)} by one of the methods known for the inverse problem at fixed energy, and see that V(r) does not look like the original potential. Suppose you are surprised : it is exactly like if you were surprised that you do not look like the father-in-law of your daughter and say : yet we have together eleven grand-children ! On the other hand, it is easy to see (figure 2) that, for large energy, the fixed energy methods are "good" even in this silly sense, as expected. -V 4~ ~ ° ~ 40 5 ~', × "NN - \ xX ~ X x OJ ~r" o 2. 4 6 I1 -" f Fig. 2 Comparison of V = - 14 exp - (r/3.5) 2 (solid line) with V obtained by Newton- Sabatier method at two increasing energies (crosses and dots). 11,2. Approximate methods (1) The Born approximation (cf. 1.3) is valid for "small" potentials. It yields the following relation between V and the scattering amplitude : f(k,8) = - (2k sin 8/2) -1 IO sin2 kr sin 8/2 V(r) r dr (2.1) Suppose we define in C a class C B of potentials sufficienly "small" that the Born approximation can be taken for granted. Then, the formula (2.1) can be used to understand the ill-posedness in CB, provided of course the solutions are limited by a few constraints so as to "guarantee" the approximation. Now, the formula (2.1) shows that, in CB, the inverse problem at fixed 8 (f(k,8) known for all k) is well-posed, whereas the inverse problem at fixed k, (f(k,8) known for all 8) is underdetermined. In fact, "all ,,e simply means O<2k sin 8/2 < 2k. Setting t = 2k sin 8/2, and g(t) = -2t/~ f(8), we see that g(t) is the sine Fourier transform of r V(r). Since g(t) can, at best, be known only for t 6 O,2k, r V(r) can be obtained from g(t) only if a convenient continuation of g(t) is chosen for t > 2k. If r V(r) is sought in L2(O,~) , this continuation can be any arbitrary chosen funotion in L2(O,2k). Hence, the ill-posedness is that of a limited-band linear filter, whose band width is 2k. The method, and the result (window ambiguities), hold for small absorption. The information on problem ill-posedness obtained by means of the linear (Born) approximation was not richer than the general one obtained by means of the exact complete methods. We can hope to go further by means of the JWKB ("eikonal) approxi- mation, which applies when the sounding wave length (k -1) is small compared to the details of the sounded object (V(r)). Thus we assume that V belongs to a class C A of smooth potentials, so that the asymptotic approximation holds for the phase-shift 6~ : a(~+½) : a(p) = lim rrI{ dp ~2(kp) _ p2½ p-I - rpI dpk2p2 _ p2½ p-I (2.2) where 2 (x) = x 2 i - k -2 V(x/k) (2.3) P£R , and r is the largest "turning point", viz. the largest zero, of the function +~2 (kp) 02 p - - p . Let us fix k. For a potential in CA, we can assume that, for any x > x . > O i(x) is a non-negative continuous and piecewise differentiable funo- -- mln -- tion, with only a finite number of maxima and minima, and that it behaves asympto- tically like x. Let x 3 be the smallest value such that A(x) is monotonically increasing for x ~ x3, and let lo be equal to A(x3). For x > x3, A > lo' the mapping x - ~ = ~(x) has an inverse ~ - x = ~(~). ~(~) is a continuous, piecewise differentiable, and monotonically increasing function. From (2.2), we readily derive the following formula, valid for p > k : o 6(p) = fp 12 _ p2-½ k H(1) d~ (2.4) where H(1) = logi/+(X) (2.5) Hence, the inverse problem for H(k) is almost well-posed for p > Io, in this sense that H depends in a stable way on the derivative 6'(p) : H(k) = - 2 -1 f~ dp (p2_X2)-½ 6'(p) (2.6) We met above the same "weak" ill-posedness in the trace method ; in the exact approaches, unless V is a priori confined to a set of continuous functions, the inverse problem may be well-posed only for fr o p V(p) dp, showing also a resi- dual weak ill-posedness. Of course, one cannot construct in a stable way the deriva- tive of a function which is known only up to measurement errors. But the ways for regularizing this problem are well known. They all amount to restrict a bit the class of allowed potentials, so that V(r) is obtained from its integral, or 6(p) is dif- ferentiable - and the constraints allowing JWKB approximation to be valid are stron- ger. Remark also that the formula (2.3) is generalised to the Coulomb case, with 12(x) = x2l - 2 nx -I - k -2 V(x/k) (2.7) c so that (2.4) and (2.6) hold, provided that logI/#(1) is replaced in (2.5) by log+c(1)/+(k) , and +c(X) = ~ + (X 2 + n2) ½ (2.8) Thus, for p > ~o~ x > x3, the problem 6' - H is also well-posed in the Coulomb case. It remains to study the step H ~ V. A necessary and sufficient condition to obtain l(r) is : H'(X) = (2.9) , X k2 + n 2 + n (X2+q2)½ -1 When inserted in (2.4), these inequalities give necessary inequalities for 6'(p) - for instance, in the non-Coulomb case, 6'(p) < ½~ . On the other hand, suffi=ient conditions exist, which are still stronger - for instance, in the non-Coulomb case d -2 ~-d p-i 6'(p) > - ½ ~ p (2.10) Thus, for V ~ CA, and 6(p) belonging to a sufficienly restricted class, the inverse problem 6 ~ V is "almost well-posed" for p ~ ko, x ~ x 3. In this range, it is completely equivalent to the Herglotz-Wiechert problem on which the modern seis- mology was born. Now this analogy remains for P < ~o' where shadowed ranges are ob- served like in seismology or in underwater acoustics. Indeed, if k(x) has a single 10 maximum (Figure 3) between Xmi n and x3, say, at x2, with ~(x 2) = 11, and x I E (Xmi n, x2), with ~(x I) = Xo, we get : 6(p) = ~(p) + e(Xo-p) 61 (p) (2.11) 0 i ~co __ Y/ /! I , i i / I , I / i I I / L l , X =kr Fig. 3 Example of shadowed range (below x 3) in the JWKB inversion. where 8 is the Heasivide function, the inverse mappings of x - X = X(x) are - x = #l(k) for x e (Xmin, Xl) , i~(O, Xo ) X - x = ~2(i) for x e (x I, x 2) , i g(1o,k I) (2.12) I - x = %3(I) for x ~ (x2, x )3 , ig(Io,I I) the function 6(p) is still given by (2.4), (2.5), with %(I) equal to %1(~) for I < ~o' and the function 61 (p) is given by 11 o 2 p2)-½ 6 x (p) = I x (I - X h(~) dl (2.13) o o where h(x) = log~3(X)/~2(X) (2.14) )X(sx Thus ~(p) would be the phase-shift corresponding to a function ~(x) = Xs(X), being the largest non-decreasing function such that Xs(X) ~ ~(x) for any x > x . . mln

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