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Advanced Management Accounting Problems Alsoby Kenneth P.Gee ManagementPlanning and Control in Inflation Management Control and Information (with R.Beresford Dew) ADVANCED MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING PROBLEMS KennethP. Gee ProfessorofAccountancy DepartmentofBusinessandAdministration University ofSalford M MACMILLAN ©KennethP.Gee1986 Allrightsreserved.Noreproduction,copyor transmission ofthispublicationmay be madewithoutwritten permission. Noparagraphofthispublicationmaybe reproduced, copiedortransmittedsave withwrittenpermissionor in accordancewiththe provisionsoftheCopyrightAct1956 (asamended). Anypersonwhodoesany unauthorisedact in relationto thispublicationmay be liabletocriminalprosecutionand civilclaims fordamages. Firstpublished1986 Publishedby MACMILLANEDUCATIONLTO Houndmills,Basingstoke,HampshireRG212XS andLondon Companiesandrepresentatives throughoutthe world British LibraryCataloguingin PublicationData Gee,KennethP. Advancedmanagementaccountingproblems. 1.Managerialaccounting-Problems,exercises,etc. 1.Title 658.1''511'076 HF5661 ISBN978-0-333-36270-9 ISBN978-1-349-18147-6(eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-349-18147-6 Contents Introduction xiii PARTI: FULLY·WORKEDPROBLEMSAND THEIR ANALYSIS 1 StandardCostingand Matrix Algebra 1 PrimaryReference:Franks and Manes (1967) 1.1 Radium DyestuffsLtd 1 1.2 Analysis 2 Introduction 2 Computationof price,quantityandmixed variances 4 Computationof mixandyield variances 5 2 StochasticProcess Costing 10 Primary Reference:Corcoran and Leininger (1973) 2.1 Ottoline Electronics 10 2.2 Analysis 12 Developmentofastochasticmatrix 12 Thefundamental matrix 15 Steady-statein-processinventories 16 Expectedoutputsofgoodanddefective production 18 Expectedvariablecost pershift 19 Expectedvariablecost perassembly 20 vi Contents Standarddeviationsofgood and defective outputlevels 21 Economics of test simplification 22 Economicsofthe 'zerodefects' approach 23 3 CreditManagementandMarkovChains: PartialBalanceAgingMethod 27 Primary Reference:Corcoran (1978) 3.1 Stryford Ltd 27 3.2 Analysis 28 Developmentofastochasticmatrix 28 Combiningmatricesbyexponentialweighting 32 4 CreditManagementandMarkovChains: ModifiedTotal BalanceAgingMethod 3S Primary References:Cyert, Davidsonand Thompson (1962); van Keulen, Spronk and Corcoran (1981) 4.1 MichelskyLtd 35 4.2 Analysis 37 Modifiedtotalbalanceaging 37 Expectedvalue ofreceipts 39 Standarddeviationofbad debts 41 Presentvalue of receipts 42 Steady-stateinvestmentindebtors 42 5 LinearProgrammingand Decisionson Internal v.ExternalPurchasesofServices 4S Primary Reference: BakerandTaylor (1979) 5.1 KnockshinnockMines Ltd 45 5.2 Analysis 47 Offer tosupply electricity 47 Offer tosupply electricityand water 50 6 LinearProgramming, OpportunityLossesand expostBudgeting S2 Primary Reference:Demski (1967) 6.1 AraquePerfumesLtd 52 6.2 Analysis 55 Introduction 55 Contents vii Traditionalvarianceanalysis 56 Expostvarianceanalysis 58 Intra-periodrelationships 61 Shortcomingsoftheexpostapproach 66 7A Input-OutputAnalysisandLinear Programming 69 PrimaryReference:Feltham (1970) 7A.1 TaumorIndustries 69 7A.2 Analysis 72 Computationof variable costs 72 Solutionbylinearprogramming 76 7B Input-OutputAnalysis andLinear Programmingwith Purchasable Intermediate Productsand Joint Final Products 79 PrimaryReference: Feltham (1970) 7B.1 SalmedgeProducts 79 7B.2 Analysis 82 Formulationandsolutionbylinear programming 82 8 Use ofInformationTheory toIsolate SubstantialVariances 86 PrimaryReference:Lev(1969) 8.1 HevershamHorticultureLtd 86 8.2 Analysis 87 Fundamentalsofinformationtheory 87 Fromprobabilitiesto proportions 89 Geographicalvariationinaproduct'ssales 91 Variationofsalesbyproductfor agiven area 92 Univariatevariances 93 Breakdownto individualareasandproducts 94 9 The Single-periodCost Variance Investigation Decision 97 PrimaryReferences:Capettiniand Collins (1978); Dyckman (1969) 9.1 AlstonGlassworks 97 9.2 Analysis 99 viii Contents Establishmentofterminology 99 Break-evenprobabilities 100 Revisionofpriorprobabilities 101 The quadraticequation approach 104 Expectedcostfor adecision rule 107 10 TheMulti-periodCost VarianceInvestigation Decision 109 Primary Reference: DittmanandPrakash (1978) 10.1 Fitzroy PaperProducts 109 10.2 Analysis 112 Introduction 112 AcontrolledMarkovprocess 113 Steady-stateprobabilities 116 Determininglong-termaveragecost per period 117 Costswithextremalpoliciesand with perfect information 119 Solvingthe Fitzroyproblem 119 Approximation tooptimalityofafixed decisionrule 121 11 Stochastic Cost-Volume-ProfitAnalysisand Decision Theory 123 Primary Reference:Jarrett (1973) 11.1 WilliamLehmanTimberLtd 123 11.2 Analysis 125 Eliminationofthe DD plantoption 125 Posterioranalysis 126 Preposterioranalysis 128 12 Stochastic Cost-Volume-ProfitAnalysis: SatisficingwithShortProductLives 132 Primary Reference:IsmailandLouderback (1979) 12.1 KnowsleyMedical Products 132 12.2 Analysis 136 Introduction 136 Maximisation ofexpectedprofit 136 Analysisoffinancial risk 139 Maximisingthe probabilityofsatisfactory profit 141 Fixedcostchanges and satisficingdecisions 143 Contents ix 13 StochasticCost-Volume-ProfitAnalysis: Choice AmongCombinationsofProducts 145 PrimaryReference:Dickinson (1974) 13.1 BarrowGurney OrchardsLtd 145 13.2 Analysis 147 Choice ofastrategy 147 Confidencelimitsforthe break-even probability 150 14 Short-termInvestmentofCash Balances 153 PrimaryReferences:Mao and Sarndal (1978); Punter(1982) 14.1 AlvorDevelopments 153 14.2 Analysis 155 Introduction 155 Simplifyingfrom the probability tree 155 Expectedreturnsforalternativematurities 161 Dynamicprogramming 164 15 PaymentsNetting inMultinationalCash Management 169 PrimaryReference:Shapiro (1978) 15.1 LintockCorporation 169 15.2 Analysis 171 Introduction 171 Paymentsnetting 171 MathematicalprogrammingandtheLintock problem 173 16 The LearningCurveandFinancialPlanning 177 PrimaryReferences:Harvey (1976); McIntyre (1977) 16.1 HoltElectronicsPLC 177 16.2 Analysis 179 Introduction 179 Computingthe break-evenlevelwithasingle productionline 181 Computingthe break-evenlevelwithmultiple productionlines 183

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