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Preview Advanced Computer Architecture: Parallelism, Scalability, Programmability

n» !|lv:Gm\-P Hiifiompwvm " ADVANCED IIDHPIITIEII ARCHITECTURE Parallelism, Scalability, mgranunamuw Second Edition About the Authors Kai Hwang is a Proiessor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Southern California. Prior to joining USC, he was a faculty at Purdue University ibr I'D years. He received his tmdergraduate education at the National Taiwan University in China and eamed his PhD degree from the University of California at Berkeley. Dr Hwang has been engaged in research and teaching on computer architecture, parallel processing and network-based computing for well over 3-D years. He has authored or coauthored live books and 120 journal and conference papers in the Computer Science and Engineering areas. He is the founding Cocditor-in-Chiefof the .J'oumrn' ofP.nr.r1Hef rmd Distributed Conn-mring. He has served as the founding Director of the USC Computer Research Institute and a Distinguished Visitor of the IEEE Computer Society. He has chaired several international computer conferences and lectured worldwide on advanced computcrtopics. His researches have been supported by NSF, IBM, AT&T, AFOSR, ONR, DOT,Alliant, and Intel. He has been a consultant ibr IBM, .IPL, Fujitsu, Japan's ETL, GMD i11 Germany, and ITRI and Academia Sinica in Chi11a. He is also a member ofthc advisory boards ofseweral international journals and research organization s. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers elected him as an IEEE Fellow in 1986 for his contributions in computer architectures, digital arithmetic, and parallel processing. He was the holder ofthe Distinguished CDC Visiting Chair Professorship in Computer Science at the University of Minnesota during the spring quarter of I939. He has guided over a dozen PhD students at Purdue and USC. At present, he heads a sponsored research project on Grid Security at USC. His current research interests are i11 the areas of network-based computing, Intcmet security, and clustered systems. Clver the years, he has received numerous awards ibroutstanding teaching and research, and delivered invited and keynote lectures in many countries. Naresh Jotwani is presently serving as Director, School of Solar Energy, Pandit Doendayal Petroleum University, Gandhinagar. Earlier, he has served as Professor and Dean ('R&D) at DA-IICT, Gandhinagar, and as Principal at G H Patel College ofEngineering and Technology, Vallabh Vidyanagar. Dr Jotwani obtained his BTech degree in Electrical Engineering from IIT Bombay, a.nd Doctorate in Computer Science from Rice University, Houston. His teaching career has spalmed over twenty-five years, in India, Singapore and the US. He has also worked in the IT indusuy for about five years, in India and Singapore, with brief stints in the US. In the early I9BD‘s, he worked on system software development for a 64-bit multiprocessor system with microcoded instructions for inter-process communication. Dr Jotwani has carried out several consultancy assignments, written four books and several research publications, and delivered numerous invited lecttu'es. His textbook Computer .5:1-‘.S‘I£"J'fl Organisation was published by Tata Mefiraw-Hill. His current research interests are in the field of solar photovoltaic devices. 1'?» iiilrfimu- Hrii Ccinoflilri l _. ADVANCED CQMPUTER I-\RC|Il'l'|§CTIIR|i Parallelism, Scalability, Prugrainmaliilitii Second Edition Kai Hwang Professor of Eiectricai Engineering and Computer Science University of Soutiiem Caiifomia, USA Naresh Jotwani Director, Schooi of Soiar Energy Panciit Dee-ndayai F-‘etroietrrn University Ganizininagar, Giiiarat Tata McC-iraw Hill Education Private Limited NEW DELHI M‘cGr¢aW-Hiii Offices New Delhi New York St Louis San Francisco Auckland Bogota Caracas Koala Lumpur l_lS-IJDFI London II-ibdrid Meiiuoofiity Milan Montreal San Juan Santiago Singapore Sydney Tokyo Toronto Fr-1-Mrfiraw HJ'lft'=>-rm.--im-. _ It 1'Tata llllcfiraw-Hill Published by the Tata l'vIcCraw llill Education Private Limited__ Twest Patel Hagar, New Delihi IIDDDB. Advanced Computer Archltecltl re, 2e Copyright -E1 ‘.10! I. 2000, by Tata Mtflraw llill Education Private Limited. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanicai, photocopying, recording, or otherwise or stored in a database or retrieval system without the prior written permission of the publishers. ‘The program listings (if any) may be entered, stored and executed in a computer system, ltut they may not be reproduced for publication. This edition can be exported from India only by the publishers, Tata Mcflmw Ilill Education Private Limited. L? BN {I3 digit ]-L 9TB-DJTTJTTUZID-3 ISBN {IO digit}: D-D?-DTDZID-I Vice President and Managing Director hrlcfiraw-Hill Education: Asia Pacific Region: .=t_;'a_v .'H1';tr.i\'.ft.r liead lliglter Education Publishing and Marketing: Pibha .'Hahq,iun Manager: Sponsoring SEM & Tech Ed: She-Jini Jim Asst Sponsoring Editor. Sumbhi Shulda Deveboprnent Editor: Surfi-hi Strman Executive Editorial Services: .S'ohlni Mulcire-q'ee Jr Manager-- Production: Aqjufiflurdun Dy Marketing Manager: SEM & Tech Ed: Elia Ga-nesan General Manager Production: Rqjendcr P G.h'an.te'fa Asst General Manager Production: B L Dogrsr Information contained in this work has been obtained by Tata McGraw-Hill, front sources beiieved to be reliable. Howeter, neither Tata McGraw-I-l ill nor its authors guarantee the accuracy or completeness of auty information pub- Eished herein, and neither Tata Mcfiraw-Hill nor its authors shall be responsible forany errors, omissions, ordamages arising out of use of this information. This work is published with the understanding that Tata Mctlraw-llill and its authors are supplying information but are not attempting to render engineering or other professional services. If such services are required, the assistance ofan appropriate profem ionai should be sought. Typeset at Tej Composers, W2 3‘£I'l, Madipur, New Deflti I ID U63 and printed at Pashupati Printers Pvt Ltd., l»'42'J'.!l-Ei, Gali No. I, Friends Colony, Industrial Area, GIT. Road, Shahdara_ Deihi IIDUQS Cover Printer: SDR Printers RYACRRQZDRXAA The MCG."flW'Hl'" Companies __ : Fr-1-Mrfirow HJ'iic'|--r.-n.---in-~ _ This hook is dedicated to those who are eager to learn in a rapidiy changing woriafl to those who teach and share knowiedge without discrimination, and to those who are determined to moire a contribution through creative work. Dedicated to G, R, I/and D. Kai Hwang Naresh Jotwani Contents Foreword to the First Edition Ptetitce to the .S'eco.nd Edition Preface to the First Edition Part I Theory of Parallelism 1. Parallel Computer Models 1.1 The State oflfomputittg 3 1.1.1 Computer Development Milestones 3 1.1.2 Elements oflvlo-dern Computers 6 1.1.3 Evolution ofC'omputcr.-“architecture 8 1 .1.4 System Attributes to Performance iE 1.2 Multiptoeessots and Multicomputcrs I I-' 1.2.1 Shared-Memory Multiprocessors H’ 1.2.2 Distributed-Memory Multicomputers 1.2.3 ATaxonomy ofMIMD Computers 24 1.3 Multiveclorand SIMD Computers E5 1.3. 1 Vectorflupcrcomputers 25 1.3.2 STMD Supercomputers 2? 1.4 PRAM and VLSI Models 29 1.4.1 Parallel Random-Access Machines 3|‘? 1.4.2 VLSI Complexity Model 33 1 .5 Architectural Development Tracks 36 1.5. 1 Multiple-Processor Tracks 36 1.5.2 Multivector and SIMD Tracks 38 1.5.3 Multithrcadcd and Datafiow Tracks 39 .Sitnuti.ort-‘ 4|’) Exercises 4! l'~.a 1'»: .1"v .1"vii xtiii 1 3 Fhrrulffiffllli H“Pl'r>¢rIq|r_.\.I|n*\ ‘I _ viii i Contems 2. Program and Network Properties 44 2.1 Conditions of Parallelism 44 2.1.1 Data and Resource Dcpcndenccs 44 2.1.2 Hardware and Soflwzwc Parallelism 49 2.1.3 The Role ofCompilers 52 2.2 Program Partitioning and Scheduling 52 2.2.1 Grain Sizes and Latency 52 2.2.2 Grain Packing and Scheduling 55 2.2.3 Static Multiprocessor Scheduling 38 2.3 Program Flow Mechanisms 6! 2.3.1 Control Flow Versus Data Flow fit 2.3.2 Demand-Driven Mechanisms 65 2.3.3 Comparison ofFlow Mechanisms 65 2.4 System Interconnect Architectures 66 2.4.1 Network Properties and Routing 6 F’ 2.4.2 Static Connection Networks ?r'? 2.4.3 Dynamic Connection Networks ?? Srrrrimrtrr-' 83 E.t'ercises 84 3. Principles of Scalable Performance 89 3.1 Performance Metrics and Measures 89' 3.1.1 Parallelism Profile in Programs 39 3.1.2 Mean Performance 92 3.1.3 Efiiciency. Utilization, and Quality 93 3. 1.4 Benchmarks and Performance Measures 9? 3.2 Parallel Processing Applications 99 3.2.1 Massive Parallelism for Grand Challenges 99 3.2.2 Application Models of Parallel Computers I 11?.’ 3.2.3 Scalability ofParallel ttlgorithms i 04 3.3 Speedup Performance Laws 108 3.3. 1 Amr:lahl's Law for a Fixed Workload IDS 3.3.2 Cn.rstafson‘s Law for Scaled Problems Hi 3.3.3 Memory-Bounded Speedup Model HI.’ 3.4 Scalability Analysis and Approaches H6 3.4. l Scalability Metrics and Goals H6 3.4.2 Evolution of Scalable Computers I20 3.4.3 Research Issues and Solutions IE3 SIt.l'fl.l'flflt'__1-' i.?.'i E.\'ercises i25 Thu‘ Ml.'I;Ifllb' HI" l'n¢r.q|r_.u|»rs - CD’-“E,-"3 — Part H Hardware Technologies 4. Processors and Memory Ilierarchy 4. 1 Advanced Processor Technology I33 4.1.1 Design Space of Processors 1'33 4.1.2 Instruction-SetArehitectures I3? 4.1.3 CISC Scalar Processors 139 4.1.4 RISC Scalar Processors 143 4.2 Superscalar and Vector Processors I50 4.2.1 Superscalar Processors I50 4.2.2 The VLIW Architecture 154’ 4.2.3 Vector and Symbolic Processors 156 4.3 Memory Hierarchy Technology 1'60 4.3. 1 Hierarchical Memory Technology 161'? 4.3.2 Inclusion, Coherence, and Locality rs: 4.3.3 Memory Capacity Planning I65 4.4 Virtual Memory Technology .16? 4.4.1 Virtual Memory Models I6? 4.4.2 TLB, Paging, and Segmentation I69 4.4.3 Memory Replacement Policies I I-74 Smrmmrg-' I I’? Exercises I 5'3 5. Bus. Cache. and Shared Memory 5. 1 Bus Systems I82‘ 5.1.1 Backplane Bus Specification I82 5.1.2 Addressing and Timing Protocols I84 5. 1.3 Arbitration, Transaction, and Interrupt 186 5. 1.4 IEEE Futureb|.|.s+ and other Standards I89 5.2 Cache Memory Organizations I 92 5.2.1 Cache Addressing Models I 93 5.2.2 Direct Mapping and Associative Caches 195 5.2.3 Set-Associative and Sector Caches I 98 5.2.4 Cache Performance Issues 202 5.3 Shared-Memory Organizations 205 5.3.1 Interleaved Memory Organization 205 5.3.2 Bandwidth and Fault Tolerance 208 5.3.3 Memory Allocation Schemes EH? 5.4 Sequential and ‘Weak Consistency Models 213 5.4.1 Atomicity and Event Ordering 213 5.4.2 Sequential Consistency Model El 3-‘ Fr‘:-r Melirow rrrtrr-...¢-,.,..t.¢. ' x — _ 5.4.3 Weak Consistency Models 213 Surrrmrrrt-' 3.?! E.rr3'er'.s'es' 33.? 6. Pip-elining and Sup-erscalar Techniques 6. 1 Linear Pipeline Processors 22? 6.1.1 Asynchronous and Synchronous Models 2.73? 6.1.2 Clocking and Timing Control 329 6.1.3 Speedup, Efficienc-y, and Throughput 229 6.2 Nonlinear Pipeline Processors 232 6.2.1 Reservation and Latency Analysis 232 6.2.2 Collision-Free Scheduling 235 6.2.3 Pipeline Schedule Dptimization 23? 6.3 Instruction Pipeline Design 240 6.3.1 Instruction Execution Phases .240 6.3.2 Men-hanistns for Instruction Pipelining E43 15.3.3 Dynamic instruction Scheduling 24 F 15.3.4 Branch Handling Techniques 351? 6.4 Arithmetic Pipeline Design 255 6.4. 1 Computer Aritlurtetic Principles E55 6.4.2 Static Arithmetic Pipelines 25 F 15.4.3 Multiiirnctional Arithmetic Pipelines 363 6.5 Superscalar Pipeline Design J66 Srrrmrrrrry EF3 Exerer‘ses J 2'4 Part ITI Parallel and Scalable Architectures 7. Mulfiprocessors and llrlulticomputers T.1 Multiprocessor System Interconnects 281' '1". 1.1 Hierarchical Bus Systems .7382 7.1.2 Crossbar Switch and Multiport Memory 236 7.1.3 Multistage and Combining Networks 391'? 12 Cache Coherence and Synchronimtion Mechanisms 396 7.2.1 The Cache Coherence Problem .396 7.2.2 Snoopy Bus Protocols 299 7.2.3 Directory-Based Protocols 303 7.2.4 Hardware Synchronization Mechanisms 308 'F.3 Three Generations of Multicomputers 31.’ 'i".3. 1 Design Choices in the Past 3.1.7.? Cements 22'? 279 zsr rs.-or o rtm- ;- _- 3 ,,,,,,,,,,, . _, 2.3.2 Present and Future Development 314 7.3.3 The lntel Paragon System 316 'l'.4 Message-Passing Mechanisms 313 ']".4.l Message-Routing Schemes 319 T.-4.2 Deadlock Virtual Channels 32.? 11.4.3 Flow Control Strategies 324 7.4.4 Multicast Routing Algorithrrts 329 Srrrrrrrrort-‘ 334 Exercises 335 xi 8. Multivector and SIMD Computers 341 8. l Vector Processing Principles 341’ 8. 1. l Vector lttstructiorn Types 341' 8.1.2 Vector-Access Memory Schemes 345 8.1.3 Early Supercomputers 34? 8.2 Multivector Multiproeessors 352 8.2.1 Perforrnance-Directed Design Rules 35.? 8.2.2 Cray Y-MP; C-90, and MPP 356 8.2.3 Fujitsu VPZGUD and VPPSUD 36.73 8.2.4 Mainframes and Minisupercornputers 365 8.3 Compound Vector Processing 3 Fl’ 8.3. l Compound Vector Operations 3 F2 8.3.2 Vector Loops and Chaining _i?4 8.3.3 Multipipeline Networking 3 F3 8.4 SIMD Computer Organizations 332 8.4. l lmplementation Models 333 8.4.2 The CM-2 Architecture 385 8.4.3 The MasPar MP-1 Architecture 333 8.5 The Connection Machine CM-5 39.? 8. 5.1 A Synchronized MIMD Machine 39.? 8.5.2 The CM-5 Network Architecture 395 8.5.3 Control Processors and Processing Nodes 39? 8.5.4 lntetprocessor Communications 399 Surrrmort-' 403 E.t'r:r'er’ses 404 9. Scalable, Multithreaded, and Dataflow Architectures 408 9. l Latency-Hiding Techniques 403 9.1.1 Shared Virtual Memory 4173 9.1.2 Prefetching Techniques 412 9. 1.3 Distributed Coherent Caches 413 Par MIGIITLH H1" l'mrJI||r_.u|r¢\ : Jtil M CDITIBTQS 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9. 1.4 Scalable Coherence Interface 415 9. 1.5 Relaxed Memory Consistency 413 Principles oflviultitlrreariing 421 9.2.1 Multithreariing Issues and Solutions 421 9.2.2 Multiple-Contest Processors 426 9.2.3 Multidimensional Architectures 43! Fine-Grain Multicomputers 434 9.3. l Fine-Grain Parallelism 434 9.3.2 The MIT l-Machine 435 9.3.3 The Caltech Mosaic C 442 Scalable and Multithreaded Architectures 444 9.4.1 The Stanford Dash Multiprocessor 444 9.4.2 The Kendall Square Research KSR-1 448 9.4.3 The Tera Multiprocessor System 452 Dataflow and Hybrid Architectures 453 9.5.1 The Evolution ol‘Dataflow Computers 453 9.5.2 The ETIJEM-4 in Japan 461' 9.5.3 The M1T1lV[otorola *T Prototype 463 .S'rmr.rrmr__1-' 465 Exercises 4 66 Part IV Software for Parallel Programming 11). Parallel Models, Lallgtilages, and Compilers 10.1 111.2 10.3 10.4 Parallel Programming Models 4?3 10.1.1 Shared-Variable Model 4?3 10.1.2 Message-Passing Model 4?? 10.1 .3 Data-Parallel Model 429' 10.1.4 Object-Oriented Model 431 10.1.5 Fturctional and Logic Models 433 Parallel Languages and Compilers 434 10.2.1 Language Features for Parallelism 485 10.2.2 Parallel Language Cortatrtrcts 43? 10.2.3 Optimizing Compilers for Parallelism 433 Dependence Analysis ofDataArrays 491 10.3.1 lteration Space and Dependence Analysis 4 91' 10.3.2 Subscript Separability and Partitioning 494 10.3.3 Categorized Dependence Tests 496 Code Optimization and Scheduling 501 10.4.1 Scalar Optimization with Basic Blocks 501 Contents 10. 5 Par MIGIITLH H1" l'mt'JI||r_.u|r¢\ _ xi i 10.4.2 Local and Global Optimizations 5115 10.4.3 Vcetorization and Parallelization Methods 503 10.4.4 Code Generation and Scheduling 514 10.4.5 Trace Scheduling Compilation 518 Loop Parallelization and Pipelining 5_-31'? 10.5.1 Loop Transformation Theory 520 10.5.2 Parallelization and Wsveti-onting 523 10.5.3 Tiling and Localization 526 10.5.4 Software Pipelining 53! Sunrmrrrjr 533 Exercises 534 11. Parallel Program Development and Environments 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 Part V Instruction and System Level Parallelism Parallel Programming Environments 53? 11.1.1 Software Tools and Environments 53? 11.1.2 Y-MP, Paragon and CM-5 Environments 54! 1 1.1.3 Visualization and PcrlonnanceTuning 543 Synchronization and Multiprocessing Modes 545 11.2.1 Principles of Synchronization 545 11.2.2 Multiprocessor Execution Modes 54 ? 11.2.3 Multitasking on Cray Iw'lultiprn-cessors 548 Shared-'v'ariahle Program Structures 552 1 1.3. 1 Locks for Protected Access 553 11.3.2 Semaphoros and Applications 556 1 1.3.3 Monitors and.-“tpplications 559 Message-Passing Program Development 563 1 1.4. 1 Distributing the Computation 56.? 11.4.2 Synchronous Message Passing 564 1 1.4.3 Asynchronous Message Passing 565 Mapping Programs onto Multicomputcrs 566 1 1.5. 1 Domain Decomposition Techniques 566 11.5.2 Control Decomposition Toohniquos 5?!) 11.5.3 Heterogeneous Processing 5?3 Sfrmrmort-' 5?? Etcrcistis 5 ?R 12. Instruction Level Parallelism 12.1 12.2 Introduction 585 Basie Design Issues 58? rs» Mcfiruw Hl'I1r' : mrJI||r_.u||¢\ I1‘? M Comems 12.3 Problern Definition 589 12.4 Model of a Typical Processor 594 12.5 Compiler-detected Instruction Level Parallelism 5 9-6' 12.6 Dperand Forwarding 6112 12.7 Reorder Buffer 6115 12.8 Register Renaming 611? 12.9 Tomasulo‘s Algorithrn 61' 1'2 12.10 Branch Prediction 6.15 12.11 Limitations in Exploiting Instruction Level Parallelism 618 12.12 Thread Level Parallelism 623 ."S'ummor_t-' 624 Exercises 626 13. Trends in Parallel Systems 629 13. l Brief Oven/icw o1'Technolog3-' 629 13.1 .1 Semiconductor Technology 630 13.1.2 Display Technology 632 13.1.3 Storage Technology 633 13.1.4 Interconnect and Network Technologies 635 13.2 Forms of Parallelism 639 13.2.1 Structural Parallelism versus Instruction loet-'el Parallelism 641') 13.2.2 A Simple Parallel Computation 642 13.2.3 Parallel Algorithms 646 13.2.4 Stream Processing 651 13.3 Case Studies 654 13.3.1 Cray Linc ofComputcr S}-‘stems 654 13.3.2 PowerPC Architecture. IBM Power? 8: Blue Gene 65 2 13.3.3 Ti1era‘s T1LE64 System 653 13.3.4 S1111 Ulh‘flSparc T2 Processor 6611' 13.3.5 AMD Optcron 662 13.3.6 lntel Pentium Processors 663 13.4 Parallel Programming Models and Languages 665 13.4.1 Parallel Programming Language Chapel 665 13.4.2 Ftrttction Libraries for Parallel Programming 669 .'i'unun.orft-' 6 ?3 Exercises 6 74 Answers to Selected Exercises 679 Bibliography 68'? Index 7117 Foreword to the First Edition Kai Hwang has introduced the issues in designing and using high pcrlbrmancc parallel computers at a time when a plethora of scalable computers utilizing commodity microprocessors o'1'Tcr higher peak pcrlbrrrtance than traditional vector supercomputers. These new machines, their operating environments including the operating system and languages, and the programs to cfi'eetivcly utilize them are introducing more rapid changes for researchers, builders, and uscrs than at any time in the history ofcomputer str|.|etures. For the first time since the introduction of C-ray l vector processor in 1925, it may again be necessary to change and evolve the programming paradigm—provided that massively parallel computers can be shown to be usefi.|l outside of research on massive parallelism. Vector processors required modest data parallelism and these operations have been reflected either explicitly in Fortran programs or implicitly with the need to cvoh-'e Fortran {e.g. , Fortran 90] to build in vector operations. So far, the main line of supcrcomputing as measured by the usage -fhours, jobs, number of programs, program portability] has been the shared memory, vector multiprocessor as pioneered by Cray Research. Fujitsu, IBM, Hitachi, and NEC all produce computers ofthis type. In 1993, the Cray C90 supercomputer delivers a peak of 16 billion floating-point operations per second (a Gigaflops) with 16 processors and costs about $30 million, providing roughly 500 floating-point operations per second per dollar. In contrast, massively parallel computers introduced in the early 1990s are nearly all based on utilizing the same powcrlill, Ftl SC-based, CMOS microprocessors that are used in workstations. These scalar processors provide a peak of = 101] million floanngpoint operations per second and cost $20 thousand. providing art order ofmagnitude more peak per dollar (5 001] flops pcr dollar}. Unfortunately, to obtain peak power requircs large-scale problems that can rcquire Ute‘) operations over supers, and this significantly increases the running time when peak power is the goal. The multicomputcr approach interconnects computers built from microprocessors through high- bandwidth switches that introduce latency. Programs are written in either an evolved parallel data model utilizing Fortran or as independent prograrn.s that communicate by passing messages. The book describes a variety of multicompulcrs including Thinking Machines‘ CM5, the first computer announced that could reach a tcraflops using SK indcpcndcnt computer no-dcs, caeh ofwhich can deliver 128 Mflops utilizing four 32-Mflops floating-point units. The architecture research trend is toward scalable, shared-memory multiproccssors in order to handle general workloads ranging from technical to commercial tasks and workloads, negate the need to explicitly pass messages for communication, and provide memory addressed accessing. KSR’s scalable multiprocessor and Stanford's Dash prototype have proven that such machines are possible. xvi i Foremu-ad at the ram sum» Theauthor startsbypositing a framewoflc based onevolution that outlines the n1ain approaches todesigning oomputer structures. He covers both the scaling ofcomputets and workloads, various multiproccssors, vector processing, lnulticomputcrs. and emerging scalable or multifltreaded multiproccssors. The final fltrec chapters describe parallel programming techniques and discuss the host operating environment necessary to utilize these new computers. The book provides case studies ofboth industrial and research computers, including the lllinois Cedar, lntel Paragon, TMC CM-2, It-'lasPar Ml , TMC CM-5, Cray Y-MP, C-90, and Cray MPP, Fujitsu VPZIDDD and VPPSDU, SX, Stanford Dash, KSR- I , MIT J-Machine, MIT *T, ETL EM-4, Caltech Mosaic C, and Tera Computer. The book presents a balanced treatment ofthe theory, teelmology, architecture, and s-ol‘twane ofadvanc-ed oomputer systems. The emphasis on parallelism, scalability, and programmalzlility makes this book rather unique and educational. I highly recommend Dr. I-lwang‘s timely book. I believe it will benefit many readers and he a finereference. C. Gordan Bell

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