ORIGINALARTICLE Adrenergic Mediation of Hypoglycemia-Associated Autonomic Failure Ranjani Ramanathan and Philip E. Cryer OBJECTIVE—We tested the hypothesis that adrenergic activa- causes both the syndrome of defective glucose counter- tion, cholinergic activation, or both, mediate the effect of recent regulation (by reducing the adrenomedullary epinephrine antecedenthypoglycemiatoreducethesympathoadrenalresponse response to subsequent hypoglycemia in the setting of to subsequent hypoglycemia, the key feature of hypoglycemia- absent decrements in insulin and absent increments in associatedautonomicfailureindiabetes,inhumans. glucagon)andofhypoglycemiaunawareness(byreducing RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS—Seventeen healthy the sympathoadrenal and resulting neurogenic symptom responses to subsequent hypoglycemia) (1–4). These two adults were studied on 2 consecutive days on three occasions. Day 1 involved hyperinsulinemic euglycemic (90 mg/dL 3 1 h), components of HAAF are both associated with a sub- then hypoglycemic (54 mg/dL 3 2 h) clamps, in the morning stantially increased incidence of hypoglycemia during and afternoon on all three occasions with 1) saline infusion, intensive therapy for diabetes (1). Perhaps the most com- 2) adrenergic blockade with the nonselective a-adrenergic and pellingevidenceoftheclinicaleffectofHAAFisthefinding, b-adrenergic antagonists phentolamine and propranolol, or 3) originally in three independent laboratories (5–8), that as adrenergic blockade plus cholinergic blockade with the musca- little as 2 to 3 weeks of scrupulous avoidance of hypogly- rinic cholinergicantagonist atropinein random sequence.Day2 cemia reverses hypoglycemia unawareness and improves involved similar morning euglycemic and hypoglycemic clamps, theattenuatedepinephrinecomponentofdefectiveglucose withsaline infusion,onallthreeoccasions. counterregulation in most affected patients. RESULTS—Compared with the responses to hypoglycemia The mechanisms of the attenuated sympathoadrenal during saline infusion on day 1, the plasma epinephrine and response to hypoglycemia, the key feature of the patho- norepinephrineresponsestohypoglycemiawerereducedonday genesis of HAAF in diabetes (1–8), are unknown (1). Al- 2(351613vs.214622pg/mLforepinephrineand25264vs. though much of the neuroscience research into this issue 22667pg/mLfornorepinephrineduringthelasthour;bothP, has focused on the hypothalamus (9), recent translational 0.0001). However, the plasma epinephrine and norepinephrine researchhasraisedthepossibilitythatacomplexcerebral responses to hypoglycemia were not reduced on day 2 when network normally regulates the hypothalamic (and thus adrenergic or adrenergic plus cholinergic blockade was pro- ducedduringhypoglycemia onday1. the systemic sympathoadrenal) response to falling plasma glucose concentrations (10–12) and that an inhibitory CONCLUSIONS—Adrenergic blockade prevents the effect of signalmediatedthroughthethalamusmightbeinvolvedin hypoglycemia to reduce the plasma catecholamine responses to the pathogenesis of HAAF (12). subsequent hypoglycemia. Thus, adrenergic activation mediates Hypoglycemia activates the sympathoadrenal system the effect of recent antecedent hypoglycemia to reduce the (1,13,14). This includes the release of catecholamines that sympathoadrenalresponsetosubsequenthypoglycemia,thekey feature of hypoglycemia-associated autonomic failure in diabe- interact with a-adrenergic and b-adrenergic receptors— tes,in humans.Diabetes60:602–606, 2011 norepinephrine from sympathetic postganglionic neurons and epinephrine and norepinephrine from the adrenal medullae—andacetylcholinethatinteractswithmuscarinic I cholinergic receptors—from sympathetic postganglionic atrogenic hypoglycemia is the limiting factor in the neurons. Hypoglycemia also activates central nervous sys- glycemic management of diabetes (1). It causes re- tem circuits, including those that involve adrenergic and current morbidity in most people with type 1 di- cholinergic neurotransmission. There are, of course, an abetes and in many with type 2 diabetes, and is array of other neurotransmitters released in the peripheral sometimes fatal, impairs physiologic and behavioral de- and the central nervous systems. fenses against subsequent hypoglycemia, and generally We used the original model of HAAF (2) and the nonse- precludes maintenance of euglycemia over a lifetime of lective a-adrenergic and b-adrenergic antagonists phentol- diabetes. The concept of hypoglycemia-associated auto- amineandpropranololaswellasthemuscariniccholinergic nomic failure (HAAF) in diabetes posits that recent ante- antagonistatropineindosesshownpreviouslytobeboth cedent hypoglycemia, as well as prior exercise or sleep, safe and effective (15) to test the hypothesis that ad- renergic activation, cholinergic activation, or both, me- diate the effect of recent antecedent hypoglycemia to FromtheDivisionofEndocrinology,MetabolismandLipidResearch,Wash- reduce the sympathoadrenal response to subsequent hy- ingtonUniversitySchoolofMedicine,St.Louis,Missouri. poglycemia,thekeyfeatureofHAAFindiabetes(1–8),in Correspondingauthor:PhilipE.Cryer,[email protected]. humans. Received27September2010andaccepted8November2010. DOI:10.2337/db10-1374 Thecontentsofthisarticlearesolelytheresponsibilityoftheauthorsanddo RESEARCHDESIGNANDMETHODS not necessarily represent the official view of the National Institutes of This study was approved by the Washington University Human Research HealthortheAmericanDiabetesAssociation. (cid:1)2011bytheAmericanDiabetesAssociation.Readersmayusethisarticleas Protection Office and was conducted at the Washington University Clinical longastheworkisproperlycited,theuseiseducationalandnotforprofit, ResearchUnit(CRU). and the work is not altered. See http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by Participants.Studyparticipantscomprised17adults(7women,10men),with -nc-nd/3.0/fordetails. amean(6SD)ageof2965yearsandaBMIof26.564.6kg/m2,whogave 602 DIABETES,VOL.60,FEBRUARY2011 diabetes.diabetesjournals.org R.RAMANATHANANDP.E.CRYER their written consent. They were in good health as determined by medical Statisticalmethods.Timeandconditionrelatedvariableswereanalyzedby history, physical examination, and fasting plasma glucose and creatinine repeatedmeasuresmixedmodelANOVA.ValuesofP,0.05wereconsidered concentrations,hematocrits,andelectrocardiogramsthatwerewithinnormal to indicate statistically significant differences. Data are expressed as the referenceranges. mean6SE,exceptwheretheSDisindicated. Experimental design. Participants were studied on 2 consecutive days on three occasions, separated by at least 2 weeks, after overnight fasts. In- travenouscatheterswereinsertedintoahandvein,withthathandkeptina RESULTS ;55°Cplexiglasboxforarterializedvenousbloodsampling,andintoacon- Plasmaglucoseconcentrations,day1andday2.Plasma tralateralantecubitalveinforinsulin,glucose,anddruginfusionsandinjections. Day1involvedhyperinsulinemic(2.0mU/kg/min),euglycemic(90mg/dL glucose concentrations were clamped at euglycemic [5.0mmol/L]31h),andthenhypoglycemic(54mg/dL[3.0mmol/L]32h) (;90 mg/dL [5.0 mmol/L]) and then hypoglycemic (;54 clampsinthemorningandagainintheafternoononallthreeoccasions.In- mg/dL [3.0 mmol/L]) levels in the morning and again in travenousinfusionsduringtheseday1glucoseclampswere1)saline,2)the the afternoon—with intravenous infusions of saline, nonselective a-adrenergic receptor antagonist phentolamine mesylate (70 phentolamine plus propranolol (adrenergic blockade), or mg/kg,followedby7.0mg/kg/min)andthenonselectiveb-adrenergicantag- onist propranolol hydrochloride (14 mg/kg, followed by 1.4 mg/kg/min), or phentolamine plus propranolol with injection of atropine 3)phentolaminepluspropranololandthemuscariniccholinergicantagonist (adrenergic plus cholinergic blockade)—on day 1 and on atropine(1.0mginjectedintravenouslyattheendofeacheuglycemicclamp themorningofday2—withintravenousinfusionofsaline— and60minintoeachhypoglycemicclamp)inrandomsequence.Thisexper- after saline, phentolamine plus propranolol, or phentol- imental design is illustrated, with the actual plasma glucose concentration amine plus propranolol with atropine on day 1 on three data,inFig.1. separate occasions (Fig. 1). The glucose infusion rates re- Plasmaglucoseconcentrationsweremeasuredevery5minatthebedside quiredtomaintaintheclampsweresimilaronalloccasions (YSI Glucose Analyzer, Yellow Springs Instruments, Yellow Springs, OH) to guide20%glucoseinfusions.Heartratesandbloodpressures(GEDash3000, (data not shown). Fairfield,CT)wererecordedat15-minintervals,andtheelectrocardiogramwas Responses on day 1. Compared with those during saline, monitoredthroughout.Arterializedvenoussamplesfortheadditionalanalytes incrementsinplasmaepinephrine andnorepinephrinecon- detailedbelowweredrawnat15-minintervalsduringthemorningeuglycemic centrations during hypoglycemia were increased about andhypoglycemicclampsonbothdays.Thismodelofmorningandafternoon threefold during adrenergic blockade and during adrener- hypoglycemia reduces the sympathoadrenal response to hypoglycemia the followingday(1–4),andthesedosesofphentolamine,propranolol,andatro- gicpluscholinergicblockade(bothP,0.0001;Fig.2).The pine are safe and hemodynamically, metabolically, and symptomatically ef- finalepinephrinevalueswere352646pg/mL(1,9206251 fective(15). pmol/L), 1,040 6 160 pg/mL (5,680 6 873 pmol/L), and Day 2 involved identical hyperinsulinemic euglycemic and then hypogly- 1,130 6 193 pg/mL (6,170 6 1,050 pmol/L), respectively. cemic clamps, with saline infusion, in the morning on all three occasions. The final norepinephrine values were 257 6 19 pg/mL Arterialized venous samples were again used to measure plasma glucose (1.5260.11nmol/L),809684pg/mL(4.7860.50nmol/L), concentrations every 5 min and were drawn for the analytes detailed sub- and 786 6 100 pg/mL (4.65 6 0.59 nmol/L), respectively. sequentlyevery15min. Analytic methods. Plasma glucose concentrations were measured with Increments in plasma pancreatic polypeptide concen- aglucoseoxidasemethod(YSIGlucoseAnalyzer).Plasmainsulin,C-peptide, trations during hypoglycemia were similar during saline growth hormone, and cortisol concentrations were measured with two site andduringadrenergicblockadebutwerepreventedduring chemiluminescent assays (Immulite 1000, Siemens Corp., LosAngeles, CA). adrenergic plus cholinergic blockade.The finalpancreatic Plasmaglucagonandpancreaticpolypeptideconcentrationsweremeasured polypeptidevalueswere356645pg/mL(85611pmol/L), withLincoradioimmunoassays(Millipore,Temecula,CA).Plasmaepinephrine 374 6 42 pg/mL (89 6 10 pmol/L), and 75 6 9 pg/mL and norepinephrine concentrations were measured with a single isotope- derivative(radioenzymatic)method(16). (18 6 2 pmol/L), respectively. FIG.1.Mean(SEswithinthesymbols)plasmaglucoseconcentrations FIG. 2. Mean (6 SE) plasma epinephrine, norepinephrine, and pan- areshownduringmorningandafternoonhyperinsulinemiceuglycemic creatic polypeptide concentrations are shown during morning hyper- and hypoglycemic clamps with intravenous infusions of saline (○), insulinemic euglycemic and hypoglycemic clamps with intravenous phentolaminepluspropranolol (PTL+PRP,□)orphentolamineplus infusionsofsaline(○),phentolaminepluspropranolol(PTL+PRP,□), propranololwithinjectionofatropine(PTL+PRP+Atropine,△)on orphentolamine pluspropranololwithatropine(△)onday1.TheP day1andduringmorninghyperinsulinemiceuglycemicandhypoglyce- values represent comparisons with the values during saline infusion micclampswithintravenousinfusionofsalineonday2aftersaline(●), (bothP<0.0001)forepinephrineandnorepinephrineandcomparisons PTL+PRP(■)orPTL+PRP+Atropine(▲)onday1onthreesepa- withvaluesduringphentolaminepluspropranololwithatropine(P< rateoccasions. 0.0001)forpancreaticpolypeptide. diabetes.diabetesjournals.org DIABETES,VOL.60,FEBRUARY2011 603 ADRENERGICMEDIATIONOFHAAF Plasma concentrations of infused insulin stabilized at blockade on day 1 (Fig. 4). The epinephrine values during ;95mU/mL(570pmol/L)duringinfusionofsalinebutrose the last hour of hypoglycemia were 359 6 26 pg/mL to ;120 mU/mL (720 pmol/L) during adrenergic blockade (1,960 6 142 pmol/L) and 375 6 11 pg/mL (2,050 6 andduringadrenergicpluscholinergicblockade(bothP, 60 pmol/L), respectively. 0.0001;Fig.3).Thefinalinsulinvalueswere9668mU/mL Similarly, the increment in the plasma norepinephrine (576 6 48 pmol/L), 122 6 12 mU/mL (732 6 72 pmol/L), concentrationduringhypoglycemiawasattenuatedonday and 123 6 9 mU/mL (738 6 54 pmol/L), respectively. 2 compared with that during saline on day 1 (P , 0.0001; Increments in plasma glucagon concentrations during hy- Fig. 4). The norepinephrine values during the last hour of poglycemia were similar on all three occasions (Fig. 3). hypoglycemia were 252 6 4 pg/mL (1.49 6 0.02 nmol/L) The final glucagon values were 98 6 11 pg/mL (28 6 and22667pg/mL(1.3460.04nmol/L),respectively.The 3 pmol/L), 110 6 10 pg/mL (32 6 3 pmol/L), and 104 6 incrementsinplasmanorepinephrineduringhypoglycemia 7 pg/mL (30 6 2 pmol/L), respectively. were not reduced on day 2 after adrenergic blockade Comparedwiththoseduringsaline,incrementsinplasma or adrenergic plus cholinergic blockade on day 1 (Fig. 4). growth hormone and cortisol concentrations during hypo- The norepinephrine values during the last hour of hypo- glycemia were increased during adrenergic blockade and glycemia were 284 6 11 pg/mL (1.68 6 0.06 nmol/L) and adrenergic plus cholinergic blockade (P , 0.0001 under 256 6 11 pg/mL (1.51 6 0.06 nmol/L), respectively. Com- bothconditionsforbothhormones;Fig.3).Thefinalgrowth paredwiththatduringsalineonday1,theincrementinthe hormone values were13.36 2.2 ng/mL (5876 97pmol/L), plasma pancreatic polypeptide concentration during hy- 25.263.2ng/mL(1,1106141pmol/L),and20.762.8ng/mL poglycemia was attenuated by ;50% on day 2 under all (914 6 124 pmol/L), respectively. The final cortisol values three study conditions (P , 0.0001; Fig. 4). The pancreatic were 18.461.5mg/dL (508641nmol/L), 22.1 61.4mg/dL polypeptide values during the last hour of hypoglycemia (610639nmol/L),and23.761.6mg/dL(654644nmol/L), were37366pg/mL(8961pmol/L)onday1and21667 respectively. pg/mL (52 6 2 pmol/L), 214 6 17 pg/mL (51 6 4 pmol/L), Heart rate responses to hypoglycemia were decreased and239610pg/mL(5762pmol/L),respectively,onday2. during adrenergic blockade and increased during adren- Plasma concentrations of infused insulin were stable ergic plus cholinergic blockade compared with those and comparable to those during saline on day 1 during all during saline (both P , 0.0001; Table 1). Systolic and di- three hyperinsulinemic euglycemic and hypoglycemic astolic blood pressures were reduced during adrenergic clampsonday2(Fig.5).Comparedwiththatduringsaline blockadeandduring adrenergicpluscholinergic blockade on day 1, the increments in the plasma glucagon concen- (both P , 0.0001; Table 1). trationsduringhypoglycemiawerereducedunderallthree Responses on day 2 compared with those during conditions on day 2 (P = 0.0263, 0.0008 and ,0.0001, re- saline on day 1. Compared with that during saline on spectively; Fig. 5). The glucagon values during the last day 1, the increment in the plasma epinephrine concen- hourofhypoglycemiaduringsalineinfusiononday1were tration during hypoglycemia was attenuated by ;50% on 9961pg/mL(2860pmol/L).Theglucagonvaluesduring day 2 (P , 0.0001; Fig. 4). The epinephrine values during thelasthourofhypoglycemiaonday2were8963pg/mL thelasthourofhypoglycemiawere351613pg/mL(19206 (2661pmol/L),8362pg/mL(2461pmol/L),and8662 71 pmol/L) and 214 6 22 pg/mL (1170 6 120 pmol/L), pg/mL(2561pmol/L)aftersaline,adrenergicblockade,and respectively. In contrast, the increments in plasma epi- adrenergicpluscholinergicblockadeonday1,respectively. nephrine during hypoglycemia were not reduced on day This was also the case for increments in the plasma 2afteradrenergicblockadeoradrenergicpluscholinergic cortisolconcentrationsduringhypoglycemiaonday2(P= 0.0001, ,0.0001 and 0.0030) (Fig. 5). The cortisol values duringthelasthourofhypoglycemiaduringsalineinfusion onday1were17.360.7mg/dL(480619nmol/L).Cortisol valuesduringthelasthourofhypoglycemiaonday2were 14.2 6 0.6 mg/dL (390 6 17 nmol/L), 13.5 6 1.0 mg/dL (370628nmol/L),and15.061.1mg/dL(410630nmol/L) after saline, adrenergic blockade, and adrenergic plus cholinergic blockade on day 1, respectively. Compared with that during saline on day 1, the increment in the plasma growth hormone concentration during hypoglyce- miawasreducedonday2(P=0.0028;Fig.5).Thegrowth hormonevaluesduringthelasthourofhypoglycemiawere 12.660.5ng/mL(560622pmol/L)onday1and7.760.2 ng/mL (340 6 9 pmol/L) on day 2. In contrast, growth hormone values during the last hour of hypoglycemia on day 2 were not reduced after adrenergic blockade or ad- renergic plus cholinergic blockade on day 1 210.8 6 0.8 ng/mL (480 6 35 pmol/L) and 14.0 6 1.4 ng/mL (620 6 62 pmol/L), respectively. FIG. 3. Mean (6 SE) plasma insulin, glucagon, growth hormone, and DISCUSSION cortisol concentrations are shown during morning hyperinsulinemic euglycemicandhypoglycemicclampswithintravenousinfusionsofsa- We used a well-documented model of HAAF in diabetes line (○), phentolamine plus propranolol (□), or phentolamine plus (hypoglycemia attenuates the sympathoadrenal response pparoripsroannsolwoiltwhitthheatvraolpuiensed(u△ri)ngonsadlainye1,.bTohtehPPv<alu0e.0s0r0e1prfeosrenintscuolimn-, to hypoglycemia the following day) (1–4) and the classic growthhormone,andcortisol. adrenergic and cholinergic antagonists phentolamine, 604 DIABETES,VOL.60,FEBRUARY2011 diabetes.diabetesjournals.org R.RAMANATHANANDP.E.CRYER TABLE1 Heart rate and blood pressure responses on day 1 during clamped hyperinsulinemic euglycemia (0800–0900 h) and hypoglycemia (0900–1100h) Saline PTL+PRP PTL+PRP+Atropine HR sBP dBP HR sBP dBP HR sBP dBP Clocktime (bpm) (mmHg) (mmHg) (bpm) (mmHg) (mmHg) (bpm) (mmHg) (mmHg) 0745h 6963 12563 7262 6962 12063 6862 6763 11963 6762 0800h 6862 12563 7162 7062 11864 6662 6963 11863 6862 0815h 7062 12463 7063 7162 11763 6362 7163 11463 6462 0830h 7163 12563 7062 7262 11563 6061 6963 11263 6462 0845h 7062 12463 7062 6962 11263 6062 6962 11163 6062 0900h 7162 12463 6862 6862 11363 5861 7764 11263 5962 0915h 7162 12564 6963 6962 11163 5762 9063 11163 6262 0930h 7263 12464 6863 6762 11063 5762 8663 11363 6062 0945h 7463 12364 6563 6762 11063 5562 8263 11063 5862 1000h 7663 12664 6462 6662 10862 5361 8262 10963 5762 1015h 7362 12563 6363 6662 10963 5262 8662 10963 5562 1030h 7362 12264 6163 6362 10563 5261 8462 10663 5362 1045h 7263 12264 6062 6062 10663 5161 8062 10663 5162 1145h 7363 11964 6062 6062 10663 5161 7762 10563 5162 Pvs.saline — — — ,0.0001 ,0.0001 ,0.0001 ,0.0001 ,0.0001 ,0.0001 Valuesaremean6SE.dBP,diastolicbloodpressure;HR,heartrate;sBP,systolicbloodpressure;PTL,phentolamine;PRP,propranolol. propranolol and atropine (13–15) to test the hypothesis sympathoadrenal, primarily adrenomedullary, response to that adrenergic activation, cholinergic activation, or both, hypoglycemia(17),duringhypoglycemiaonday2.Thus,the mediate the effect of recent antecedent hypoglycemia to phenomenon that we sought to explore mechanistically— reduce the sympathoadrenal response to subsequent hy- recent antecedent hypoglycemia reduces the sympatho- poglycemia, the key feature of HAAF in diabetes (1–8), in adrenal response to subsequent hypoglycemia (1–8)—was humans. reproduced. The data indicate that adrenergic mechanisms mediate However, when adrenergic blockade (without or with theeffectofrecentantecedenthypoglycemiatoreducethe cholinergic blockade) was produced during hypoglycemia sympathoadrenal response to subsequent hypoglycemia. on day 1, the increments in plasma epinephrine and nor- Morning and afternoon hypoglycemia with saline infusion epinephrine concentrations during hypoglycemiaon day2 on day 1 led to attenuated increments in plasma epineph- werenotattenuated.Thus,combinedadrenergicblockade rine and norepinephrine concentrations, markers of the with the nonselective a-adrenergic antagonist phentol- amine and the nonselective b-adrenergic antagonist pro- pranololpreventedtheeffectofhypoglycemiatoreducethe FIG. 4. Mean (6 SE) plasma epinephrine, norepinephrine, and pan- creatic polypeptide concentrations are shown during morning hyper- insulinemiceuglycemicandhypoglycemicclampsonday1withsaline infusion (○) and on day 2 after saline (●), phentolamine plus pro- FIG. 5. Mean (6 SE) plasma insulin, glucagon, growth hormone, and pranolol(PTL+PRP,■),orphentolaminepluspropranololwithatro- cortisol concentrations are shown during morning hyperinsulinemic pine (PTL + PRP + Atropine, ▲) during the clamps on day 1. The P euglycemicandhypoglycemicclampsonday1withsalineinfusion(○) valuesrepresentcomparisonswiththevaluesduringsalineinfusionon andonday2aftersaline(●),phentolaminepluspropranolol(■),or day1(○),P<0.0001forepinephrineandnorepinephrineonday2(●), phentolaminepluspropranololwithatropine(▲)duringtheclampson andP<0.0001forpancreaticpolypeptideunderallthreeconditionson day1.ThePvaluesrepresentcomparisonswiththevaluesduringsaline day2(●,■,and▲). onday1(○);seetextfordetails. diabetes.diabetesjournals.org DIABETES,VOL.60,FEBRUARY2011 605 ADRENERGICMEDIATIONOFHAAF sympathoadrenal response to subsequent hypoglycemia. Nordisk in the past year. No other potential conflicts of The latter is the key feature of HAAF in diabetes (1–8). interest relevant to this article were reported. The data do not disclose—but do not categorically R.R. and P.E.C. designed the study, R.R. conducted it, exclude—an additional cholinergic mechanism. The and R.R. and P.E.C. analyzed the data and wrote the sympathoadrenal response to hypoglycemia on day 2 was manuscript. similar whether the muscarinic cholinergic antagonist at- Theauthorsacknowledgetheassistanceofthefollowing ropine was or was not administered with phentolamine WashingtonUniversity staff: Licia Rowe, Laura Karsteter, and propranolol during hypoglycemia on day 1. 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