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Adolf Hitler: Bolshevik and Zionist Volume I Communism PDF

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Christopher Jon Bjerknes ADOLF HITLER BOLSHEVIK AND ZIONIST Volume II Zionism Copyright © 2020. All Rights Reserved. This book is gratefully dedicated to Hew Carnbee. Table of Contents Addendum to Volume I, Communism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1 What Is Zionism?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 2 Herzl’s "Jewish Company" and the Transfer Agreement. 11 3 Herzl’s Plan in His Own Words. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 4 The Ankara Document. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 5 Zionists Support Hitler and Hitler Supports Zionists. . . .67 6 Herzl, Einstein and Other Zionists Celebrated Anti-Semitism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 7 The Holocaust as a Zionist Eugenics Program for the Jewish "Remnant": Zionist Nazis Use Natural and Artificial Selection to Strengthen the Genetic Stock of Jews. . . . . 143 8 The Ghetto System Is a Jewish Creation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .175 9 Kosher, FBI and KGB/FSB Neo-Nazis Advance the Zionist and Communist Causes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .191 10 The Nazis Rescue Rebbe Schneerson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .197 11 The Religious Rationale for the Holocaust. . . . . . . . . . .205 12 Most German Jews Opposed Zionism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .229 13 The Zionist Doctrine of the Extinction of the "Jewish Race" Through Philo-Semitism and Assimilation. . . . . . . . .317 BIBLIOGRAPHY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .475 NOTES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .479 Addendum to Volume 1, Communism I. Adolf Hitler murdered several far-Left Nazis on the Night of the Long Knives. He did this in part to kill off those persons who knew of Hitler’s Communist past during the Bavarian Soviet Republics. Douglas Reed wrote in his book The Controversy of Zion at pages 121, 395 and 406, "He was in power at the time when Sabbatai Zevi was whipping the Jewish masses into a frenzy of Zionist anticipation and shaking the Talmudic government to its foundations. Indeed, the alarm of the Talmudists about Sabbatai Zevi may have prompted the idea that they should use Cromwell to destroy him. In any case Jewish emissaries from Amsterdam were urgently despatched to England to discover whether Cromwell might be of Judaic decent! Had their research yielded positive results, Cromwell might have been proclaimed the Messiah, for he had one qualification most appealing to the elders: his zeal in ‘utter destruction.’ (If ever a Messiah should be proclaimed, the choice may prove surprising; when I was in Prague in 1939 a rabbi there was preaching that Hitler was the Jewish Messiah, so that a worried Jewish acquaintance asked me what I thought of this.) [***] In these days, when the infiltration of all parties, classes and governments by the agents of the revolution is a known and proven thing, it is of interest that the mass of literature about [Hitler] ignores his early associations and the strong evidence of his Communist background. The Viennese police dossier of his early days has apparently disappeared. His later Brown Army commander, Captain Roehm, told a Storm Troop leader (who told me) that the unknown Adolf Hitler was taken prisoner with the bodyguard of the Moscow emissary Levine, and saved his skin by turning informer (this might explain why Roehm, the possessor of incriminating knowledge, was killed by Hitler after he came to power). Hitler’s own original proposal for the name of the National Socialist party was ‘the Social Revolutionary Party;’ he described himself as ‘the executor of Marxism’ (not its executioner); and he told Hermann Rauschning that he had built his organization on the model of Communism. I met Hitler once or twice and studied him at close quarters for many years, before and after his rise to power; I believe that no genuinely informative work about him and the part he played has yet appeared. [***] The world has never understood this aspect of the resistance to Hitler, because it never understood Hitler himself. Those who have persisted with this book may see the deep significance of his words to Hermann Rauschning: ‘I got illumination and ideas from the Freemasons that I could never have obtained from other sources’ (almost exactly Adam Weishaupt’s words).’ . . I have learnt a great deal from Marxism. . . The whole of National Socialism is based on it.’" II. Klemens von Klemperer documented the rise of "National Bolshevism" and its affinity to National Socialism in his article "Towards a Fourth Reich? The History of National Bolshevism in Germany", The Review of Politics, Volume 13, Number 2, (April, 1951), pp. 191-210. At page 191, he wrote,   "National Bolshevism represents a chapter in German-Russian relations since the First World War. As a policy advocating an Eastern orientation for Germany it is a most puzzling and at this day a very acute phenomenon. To those educated to observe the spectrum of political opinions in terms of Right and Left, with the extreme Right at the opposite end from the extreme Left, National Bolshevism seems a paradox. It suggests the meeting of extremes. More concretely the term stands for a rapprochement between German nationalism and Russian Communism. The story of National Bolshevism is the story of two ‘strange bedfellows.’"       Several neo-Nazis have since embraced National Bolshevism in the modern era as it evolved under the direction of Vladimir Putin’s political advisor, Alexander Dugin. The affinity between National Socialism and National Bolshevism remains alive under the direction of the KGB/FSB and Putin. III. Hitler’s personal secretary Martin Bormann may have been the head of the Soviet spy network Rote Kapelle. See: Louis Kilzer, Hitler’s Traitor: Martin Bormann and the Defeat of the Reich, Presidio Press (2000).       Bormann survived the war. It was absolutely necessary for him to survive in order to establish Germany as the battle front for the Cold War by revitalizing West Germany after the war. Paul Manning explained the fact that Bormann engineered West Germany’s recovery during the war and covertly led it after the war. This guaranteed that American Capitalism and Soviet Communism would dominate the post-war world, in complete contradiction to Hitler’s publicly stated aims of destroying Capitalism and Communism. See: "Martin Bormann and the Future of Germany", The New York Times, (3 March 1973), p. 31: https://www.nytimes.com/1973/03/03/archives/martin-bormann-and-the- future-of-germany.html       Bormann and Hitler’s escape from the Führer Bunker is detailed in Harry Cooper, Escape from the Bunker. See also: Ladislas Farago, Aftermath: Martin Bormann and the Fourth Reich, Hodder and Stoughton, (1975); Paul Manning, Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile, (1981); William Stevenson, The Bormann Brotherhood, (1973); Ib Melchior, Frank Brandenburg, Quest: Searching for Germany’s Nazi Past, Presidio Press, (1994).       Evidence that Heinrich "Gestapo" Müller survived the war can be found in Gregory Douglas, Gestapo Chief : The 1948 Interrogation of Heinrich Muller, Volumes I-III, R. James Bender Pub., (1996); see also a purported interview with Müller which was conducted in Paraguay long after the war ended: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0DotESy9Q4 1 What Is Zionism? "Zionism" is often defined as a political movement to establish and maintain a national homeland for the Jewish People. But who are the Jewish People and what right do they have to create a Nation State or to displace an indigenous population? What are the borders of this State, which is now called Israel? Is it merely a coincidence that political Zionism mirrors the ancient religious prophecies of the Jews? Did Jewry simply elect to fulfil these prophecies themselves?             These were troubling questions among world leaders and various factions of Jewry, when Adolf Hitler was ordered by the German Army to lead an anti-Semitic political party in 1919 and chase the reluctant Jews out of Europe and down to Palestine. Prior to that time, there were several forces pushing for the "restoration of the Jews to Palestine". Christian Zionists wanted the Jews to return to Palestine in the hopes that it would cause Jesus Christ to return.       The Rothschild family of Jewish bankers wanted the Jews to return to Palestine in order fulfill Jewish messianic prophecy. They were the Kings of Jewry and wanted to claim their Kingdom. Eastern European Jews wanted autonomy, so that they could follow Jewish law and remain segregated in a "World Ghetto". Some Western European and American Jews desperately wanted to end the process of "assimilation" that threatened to breed Jews out of existence. Jewry depended upon anti-Semitism to keep Jews segregated and maintain their Jewishness.       It was obvious in 1940 that Hitler’s policies benefitted Jewry and were a phony front to advance the Zionist cause. In his historically important 2003 lecture The Final Solution to Adolf Hitler, 1 Jim Condit, Jr. quoted from a letter addressed to a Jewish publicist reprinted in P. R. Masson and B. Jensen, Hitler’s Policy Is a Jewish Policy: Correspondence with a Jewish Publicist, K. R. P. Publications Limited, Liverpool, (1941).       "Hitler’s Policy Is a Jewish Policy: Correspondence with a Jewish Publicist" stated, among many other revealing things,   "Most Englishmen have a reasonable sense of fair play and that includes a repugnance to cruelty of an unreasonable nature. Many of us believe that Hitler’s anti-Semitism is merely a blind to cover the fact that he has received powerful support from highly placed financial interests. [***] The following names should be scrutinized. [***] Rothschild, Myer, Baruch, Shuster, Warburg, Kuhn, Guggenheim, Naymeier [?], Schiff, Sieff. These are the names of men or families who move along in the shadows behind governments and wield enormous influence almost unknown to the general public. [***] Hitler has said many things against Jewish domination, but I maintain that the sum total of his actions contradict all he has said. In all probability he is the most potent agent through which the leaders of World Jewry are carrying out their final attempt of world domination. This statement requires some explanation. [***] Hitler’s anti-Semitism is merely a blind. You say that in this connection I ignore the Nazi ideology of blood and race of which anti-Semitism is but a part. Now it should be remembered that Hitler is not the only person who attaches importance to blood. None have been more interested and laid more stress on the importance of blood in its social aspect than the Jews themselves. Hitler’s blood theories have resulted in his Nuremberg Laws which are but the transplantation onto Gentile soil of those marital laws to which the orthodox Jew attaches so much importance. [***] Hitler’s Jew laws are as you know the only original addition to a program of aggrandizement and centralization of power which he has taken over direct from Bismark and Wilhelm. Both these gentlemen in Germany were constantly surrounded by Jewish advisors and all the German Reich’s constitutions have been framed by Jews."       Jewish prophecies called for a King, an anointed one, or "messiah" to lead the Jews to ingather in Palestine. Bar Kochba, Shabbatai Zevi, and many other failed "false messiahs" were not successful in bringing the Jews to Palestine. Adolf Hitler was the Jews’ true messiah. He, under the direction of his Jewish masters, caused the Jews to ingather in Palestine, and like Moses he was a cruel deliverer.       Douglas Reed wrote in his book The Controversy of Zion, at page 121,   "If ever a Messiah should be proclaimed, the choice may prove surprising; when I was in Prague in 1939 a rabbi there was preaching that Hitler was the Jewish Messiah, so that a worried Jewish acquaintance asked me what I thought of this."       In Hitler’s time, various Zionists advocated different types of Zionism. These included religious Zionism, political Zionism, racial Zionism, ethnic Zionism, cultural Zionism, revisionist Zionism, labor Zionism, etc. The religious Zionists inspired the fear among Christians, especially Roman Catholics and the Russian Orthodox, that the anti-Christ was rising and must be defeated. Christian theology and doctrine taught from the time of the early Church Fathers onward that the restoration of the Jews to Palestine, the rebuilding of the Third Temple of Solomon and the anointing of the Jewish messiah were all actions of the anti-Christ—the earthly imposter to Jesus Christ’s heavenly throne. Muslims also viewed the restoration of the Jews to Palestine as the manifestation of al-Dajjal, a figure roughly comparable to the anti-Christ.       Due to these weighty religious objections, the religious Zionists faced enormous difficulty in winning the support of the Ottoman Empire, the Catholic Church and the Tsar of Russia for Zionism. Beyond that, large segments of world Jewry had religious objections to migrating to Palestine en masse, believing that they had to wait for their messiah to arrive before moving to Palestine in large numbers. The First World War eliminated many of these obstacles. It gave the Jews Palestine, spread Communism creating a Jewish world government, and it brought down the Kings and the power of the Church to oppose Jewry’s objective to seize control of the Holy Land from Christians and Muslims. But it did not inspire Jews in general to go to Palestine.       That task was to be accomplished by the Jews’ Zionist messiah, Adolf Hitler. And he was to do it by force, if necessary. Theodor Herzl had advocated such a plan in 1896, and the Nazis in collaboration with Zionist leaders carried out Herzl’s plan under the "Transfer Agreement" of 1933. 2 Herzl’s "Jewish Company" and the Transfer Agreement Of all the Jews in the world in the 1930's, German Jews were the fittest ones to create a viable Jewish State in Palestine. They were often highly educated and in many of the largest cities, they dominated the professions, education and commerce. Many German Jews were assimilating, becoming Christian and marrying non-Jews. If the Herzlian political Zionists could find a way to transplant them to Palestine, the German Jews would provide the capital, talent and expertise they needed to lay the foundations of a new Jewish nation.       The Transfer Agreement (Ha’avara 1933-1939) was a contract between the Zionists and the Nazis which facilitated the population transfer of

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