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INDEX TO VOLUME 41 ADOLESCENCE VOLUME 41 NUMBER 161 SPRING 2006 1 Sex Education Attitudes and Outcomes Among North Amer- ican Women, Monnica T. Williams and Laura Bonner 15 Consumption of Sexual Dialogue and Content on Television and Adolescent Sexual Outcomes: Multiethnic Findings, Cheryl L. Somers and Joshua J. Tynan 39 Gender Differences in Victimized Homeless Adolescents, Regina Jones Johnson, Lynn Rew, and Kamiar Kouzekanani 55 Understanding Girls’ Circle as an Intervention on Perceived Social Support, Body Image, Self-Efficacy, Locus of Control, and Self-Esteem, Stephanie Steese, Maya Dollette, William Phillips, Elizabeth Hossfeld, Gail Matthews, and Giovanna Taormina Adolescent Girls’ Perceived Barriers to Participation in Phys- ical Activity, John J. M. Dwyer, Kenneth R. Allison, Ellie R Goldenberg, Allan J. Fein, Karen K. Yoshida, and Marie A. Boutilier African American Child-Women: Nutrition Theory Revisited, Medha Talpade Evaluating “Baby Think It Over” Infant Simulators: A Com- parison Group Study, Jerro/d E. Barnett The Effect of Perceived Parental Involvement and the Use of Growth-Fostering Relationships on Self-Concept in Adoles- cents Participating in GEAR UP, Donna M. Gibson and Renee N. Jefferson Adult Helping Qualities Preferred by Adolescents, June Martin, Michael Romas, Marsha Medford, Nancy Leffert, and Sherry L. Hatcher Ethnic Identity and Reconciliation: Two Main Tasks for the Young in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Hanna Hjort and Ann Frisén Service-Learning, Personal Development, and Social Com- mitment: A Case Study of University Students in Hong Kong, Steven Sek-yum Ngai 777 177 The Characteristics of Separation-Individuation in Turkish High School Students, Miige Tamar, Tezan Bildik, Figen Sen Késem, Hande Kesikgi, Arkun Tatar, Bora Yaman, Serpil Erermis, and Burcu Ozbaran 185 An Examination of Self-Presentational Concern of Turkish Adolescents: An Example of Physical Education Setting, Canan Koca and F. Hillya As¢i 199 Book Reviews VOLUME 41 NUMBER 162 SUMMER 2006 221 The Relationship Between Childhood Sexual Abuse and Sexual Health Practices of Homeless Adolescents, Regina Jones Johnson, Lynn Rew, and R. Weylin Sternglanz 235 Dropout Policies and Trends for Students With and Without Disabilities, Suzanne E. Kemp 251 Violence and Minority Youth: The Effects of Risk and Asset Factors on Fighting Among African American Children and Adolescents, Darlene R. Wright and Kevin M. Fitzpatrick 263 Ethnic Differences in Adolescents’ Mental Distress, Social Stress, and Resources, Heeseung Choi, Janet C. Meininger, and Robert E. Roberts 285 Xenophobia, Ethnic Community, and Immigrant Youths’ Friendship Network Formation, Jenny Hsin-Chun Tsai 299 Suicide Attempts Among Adolescent Mexican American Students Enrolled in Special Education Classes, Catherine Medina and Gaye Luna 313 Experiences of School Bullying in Northern Ireland: Data from the Life and Times Survey, Conor Mc Guckin and Christopher Alan Lewis 321 Peer Groups and Substance Use: Examining the Direct and Interactive Effect of Leisure Activity, Thorolfur Thorlindsson and Jon Gunnar Bernburg 341 Psychological Well-Being in Adolescence: The Contribution of Interpersonal Relations and Experience of Being Alone, Paola Corsano, Marinella Majorano and Lorella Champretavy Tobacco Consumption and Motives for Use in Mexican Uni- versity Students, Bettylu Rasmussen-Cruz, Alfredo Hidalgo- San Martin, Bertha Lidia Nufio-Gutiérrez and Carlos Hidalgo- Rasmussen 369 The Effects of Sports Participation on Young Adolescents’ Emotional Well-Being, Sarah J. Donaldson and Kevin R. Ronan 391 Book Reviews VOLUME 41 NUMBER 163 FALL 2006 409 The Roles of Sex, Gender, and Coping in Adolescent De- pression, Cindy Ellen Li, Raymond DiGiuseppe, and Jeffrey Froh 417 Adolescents’ Psychological Response to the Experience of Community Interpersonal Violence: A Cross-National and a Cross-Cultural Comparison, Beth Spenciner Rosenthal and W. Cody Wilson Risk Factors for Depression in Early Adolescence, Angela R MacPhee and Jac J. W. Andrews Bullying and Victimization Among Black and Hispanic Ado- lescents, Melissa Fleschler Peskin, Susan R. Tortolero, and Christine M. Markham Racial Discrimination-Induced Anger and Alcohol Use Among Black Adolescents, Francis Terrell, Aletha R. Miller, Kenneth Foster, and C. Edward Watkins, Jr The Success of Taiwanese Fathers in Guiding Adolescents, Troy E. Beckert, Robert D. Strom, Paris S. Strom, and Cheng-Ta Yang Future Time Perspective and Motivational Categories in Argentinean Adolescents, Stella Maris Vazquez and Maria Virginia Rapetti The Influence of Dispositional Optimism and Gender on Ado- lescents’ Perception of Academic Stress, Vivien S. Huan, Lay See Yeo, Rebecca P. Ang, and Wan Har Chong Adolescents’ Sexual Self-Disclosure on the Internet: De- individuation and Impression Management, Wen-Bin Chiou Perceived Parent-Child Relational Qualities and Parental Behavioral and Psychological Control in Chinese Adoles- cents in Hong Kong, Daniel T. L. Shek Book Reviews VOLUME 41 NUMBER 164 WINTER 2006 597 Parents’ and Teachers’ Perceptions of Adolescent Storm and Stress: Relations with Parenting and Teaching Styles, Allyn R. Hines and Sharon E. Paulson 615 Personal Conceptions of Intelligence, Self-Esteem, and School Achievement in Italian and Portuguese Students, Annamaria Pepi, Luisa Faria, and Marianna Alesi 633 Bullying in Elementary School, High School, and College, Mark S. Chapell, Stefanie L. Hasselman, Theresa Kitchin, Safiya N. Lomon, Kenneth W. Maclver, and Patrick L Sarullo Why Do Adolescents Use Drugs? A Common Sense Explan- atory Model from the Social Actor's Perspective, Bertha Lidia Nufio-Gutiérrez, Oscar Rodriguez-Cerda, and José Alvarez- Nemegyei Motor Coordination and Intelligence Level in Adolescents, Jurij PlaninSec and Rado Pisot Prevalence of Bulimic Behaviors and Trends in Eating Atti- tudes Among Turkish Late Adolescents, Gui Kiziltan, Efsun Karabudak, Sibel Unver, Emine Sezgin, and Ayse Unal Biological Knowledge Is More Tentative Than Physics Knowledge: Taiwan High School Adolescents’ Views About the Nature of Biology and Physics, Chin-Chung Tsai Paternal/Maternal Attachment, Peer Support, Social Expec- tations of Peer Interaction, and Depressive Symptoms, Yih- Lan Liu Teachers’ Modeling Advantage and Their Modeling Effects on College Students’ Learning Styles and Occupational Stereotypes: A Case of Collaborative Teaching in Technical Courses, Wen-Bin Chiou and Chao-Chin Yang Environmental Influences on Risk Taking Among Hong Kong Young Dance Partygoers, Steven Sek-yum Ngai, Ngan-pun Ngai, and Chau-kiu Cheung Collectivists’ Contingency and Autonomy as Predictors of Buffet Preferences Among Taiwanese Adolescents, Wen-Bin Chiou Book Reviews Index to Volume 41 Author Index AUTHOR INDEX Alesi, M. 615 Huan, V. S. 533 Allison, K. R. 75 Jefferson, R. N. 111 Aivarez-Nemegyei, J. 649 Johnson, R. J. 39, 221 Andrews, J. J. W. 435 Karabudak, E. 677 Ang, R. P. 533 Kemp, S. E. 235 Aso¢i, F. H. 185 Kesikci, H. 177 Barnett, J. E. 103 Kitchin, T. 633 Beckert, T. E. 493 Kiziltan, G. 677 Bernburg, J. G. 321 Koca, C. 185 Bildik, T. 177 Késem, F. S. 177 Bonner, L. 1 Kouzekanani, K. 39 Boutilier, M. A. 75 Leffert, N. 127 Champretavy, L. 341 Lewis, C. A. 313 Chapell, M. S. 633 Li, C. E. 409 Cheung, C.-K. 739 Liu, Y.-L. 705 Chiou, W.-B. 547, 723, 753 Lomon, S. N. 633 Choi, H. 263 Luna, G. 299 Chong, W. H. 533 Macliver, K. W. 633 Corsano, P. 341 MacPhee, A. R. 435 DiGiuseppe, R. 409 Majorano, M. 341 Dollette, M. 55 Markham, C. M. 467 Donaldson, S. J. 369 Martin, J. 127 Dwyer, J. J. M. 75 Matthews, G. 55 Erermis, S. 177 Mc Guckin, C. 313 Faria, L. 615 Medford, M. 127 Fein, A. J. 75 Medina, C. 299 Fitzpatrick, K. M. 251 Meininger, J. C. 263 Foster, K. 485 Miller, A. R. 485 Friséen, A. 141 Ngai, N.-P. 739 Froh, J. 409 Ngai, S. S.-Y. 165, 739 Gibson, D. M. 111 Nufho-Gutierrez, B. L. 355, 649 Goldenberg, E. R. 75 Ozbaran, B. 177 Hasselman, S. L. 633 Paulson, S. E. 597 Hatcher, S. L. 127 Pepi, A. 615 Hidaigo-Rasmussen, C. 355 Peskin, M. F. 467 Hidalgo-San Martin, A. 355 Phillips, W. 55 Hines, A. R. 597 Pisot, R. 667 Hijort, H. 141 Planinsec, J. 667 Hossfeld, E. 55 Rapetti, M. V. 511 Rasmussen-Cruz, B. 355 Terrell, F. 485 Rew, L. 39, 221 Thorlindsson, T. 321 Roberts, R. E. 263 Tortolero, S. R. 467 Rodriguez-Cerda, O. 649 Tsai, C.-C. 691 Romas, M. 127 Tsai, J.H .-C. 285 Ronan, K. R. 369 TynaJ.n J,. 1 5 Rosenthal, B. S. 417 Unal, A. 677 Sarullo, P. L. 633 Unver, S. 677 Sezgin, E. 677 Vazquez, S. M. 511 Shek, D. T. L. 563 Watkins, C. E., Jr. 485 Somers, C.L. 15 Williams, M. T. 1 Steese, S. 55 Wilson, W. C. 417 Sternglanz, R. W. 221 Wright, D. R. 251 Strom, P. S. 493 Yaman, B. 177 Strom, R. D. 493 Yang, C.-C. 723 Talpade, M. 91 Yang, C.-T. 493 Tamar, M. 177 Yeo, L. S. 533 Taormina, G. 55 Yoshida, K. K. 75 Tatar, A. 177

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