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Index: ARTICLES INDEXED BY AUTHOR Volume 42, 1997 Barley, Stephen R. Galaskiewicz, Joseph see Bonalyn J. Nelsen 445 An Urban Grants Economy Re- Barnett, William P. visited: Corporate Charitable 128 The Dynamics of Competitive Contributions in the Twin Cit- Intensity ies, 1979-81, 1987-89 Baum, Joel A. C. Geletkanycz, Marta A., and Donald see Paul Ingram C. Hambrick 654 The External Ties of Top Execu- Baum, Joel A. C., and Heather A. tives: Implications for Strategic Haveman Choice and Performance 304 Love Thy Neighbor? Differentia- tion and Agglomeration in the Gimeno, Javier, Timothy B. Folta, Manhattan Hotel Industry Arnold C. Cooper, and Carolyn Y. 1898-1990 Woo 750 Survival of the Fittest? Entre- Boeker, Warren preneurial Human Capital and 213 Executive Migration and Strate- the Persistence of Underper- gic Change: The Effect of Top forming Firms Manager Movement on Prod- uct-Market Entry Guillén, Mauro Bradach, Jeffrey L. 682 Scientific Management's Lost 276 Using the Plural Form in the Aesthetic: Architecture, Organi- Management of Restaurant zation, and the Taylorized Chains Beauty of the Mechanical Brockner, Joel, Phyllis A. Siegel, Gulati, Ranjay Joseph P. Daly, Tom Tyler, and see James D. Westphal Christopher Martin Hambrick, Donald C. 558 When Trust Matters: The Mod- see Marta A. Geletkanycz erating Effect of Outcome Fa- vorability Hambrick, Donald C. see Mathew L. A. Hayward Brown, Shona L., and Kathleen M. Eisenhardt Hargadon, Andrew, and Robert I. 1 The Art of Continuous Change: Sutton Linking Complexity Theory and 716 Technology Brokering and Inno- Time-paced Evolution in Relent- vation in a Product Develop- lessly Shifting Organizations ment Firm Burt, Ronald S. Haunschild, Pamela R., and Anne 339 The Contingent Value of Social S. Miner Capital 472 Modes of Interorganizational Imitation: The Effects of Out- Cooper, Arnold C. come Salience and Uncertainty see Javier Gimeno Haveman, Heather A. Daly, Joseph P. see Joel A. C. Baum see Joel Brockner Hayward, Mathew L. A., and Dobbin, Frank, and Timothy Dowd Donald C. Hambrick 501 How Policy Shapes Competi- 103 Explaining the Premiums Paid tion: Early Railroad Foundings for Large Acquisitions: Evi- in Massachusetts dence of CEO Hubris Dowd, Timothy Ingram, Paul, and Joel A. C. Baum see Frank Dobbin 68 Chain Affiliation and the Failure Earley, P. Christopher of Manhattan Hotels, 1898- see Jiing-Lih Farh 1980 Eisenhardt, Kathleen M. Ingram, Paul see Shona L. Brown see Tal Simons Farh, Jiing-Lih, P. Christopher Ear- Jehn, Karen A. ley, and Shu-Chi Lin 530 A Qualitative Analysis of Con- 421 Impetus for Action: A Cultural flict Types and Dimensions in Analysis of Justice and Organi- Organizational Groups zational Citizenship Behavior in Lin, Shu-Chi Chinese Society see Jiing-Lih Farh Folta, Timothy B. Martin, Christopher see Javier Gimeno see Joel Brockner Miner, Anne S. see Pamela R. Haunschild 853/ASQ, December 1997 Nelsen, Bonalyn J., and Stephen Sutton, Robert I. Westphal, James D., Ranjay Gu- R. Barley see Andrew Hargadon lati, and Stephen M. Shortell 619 For Love or Money? Commodi- 366 Customization or Conformity: Tyler, Tom fication and the Construction of An Institutional and Network see Joel Brockner an Occupational Mandate Perspective on the Content and Uzzi, Brian Consequences of TOM Adop- Sastry, M. Anjali 35 Social Structure and Competi- tion 237 Problems and Paradoxes in a tion in Interfirm Networks: The Model of Punctuated Organiza- Woo, Carolyn Y. Paradox of Embeddedness tional Change see Javier Gimeno Westphal, James D., and Edward Shortell, Stephen M. Zajac, Edward J. J. Zajac see James D. Westphal see James D. Westphal 161 Defections from the Inner Siegel, Phyllis Circle: Social Exchange, Reci- see Joel Brockner procity, and the Diffusion of Board Independence in U.S. Simons, Tal, and Paul Ingram Corporations 784 Organization and Ideology: Kib- butzim and Hired Labor, 1951- 1965 ARTICLES INDEXED BY TITLE The Art of Continuous Change: For Love or Money? Commodifi- Scientific Management's Lost Aes- Linking Complexity Theory and cation and the Construction of an thetic: Architecture, Organization, Time-paced Evolution in Relent- Occupational Mandate and the Taylorized Beauty of the lessly Shifting Organizations 619 Bonalyn J. Nelsen and Stephen Mechanical 1 Shona L. Brown and Kathleen R. Barley 682 Mauro Guillén M. Eisenhardt How Policy Shapes Competition: Social Structure and Competition Chain Affiliation and the Failure of Early Railroad Foundings in Mas- in Interfirm Networks: The Para- Manhattan Hotels, 1898-1980 sachusetts dox of Embeddedness 68 Paul Ingram and Joel A. C. 501 Frank Dobbin and Timothy 35 Brian Uzzi Baum Dowd Survival of the Fittest? Entrepre- The Contingent Value of Social Impetus for Action: A Cultural neurial Human Capital and the Capital Analysis of Justice and Organiza- Persistence of Underperforming 339 Ronald S. Burt tional Citizenship Behavior in Chi- Firms nese Society 750 Javier Gimeno, Timothy B. Customization or Conformity: An 421 Jiing-Lih Farh, P. Christopher Folta, Arnold C. Cooper, and Institutional and Network Perspec- Earley, and Shu-Chi Lin Carolyn Y. Woo tive on the Content and Conse- quences of TQM Adoption Love Thy Neighbor? Differentia- Technology Brokering and Innova- 366 James D. Westphal, Ranjay tion and Agglomeration in the tion in a Product Development Gulati, and Stephen M. Shortell Manhattan Hotel Industry, 1898- Firm 1990 716 Andrew Hargadon and Robert |. Defections from the !nner Circle: 304 Joel A. C. Baum and Heather Sutton Social Exchange, Reciprocity, and A. Haveman the Diffusion of Board Indepen- An Urban Grants Economy Revis- dence in U.S. Corporations Modes of Interorganizational Imi- ited: Corporate Charitable Contri- 161 James D. Westphal and Ed- tation: The Effects of Outcome butions in the Twin Cities, 1979- ward J. Zajac Salience and Uncertainty 81, 1987-89 472 Pamela R. Haunschild and 445 Joseph Galaskiewicz The Dynamics of Competitive In- Anne S. Miner tensity Using the Plural Form in the Man- 128 William P. Barnett Organization and Ideology: Kib- agement of Restaurant Chains butzim and Hired Labor, 1951- 276 Jeffrey L. Bradach Executive Migration and Strategic 1965 Change: The Effect of Top Man- When Trust Matters: The Moder- 784 Tal Simons and Paul Ingram ager Movement on Product-Mar- ating Effect of Outcome Favorabil- ket Entry Problems and Paradoxes in a ity 213 Warren Boeker Model of Punctuated Organiza- 558 Joel Brockner, Phyllis A. Siegel, tional Change Joseph P. Daly, Tom Tyler, and Explaining the Premiums Paid for 237 M. Anjali Sastry Christopher Martin Large Acquisitions: Evidence of CEO Hubris A Qualitative Analysis of Conflict 103 Mathew L. A. Hayward and Types and Dimensions in Organi- Donald C. Hambrick zational Groups 530 Karen A. Jehn The External Ties of Top Execu- tives: Implications for Strategic Choice and Performance 654 Marta A. Geletkanycz and Donald C. Hambrick 854/ASQ, December 1997 BOOK REVIEWS INDEXED BY AUTHOR Benoit, William L. Gattiker, Urs E., ed. Leifer, Eric M. 584 Accounts, Excuses, and Apolo- 199 Women and Technology 831 Making the Majors: The Trans- gies: A Theory of Image Resto- (Nanette Fondas and Gerardine formation of Team Sports in ration Strategies (Kimberly D. DeSanctis) America (Robert N. Stern) Elsbach) Gioia, Dennis A. Martin, Patricia Yancey Bills, David B., ed. see Cameron M. Ford see Myra Marx Ferree 605 The New Modern Times: Fac- Graham, Laurie Mathews, John tors Reshaping the World of 819 On the Line at Subaru-lsuzu: 197 Catching the Wave: Workplace Work (Bonalyn J. Nelsen) The Japanese Model and the Reform in Australia (Peter Hol- Bowie, Norman E. American Worker (Peter Berg land and Peter J. Dowling) 190 University-Business Partner- and Eileen Applebaum) Messick, David M. ships: An Assessment (Freder- Gutek, Barbara A. see Roderick M. Kramer ick H. Buttel) 833 The Dynamics of Service: Re- Nord, Walter R. Broadbent, Jeffrey flections on the Changing Na- see John M. Jermier see David Knoke ture of Customer/Provider Inter- actions (Anat Rafaeli) Pappi, Franz Urban Cummings, L. L., and Barry M. see David Knoke Staw, eds. Harris, Douglas H., ed. 599 Research in Organizational Be- 595 Organizational Linkages: Under- Russell, Raymond havior, vol. 17 (Elaine Ro- standing the Productivity Para- 829 Utopia in Zion: The Israeli Expe- manelli) dox (Philip Anderson) rience with Worker Coopera- tives (Paul ingram) Dobbin, Frank Hitt, Michael A. 184 Forging Industrial Policy: The see Robert E. Hoskisson Scott, W. Richard United States, Britain, and 821 Institutions and Organizations Hoskisson, Robert E., and Michael France in the Railway Age (M. Tina Dacin) A. Hitt (John Bolli) 191 Downscoping: How to Tame Staw, Barry M. Donaldson, Lex the Diversified Firm (William see L. L. Cummings 602 American Anti-Management McKinley) Tsujinaka, Yataka Theories of Organization: A Cri- Huber, George P., and Andrew H. see David Knoke tique of Paradigm Proliferation (Huseyin Leblebici) V83a6n dLeon gVietnu,d ineadls . Field Research Van dseee VeGne,o rgAen drP.e wH ubHe.r Dudley, Kathryn Marie Methods: Studying Processes 814 The End of the Line: Lost Jobs, of Organizational Change (John Vaughan, Diane New Lives in Postindustrial R. Kimberly) 395 The Challenger Launch Deci- America (Laurie Graham) sion: Risky Technology, Cul- Illes, Louise Moser ture, and Deviance at NASA Evans, Peter 816 Sizing Down: Chronicles of a (Karl E. Weick; Scott Sagan; 187 Embedded Autonomy: States Plant Closing (Martin G. Evans) Karlene H. Roberts) [Review and Industrial Transformation Jermier, John M., David Knights, Symposium] (William Form) and Waiter R. Nord, eds. Voos, Paula B., ed. Ferree, Myra Marx, and Patricia 824 Resistance and Power in Orga- 597 Contemporary Collective Bar- Yancey Martin, eds. nizations (Ralph Stablein) gaining in the Private Sector 838 Feminist Organizations: Harvest Knights, David (Peter Feuille) of the New Women’s Move- ment (Elisabeth S. Clemens) see John M. Jermier Watson, Tony J. Knoke, David, Franz Urban Pappi, 195 In Search of Management: Cul- Ford, Cameron M., and Dennis A. Jeffrey Broadbent, and Yutaka ture, Chaos, and Control in Gioia, eds. Tsujinaka Managerial Work (Meryl Reis 826 Creative Action in Organiza- 184 Comparing Policy Networks Louis) tions: Ivory Tower Visions and Real World Voices (C. Marlene (John Boli) Zabusky, Stacia E. Fiol) Kramer, Roderick M., and David 592 Launching Europe: An Ethnog- M. Messick, eds. raphy of European Cooperation Friedman, Raymond A. 589 Negotiation As a Social Process in Space Science (Thomas F. 586 Front Stage, Backstage: The (Deborah M. Kolb) Gieryn) Dramatic Structure of Labor Negotiations (Roy J. Lewicki) REVIEWERS Philip Anderson John Boli M. Tina Dacin 595 184 821 Eileen Applebaum Frederick H. Buttel Gerardine DeSanctis 819 190 199 Peter Berg Elisabeth S. Clemens Peter J. Dowling 819 838 197 855/ASQ, December 1997 William Form Peter Holland Bonalyn J. Nelsen 187 197 605 Kimberly D. Elsbach Paul Ingram Anat Rafaeli 584 829 833 Martin G. Evans John R. Kimberly Karlene H. Roberts 816 836 405 Peter Feuille Deborah M. Kolb Elaine Romanelli 597 589 599 C. Marlene Fiol Huseyin Leblebici Scott D. Sagan 826 602 401 Nanette Fondas Roy J. Lewicki Ralph Stablein 199 586 824 Thomas F. Gieryn Meryl Reis Louis Robert N. Stern 592 195 831 Laurie Graham William McKinley Karl E. Weick 814 191 395 856/ASQ, December 1997

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