ADIABATIC AND ENTROPY PERTURBATIONS IN INFLATIONARY MODELS BASED ON NON-LINEAR SIGMA MODEL N.A. Koshelev1 Ulyanovsk State University, 42 Leo Tolstoy St., Ulyanovsk 432700, Russia Thescalarperturbationsininflationarymodels,basedonatwo-componentdiagonalnon-linearsigmamodel, are considered. For inhomogeneities generated at an inflationary stage, the law of motion of the comoving 5 0 curvature is obtained (without using the slow roll approximations). A formal expressions for the power R 0 spectrum and its spectral index are obtained, which are valid and after the slow-roll stage. As an example, 2 an inflationary model with a massive scalar field and quadratic curvature corrections is studied numerically. n a J 7 1 Introduction. general two-component diagonal sigma-model action has 2 the form: 1 A standard hypothesis of modern cosmology is the exis- R 1 v tence of an accelerated expansion stage in the history of S = d4x g + T2(ϕ,χ)ϕ ϕ;µ 0 | | −2κ2 2 ;µ the very early Universe, when the second time derivative Z (cid:26) 60 of the scale factor is positive. This expansion was termed p+ 1P2(ϕ,χ)χ;µχ;µ U(ϕ,χ) , (1) 1 inflationary. Presence of a long enough inflationary stage 2 − (cid:27) 0 can resolve such well-known difficulties of the Big Bang wherethechiralmetriccomponentsT2(ϕ,χ),P2(ϕ,χ)are 5 theory,as the homogeneity,horizonandflatnessproblems 0 some functions of chiral fields (sigma model components) [1]. Besides, the inflationary theory gives a root source of / ϕandχ. Thenon-linearsigmamodelsusuallyariseaftera h primordial inhomogeneities, giving rise to the large-scale conformal transformation in generalized Einstein theories p structure ofthe Universe. Inthe simple models ofchaotic - [6]. In Refs. [7], [8], inflationary models with an action of inflationtheexistenceonlyonescalarfieldtermedinflaton o such view have received the name of chiral models. They r is supposed. In a wide range of initial values of this field, t are often call simply multi-field models [9, 10], however, s the slow roll conditions is realized, and the scale factor a grows quasi exponential. The primordial density inhomo- we do not use this term to stress the non-triviality of the : scalar fields space. v geneities arise from quantum vacuum fluctuations of the i inflaton field. These quantum fluctuations, after horizon In two-fieldinflationarymodels, to study adiabatic and X entropy perturbations, Gordon at al. [11] constructedthe crossing, can be considered as classical stochastic pertur- r quantitiesδσ andδs. Thesevariablesareveryconvenient a bations[2]. Atlargescales,theconservationlawoftheco- for describing the time evolution of the comoving curva- moving curvature perturbation allows to connect inho- R ture , and for solving the perturbed field and Einstein mogeneities generated on inflationary stage with primor- R equations in slow roll. The perturbation equations in the dial inhomogeneities in a radiation-dominated Universe. new variables are also suitable for numerical simulations The slow-roll models predict initial inhomogeneities with [11, 12]. This approach was generalized to the case of an approximately scale-invariant (Harrison - Zel’dovich) a non-linear sigma model with chiral metric components spectrum in good agreement with the astrophysical data h =1, h =0,h =e2b(ϕ1) [13], and to the case ofthe [3]. However, more realistic multi-field inflationary mod- 11 12 22 generalnon-linearsigma model under slow rollconditions els also call the attention. In such models, even for long- [10]. Thegoalofthepresentedworkistostudy theevolu- wavelength inhomogeneities, the conservation law of the tion of comoving curvature perturbations and to obtain a quantity may not to hold (for example, strong ampli- R power spectrum of initial inhomogeneities in inflationary fication of long-wavelength inhomogeneities is possible at models with the action (1). thepreheatingstage). Manyauthorsconsideredtheevolu- tion foranumberofmulti-fieldmodelsbothanalytically R andnumerically. For double-fieldinflationary models, the 2 Background. equation of motion of the comoving curvature perturba- tion was written out in the pioneering papers [4], [5]. We consider the spatially flat Friedmann - Robertson - Inthiswork,weconsiderinflationarymodelsbasedona Walker (FRW) universe, described by the action (1) with non-linear sigma model with self-coupling potential. The the line element 1e-mail: [email protected] ds2 =dt2 a2(t)δ dxidxj. (2) ij − 1 The equations of motion for the homogeneous back- ofconstant-timehypersurfacesandspatialcoordinatesin- ground chiral fields ϕ, χ and scale factor a(t) are side them. Here we operate without specified any partic- ular gauge conditions. H2 = κ2 T2ϕ˙2+ P2χ˙2+U , (3) Using perturbations of the energy-momentum tensor 3 2 2 δTµ andthose ofthe EinsteintensorδGµ[14], onecanob- (cid:18) (cid:19) ν ν κ2 tainthe perturbedEinsteinequationsforinhomogeneities H˙ = T2ϕ˙2+P2χ˙2 , (4) with the comoving wave number k: − 2 (cid:0) (cid:1) ϕ¨+3Hϕ˙ +2TT˙ϕ˙ − TT,ϕϕ˙2− PTP2,ϕχ˙2+ UT,2ϕ =0, (5) 3H(Hφk+ψ˙k)+ ka22 ψk+H(a2E˙k−aBk) h κ2 i P˙ P TT U = δρk, (14) χ¨+3Hχ˙ +2 χ˙ ,χχ˙2 ,χϕ˙2+ ,χ =0, (6) − 2 P − P − P2 P2 κ2 where H ≡ aa˙ is the Hubble rate. ψ˙k+Hφk =− 2 δqk, (15) Following the papers [10, 11], we define the new ”adia- batic” field σ such that ψ¨k+3Hψ˙k+Hφ˙k+(2H˙ +3H2)φk σ˙ =Tϕ˙cosΘ+Pχ˙sinΘ, (7) κ2 = (δρk 2U,ϕδϕk 2U,χδχk), (16) 2 − − where Tϕ˙ Pχ˙ φk ψk+H(aBk a2E˙k)+(aBk a2E˙k)·=0, (17) =cosΘ, =sinΘ. (8) − − − T2ϕ˙2+P2χ˙2 T2ϕ˙2+P2χ˙2 where the quantities δρk, δqk are p p Using definitions δρk =T2ϕ˙δϕ˙k+(U,ϕ+PP,ϕχ˙2+TT,ϕϕ˙2)δϕk U U +P2χ˙δχ˙k+(U,χ+PP,χχ˙2+TT,χϕ˙2)δχk σ˙2φk, (18) ,ϕ ,χ − U = cosΘ+ sinΘ, σ T P U,χ U,ϕ δqk =−T2ϕ˙δϕk−P2χ˙δχk. (19) U = cosΘ sinΘ, (9) s P − T In studying the evolution of perturbations, gauge- invariant quantities are very convenient. The following from the chiral field equations (5) and (6) we can write gauge-invariantquantities are often used: very useful relations: σ¨+3Hσ˙ +U =0, (10) Φ=φ+ aB a2E˙ ·, σ − (cid:16) (cid:17) U P T Ψ=ψ H aB a2E˙ . (20) Θ˙ = s ,ϕχ˙ + ,χϕ˙. (11) − − − σ˙ − T P (cid:16) (cid:17) They were constructed by Bardeen [16] and are widely 3 Perturbations. usedintheinfluentialreport[14]. Thecomovingcurvature perturbation k canbe expressedusingthequantitiesΦk R We investigate scalar linear perturbations about the spa- and Ψk as follows [17]: tiallyflatFRWbackground. Thecorrespondingperturbed line element can in general be written as [14, 15] k =Ψk H(HΦk+Ψ˙k). (21) R − H˙ ds2 =(1+2φ)dt2 2aB dxidt ,i − Eq. (17) can be rewritten in the simple form a2[(1 2ψ)δ +2E ]dxidxj. (12) ij ,ij − − Φk =Ψk. (22) The non-linear sigma model components can also be decomposed into a homogeneous background fields ϕ(t), Taking a time derivative of Eq. (21), using the back- χ(t) and small inhomogeneities δϕ, δχ: ground field equations and Eqs. (14) - (17), we find the equation of motion of the comoving curvature perturba- ϕ(x,t)=ϕ(t)+δϕ(x,t), tion χ(x,t)=χ(t)+δχ(x,t). (13) ˙k =2Hϕ˙χ˙T2ϕ˙U,χ−P2χ˙U,ϕ δϕk δχk Gaugetransformationst˜=t+ξ0(t,x),x˜ =x+ξ,i(t,x), R (T2ϕ˙2+P2χ˙2)2 ϕ˙ − χ˙ (cid:18) (cid:19) whereξ0(t,x),ξ(t,x)arethearbitraryscalarfunctions,al- H k2 low one to simplify the metric tensor by a suitable choice +H˙ a2Ψk. (23) 2 In the description of the evolution of the inhomo- k2 U,χχ U,ϕχ U,χ + + δχk+ δϕk+2 φk geneities, we shall also use the new variables δs and δσ a2 P2 P2 P2 (cid:18) (cid:19) [10]: =χ˙ φ˙k+3ψ˙k k2Bk +k2E˙k . (28) − a δs=P cosΘδχ T sinΘδϕ, (cid:18) (cid:19) − δσ =P sinΘδχ+TcosΘδϕ. (24) After some calculations, the following equations for the inhomogeneities δσk and δsk can be derived: Thequantities δσ andδs weretermedinRef. [11]”adi- abatic”and”entropy”perturbations. Asindicated,bythe k2 U U P˙ name, perturbations with δs = 0 are only adiabatic. By δ¨σk+3Hδ˙σk+ a2+ σ˙sΘ˙+Uσσ− σ˙,χP2 sinΘ definition, it is clear that δσ is associated with inhomo- geneities of the field σ while δs corresponds to inhomo- U,ϕ T˙ Us · Uσ Us cosΘ δσk+2 δsk 2 δsk geneities of the entropy field s defined by − σ˙ T2 ! (cid:18)σ˙ (cid:19) − σ˙ σ˙ ds=PcosΘdχ−T sinΘdϕ. (25) = 2Uσφk+σ˙ φ˙k+3ψ˙k+k2E˙k k2Bk , (29) − − a (cid:18) (cid:19) In some two-field inflationary models [18], there is a very simple relationship between the generalized entropy per- U turbationsδsafterinflationandthespecificentropyatthe δ¨sk+3Hδ˙sk+ σ (P,ϕcosΘ+T,χsinΘ) start of radiation dominated stage [11, 19]. PT (cid:18) Using variables δσ and δs, Eq. (23) can be reduce to P T P T P T σ˙2 ,ϕ ,ϕ ,χ ,χ ,ϕϕ ,χχ + + T2 P2 − T − P PT H k2 U (cid:18) (cid:19) R˙k = H˙ a2Ψk−2Hσ˙2sδsk, (26) +U,χ cosΘ P,ϕ sinΘ P,χ cosΘ P2 T − P (cid:18) (cid:19) whichformallycoincideswiththecorrespondingequations U T T ,ϕ ,ϕ ,χ sinΘ sinΘ cosΘ of Refs. [11], [13]. For purely adiabatic perturbations −T2 T − P (cid:18) (cid:19) (δϕ/ϕ˙ = δχ/χ˙), we have δs = 0, and at large scales k2 U 2 U (k/a≪H), a conservation law is valid for comoving cur- +a2 +3 σ˙s +Uss δsk =2σ˙2sǫm, (30) vature perturbation k. (cid:18) (cid:19) ! R The perturbed chiral field equations also can be pre- sented in the terms of the new variables. Directly per- where turbingthe chiralfieldequations[20]forsigmamodel(1), U U U we find: Uss = P,χ2χ cos2Θ− P,ϕTχ sin2Θ+ T,ϕ2ϕ sin2Θ, (31) T˙ T PP δ¨ϕk+ 3H+2T!δ˙ϕk+2(cid:18)T,χϕ˙− T2,ϕχ˙(cid:19)δ˙χk Uσσ = UP,χ2χ sin2Θ+ UP,ϕTχ sin2Θ+ UT,ϕ2ϕ cos2Θ. (32) + 2(a3aT3TT,2ϕϕ˙)˙−(T22T),2ϕϕϕ˙2−(P22T),2ϕϕχ˙2!δϕk 3HHerδeqkw[e16u]s,ethtehecogmaouvgien-gindveanrisaitnytpqeuratnutribtaytiǫomn: ≡ δρk − + 2(a3TT,χϕ˙)˙ (T2),ϕχϕ˙2 (P2),ϕχχ˙2 δχk ǫm =σ˙ δσ˙k+2Usδsk σ˙φk σ¨δσk . (33) a3T2 − 2T2 − 2T2 ! (cid:20) σ˙ − − σ˙ (cid:21) k2 U U U ,ϕϕ ,ϕχ ,ϕ Since from the Eqs. (14) and (15) we have + + δϕk+ δχk+2 φk a2 T2 T2 T2 (cid:18) (cid:19) =ϕ˙ φ˙k+3ψ˙k− k2aBk +k2E˙k , (27) ka22Ψk =−κ22ǫm, (34) (cid:18) (cid:19) at large scales (k/a H) the right hand side of Eq. (30) ≪ becomes negligible. As follows from Eq. (30), the large- P˙ P TT δ¨χk+ 3H+2 δ˙χk+2 ,ϕχ˙ ,χϕ˙ δ˙ϕk scale entropy perturbations are decoupled from adiabatic P! (cid:18)P − P2 (cid:19) andmetricperturbations,whichgeneralizestheconclusion (a3PP χ˙)˙ (P2) (T2) of Ref. [11] on inflationary models with the action (1). + 2 ,χ ,χχχ˙2 ,χχϕ˙2 δχk Eq. (29) can be rewritten as an equation for Sasaki- a3P2 − 2P2 − 2P2 ! Mukhanov gauge-invariantvariable (a3PP χ˙)˙ (P2) (T2) + 2 ,ϕ ,ϕχχ˙2 ,ϕχϕ˙2 δϕk σ˙ a3P2 − 2P2 − 2P2 ! Q=δσ+ Hψ. (35) 3 Using this quantity, one can obtain: This allows us to disregard δ¨σ and δ¨σ in the perturbed field equations (29), (30). Thus, Eq. (30) may be written k2 U U P˙ as Q¨k+3HQ˙k+ a2 + σ˙sΘ˙ − σ˙,χP2 sinΘ δ˙sk =A(t)δsk, (44) U,ϕ T˙ κ2 a3σ˙2 · where − σ˙ T2 cosΘ− a3 (cid:18) H (cid:19) +Uσσ!Qk A(t)= 1 Uσ (P cosΘ+T sinΘ) ,ϕ ,χ −3H PT Us · Uσ H˙ Us (cid:18) = 2 δsk +2 + δsk. (36) U 2 U P P − (cid:18) σ˙ (cid:19) σ˙ H! σ˙ +3 s + ,χ cosΘ ,ϕ sinΘ ,χ cosΘ σ˙ P2 T − P (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) Eqs. (30) and (36) in specific case T2 =1, P2 =P2(ϕ) U,ϕ T,ϕ T,χ +U sinΘ sinΘ cosΘ coincide with the corresponding equations of Ref. [13], ss− T2 T − P (cid:18) (cid:19) andin the slowrollconditions reduce to equationsof Ref. P T P T P T σ˙2 ,ϕ ,ϕ ,χ ,χ ,ϕϕ ,χχ [10]. + + . (45) T2 P2 − T − P PT (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:19) Taking into account the inequality (42), equations (15) 4 Application to slow roll infla- and (21) can be simplified: tionary models. κ2 Φk(t)= σ˙δσk, (46) Let us consider anapplicationofthe above expressionsto 2H slow roll inflationary models. Quantum vacuum fluctua- H2 tionsofchiralfieldsbecomeclassicalinhomogeneitiesafter k = Φk. (47) they leave the horizon. The Fourier component of chiral R − H˙ fields perturbations at horizon crossing are given by [5] Integrating Eq. (26), one can obtain the following ex- pression for the long-wavelengthcomoving curvature per- δϕk(tk)= 1 H(tk)eϕ(k), (37) turbation Rk : T(tk) √2k3 δχk(tk)= 1 H(tk)eχ(k). (38) Rk(t)=Rk(tk)− H√(2tkk3)J(t,tk)es(k), (48) P(tk) √2k3 where Heretkistheinstantofhorizoncrossing(a(tk)H(tk)=k), ande , e are realGaussianstochastic variables with the t2HU δs t2HU ϕ χ s s J(t,tk)= dt= αk(t)dt. (49) following properties: Ztk σ˙2 δs(tk) Ztk σ˙2 eϕ(k)eχ(k′) =δϕχδ(3)(k k′), (39) Here the function αk(t) is a solution of Eq. (44), nor- h i − e (k) = e (k) =0. (40) malized by the condition αk(tk) = 1. Using first of re- φ χ h i h i lations (41), background equation (4) and also equations From(24)and(37)onecanderivethe followingexpres- (46), (47) one can therefore write: sions for δσk and δsk: δσk(tk)= H(tk)eσ(k), δsk(tk)= H(tk)es(k), (41) Rk(t)= H√(2tkk3)(cid:18)Hσ˙((ttkk))eσ(k)−J(t,tk)es(k)(cid:19). (50) √2k3 √2k3 The power spectrum [15] cannow be written in the fol- wheree ,e areindependentGaussianrandomquantities lowing form: σ s with zero average and unit dispersion. Being restricted to the most important non-decreasing R(t)= H2(tk) H2(tk) +J2(t,tk) . (51) modes of long-wavelength inhomogeneities, as well as in P 4π2 σ˙2(tk) (cid:18) (cid:19) case of single-field inflationary models, it is possible to This formula is valid also after the slow-roll stage if, write the inequality: for finding the function αk(t) a long-wavelength limit of Φ˙k HΦk. (42) Eq. (30)isusedinsteadofEq. (44). If,fromcertaintime, ≪ theentropyperturbationδsissosmall,thatthecomoving Another standard assumption is that, for non- curvature perturbation remains actually constant, the R decreasing modes in the slow-roll regime δ¨ϕ/δ˙ϕ 3H, expression obtained above describe the adiabatic power δ¨χ/δ˙χ 3H and therefore [11], [10] | | ≪ spectrum. | |≪ A commonly used characteristic of a power spectrum δ¨σ 3H δ˙σ , δ¨s 3H δ˙s. (43) is its spectral index n [15]. Using (51) and background s | |≪ | | | |≪ | | 4 4 P(t)/P(t) k 3.5 0 n − 1 s −0.05 3 −0.1 2.5 −0.15 2 −0.2 0.5 0.4 5 0.3 4 1.5 0.2 3 2 ln a(t)/a(tk) m/M 0.1 0.01 0 1 φk/χk 1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Figure 2: Numerical simulations of the spectral index af- Figure 1: The time dependence of (t)/ (tk) with ter inflation. Here it is assumed that the perturbations P P M/m=5, ϕ(tk)=14/κ, χ(tk)=4/κ. leavethehorizon60e-foldsbeforetheendofinflation;the inflation ends when H˙/3H2 =1. equations one can conclude, that the spectral index for inflationary models under consideration is given by: where the new field χ 3/2κ−1ln 1 R˜2/3M2 is ≡ − ∂ln R(t) 1 ∂ln R(t) H˙(tk) introduced. Note that whepn χ κ−1(cid:16), then U(ϕ,χ(cid:17)) ns−1≡ ∂Plnk = H ∂Ptk =2H2(tk) M2χ2/2+m2ϕ2/2. Someinflation≪arymodelsmoregener≈al than(53)wereconsideredearlierinthepreheatingcontext κ2+ 2H(tk)σ¨(tk) +2 2Us(tk)J + A(tk)J2 σ˙3(tk) σ˙2(tk) H(tk) in[21,22](Thesepaperstookintoaccountnotonlyhigher . (52) − H2(tk(cid:16)) +J2 (cid:17) curvatureterms,butalsoapossiblenon-minimalcoupling σ˙2(tk) ξϕ2R˜). The spectral index is time-dependent due the time- Weareinterestinghereinthecasewhenthechiralfields dependence of the quantity J(t,tk). ϕ and χ are comparable in magnitude and are both in a Eqs. (51),(26),(30)and(36)arethemainresultsofthis slow-rollregimeatthebeginningoftheinflationarystage. work. These equations are very well suitable for numer- In the analysis of the background and inhomogeneities ical calculations of perturbation evolution in inflationary evolution, we shall be restricted to the parameter area models based on non-linear sigma models. M > m. Since the field χ is heavier, it breaks up faster than field ϕ, and soon after the inflation influence of the 4.1 Numerical example. field χ on the scale factor dynamic and evolution of inho- mogeneities is vanishingly small. Besides, after inflation, As an example, we shall describe an inflationary model Ω2 = 1, therefore actions in the original frame (53) and ∼ with a single massive scalar field and additional higher in the Einstein frame (54) almost do not differ. Accord- ordercurvature terms due to curvature squared. The cor- ingly, the inhomogeneities calculated in both frames after responding action looks like: inflationasymptoticallycoincide. Itisclearthattheinho- mogeneities in this model after the inflationary stage are S = d4x g˜ R˜ + R˜2 to a great extent adiabatic. Z | |(−2κ2 2κ2M2 The backgroundandperturbed equationsfor the sigma p 1 1 model (54) can be solved by numerical simulations. For + ϕ ϕ g˜µν m2ϕ2 . (53) ;µ ;ν findingthelong-wavelengthcomovingcurvatureperturba- 2 − 2 (cid:27) tion generated on inflationary stage, it is very conve- R Making the conformal transformation g = Ω2g˜ with nient to use Eqs. (26) and (30). Eq. (30) is much easier ij ij Ω2 =1 R˜2 , one gets the action in the Einstein frame: tosolvethantheinitialsetofperturbedEinsteinandfield − 3M2 equations. It can be made by using standard packages of R 1 e−√23κχ numerical computations. The results of the calculations S = d4x g − + χ χ;µ+ ϕ ϕ;µ are presented in Figs. 1 and 2. These pictures show the Z | |(2κ2 2 ;µ 2 ;µ time dependence (t)/ (tk) for a specific choice of pa- p P P 3M2 1 e−√23κχ 2 1e−2√23κχm2ϕ2 , (54) rameters and the dependence of the spectral index on the −4 κ2 − −2 model parameters. h i (cid:27) 5 4.2 Acknowledgement. I thank S.V. Chervon and V.M. Zhuravlev for attention to the work and useful discussions. References [1] A.D. Linde, ” Particle Physics and Inflationary Cosmol- ogy”, Harwood, Chur, Switzerland,1990. [2] D.PolarskiandA.A.Starobinsky,Class.Quant.Grav. 13 377 (1996); gr-qc/9504030. [3] S.L.Bridle,A.M.Lewis,J.Weller,G.Efstathiou,MNRAS 342 L72 (2003); astro-ph/0302306. [4] J. Garc´ıa-Bellido and D. Wands, Phys. 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