; PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. lOOC). IW8. pp, 202-208 ADHEMARIUS DONYSA (DRUCEC IDENTIFICATION AND NOTES ON CLOSELY RELATED SPECIES (LEPIDOPTERA: SPHINGIDAE) J.-M. Cadiou and R. W. Hodges (JMC) 2 Pare de Beam, F-92210 Saint-Cloud, Franee; (RWH) Systematie Entomology % Laboratory, PSI, Agrieultural Researeh Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Na- tional Museum of Natural History, MRC-168. Washington, DC 20560, U.S.A.; current address; 85253 Ridgetop Drive, Eugene, OR 97405-9535, U.S.A. — Abstract. Four closely related species of Adhetnarius. occurring in southern Texas, Mexico, and Central America, have been cited as "donysa" in the literature. Using dis- tinguishing characters and accompanying illustrations, we clarify this confusion. Key Words: Adhcmariiis daricnsis. A. hlanchardorutii, A. f^lobifer. male genitalia Adhenuiriiis Oiticica, 1939, was shown prising parts of the states of Hidalgo, Ve- by Fletcher and Nye ( 1982; 4, 10) to be the racruz, and Oaxaca. Of the few specimens valid generic name for a group of species in collections, those with precise data have m formerly placed in Amplyptenis Hiibner, been collected at high elevations (1800 1819. Adhemarius is a New World genus of and above). which six species occur in North and Cen- Adhemarius donysa was described by tral America: Adhemarius blanchardonim Druce, apparently from a single male spec- (Hodges), A. dariensis (Rothschild and Jor- imen collected at Cuesta de Misantla, Mex- dan), A. donysa (Druce), A. fiannascus ico by M. Trujillo. This specimen is in The (Stoll, /;; Cramer), A. globifer (Dyar), and Natural History Museum, London (subse- A. ypsUon (Rothschild and Jordan). Adhe- quently referred to as BMNH), and was il- marius gannascus and ypsilon are widely lustrated by D'Abrera (1987: [53]) as A. distributed in the Neotropics, easy to sepa- donysa. He inadvertently designated a lec- rate froin the other four, and will not further totype (1987: 52) when he cited this syn- be considered in this paper. The most recent type as the "holotype." h bears the follow- treatment of Adhemarius (D'Abrera 1987) ing labels; 1) a round printed label with a ignores blaiichardorum. synonymizes glob- purple circular margin: "Lecto-/type"; 2) a ifer with donysa (with a question mark), rectangular printed label: '"Cuesta de- and lists dariensis as valid, while conjec- /Misantla,/Mexico./M. Trujillo"; 3) a rec- turing that it is ajunior synonym ofdonysa. tangular handwritten label: "Ambiilyxldon- y.vfl/Type Druce"; 4) a rectangular label Taxonomic Treatment with a black border at the top margin, two Adhemarius donysa (Druce) printed lines: "B.C.A. Lep. Het./Ambulyx" (Figs. 1, 2. 15, 16) and two handwritten lines: "donysafDrucQ' 5) a rectangular printed label: "Presented Ambulyx donysa Druce 1889; 78. by/J.J.Joicey Esq./Brit. Mus. 1931-444"; a Adhemarius donysa (Figs. 1,2) appears rectangular printed label: "figured by Ber- to be restricted to a relatively small area on nard/D"Abrera, 1986, in/Sphingidae Mun- the Atlantic slope of central Mexico, com- di." VOLUME 100, NUMBFR 2 203 In the original description, Druce (1889) dark pattern on the hindwing upper side is stated that this new species would be illus- much reduced with respect to that in the trated in a forthcoming part of the Biologia male. This is consistent with the sexual di- Centrali-Americana. However, the speci- morphism present in the other species ofthe men he later chose to illustrate in that work complex. (1896: 3, pi. 66, fig. 7) belongs to another species, A. dariensis. Druce's misidentifi- Adhemarius dariensis (Rothschild and cation of his own species has contributed Jordan), revised status considerably to the confusion in this group. (Figs. 3, 4, 11, 12) In particular, Rothschild and Jordan (1903) Anibiilyx donysa: Druce 1896, 2: 309-310 followed Druce's later, incorrect treatment, (in part); 3: pi. 66, fig. 7. and subsequent authors have done the same. Amplypteriis donysa: Rothschild and Jordan When Druce discussed donysa in the 1903: 185. Biologia (1896: 309-310), he cited speci- Amplypteriis donysa dariensis Rothschild mens from Mexico: Cuesta de Misantla, Ja- and Jordan 1916: 253, 254. lapa, and Orizaba; Guatemala: Guatemala Amplypteriis donysa: Hodges 1985: 323- City; and Panama: Chiriqui. About the 328. specimen from Orizaba he writes: "... [it] Adhemarius donysa dariensis: Carcasson is very much darker than any of the others and Heppner, 1996: 51. before me, and on the underside it is red- dish brown instead ofyellow. It may belong Adhemarius dariensis (Figs. 3, 4) is to another species." This specimen is in the much more widespread than donysa. Its BMNH and is donysa. Thus, Druce had known range, which includes that of don- conjectured that two taxa were involved but ysa. is from San Luis Potosi to Chiapas in failed to recognize that he had already de- Mexico and south through Central America scribed the "other species." to Panama (Chiriquf). The two species are A few years ago, one of us (JMC), while sympatric although dariensis generally ap- visiting the BMNH, noted the incorrect pears to occur at lower elevations than does placement of two taxa under donysa and donysa. Specimens from Veracruz and far- made notes to that effect on the drawer's ther north tend to have more elongate fore- glass top. These notes apparently caused wings, with a narrower apex, than do spec- D'Abrera (1987: 52) to treat dariensis as a imens from Chiapas and farther south and separate species from donysa. without rec- east. These and other differences led Roths- ognizing that this was a new status for dar- child and Jordan (1916) to separate the Cos- iensis. previously considered to be a sub- ta Rican and Panamanian population from species of donysa. Bridges (1993) follows the Mexican population at their disposal, this treatment. However, D'Abrera appar- the latter of which they believed was refer- ently does not believe his own action be- able to donysa. Having examined a consid- cause he writes about dariensis: "This tax- erable number of specimens belonging to on is probably ajunior synonym ofA. don- the entire geographic range and dissected ysa Druce." specimens at the extreme ends of the pat- The female of donysa is illustrated and tern variation, we have not found clear described here for the first time (Fig. 2). We characters to subdivide this taxon. have seen only one example. It is very sim- In their description of dariensis, Roths- ilar to the male, only slightly larger The child and Jordan mention they have four median line on the forewing upper side is males, three from Costa Rica and one from straighter than in the male, reaching the in- Chiriqui, and indicate the type to be from ner margin nearer the tomus. The forewing Sitio, Costa Rica. D'Abrera (1987: 52) upper side is darker than in the male. The again inadvertently designated a lectotype 204 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON WFigs. 1-6. Habitus ofAdlwnuiriiis species. 1—2, A. tlonysu. 1, Male. Mexico. Hidalgo. Highway L^O, 4 mi Hidalgo/Puebia state line. La Cabana, ca 2100 m. 4 July 1987; left torewing length (LFWL) = 53 mm. 2, I-emale, Mexico. Oaxaca, Sierra Juarez, Gulf Slope, ca 1800 m, 19 August 1991, at MV light; LFWL = 55 mm, 3-4. A. daiiensis. 3, Male. Mexico, Jalapa; LFWL = 51 mm. 4, Female. Mexico, Jalapa; LFWL = 58 mm, 5-6, A. hianchardonim. 5. Male. USA. Texas, Brewster County. Chisos Mts., Panther Pass, 1830 m, 4 VOLUME NUMBER 100, 2 205 8 Figs. 7-8. Habilus of Adhemarius globifer. 7. Male, Mexico, Mineras de Zacualpan [near Mexico City], August 1910. R. MuUer; LFWL = 56 mm. 8. Female. Mexico. D. F, Zacualpan. leg. R. Muller [coll. CMNH[; LFWL = 59 mm. when he cited a syntype as the "holotype." in the BMNH collection that were collected The lectotype ofdariensis bears the follow- before 1916, one from Juan Vinas, 2500' ing labels: a round printed label with a (= 762 m) (W. Schaus) 1913-50, and one 1 ) purple circular margin: "Lecto-Aype"; 2) a from Cachi, 30-xi-1910 (Lankester). either rectangular printed label: "Sitio/CR"; 3) a of which could have been the third Costa rectangular printed label: "June": 4) a rec- Rican male referred to in the original de- tangular handwritten label: "A. donysaldar- scription. iensisfType. R & J./Nov. Zool. 1916"; 5) a rectangular printed label: "Rothschild/Be- Adhemarius globifer (Dyar), revised quest/B.M.1939-1". This specimen is illus- status trated in D'Abrera (1986: [53]) as A. dar- (Figs. 7. 8. 13, 14) iensis. We recognize tBwMoNpHaralectotypes: Amplypterus globifer Dyar 1912: 45. the other male in the from Sitio, Adhemarius donysa: D'Abrera 1987: 52. Costa Rica, which bears the following la- Adhemarius donysa: Bridges 1993: VIII.1. bels: 1) a round printed label with a tur- quoise circular margin: "Para-/lecto-/type"; Adhemarius globifer (Figs. 7, 8) appears 2) a rectangular printed label: "Sitio: CR"; to occur in Central Mexico (D.F.: Zacual- 3) a rectangular printed label: "June"; 4) a pan, type locality), Morelos, Tamaulipas, rectangular handwritten label: ".4. donysa"; Nuevo Leon, Chihuahua, and Sonora. Ap- 5) a rectangular printed label: "Rothschild; parently a highland desert species, it does Bequest; B.M.I939-1" and the male in the not seem to be sympatric with any of the BMNH from Chiriquf. Vulkan (Trotsch) other three species in the group. Few spec- also with a Rothschild Bequest label. We imens are known, and our knowledge of its cannot identify the fourth syntype with cer- distribution is incomplete. Recent observa- tainty. There are two males from Costa Rica tions in Sonora indicate that the species oc- June 1973, R. W. Hodges; LFWL = 47 mm. 6. Female. USA. Texas, Big Bend National Park. Green Gulch. 6 May 1972. A. and M. E. Blanchard; LFWL = 53 mm. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 206 9I3F_Ai1eg4ds.e.a,49g.-ug1sl6.o.b.1f0e.Mr.aRilUgehStgNevMnaluvagaeu.nait1noa-1lfii-Aa-PM.sel^^i..dneac"rl1"ai-2r1.i8es5ns.sips-1.e3-o.UeAsS..eNd9eM-a1gg-0ue.sn.iAt.a1•l4.MiaaR"nislgc-ihudlteuv.1a2nl11v-l8a-o3.nlo?1n-1.1V6SA.eNAdM.eacgg/eucnmsii.tiail.1i2a.SsAR'iB-gdhegte•nvi2at1la8vl^ai-.a slide 385. 15. Aedeagus. 16. Right valva. VOLUME NUMBER 100. 2 207 curs in the oak zone at elevations between forewing upper side. In globifer that area is 1500 m and 2100 m. globally convex with maximal width at M, The female was described by Clark and not sharply delimited basally, inerging (1923: 50). Contrary to the statement made smoothly into the wing pattern. In blan- by D'Abrera (1987: 52), the female oiglob- chardorum that area is sharply delimited ifer differs substantially from those of both basally, generally nanower than in globifer. donysa and dariensis. in fact, more so than indented distally at M, and at M„ i.e. con- males do (cf. Figs. 3, 7 and the section on vex between the veins, and its maximal distinguishing characters), which confirms width occurs between M, and M,. In addi- the validity of this taxon, rather than ". . . tion the ground color of the forewings is throwing further doubt on it." Furthermore, greener than the distinctly yellowish green globifer is a paler species than either don- of globifer. ysa or dariensis. not darker The costal margin ofthe valva ofglobifer is straight at the base followed by a sharp Adhemarius blanchardorum (Hodges) angle, then broadly rounded to the apex (Figs. 5, 6, 9, 10) (Fig. 14); the costal margin of blanchar- Amplyptenis donysa: Blanchard 1973: 103. dorum, dariensis, and donysa lacks the Aniplyptenis blanchardorum Hodges 1985: straight segment at the base and is not as 323. broadly rounded to the apex. The saccular Adhemarius blanchardorum: Carcasson fold is very poorly developed in dariensis and Heppner 1996; 53. (Fig. 12), well developed in the others. In globifer it is smooth margined and lacks se- Adhemarius blanchardorum (Figs. 5, 6) tae except at the posterior part (Fig. 14), appears to be restricted to the Chisos Moun- whereas in donysa it has a well-developed tains in Texas, from which very few spec- extension at V^-V.^ its length, is nearly imens are known. smooth, and has a few, short setae (Fig. 16). That of blanchardorum has an irregular Distinguishing Characters margin with a few, short setae (Fig. 10). Males ofAdhemarius donysa can be sep- The apex of the aedeagus has a slender, arated from the other three species by the curved extension in blanchardorum. dony- following characters: 1 ) broader wings, in sa. and globifer that is lacking in dariensis. particular forewing apex much less pro- Females ofdonysa can be separated from duced; and 2) median line of the forewing the other three species by the same external upper side much less oblique. A further fea- characters that separate the males. The fe- ture separating donysa from dariensis is the male of dariensis can be separated from medial line on the hindwing underside: those ofglobifer and blanchardorum by the straight in donysa. rather than curved basad well-marked antemarginal black pattern on when reaching the costal margin as it is in the hindwing upper side, extending distad dariensis. Adhemarius donysa shares with along the veins. Also, the outer margin of dariensis the following characters, which the forewing in females of globifer and separate both of them from globifer and blanchardorum is crenulated near the tor- blanchardorum: 1 ) discocellular vein well nus, which is not the case in donysa or dar- outlined on both sides of the forewing; and iensis. The female of blanchardorum dif- 2) antemarginal black pattern on the hind- fers externally from that of globifer in the wing upper side well marked and extending shape of the submarginal dark area of the distad along the veins, almost reaching the forewing upper side in the same way as the posterior margin. Adhemarius globifer and male does and by the color as indicated blanchardorum can be separated by the above. shape of the dark submarginal area of the The female genitalia of blanchardorum 208 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON and doriensis have been illustrated (Hodges idea. In Heppner. J. B.. ed.. Atlas of Neotropical 1985: figs. 13-16). Those of donysa and Lepidoptera 3B. Checklist (part 4B); i-1 -I- 1-87. globifer have not. Clarkc.eeBd.inPg.s1o9f23t.heThNiertwy-EthnrgeleanndewZooSlpohgiincgaildaeC.luPhro8-: 47-77. Acknowledgments D'Abrera, B. [1987] 1986. Sphingidae Mundi-Hawk We thank J. W. Rawlins (Carnegie Mu- mOoxtohns. Xof+th2e26woprpl.d. E. W. Classey. Faringdon. seum of Natural History. Pittsburgh, PA, Druce. H. 1889. Descriptions ofnew species ofLepi- for providing us with an excellent photo- doptera.chieflyfromCentralAmerica.Annalsand graph of the female globifer, Elaine R. S. Magazine ofNatural History (series 6) iv: 77-94. Hodges for the line drawings, I. J. Kitching . 1896. Biologia Centrali-Americana. Lepidop- and M. Honey (The Natural History Mu- tera Heterocera 2: 309-310, 3: pi 66. Dyar, H. G. 1912. Descriptions of new species and seum, London) for their help and advice genera of Lepidoptera. chiefly from Mexico. Pro- and for allowing full use of their institu- ceedings of the United States National Museum tion's collection and facilities, and E Rindge 42(188?): 39-106. (American Museum of Natural History, Fletcher. D. S. and I. W. B. Nye. 1982. Bombycoidea, Caslnioidea, Cossoidea, Mimallonoidea, Sesioi- NY), and J. Brown (University of Califor- dea. Sphingoidea, Zygaenoidea. In Nye, I. W. B., nia, Berkeley) for the loan of Adhemariiis ed.. The generic names of moths ofthe world. 4. specimens. Trustees ofthe British Museum (Natural History). London, xiv -I- 192 pp. Literature Cited Hodges. R. W. 1985. A new species of Amplyplerus from the Chisos Mountains, Texas (Lepidoptera: Blanchard, A. 1973. Record and illustralion of some Sphingidae). Proceedings of the Entomological interesting moths flying in Texas {Sphingidae. Society of Washington 87(2): 323-328. Ctenuchidae. Noctuidae. Notodontidae. Geomet- Oiticica H J. 1939. Xll-Sphingidae. Boletim Biol6gico ridae, Pyralidae. Cossidae). Journal of the Lepi- (n.s.) 4(2): 269-277. dopterists' Society 27: 103-109. Rothschild. W. and K. Jordan. 1903. A revision ofthe Bridges, C. A. 1993. Catalogue of the family-group, lepidopterous family Sphingidae. Novitates Zoo- genus-group and species-group names of the logicae 9 (supplement): cxxxv -i- 1-972. Sphingidae of the world. C. A. Bridges. Urbana. . 1916. Further corrections of and additions to Illinois, xxxxiv -I- 252 pp. our "Revision of the Sphingidae." Novitates Carcasson. R. H. and J. B. Heppner 1996. Sphingo- Zoologicae 23: 247-263.