Madrono, Vol. 53, No. 1, pp. 36-45, 2006 ADDITIONS TO THE VASCULAR FLORA OF W^ASHINGTON FROM A BIODIVERSITY STUDY ON THE HANFORD NUCLEAR RESERVATION Kathryn a. Beck WA Beck Botanical Services, 1708 McKenzie Ave., Bellingham, 98225 [email protected] Florence E. Caplow Washington Natural Heritage Program, Washington Department of Natural Resources, WA P.O. Box 47014, Olympia, 98504-7014 Abstract During a three-year botanical inventory of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in south-central Washington, we located three previously undescribed entities (Astragalus conjiinctiis S. Watson var. vickaniii Welsh, K.A. Beck, and Caplow, Eriogomun codiiim Reveal, Caplow, and K.A. Beck, and Physaria dougkisii(S. Watson) O'Kane and Al-Shehbaz subsp. tuplasliensis (Rollins, K.A. Beck, and Caplow) O'Kane and Al-Shehbaz, four species new to Washington (Cistanthe rosea (S.Watson) Hershk., Gilia leptonieria A. Gray, Loefliugia sqiiarrosa Nutt., and Myosurus clavicaulis M.E. Peck), and one previously described species that had generally gone unnoticed by the American botanical community {Festuca washiugtouica E.B. Alexeev). The botanical inventory was a part ofthe Hanford BiodiversityProject, whichwasfundedbytheDepartmentofEnergyandadministeredbyTheNature Conservancy ofWashington. Key Words: Hanford Nuclear Reservation, Astragalus conjunctus var. rickardii, Eriogonum codium, Physaria dougkisii subsp. tupkisliensis, CistautJie rosea, Gilia kptonieria, Loefliugia squarrosa, Myosurus clavieaulis, Festuea washiugtouica. The 1450 km- Hanford Nuclear Reservation Hanford Site the "Hanford Reach National (Hanford Site) is located in Benton, Grant, and Monument" and placed administration of the Franklin Counties in south-central Washington National Monument under thejurisdiction ofthe (Fig. 1). It was acquired in 1943 by the U.S. FWS. The new Monument includes the Hanford Government for the production of weapons- Reach ofthe Columbia River, the lands north of grade plutonium, and it has been administered the Columbia River, and the 31,080 ha Fitzner- by the U.S. Department ofEnergy (DOE), or its Eberhardt Arid Lands Ecology Reserve (ALE) predecessors. Portions of the Hanford Site have (Fig. 1). also been administered by the U.S. Fish and The goal of this paper is to summarize the Wildlife Service (FWS) and theWashington State botanical portion of the Biodiversity Project Departinent of Wildlife. The majority of the focusing on the most significant findings. The Hanford Site has been closed to the public and to Hanford Site is a unique area from both a bio- grazing and agriculture since 1943. geographical and historical perspective. It sup- In the last two decades, the mission of the ports unusual plant assemblages, many rare plant Hanford Site has changed to nuclearwaste clean- species, and a high degree ofendemism, due to its up, environmental restoration, research and de- underlying geology, landscape setting, topogra- velopment. In 1992, the DOE and The Nature phy, and cHmate. In addition, it is the largest area Conservancy of Washington (TNC) entered into in the inland Northwest to be intentionallyclosed a Memorandum ofUnderstanding that called for to grazing, agriculture, and residential develop- a cooperative and coordinated inventory of ment over a period during which human activity plants, animals, and ecologically significant areas drastically altered much ofthe inland Northwest. of the Hanford Site. The Hanford Biodiversity Project began in 1994 and continued through Study Area 1998 (Soli et al. 1999). The authors conducted the botanical portion ofthe Biodiversity Project from The Hanford Site is located within the 1994 through 1997. A description of previous Columbia Basin Ecoregion, an area that histor- botanical work and a checklist of vascular plant ically included over 6 million ha of steppe and collections from the Hanford Site is in shrub-steppe vegetation across most of central Sackschewsky and Downs (2001). and southeastern Washington State, as well as In 1999, the Hanford Reach of the Columbia portions of north-central Oregon (Frankhn and Riverwas designated a Wild and Scenic River. In Dyrness 1973). The Columbia Basin Ecoregion 2000, President CHnton declared 78,780 ha ofthe consists primarily of shrubs, perennial bunch- 2006] BECKANDCAPLOW: ADDITIONSTOWASHINGTON FLORA FROM THEHANFORDSITE 37 WashingtonState Fig. 1. Hanford Site (Benton, Grant, and Franklin counties, Washington): management areas and major topographic features. grasses and a variety of forbs (Franklin and supports many areas of high quality plant Dyrness 1973). It has undergone substantial loss communities. The plant community portion of and degradation in the post-European era due to the Biodiversity Project identified 48 high quality intensive livestock grazing, introduction of in- occurrences of 17 terrestrial plant community vasive non-native plants, the advent of dryland types, and 6 high quality riparian wetland wheat farming and irrigated agriculture, and communities (Soli et al. 1999). altered fire regimes. Because the Hanford Site The Hanford Site is within the Central Basin has been closed to all agricultural activities, climatological region, which is the hottest and including grazing, for nearly sixty years, its driest climatological region in Washington. Av- shrub-steppe plant ecosystem has been pi-eserved erage annual precipitation ranges from 35 cm at in a condition and to an extent, that exists the summit of Rattlesnake Mountain to 16 cm nowhere else (Soil et al. 1999). The Hanford Site near the Columbia River (Downs et al. 1993). MADRONO 38 [Vol. 53 The Hanford Site is topographically variable ica treatments and the Integrated Taxonomic (Fig. 1). Elevations within the Hanford Site range Information System (ITIS) database (Integrated from 110 m along the Columbia River to 1100 m Taxonomic Information System 2004). Existing at thecrest ofRattlesnake Mountain. Adjacent to specimens at the University of Washington the east side ofthe river are the steep bluffs ofthe Herbarium (WTU) and the Washington State Ringold Formation (the White Bluffs), which rise Marion Ownbey Herbarium (WS) were used for m A in places to over 185 above the river. comparison. number of long basalt anticlinal ridges traverse Hanford, including: Rattlesnake Mountain and Results the Rattlesnake Hills, Yakima Ridge, Umtanum Ridge, Saddle Mountains, and Gable Mountain. We identifiedmore than400 species ofvascular The only free-flowing section of the Columbia plants and numerous populations of 29 rare River in the U.S., known as the Hanford Reach, plants considered rare in Washington (Soli et al. flows for 76 km from the northwest to the 1999) during our three year inventory of the southeast through the northern portion of Hanford Site, of which three were previously Hanford. undescribed, four were new records for the state, No perennial creeks drain to the Columbia and one had long been ignored. These eight are River from the Hanford Site. Large dune fields the focus of this paper. The three previously occur on both sides ofthe Columbia River within undescribed entities are Astragalus conjimctus S. the Hanford Site. The Hanford Site has a number Watson var. rickardii S.L. Welsh, K.A. Beck and of unique habitats and substrates, which include Caplow, Eriogonum codium Reveal, Caplow, and springs, sand dunes, vernal pools, riverine wet- K.A. Beck, and Physaria douglasii (S. Watson) lands, caliche soils, basalt ridgetops, basalt-de- O'Kane and Al-Shehbaz subsp. tuplashensis rived sand dunes, and alkahne areas. (Rollins, K.A. Beck and Caplow) O'Kane and Al-Shehbaz. The three species new to Washing- Methods ton are Cistanthe rosea (S. Watson) Hershk., Gilia leptonieria A. Gray, Loeflingia squarrosa Theauthorsmade over 15 visits to the Hanford Nutt., and Myosurus clavicaulis M.E. Peck). The Site between 1994and 1997 to survey forvascular previously described species that had generally plant taxa considered rare in Washington at the gone unnoticed by the American botanical time (Washington Natural Heritage Program community is Festuca washingtonica E.B. Alex- 1994). We spent a total of 285 days in the field eev). Each entity is discussed below, and the between late March and early September. We larger findings ofthe study are also summarized. surveyed more than 19,000 ha. Field inventory methodology was based on habitat and flowering Previously Undescribed Entities times ofrare plant taxa potentially present in the area. The list of plants potentially present in the Astragalus conjunctus S. Watson var. rickardii area was acquired from the Washington Natural S.L. Welsh, K.A. Beck & Caplow (Fabaceae) Heritage Program, and the flowering times and The section Conjuncti Barneby in Astragalus L. habitat were obtained from the five-volume is well represented in south-central Washington Vascular Plants of the Pacific Northwest (Hitch- and north-central Oregon. Astragalus conjunctus cock et al. 1955-1969). We focused inventories in S. Watson, A. leihergii M.E. Jones, A. reventi- areas with high quality vegetation associations, forniis(Rydb.) Barneby, and A. hoodianusHowell high diversity, and unusual substrates. Search all occur in this region (Barneby 1964). Although intensity varied, depending on the quality of the clearly belonging to the section Conjuncti, a num- habitat and the likelihood that the particular ber of Astragalus collections from Rattlesnake habitat could support rare plant populations. The Mountain on the Hanford Site and from the lightest search intensity was a walked transect nearby Horse Heaven Hills could not be satis- through the area, and the most intensive search factorily assigned to any ofthe above species. We intensitywas a series oftightly spaced transects in subsequently described a new variety, A. con- which the entire area was visually examined, junctus var. rickardii (Welsh et al. 1997). In often several times during the growing season. A addition to Rattlesnake Mountain and Horse list of all plants was compiled, and specimens Heaven Hills, the variety is also known from were deposited primarily at the University of northern Oregon. Washington Herbarium (WTU). In some cases, The var. rickardii has erect, sessile, strigulose taxonomic experts requested specimens, or iso- pods, campanulate to short-cylindric calyces, and types were collected for other herbaria, and so a banner reflexed at about 45 \ This combination specimens were also deposited at NY, US, WS, of characteristics is not found in other members BRY, CAS, COLO, GH, K, MARY, MO, NY, ofthe section (Welsh et al. 1997). RM, RSA, TEX, UC, and OSU. Nomenclature Astragalus conjunctus var. rickardii was found generally follows relevant Flora of North Amer- between 450 and 1070 m elevation in deep soil on 2006] BECKANDCAPLOW: ADDITIONSTOWASHINGTON FLORA FROMTHEHANFORDSITE 39 the upper portions ofmostly north-facing slopes. & A. Gray, and Cryptantlia pterocarya (Torr.) It was primarily found in bunchgrass communi- Greene. ties that are typically not currently grazed. In 1996, a wildfire killed 20% of the adult Common associated species were Arteriiisia tri- plants in the population. There were no signs of dcntata Nutt., Pseudoroegneria spiccita (Pursh.) either fire tolerance or resprouting after the fire A. Love, Poa secimda J. Presl., Phlo.x longifolia (Dunwiddie et al. 2001). A demographic moni- Nutt., Bcdsamorhiza carcycimi A. Gray, and toring study begun in 1997 has revealed aspects Crepis atriharha A. Heller. of the biology of this species that may affect its The variety is named in honor of Dr. William long-term viability. Despite abundant germina- Rickard, a shrub-steppe ecologist and one of tion, only one Eriogonuni codium seedling has those responsible for the establishment of the survived to flowering since the commencement of Arid Lands Ecology Reserve. Astragalus con- studies in 1997. Eriogonuni codium is considered jimctus var. rickardii is currently included on the Endangered in Washington (Washington Natural Watch list in Washington (Washington Natural Heritage Program 2005), and a Candidate for Heritage Program 2005). federal listing under the Endangered Species Act Eriogonuni codiiuu Reveal, Caplow & K.A. Beck (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1999). (Polygonaceae) Physaria douglasii (S. Watson) O'Kane and Al- During our 1995 botanical inventory of the Shehbaz subsp. tuplashensis (Rollins, K.A. Umtanum Ridge area of the Hanford Site we Beck and Caplow) O'Kane and Al-Shehbaz found a population of plants in the genus (Brassicaceae) Eriogonuni that did not resemble any known In 1883, T.S. Brandegee and F. Tweedie, who taxon. We subsequently published a new spe- were employed as botanists for the Northern cies, Eriogonuni codium (Reveal et al. 1997). Transcontinental Survey (Rose 1904), collected Eriogonuni codium, or Umtanum desert buck- a Lescp{erella from the White Bluffs of the wheat, is included in the subgenus EucycJa Nutt. Columbia River. This fragmentary collection, The combination of cymose-umbellate inflores- dated July 1883, caused difficulties in a number cences and sparsely tomentose flowers and of early treatments of Eescjuerella (Gray and achenes set E. codium apart from all other Watson 1895; Piper 1906), and was attributed to Eucycla taxa. L. douglasii Wats. (Payson 1922; Rollins and Eriognum codium forms low, shrubby mats up Shaw 1973; Rollins 1993). L. douglasiiis generdWy to 1 m in diameter, and bears yellow flowers in restricted to the valleys of the Kootenay and cymose-umbellate inflorescences atop short Columbia Rivers from northern Oregon to scapes. A single plant may have as many as 300 southern British Columbia (Rollins and Shaw inflorescences. Inflorescences produce flowers 1973). In July of 1994, we collected flowering from June through September. Our growth ring material from a Lesquerella on the White Bluffs counts on several dead individual plants suggest that appeared to have both significant morpho- potential life spans of greater than 100 years logical and phenological differences from L. (Dunwiddie et al. 2001). douglasii. These plants were subsequently de- Eriogonuni codium is known from one scribed as a new species: Lesc/uerella tuplashensis population that occurs in a discontinuous band (Rollins et al. 1996). 2.5 km long by 30 m wide. The population A recent treatment (Al Shehbaz and O'Kane census in 1997 found 5200 adult plants in five 2002) has united Lesc/uerella with Physaria and small subpopulations on flat or gently sloping united L. douglasii and L. tuplashensis under the substrates above the steep north and northwest- single species name Physaria douglasii (S. Wat- facing slopes of Umtanum Ridge, at an elevation son) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz. Lesquerella tupla- of approximately 375 m. A census of the shensis was retained as a subspecies of P. population in 2005 found only 4418 adult douglasii and became P. douglasii subsp. tupla- plants in the population (a 15% decline in shensis (Rollins, K.A. Beck & Caplow) O'Kane & 8 years). The population was restricted to the Al-Shehbaz, but not on the basis ofnew research exposed, barren basaltic flow top of the Lolo or study of the two taxa. We are conducting Flow, one of the many Columbia River basalt morphometric and common garden experiments flows (Goff 1981). It was found with Grayia to further clarify the rank of this entity. At this spinosa (Hook.) Moq., Artemisia tridentata Nutt., time, ITIS still lists Lesquerella tuplashensis as the Salvia dorrii (Kellogg) Abrams, Krascheninniko- accepted name (ITIS 2005). via lanata (Pursh) A.D.J. Meeuse & Smit, Physaria douglasii subsp. tuplashensis differs Hesperostipa comata (Trin. & Rupr.) Barkworth, from P. douglasiisubsp. douglasiiin the following Poa secunda J. Presl., Pseudoroegneria spicata ways: the trichomes of the silique valves of P. (Pursh.) A. Love, Astragalus caricinus (M.E. douglasii subsp. tuplashensis are stipitate when Jones) Barneby, Bromus tectorum L., Mentzelia viewed under a lOx lens, while those of P. albicaulis (Douglas ex Hook.) Douglas ex. Torr. douglasii subsp. douglasii are generally sessile and MADRONO 40 [Vol. 53 appressed to the siliquevalve surface. Thecauline gently sloping areas on dark basalt-derived leaves and the basal leaves of P. douglasii subsp. sand substrate within low swales in relatively tuplashensis are broader and more imbricate than dense big sagebrush. Cistanthe rosea grew with those of P. douglasii subsp. douglasii (Rollins et Artemisia tridentata, Bromus teetorum, Descurai- al. 1996). In addition, P. douglasii subsp. nea pinnata (Walter) Britt., Loeflingia squarrosa tuplashensis blooms in late May and early June Nutt., and MimulussuksdorfiiA. Gray. Cistanthe and again in favorable years in late July and early rosea is currently included on the Threatened August, while P. douglasii subsp. douglasii on list in Washington (Washington Natural riverine cobble on the Hanford Site blooms from Heritage Program 2005). It occured in an area late April to early May. We have never observed that is not formally protected from Hanford or collected P. douglasiisubsp. douglasiiin flower activities. in late summer, nor have we seen any herbarium specimens of late summer flowering P. douglasii Gilia leptomeria A. Gray (Polemoniaceae) subsp. douglasii. Gilia leptomeria is known from open, sandy or Physaria. douglasii subsp. tuplashensis was rocky areas in the Great Basin and Rocky restricted to a narrow 17 km band on the upper Mountain states of the North American west portion of the White Bluffs of the Columbia (Kartesz 2003). In Washington, an accurate River. The White Bluffs are composed of identification of G. leptomeria was difficult lacustrine sediments of the Ringold Formation because Hitchcock and Cronquist (1973) did (Newcomb 1958), capped by a cemented, highly not recognize that there were two expressions a"lckaalliicnhee"(psoHil)8..4M+o)sctalocfiutmhecaprobpounlaattieopnaloecocsuorlre(da w(1i9t9h3i)n stehgeregcaotendcepGt lootftiaGe,. alempotroemerfirae.queDntalyy on this caliche paleosol. Common associated encountered gilia of the sandy shrub-steppe in plant species were Grayia spinosa, Artemisia eastern Washington, from G. leptomeria, which tridentata, Achnatherum contvaetum (B.L. John- is primarily known from southern Oregon son) Barkworth, Bromus teetorunu Eriogonwn south through CaHfornia and east to Utah. The microthecuni Nutt. var. laxiflorum Hook., and Jepson Manual (Hickman 1993) contains a key Cryptantha spiculifera (Piper) Payson. that differentiates G. lottiae from G. leptomeria. Physaria douglasii subsp. tuplashensis is The HanfordGSite populations are the first Threatened in Washington (Washington Natural reported for leptomeria in Washington, and lHiesrtiintgaguendPerrogthreamEn2d0a0n5g)eraenddSapecCiaensdiAdcatte(U.fSo.r roeuprrecsoelnltesctiaons34w0erkemcoenxftienrsmieodnboyfAiltvsapDreavyi.ouIst tFhieshenatnidtyWialsdLHefsequSeerrevlilcae t1u9p9l9a)'e'nTcuipelsaslhis"t norWteherfnoulinmditGiinliMaallheeptuormeCroiuantiyn, of WishtihteetBrlaudfiftsi.onTalheWaWnaanpaupmumIntdriiabne nocacmuepifeodr tthhee lBolcuaflfist,ieUsmotnatnheuHmanRfidogred,snitoer,tihncolfudGianbglteheMWohuint-e area ofthe White Bluffs until the first decades of tain, and the gravelly bluffs north of the the 20th century. They still actively work to Columbia River in the vicinity ofVernita Bridge. pHraontfeoctrdthSiete.many native cultural sites on the TinhethHeanyfeoarrsd wSietespaowpultahteimo.nsWwheerne swmaell,suartvleeyaesdt them in 1995 and 1997, most of the eight populations located had 100 plants or less, for Plants with Substantial Range Extensions an estimated total of less than 1000 plants. We observed G. leptomeria growing in a variety of Cistanthe rosea (S. Watson) Hershkovitz (Portu- habitats and substrates, including basalt dunes, lacaceae) caliche soil, gravelly slopes, and shrub-steppe. Cistanthe rosea is a small annual previously Commonly observed associates of G. leptomeria known from central Oregon to central CaHfornia included Artemisia tridentata, Poa secunda, Bro- east ofthe Sierra Nevada, east to Nevada, and in mus. tectorum L., Astragalus earieinus. Salvia the Pacific Northwest in Butte County, Idaho dorrii, and a number of other annual species. It (Hitchcock et al. 1955-1969). It generally occurs was found growing with several other plants in sagebrush desert to arid montane forest. The considered rare in Washington. Currently, G. sHpaencfieosrdinSitWeasphopiunlgattoino.n iIsttrheepfriersstenrtespoart3f4o0r tkhims Wleapsthoimnergitaonis(iWnacslhudiendgtoonntNhaetuTrharleaHteernietdagleistPrfoo-r extension ofits previous northern limit in Harney gram 2005). Some ofthe populations occurred in County, Oregon. areas that are not formally protected from In 1997, we located a total of 12 small clusters Hanford activities. of Cistanthe rosea north of Gable Mountain in thecentral portion ofthe Hanford Site, in an area Loeflingia squarrosa Nutt. (Caryophyllaceae) approximately 1.5 X 1.2 kilometers. With an estimated total of 150 plants, the population was This is the first report of Loeflingia squarrosa not large. The plants were growing in flat or for Washington. It is generally found at less than 2006] BECKANDCAPLOW: ADDITIONSTOWASHINGTON FLORA FROM THEHANFORDSITE 41 1200 m in California and northern Baja Califor- examined the Hanford Site collections in 1997, nia, and from southeastern Oregon (Hickman Whittemore suggested that we call them Myo- 1993). Our collections represent a 420 km exten- surus elavieaulis Peck to distinguish them from sion of its previous northern limit near Malheur typical M. mininuis and plants from M. minimus Lake and Frenchglen in Harney County, Oregon X sessilis hybrid swarms. (Peck 1961). The Washington populations represent a more We found Loejlingia squarrosa in a number of than 375 km extension of its previous northern localities on the Hanford site. The eight Hanford limit in Harney County, OR. When surveyed in Site populations were relatively large in the years 1997, there were estimated to be over 1000 plants we saw them. When we surveyed them in 1995 in the Hanford Site population. The population and 1997, we estimated a total of at least 8000 was found on the south and southeast-facing plants. At Hanford, L. squarrosa typically grew in sides ofthe farthest west vernal pool (20 X 20 m) flat or gently sloping areas on dark basalt derived in a set of vernal pools on Umtanum Ridge. sand substrate within low swales in relatively Plants grew on the drying edges ofthe pool, with dense big sagebrush. One population was grow- Veroniea peregrina L. ssp. xalapensis (Kunth) ing in a vernal pool on Umtanum Ridge. Pennell, Camissonia andina (Nutt.) Raven, Myo- Commonly observed associates of L. squarrosa surus apetalus Gay, Epilohium minutum Lindl. ex included Artemisia tridentata, Poa seeunda, Bro- Lehm., Artemisia rigida (Nutt.) A. Gray, mosses mus teetorunu Cryptantha eircumseissa (Hook. & and lichens. Myosurus elavieaulis on the Hanford Arn.) I.M. Johnst., Miinulus suksdorfii, and Site is self-sustaining and does not occur within a variety of other annual species. Currently, L. close proximity of either M. sessilis or M. squarrosa is included on the Threatened list for minimus. Currently, M. elavieaulis is included Washington (Washington Natural Heritage Pro- on the Sensitive list for Washington (Washington gram 2005). Most populations of L. squarrosa Natural Heritage Program 2005). occurred in areas that are not formally protected from Hanford activities. Previously Unrecognized Species Myosurus elavieau/is Peck (Ranunculaceae) Festuea washingtoniea Alexeev In 1997, we found a population of unusual In 1995, we collected an unusual Festuea high Myosurus plants in a vernal pool on the east end on the north-facing slopes of Rattlesnake Moun- of Umtanum Ridge on the Hanford Site. Plants tain in the Arid Lands Ecology Reserve (ALE). from this site resemble Myosurusplants ofcertain We sent this collection to B. Wilson at Oregon vernal pool populations in coastal southern State University, who identified it as Festuea California, northern Baja California, and Harney washingtoniea Alexeev. The history of this taxon County, Oregon. Plants from these populations is as follows: in 1960, J. G. Smith collected what share most of the morphological characteristics he called F. rubra L. in Peavine Canyon, Chelan of Myosurus luinimus L., but have short, curved County, Washington. A portion ofthe collection scapes, so that the heads of the achenes are was eventually sent to Leningrad. From that lone immersed in the leaves (Whittemore 1997). Since specimen, E.B. Alexeev (1982) described F. 1997, M. e/avieaulis has been found at several washingtoniea, with the note (translated from additional vernal pool sites in eastern Washing- Russian) "in habit and anatomical structure of ton by other workers (Washington Natural the leaf blades this species resembles F. rubra. Heritage Program database). However, within the limits of the very poly- Stone (1959) suggested that this form of morphic latter species, we do not know ofa single Myosurus resulted from past hybridization be- taxon with leaf blades that are externally tween the two species Myosurus niiniiuus L. and scabrous as in F. washingtoniea.^^ (Alexeev M. sessi/is S. Watson, during a time when M. 1982). Alexeev's new fescue species was largely sessilis had a wider range than it does now. ignored until our collections of it in 1995. Based Currently, M. sessilisis not known to occur north on our collections from the Hanford Site and of Umatilla Co., Oregon (Hitchcock and Cron- from other locations, B. Wilson wrote an quist 1973; Whittemore 1997). At the coastal expanded description of F. washingtoniea, (Wil- southern California, northern Baja California, son 1999). Oregon, and Washington sites, this expression Festuea washingtoniea is a relatively large, occurs as a self-sustaining entity, independent of bright to deep green, cespitose fescue with flat M. sessi/is and often independent of M. minimus. leaves 1 to 6 mm wide, lemmas scabrous or The taxonomic status ofthese plants is obscured pubescent, and ovary apex typically pubescent. by the presence of morphologically identical According to Wilson (1999), " Festuea washingto- plants in the Central Valley of California. The niea differs from F. viridula in having closed Central Valley plants are non-persistent products sheaths, extravaginal shoots, and abaxial to of on-going hybridization between M. minimus adaxial sclerenchyma strands in the leaves, and M. sessilis (Whittemore 1997). When he illustrated by Alexeev (1982)". Festuea washing- MADRONO 42 [Vol. 53 tonica may belong in the subgenus Festuca, Anagallis minima (L.) Krause, Astragalus geyeri although analysis of seed proteins suggests A. Gray, Camissonia minor (A. Nelson) Raven, problems with that classification (Aiken et al. Castilleja minor (a. Gray) Gray ssp. minor, C. 1998). spiculifera (Piper) Payson, Cistanthe rosea, Cryp- Festuca wasJiiugtcmicaappears to beendemicto tantha scoparia A. Nelson, Cuscuta denticulata seasonally moist habitats in deep soil of lightly Engelm. var. denticulata, Cyperus bipartitus grazed or ungrazed shrub-steppe communities Torr., Eatonella nivea (D.C. Eaton) A. Gray, east of the Cascade Range in Washington, Gilia leptomeria, Hypericum majus (Gray) Britt., including the ALE Reserve on the Hanford Site. Lipocarpha aristulata (Covill) G.C. Tucker, Loe- On the ALE Reserve, plants occurred just below flingia squarrosa, Minmlus suksdorfii Gray, Myo- the top of Rattlesnake Mountain in rocky silt surus c/avicaulis Peck, Oenothera caespitosa loam at an elevation of 1100 m. This was within Nutt., and Rotala ramosior (L.) Koehne. Festuca an Artemisia tripartita!Festuca idahoeusis plant was/iingtonica is abundant enough state-wide that association with Lupinus arhustus Douglas ex it is not tracked by the Washington Natural Lindl. ssp. calcaratus (Kellogg) D. Dunn, Melica Heritage Program. hulbosa Geyer, Poa cusickii Vasey, P. secimda J. Presl., and Senecio iutegerriinus Nutt. Discussion and Conclusion Since 1995, Festuca washingtonica has been collected from other counties in eastern Wash- The findings of the botanical portion of the ington, including Yakima, Kittitas, Chelan and Hanford Biodiversity Project have reinforced the Okanogan Counties, suggesting that the taxon importance ofthe Hanford Site forconservation of may have been overlooked and/or mis-identified shrub-steppe vascular plants. The very high plant by past researchers. Most sites where it grows are species richness of the Hanford Site is likely the protected from livestock, either administratively resultofacombinationofgeographicandhistorical or topographically. To our knowledge, it has not factors. The Columbia River corridor, which been collected outside ofWashington. bisects the Hanford Site, is known to support a large number of regional and narrow endemics Other Findings (Hitchcock and Cronquist 1973). The Hanford Reach, the only undammed portion ofthe Colum- The Hanford Site supports approximately 725 bia River, supportsemergent wetland communities different kinds ofvascular plants (Sackschewsky that include populations ofseveral rare speciesthat and Downs 2001). Ofthese, 29 (4%) are listed by were oncewidelycollected but are nowuncommon the state of Washington as rare (Washington elsewhere on theriver(Soilet al. 1999). Inaddition, Natural Heritage Program 2005). During our the unique climate of the Hanford Site supports three-year botanical inventory of the Hanford a number of species that are more common in Site, we identified more than 500 species ofplants desertareasoftheGreatBasintothesouthandeast and 1 12 populations of26 state-listed rare plants (Kartesz 2003). The diversity of unique substrates (Soil et al. 1999). Two of these rare plants are and habitats on the Site provide habitat for a large endemic to the Hanford Site: Physaria douglasii number of state-listed rare plants and endemics, subsp. tuplashensis and Eriogonwn codiuni. Four including those reported above. are narrow regional endemics that also occur Much of the biodiversity of the Hanford Site outside the boundaries of the Hanford Site: might have been lost withoutitsuniquehistory. If Astragalus columbianus Barneby, A. coujunctus the Hanford Site had not been acquired by the var. rickardii, Lomatium tuberosum Hoover, and U.S. Government in 1943, it would most Penstemon eriantlierus Pursh var. whitedii (Piper) certainly resemble the rest ofthe lower Columbia A.Nelson. Four are more widespread regional Basin where population growth, large-scale irri- endemics that are also known from elsewhere in gation projects, livestock grazing, and noxious the Columbia Basin: Camissoniapygmaea (Doug- weeds have significantly reduced and/or degraded las ex Lehm.) Raven, Cryptautha leucophaea available habitat for many plants. The relatively (Douglas ex Lehm.) Payson, Erigeron piperianus large Hanford Site, taken with the similar sized Cronquist, and Rorippa co/umbiae (Suksd. ex Department of Defense Yakima Training Center B.L.Rob.) Suksd. ex Howell. There are also to the west, constitute the largest remaining a number of regional endemics known from the blocks of relatively undisturbed shrub-steppe in Hanford Site that are not considered rare in the Columbia Basin Ecoregion (Soil et al. 1999). Washington. Of the state-listed rare plants found on the Eighteen species found by the authors on the Hanford Site, 18 (62%) are annuals, and 3 of Hanford Site are widely distributed in North these have not been found elsewhere in Wash- America but are disjunct or peripheral in ington. Because of the relatively high number of Washington. These are considered rare and are rare annuals on the Hanford Site, it is an tracked by the Washington Natural Heritage important location for the conservation of rare Program: Ammanuia robusta Heer & Regel, annuals in Washington. Annuals tend to occur in 2006] BECK ANDCAPLOW: ADDITIONSTOWASHINGTON FLORA FROMTHEHANFORDSITE 43 Table 1. Slimmary of Additions to the Vascular Flora of Washington from the Hanford Biodiversity Project. Washington counties Washington Natural Heritage Species Previously known range where currently known Program status (2005) Astraga/us conjunctus Not known Benton Watch var. rickcirdii Cistauthe rosea Oregon, California, Idaho, Benton Threatened Nevada, Wyoming Enogonuni codiuin Not known Benton Endangered Festuca washingonicu Chelan County, Benton. Yakima, Kittitas, None Washington Chelan, Okanogan Giliu Icptoiucriu California, Oreson, Idaho, Franklin, Grant, Benton Threatened Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Wyoming, Montana Pliysaria doiiglasii Not known Franklin Threatened subsp. fup/as/iensis Loeflingia squarrosa Western states not Benton Threatened NW ssp. squcirrosa including Pacific Ml-osin-iIS c/avicau/is California, Oregon Adams, Spokane, Benton Sensitive moist microhabitats in open sandy or gravelly Bobby Tomanawash of the Wanapum people, Mike soils, and many of these sites elsewhere in the Sackschewsky, Barbara Wilson. Rupert Barneby, Stan state have been disturbed and compacted by Welsh, Ron Hartman, Alva Day, Susan Aiken, Allan grazing and invaded by Bromus tectonim. Whittemore, and Jim Reveal. This paperisdedicated to the memory ofReed Rollins, whose lifelong knowledge At the time that the Hanford Biodiversity ofthe Cruciferae, kindness, patience, and good humor Study began, the conservation ofthe biodiversity were an inspiration to both ofus. of the Hanford Site was not assured. There was a powerful local movement to distribute most of Literature Cited tflhuaetnudrloeawnpndreorntsoercttfhiooronfaogtfrhietchuCelotAluLruamElbiRdaeesveRerilvvoeeprmwetanostp.arlisvToahtieiei AikeWfnri,olmSs.oSGn.D,SaS-.nPdE.ALGG.aErLd.aniaCnloeynrsse,saHuo.lf.Cs.e1eM9d.98p.BraoIstmsepeilntistc,aitnBi.otnhLs.e question. Since that time, the Hanford Reach has classification of taxa of Festuca and Lolium been declared a Wild and Scenic River and much (Poaceae). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology ofthe Hanford Site, including the ALE Reserve, 26:511-533. has been set asideas the Hanford Reach National Alexeev, E. B. 1982. New and little-known fescues Monument. However, the central portion of the {Festuca L.) ofNorth America. Bjulleten Moskovs- Site, which supports a number of rare plant ckeosgkiojO[bBsulcleesttivnaofIstphyetatMeolesjcPorwirSoodcyi.etOytdoeflNBaitoulroagli-- wpoapsutleatisotnosr,agies stailnldpricmlaerainl-yupd.ediTchaetedEtroionguocnlieuanr Al-Sihstes,hbBaiozl,ogLicaalnDdivSi.siOon']Ka8n7(e2.):2100092-.11L8e.squerella is codium population, although formally within untied with Phvsaria Brassicaceae). Novon ( the Hanford National Monument, is not in an 12:319-329. area currently managed by the USFWS. BAER (Northern States Burned Area Emergen- Even with protection, active, on-going man- cy Rehabilitation) Team. 2000. 24 Command agement will be necessary to maintain the Fire burned area emergency rehabilitation (BAER) biodiversity of the Hanford Site. In particular, plan. United States Department of the Interior, Washington DC. noxious weeds (e.g., Bromus tectorum L., Salsola Barneby, R. C. 1964. Atlas of North American kali L., Centaureci solstitialis L. and others) and Astragalus. Memoirs of the New York Botanical wildfire will bring adverse changes to natural Garden 13:1 1188. vegetation communities over time. Nonetheless, Daubenmire, R. 1970. Steppe vegetation ofWashing- the future of the vascular plant diversity of the ton. Washingon State Agricultural Experiment Hanford Site appears considerably better than it Station, Technical Bulletin 62:1-13L did in 1994, when the Hanford Biodiversity Day, a. G. 1993. New taxaand nomenclatural changes Project was initiated. in Allophylhinu Gilia. and Navarretia (Polemonia- ceae). Novon 3:331-340. Acknowledgments Downs, J. L., W. H. Rickard, C. A. Brandt. L. L. Cadwell, C. E. Gushing, D. R. Geist, R. M. We would like to thank the following organiza- Mazaika, D. a. Neitzel, L. E. Rogers, M. R. tions and people for their gracious assistance: The Sackschewsky and J. J. Nugent. 1993. Habitat U.S. Department of Energy, The Nature Conservancy types on the Hanford Site: wildlife and plant of Washington, The Pacific Northwest National species of concern. PNL-894. Pacific Northwest Labs, Peter Dunwiddie, Pam Camp, Curt Soper, National Laboratory, Richland, WA. MADRONO 44 [Vol. 53 DuNWiDDiE, P. W., K. A. Beck and F. E. Caplow. Rollins, R. C. 1993. The Cruciferae of Continental 2001. DemographicstudiesofEriogonum codiwnin North America. I-XVI, 1-976. Stanford University Washington. Pp. 59 69 /// S. H. Reichard, P. W. Press, Stanford, CA. Dunwiddie, J. Gamon, A. R. Kruckeberg, and AND E. C. Shaw. 1973. The Genus Lesquerella D. L. Salstrom (eds.), Conservation of Washing- (Cruciferae)inNorthAmerica. Harvard University ton's rare plants and ecosystems. Washington Press, Cambridge, MA. Native Plant Society, Seattle, WA. , K. A. Beck and F. E. Caplow. 1996 [1995]. Franklin, J. F. and C. T. Dyrness. 1973. Natural An undescribed species ofLesquerella (Cruciferae) vegetation of Oregon and Washington. General from the state of Washington. Rhodora Technical Report PNW-8, U.S. Forest Service, 97:201-207. Portland, OR. Rose,J. N. 1904. WilliamM. Canby, BotanicalGazette GOFF, F. E. 1981. Preliminary geology of eastern 37:385-387. Umtanum Ridge, south central Washington. Sackschewsky, M. R. and J. L. Downs. 2001. RHO-BWI-C-21, Rockwell Hanford operations, Vascular plants of the Hanford Site. PNNL- Richland, WA. 13688, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Gray, A., S. Watson and B. L. Robinson. 1895. Richland, WA. Synoptical floraofNorth America I pt. I, Fascicles Sole, J., J. A. Hall, R. Pabst and C. Soper. 1999. 1. Polypetalae from the Ranunculaceae to the Biodiversity inventory and analysis ofthe Hanford Frankeniaceae. Continued and edited by Benjamin Site Final Report: 1994-1999. The Nature Conser- Lincoln Robinson. Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor, and vancy ofWashington, Seattle, WA. Co., New York, NY. Stone, D. E. 1959. A unique balanced breeding system Hickman, J. C. (ed.). 1993. TheJepson manual: higher in the vernal pool mouse-tails. Evolution plantsofCalifornia. University ofCalifornia Press, 13:151-174. Berkeley, CA. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1999. Endangered Hitchcock, C. L., A. Cronquist, M. Ownbey and and threatened wildlife and plants; review ofplant J. W. Thompson. 1955 1969. Vascular plants of and animal taxa that are candidates or proposed the Pacific Northwest. University of Washington for listing as endangered or threatened; notice of Press, Seattle, WA. review. Federal Register 64(205): 57534-57547. AND A. Cronquist. 1973. Flora ofthe Pacific Washington Natural Heritage Program. 1994. WNoarsthhiwnegstto:naPnresisl,luSsetartattleed, WmaAn.ual. University of pElnadnatnsgeorfeWda,shtihnrgetaotnen—edwitahndworseknisnigtivleistsvaosfcurlaarre Integrated Taxonomic Information System on- non-vascular species. Department of Natural Re- line DATABASE. Available at: http://www.itis. sources, Olympia, WA. Accessed: December 12, 2005. Washington Natural Heritage Program. 2005. Kartesz,J. T. 2003. Asynonymizedchecklistandatlas List ofplants tracked by the Washington Natural with biological attributes for the vascular flora of Heritage Program. Available at: http://www. the United States, Canada, and Greenland, 2nd ed. In J. T. Kartesz and C. A. Meacham (eds.). Welsh, S. L., F. Caplow and K. Beck. 1997. New 2S.y0n.thJe.sTi.s KoafrttehsezNo&rtPhhyAlmoesryistceamnsflCoorrap..,VerRsiicohn- vBaerniteotyn oCfouAnsttyr,agaWlausshicnogntjounnc.tuGsreSa.tWaBatssionnNfartoum- mond, CA. ralist 57:352-354. Nature Conservancy of Washington. 1998. Bio- Whittemore, a. T. 1997. Mvosurus Linnaeus, Sp, PI. d1i9v9e7rsiatnyniunavlenrteoproyrta.ndThaenalNyastisuroeftChoenHsaenrfvoarncdySiotef N1o:r2t28h4.Am1e7r5i3c;aGe3:n1.35P-I1.3e8d.. 5, 137. 1754. Flora of Washington, Seattle, WA. Wilson, B. L. 1999. Festuca taxonomy in the Pacific Newcomb, R. C. 1958. Ringold Formation of the coast states. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis. Department Pleistocene Age in type locality: the White Bluffs, of Botany and Plant Pathology, Oregon State Washington. American Journal of Science University, Corvallis, OR. 256:328-340. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. 1997. Appendix 1 Climatological data, Hanford Meteorology Sta- tion. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Relevant Herbarium Collections bythe Richland, WA. Available at: Authorsof Rare Plantson the Hanford Site 2080/HMS/. Payson, E. B. 1922. A monograph of the genus Astragalusconjunctusvar. rickardiiWelsh, K.A. Beck Lescjucrella. Annals of the Missouri. Botanical & Caplow(FABACEAE). TYPE: U.S.A., Washington, Garden 8:103 236. Benton Co. Hanford Site, on northeast-facing slopes of Peck, M. E. 1961. A manual of the higher plants of Rattlesnake Mountain, with Artemisia tridentata, Foa Oregon. Oregon State University Press, Portland, sandbergii, 1036 meters, TUN R26E sect. 30 NW'A of OR. SW'/4, 29 May 1995, Kathrvn Beck & Florence Caplow Piper, C. V. 1906. Flora of the State of Washington. 95-083, (Holotype: BRY!; Isotypes: NY!, US!, WTU!, Contributions of the U.S. National Herbarium WS!); Benton County, Horse Heaven Hills, Chandler 11:1 637. Butte, BLM owned, in silt loam, upper north-facing Reveal, J. L., F. Caplow and K. Beck. 1997 [1995]. slopes,withAgropyronspicatum, Foacusickii, Artemisia Eriogonum codium (Polygonaceae: Eriogonoideae), tridentata, Foa sandbergii, 600 meters, T9N R26E sect. a new species from southcentral Washington. 22 SE'/4 ofNW'A, 14April 1995, FlorenceE. Caplow& Rhodora 97:350-356. Kathrvn A. Beck 95-022 (BRY, WTU). 2006] BECK ANDCAPLOW: ADDITIONSTOWASHINGTON FLORA FROMTHEHANFORDSITE 45 Cistauthc rosea S. Watson (PORTULACACEAE). in fine reddish to blackish basalt, gravel and pumice, Benton Co., Hanford Site north ofGable Mountain in with Artenu'sia trideutata, Eriogoiuim codium, Brofuus basalt derived sands, in a small swale, with Artemisia tectorum, Poa secunda, and Salvia dorrii, 350 meters, tridentata. Brouuis teetoriinu Deseuraineapinnata, Loe- T13N R24E sect. 13 NE'A of SW'A, 31 May 1995, fliugia squarrosa ssp. squarrosa and MinniJussiiksdorfii, Florence E. Caplow & Kathryn A. Beck 95-076 (WTU); 1-2% slope, south exposure, 150 meters, T13N R26E Additional unvouchered populations were located. sect. 2 SE% ofS'/4, 28 May 1995, F/oreneeE. Cap/ow& Plants were determined by Alva Day, 1995. Kathryn A. Beck 95-078 (WTU). Physaria douglasii subsp. tuplashensis Rollins, K.A. Eriogomuu codiiuu Reveal, Caplow & K.A. Beck Beck & Caplow (BRASSICACEAE). TYPE: U.S.A. (POLYGONACEAE). TYPE: U.S.A., Benton Co., Washington, Franklin County: White Bluffs, above the Hanford Site, on the northern edge ofUmtanum Ridge Columbia River, caliche soil at edge of eroding bluff, west of Washington Highway 24 overlooking the with Artenu'sia trideutata. Astragalus caricinus, Cryp- Columbia River about 38 air miles northwest of tantha spiculi/era, Eriogouum microthecum, and Poa Richland, on volcanic soil, with Grayia spinosa. sandbergii, T13N R27E sect. 11 Wl/2, 20 July 1994, Artemisia trideutata, Salviadorrii, Hesperostipa comafa, Kathryn A. Beck & Florence Caplow 94-00J (Holotype: and Pseudoroegneria spicata, 350 meters, T13N R24E GH; "isotype: WTU). Franklin Co., Hanford Site, sect. 13, 27 June 1995, Reveal. Caplow and Wahluke Wildlife Area, White Bluffs northeast of the Sackschen'sky 7484 (Holotype: US; Isotypes: BM, Columbia River, near powerlines, on the leading edge BRSRAY,, TCEAXS,, CUOC,LOW,S,GHW,TKU, MaAndRYel,sewMhOer,e)N;YA,lsRoMi,n oAsfttrhaegablluusffcsa,riicninhusa,rdCrcyaplticahnethsaoislsp,icuwliit/heraP,oEariseocguonuduam. reddish to black, hard-packed basalt gravel, with microthecum var. laxiflorum, 300 meters, T13N R27 E ABrrotmeimiissiatecttroirduemu,tataP.liacSeallivaialindeoarrriisi,, 3P0o0"a, s3an%dbesrlgoipie,, sCeactp.lo2w4&NEK'a/t4hryonfAN.EyBe4c,k 1995-0M5a3y(W1T99U5,, GFHl)or.enUcpepeEr. TFl1o3reNncRe2E4.ECasepclt.ow13 NKaEt'hArynofA.SWB'eAc,k 9315-0M8a4y(W1T99U5,, ssoliolpse,swnietahrPmooautshecoufndRai,ngBorlodmCuasnytoenct,oriunml,ooAsmesicanlcikcihae WS). tessellata, 220 meters, T12N R28E sect. 11 NW'A of Festuca wasliingtonica E.B.Alexeev (POACEAE). SW'/4, 1 June 1995, Florence E. Caplow & Kathryn A. Benton Co., Arid Lands Ecology Reserve, Hanford Beck 95-086 (GH). Site, Rattlesnake Mountain, in a narrow strip just Loeflingia squarrosa Nutt. ssp. squarrosa (CARYO- belowthetopofthemountain, inthe "snowmelt" zone, PHYLLACEAE). Benton Co., Hanford Site, north of ilinanxtierfgolecorkrryuismnsislv,tarlF.oeascmta,ulccawairtaihdtauhsAo,retuesPmiosia,siaMneetlvriaicddeaenutsbaiutsla,h,osLSaue,puieancnuidos dGuanbelse, oMnounatasainndyinbebramsalotf-dearilvietdt,le-ussteadbilriozaedd, swaintdh WPK30aeotnaNharctWyucsnh%icekAei.oif,NaBS4te5Wi°cyo,k4na,3l9545%F0,oJ8ru8e1ns1et(3,O019SWm9eUe5n,t,aerFtWslcT,ohrUeTe)enU;cMeNoECu.hnRetC2laa6aipnnElso,sCweoco.t&n,. AEC1.r4rt5yeCpmmatiepastlnieotrawsh,at&rTi1cdKei3aurtNtcahutrRmay2c,ni6sPEAso.asa,eBctes.acenkc1du3,n9d51aM-6,i0nM3n9Bairyl(ouWm1sTu9U9s5s),u;tkFeslcBdotoerornreftuniomicn,,e lower west-facing dry slopes of a small tributary in Co., Hanford Site, between two main portions ofGable PeavineCanyon, with Pinuspouderosa, Symphoricarpos Butte, in shrub-steppe at edges ofvernal pool in rocky albus, Salix sp., Acer douglasii, Prunus eniargiuata, basalt layer, with Artemisia trideutata, Gnaphalium Purshia trideutata, Lupinusleucophyllus. Asterfoliaceus, palustre, Camissonia andina, Juncus bufonius, Epilobium Agropyron spicatum, and Poa pratensis, 270 5%, minutum, moss spp., and lichen spp., 175 meters, T13N 630 meters, T22N R19E sect. 15 SW'A of ,SE'A, R26Esect. 18 SW'A ofSW'A, 20 May 1997, FlorenceE. Kathryn A. Beck & Florence E. Caplow 96-052 (OSU, Caplow&KathrynA. Beck97-023(WTU);alsosouthof WTU). Gable Mountain, plants growing in shrub-steppe, in barren basalt-derived sand, along a little-used sandy Gilia leptomeria A. Gray (POLEMONIACEAE). road, with Artenu'sia trideutata. Ambrosia acanthicarpa, Grant Co., Hanford Site, Saddle Mountain NWR, on Pectocarya linearis, Bromus tectorum, and Mimulus upper slopes of gravelly bluff north of Vernita Bridge suksdorfii, 160 meters, T13N R26E sect. 25 SE'A of on the Columbia River, with Salvia dorrii, Camissonia NE'/4, 29 May 1997, Florence Caplow & Kathryn A. pygmaea, and Eatonella nivea, south exposure, 30%, Beck 97-041 (WTU). Plants were verified by Ronald 215 meters, T14N R25E sect. 31 SE'A, 15 May 1995, Hartman, 1995. Additional unvouchered populations Florence E. Caplow & Kathryn A. Beck 95-035 (WTU); were located, including ones at the eastern end of Franklin Co., Hanford Site, Wahluke Wildlife Area, Umtanum Ridge, in a vernal pool and also in a swale White Bluffs ofthe Columbia River, near top ofbluffs, amidst shrub-steppe. in caliche soil, with Eriogouum microthecum, Poa secunda, Brounis tectorum. Astragalus caricinus, and Myosurus clavicaulis Peck (RANUNCULACEAE). Eurotia lanata, western exposure, 285 meters, T13N Benton Co., Hanford Site, topofeast end ofUmtanum R27E sect. 25, 19 May 1995, Florence E. Caplow & Ridge, plants growing on dried edges ofvernal pool in Kathryn A. Beck 95-055 (WTU); Also on sparsely depression ofbasalt layer, with Veronicaperegrina var. vegetatedgroundin sandandcaliche, with Chrysotham- xalapensis, Camissonia andina, Myosurus apetalus, nus nauseosus, Bromus tectorum. Astragalus caricinus, Epilobium minutum, Artemisia rigida, moss spp., and As3i1rntueMamtaiasy,i2a1290t9r7i.,d5euF%tl,aotrTae.1nc3AesNtErR.a2gCa8alEupslseoscwtu.c&c1u9mKbaSetEnhysr4,ynoafnA.NdW'BGi/el4ci,ka lsKeiacctth.hern1y7nsppA%..,oB3fe1c5%k,,9761-%0M1a0sylo(pU1eS9,,971W,9T5FUlm)oer;teenrscsae,mEeT.1l3CocaNaptliRoo2nw,5&E7 97-042 (WTU); Benton Co., Hanford Site Umtanum May 1997, Florence E. Caplow & Kathryn A. Beck 97- Ridge, ridge-top, at edges ofsteep north-facing slopes. 014 (WTU), verified by Alan Whittemore.