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Preview Additions to the lichen flora of Araracuara (Colombian Amazonia)

Caldasia 19(1-2): 247-255 ADDITIONS TO THE LlCHEN FLORA OF ARARACUARA (COLOMBIAN AMAZONIA) J. M. HARRIE SIPMAN Botanical Gardenand Museum, Koenigin-Luise-Strasse 6-8, 0-14191 Berlin, Germany,Email: < hsipman @ fub 46.Zedat.fu -berlin. de Resumen Investigaciones recientes de campo en la vegetación primaria en los alrededores de Araracuara (sectorColombiano delacuencaAmazónica) demostraron lapresencia deuna floraliquénicadegranvariedadenlosbosquesyenlassabanasenlasmesetasdearenis- ca. Se presentan 93 especies, principalmente encorteza, suelo yarenisca. Enconjunto conlasespeciesanteriormente publicadas, haceuntotalde211especies, cuyonúmeroes probablemente menorquelamitaddelafloraactual. Palabras clave: Liquen, Flora, Araracuara, Colombia Abstract Recentfieldwork intheprimaryvegetationaroundAraracuara (ColombiansectorofAmazon Basin)showedthepresenceofavariedlichenfloraintheforestsandthesavannahs onthe sandstone table land.Here93speciesarerecorded, mainlygrowingontreebark,rockand soíl,raisingthetotalnumberofknown speciesfromtheareato211.Inspiteofthese additions the lichenflora lsstillsupposed tobelessthanhalf-way known. Keywords: Lichen, Flora,Araracuara, Colombia Introduction However, little attention was paid to lichens by then, and serious investigation of the The Amazon basin is well-known as the lichen flora started only through the activities world's largest continuous area of humid tro- of the Corporación Colombiana para la pical lowland forest, with a long geological Amazonia-Araracuara. Phytosociological history.Accordingly itsfloraandfaunaarevery investigations around 1990 by A. M. Cleef diverse and it constitutes one of the world's and J. Duivenvoorden (Duivenvoorden & most important centres of biodiversity. For a Cleef 1994) showed that a varied terricolous long time it has been unclear whether this is lichen flora was present on the tablelands. also true for lichens. Recent investigations Information on the epiphytic lichen flora have shown that tropical lowland forests are became available through field work by the an important diversity centre for lichens author in 1988 (Sipman 1990). (Gradstein 1992), and several of the princi- pal groups of lichens appear to be con- The vegetation of the investigation area centrated in tropical lowlands (Aptroot & ranges from tall rain forest along the streams Sipman, in press). Consequent1y,Araracuara and on well-drained plains, to low andopen with its surroundings, situated in theAmazon forest in swamps and on quartzite plateau's. basin and with a wide range of primary Locally the forest is interrupted by bare rock vegetation types, is a very promising place flats andexposed orshaded rock outcrops and to investigate lichen diversity. escarpments. ConsequentIy a wide range of lichen habitats is available: foliicolous in The first botanical exploration in Araracuara forest undergrowth and in more open spots, was remarkably earIy, already in the be- corticolous in the shade of the lower forest ginning ofthe last century (cf. Martius 1828). levels and in the lighter and more open 248 CaldasiaVol. 19,Nos.1·2, 1997 situation of the canopy and in scrub; saxi- The results of the foliicolous lichens have colous on shaded or well-lit quartzite rocks; already been published before (Sipman 1990), and terricolous on acid, sandy or humous soil, In addition, Mycomicrothelia hemispherica The most species-rich of these, habitats are and M. thelena were published by Aptroot probably the leaves ofthe forest undergrowth (1991: 131) and Cladonia carassensis by (cf Sipman 1990) and branches ofthe canopy Sipman (1993: 306). Several specimens were (cf Montfoort & Ek 1990), included in publications of new species: Buellia bellardii (Sipman 1992: 19), Bulbo- thrix leprieurii (Sipman & van Aubel 1992: Methods 2), Byssoloma farkasii (Sipman & Aptroot 1992: 98), Ocellularia sinuosa (Sipman 1992: From 29 October to 3November 1988 alichen 30), Parmotrema aptrootii (Sipman & van survey was made by H. Sipman and J, Aubel 1992: 3), Parmotrema aurantia- Duivenvoorden, accompanied by A. Jarami- coparvum (Sipman & van Aubel 1992: 4), llo, R. Hofstede and J, Wolf, For details see Porina epilucida Sipman (Aptroot & Sipman also Sipman (1990), The following habitats 1994: 21) and Thelotrema albomaculatum were visited: high forest; low forest on rocky (Sipman & Aptroot 1992: 89), soil; open forest on oligotrophic swampy soil; rock flats; secondary vegetation. Usually only In the literature 16 records basing on other specimens within reach from the ground were collections were found, The visit by Martius studied. Occasionally canopy branches were resulted in the report of Pseudocyphellaria available for study, Samples were collected aurata (Martius 1828: 24, Eschweiler 1833: from as many lichens as possible and studied 216), here considered as a misidentification, with the usual means, The first set of these see note below, Ahti reported Cladonia samples is deposited in the Herbario Ama- pulviniformis (1990: 264) and C. spinea zonico, a large set of duplicates in B, (1986: 217), both collected by H, W. Wool- Identifications are by the author, A literature house in 1977, Several terricolous lichens search was made for additional reports. were reported by Duivenvoorden & Cleef (1994), basing on their fieldwork: Cladia Results aggregata, Cladina sprucei, Cladonia cara- ssensis, C. corallifera, C. crassiuscula, C. The 1988 field work resulted in a total of 823 didyma, C. furfuracea, C. peltastica, C. collected specimens. Of these 609 could be pulviniformis, C. secundana, C. signata, C. identified to species level. They appeared to spinea, C. vareschii, C. variegata, Siphula belong to some 210 species in over 90 gene- carassana and S, decumbens. ra; 214 collections are provisionally identified or left unidentified for various reasons, such Additional species from the collections by as poor taxonomic knowledge of the group Sipman &Duivenvoorden are presented below, or poor quality of the specirnen. Three For all available specimens the collection additional species were found in the literature, numbers are given, under which they can be found inthe Herbario Amazonico, The numbers The high identification rate is caused to some in brackets refer to the localities, which are listed below and contain habitat information, extent by selective collecting: crustose -specimens were usually not collected when no ascocarps could be observed in the field, Arthonia orbignyae (Upadhyay) Matzer - (1; Such «sterile crustose» lichens are impossible 27775; (6) 28033; (9) 28248; (12) 28556 to identify with the usual keys based on Foliicolous, not reported by Sipman (1990), ascocarp features, However, they are quite common and make out an important part of Astrothelium cinnamomeum (Eschw.) Müll the lichen vegetation on tree trunks, Arg. - (6) 28078, Corticolous. I (ft'RC:::;·"" G.,·'···O! ,,.,1'1 "l~ ••. ~.-\ 1 Sipman.H.Araraeuara lieh.ns 249 Astrothelium confusumMüll.Arg. -(5)27864. Coccocarpia domingensis Vainio - (6) 28081; Corticolous. (11) 28397. Corticolous. Astrothelium galbineum Kremp. - (5) 27863; Coccocarpia erythroxyli (Spreng.) Swinscow (6) 27908. Corticolous. & Krog - (8) 28168; (ll) 28424. Corticolous .. Astrothelium gigasporum Harris -(12) 28445, Coccocarpia imbricascens Nyl. - (8) 28170; 28498. Corticolous. (10) 28357, 28359; (ll) 28396; (12) 28449. Corticolous. Specimens 28359 and 28449 Astrothelium subfuscum Kremp. -(12) 28502. contain an orange pigment on the lower side, Corticolous. probably the same pigment as in C. erythrocardia (Müll. Arg.) Arvidss. Biatora pyrrhomelaena Tuck. - (6) 27932; (9) Coccocarpia palmicola (Spreng.) Arvidss. & 28318. Corticolous. The second specimen is Gallow. - (8) 28169. Corticolous. identified with hesitation, it is sorediate. Coenogonium implexum Nyl. - (6) 28003. Buellia coccinea (Fée) Aptroot - (3) 27824. Corticolous. Corticolous. Coenogonium leprieurii (Mont.) Nyl. - (4) Bulbothrix fungicola (Lynge) Hale - (11) 27840, 27841; (6) 27935, 28002; (7) 28089; 28393. Corticolous. (11) 28400. Corticolous. Bulbothrix goebelii (Zenk.) Hale - (8) 28172. Crocynia gossypina (Sw.) Massal. - (12) Corticolous. 28471. Corticolous. Byssoloma amazonicum Kalb & Vezda - (1) Crocynia pyxinoides Nyl. - (6) 28077; (8) 27742; (6) 27994; (9) 28202. Foliicolous, not 28142. Corticolous. reported by Sipman (1990). Dictyonema glabratum (Spreng.) D. Hawksw. Byssoloma minutissimum Kalb & Vezda - (7) - (8) 28143. Corticolous. 28095; (9)28205,28230,28231;(12)28523. Foliicolous, not reported by Sipman (1990). Dictyonema sericeum (Sw.) Berkh. - (5) 27857; (8) 28144, 28161; (11) 28399,28401; Canoparme/ia amazonica (Nyl.) Elix & Hale (12) 28483, 28484. Corticolous. - (5) 27862. Corticolous. . Dimelaena diffractella (MüIl. Arg.) Sheard - Celothelium dominicanum (Vain.) Aguirre - (5) 27873. On sandstone. (3) 27837 ..Corticolous. Eschatogonia prolifera (Mont.) R. Sant. in Chiodecton sphaerale Ach. - (8) 28138. Swinsc. & Krog - (6) 27920; (9) 28317; (12) Corticolous. 28473. Corticolous. Chroodiscus neotropicus Kalb &Vezda - (lO) Fellhanera bouteillei (Desm.) Vezda - (1) 28374. Foliicolous. Included in Sipman 1990: 27761. Foliicolous, not reported by Sipman 63 as «ined.», (1990). Cladonia polyscypha Ahti & Xavier Filho - Graphina incrustans (Fée) Müll, Arg. - (9) (5) 27896. On humous soil. 28322; (12) 28458. Corticolous. 250 Caldasia Vol.19.Nos. 1-2.1997 Graphina insculpta (Eschw.) Müll.Arg.-(12) Myriotremaprotocetraricum (Hale) Hale -(6) 28436. Corticolous. 27953,27954; (9)28289,28298,28299;(13) 28584. Corticolous. TLC: protocetraric acid. Graphina marcescens (Fée) Müll. Arg. - (6) 27922, 27930. Corticolous. Myriotrema subwrightii (Hale) Hale - (13) 28587. Corticolous. TLC: psoromic acid. Graphis afzelii Ach. -(3)27839.Corticolous. Ocel/ularia amplior (Nyl.)Redgr, - (8)28149; Graphis dumastii (Fée) Spreng. - (1) 27699; (9) 28330; (11) 28417; (12) 28490. (9) 28321. The species has been used here in Corticolous. TLC: protocetraric acid; in the a wide sence, with disregard of chemical thallus of nr. 28490 protocetraric acid could differences. Corticolous. not be demonstrated. Graphisjlexibilis Kremp. -(6)28073, 28075; Ocellu/aria auberiana (Mont.) Hale - (1) (11) 28427. Corticolous. 27715; (6) 27919. Corticolous. TLC: psoromic acid. Graphis grammitis Fée -(6)279Q5;(9)28306. Corticolous. Ocellu/aria cavata (Ach.) Müll. Arg. - (12) 28470. Corticolous.TLC:unknown substances Gyalidea epiphylla Vezda - (7) 28105. (ccinchonarumunknown»).The specimenlacks Foliicolous, not reported by Sipman (1990). the usual, yellow pigment. Another specimen of this locality, nr. 28469, deviates by the «Lecidea» /eucophyllina Nyl. - (5) 27851. presence of apinkish pigment in the medulla. Corticolous. The species has been attributed to the genus Lecidea in a wide sense. Ocel/u/aria comparabilis (Kremp.) Müll.Arg. -(1)27705, 27708, 27716;(6)27945,27947; Mazosia bambusae (Vainio) R. Santo - (1) (12)28459, 28464; (13) 28582. Corticolous. 27771; (6) 28028; (7) 28111;(9) 28243;(10) TLC: psoromic acid. The material is very 28382; (12) 28551. Foliicolous. Reported variable and the determination is somewhat before by Sipman (1990: 62) as M. uncertain; there maybemore than one species pseudobambusae. included. Mazosia dispersa (Hedrick) R. Santo - (1) Ocel/u/aria crocea (Kremp.) v.Overeem -(6) 27768; (6)28025; (9)28240; (10)28380; (11) 27903,27926. Corticolous. TLC:unidentified 28412; (12) 28547. Foliicolous, not reported pigment. by Sipman (1990). Ocellularia /epadinoides (Leight.) A. Zahlbr. Megalospora tuberculosa (Fée) Sipman - (8) - (9) 28288,28331; (10) 28354,28356; (12) 28146; (11) 28430; (12) 28461. Corticolous. 28439, 28440, 28462, 28496. Corticolous. TLC: protocetraric acid. Myriotrema calvescens (Fée) Hale - (1) 27697; (6) 27957; (9) 28286, 28290. Ocellulariapapillata (Leight.)A. Zahlbr. - (6) Corticolous. The identification is uncertain. 27961,27962;(9)28283,28284,28287,28296, 28301. Corticolous. TLC: no identifiable Myriotrema myriocarpum (Fée) Hale - (12) substances. 28460. Corticolous. Ocellularia perforata (Leight.) Müll. Arg. - Myriotrema myrioporum (Tuck.) Hale - (5) (1) 27696,27713; (6) 27916,27943,27944, 27870; (12) 28494. Corticolous. 27946, 27948, 27949, 27955, 27956, 27959, Sipman,H.Araracuara lichens 251 27963; (9) 28285, 28291, 28292, 28293, Polymeridium albidum (Müll, Arg.) Harris - 28294, 28297, 28302; (12) 28442, 28488, (5) 27858. Corticolous, 28500; (13) 28580, 28585; 28590, Corticolous. TLC: protocetraric acid, Polymeridium subcinereum (Nyl.) Harris -(6) 27904; (9) 28327, Corticolous, Ocellularia recondita (Stirt.) A, Zahlbr, - (9) 28295; (13) 28588, Corticolous. Porina exasperatula Vain. - (9) 28281. Corticolous, Ocellularia rhodostroma (Mont.) Zahlbr, - (8) 28141, Corticolous. The specimen lacks Porina fusca Lücking - (1) 27783, 27784, ascomata and was identified by its chemistry Foliicolous, not reported by Sipman (1990). and the presence of the characteristic, glossy isidia. Porina lucida R, Sant. - (7) 28121a. Foliicolous, not reported by Sipman (1990), Parmotrema blanchetii (Hue) Hale - (5) 27877,27878, On sandstone, TLC: atranorin, Porina mastoidea (Ach.) Müll, Arg. - (7) usnic and protocetraric acids, 28085; (8) 28147, 28148, Corticolous. Parmotrema cristiferum (Tayl.) Hale - (11) Porina rugosa Vezda - (6) 28048; (7) 28128, 28432; (12) 28485. Corticolous. TLC: Foliicolous. Already reported by Sipman atranorin and salazinic acid, (1990: 63) as «ined.». Parmotrema flavotinctum (Hale) Hale - (11) Porina tetracerae (Afz, in Ach.) Müll, Arg. - 28434. Corticolous. TLC: atranorin and (1) 27694; 27714; (6) 27913; (9) 28282, unidentified substance. Corticolous, Parmotrema sulphuratum (Nees) Hale - (8) Pseudoparmelia chapadensis (Lynge) Hale - 28176. Corticolous. TLC: atranorin, vulpinic (2) 27815, On sandstone. TLC: unidentified acid. pigment. Phaeographina caesiopruinosa (Fée) Müll, Pyrenula anomala (Ach.) Vainio - (9) 28313, Arg. - (6) 27901; (9) 28345; (11) 28422, 28314; (10) 28362, Corticolous, The spores Corticolous, in the available specimens measure 12-15 x 4-6 umand are thus considerably smaller than Phaeographina chrysocarpa (Raddi) Redgr, indicated by Harris (1989: 85), Therefore their - (3) 27820. Corticolous, No spores seen, identity is somewhat uncertain, Phylloblastia amazonica Kalb & Vezda - (6) Pyrenula marginata Hook. in Kunth - (12) 28041; (7) 28120; (9) 28254, Foliicolous, 28492, Corticolous, Cited by Sipman (1990: 63) as Pocsia sp, Pyxine obscurascens Malme - (5) 27875. On Phyllopsora buettneri (Müll. Arg.) A. Zahlbr, sandstone. - (5) 27871. Corticolous. The chemistry of the ...!!laterial has not been investigated, therefore the subspecies could not be Sarcographa leprieurii (Mont.) Müll, Arg. - established. (3) 27822, Corticolous. Physcidia wrightii Tuck, - (5) 27850, Squamacidia janeirensis var, endococcinea Corticolous. (A. Zahlbr.) Brako - (10) 28355, Corticolous, 252 Caldasia Vol.19,Nos. 1-2,1997 The/otrema dissutum (Hale) Hale -(1)27702; Xanthoparme/ia substenophy/lodes Hale -(2) (6) 27917, 27939; (9) 28311, 28312, 27817, On sandstone. The identification is Corticolous. TLC: no identifiable substances. somewhat uncertain because the specimen is very small and the result of the TLC analysis The/otrema refertum (Hale) Hale -(1)27703; was unclear. (6) 27918,27924, 28072; (10) 28358; (11) 28428; (12) 28451, 28465 cf', 28491, The following literature records appeared to Corticolous, TLC: hypoprotocetraric acid, be incorrect, Trieharia vainioi R. Sant. - (1) 27790; (6) Bacidia consimilis (Müll. Arg.) R. Santo 28058; (7) 28132; (9) 28268; (12) 28573. (Sipman1990:62)isbasedonmisidentification. Foliicolous. The specimens differs from the description by Santesson (1952: 328) slightly Leproeo/lema sp.?(Sipman 1990:63)isbased bythe frequently pale colour ofthe apothecia; on misinterpretation of the genus, moreover Santesson (l.e,) does not report this species from the Neotropics. Reported by Mazosia pseudobambusae Kalb & Vezda Sipman (1990: 63) as T. cf. carnea (Müll. (Sipman 1990: 62) is based on misiden- Arg.) R. Sant. tification of M, bambusae. Tricharia helminthospora R. Sant. - (6) Poesia sp. (Sipman 1990: 63) is based on 28063; (9) 28270. Foliicolous, not reported material belonging to the recently described by Sipman (1990). Phy/lob/astia amazoniea. Triehothelium epiphy/lum var, minutum Lücking -(1)27793.Foliicolous, notreported Pseudocyphellaria aurata (Ach.) Vain. by Sipman (1990). (Martius 1828: 24, as Parmelia; Eschweiler in Martius 1833: 216, as Parmelia). Occu- Trypethelium aeneum (Eschw.) Zahlbr. - (3) rrence of this species is very unlikely at sueh 27828; (5) 27869; (6) 27898. Corticolous. a low elevation in the tropics, The spore description of Eschweiler (simple) also Trypethelium e/uteriae Spreng. - (5) 27866; indicates that it concems a misidentification. (9) 28338. Corticolous. Very likely it concems Parmotrema su/phu- ratum, which has simple spores and a super- Trypethelium infuseatu/um Müll. Arg. - (6) ficial resemblance with Ps. aurata because of its yellow medulla. 27907, Corticolous. Trypethelium nitidiuscu/um (Nyl.) Harris -(1) The collecting localities 27709, (3) 27825; (6) 27931, 28076; (8) 28163. Corticolous. (1) 29 Oct. 1988. Dept. CAQUETA. Arara- cuara, tableland near airstrip, Alt. 350 m. Co- Trypethelium oehro/eucum (Eschw.)Nyl. -(3) ord. 0°36' S, 72°26' W.A10ngtrail from road 27827, 27834; (5) 27868; (9) 28335, 28336, Araracuara-Puerto Arturo to Cueva de 28340; (11) 28423. Corticolous. Guacharos, in low forest on podsolized soil/ inforest onsteepslopetowards river Caquetá. Ty/ophoron protrudens Nyl. - (1) 27692. Corticolous. (2) 29 Oct. 1988. Dept. CAQUETA. Ara- racuara, tableland near airstrip. Alt. 350 m. Usnea baileyi (Stirt.) A. Zahlbr. - (5) 27856. Co-ord. 0°36' S, 72°26' W. Sandstone plates Corticolous. TLC: usnic, norstictic and in savannah between airstrip and Balcon del diffractaic acids. Diablo. Sipman,H.Araracuara lichens 253 (3) 29 Oct. 1988. Dept. CAQUETA. Araracua- Sosa», about halfway. Alt. c. 240 m. Co-ord. ra, along road to airstrip. Alt. 300 m. Co-ord. 0°42' S, 72°07' W. c. 10 m tall, light forest, 0°36' S, 72°26' W. Epiphyte on smalI tree in dominated by Euterpe precatoria (Chuqueal) secondary vegetation and gardens. on boggy soil. (4) 30 Oct. 1988. Comisaría AMAZONAS. (11) 2 Nov. 1988. Comisaría AMAZONAS. Araracuara, tableland on S-side of river Comunidad de Villazul, E of Araracuara. N- Caquetá W of Puerto Santander, opposite bank of river Caquetá, opposite Isla Mari- airstrip of Araracuara. Alt. 300 m. Co-ord. ñame. «Pantano de Monica Sosa». Alt. c. 240 0°36' S, 72°24' W. TalI forest on slopes W of m. Co-ord, 0°42' S, 72°07' W.c. 6m tall, light Puerto Santander. forest, dominated by small Clusia and Bombacaceae, on peat, 4 km N of the river. (5) 30 Oct. 1988. Comisaría AMAZONAS. (12) 3 Nov. 1988. Comisaría AMAZONAS. Araracuara, tableland on S-side of river Comunidad de Villazul, E of Araracuara. N- Caquetá W of Puerto Santander, opposite bank of river Caquetá, opposite E-end of Isla airstrip of Araracuara. Alt. 350 m. Co-ord. 0°36' S, 72°25' W. Sandstone plates with low Morrocoy. Alt. c. 300 m. Co-ord. 0°36' S, 72°1O'W. c. 10m tall, light savannaforest on savannah forest, «Ciudad Perdida» 1 km W podsolized soil with peaty top layer, on of Chorro de Araracuara. Tertiary sediments, 2 km N of the river. (6) 31 Oct. 1988. Dept. CAQUETA. 2.5 km (13) 3 Nov. 1988. Comisaría AMAZONAS. NE of Araracuara. Alt. 250 m. Co-ord, 0°37' Comunidad de Villazul, E of Araracuara. N- S, 72°23' W. c. 30 m tall, hardly disturbed bank of river Caquetá, opposite E-end of Isla forest on Low Terrace ofriver Caquetá (<<par- Morrocoy. Alt. c. 250 m. Co-ord. 0°36' S, celas de Marcela Torres»). 72° 1O'W. c. 30 m tall, primary forest on steep slope near river. (7) 1Nov. 1988. Comisaría AMAZONAS. Co- munidad de Villazul, E of Araracuara. Isla Conclusions Mariñame in river Caquetá. Alt. 240 m. Co-ord. 0°45' S, 72°06' W. Primary forest near river. The present list, together with the published information, gives atotal of211 fully identified (8) 1Nov. 1988. Comisaría AMAZONAS. Co- lichen species forAraracuara and surroundings. munidad de Villazul, E of Araracuara. Isla These inc1ude about 90 foliicolous taxa, a si- Mariñame inriver Caquetá. Alt. 240 m. Co-ord, milar number of corticolous taxa, about 20 0°45' S, 72°06' W. Swamp with Mauritia terricolous taxa, and a few saxicolous taxa. flexuosa and little trees, c. 1.5km Softhe river, A comparison with published lichen lists from (9) 2 Nov. 1988. Comisaría AMAZONAS. comparable areas in Venezuela and Guyana Comunidad de Villazul, E of Araracuara. N- (Sipman 1992, Sipman &Aptroot 1992) shows bank of river Caquetá, opposite Isla Ma- that more foliicolous species are known from riñame. Along trail to «Pantano de Monica Araracuara, but less corticolous species. There Sosa». Alt. c. 240 m. Co-ord. 0°42' S, 72°07' seems to be no reason to assume that the lichen W. c. 30 m tall primary forest on Low Terrace flora of these areas is really different, and the of river Caquetá, close to the river. most likely explication is that the corticolous lichen flora ofAraracuara ismore incompletely (10) 2 Nov. 1988. Comisaría AMAZONAS. known. This is plausible in view of the limited Comunidad de Villazul, E of Araracuara. N- time available for fieldwork and, more bank of river Caquetá, opposite Isla Mari- important, the difficulty to explore the most ñame. Along trail to «Pantano de Monica important habitat, the canopy. 254 Caldasia Vol.19,Nos. 1-2,1997 A need for additional study of the lichen flo- Literature cited ra is documented by results from foliicolous lichens. The 1989 investigations lead to the AHTI, T. 1986. New species and nomenclatural conclusion that the forests near Araracuara, combinations in the lichen genus Cladonia. Ann. Bot. Fennici 23: 205-220. with about 90 species in one ofthe plots, had the richest foliicolous lichen flora reported AHTI,T. 1990..New species of Cladonia from tro- in the world (Sipman 1990). In the meantime pical South America. Lichenologist 22(3): research in Costa Rica (Lücking 1994) has 261-268. show the existence of a similar plot with 177 APTROOTA,. 1991.Amonograph ofthe Pyrenulaceae species, after a more intense examination, (excludingAnthracothecium andPyrenula) and spread over about four months, while Sipman the Requienellaceae, with notes on the (in press) found 155 species in a forest in Pleomassariaceae, the Trypetheliaceae and southern Guyana. Therefore it is quite proba- Mycomicrothelia (Lichenized and Non- ble that an extended search on the sites of lichenizedAscomycetes). Bibliotheca Licheno- logica 44, 178 pp. Araracuara will reveal the presence ofacom- parable high number of species. This is APTROOT,A. & H.J.M. SIPMAN.1994 (<<1993»). suggested by the fact that already 12 Trichotheliaceae (Lichens), pp. 1-57 in: foliicolous taxa additional to the 1990 list A.R.A. Górts-van Rijn (ed.), Flora of the have been recognised. Guianas Ser. E, Fase. 2. APTROOT,A & H. SIPMAN(in press). Diversity Summarising, the principal conclusion isthat aspects of lichenized fungi in the tropics, in: the current knowledge of the lichen flora of K. D. Hyde (ed.), Diversity of tropical Araracuara is .still far from complete. Even microfungi. Hong Kong, University Press. in the best-known group, the foliicolous DUIVENVOORDEN,J.F. & A.M. CLEEF. 1994. lichens, many additions can be expected, and Amazonian savanna vegetation on the as to the corticolous lichens, very probably sandstone plateau near Araracuara, Colom- less than half of the available flora isknown. bia. Phytocoenologia 24: 197-232. In view of this incomplete knowledge, any ESCHWEILERF,. 1833. Lichenes, in: Martius, Flora conclusions about geographícal relations, Brasiliensis seu Enumeratio Plantarum 1(1): degree of species richness, or differences 51-293. between vegetation types would bepremature. GRADSTEINS,.R. 1992. The vanishing tropical rain forest as an environment for bryophytes and Acknowledgements lichens, pp. 234-258 in: J.W. Bates & A.M. Farmer (eds.), Bryophytes and Lichens in a The lichen inventory was made possible by Changing Environment. Clarendon Press, the generous support by the Corporacion Co- Oxford. lombiana para la Amazonia-Araracuara, in HARRIS, R.C. 1989. A sketch of the family particular its director, Dr. J. Soldarriaga. Dr. Pyrenulaceae (Melanommatales) in Eastern J. Duivenvoorden was indispensable by the NorthAmerica. Mem. NewYorkBot. Garden perfect way he organised and guided the field 49: 74-107. trips. A. Jaramillo, R. Hofstede and J. Wolf LÜCKING,R, 1994. Foliikole Flechten und ihre provided canopy lichens and pleasant Mikrohabitatpráferenzen in einem tropischen accompanionship. AH are most gratefully Regenwald in Costa Rica. Thesis Ulm, acknowledged. The author isindebted toMrs. Germany, 203 pp. T. Ritter for technical support with the MARTIUS,C.F.PH, VON.1828, Lichenes in Icones chemical analyses of samples of selectae plantarum cryptogamarum, quas in Thelotremataceae and Parmeliaceae and to itinere annis MDCCCXVII-MDCCCXX per Dr. R. Lücking suggestions to improve the Brasiliam .,. collegit et descripsit: 9-30, T. manuscript. 6-13 (München), Sipman. H. Araracuara lichens 255 MONTFOORT,D. & R.C. EK. 1990. Vertical S¡PMANH,.J.M. & A. APTROOr.1992. Results of a distribution and ecology of epiphytic botanical expedition to Mount Roraima, bryophytes and lichens in a lowland rain Guyana. II. Lichens. Tropical Bryology 5: forest in French Guiana. Institute of 79-107. Systematic Botany, Utrecht, 60 pp. S¡PMAN,H. & R.J.M.T. VANAUBEL.1992. New S¡PMANH,. 1990. Colección preliminar de líque- Parmeliaceae (Lichenes) from the Guianas nes sobre hojas en Araracuara, Colombia. and surroundings. Mycotaxon 44: 1-12. Colombia Amazonica 4(2): 59-65. S¡PMANH,.J.M. 1993. Lichenotheca Latinoameri- S¡PMANH,.J.M. 1991.Notes on the lichen flora of cana a museo botanico berolinensi edita, the Guianas, a neotropical lowlan area, pp. fasciculum secundum. Willdenowia 23: 305- 135-150 in: D.J. Galloway (ed.), Tropical 314. Lichens: Their Systematics, Conservation, S¡PMANH,. J. M. (in press). Observations on the and Ecology. Systematics Association foliicolous lichen and bryophyte flora in the Special Volume43.Clarendon Press, Oxford. canopy of a semi-deciduous tropical foresto S¡PMANH,.J.M. 1992. Results of a lichenological in: E. Farkas & T. Pocs (ed.), Cryptogams and bryological exploration of Cerro in the phyllosphere: systematics, Guaiquinima (Guayana Highland, Venezue- distribution, ecology and use. Estzerhazy la). Tropical Bryology 6: 1-.31. Teachers College, Eger.

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