Additions to the avifauna of Mali Robert DowsettandFrangoiseDowsett-Lemaire J. Additions a l'avifaune du Mali. L'article enumere 27 especes nouvelles pour le Mali depuis Dowsett (1993). La plupart ont ete observees par les auteurs lors de deux sejours recents de plus dedeuxmois, en saison seche (2002) etau debut des pluies (2004). L'article inclut egalementles observations nouvelles provenant d'autres sources, publiees ou non. A part quelques especes palearctiques, la grande majorite des especes nouvelles sont des oiseaux sedentaires de divers milieux (Sahel, forets seches, collines rocheuses), surtout des regions prospectees par les auteurs dans le sud et centre du pays. n recent years a number of species have been Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica Ifound in Mali that are new to the list presented Agroup of20 midway between Gourma-Rharous byDowsett (1993). In addition to our own obser- and Korioume on 1 March 1999 were compared vations, relating to visits totalling more than two brieflywithanearbyflockofBlack-tailedGodwits months in both dry (2002) and earlywet seasons L. limosa, andinflightthedistinctivewingandtail (2004),wehavefounditusefultodetailpublished pattern was well seen (C. Carter & M. Cameron and unpublished additions from other sources. in litt). Wymenga et al. (2002) mention two Coordinates oflocalities in Mali arepresentedin a records ofsingles in the Niger Delta, but without Gazetteer (see Appendix). The abbreviation NP = details.This Palearcticmigrantis normallycoastal, National Park. occurring onlyrarelyinland. Great Bittern Botaurusstellaris Adamawa Turtle Dove Streptopelia hypopyrrha Two in Yanfolila marsh on 22 February 2002 and Discreet but widespread in gallery forest in the one by a grassy pool in the Niger Delta at south-west. Several singing and displaying at Batamani on 23-26 February 2002. This Tambale andTombane in the Monts Mandingues Palearcticmigranthasalso been reportedfrom Lac on 5-8 February 2002. One heard at Soukoutali Debo andelsewhere in the Delta (where itwinters on the Bafingand another at the Bafing/Bale con- quite commonly) by Dodman et al. (1999) and fluence, nearBindougouontheGuineaborder, on Wymenga etal. (2002), and from Korioume, near 11-15 February2002. One heard in galleryforest Tombouctou (one seen in flight, 3 March 1999) on the Baoule-sud, near Madina Diassa, on 24 by C. Carter {in litt.). May 2004; several singing and displaying at Sanfinian on 2 June; and several coming to drink Golden EagleAquila chrysaetos at pools at the Baoule/Badinko and Baoule/ Foundto breedonTirharharMt,Adrardes Iforas, Bakoye confluences, on 4-6June 2004. The song & byGoar Rutkowski (2000). is a distinctive double purr, the second purr being somewhat disyllabic, similar to that ofEuropean Forbes’s Plover Charadriusforbesi Turtle Dove S. turtur, but much lower pitched. An adult on a laterite bowal south ofSagabari, on These records partially fill the gap in the known 3 June 2004. Key differences from Three-banded distributionofthespecies, betweenSenegambiain Plover C. tricollaris were well seen (dark, not the west and Togo and Nigeria in the east (Payne white, forehead; absence ofwhite wingbar). This et al. 2000, Dowsett & Dowsett-Lemaire 1993) habitat is favoured for breeding in Ghana (pers. (see Fig. 1). obs.). Also reported from the Bagoe bridge area, where three were noted on 15 March 1999 (C. Red-headed LovebirdAgapornispullarius Carter in litt). The species was previously known One in a low bush on a sandbar in the middle of from as close as Parc National du Niokolo Koba the Niger River, opposite Kangaba, on 22 June (c,13°N 12°30’W) in south-east Senegal, where it 2004. Dowsett (1993) had rejected a previous & has been collected (Morel Morel 1990). observation incertaine’ from Missira, Boucle du Baoule (de Bie & Morgan 1989), but Spierenburg AdditionstotheavifaunaofMali:Dowsett&Dowsett-Lemaire BullABCVol12No2(2005)-119 (2000) observed small groups several times near active.These, and recentobservations from north- Bougouni, especially during the rains. The same ern Ghana (pers. obs.), extend the known range author also had a record from Bamako, which he from Haut Niger NP in Guinea (Nikolaus 2000) suggested was probably an escaped cagebird, but and Comoe NP in Cote d’Ivoire (Demey & we see no reason to suppose that the Kangabaand Fishpool 1991). Bougouni observations were not ofwild birds. Mottled SwiftApusaequatorialis Thick-billed Cuckoo Pachycoccyxaudeberti One seen near Madina Diassa on 23 May 2004 The typical whistled song ofthis cuckoo (a loud (possibly associated with a large rocky hill east of fuwee-puik repeated in flight) was heard inwood- the Baoule-sud, notvisited). Very common (often , land atMadina Diassa, on 23 May2004 (where it hundreds together) in the Sahel from Douentza was imitated locally by the resident White- north and east to Mare de Gossi, on 14-19 June crowned Robin Chat Cossyphaalbicapilla) and on 2004. Groups were present around all large cliffs , the edge of gallery forest at Farako, on 28 May from Douentzato Hombori, butwerealso feeding 2004. Its putative host, White Helmet-shrike over or drinking at pools away from cliffs. The Prionopsplumatus, is quitewidespread in southern degree of vocal activity, and pairs chasing each Mali. These records represent a range extension other,was indicativeofbreeding. Seen manytimes from Haut Niger NP (c.10°20’N 10°30’W) in at close range when coming to drink, and these Guinea (Nikolaus 2000), Comoe NP (c.09°25’N birds clearly belong to a pale race, probably loiuei. 03°30’W) in northern Cote d’Ivoire (Thiollay Further details on plumage and voice are given 1985) and the Mole River, Mole NP (c.09°18’N elsewhere (Dowsett & Dowsett-Lemaire in press). 01°47’W) in Ghana (pers. obs. August 2004 and First reported by Spierenburg (2000), who saw March 2005). 100 on 13 October 1989 at Teli, Bandiagara. By contrast, we could find none ofthe huge numbers Black-shouldered Nightjar Caprimulgus [pec- of Alpine Swifts A. melba reported as probably toralis] nigriscapularis breeding in the area byThiollay (1974); all other Singing in woodland on the edge of riparian reports of that species that we have traced from woodland atTambale, in the Monts Mandingues, WestAfricapoint to it beingno more than anon- on 4 February2002. Morecommon attheedge of breeding migrant from the Palearctic (Dowsett & gallery forest near Madina Diassa, where several Dowsett-Lemaire in press). weresingingatduskon20 February; silentinMay 2004, but several were feeding at dusk over water Narina’s TrogonApaloderma narina and around gallery forest at the same site. A male at the Bafing/Bale confluence and another Probably more widespread, but needs to be on the Baoule-sud near Madina Diassa, in searched for in the dry season, when it is vocally February 2002, both in mixed-species flocks. In Figure 1. Distribution ofAdamawaTurtle DoveStreptopeliahypopyrrha Repartition de laTourterellede l'AdamawaStreptopeliahypopyrrha 120-BullABCVol12No2(2005) AdditionstotheavifaunaofMali:Dowsett&Dowsett-Lemaire 2004, at least three seen (two males, one female) Rharous (C. Carter & M. Cameron in litt.). and two males heard at Sanfmian on 2 June; two Recorded at Tirharhar Mt, Adrar des Iforas, in singing near Madina Diassa on 23-24 May; two January-March, by Clouet & Goar (2003). heard at Farako on 28 May; and one male seen Already known from as far south as Ngourti in andheardontheBaoulewestofNegalaon 8June. Niger, 15°19’N 13°12’E (Giraudoux etal. 1988). Habitat consisted of well-developed evergreen gallery forest (Farako to Sanfmian), or partially SpectacledWarbler Sylvia conspicillata A deciduous forest (as near Negala, whereAnogeissus female seen at close range (the thin white eye- wasthemainlargetree).Theonlypreviousrecords ring, pale chin and small size were noted, among north of10°Nwest ofGhanaare from Guinea, in other details) near Batamani, in ‘brousse tigree’ Haut Niger NP, c.10°20’N (Nikolaus 2000) and (lowbushwithAcacia, Balanites, Diospyrosmespili- Chutes de la Sala, Labe, at 11°19’N 12°31’W (R. formis, Guicra, Piliostigma rcticulatum etc.) on 1 Demeypers. comm.). March 2002. Recorded only north of c.17°N in Niger (Newbyetal. 1987, Giraudouxetal. 1988), Yellow-rumped Tinkerbird Pogoniulus bilineatus but in some years not uncommon south of 16°N One singing (the short series of 4-6 pop notes, in Senegal (Rodwell etal. 1996). with a distinct pause between phrases) in riparian forestatWoroni Falls, in theextremesouth, on 27 Dorsts Cisticola Cisticola dorsti May 2004. Known north to Dinndefelou in Several in open Sudanian woodland in the south- south-east Senegal, 12°23’N 12°19’W (specimens: west in February 2002: at Monts Mandingues Morel & Morel 1990), and Haut Niger NP, (Tambale, Tombane), Baoule-sud and near the c.10°20’N (Nikolaus 2000) and Chutes de laSala, Bafing River at Bindougou and Soukoutali (one Labe, 11°19’N 12°31’W (R. Demeypers. comm.) mist-netted). Not singing in February (when one, in Guinea. however, was prompted into giving a typical trill by using playback), but one was singing sponta- African PittaPitta angolensis neously on 25 May near Kalana. It is this species, Recorded c.5 km from Missira, in Boucle du and not the Sahelian Red-pate Cisticola C. rufi- Baoule NP, where Paul Kiepe (pers. comm.) had ceps, that occurs in Mali; this is discussed in detail excellentviewsdownto c.2mofthis unmistakable elsewhere (Dowsett-Lemaire etal. in press). bi—rdinNovember 1980. Remarkableasthisrecord WisestthAefrpiictatanowratshopfre0v7i°o3us0l’yN—quitteheunarreeacoisrdriecdhiinn RPrievveirouPsrliynimaePnrtiinoinaefdluvaisatpiolsissible’ fortheAgOua- thickets, which could be suita,ble for breeding AgArbech Important BirdArea (Robertson 2001) (pers. obs. 2004). based on a sighting at Gao by P. Robertson (in litt). We observed one calling (the dryfrrri char- Simple Greenbul Chlorocichlasimplex acteristic ofthe species) on the southern edge of One singing (the typical muffled nasal chattering) Gao, on 17June2002, inAcaciaandHyphaeneon in thicket on the edge of the Baoule-sud, near abeach neartheNigerRiver. Morphologicallyand Madina Diassa, at the northern limit of the vocallythis matched ourexperience elsewhere, the species’ range, on 21 February 2002. It could not available sound-recordings (including the call- be found again an hour later, when playback was notes FD-L taped at Djoudj NP in Senegal) and used, or in May2004. Itwas probablyawanderer literature. (The statement in the summary of from northern Cote d’Ivoire, where it is known Chappuis etal. (1992) that the species had been from Korhogo (09°22’N 03°31’W), and Odienne, discovered in northern Mali’ is a slip ofthe pen on the same Baoule-sud river, at 09°36’N for‘Niger (alongtheNigerRiverbetweenTillaberi 07°32’W (Brunei &Thiollay 1969). and Gao)’ as mentioned in the body ofthe paper, the localitywhere Chappuis (1974) recorded it.) SardinianWarbler Sylvia melanocephala Small numbers in sparse, dense bushes within Yellow-breastedApalisApalisflavida heavily grazed dunes at several places, on 28 Common in dense evergreen gallery forest February and 1 March 1999: 13 km north of throughout the south-west, at over 12 localities Gossi, in the Dedieten area, and near Gourma- from the Baoule-sud (Madina Diassa) and Sikasso AdditionstotheavifaunaofMali:Dowsett&Dowsett-Lemaire BullABCVol12No2(2005)-121 m 16\\ 14W 12W 10W 8W 4W 2W 0 2E 4E 61 BE 10E 12E 14E Figure2. Distribution ofYellow-breastedApalisApalisflavidainwesternAfrica Repartition de1'Apalis agorgejauneApalisflavidaenAfriquedefQuest area, north to the Baoule west ofNegala (see Fig. gles. Clear views ruled out the (unlikely) possibil- 2). Not found further north at Pont-Bani, but ity of Turati’s Boubou L. turatii. Not reported there is suitable habitat there. Small numbers also from extreme north-west Cote d’Ivoire, but seen and trapped on the Baoule-sud, in the known in Guinea from Haut NigerNP (Nikolaus Bougouni area, by Salewski (1998) and 2000). Spierenburg (2000). Dybowskis Twinspot Euschistospiza dybowskii Spotted Creeper Salpornisspilonotus One coming to drink with Orange-cheeked One in a small mixed-species flock in woodland Waxbills Estrilda melpoda at a pool in riparian between Nallaand Kalana, on 25 May2004 (with woodland at Tambale, Monts Mandingues, on 5 M. Crickmore). The nearest records would seem February 2002. Probably occurs in other parts of to be from Tingrela (10°29’N 06°24’W) in Cote the extreme south-west. Not reported from d’Ivoire (Thiollay 1985), Haut Niger NP in extreme northern Cote d’Ivoire, but known from Guinea (Nikolaus 2000), and a single sighting Haut Niger NP (Nikolaus 2000) and Labe (R. from Niokolo-Koba NP in south-east Senegal Demey pers. comm) in Guinea to south-east & & (Morel Morel 1990). Senegal (Morel Morel 1990). Brown SunbirdAnthreptesgabonicus Black-bellied Firefinch Lagonosticta rara Two seen well on the edge ofthe gallery forest on Occurs at the edge of gallery forest and riparian the Baoule-sud, near Madina Diassa, on 21 thicket at a few places in the south-west: a few February 2002; theywere chasing each other. Not individuals (usually in pairs) at Tambale, Monts seen again in May 2004. A Guineo-Congolian Mandingues, on 5-6 February 2002; at species ofmangrove and riparian forest, occasion- Soukoutali and Bindougou on the Bafing, on ally recorded along rivers inland, thus known 11-15 February 2002; at Sanfinian, on 2 June north in Cote d’Ivoire to Leraba (10°08’N 2004; and near Madina Diassa, on 24 May 2004. 5°05’W), also in February (Walsh 1986), and Known in northern Coted’Ivoireas closeasNielle north in Guinea to Chutes de la Sala (11°17’N (10°12’N 05°38’W: Payne 1982) andinsouth-east 12°30’W) in March 2003 (an adult with begging Senegal in Niokola-Koba NP and elsewhere juvenile: R. Demey in litt.). (Morel & Morel 1990). Tropical Boubou Laniariusaethiopicus Blue-billed Firefinch Lagonosticta rubricata Small populations (several calling) in dense gallery Seen feeding on the edge of gallery forest at forest near Madina Diassa and at Farako, in Sanfinian (with other firefinches and Red-winged February2002and May2004. Partial to liana tan- PytiliasPytiliaphoenicoptera andin thickets under ) 122-BullABCVol12No2(2005) AdditionstotheavifaunaofMali:Dowsett&Dowsett-Lemaire Anogeissus at the Baoule/Badinko confluence. area based on a single, unpublished sighting of Perhaps more widespread. Dowsett (1993) reject- threebirds on abeachon theedgeoftheNiger (V. ed earlier sight records. Known as close in north- Goudeseune in litt.). This record is inherently ern Cote d’Ivoire as Korhogo (Payne 1982). unlikely, especially in view ofthe lack ofsuitable A forest habitat in the area (pers. obs.). recording Quailfinch Ind&igobird Vidua nigeriae from near Gao presented by Chappuis (2000) as Payne (in Fry Keith2004) reports itfrom Kara&, the voice ofThick-billedWeaverAmblyospiza alb- Dbaessecdamopns (a19s6p3e,ciumnednerctohlelenctaemdeboyf VDuchhaarlytbea- BifurboanlsorisniisnalfbaicrtosotrfisWh(iCt.e-CbhialplpeduisBufifnalliott.Weagarveeers ta), and examined at the Museum National with this correction). The distribution map of d’Histoire Natur&elle, Paris (R. VB. Payne in litt. Wilson’s Indigobird Vidua wilsoni in Fry & Keith 2004). In Fry Keith (2004) nigeriae is also (2004) extends its range into Mali, but there is no recorded from the ‘Bouche’ (i.e. Boucle) du mention ofthis in the text, nor in Payne (1983). Baoule; the origin of this is unknown, and it should be disregarded. Acknowledgements Our field work in Mali in 2004 was funded in part Barka Indigobird Vidua larvaticola by grants from the Fondation pour favoriser les Reportedfrom the ForetdeTienfala (Payne in Fry & recherches scientifiques en Afrique (Belgium), the Keith 2004), based on a singing male tape- African Bird Club and West African Ornithological recordedbyR. B. Payne {in litt. 2004). Records in Society, forwhichwe are grateful. In both 2002 and the same reference, from the Boucle du Baoule 2004 we received assistance from Laurent Granjon and Missira are apparently based on the sight and his colleagues of Institut pour la recherche en & record of cVidua camerunensis of de Bie developpement (ex-ORSTOM) in Bamako. Mary Morgan (1989), are from one and the same local- Crickmore helped in various ways while we were in ity, and are indeterminate as to species. Mali in 2004. We thank R. B. Payne for details of some Vidua records, Clide Carter for communicat- Cameroon Indigobird Vidua camerunensis ing the observations he made with Margaret & Reported from Bougouni (Payne in Fry Keith Cameron in 1999 and Ron Demeyfor details ofhis 2004), based on a singing male tape-recorded by records from Guinea. R. B. Payne (inlitt. 2004) ontheMono River.The records in the same reference from the Boucle du References & Baoule and Missira are based on the same, single Borrow, N. Demey, R. 2004. FieldGuidetotheBirds sighting of ‘Vidua camerunensis of de Bie & ofWesternAfrica. London, UK: Christopher Helm. Morgan (1989) as that attributed to Vlarvaticola Brunei, J. & Thiollay, J.-M. 1969. Liste preliminaire , and cannot be identified. The local host of this des oiseaux de Cote-d’Ivoire.Alauda 37: 230-254, species is unknown. 315-337. Chappuis, C. 1974. Illustration sonore de problemes Unconfirmed and rejected species bioacoustiques poses par les oiseaux de la zone A few additional species have been mentioned in ethiopienne.Alauda42: 467-500. recentliterature.Wymengaetal. (2002) listthefol- Chappuis, C. 2000. Oiseaux dAfrique, 2. West and lCoowminmgonvagSrhaenltsducfkroTmadtohrenacetnatdroarlnaNiLgoenrg-tDaeilltae:d OCrenntirtahlolAofgriiqcau.es1d1eFCrDasn.ceP&ariLso:ndSoocni,etUeK:d’BErtiutdiessh , Library. SkuaStercorariuslongicaudus,Audouin’s GullLarus & audouinii and Little Gull L. minutus. Full details Chappuis, C., Erard, C. Morel, G. J. 1992. Morphology, habitat,vocalisationsanddistribution have yet to be published, blouse Sparrow Passer & oftheRiverPriniaPriniafluviatilisChappuis. Proc. domesticus is said by Wilson McGregor (2002) PanAfr. Orn. Congr. 7: 481-488. to have occurred recently in ‘Mali (J. de Groot Clouet, M. & Goar, J.-L. 2003. L’avifaune de TAdrar pers. comm.)’; no details have been published and Tirharhar/Adrar des Iforas (Mali). Alauda 71: we have been unable to contact the observer. 469-474. Three published errors need correcting. The de Bie, S. & Morgan, N. 1989. Les oiseaux de la map ofYellowbill Ceuthmocharesaereusin Borrow Reserve de la Biosphere “Boucle du Baoule”, Mali. & Demey (2004) shows a record for the Bamako Malimbus 11: 41-60. AdditionstotheavifaunaofMali:Dowsett&Dowsett-Lemaire BullABCVol12No2(2005)-123 & Demey, R. Fishpool, L. D. C. 1991. Additions and birdsoccurringattheParcNationaldesOiseauxdu annotations to the avifauna of Cote d’Ivoire. Djoudj in Senegal, 1984-1994. Malimbus 18: Malimbus 12: 61-86. 74-111. Dodman,T., Beibro, H. Y., Hubert, E. &Williams, E. Salewski,V. 1998.Yellow-breastedApalisApalisflavida: 1999. African Waterbird Census 1998. Dakar: anewbirdforMali. Bull.ABC5: 59. Wetlands International. Spierenburg, P. 2000. Nouvelles observations de six Dowsett, R. 1993. Afrotropical avifaunas: annotated especes d’oiseauxauMali. Malimbus22: 23-28. J. countrylists. Mali. TauracoRes. Rep. 5: 84-90. Thiollay, J.-M. 1974. Nidification du Martinet pale Dowsett, R. J. & Dowsett-Lemaire, F. 1993. Sur la Apuspallidus et du Martinet alpin Apus melba en decouverte de Streptopelia hypopyrrha au Senegal. Afrique occidentale.Alauda42: 223-225. Oiseau &RFO63: 222-224. Thiollay,J.-M. 1985.The birds ofCote d’Ivoire: status Dowsett, R.J. & Dowsett-Lemaire, F. In press. On the anddistribution. Malimbus7: 1-59. apparent status of Mottled Swift Apus Walsh, J. P. 1986. Notes on the birds ofIvory Coast. (Tachymarptis)aequatorialisandAlpineSwiftA. (T.) Malimbus8: 89-93. melbainMali,WestAfrica.Bull. Br. Ornithol. Club. Wilson, J. M. & McGregor, R. 2002. House Sparrow Dowsett-Lemaire, F., Borrow, N. & Dowsett, R. J. In Passer domesticus in NE Nigeria. Malimbus 24: press. Cisticoladorsti(Dorst’s Cisticola) and C. rufi- 40-41. cepsguineaareconspecific. Bull. Br. Ornithol. Club. Wymenga, E., Kone, B.,vanderKamp,J. &Zwarts, L. Duhart, F. & Descamps, M. 1963. Notessurl’avifaune (eds.) 2002. DeltaInterieurdufleuveNiger. Ecologie du Delta central Nigerien et regions avoisinantes. et gestion durable des ressources naturelles. Sevare: Oiseau &RFO33 (Suppl.): 1-106. Wetlands International. & Fry, C. H. Keith, S. (eds.) 2004. TheBirdsofAfrica. Le Pouget, 30440 Sumene, France. E-mail: Vol. 7. London, UK: ChristopherHelm. & [email protected]. Giraudoux, P., Degauquier, R.,Jones, P.J.,Weigel,J. Isenmann, P. 1988. Avifaune du Niger: etat des Appendix. Gazetteeroflocalities in Mali connaissances en 1986. Malimbus 10: 1-140. & Annexe. Listedes localitescitees Goar, J.-L. Rutkowski, T. 2000. Reproduction de l’Aigle royal Aquila chrysaetos au Mali. Alauda 68: Bafing/Baleconfluence, nearBindougou 12°14’N 10°20’W 327-328. Bagoebridgearea 11°28’N06°35’W & Bamako 13°30’N06°18’W Morel, G. Morel, M.-Y. 1990. Les oiseaux de J. Baoule/Badinkoconfluence 13°42’N09°35’W Senegambie. Notices et cartes de distribution. Paris: Baoule/Bakoyeconfluence 13°32’N09°54’W ORSTOM. BaoulecrossingwestofNegala 12°56’N08°38’W Newby, Grettenberger, & Watkins, 1987. The Baoule-sud(nearMadinaDiassa) 10°48’N07°40’W J., J. J. Batamani 14°53’N04°02’W birdsofthenorthernAir, Niger.Malimbus9: 4-16. LacDebo 15°18’N04°09’W Nikolaus, G. 2000. The birds ofthe Parc National du Dedieten 16°18’N0T14'W HautNiger, Guinea. Malimbus22: 1-22. Douentza 15°00’N02°57’W Payne, R. B. 1982. Species limits in the indigobirds Farako 11°14’N05°26’W (Ploceidae, Vidua) ofWestAfrica: mouth mimicry, Gao 16°16’N00°03’W MaredeGossi 15°48’N01°19’W song mimicry, and a description of new species. Gourma-Rharous 15°52’N0T56’W Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool., Univ. Michigan 162: 1-96. Kalana 10°47’N08°12'W Payne, R. B. 1985. The species ofparasitic finches in Kangaba - 11°56’N08°25’W WestAfrica. Malimbus7: 103-113. Korioume 16°40’N03°02’W Payne, R. B., Barlow, C. R. & Wacher, T. 2000. MMiosnsioraR,ivPe.rN,.BdoeuglaouBnoiucleduBaoule cc..1131°°2285’’NN0079°°2192’’WW Adamawa Turtle Dove Streptopelia hypopyrrha in Nalla 10°46'N08°05’W The Gambia, with comparison ofits calls in The Pont-Bani 13°13’N05°54’W Gambia and Nigeria. Malimbus22: 37-40. Sagabari 12°35’N09°48’W Robertson, P. 2001. Mali. In Fishpool, L. D. C. & Sanfinian 12°31’N09°56’W Soukoutali, Bating River 12°29’N 10°17’W Evans, M. I. (eds.) Important BirdAreas in Africa Teli, Bandiagara c.14°21'N03°37’W andAssociatedIslands:PrioritySitesforConservation. ForetdeTienfala 12°44’N07°45’W Newbury: Pisces Publications & Cambridge, UK: TirharharMt,AdrardesIforas 19°33’N01°12’E BirdLife International. Tambale 12°33’N08°53’W & Tombane 12°16’N08°46’W Rodwell, S. R, Sauvage, A., Rumsey, S. J. R. Woronifalls 10°47’N05°34’W Braunlich, A. 1996. An annotated check-list of Yanfolilamarsh 11°11’N08°09’W 124-BullABCVol12No2(2005) AdditionstotheavifaunaofMali:Dowsett&Dowsett-Lemaire