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AND EMENDATIONS TO THE VASCULAR FLORA ADDITIONS CADDO OF LOUISIANA PARISH, MacRoberts and MacRoberts Barbara Michael H. R. L and Christopher Reid Faulkner Patricia S. INTRODUCTION Since the publication of "An updated, annotated vascular flora of Caddo Parish, Louisiana, with notes on & regional phytogeography and ecology" (MacRoberts MacRoberts 2006), plant collecting in Caddo Parish new has continued and species to the parish have been found. Consultation of recent literature has resulted in the addition of one species. Examination of herbarium collections of species reported for the parish has also continued, resulting in a reevaluation of some taxa. These additions and emendations are given below. We do not address nomenclatural changes. CADDO ADDITIONS TO THE PARISH FLORA ALISMATACEAE homa (Holmes et 2006, Singhurst and Holmes 998), al. 1 Raymond Sagittaria subulata (L) Buchenau, 2167 LSUS, Reid Senecio ampullaceus has recently been collected from new 5809 FSU, LSU. Recently reported as to Louisiana, sandylands northern Caddo xeric Parish (Reid et in al. Sagittaria subulata was found on the shoreline of Caddo 2008). where was abundant Lake at Oil City locally (Reid e it & adunculosa Nutt, MacRoberts MacRoberts 7306 LSU, LSUS.This species was collected from a saline prairie Caddo southern in Parish. CISTACEAE found on th e banks of Cross Lake near Shreveport. Hodgdon, MacRoberts & Mac- (Buckley) 3 ARACEAE 7834 LSUS. Previously considered a Texas J, Raymond 21 81 LSUS, Reid 5976 LSU, Kalir endemic (Carr 2002; Diggs et 2006), Lechea san-sabeana al. ., i£ ater lettuce is spreading in the state and has recently been found on pimple mounds in saline prai- en found in Cross Lake and other site Caddo and De Soto parishes (Reid et 2008). ries in al. Caddo Parish. CYPERACEAE ASTERACEAE Bolboschoenus robustus (Pursh) Sojak, Reid 6210 with Sibley LSU, aceus Hook., Reid 6020 with Faulkner LSU. LSUS.This species was found marshy open ground in in Thought endemic to be a Texas (Carr 2002) but receiitly an inlet of Caddo Lake. In Louisiana and Texas, mainly it is found in sol a coastal species of salt marshes and saline areas. There is Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 3(1) anothe collection from northern Louisiana Claiborne (Thomas & Parish Allen 1993). and SWSL. Carex alataTorr., Reid6492 with Faulkner Brimer LSU, was 2008 from shrubby This species collected in April a LENTIBULARIACEAE Caddo marsh, perhaps influenced by beaver, in northern purpurea\Na\t, Raymond 2165 LSUS, Reid 5800 LSU. Utricularia Osmunda where was growing with abundant Parish, it Purple bladderwort was found recently to be abundant in and Morella regalis cerifera. Black Bayou Lake at Noah Tyson Park in northern Caddo Carex aureolensis Steud., MacRoberts 1243 and 1281 LSUS, Parish. This species occurs in coastal areas of Louisiana C LSU and LSUS Haynes5322 LSU. Collections of frankii at & Reznicek key to this recently described entity (Ford since Noah Tyson Park a frequent stop for botanists is 2002). & Carex bushii Mack., MacRoberts MacRoberts 7389 LSU. This was from southern species collected a saline prairie in and adiata Small, Reid 6488 with Faulkner Brimer Caddo Parish and was initially identified as Carex caro- and was found LSU. This bladderwort an aquatic in a is beaver-influenced slough dominated by Nyssa aquatica & MacRoberts MacRoberts 7338 Eleocharistenuis (Willd.) Schult, Caddo northern Parish. in was found LSU, LSUS. Eleocharis tenuis in a saline prairie subulata Reid 6486 with Faulkner LSU.This species Utricularia L, Caddo southern in Parish. was discovered an open, sandy seep along recently in a Eleocharis wolfii A. Gray, Reid 6083 L stream bisecting a power line right-of-way near Mira in Caddo northern Parish. tage Program 2009) and Texas of species-of-concern list LYCOPODIACEAE was from wet (Diggs et 2006). Eleocharis wo//?/ collected al. Lycopodiella appressa (Chapm.) Cranfill, MacRoberts & Mac- Caddo depressions in a saline prairie in southern Parish. Roberts 8334 LSUS. Southern clubmoss was found to be Lipocarpha drummondii (Nees) G.C. Tucker, Thieret32 137 NCU. common power locally in a small seepage area within a Caddo right-of-way near Mira northern Parish. LeBlond (2008) based on a Caddo Parish specimen. line in Rhynchospora globularis (Chapm.) Small, MacRoberts & NAJADACEAE was MacRoberts 7428 LSU, LSUS. Rhynchospora globularis Najas minor Kolinsky LSUS. This species was recently AIL, s.n. Caddo found in a saline prairie in southern Parish. eofCrc an Old World ke. It is Steud, Reid 6741 LSU, LSUS. This species ilenbergii was collected from an open seepage area within a power yet known for East t Caddo line right-of-way near Mira in northern Parish. Texas but expected (Diggs et 2006). al. is GENTIANACEAE SALVINACEAE Bartonia paniculate (Michx.) Muhl., Reid 4638 LSU, TEX-LL, Salvinia molesta D.S. Mitch., Reid 5798 with Jones LSU, LSUS, Reid 6405 with Witsell LSUS. Specimens cited here were collected from the same locality, a forested seep in north- apparently reached Caddo Parish very recently, that Caddo August 4638 ern Parish. Collected in 2003, Reid is where was found growing abundantly in Caddo Lake. it referable to Bartonia paniculata subsp. texana (Correll) K. Since discovery in the parish in May 2006, has spread its it & (Mathews Mathews, Dunne, E. York, Struwe, stat. nov. et within Caddo Lake and has appeared in Cross Lake (C. (then recognized as a distinct species) by the collector, rell XYRIDACEAE and a duplicate sent to TEX-LL was annotated by Jason 6746 (Chapm.) Reid 6745, LSU; 6747, var. difformis, is Singhurst as texana. Bartonia paniculata subsp. texana B. 6749 LSUS. This species occurs an open seepage area in Caddo by Mathews on included Parish et (2009) in al. is within a power line right-of-way near Mira in northern the basis of the Reid 4638 specimen at TEX-LL Collected Caddo Parish. between October 2007, Reid 6405 intermediate in is (Chapm.) Barbour 1099 iifolia Krai, & the descriptions of texana and paniculata (Correll B. B. We LSUS. had previously identified this as X. caroliniana Johnston 970). Bartonia paniculata subsp. paniculata is 1 Caddo expected in Parish. HYDROCHARITACEAE MacRoberts Royle, ticillata (L.f.) <! EXCLUDED FROM THE CADDO PARISH FLORA CYPERACEAE ASTERACEAE Solidago ulmi Muhl. rugosa Carex frankii Kunth. See Carex aureolensis in Additio folia e: is 5. P. Mill, I. Carex See Carex bushii Additions caroliniana. in list. BRASSICACEAE Hooper. Like others b (Poir.) Cardamine pensylvanica x Cparvifloral. Willd. IV is MacRoberts etal., Flora of Caddo Parish, Louisiana 381 we XYRIDACEAE misidentified a sterile aquatic species of Eleochahs as Websteria. Although widely reported from Louisiana Xyn See (Thomas & Allen 1993), this species probably does not (Chapm.) Krai under Additions, occur the state (Bruhl 2002). in NOMENCLATURAL ERROR CHENOPODIACEAE Bassia scoparia should be Kochia scoparia (L) Schroder. DISCUSSION now The Caddo Parish vascular plant count stands at 1424, of which 1183 are native and 241 are exotic. & By Florida standards, Caddo Parish well collected and exceeds predicted species richness (Williams is ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank George Dickson and Ralph and Becky Dalton allowing our surveys on Dickson and Dalton for Road saline prairies, respectively. Sidney Evans and James Taylor allowed us to survey Barron Prairie in We Caddo Parish. thank D.W. and Patricia Little for allowing access to their property to collect Senecio am- pullaceus. Ryan Hook allowed access to the Senecio ampullaceus location through his family's property and we appreciate his kindness and interest. Jason Singhurst verified our first collection of Lechea san-sabeana. We thank Robert Haynes for verifying a duplicate of Sagittaria subulata. Charles Bryson (SWSL) vetted a We Windham number of Carex. thank Craig of Caddo Levee District for allowing access to Levee District We lands. are indebted to Sam Brimer, Forester with Caddo Levee District, for taking us to Levee District We lands in north Caddo Parish. thank Alan Boyd, Weyerhaeuser Company, for allowing access to the Company seep with Lycopodiella appressa, Utricularia subulata, and others. Deltic Timber allowed access to some of their lands in north Caddo. Larry Raymond facilitated access to Caddo Parish parks. The Nature Conservancy allowed access Caddo Black Bayou Preserve near Rodessa. Royal Tyler kindly hosted us on to his property near Rodessa. Charles Allen reviewed the paper. REFERENCES Bruhl, JJ. 2002. Websteria. Flora of North America Committee, eds. Flora of North America north of Mexico. In: New Oxford 120-121. Vol. 23. Univeristy Press, York. Pp. Carr, W. 2002. No place but Texas: an annotated of plant taxa endemic to the lone star state. Unpublished list The Conservancy manuscript. Nature of Texas, Austin. Correll, D.S. and M.C. Johnston. 970. Manual of the vascular plants of Texas. Texas Research Foundation, Renner, 1 Diggs, G.M., B.L. Lipscomb, M.D. Reed, and RJ. O'Kennon. 2006. Illustrated flora of East Texas. Sida, Bot. Misc. 26:1 -1 594. Ford, B.A. and A.A. Reznicek. 2002. Carex Linnaeus sect. Squarrosae. In: Flora of North America Committee, eds. New 518-519. Flora of North America north of Mexico. Vol. 23. Oxford Univeristy Press, York. Pp. West endemic Holmes, W.C, Singhurst, and S.G. Powers. 2006. Senecio ampullaceus (Asteraceae): a Gulf Coastal Plain J. new Oklahoma. 93-1 to Phytologia 88:1 96. Louisiana Natural Heritage Program. 2009. Rare plant Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, Baton Rouge. Avail- list. able http://www.wlf.louisiana.gov/pdfs/experience/naturalheritage/ at: An Caddo MacRoberts, and M.H. MacRoberts. 2006. updated, annotated vascular flora of Parish, Louisiana, B.R., on phytogeography and 191-1219. with notes regional ecology. Sida 22:1 L A and taxonomic Mathews, K.G., N. Dunne, E. York, and Struwe. 2009. phylogenetic analysis revision of Bartonia (Gentianaceae: Gentianeae), based on molecular and morphological evidence. Syst. Bot. 34:1 62-1 72. PL Noteworthy from MacRoberts, and M.H. MacRoberts. 2008. vascular plant collections Reid, C.S., Faulkner, B.R. northwest Louisiana. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 2:643-647. J. ch Institute of Texas 3(1) and W.C Holmes. 998. Four new additions to the Flora of Arkansas. Castanea 64:276-277. Singhurst, j.R. 1 Sorrie, B.A. and RJ. LeBlond. 2008. Noteworthy collections from the southeastern United States. J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 2:1353-1361. CM. Department of and Thomas, and Allen. 993. Atlas of the vascular flora of Louisiana. Louisiana Wildlife R.D. 1 Baton Rouge. Fisheries, Williams, and A. Debeuca. 2008. Analysis of the completeness of vascular plant records in Florida. J. Bot. Res. J.K. Texas 2:1363-2371. Inst.

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