植物研究雑誌 J. Jpn. Bot. 81: 35-40( 2006) Additions and Corrections in Salicaceae of Jap an 1 Hiroyoshi OHASHIa and K吋iYONEKURAb aBotanical Garden,To hoku University,Se ndoi,98 0-0862 JAPAN; E-mail: [email protected] bThe Mt. Hakkoda Botanical Laboratory,To hoku University,Ao mori,03 0-0111 JAPAN (Received on September 23,2 005) A systematic account of Japanese Salicaceae by Ohashi (2001) is revised. A new combination,Sa lix miyabeana Seemen subsp. gymnolepis (H. Lev. & Vaniot) H. Ohashi & Yo nek., is proposed. Salix alopochroa Kimura and its var. psilostachys Kimura is rec- ognized as as ubspecies and af orm of S. vulpina,r espectively: subsp. alopochroa (Kimura) H. Ohashi & Yo nek. and f. psilostachys (Kimura) H. Ohashi & Yo nek. Salix yoshinoi Koidz. and S. jessoensis Seemen subsp. serissifolia (Kimura) H. Ohashi are separated from S. jessoensis Seemen as distinct taxa. Key words: Japanese Salicaceae,n ew combinations,n omenclature,S alix,t axonomy. Studies of Japanese Salicaceae were 1. A new name for as ubspecies of Salix begun by Thunberg (1784a,1 784b) and suc- miyαbeanαSeemen ceeded chiefly by Miquel (1866-1867), Ohashi (2000, 2001) regarded Salix Andersson (1867),F ranchet and Savatier gilgiana Seemen as a subspeices of S. (1875,1 878) and Tokubuchi (1896a,1 896b, miyabeana Seemen and proposed a new 1896c). After this,S eemen (1903) prepared combination for the former as S. miyabeana the fundamental work for the Jap anese Seemen subsp. gilgiana (Seemen) H. Ohashi. Salix. Koidzumi (1913) revised the previous However,K oidzumi (1913) published an works and described many new species. earlier name at the subspecific rank for the Kimura made a long-term contribution to taxon. It is S. purpureαL. subsp. gymnolepis Japanese Salicaceae from 1926,a nd his final (H. Lev. & Vaniot) Koidz. According to 11.4 treatment for the Jap anese Salicaceae was of ICBN 2000 (Greuter et al. 2000),t his published as ap art of the illustrated woody subspecific name is coectfor S. miyabeana 汀 flora of Japan (Kimura 1989). Meanwhile, subsp. gilgiana. The following new combi- Ohwi (1953,1 965a,1 965b) and Kitamura nation becomes necessary: and Murata (1979) presen旬dthe family in their elaborated floras of Japan. A whole sys- Salix miyabeana Seemen subsp. tematic work of Japanese Salicaceae was gymnolepis (H. Lev. & Vaniot) H. Ohashi & achieved for the first time by Ohashi (2000, Yonek., comb. nov. 2001). Continuous studies on the family are S. gilgiana Seemen,S alic. Jap.: 59,t. 13 required to make additions and corrections to (1903). the work. S. gymnolepis H. Lev. & Vaniot in Fedde, Repert. Nov. Sp. 3: 22 (1906). S. purpureαL.v sericea Seemen,Sa lic. 紅 . Jap.: 56 (1903); Koidz. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo -35- 36 植物研究雑誌第81巻第1号 平成18年2月 27: 92 (1913). Japanese horticultural book in 1956 (Kimura S. purpurea L. subsp. gymnolepis (H. Lev. 1956),a lthough Ohwi (1953) cited the spe- & Vaniot) Koidz. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 27: cies without a Jap anese name under S. 267 (1913). vulpina for the first time in Jap anese. The S. miyabeanαSeemen subsp. gilgianα Jap anese name means S.聞かinaof westem (Seemen) H. Ohashi in J. Jpn. Bot. 75: 22 Japan. (2000) & in Sci. Rep. Tohoku Univ. ser. 4, Ohashi (2000,2 001) regarded S. vulpina Biol. 40: 335 (2001). as as ingle species that is polymorphic in re- Japanese name: Kawa-yanagi. sponse to its diverse habitat. The leaves on flowering branchlet of S. alopochloa rarely 2. A geographical form in Salix vulpina developed to reach the same size as leaves in Andersson S. vulpina and size of the male catkin is con- Salix vulpina Andersson occurs from tinuous between the two species. However, Iturup and Shikotan in the southern Kuriles geographical distribution becomes clearer through Hokkaido,H onshu and Shikoku to and S. alopochloa and S. vulpina esepa- 訂 northem Kyushu. The species was described rated by the Kiso mountain range in Na gano on the basis of plants collected in Prefecture. Salix vulpina occurs northeast- Yo kohama,bu t the coectlocality is consid- ward of the mountain range, while S. 町 ered to be Hakodate in Hokkaido (Kimura alopochloa westward of the range. They 1957). Kimura (1937) recognized Salix show different patterns of distribution. The alopochloa when he described a hybrid, former is found commonly in Hokkaido and Salix xi shikωvae Kimura, between S. Tohoku District and extends westward udensis Trautv. & Mey (as S. sachalinensis through Niigata Prefecture to northem Schmidt) and S. alopochloa Kimura. He Nagano Prefectures (rare) and southward to gave a footnote for the later parent that Tochigi Prefecture (rare). Ont he other hand, “Salix alopochloa Kimura, sp. nov. = S. S. alopochloa is common in Kinki District vulpina (non Andersson) Auct. ex regionibus from where it is found west into Chugoku Kinki,T yugoku,S ikoku and Kyusyu". This District,S hikoku and northem Kyushu (re) 紅 name was validly published by Kimura and east into Gifu,N a ra and Wakayama (1950) when he recorded am onstrous form, Prefectures,a nd rarely in Aichi and south- S. alopochroa mstr.αndrogyna Kimura. He western Nagano (west of the Kiso mountain gave diagnostic characterization for this spe- range). We recognize,t herefore,S . alopo ・ cies,b ut did not designate at ype for the chloa as a geographical subspecies of S. name. This species was distinguished from S. vulpina. The type of S. alopochloa is se- wかinain having minute leaves on the flow- lected here from Kimura' sc ollection (Fig. ering branchlet or lacking such leaves and 1). somewhat short but thick male catkins,wh ile A form of Salix vuかinawith glabrous S. vulpina has small,b ut distinct leaves on bracts was recognized by Kimura (1926) as the flowering branchlet and male catkins 3- a distinct variety, but it belongs to S. 5c m long,5 -10 mma cross (Kimura 1950, alopochloa. It is merely a form of Salix 1989). In addition to the morphological diι νuかinasubsp. alopochloa. ferences its distribution was considered to be The infraspecific taxa of Salix vulpina confined to Kinki District and westward to treated here are distinguished as in the fol 同 northem Kyushu (Kimura 1950,1 989). It lowing key: had the Jap anese name “Saikoku- kitsuneyanagi" until it was introduced in a A. Flowering branchlets with 3-7 small '()I-S日.1)町nUI!)IVO.LtpodolV x!lvS 10g dÁlOl~X)'l •1 ・~!d 一叫:下~~wCR-)/京市哨予j胤 セ← W守一冶内}和6〈守物始'以?)to,~'S~: 8'1Pg<γ ~滋 n><t'Wl<tとヰ匂判事告時九お持ちで ; pηi 判勺宅 L ,f 1' ON 18 'IoA正UBlog;;'S,;;uBdBf JO IB山nOf 900Z正m町中d 38 植物研究雑誌第81巻第1号 平成18年2月 leaves; W. Nagano and Aichi Prefectures 3. Corrections in Salix jessoensis Seemen and westward .…...・ ・...・ .・subsp.νuljフina Ohashi (2001) enlarged the circumscrip- H H A. Flowering branchlets without or with a tion of Salix jessoensis Seemen in his previ- few minute leaves; N. Nagano and east- ous廿eatment(Ohashi 2000) by inclusion of ward …...・ ・.....・ ・..…..subsp. alopochroa S. yoshinoi Koidz. and S. serissifolia Kimura H H B. Bracts pilose …...・ ・.....・ .・f. alopochroa or S. jessoensis subsp. serissザbliα(Kimura) H H B. Bracts glabrous ・... ・・.・f. psilostachys H. Ohashi as synonyms,b ut the previous H H H treatment need to be restored. These taxa are Salix vulpina Andersson in Mem. Am. distinguished as in the following key: Acad. Arts Sci. n. s. 6: 452 (1859); H. Ohashi in Sci. Rep. Tohoku Univ. ser. 4, A. Leaf underside pale green and glabrous or Biol. 40: 360 (2001). appressed white pubescent on midrib; subsp. alopochroa (Kimura) H. Ohashi & male catkins 2-3 cm long,f emale ca. 1 Yo nek.. stat. nov. cml ong; ovary ca. 2.2 mml ong,st yle ca. S. alopochroa Kimura in Sci. Rep. 0.7 mml ong ..… ・・.....・ ・-….S. yoshinoi H H H Tohoku Imp. Univ. ser. 4,B iol. [12: 100 A. Leaf underside glaucous and densely (1937),a d nota,n om. nud.] 18: 550 (1950); sericeous; male catkins 2.5-4.5 cm long, Ohwi,F l. Jap.: 404 (1953) ut“S. alopech- female ca. 3c m long; ovary 2.7-2.8 mm roa"; Kimura in Ishii,En gei-daiziten 6: 3184 long,st yle sessile ・... ・・・....S. jessoensis H H H (1956); Ohwi,F l. Jap. ed. Engl.: 367 (1965); B. Male catkins 2.5-4.5 cm long,f emale op. cit. ed. rev.: 472 (1965); Kitam. & ca. 3c ml ong,ov ary densely pilose,se s- Murata,C ol. Illust. Woody Pl. Jap. 2: 323, sile,ca . 3m ml ong; leaf blade 5-11 cm fig. 778 (1979); Kimura in Satake & a ,.l long,1 -2 cm wide .…・ subsp.jessoensis Wild Flow. Jap. Wood. 1: 45,p hoto 51: 7- B. Catkins 1-2 cm long,o vary glabrous or 8( 1989); Ohwi & Kitag.,N ew Fl. Jap.: 538 sparsely pubescent at base,s ubsessile, (1992),ut S.αlopechroa. 1.5-2 mml ong; leaf blade 4-7 cml ong, Lectotype (designated here): Japan. 0.9-1.2c m wide ..…・・ subsp. serissifolia Honshu. Hyogo Pref. (Prov. Settsu),m onte Rokkosan. 15 April 1926. Arika Kimura Salix yoshinoi Koidz. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 1110 (TUS-K). 29: 314 (1915); Kimura in Satake & a ,.l Japanese name: Saikoku-kitsuneうranagi. Wild Flow. Jap. Wood. 1: 40 (1989); Ohashi f. psilostachys (Kimura) H. Ohashi & in J. Jpn. Bot. 75: 16 (2000). Yonek.,c omb. et sta .tnov. S. pseudoyoshinoi Koidz. in Acta S. vuljフinaAndersson var. psilostachys Phytotax. Geobot. 4: 40 (1935). Kimura in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 40: 642 (1926). Japanese name: Yoshino-yanagi. Type: Japan. Honshu. Hyogo Pref. (Prov. Salix jessoensis Seemen,Sa lic. Jap on.: 31 Settsu): in fruticetis siccis graminosis montis (1903); H. Ohashi in J. Jpn. Bot. 75: 16 Rokkosan. 27 April 1924. Arika Kimura 148 (2000) & in Sci. Rep. Tohoku Univ. ser. 4, (TI holo. TUS-K iso.). Biol. 40: 318 (2001),p. p.,e xcl. S. yoshinoi S. alopochroa Kimura var. psilostachys Koidz.,S. pseudoyoshinoi Koidz. (Kimura) Kimura in Eco. Rev. 13: 19,9 subsp. jessoensis: H. Ohashi in J. Jpn. (1953); Sugimoto,N ew Keys Jap. Tr.: 101 .s ot. 75: 16 (2000). (1961). Japanese name: Shiro-yanagi. Japanese name: Kansai-kitsune-yanagi subsp. serissifolia (Kimura) H. Ohashi in (Sugimoto 1961). J:-Jpn. Bot. 75: 17 (2000),as serissaてfolia. S. serissifolia Kimura in Bot. Mag. Tokyo February 2006 Journal of Japanese Botany Vo .l81 No. 1 39 40: 639 (1926),as seriss向folia. Hoikusha,O saka (in Japanese). Japanese name: Kogome-yanagi. Koidzumi G. 1913. Spiciligium salicum japonensium nov訂umaut imperfecte cognitarum. 1. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 27: 87-97. 11. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 27: 264- References 267. Andersson N. J. 1867. Monographia Salicum. Kongl. Miquel F. A. W. 1866-1867.“Salicineae" In: Prolusio Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 6: 1-180. florae iaponicae. Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 3: 24- Franchet A. and Savatier L. 1875,1 878. Salicaceae. 30. Enumeratio Plantarum in Japonia Sponte Ohashi H. 2000. A systematic enumeration of Japanese Crescentium. 1: 458-463 (1875) and 2: 502-506 Sa!ix( Salicaceae). J. Jpn. Bot. 75: 1-41. (1878). Parishs,A pud F. Savy,B ibliopolam. P訂is. 一一一-2001. Salicaceae of Japan. Sci. Rep. Tohoku Greuter W.,M cNeill J.,B arrie F. R.,B urdet H. M., Univ.,se r. 4B iol. 40: 269-396. Demoulin V.,F ilgueiras T. S.,N icolson D. H., Ohwi J. 1953. Salicaceae. Flora of Japan. pp. 395-408. Silva P. c., Skog J. E.,T rehane P,T urland N. 1. Shibundo,T okyo (in Japanese). and Hawksworth D. L. 2000. International Code of 一一一 1965a.Salicaceae. 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Tohoku Univ. ser. 4B iol. 23: 7-16,pl s. 1-4. Tokubuchi Y. 1896a. Sa!ix of Hokkaido. Bot. Mag. 一一一1989.Salicaceae. In: Satake Y., Hara H.,W atari Tokyo 10: 120-125 (in Japanese). S. and Tominari T. (eds.),W ild Flowers of Japan, 一一一 1896b.Sa!ixo f Hokkaido. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 10: Woody Plants. 1: 31-51. Heibonsha,T okyo (in 339-341 (in Japanese). Japanese). 一一一 1896c.On some species of Salix of Hokkaido. 1. Kitamura S. and Murata G. 1979. Salicaceae. Coloured Bot. Mag. Tokyo 10: 69-71. Illustrations of Woody Plants of Japan. 2: 303-340. 大橋広好,米倉浩司:日本産ヤナギ科植物の追加 と訂正1 日本のヤナギ科の分類学的研究は Thunberg 全体をモノグラフ的に整理し,世界のヤナギ科植 (1784a,1 784b)に始まり, Miquel (1866-1867), 物との分類学的な関連を明らかにした. Franchet and Savatier (1875, 1878), Tokubuchi Ohashi (2000,2 001)はヤナギ属の範囲を変更し, (1896a,1 896b,1 896c)を経て, Seemen (1903)によっ 従来ヤナギ属,ケショウヤナギ属,オオバヤナギ てヤナギ属がまとめられた. さらに小泉源一 属に分けられてきたヤナギ類をヤナギ属に統合し (1913),その後1920年代から木村有香によって進 た.木村 (1989)は日本に自生するヤナギ類は 3 められ,木村はヤナギ科全体にわたって多くの成 属36種, Ohashi (2000,2 001)は 1属30-31種を認 果を発表した.木村 (1989)は佐竹義輔他(編): めている.以下では Ohashiの定めた範囲でヤナ 日本の野生植物(平凡社)の中でヤナギ科を分担 ギ属を使用する. しかし,その後の研究によって 執筆し,最後に日本の自生種をまとめた.その聞 Ohashi (2000,2 001)の結果について補充,訂正が にも日本のヤナギ科は大井次三郎 (1953,1965), 必要となった.本研究ではカワヤナギ,サイコク 北村四郎と村田 源 (1979)によってそれぞれ日 キツネヤナギ,ヨシノヤナギおよびコゴメヤナギ 本の代表的な植物誌の中で発表された.これまで についての結果をまとめた. の研究は主に日本のフロラの一環として発表され 1. カワヤナギ:Ohashi (2000,2 001)はカワヤ てきたが, Ohashi (2000,2 001)は日本のヤナギ科 ナギをエゾノカワヤナギの亜種とみなしてその学 40 植物研究雑誌第81巻第1号 平成18年2月 名を S.mか'abeanaSeemen subsp. gilgiana (Seemen) キツネヤナギは1956年に木村が命名した.木村は H. Ohashi に変更した. しかし,カワヤナギは亜 1924年に兵庫県六甲山でキツネヤナギの在が無毛 種ランクの学名として1913年に発表された Salix のー型をみつけ,Salix vulpina var. psilostachys purpurea L. subsp. gymnolepis (H. Lev. & Vaniot) Kimuraと命名し,後にサイコクキツネヤナギの Koidz.があるので, S. miyabeana Seemen subsp. 変種に組み替えた.これはカンサイキツネヤナギ gilgiana (Seemen) H. Ohashiに代えてS.miyabeana と呼ばれる.これをサイコクキツネヤナギの品種 subsp. gymnolepis (H. Lev. & Vaniot) H. Ohashi & とし7こ. Yonek.を使用しなければならない. 3. シロヤナギの範囲:Ohashi (2001)はシロヤ 2.サイコクキツネヤナギ:サイコクキツネヤ ナギ, ヨシノヤナギ,コゴメヤナギを合ーしてシ ナギの学名として 1937年に発表された Salix ロヤナギとしたが, この見解を Ohashi(2000)の alopochroa Kimura は予果名で和名もなかった. し 見解に戻し,シロヤナギとヨシノヤナギは別種, かし木村は1950年にサイコクキツネヤナギのー奇 コゴメヤナギはシロヤナギの亜種とした. 形を記載したときに,フットノートに母種の判別 (a東北大学植物園津田記念館, 文を記述していた.学名 Salixalopochroαは1950 東北大学植物園八甲田分園) b 年に正式に発表されたことになる.和名サイコク