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Preview Additional time-dependent phase in the flavor-conversion formulas

Europhysics Letters PREPRINT Additional time-dependent phase in the flavor-conversion formulas A. E. Bernardini1 1 Instituto de F´ısica Gleb Wataghin, UNICAMP, PO Box 6165, 13083-970, Campinas, SP, Brasil. 6 0 PACS.02.30.Mv – First pacs description. 0 PACS.03.65.-w – Second pacs description. 2 PACS.11.30.Hv – Third pacs description. n a J 7 Abstract. – In the framework of intermediate wave-packets for treating flavor oscillations, 1 we quantify the modifications which appear when we assume a strictly peaked momentum v distributionandconsiderthesecond-ordercorrectionsinapowerseriesexpansionoftheenergy. 3 Byfollowingasequenceofanalyticapproximations,wepointoutthatanextratime-dependent 4 phase is merely theresidue of second-ordercorrections. Suchphase effects are usually ignored 0 in the relativistic wave-packet treatment, but they do not vanish non-relativistically and can 1 introducesomesmallmodificationstotheoscillationpatternevenintheultra-relativisticlimit. 0 6 0 / h Over recent years, the quantum mechanics of oscillations [1–3] has experienced much t - progress on the theoretical front [4], in particular, not only in phenomenological pursuit of a p e more refined flavor conversion formula [5–7] which, sometimes, deserves a special attention, h butalsoineffortstogivethetheoryaformalstructurewithinquantumfieldformalism[8,9,11]. : v Underthepointofviewofafirstquantizedtheory,theflavoroscillationphenomenadiscussed i intermsoftheintermediatewave-packetapproach[12]eliminatesthemostcontroversialpoints X rising up with the standard plane-wave formalism [13,14]. In fact, wave-packets describing r propagating mass-eigenstates guarantees the existence of a coherence length [12], avoids the a ambiguous approximations in the plane wave derivation of the phase difference [15] and, un- der particularconditions ofminimal slippage, recoversthe oscillationprobabilitygivenby the standard plane wave treatment. Otherwise, strictly speaking, the intermediate wave-packet formalism can also be refuted, for example, in the context of neutrino oscillation since such oscillating particles are neither prepared nor observed [4] in this case. Some authors sug- gest the calculation of a transition probability between the observable particles involved in the productionand detection process in the so-calledexternalwave-packetapproach[4,9,16]: the oscillating particle, described as an internal line of a Feynman diagram by a relativistic mixed scalar propagator, propagates between the source and target (external) particles rep- resented by wave packets. It can be demonstrated [4], however, that the overlap function of the incomingandoutgoingwave-packetsintheexternalwave-packetmodelismathematically equivalent to the wave function of the propagating mass-eigenstate in the intermediate wave- packet formalism. Thus, as a preliminary investigation concerning with the existence of an (cid:13)c EDPSciences 2 EUROPHYSICSLETTERS extra time-dependent phase added to the standard oscillation term ∆m2t [14], we avoid the 2p0 field theoretical methods in detriment to a clearer treatment with intermediate wave-packets which commonly simplifies the understanding of physical aspects going with the oscillation phenomena. The main aspects of oscillation phenomena can be understood by studying the two flavor problem. In addition, substantial mathematical simplifications result from the assumption that the space dependence of wave functions is one-dimensional (z-axis). Therefore, we shall use these simplifications to calculate the oscillation probabilities. In this context, the time evolution of flavor wave-packetscan be described by Φ(z,t) = φ (z,t)cosθν +φ (z,t)sinθν 1 1 2 2 = [φ (z,t)cos2θ+φ (z,t)sin2θ] ν +[φ (z,t) φ (z,t)]cosθsinθν 1 2 α 1 − 2 β = φ (z,t;θ)ν +φ (z,t;θ)ν , (1) α α β β where ν and ν are flavor-eigenstates and ν and ν are mass-eigenstates. The probability α β 1 2 of finding a flavor state ν at the instant t is equal to the integrated squared modulus of the β ν coefficient β +∞ sin2[2θ] P(ν ν ;t)= dz φ 2 = 1 Fo(t) , (2) α β β → | | 2 { − } Z−∞ where Fo(t) represents the interference term given by +∞ Fo(t)=Re dzφ†(z,t)φ (z,t) . (3) 1 2 "Z−∞ # Let us consider mass-eigenstate wave-packets given by 1 2 4 z2 φ (z,0)= exp exp[ip z], (4) i πa2 −a2 i (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:20) (cid:21) at time t=0, where i=1, 2. The wave functions which describe their time evolution are +∞ dp φi(z,t)= 2πz ϕ(pz−pi)exp −iEp(iz)t+ipzz , (5) Z−∞ h i where Ep(iz) = (p2z+m2i)12 and ϕ(pz−pi) = (2πa2)14 exp −(pz−p4i)2a2 . In order to obtain the oscillation probability, we can calculate the interferenche term Fo(t)iby solving the following integral +∞ d2pπz ϕ(pz−p1)ϕ(pz−p2)exp[−i∆E(pz)t]= Z−∞ exp −(a∆8 p)2 +∞ d2pπz ϕ2(pz−p0)exp[−i∆E(pz)t], (6) (cid:20) (cid:21)Z−∞ where we have changed the z-integration into a p -integration and introduced the quantities z ∆p = p1−p2, p0 = 21(p1+p2) and ∆Epz = Ep(1z)−Ep(2z) The oscillation term is bounded by the exponential function of a∆p at any instant of time. Under this condition we could never observea pureflavor-eigenstate. Besides,oscillationsareconsiderablysuppressedifa∆p>1. A necessary condition to observe oscillations is that a∆p 1. This constraint can also be ≪ A. E. Bernardini:Time-dependent phase in the flavor-conversion formulas 3 expressed by δp ∆p where δp is the momentum uncertainty of the particle. The overlap ≫ between the momentum distributions is indeed relevant only for δp ∆p. Consequently, ≫ without loss of generality, we can assume +∞ dp Fo(t)=Re(Z−∞ 2πz ϕ2(pz−p0)exp[−i∆Epzt]). (7) In the literature, this equation is often obtained by assuming two mass eigenstate wave- packets described by the “same” momentum distribution centered around the average mo- mentum p¯=p . This simplifying hypothesis also guarantees instantaneous creation of a pure 0 flavor eigenstate ν at t=0 [15]. In fact, for φ (z,0)=φ (z,0) we get from Eq. (1) α 1 2 1 2 4 z2 φ (z,0,θ)= exp exp[ip z] (8) α πa2 −a2 0 (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:20) (cid:21) and φ (z,0,θ) = 0. In order to obtain an expression for φ (z,t) by analytically solving the β i integral in Eq. (5) we firstly rewrite the energy E(i) as pz 1 E(i) =E 1+ p2z−p20 2 =E [1+σ (σ +2v )]12 , (9) pz i E2 i i i i (cid:20) i (cid:21) where Ei = (m2i +p20)21, vi = Ep0i and σi = pzE−ip0. The use of free gaussian wave packets [4,5,9,10] is justified in non-relativistic quantum mechanics because, in most of the cases, the calculations can be carried out exactly for these particular functions. The reason lies in the fact that the frequency components of the mass-eigenstate wave-packets, E(i) = p2/2m , pz z i modify the momentum distribution into “generalized” gaussian, easily integrated by well known methods of analysis. The term p2 in E(i) is then responsible for the variation in time z pz of the width of the mass-eigenstate wave-packets, the so-called spreading phenomenon. In relativisticquantummechanicsthefrequencycomponentsofthemass-eigenstatewave-packets, Ep(iz) =√pz2+m2i, do not permit an immediate analytic integration. This difficulty, however, may be remedied by assuming a sharply peaked momentum distribution, i. e. (aE )−1 i ∼ σ 1. Meanwhile,theintegralinEq.(5)canbeanalytically solvedonlyifweconsiderterms i ≪ up to order σ2 in the series expansion. In this case, we can conveniently truncate the power i series σ2 E(i) = E 1+σ v + i (1 v2) + (σ3) pz i i i 2 − i O i (cid:20) (cid:21) m2 E +p σ + i σ2. (10) ≈ i 0 i 2E i i and get an analytic expression for the oscillation probability. The zero-order term in the previousexpansion,E ,givesthe standardplanewaveoscillationphase. The first-orderterm, i p σ , will be responsible for the slippage due to the different group velocities of the mass- 0 i eigenstate wave-packets and represents a linear correction to the standard oscillation phase [15]. Finally, the second-order term, m2i σ2, which is a (quadratic) secondary correction will 2Ei i give the well-known spreading effects in the time propagation of the wave-packetand will be alsoresponsibleforanewadditionalphasetobecomputedinthefinalcalculation. Inthecase of gaussian momentum distributions for the mass-eigenstate wave-packets, these terms can all be analytically quantified. By substituting (10) in Eq. (5) and changing the p -integration z 4 EUROPHYSICSLETTERS into a σ -integration, we obtain the explicit form of the mass-eigenstate wave-packet time i evolution, 1 2 4 (z v t)2 φ (z,t) = exp[ i(θ (t,z)+E t p z)]exp − i , (11) i πa2(t) − i i − 0 − a2(t) (cid:20) i (cid:21) (cid:20) i (cid:21) 1 whereθ (t,z)= 1arctan 2m2it 2m2it (z−vit)2 anda (t)=a 1+ 4m4i t2 2. Thetime- i 2 a2Ei3 − a2Ei3 a2i(t) i a4Ei6 dependent quantnities a (t)handθi(t,z)containalltohe physicallysig(cid:16)nificantinfor(cid:17)mationwhich i i arise from the second order term in the power series expansion (10). By solving the integral (7) with the approximation(9) and performing some mathematical manipulations, we obtain Fo(t)=Bnd(t) Osc(t), (12) × where we have factored the time-vanishing bound of the interference term given by Bnd(t)=[1+Sp2(t)]−14 exp (∆vt)2 (13) −2a2[1+Sp2(t)] (cid:20) (cid:21) and the time-oscillating character of the flavor conversion formula given by Osc(t) = Re exp[ i∆Et iΘ(t)] { − − } = cos[∆Et+Θ(t)], (14) where Sp(t)= t ∆ m2 =ρ ∆vt (15) a2 E3 a2p0 (cid:16) (cid:17) and Θ(t)= 1arctan[Sp(t)] a2p20 Sp3(t) , (16) 2 − 2ρ2 1+Sp2(t) (cid:20) (cid:21) withρ=1 3+ ∆E 2 p20 andE¯ =√E E . Thetime(cid:2)-depende(cid:3)ntquantitiesSp(t)andΘ(t) − E¯ E¯2 1 2 carry the sechond (cid:0)order(cid:1) ciorrections and, consequently, the spreading effect to the oscillation probability formula. If ∆E E¯, the parameter ρ is limited by the interval [1, 2] and it assumes the zero value when≪p20 1. Therefore, by considering increasing values o−f p , from E¯2 ≈ 3 0 non-relativistic(NR)toultra-relativistic(UR)propagationregimes,andfixing ∆E ,thetime a2E¯2 derivatives of Sp(t) and Θ(t) have their signals inverted when p20 reaches the value 1. The E¯2 3 slippage between the mass-eigenstate wave-packets is quantified by the vanishing behavior of Bnd(t). In order to compare Bnd(t) with the correspondent function without the second order corrections (without spreading), (∆vt)2 Bnd (t)=exp , (17) WS − 2a2 (cid:20) (cid:21) we substitute Sp(t) given by the expression (14) in Eq. (13) and we obtain the ratio Bnd(t) ∆Et 2 −14 ρ2p2 (∆Et)4 = 1+ρ2 exp 0 . (18) BndWS(t) (cid:20) (cid:18)a2E¯2(cid:19) (cid:21) 2a6E¯8 1+ρ2 a∆2EE¯t2 2   h (cid:0) (cid:1) i The NR limit is obtained by setting ρ2 =1 and p =0 in Eq. (17). In the same way, the UR 0 limit is obtained by setting ρ2 = 4 and p = E¯. In fact, the minimal influence due to second 0 A. E. Bernardini:Time-dependent phase in the flavor-conversion formulas 5 ordercorrectionsoccurswhen p20 1 (ρ 0). ReturningtotheexponentialtermofEq.(13), E¯2 ≈ 3 ≈ weobservethattheoscillationamplitudeismorerelevantwhen∆vt a. Itcharacterizesthe ≪ minimal slippage between the mass-eigenstate wave-packets which occur when the complete spatialintersectionbetweenthemselvesstartstodiminishduringthetimeevolution. Anyway, under minimal slippage conditions, we always have Bnd(t) 1. BndWS(t) ≈ The oscillating function Osc(t) of the interference term Fo(t) differs from the standard oscillating term, cos[∆Et], by the presence of the additional phase Θ(t) which is essentially a second order correction. The modifications introduced by the additional phase Θ(t) are discussed in Fig. 1 where we have compared the time-behavior of Osc(t) to cos[∆Et] for different propagation regimes. The bound effective value assumed by Θ(t) is determined by the vanishing behavior of Bnd(t). To illustrate this flavor oscillation behavior, we plot both the curves representing Bnd(t) and Θ(t) in Fig. 2. We note the phase slowly changing in the NRregime. Themodulusofthephase Θ(t) rapidlyreachesitsupperlimitwhen p20 > 1 and, | | E¯2 3 afteracertaintime,itcontinuestoevolveapproximatelylinearlyintime. But,effectively,the oscillationsrapidlyvanishes. BysuperposingtheeffectsofBnd(t)inFig.2andtheoscillating character Osc(t) expressedin Fig. 1, we immediately obtainthe flavoroscillationprobability which is explicitly given by P(να →νβ;t)≈ sin22[2θ] 1−[1+Sp2(t)]−14 exp −2a2[(1∆+vSt)p22(t)] cos[∆Et+Θ(t)] (cid:26) (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:27) (19) and illustrated by Fig. 3 Obviously, the larger is the value of aE¯, the smaller are the wave- packeteffects. IfitwassufficientlylargetonotconsiderthesecondordercorrectionsofEq.(9), we could rewrite the probability only with the leading terms (slippage effect), sin2[2θ] (∆vt)2 P(ν ν ;t) 1 exp cos[∆Et] (20) α β → ≈ 2 − − 2a2 (cid:26) (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:27) which corresponds to the same result obtained by [15]. By assuming an UR propagation regime with t L and E p , under minimal slippage conditions (∆vL a), the Eq.(20) ≈ i ∼ 0 ≪ reproduces the standard plane wave result, sin2[2θ] ∆m2 P(ν ν ;L) 1 cos L , (21) α β → ≈ 2 − 2p (cid:26) (cid:20) 0 (cid:21)(cid:27) since we have assumed aE¯ 1. ≫ Bysummarizing,wehaveobtainedanexplicitexpressionfortheflavorconversionformula for (U)R and NR propagation regimes which is valid under the particular assumption of a sharply peaked momentum distribution. We have also observedthat the spreading represents a minor modification effect which is practically irrelevant for (ultra)relativistic propagating particles. In particular, the intermediate wave-packet prescription elaborated here can be discussed in the context of neutrino flavor oscillations. We have concentrated our arguments on the existence of an additional time-dependent phase in the oscillating term of the flavor conversionformula. Such anadditionalphase presents an analytic dependence ontime which changes the oscillating character in a peculiar way. These modifications are minimal when p2 1E¯2 and more relevant for NR propagation regimes. The existence of an additional 0 ≈ 3 time-dependent phase in the oscillating term of the flavor conversion formula coupled with the modified spreading effect can represent some minor but accurate modifications to the (ultra)relativistic oscillation probability formula which leads to important corrections to the 6 EUROPHYSICSLETTERS phenomenologicalanalysisforobtainingaccuraterangesandlimitsfortheneutrinooscillation parameters. The relevance of such second-order corrections depends essentially on the value of the product between the wave=packet width a and the averaged energy flux E¯ which parameterize the power series expansion here proposed and quantified. Finally,weknowthenecessityofamoresophisticatedapproachisunderstood. Itinvolvesa field-theoreticaltreatment. Derivationsofthe oscillationformularesortingtofield-theoretical methods are not very popular. They are thought to be very complicated and the existing quantum field computations of the oscillation formula do not agree in all respects [4]. The Blasone and Vitiello (BV) model [8,11] to neutrino/particle mixing and oscillations seems to be the most distinguished trying to this aim. They have attempt to define a Fock space of weak eigenstates to derive a nonperturbative oscillation formula. Also with Dirac wave- packets, the flavor conversion formula can be reproduced [17] with the same mathematical structure as those obtained in the BV model [8,11]. In fact, both frameworks deserve a more careful investigation since the numerous conceptual difficulties hidden in the quantum oscillation phenomena still represent an intriguing challenge for physicists. ∗∗∗ This work was supported by FAPESP (PD-04/13770-0). REFERENCES [1] K. Zuber,Phys. Rep., 305 (1998) 295. [2] W. M. Alberico and S. M. 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Bernardiniand S. De Leo, Eur. Phys. J. C, 37 (2004) 471. A. E. Bernardini:Time-dependent phase in the flavor-conversion formulas 7 Plane Wave p2/E2=0.01 o p2/E2=0.33 o p2/E2=0.50 o p2/E2=0.66 o p2/E2=0.99 o ) 1 t ( c s O -1 0 3 6 9 12 15 ¢E t /p Fig. 1 – The time-behavior of Osc(t) compared with the standard plane-wave oscillation given by cos[∆Et] for different propagation regimes. The additional phase Θ(t) changes the oscillating char- acteraftersometimeofpropagation. Theminimaldeviationoccursfor Ep¯202 ≈ 31 which isrepresented by a solid line superposing the plane-wavecase. 8 EUROPHYSICSLETTERS Fig. 2 – The values assumed by Θ(t) are effective while the interference term does not vanish. In the upper box we can observe the behavior of Bnd(t) which determines the limit values effectively assumed by Θ(t) for each propagation regime. For relativistic regimes with Ep¯202 > 31, the function Θ(t)rapidlyreachesitslowerlimitaswecanobserveinthesmallboxabove. WehaveusedaE¯ =10. A. E. Bernardini:Time-dependent phase in the flavor-conversion formulas 9 p2/E2=0.01 o p2/E2=0.33 o p2/E2=0.50 o p2/E2=0.66 o p2/E2=0.99 o PlaneWave 1 ) t , nb ® a n ( P 0 2 4 6 ¢E t /p Fig. 3 – Flavor conversion probability time dependence obtained with the introduction of second- order corrections in the series expansion of the energy for a strictly peaked momentum distribution (O(σ3)). BycomparingwiththePWpredictions,dependingonthepropagationregime,theadditional i time-dependentphase ∆Φ(t)≡ ∆Et+Θ(t)produces a delay/advancein thelocal maxima of flavor detection. Phenomenologically,itcanintroducesmallquantifiabledeviationstotheaverageddetected values of neutrino oscillation parameters. Essentially, it depends on the product of the wave-packet width a by theaveraged energy E¯.

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