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Addis NegariGazeta No35,9thJuly,2012 Page - 2 - የከተማዉን አስተዳደር አስፈጻሚና ማዘጋጃ ቤታዊ WHEREAS, it is found proper to consolidate into a single proclamation both proclamation አገልግሎት አካላት የተቋቋሙበት አዋጅ ቁጥር No. 15/2009, that established the executive 15/2001 በተደጋጋሚ የተሻሻለ በመሆኑና and municipal organs of the City Government, ለተገልጋዮች አመቺ እንዲሆን አንድ ወጥ በሆነ and the amendments thereof with the view to ህግ ማካተቱ ተገቢ በመሆኑ፤ create conducive condition for customers; NOW,THEREFORE, in accordance with ¾›Ç=e ›uv Ÿ}T U¡` u?ƒ u}hhK¨< Article 14(1)(a) of the Addis Ababa City ¾›Ç=e ›uv Ÿ}T ›e}ÇÅ` ‰`}` ›ªÏ Government Revised Charter Proclamation lØ` 3)%1//09)(5 ¯.U. ( ”Å}hhK) ›”kê No 361/2003 it is hereby proclaimed as 04/1/G/ SW[ƒ ÃI”” ›ªÏ ›¨<Ø…M:: follows: - PART ONE ¡õM ›”É GENERAL ÖpLL 1. Short Title 1 ›ß` `°e This Proclamation may be cited as the “Addis ÃI ›ªÏ #¾›Ç=e ›uv Ÿ}T ›e}ÇÅ` Ababa City Government Executive and ›eðéT>“ T²ÒÍ u?ƒ ›ÑMÓKAƒ ›"Lƒ Municipal Service Organs Re-establishment ”ÅÑ“ TssT>Á ›ªÏ lØ` V5/2g=4$ Proclamation No 35/2012’’ }wKA K=Öke ËLM:: 2. Definitions 2 ƒ`ÕT@ In this Proclamation, unless the context u²=I ›ªÏ ¨<eØ ¾nK< ›Ñvw K?L eካMJ’ demands otherwise:- É[e:- 1 #Ÿ}T$ TKƒ ¾›Ç=e ›uv Ÿ}T ’¨<& 1. “ City’’ means the Addis Ababa City; 2 #›e}ÇÅ`$ TKƒ ¾›Ç=e ›uv Ÿ}T 2. “Government’’ means the Addis Ababa ›e}ÇÅ` ’¨<& City Government; 3 #‰`}`$ TKƒ ¾}hhK¨< ¾›Ç=e ›uv 3. “Charter’’ means the Addis Ababa City Ÿ}T ›e}ÇÅ` ‰`}` ›ªÏ lØ` Government Revised Charter 3)%1/09)(5 ¯.U ’¨<& Proclamation No. 361/2003: 4 #Ÿ”+v$ TKƒ u‰`}\ ›ªÏ lØ` 4. “Mayor’’ means the Chief Executive 3)%1/09)(5 ›”kê 2/3/ ”Å}}[ÔS Officer of the City Government as stated ›e}ÇÅ\” ¾T>S^ ª“ Y^ ›eðéT> ’¨<& under Article 2(3) of the Charter Proclamation No. 361/2003; 5 #U¡ƒM Ÿ”+v$ TKƒ u‰`}\ ›”kê 5. “Deputy Mayor’’ means the executive !2 ¾}SKŸ}¨< ¾Ÿ}T¨< ›e}ÇÅ` official of the City Government mentioned ›eðéT> ’¨<& under Article 22 of the Charter; www.chilot.me ገጽ 3 አዲስ ነጋሪ ጋዞጣ ቁጥር V5 ሐምሌ 2 ቀን 2g=4 ዓ.ም. Addis NegariGazeta No35,9thJuly,2012 Page - 3 - 6 #u=a$ TKƒ u²=I ›ªÏ ›”kê 4/1/ 6. “Bureau’’ means the executive organ of the ¾}SKŸ}¬ ¾›e}ÇÅ\ ›eðéT> ›ካል Government mentioned under Article 4 (1) of this ’¨<፣ Proclamation; 7 #"u=’@$ TKƒ u‰`}\ ›”kî 0/® 1/ /N/ 7. “Cabinet’’ means organ of power of the City ¾}SKŸ}¨<“ u‰`}\ ›”kê !3 Government stated under Article 10(1)(c) of the ¾}Å’ÑÑ<ƒ eM×”“ }Óva‹ ÁK<ƒ Charter and whose powers and functions are ¾›e}ÇÅ\ ¾eM×” ›"M ’¨<፣ stated under Article 23 of the Charter; 8 #¾Ÿ}T U¡` u?ƒ$ TKƒ u‰`}\ ›”kê 8. “City Council’’ means organ of power of the 0/1/G/ ¾}SKŸ}¨<“ eM×”“ }Óva‡ City Government mentioned under Article u›”kî 04 ¾}²[²\ƒ ¾›e}ÇÅ\ ¾eM×” 10(1)(a) and 9whose powers and functions are ›"M ’¨<፣ stated under Article 14 of the Charter; 9 #¡õK Ÿ}T$ TKƒ u‰`}\ ›”kê 2(5) 9. “Sub-City’’ means the second administrative ¾}SKŸ}¨< ¾Ÿ}T¨< G<K}— Å[Í ¾›e}ÇÅ` `Ÿ” ’¨<፣ stratum of the City mentioned under Article 0 #¾¨[Ç ›e}ÇÅ`$ TKƒ ¾¡õK Ÿ}T ›"M 2(5) of the Charter; ¾J’ ¾Ÿ}T¨< fe}— Å[Í ¾›e}ÇÅ` 10. “Wereda Administration” means the third `Ÿ” ’¨<፣ administrative stratum of the City, which is a unit 01 #¾¡õK Ÿ}T ª“ Y^ ›eðíT>& ¾¡õK of Sub-City; Ÿ}T Y^ ›eŸ=ÁÏ“ ¾¡õK Ÿ}T sT> 11. “Chief Executive of a Sub-City, Sub-City ¢T>‚$ TKƒ ”ÅpÅU }Ÿ}L†¨< Manager, and Standing Committee of a Sub- u‰`}\ ›”kê V4 eŸ V7 ¾}SKŸ~ƒ City’’ means organs mentioned in Articles 34 to ›"Lƒ “†¨< 37 of the Charter respectively; 02 #¾¨[Ç ª“ Y^ ›eðéT>' ¾¨[Ç sT> ¢T>‚ ¾¨[Ç e^ ›eŸ=ÁÏ$ TKƒ 12. “Chief Executive of Wereda, Standing Committee ”ÅpÅU }Ÿ}L†¨< u‰`}\ ›”kê of Wereda, Wereda Manager’’ means executive V8(2) ¾}SKŸ~ƒ ¾¨[Ç ›"Lƒ “†¨<:: organs of Wereda mentioned under Article 38(2) of the Charter respectively. ¡õM G<Kƒ Part Two eK "u=’@ ›vLƒ“ eK K?KA‹ ›eðéT> ›"Lƒ Cabinet Members and otherexecutive Organs U°^õ ›”É Chapter one ¾"u=’@ ›vLƒ“ ¾K?KA‹›eðéT> ›"Lƒ SssU“ Establishment and Organization of Cabinet ›Å[Í˃ Members and Other Executive Organs 3 ¾"u=’@ ›vLƒ 3. Cabinet Members 1 ¾Ÿ}T ›e}ÇÅ\ "u=’@ ›vLƒ ¾T>Ÿ}K<ƒ 1 The Cabinet members of the City Government “†¨<:- are the following: G. Ÿ”+v¨< a) the Mayor; www.chilot.me ገጽ አዲስ ነጋሪ ጋዞጣ ቁጥር V5 ሐምሌ 2 ቀን 2g=4 ዓ.ም. Addis NegariGazeta No35,9thJuly,2012 Page - 4 - 4 K. U¡ƒM Ÿ”+v¨< b) the Deputy Mayor; N. u²=I ›ªÏ ›”kê 4/1/ ¾}ssS<ƒ” c) the Heads of Bureaus established in u=a‹ ¾T>S\ Lò‹' “ accordance with Article 4(1) of this S. Ÿ”+v¨< u›vM’ƒ ”Ç=d}ñ Proclamation; and ¾T>S`׆¨< ¾›e}ÇÅ\ K?KA‹ d) Other officials of the Government selected vKYMו‹:: by the Mayor to be members in the 2 u²=I ›”kê ”®<e ›”kê 1/N/ ¾}SKŸ}¨< Cabinet. T”—¬U ¾u=a Lò u"u=’@¨< ewcv Là K=ј 2. Where the Bureau head mentioned in sub-article uTËMuƒ Ñ>²? U¡ƒK< ¨ÃU Ÿ›”É uLà (1) (c) of this Article is unable to attend the U¡ƒKA‹ "K<' uÓMê }KÄ ¨<¡M“ Cabinet meeting, the deputy or where there are ¾}cÖ¨< U¡ƒM u"u=’@¨< ewcv uUƒ¡ more than one deputies, the deputy specifically ›vM’ƒ Ãd}óM:: designated shall be a substitute member and 4 . ¾u=a‹“ SY]Á u?„‹ SssU“ }Ö]’ƒ attend the Cabinet meeting. ፩ ¾T>Ÿ}K<ƒ u=a‹ KŸ”+v¨< }Ö] uSJ” 4. Establishment and Accountability of Bureaus IÒ© c¨<’ƒ }cØ…†¨< ”ÅÑ“ }slSªM:- and Offices 1 ¾›pU Ó”v u=a' 1. The following Bureaus that are accountable to the 2 ¾ƒUI`ƒ u=a' Mayor are re-established having a legal 3 ¾”ÓÉ“ ›=”Æeƒ] MTƒ u=a' personality: 4 ¾¢”eƒ^¡i”“ u?„‹ MTƒ u=a' 1. Bureau of Capacity Building; 5 ¾óÓ”e“ ›=¢•T> MTƒ u=a' 2. Bureau of Education; 6 ¾Ö?“ u=a' 3. Bureau of Trade and Industry Development; 7 ¾õƒI u=a' 4. Bureau of Construction and Housing 8 የመሬት ልማትና ማኔጅመንት ቢሮ Development; 5. Bureau of Finance and Economic 9 የመንገድና ትራንስፖርት ቢሮ፣ Development; 0 ¾c?„‹ I铃“ ¨×„‹ Ñ<Çà u=a' 6. Bureau of Health; 01 ¾vIM“ ~]´U u=a፣ 7. Bureau of Justice; 02 ¾W^}—“ TIu^© Ñ<Çà u=a፣ 8. Land Development and Management Bureau; 03 ¾¢T>¿’>Ÿ?i” Ñ<ÇÄ‹ u=a& እና 9. Road and Transport Bureau; 10. Bureau of Women, Children and Youth 04 የጥቃቅንና አነስተኛ ኢንተርኘራይዞች ልማት ቢሮ Affairs; 11. Bureau of Culture and Tourism; 12. Bureau of Labour and Social Affairs; 13. Bureau of Communication Affairs; and 14. Micro and Small Scale Enterprises Development Bureau; www.chilot.me ገጽ 5 አዲስ ነጋሪ ጋዞጣ ቁጥር V5 ሐምሌ 2 ቀን 2g=4 ዓ.ም. Addis NegariGazeta No35,9thJuly,2012 Page - 5 - ፪. ¾T>Ÿ}K<ƒ K?KA‹ ¾›e}ÇÅ\ ›eðíT> ›"Lƒ 2. The following other executive organs of the }Ö]’ †¨< KŸ”+v¨< J’¨< QÒ© c¨<’ƒ Government that are accountable to the Mayor are }cØ…†¨< ”ÅÑ“ }slSªM:- re-established having a legal personality: a) Office of the Mayor; G/ ¾Ÿ”+v êIðƒ u?ƒ፣ b) Environmental Protection Authority; K/ ¾›"vu= Øun vKeM×”፣ c) The City Manager; N/ ¾Ÿ}T¨< Y^ ›eŸ=ÁÏ፣ d) Technical and Vocational Education and Training Agency; S/ ¾‚¡’>¡“ S<Á ƒUI`ƒ“ YMÖ“ ›?Ë”c=፣ e) The Revenue Authority; and W/ ¾Ñu=‹ vKYM×”፣ እ“ f) Addis Ababa City Sport Commission. [) የአዲስ አበባ ከተማ ስፖርት ኮሚሽን:: 5.Re-establishment of Other Executive Organs and 5 ¾K?KA‹ ›eðéT> ›"Lƒ“ ¾Ÿõ}— ƒUI`ƒ Higher Education Institutions }sTƒ ”ÅÑ“ SssU Notwithstanding the provisions of other relevant uK?KA‹ ›Óvw’ƒ vL†¬ IÔ‹ ¾}Å’ÑѬ laws, the following executive organs and higher ”Å}Öuk J• ¾T>Ÿ}K<ƒ ¾›e}ÇÅ\ ›eðíT> education institutions of the Government are re- ›"Lƒ“ ¾Ÿõ}— ƒUI`ƒ }sTƒ QÒ© c¨<’ƒ established being legal persons: uTÓ–ƒ ”ÅÑ“ }slSªM:- 1. Civil Service Agency; 1 ¾c=y=M c`y=e ›?Ë”c=፣ 2. Urban Management Institute; 2 ¾Y^ ›S^` ›=”e+ƒ¿ƒ፣ 3. Information Communication Technology 3 ¾›=”ö`T@i” ¢S<’>Ÿ?i” ‚¡•KAÍ= MTƒ Development Agency; ›?Ë”c=፣ 4 የቤቶች ልማትና አስተዳደር ኤጀንሲ፣ 4. Housing Development and Management 5 የቤቶች ግንባታ ፕሮጀክት ጽህፈት ቤት፣ Agency 6 የመንግስት ግንባታዎች ኤጀንሲ፣ 5. Housing Construction Project Office 7 የኮንስትራክሽን ኢንዱስትሪ ልማትና ቁጥጥር 6. Government Construction Agecy ባለሥልጣን፣ 7. Construction Industry Development and 8 የህብረተሰብ ተሳትፎ ልማት ኤጀንሲ፣ Regulatory Authority 9 ¾ ”ÙÙ þK=ቴ¡’>¡ ¢K?Ï፣ 8. Public Participation Development Agency 0 Ë’@^M ©”Ñ@ƒ þK=ቴ¡’>¡ ¢K?Ï፣ 9. Entoto polytechnic College; 10. General Winget Polytechnic College; 01 ¾›Ç=e ›uv }Óv[ °É þK=ቴ¡’>¡ ¢K?Ï ፣ 11. Addis Ababa Tegbareid Polytechnic College; 02 ”óe eM¡ þK=ቴ¡’>¡ ¢K?Ï ፣ 12. Nefas Silk Polytechnic College; 03 Ue^p þK=ቴ¡’>¡ ¢K?Ï ፣ 13. Misrak Polytechnic College; 04 ¾S<Á wnƒ U²““ T[ÒÑÝ T°ŸM፣ 14. Occupational Competency Assessment and Certification Centre; 05 ›nm ቴ¡’>¡“ S<Á ¢K?Ï፣ 15.Akaki Technical and Vocational College; www.chilot.me 6 ገጽ አዲስ ነጋሪ ጋዞጣ ቁጥር V5 ሐምሌ 2 ቀን 2g=4 ዓ.ም. Addis NegariGazeta No35,9thJuly,2012 Page - 6 - 16. Investment Agency; 06 ¾›=”yeƒS”ƒ ›?Ë”c=፣ 17. Kotebe Primary Level Hospital; 07 ኮተቤ መጀመሪያ ደረጃ ሆስፒታል፤ 18. Office for Control and Prevention of 08 ›?‹ ›Ã. y= ›?Ée SŸLŸÁ“ Sq×Ö]Á êIðƒ u?ƒ፣ HIV/AIDS; 09 ^e Åe ÇUÖ¬ S cu=Á Jeú M፣ 19. Ras Desta Damtew Memorial Hospital; ! ዳግማዊ T>’>K=¡ Jeú M፣ 20. Menelik II Hspital; !1 Ò”Ç= S cu=Á Jeú M፣ 21. Ghandi Memorial Hospital; !2 ²¬Ç²¬Ç=~ S cu=Á Jeú M፣ 22. Zewditu Memorial Hospital ; !3 ÇÓT© T>’>K=¡ Ö?“ dÔe ¢K?Ï፣ 23. Menelik II Health Science College; !4 Ÿ’T ó`Tc=‹ É`σ፣ 24. Kenema Pharmacies Enterprise; !5 Ø\’i u?ÃÍ=”Ó ›ÖnLà Jeú M፣ 25. Tirunesh Beijing General Hospital !6 ¾Å”w TeŸu` ›ÑMÓKAƒ êIðƒ u?ƒ፣ 26. Office of Code Enforcement Service; !7 ¾TIu^© õ`É u?„‹ ¾Ç™‹ ›e}ÇÅ` Ñ<v¯@ 27. Office of the Judicial Administration Council êIðƒ u?ƒ፣ of Social Courts; !8 ¢¢¢}u? SUI^” ƒUI`ƒ ¢K?Ï፣ 28. Kotobe College of Teachers Education; !9 ¾¾c=’>T u?„‹ ›e}ÇÅ`፣ 29. Cinema Halls Administration V የግንባታ ፈቃድና ቁጥጥር ባለሥልጣን፣ 30. Building Permit and Control Authority; 31. Land Development and City Renewal ፴1 የመሬት ልማትና ከተማ ማደስ ኤጀንሲ፣ Agency; ፴2 የመሬት ባንክና ማስተላለፍ ጽህፈት ቤት፣ 32. Land Bank and Transfer Office; ፴3 የከተማ ፕላን ኢንስቲቲዩት፤ 33. Urban Plan Institute; 34. Land Information and Technology Centre; ፴4 የመሬት መረጃና ቴክኖሎጂ ማዕከል፤ 35. Integrated Land Information Installation ፴5 የተቀናጀ የመሬት መረጃ ሥርዓት ዝርጋታ Coordination Office; ፕሮጀክት ማስተባበርያ ጽህፈት ቤት፤ 36. Immovable Property Registration and ፴6 የማይንቀሳቀስ ንብረት ምዝገባና መረጃ ኤጀንሲ፣ Information Agency; 37. Title Administration Transitional Period ፴7 የይዞታ አስተዳደር የሽግግር ጊዜ አገልግሎት Service Project Office; and ፕሮጀክት ጽህፈት ቤት፣እና 38. Productivity Improvement Centre. V8 ¾U` T’ƒ ThhÁ T°ŸM፡፡ 6. Accountability of Other Executive Organs and 6. ¾K?KA‹ ›eðéT> ›"Lƒ“ Ÿõ}— ¾ƒUI`ƒ“ Higher Education and Training Institutions eMÖ“ }sTƒ }Ö]’ƒ The accountability of other executive organs and ¾›eðíT> ›"Lƒ“ ¾Ÿõ}— ƒUI`ƒ“ eMÖ“ higher education institutions shall be as follows: }sTƒ }Ö]’ƒ ”ÅT>Ÿ}K¨< ÃJ“M፡- a. The executive organs mentioned under Sub- G - u›”kê (፭) ”®<e ›”kê 1 - 3 ¾}¾¾}SKŸ~ƒ articles (1) to (3) of Article 5 shall be accountable to the Bureau of Capacity ›eðíT> ›ካLƒ }Ö]’ƒ K›pU Ó”v u=a' Building; www.chilot.me ገጽ 7 አዲስ ነጋሪ ጋዞጣ ቁጥር V5 ሐምሌ 2 ቀን 2g=4 ዓ.ም. Addis NegariGazeta No35,9thJuly,2012 Page - 7 - K. u›”kê 5 ”®<e ›”kê 4 - 8 ¾}SKŸ~ƒ b. The executive organs mentioned under sub- ›eðíT> ›"Lƒ }Ö]’ƒ ለኮንስትራክሽንና article (4) to (8) of Article 5 shall be ቤቶች ልማት ቢሮ' accountable to the Construction and Housing N. u›”kê 5 ”®<e ›”kê 9 - 05 Development Bureau; ¾}SKŸ~ƒ Ÿõ}— ¾ƒUI`ƒ“ eMÖ“ c. The executive organs mentioned under Sub- }sTƒ }Ö]’ƒ K‚¡’>¡“ S<Á ƒUI`ƒ“ article (9) to (15) of Article 5 shall be eMÖ“ ›?Ë”c=' accountable to the Technical and Vocational S. u›”kê 5 ”®<e ›”kê 06 ¾}SKŸ}¨< Education and Training Agency; ›eðíT> ›"M }Ö]’ƒ K”ÓÉ“ ›=”Åeƒ] d. The executive organ mentioned under Sub- MTƒ u=a' W. u›”kê 5 ”®<e ›”kê 07 - !5 Article (16) of Article 5 shall be accountable to ¾}SKŸ~ƒ ›eðíT> ›"Lƒ }Ö]’ƒ KÖ?“ the Bureau of Trade and Industry Development; u=a' e. The executive organs mentioned under sub- [. u›”kê 5 ”®<e ›”kê !6 - !7 ¾} article (17) to (25) of Article 5 shall be ¾}¾}SKŸ~ƒ ›eðíT> ›"Lƒ }Ö]’ƒ accountable to the Bureau of Health; KõƒI u=a' f. The executive organs mentioned under sub- c. u›”kê 5 ”®<e ›”kê ¡!8 ¾¾}SKŸ}¬ article (26) to (27) of Article 5 shall be Ÿõ}— ¾ƒUI`ƒ }sU }Ö]’ƒ KƒUI`ƒ accountable to the Bureau of Justice; u=a' g. u›”kê ፭ ”®<e ›”kê ¡!9 ¾}SKŸ}¬ g. The higher education institution mentioned under Sub-Article (28) of Article 5 shall be }Ö]’ƒ KvIM“ ~]´U u=a፣ accountable to the Bureau of Education; k. u›”kê ፭ ”®<e ›”kê V – V7 h. The organ mentioned under sub-article (29) of ¾}SKŸ~ƒ ›eðéT> ›ካLƒ }Ö]’ƒ Article 5 shall be accountable to the Bureau of Culture and Tourism; KS_ƒ MTƒ“ T’@ÏS”ƒ u=a፣ i. The executive organs mentioned under sub- u. u›”kê ፭ ”®<e ›”kê V8 ¾}SKŸ}¬ article (30) to (37) of Article 5 shall be ›eðéT> ›ካM }Ö]’ƒ KØnp”“ ›’e}— accountable to the Land Development and ›=”}`ý^õ‹ MTƒ u=a ÃJ“M:: Management Bureau; j. The executive organ mentioned under sub-article (38) of Article 5 shall be accountable to the 7. ¾u=a‹“ ¾K?KA‹ ›eðéT> ›"Lƒ ›Å[Í˃“ Micro and Small Scale Enterprises Development Ÿ¡õK Ÿ}T Ò` ÁL†¨< }ª[Ç© Ó”–<’ƒ Bureau. 1 ¾ Á”Ç”Æ u=a ¨ÃU K?L ›eðéT> ›"M 7. Organization of Bureaus and Other Executive Lò' ”Å›eðLÑ>’~ U¡ƒM Lò‹' Organs and Vertical Relation with Sub-City K?KA‹ ›Óvw ÁL†¨< ¾Y^ ¡õKA‹“ 1. Each Bureau or other executive organ shall have KY^¨< ¾T>ÁeðMÑ< W^}™‹ ¾T>•[¨< a Head, Deputy Head/s as may be necessary and J• ÃÅ^ÍM& the required units and staff; www.chilot.me 8 ገጽ አዲስ ነጋሪ ጋዞጣ ቁጥር V5 ሐምሌ 2 ቀን 2g=4 ዓ.ም. Addis NegariGazeta No35,9thJuly,2012 Page - 8 - 2. ¾u=a U¡ƒM Lò ”Å›eðLÑ>’~ uu=a¬ Y` "K<ƒ ›”Æ” ¾Y^ H>Ń uvKu?ƒ’ƒ ÃS^M& 2. A Deputy Head of Bureau shall, as may be necessary, coordinate one core process, being 3. u=a‹ ŸT>Áe}vwb†¨<“ ŸT>Sb†¨< process owner, among those within the Bureau; ›eðéT> ›"Lƒ ¨ÃU ŸK?KA‹ ›eðéT> ›"Lƒ 3. Bureaus, executive organs coordinated by Ò` ”Å IÓ' óÓ”e Ó»“ ”w[ƒ Bureaus and other executive organs may share ›e}ÇÅ`' ¾c¬ ÃM ›e}ÇÅ` ÁK< ÅÒò support services such as legal, finance, purchase Y^ H>Ń ›ÑMÓKA„‹ uÒ^ K=ÖkS< and property administration and human resource management; the details shall be determined by ËLK<:: ´`´\ ¾Ÿ}T¨< "u=’@ uT>ÁìÉk¨< the directives of the Mayor based on the Sªp^© ›Å[Í˃ SW[ƒ uŸ”+v¨< uT>¨× organizational structure approved by the Cabinet; SS]Á èc“M፤ 4. Without prejudice to accountability of the Sub- 4 ¾¾¡õK Ÿ}T¨< êIðƒ u?ƒ ¨ÃU ¾K?L City executive offices or other executive units to ›eðéT> ¾e^ ¡õM u‰`}\“ u²=I ›ªÏ the Chief Executive of the Sub-City in u}Å’ÑѨ< SW[ƒ K¡õK Ÿ}T¨< ª“ Y^ accordance with the provisions of the Charter and ›eðéT> }Ö]’~ ”Å}Öuk J• Á”Ç”Æ u=a ¨ÃU ›eðéT> ›"M u pÉ ´Óσ' this Proclamation, each Bureau or executive organ u pÉ ¡”ª’@ ¡ƒƒM“ ÓUÑT' u›pU shall operate by establishing regular and direct Ó”v ' እንደአግባቡ u¨<eØ ´¨<¨<`“ uÅ[Í relationship with the structure in each Sub-City Éу ¾c^}— ›SÇÅw“ uK?KA‹ ‚¡’>"©“ on matters of planning, performance evaluation S<Á© Ñ<ÇÄ‹ u¾¡õK Ÿ}T¨< u}ª[É and follow-up, capacity building, internal staff ue^¨< Se¡ Ÿ}Å^˨< êIðƒ u?ƒ ¨ÃU transfer and promotion, placement of employees K?L ¾e^ ¡õM Ò` kØ}—“ SÅu— Ó”–<’ƒ and other technical and professional issues, as uTÉ[Ó Ãc^M:: may be proper. 8. ¾u=a‹' ¾K?KA‹ ›eðéT> ›"Lƒ“ Ÿõ}— 8. Accountability and Responsibilities of Head ¾ƒUI`ƒ“ eMÖ“ }sTƒ ¾uLà Lò‹ of Bureaus, Other Executive Organs and }Ö]’ƒ“ Lò’ƒ Higher Education and Training Institutions 1. Á”Ç”Æ ¾u=a Lò ¾T>S^¨<” u=a KT>SKŸ~ Y^‹' –aÓ^V‹“ QÔ‹ 1. Each Bureau Head shall be accountable to the ›ðéçU }Ö]’~ KŸ”+v¨< J•' Mayor for the activities, programs and implementation of laws in the Bureau he/she G. u=a¨<” ¾SU^ƒ“ ¾S¨ŸM Lò’ƒ directs and he/she: Õ[ªM፤ a) shall direct and represent the Bureau; K. ¾u=a¨<” YM×”“ }Óv` Y^ Là ¾TªM b) shall have the responsibility to execute the Lò’ƒ Õ[ªM፤ powers and functions of the Bureau; N. YM×”“ }Óv\” uŸòM KY^ pMØõ““ c) may delegate parts of his powers and functions ¨<Ö? T’ƒ ›eðLÑ> uJ’ SÖ” Ku ‹ to the lower officials to the extent it is necessary for the efficiency and effectiveness Lò‹ u¨<¡M“ SeÖƒ ËLM፤ of the operation. www.chilot.me ገጽ አዲስ ነጋሪ ጋዞጣ ቁጥር V5 ሐምሌ 2 ቀን 2g=4 ዓ.ም. Addis NegariGazeta No35,9thJuly,2012 Page - 9 - 9 2. The Head of other executive organ or higher 2. ¾K?ላ ›eðéT> ›"M ¨ÃU Ÿõ}— ¾ƒUI`ƒ“ education and training institution shall be eMÖ }sU Lò ¾T>S^¨<” ›eðéT> ›"M accountable to the Bureau or organ of power ¨ÃU Ÿõ}— ¾ƒUI`ƒ“ eMÖ“ }sU mentioned under Article 5 of this Proclamation KT>SKŸ~ Y^‹' –aÓ^V‹“ QÔ‹ for the activities, programs and implementation of ›ðéçU }Ö]’~ u²=I ›ªÏ ›”kê 5 laws in the executive body or higher education K}SKŸ}¨< u=a ¨ÃU ¾eM×” ›"M J•' and training institution he directs and shall have ¾T>S^¨<” ›eðéT> ›"M ¨ÃU Ÿõ}— ¾ƒUI`ƒ“ eMÖ“ }sU u}SKŸ} u²=I ›”kê the responsibilities stated under sub-article (1)(a- ”®<e ›”kê (1)(G-N) ¾}SKŸ~ƒ Lò’„‹ c) of this Article; Õ\ M፣ 3. The Deputy Head of Bureau or other Executive 3. ¾u=a ¨ÃU ¾K?L ›eðéT> ›"M ¨ÃU Ÿõ}— Organ or Higher Education and Training ¾ƒUI`ƒ“ eMÖ“ }sU Lò uTÕ`uƒ Institution shall act in the absence or incapacity of ¨ÃU ¾SY^ƒ ‹KA ¨<” v× Ñ>²? U¡ƒM the concerned Head. Besides in the ordinary Lò¨< }¡„ƒ ÃW^M:: ”Ų=G<U uSÅu— course of things, the Deputy Head shall be the G<’@ ÅÓV U¡ƒM GLò¬ uSªp^© ¾Y^ ´`´` u}SKŸ}¨< SW[ƒ ¾ Lò¨< ¾p`w close assistant of the Head as indicated in the [ǃ J• ÃW^M፣ structural job description; 4. u²=I ›”kê ”®<e ›”kê (1) ›eŸ (3) “ uIÓ 4. Without prejudice to the provisions stated in sub- uK?L G<’@ ¾}Å’ÑѨ< ”Å}Öuk J• articles (1–3) of this Article and other laws, ¾ Lò‹“ ¾U¡ƒM Lò‹ ¾Y^ G<’@ conditions of work for Heads and Deputy Heads uŸ}T¨< "u=’@ uT>¨× Å”w èc“M:: shall be determined by the regulations the City Cabinet issues. U°^õ G<Kƒ Chapter Two ¾u=a‹“ ¾T>Áe}vwb†¨< K?KA‹ ›eðéT> ›"Lƒ ¨ÃU Ÿõ}— ¾ƒUI`ƒ“ eMÖ“ }sTƒ YM×”“ Powers and Functions of the Bureaus and Other }Óv` Executive Organs Coordinated by the Bureaus or Higher Education and Training Institutions ²`õ ›”É Section One G<K<U ›ካLƒ eKT>•^†¬ YM×”“ }Óv` Common Powers and Functions 9. ¾¨M YM×”“ }Óv` Á”Ç”Æ u=a ¨ÃU K?L ›eðéT> ›"M ¨ÃU 9. Common Powers and Functions Ÿõ}— ¾ƒUI`ƒ“ eMÖ“ }sU uY^¨< Each Bureau or other executive organ or higher Se¡፤ education and training institution in its field of activity shall have the powers and functions to: 1. ŸôÈ^M S”ÓYƒ þK=c=“ QÓ Ò` 1. initiate policies and laws of the Government ¾T>××U ¾›e}ÇÅ\” þK=c=“ QÓ consistent with the laws and policies of the ÁS’ÝM' °pÉ“ u˃ Á²ÒÍM' c=ðkÉU Federal Government; prepare plans and budget uY^ Là Á¨<LM፣ and implement same upon approval; www.chilot.me 0 ገጽ አዲስ ነጋሪ ጋዞጣ ቁጥር V5 ሐምሌ 2 ቀን 2g=4 ዓ.ም. Addis NegariGazeta No35,9thJuly,2012 Page - 10 - 2. uôÈ^M S”ÓYƒ“ u›e}ÇÅ\ ¾¨Ö< 2. ensure the enforcement of policies and laws of þK=c=‹“ QÔ‹ uY^ Là SªL†¨<” the Federal and the City Governments; issue Á[ÒÓ×M' SS]Á‹” Á¨×M፣ directives; 3. ”Å›eðLÑ>’~ U`U`“ Ø“ƒ ÁŸ“¨<“M' 3. undertake studies and researches as may be e ƒe+"© S[Í‹” ÃcuevM' necessary, collect and organize statistical data Ák’vw^M' KT>SKŸ †¨< Ác^ÝM፣ and distribute to concerned parties; 4. W^}™‡” ›Óvw vK¨< QÓ SW[ƒ 4. employ, administer and terminate the ÃkØ^M' Áe}ÇÉ^M' Ác“w M፣ employment relationship with the employees in 5. u˃“ ”w[ƒ u›e}ÇÅ\ ¾óÓ”e ›e}ÇÅ` “ ¾Ó»“ ”w[ƒ ›e}ÇÅ` QÓ SW[ƒ accordance with appropriate law; Áe}ÇÉ^M' uQÓ SW[ƒ ¾›ÑMÓKAƒ ¡õÁ 5. administer its budget and properties in ÃcuevM፤ accordance with the financial and procurement 6 ¾›pU Ó”v Y^‹” ÁŸ“¨<“M' ¾c=y=M and property administration laws; and collect c`y=e ThhÁ –aÓ^U” ÁeðêTM፤ service fees in accordance with law; 7 ›Óvw "L†¨< ›"Lƒ“ ¾Ÿ}T¨< ’ª]‹ Ò` 6. perform activities of capacity building and u›Ò`’ƒ KSY^ƒ ¾T>Áe‹K< eM„‹ implement the Civil Service Reform Program; uSk¾e }Óv^© ÁÅ`ÒM፤ 7. design strategies that enable it to work in 8 eK Y^ ›ðéçS< u¾¨p~ }Ö] KJ’uƒ partnership with the appropriate organs and ›"M ]þ`ƒ Ák`vM፤ residents and implement same; 9 ¾”w[ƒ vKu?ƒ ÃJ“M' uIÓ SW[ƒ ”w[ƒ 8. submit periodical reports to the organ it is Áe¨ÓÇM፤ accountable; 0 ueS< ¨<M SªªM' S¡ce ¨ÃU SŸce 9. own property and dispose property as per law; ËLM፤ 10. enter into contract, sue or be sued in its own 01 u²=I ›ªÏ“ uK?KA‹ QÔ‹ ¾}cÖ<ƒ” name; YM×”“ }Óv^ƒ ue^ Là Á¨<LM:: 11. exercise powers and functions vested in it by ²`õ G<Kƒ this Proclamation and other laws. 0 ¾Ÿ”+v êIðƒ u?ƒ YM×”“ }Óv` Section Two êIðƒ u?~ ¾T>Ÿ}K<ƒ YM×”“ }Óv^ƒ 10. Powers and Functions of Office of the Mayor Õ\ M:- 1 ¾¾Ÿ”+v¬” êIðƒ u?ƒ uuLÃ’ƒ ÁÅ^ÍM፣ The Office shall have the following powers and functions:- ÃS^M፣ Áe}ÇÉ^M፣ 1. superiorly organize, direct and administer Office 2 Kካu=’@ ewcv ¾T>k`u< ›Ë”Ç‹” ›eðLÑ>’ƒ of the Mayor; ›Ã„ ¬d’@ ”Ç=ÁÑ–< ÁÅ`ÒM፤ ¾ካu=’@ ewcv 2. cause decision be made on the importance of agenda items to be presented to the Cabinet; nK-Ñ<v¯@‹፣ ¬d’@‹“ c’Ê‹ uT>Ñv cause the minutes, decisions and documents of }S´Óu¬ ”Ç=Öul ÁÅ`ÒM፤ Cabinet meetings properly recorded and kept; www.chilot.me