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Addendum to "The resurrection of Alcantarea and Werauhia, a new genus" (Bromeliaceae: Tillandsioideae) PDF

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Preview Addendum to "The resurrection of Alcantarea and Werauhia, a new genus" (Bromeliaceae: Tillandsioideae)

Phylologia (February 1995) 78(2):119-123. ADDENDUM TO "THE RESURRECTION OF ALCANTAREA AND WERAUHIA A NEW GENUS" (BROMELIACEAE: TILLANDSIOIDEAE) Jason R. Grant DepartmentofBotany,UniversityofMaryland,CollegePark, Maryland20742-5815 U.S.A. ABSTRACT An addendum to a recently published paper. The resurrection of Alcantarea and Werauhia, a new genus" (Grant 1995) is presented. Taxonomic amendments include: accepting new synonymy proposed by Utley (1994) including Vriesea breedloveam L.B. Smith = Werauhia werckleana (Mez) J.R. Grant, V. chiapensis Matuda = W. pectinata (L.B. Smith) J.R. Grant, V. cornus-cervi Rohweder = W. werckleana (Mez) J R Grant, V. ovandensis Matuda = W. pycnantha (L.B. Smith) J.R. Grant! comb, nov., and V. patzeltii Rauh subsp. panamaensis Rauh = W* greenbergii(Utley)J.R. Grant,andthe transferofVrieseaburgeriL.B Smith andV.macranthaMez&Werckleto Werauhia as W. burgeri (L.B. Smith) J.R. Grant, comb, nov., and W. macrantha (Mez & Werckl^) J.R. Grant comb. nov. While a U-anslation of the Alcantarea abstract into Spanish was published, its translationintoPortugueseandthe translations of the Werauhia text into both Portuguese and Spanish were omitted by the publisher. They arepnntedhereintheirentirety. Severalerrorsinthetextarealsocorrected. KEY WORDS: Bromeliaceae,Tillandsioideae,Alcantarea, Werauhia, Vriesea INTRODUCTION TheThisaddendumaccountsfortaxonomicchangesanderrors in the text of the paper resurrectionoiAlcantareaand Werauhia,a new genus" (Grant 1995) While an updatedmanuscriptcontaining theserevisionswas sent to the publisher of that paper the computer diskette containing the file became corrupted dunng international mail transport,and thecorrections werenot made. Therefore, the onginal manuscnpl was pnntedwithouttheamendments. Thispapersummanzesthechanges that should have beenmade. ALCANTAREA gen6Snucm(d^rinoa.TilElsatneds€iooidperaie.meiOroobdjeecutimvaoesedreileimdietaarrotisgIoismiqtueesdieragoenreevriosairndoivsidluiamlisteas lim de desenvolver um sistem natural e filgenico de classifica9ao de nivel genenco 119 PHYTOLOGIA 120 volume78(2):119-123 February 1995 denlro da sub-famflia. Aqui, Alcantarea (Morren ez Mez) Harms € reclassificada de suapreviafX)si9aosub-genericaaumacategonagenerica Hase distingue de Vriesea por suas espectaculares pdlalas espirais, longilineas, fusiformes, distintamente fl^idas, e por sementes com comas basais e dpices. A historia, nomenclatura, taxonomiaerelacionamentogenericodogeneros5odiscutidas. Dezesp^ciesforman o gdnero,oitoda quias sao novos acr6scimos: Alcantarea brasiliana (L.B. Smith) J.R. Grant, comb, nov., A. duarteana(L.B. Smith) J.R. Grant, comb, nov., A. extensa & (L.B. Smith) J.R. Grant, comb, nov., A. fameyi (Martinelli Costa) J.R. Grant, comb, nov.,A.geniculata (Wawra) J.R. Grant, comb, nov., A. imperialis (Carridre) Harms,A. nahoumii(Leme) J.R. Grant, comb, nov., A. odorata (Leme) J.R. Grant, comb, nov.,A. regina(Vellozo) Harms, eA. vinicolor (Pereira & Reitz) J.R. Grant, comb.nov. AlcantareaestdlimitadaaosestadosbrasileirosdeRiodeJaneiro, Espirito Santo,MinasGeraiseBahia,a^cadeniicieodediversidadedeVriesea. WERAUHIA Sum^o. Urn neve gdnero de Bromeiiaceae representado por sessenta e sies esp&ies e uma especies previamente atribuida a Vriesea Lindley subgenero Vriesea divisaoXiphion (E. Morren ) E. Morren ex Mez. Em homenagem ao Professor Dr. WernerRauh,€ denominadaWerauhiaJ.R. Grantgen. nov. O mesmo6 caracterizado por plantas de nora9ao notuma, e em geral por uma faita de colora^ao brilhante, sobretudo br^teas e flores, principolmente camosas, de simeuia bilateral, frequentemente com corolas zigombrficas, androcoe e gynoecoe, as iuas ultimas consideravelmente dentro dacorola, apdndices de p^talas dactil6ides com um a cinco dedos de tamanhos variados, estigmas com morfologia de tipo cupula, faltando papellae e com cupulas escuras resistentes. Dentro de Werauhia, duas divisoes sao descritas: Werauhia para trinta esp&ies representando elemenvos "aliados thecophylloid"deUtley,eJutleya J.R. Grant sect nov. em homenagem ao Dr. John F. Utley por trinta e seis esp6:ies e uma subespecies representando 'thecophylloid vrieseas". O gdnero se extende do sul do Mexico, atravds da America Central ^ IndiasOcidentais, PenienordestedoBrasil. Seu niicleo de diversidade e acadeia de montanhas que incluem a Cordilheira de Guanacaste, Cordilheira de Tilaran, CordilheiraCentraleCordilheiradeTalamancaemCostaRicaeoestedol^'anam^ Resumen. Un nuevo genero de Bromeiiaceae es descrito por sesenta y sies especieseunasubespeciesatribuidaspreviamenteaVrieseaLindleysubgeneroVriesea secci<5nXiphion(E Morren) E MorrenexMez. En honor al Prof. Dr. Werner Rauh sehaIlamado WerauhiaJ.R. Grant, gen. nov. Elmismosecaracterizaporplantascon florecimiento generalmente noctumo, una ausencia general de coloraci6n brillante, ta^teas y flores principalmente camosas y frecuentemente unilaterales, simetria bilateral,corolas,androeciosyginoecios frecuentemente cigomorficos, donde los dos liltimosseencuentranincluidosdentrodelacorola, ap^ndices dactilares en los petalos conunoacinco dedos de longitud variada, estigmas con morfologia tipo cupula, con ausenciadepapilas,ycdpsulasresistentesydecolor oscuro. Dentro de Werauhia, se describen dos secciones: Werauhia para treinta especies representando elementos de los '*thecophylloid allies"de Utley, y Jutleya J.R. Grant sect nov. en honor del Dr. John F. Utley, para treinta y seis especies e una subespecies representando los H "thecophylloid vrieseas"de Utley. gdnero se extiende desde el sur de Mexico, a irav^deAmericaCentralylasAntillasOccidentales, al Peni y el nordeste brasilefio. Su centro de diversidad y de mayor concenlraci6n de especies es en la cadena de ^'^^' Addendum toAlcanlarea pi Cmoo^nilialnlaesmCqeunetrailncylulyaeCnorldaUlCeornd.idlleeTraaldaemanGcuaaneancacsjte^'la^C^oIrdHil'le^mJH:^dT;lia&,^«i'. m1BaTse"dZon LthBe-.woSrmkithof=UtWieeryau(h19i9a4)w,ertchkelefaonlalo(wimn4g)chJa.nRg^esG^arte noVted-cAViriae,p>-Sn Hw-e^rctWea"naT(;M.e'z*)wJ'.^R."iG^r-an^t-. ^V.'"o'v*a'ndJeRn-sisGfM^a't.ud^a'-=coWrnp^-ycc^nravmrhRao(hwLeRd^eMT,-{T J.R. Grant. Additionally, some of the taxa reduced to synonymy in Gilnt (1995 Werckl^. V. n«M«5L.B. Smith,and V. rugosa Mez& Werckle Afte7i^=,min?H„„ omfakten«thmeataeprpiraol,pnIawtiellchraencgoegsn.izeItVi.sbbeustrgtoekre!e^pKth^e ^reamamin^inagstadxai^in^csy"MSnrySm^vduhnetril f^^'.^S'*'::"'"^'°^°'°"^^f^" Negro(about 15 km fromTl^iS) near CRFnol^ee™ ""''' ^'^^***"^^^"^^^("OLOTYPE UsTotyfJ^T W-rN^afwerawigsrse,enKbelrg^ii.(TUrUoepy.) SJu.bRl.roGpr.anPtn,anAzbehn.weAlktad91.:4W2i.ss.199Li5t.. MBaaiSnz[oMNaYtMh- Vn^.ea|r..«te.^„Utley TulaneStud.Zool.Bot.30. 1983. TYPE cSta RnoItCAse.enA;lIasjouteylpae:s:noCrtRh,oDfUSaKnERnaomtcSsne,en,yiF/enyo<tSs(e/e»nfeyU5S7)47 (H^O'L-O''T"Y^P^E^ D'"U'KU'E^ " \Ma^th^.h-NTa^tu"rw"is^s".^JK,l^as-sef,X'f'T^r-o'rpi.aensSiusbRtarouph.inPfAlbahn.zeAnkwaedlt. W6i0s:s8.6Lit 1M9a8in^z' AAotn.rtAkiadTmWJisIs.^Lrit^. MLa""i-nz.°'M^a'thf'.!-fN,Pa-tufrw"s"s.^K'la^sse(RauThr)opJ.RS.u'bt^r,oo. Res4ffiiiu-tI?Z).]X^.. ('fforc5^PE'^?bnot-^^^nr" '""'^ "''vrw^,*'/""{':~";=^"^"'^*Mfe(zMe&zW&ercWkelr^cikVl,eM)ezJ.,R.BulGlr.aHnetr,b.coBmobi.ssineorv.ser.B2ASI^O^N^YM7-. loTtenYphotoS^^'^''^- ''"^'^'^^^•^'rckles.n.iHOLCfVYPB B WiTa«Ampec/ma4,(L.B^Smith) J.R. Grant, Abh. Akad. Wiss. Lie Mainz Math- Naturwiss. Klasse, Trop. Subtrop. Pflanzenwelt 91:33. 1995 BAsToOTm' Vr«.seap.cn«a/aL.B. Smith, Ull<!a6:387. 1941. TYPE GUATBMlT^^ta Verapaz: Cobto,5M«dfey6905J(HOLOTYPE Fnots^n) - VM1na9ei5^n2.za.cMiWametphre.an-usNhiamtsurMc^ahinusiispd.ean,KsliAasnsas(eiM.eastTurIdonaps).tSJuB.biRto.lr.oGpr.UannPitfv.l.anANzbaehcn..weAlMtkeax9di1.c:o3W7i2s3Ts:9193L50L MMMB^hCrAIC^UOn.''C?h?i"a'p"a"s':' Mw'o'n"t'e'B'e"ll«o«.«nPe^acrnCVoimoMitbayn,UtRIaemy/r(e1z99147:1831(.H)^.O^vL-OT^iTYiYPrtPE:E. notseen). PHYTOLOGIA 122 volume78(2):119-123 February 1995 Werauhia pycnantha (L.B. Smith) J.R. Grant, comb. tiov. BASIONYM: Vriesea pycnantha L.B. Smith, Contr. Gray Herb. 154:31. 1945. TYPE GUATEMALA. Quezaltenango: along Rfo Samal^, Santa Maria de Jesus to Calahuachd,Steyermark33903(HOLOTYPE: F,notseen [photoUS]). = Vriesea ovandensis Matuda, Cact. Sue. Mex. 2(4):78. 1957. Werauhia ovandensis (Matuda) J.R. Grant, Abh. Akad. Wiss. Lit. Mainz. Math.- Naturwiss. Klasse, Trop. Subtrop. Pflanzenweit 91:33. 1995. Placed in synonymyunderVrieseapycnanthabyUtley(1994:131.). TYPE MEXICO. Chiapas: Monte Ovando, northeast of Escuintla, Matuda 32634 (HOLOTYPE: MEXUnotseen;Isotype: US). Werauhia werckkana (Mez) J.R. Grant, Abh. Akad. Wiss. Lit. Mainz. Math.- Naturwiss. Klasse, Trop. Subtrop. Pflanzenweit 91:38. 1995. BASIONYM: Vriesea werckleana Mez, Bull. Herb. Boissier ser. 2, 3(2):136. 1903, not ThecophyllumwerckleanumMez{19CQ:139.) [= Werauhia nephrolepis]. TYPE COSTA RICA. Caitago: Vicinity ofCartago, Werckle 16210 (HOLOTYPE B notseen [photoUS];Isotype: US). = Vriesea breedloveam L.B. Smith, Phytologia 28(4):326. 1974. Werauhia breedloveana(L.B. Smith)J.R. Grant,Abh. Akad. Wiss. Lit. Mainz. Math. - Naturwiss. Klasse, Trop. Subtrop. Pflanzenweit 91:31. 1995. Placed in synonymy under Vriesea werckleana by Utley (1994:134.). TYPE MEXICO. Chiapas: Mun. Zinacantan, along Hwy. 190 in the Zinacantan paranjeofNavenchauk,Breedlove15438(HOLOTYPE US). = Vriesea cornus-cervi Rohweder, Abh. Auslandsk., Band 61, Reihe C, Naturwiss. 18:82. 1956. Werauhia cornus-cervi (Rohweder) J.R. Grant, Abh. Akad. Wiss. Lit Mainz. Math.-Naturwiss. Klasse, Trap. Subtrop. Pflanzenweit91:31. 1995. Placedinsynonymy under Vriesea werckleana by Utley (1994:134.). TYPE EL SALVADOR. Sonsonate: Laguna de las Ranas,Rohweder436(HOLCDTYPE HBGnotseen). ERRATA p. 15,line26, replace: "Wawra, H.R. &H.R. vonFemsee" with "Wawra, H., Ritter vonFemsee". p. 19, lines 16-17, replace: ""Vriesea sect Xiphion (E. Morren) J.R. Grant, comb, ined., (Grant in prep.)" with "'Vriesea sect Xiphion (E Morren) E. Morren, Belgique Hort. 28:257. 1878." Since Vriesea sect. Xiphion already exists, the impliedneedforachangeinrankisincorrect. p.27,line 16,replace: "apically"with"basally". p.27,line31,replace: "basally" with "apically". The words "basally"and "apically" wereinadvertentlyreversedinthekey. Their use throughout the remainder of the textiscorrect The 'Index to Names Cited"at the end of the Werauhia text refers only to the taxa listedinthe Werauhiaportionofthepaper. It does not include the taxa mentioned intheAlcantareatext Grant: AddendumtoAlcantarea 123 MAP: Thetitleofthemapwasomitted. Itshouldread: "ApproximateDistributions of Alcantarea, Vriesea,and Werauhia'\ ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I thankJzunesL. RevealandJamesR. Rundell forcommentsonand review of the manuscript. UTERATURECITED Grant,J.R. 1995. TheresurrectionoiAlcantaread^nd Werauhia, a new genus. Abh. Akad, Wiss. Lit. Mainz. Math.-Naturwiss. Klasse, Trop. Subtrop. Pflanzenwelt 91:1-57. Utley, J.F. 1994. "Bromeliaceae," pp. 89-159. In: Davidse, G., M. Sousa S., & A.O. Chater (eds.). Flora Mesoamericana. Volumen 6, Alismataceae a Cyperaceae. MexicoCity: UniversidadNacionalAutonomadeMexico.

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