Adaptively Biased Molecular Dynamics for Free Energy Calculations Volodymyr Babin, Christopher Roland, and Celeste Sagui∗ Center for High Performance Simulations (CHiPS) and Department of Physics, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695 (Dated: January 16, 2008) WepresentanAdaptivelyBiasedMolecularDynamics(ABMD)methodforthecomputationofthefree energy surface of a reaction coordinate using non-equilibriumdynamics. The ABMD method belongs to the general category of umbrella sampling methods with an evolving biasing potential, and is 8 inspired by the metadynamics method. The ABMD method has several useful features, including a 0 small number of control parameters, and an O(t) numerical cost with molecular dynamics time t. 0 The ABMD method naturally allows for extensions based on multiple walkers and replica exchange, 2 wheredifferentreplicascanhavedifferenttemperaturesand/orcollectivevariables. Thisisbeneficial not only in terms of the speed and accuracy of a calculation, but also in terms of the amount of n usefulinformationthatmaybeobtainedfromagivensimulation. TheworkingsoftheABMDmethod a are illustrated via a study of the folding of the Ace-GGPGGG-Nme peptide in a gaseous and solvated J environment. 4 2 I. INTRODUCTION they can all be considered as umbrella sampling meth- ] i ods, with an evolving potential. In the long time limit, c s When investigating the equilibrium properties of a the biasing force is expected to compensate for the free - complex polyatomic system, it is customary to identify energy gradient, so that the biasing potential eventually l r a suitable reaction coordinate σ(r ,...,r ) : R3N 7→ Q reproduces the free energy surface. mt that maps atomic positions r1,..1.,rN oNnto the points Inthiswork,wepresentanAdaptivelyBiasedMolecular of some manifold Q, and then to study its equilibrium Dynamics (ABMD) method whose implementation is par- . t probability density: ticularly efficient and suited for free energy calculations. a m ThemethodhasanO(t)scalingwithmoleculardynamics p(ξ)= δ[ξ−σ(r1,...,rN)] , ξ ∈Q time t and is characterized by only two control parame- - d (cid:10) (cid:11) ters. Inaddition,themethodallowsforextensionsbased n (angularbracketsdenoteanensembleaverage). Theden- onmultiplewalkersandreplicaexchangeforbothtemper- o sityp(ξ)providesinformationabouttherelativestability ature and/or the collective variables. The ABMD method c ofstatescorrespondingtodifferentvaluesofξ alongwith has been implemented in the AMBER software package9, [ usefulinsights into the transitionalkinetics betweenvar- and is to be distributed freely. 2 ious stable states. In practice, the Landau free energy1 Before discussing ABMD, it is helpful to review the v salient features of the metadynamics (MTD) method. Es- 3 f(ξ)=−k T lnp(ξ), B sentially, the MTD method is built upon the LEM method 5 4 is typically preferred over p(ξ), because it tends to be by exploiting Car-Parrinello dynamics: the phase space 0 more intuitive. Either p(ξ) or f(ξ) is said to provide of the system is extended to include additional dynami- 8. a coarse-grained description of the system — in terms cal degrees of freedom harmonically coupled to the col- 0 of ξ alone — with the rest of the degrees of freedom of lective variable. These additional degrees of freedom are 7 the original system integrated out. Quite naturally, the assumedtohavemassesassociatedwiththem,andevolve 0 reaction coordinate (often also referred to as collective in time according to Newton’s laws. The masses are v: variable ororder parameter) istypicallychosento repre- supposed to be large enough, so that the dynamics of i senttheslowestdegreesoffreedomoftheoriginalsystem, these extra-variables is driven by the free energy gradi- X although this is not formally required. ent. Theirtrajectoryisthen usedto constructahistory- ar In the past few years, several methods targeting the dependent biasing potential by means of placing many computation of f(ξ) using non-equilibrium dynamics small Gaussians along the trajectory. When combined have become popular. First methods that introduced with Car-Parrinello ab-initio dynamics, MTD has been a time evolving potential to bias the original potential successfully used to explore complex reaction pathways energy were the the Local Elevation Method (LEM)2, by involving several energy barriers10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18. Huber, Torda and van Gunsteren in the MD context and While MTD continues to be used successfully, there are the Wang-Landau approachin MC one3. More recent ap- several known limitations associated with the initial im- proaches include the adaptive-force bias method4, and plementationofthe method, whichprovidedthe motiva- the non-equilibrium metadynamics5,6 method. These tion for the development of the ABMD method. First, in methods all estimate the free energy of the reaction co- ordertocalculatereliablefreeenergieswithacontrollable ordinate from an “evolving” ensemble of realizations7,8, accuracy, long runs are needed, especially for the “cor- andusethatestimatetobiasthe systemdynamics,soas rective” follow-up at equilibrium19. This is especially to flatten the effective free energy surface. Collectively, true for biomolecular systems, which typically are char- Typeset by REVTEX 2 acterizedby manydegreesof freedomand non-negligible andusecubicB-splines(orproductsofthereofforD >1) entropy contributions to the free energies. Long runs, to discretize U(t|ξ) in Q: however, may be precluded by the MTD method, because of its unfavorable scaling with molecular dynamics MD U(t|ξ)= U (t)B(ξ/∆ξ−m), m time t. While one can readily speed up the original MTD mX∈ZD method using such tricks as truncated Gaussians and kd-trees19, the bottleneck there is the explicit calcula- (2−|ξ|)3/6, 1≤|ξ|<2, tion of the history-dependent potential. Since at every MD step, Gaussians from all previous time steps need to B(ξ)= ξ2(|ξ|−2)/2+2/3, 0≤|ξ|<1, 0, otherwise. be added, the number of Gaussians grows linearly with t. The numerical cost of MTD therefore grows as O(t2) We use the biweight kernel21 for G(ξ): which,insomecases,mayproveitselftobeprohibitively expensive,especiallywhenlongrunsareneeded. Another 48 1− ξ2 4 2, −2≤ξ ≤2 undesirable feature is that the MTD method (at least in G(ξ)= , 41(cid:26)0(cid:0), (cid:14) (cid:1) otherwise its original implementation) is characterized by a rela- tively large number of parameters (e.g., the masses and and anEuler-like discretizationscheme for the time evo- spring constants associated with the collective variable, lution of the biasing potential: the characteristics of the Gaussians to be added, multi- ple control parameters, etc), all of which influence the kBT U (t+∆t)=U (t)+∆t G σ/∆ξ−m , dynamics in an entangled and non-transparent way. A m m τ successful MTD run often requires a careful balancing of F (cid:2) (cid:3) whereσ =σ(r ,...,r )isattimet. Notethatthistime theseparameters,whichisespeciallynontrivialformulti- 1 N discretizationmaybereadilyimproved. This,however,is dimensional collective variables. More recent implemen- tationsof MTD20 havereducedthenumberofparameters. notreallyimportanthere,sincethegoalisnottorecover As will be discussed, the ABMD method is characterized the solution of the ABMD equations per se, but rather to by only two control parameters and scales as O(t) with flatten U(t|ξ)+f(ξ) in the t→∞ limit. Note also, that the numerical cost of evaluation of the time-dependent simulation time. potential is constant over time, and so ABMD scales triv- ially as O(t), which is computationally quite favorable. II. THE ADAPTIVELY BIASED MOLECULAR The storage requirements of the ABMD are also quite rea- DYNAMICS METHOD. sonable, especially if sparse arrays are used for Um. In addition, it is characterizedby only two control parame- The ABMDmethod isformulatedintermsofthe follow- ters: thefloodingtimescaleτF andthekernelwidth4∆ξ. ABMD admits two important extensions. The first is ing set of equations: identical in spirit to the multiple walkers metadynam- d2r ∂ ics7,22. It amounts to carrying out several different MD ma dt2a =Fa− ∂r U t|σ(r1,...,rN) , simulationsbiasedbythesameU(t|ξ),whichevolvesvia: a (cid:2) (cid:3) ∂U(t|ξ) k T = B G ξ−σ(rα,...,rα) , ∂U(t|ξ) = kBTG ξ−σ(r ,...,r ) , ∂t τF Xα (cid:2) 1 N (cid:3) 1 N ∂t τ F (cid:2) (cid:3) where α labels different MD trajectories. A second exten- where the first set represents Newton’s equations that sion is to gather several different MD trajectories, each govern ordinary MD (temperature and pressure regula- bearing its own biasing potential and, if desired, its tiontermsarenotshown)augmentedwiththeadditional own distinct collective variable, into a generalized en- force coming from the time-dependent biasing potential semble for “replica exchange” with modified “exchange” U(t|ξ) (with U(t = 0|ξ) = 0), whose time evolution is rules23,24,25. Both extensions are advantageous and lead given by the second equation. In the following, we re- to a more uniform flattening of U(t|ξ)+f(ξ) in Q. This fer to τ as flooding timescale and to G(ξ) as kernel (in enhancedconvergencetof(ξ)isduetotheimprovedsam- F analogy to the kernel density estimator widely used in pling of the “evolving” canonical distribution. statistics21). The kernel is supposed to be positive defi- We have implemented the ABMD method in the AMBER nite (G(ξ) > 0) and symmetric (G(−ξ) = G(ξ)). It can package9, with support for both replica exchange and be perceived as a smoothed Dirac delta function. For multiple-walkers. In pure “parallel tempering” replica large enough τ and small enough width of the kernel, exchange (same collective variable in all replicas), N F r the biasing potential U(t|ξ) converges towards −f(ξ) as replicas are simulated at different temperatures T , n = n t→∞7,8. 1,...,N . Each replica has its own biasing potential r OurnumericalimplementationoftheABMDmethodin- Un(t|ξ), n= 1,...,N , that evolves according to its dy- r volves the following. We stick with Q = Q ×···×Q namicalequation. Exchangesbetweenneighboring repli- 1 D whereQ iseither [a,b]∈R1 oraone-dimensionaltorus, casareattemptedataprescribedrate,withanexchange k 3 6 O NH 5 N MTD ) NH ol4 m O O O al/ O HN kc3 ( S NH NH M2 R E NH 1 ABMD O O 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 FIG.1: TheAce-GGPGGG-Nme peptideinaβ-hairpin confor- time (ns) mation (sketch). FIG.2: RMS errorof thefreeenergy over3.3˚A<Rg <6.3˚A at T = 300K for the ABMD (blue) and reference MTD (red) probability given by23: simulations. 1, ∆≤0, w(m|n)= (2.1) (cid:26)exp(−∆), ∆>0, the free energy calculation for the new variables. It is also worth noting that for replicas running at the same temperature, the exchange probability does not depend 1 1 ∆ = − Em−En (2.2) ontheatomicpotentialenergies(Eqs.(2.1)-(2.2)above). (cid:18)kBTn kBTm(cid:19)(cid:16) p p(cid:17) Thisimpliesthatthenumberofreplicasneededtomain- 1 + Um(ξn)−Um(ξm) tainacceptableexchangeratescanbe madeindependent kBTmh i of the solvent degrees of freedom, provided that one is 1 interested in the properties of the solute only (so that − Un(ξn)−Un(ξm) , k T the collective variables do not depend explicitly on the B nh i atomiccoordinatesofthesolvent)andthatthestructure where E denotes the atomic potential energy. The bi- p is adequately solvated. This can be exploited to sam- asing potentials are temperature-bound and converge in ple a solute with a minimum amount of solvent, and to the t → ∞ limit to the free energies at their respective accelerate the averagingover the solvent degrees of free- temperatures. dom. These last two applications of the general replica We have also implemented a more general replica ex- exchange method are illustrated in the next section. changescheme,wheredifferentreplicascanhavedifferent collectivevariablesand/ortemperatures,andcanexperi- ence either an evolving or a static biasing potential (the latter obviously includes the case of Un(t|ξ) = 0). Ex- III. CASE STUDY: A SHORT PEPTIDE. changes between random pairs of replicas are then tried at a prescribed rate. This method is simply a general- To illustrate the method, we have simulated the hy- ization25 of the “Hamiltonian replica exchange” method drophobic Ace-GGPGGG-Nme peptide (sketched in Fig.1) described in Ref.23, and reduces to it when all biasing inthegasphaseandinasolvatedenvironment,usingcy- potentials are static. The big advantage here is that, clohexane as the explicit solvent. The free energy of this by using replicas with different collective variables, it is peptide at T = 300K in gas phase has previously been possibletoobtainseveralone-ortwo-dimensionalprojec- investigatedwiththeMTDmethod19,andischaracterized tionsofthefreeenergysurfaceforthecorrespondingvari- by a “double-well” structure (see Fig.8), with the wells ables. Thisisveryusefulbecauseitnotonlyincreasesthe corresponding to the peptide in a “globular” (left mini- amountofinformationthatcanbegatheredfromagiven mumintheFig.8)andaβ-hairpin(rightminimuminthe simulation, but it also allows for previously obtained in- Fig.8) folded conformation, respectively. While simple formationfor a collective variableto be usedto compute enough,the molecule possessesallthe typicalfeatures of the free energy associated with different variables. For largerpeptide systemsusuallystudiedwithbiomolecular instance, suppose that in the course of a simulation it simulations. Simulation parameters are as in a previous becomes apparent that one wishes to address additional study19: the atoms are described by the 1999 version of questions involving different collective variables. Instead the Cornell et al. force field26, with no cutoff for the ofstartingfrom“scratch”,onecanre-usethealreadyob- non-bonded interactions. The Berendsen thermostat is tained biasing potentials and thereby greatly accelerate chosen with τ = 1fs for temperature control. The MD tp 4 5 5 4 4 4{k ) ) ol ol m 3{k m 3 3 / / al 2{k al 1{k c c k k ( ( 2{k S2 1{k S2 M M 3{k R R E E 1 1 4{k 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 time (ns) time (ns) FIG.3: RMSerrorof thefree energyover3.3˚A<Rg <6.3˚A FIG. 4: RMS error of the free energy over 3.3˚A< Rg <6.3˚A for ABMD simulations at T = 300K with τF = 180 ps (1), formultiplewalkersABMDsimulationswithτF =1nsusingone 360ps(2), 720ps(3) and 1440ps (4). (1), two (2), four (4) and eight (8) trajectories at T =300K. time step (∆t) is 1 fs for the parallel tempering simula- more accurate than the corresponding MTD run. The tions, and 2 fs otherwise. ABMDmethodowesitsbetterconvergencetothesmoother The radius of gyration of the heavy atoms was chosen time evolution of the biasing potential and accurate dis- to be the collective variable: cretization in Q. The amount of memory used by the m ABMD simulation to store U values was only ≈ 200×8 Rg = ma (ra−RΣ)2 . (3.1) bytes (considering double pmrecision)for roughly 108 tiny Xa Σ “hills”thatwereaccumulatedbytheendoftherun. The Here, R = (m /m )r is the center of mass, with reference MTD simulation with merely 5×103 Gaussians Σ a a Σ a mΣ = amPa, and the sum runs over all atoms except required roughly 25 times more memory for the biasing hydrogePn. The initial configuration is the fully unfolded potential(withonlythepositionsoftheGaussiansstored peptide. A reference free energy profile, whose error19 explicitly). One canexpect, that ABMDwill be evenmore in the region of interest is less than 0.15 kcal/mol, was economical when it comes to dealing with multidimen- computed for benchmarking purposes (see Appendix A sional collective variables, provided that sparse arrays for details). As a measure of the RMS free energy error, areusedforUm withonlynon-zeroelementsbeingstored the following construction was used: explicitly. Although an a priori error estimate for this type of non-equilibriumsimulationis reallynot feasible, it is ex- b ERMS =vuub−1 aZ dξ(cid:16)f1(ξ)−f2(ξ)−∆(cid:17)2, TpehcitsedpotihnattisthileluesrtrroartesdhoinulFdigd.e3c,rweahsiechfosrhoinwcsretahseederτrFor. ut a for increasing values of τF. In order to decrease the simulation time required for where accuratefreeenergyestimatesevenfurther,themultiple- b walkervariationof ABMDprovesto be useful. For a mod- 1 ∆= dξ f (ξ)−f (ξ) , erate number of walkers, the speedup is nearly linear, 1 2 b−aZ (cid:16) (cid:17) with an additional increase in accuracy coming from the a better sampling of the “evolving” canonical distribution accounts for the arbitrary additive constants in the free (see Fig.4). Parallel tempering improves both the speed energies f (ξ). Here a = 3.3˚A and b = 6.3˚A, which and the accuracy even more. To this end, we first ran 1,2 correspond to the physical region of interest (see Fig.8). ABMD with τ = 90ps using 2, 4, 6 and 8 replicas at F T =300K,331K,365K,403K,445K,492K,543Kand Figure 2 presents the time dependence of the RMS 600K (during equilibrium MD runs, the peptide configu- free energy error for the ABMD and reference MTD run19. ration jumps between the two minima on a picosecond Both simulations have exactly the same kernel width timescale at T = 600K). In all cases, the E was RMS 4∆ξ = 0.25 ˚A, and flooding timescale τ = 90 ps that found to be ∼ 1 kcal/mol, or less as t → ∞ (data not F corresponds to the a posteriori hills acceptance rate re- shown). Again,the improvementinaccuracystems from ported in Ref.19. It is evident that the AMBD run is the better sampling ofthe “evolving”canonicaldistribu- 5 5 7 -1 -2 4 -3 6 -4 ) ol -5 /m3 1{k ˚A) -6 al ( 5 -7 c g (k 2{k R -8 S2 -9 M R 3{k 4 -10 E -11 1 4{k -12 -13 3 -14 0 0 2 4 6 8 0 3 6 9 12 15 NOH kcal/mol time (ns) FIG. 6: Free energy map for Ace-GGPGGG-Nme peptide in the FatIGT.5=: 3R0M0KSefrorrorpoafratlhleelftreeme epneerirnggyoAvBeMrD3s.i3m˚Au<latRiogns<u6s.i3n˚Ag g(saesepRhaefs.e27asfaorfudnecttaiiolsnroefgtahredcinoglletchteivaelvgaorriiathbmlesuRsegdantodNmOakHe. eight replicas running at T = 300K, 331K, 365K, 403K, this plot). 445K,492K,543K and600K with τF =90ps(1),45ps(2), 22.5ps (3) and 11.25ps(4). and oxygen atoms and r = 2.5˚A. The sum runs over 0 tion. Then, we ran8 replicaswith smaller values τF and theuniqueO-Hpairs(i.e., eachO-Hpairiscountedonly were surprised that the accuracy does not degrade, even once), with O and H separated by one or more amino- for τF =11.2ps as shown in Fig.5. bases along the backbone (27 pairs in total). In other Finally, we turn to aspects related to the general words,we“re-use”thepreviouslycomputedfreeenergies replica exchange method and illustrate its potential. As forR togetthefreeenergyinthetwo-dimensionalspace g already noted, by using replicas with different collective (R ,N ): the eight first replicas serve as a “sampling g OH variables and swapping these at prescribed rates, it is enhancement device” for the ninth replica. The calcula- possible to obtain projections of the free energy surface tion is carried out in two stages: a “coarse” stage (15ns for the corresponding variables. It is also possible to with τ = 10ps and 4∆R = 0.25˚A, 4∆N = 0.5) F g OH use previously obtained information with respect to one followed by a “fine” stage (50ns with τ = 100ps and F collective variable to compute the free energy associated 4∆R = 0.1˚A, 4∆N = 0.25). In both runs exchanges g OH with a different variable. For example, suppose that in- between four randomly chosen pairs of replicas were at- stead of the one-dimensional free energy profile as as a temptedevery100fs. Thefinalfreeenergymapisshown function of Rg already discussed, one realizes that what in Fig.6. It is clear that this two-dimensional free en- is actually needed is a two-dimensional profile that in- ergy landscape conveys additional information not con- cludes information with respect to the number of O-H tained in the one-dimensional free energy plots already bonds alongthe backbone. The two-dimensionalfree en- discussed. In particular, it allows for a better character- ergy map is computationally quite expensive, but the ization of the “globular” states of the Ace-GGPGGG-Nme calculation can be greatly accelerated with the help of : specifically, it is apparent from the Fig.6 that there the general replica exchange method. We therefore sim- are at least two such states with different values of N OH ulated 8+1 = 9 replicas. The eight replicas were run (both correspond to the left minimum in Fig.8). Of at the previously stated temperatures, with each replica course, one could have re-used the information in the biased by a static (not evolving) biasing potential corre- one-dimensional R profiles to include other collective g sponding to the negated free energy associated with the variables, in addition to N . OH radius of gyrationRg at the corresponding temperature, ThegeneralreplicaexchangeABMDmayalsobe advan- as shown in Fig.8. The additional ninth replica was run tageous for explicit solvent simulations, which are often at T = 300K with ABMD flooding in the two collective notoriously lengthy. Specifically, if one is interested in variables, i.e., R and the number of O-H bonds along g the solute and the collective variables do not depend on the backbone as given by the solventdegreesoffreedom,then the number ofrepli- 6 cas required to maintain an adequate exchange rate de- 1− r /r N = OH 0 , pends only very weakly on the amountof solvent(which OH XO,H1−(cid:0)rOH/r0(cid:1)12 must of course be sufficient as to adequately solvate the (cid:0) (cid:1) structure), provided that all the replicas are simulated where r is the distance between a pair of hydrogen at the same temperature. This is because the exchange OH 6 probability does not explicitly depend on the potential 0 energydifference whenthe temperature ofthe replicasis the same. While not every choice of collective variables -3 for different replicas will lead to decent exchange rates, 1{k 2{k onecanneverthelesstakeadvantageofthispropertyand -6 3{k use general replica exchange to enhance the sampling in ol) a solvated environment. m / -9 Inordertodemonstratethe methodinthis regime,we al c simulated the Ace-GGPGGG-Nme peptide at T = 300K (k-12 solvated by 171 cyclohexane (C H ) molecules (the to- f 6 12 tal number of atoms was 3139)under periodic boundary -15 conditions using the General28 AMBERForce-Field(GAFF) for the solvent. We used a truncated octahedron cell of -18 fixedsize(constantvolume)thatcorrespondstotheequi- 3 4 5 6 7 librium density at T = 300K (the equilibrium density R (˚A) g value was obtained from a 10ns simulation under con- stant pressure at T = 300K). The Particle-Mesh Ewald (PME29)methodwasusedfortheelectrostaticforces,with FIG. 7: Free energy for Ace-GGPGGG-Nme peptide solvated a 36×36×36 FFT grid and an 8˚A cutoff for the direct in cyclohexane at T = 300K as obtained via: coarse (non-equilibrium) replica-exchange ABMD (1); finer (non- sum (same cutoff was used for van der Waals interac- equilibrium) replica-exchange ABMD (2); including the correc- tions). First, we ran 10 replicas in the “flooding” mode tion coming from equilibrium biased replica exchange (3). (i.e., under evolving biasing potentials) using as collec- tive variables the distances r between the backbone CC carbons separated by at least 2 amino-acids (there are gas phase, the folded β-turn in the cyclohexane solvated 10suchdistancesforAce-GGPGGG-Nme ). Weranfor5ns peptide is clearly favored over the globular structure. with τ = 30ps and 4∆r = 1˚A, and then for another F CC 5nswithτ =150psand4∆r =0.5˚A,attemptingex- F CC changesbetweenfiverandomlyselectedpairsevery0.5ps. IV. CONCLUSIONS AND OUTLOOK. Asexpected, atthe startofthe simulation,the exchange rate was nearly 100% decreasing later as the biasing po- tentials were built up. By the end of the simulation, In summary, we have presented an ABMD method that when all possible values of the distances had been cov- computesthefreeenergysurfaceofareactioncoordinate ered, the exchange rate was very disparate between dif- using non-equilibrium dynamics. The method belongs ferent pairs of replicas. However, for every replica there to the general category of umbrella sampling methods wasatleastoneotherreplicasuchthattheexchangerate with an evolving potential, and is characterized by only between them was reasonable(i.e., the whole simulation two control parameters (the flooding timescale and the did notdegenerateinto ten different non-interactingtra- kernel width) and a favorable O(t) scaling with molec- jectories). We then set τ =∞ in these 10 replicas, and ular dynamics time t. This scaling can be very impor- F added an eleventh replica whose collective variable was tant for large-scale classical MD biomolecular simulations chosen as the radius of gyration of the heavy atoms. In whenlongsimulationtimesarerequired(see,forexample otherwords,asbefore,weusethetenreplicasasa“sam- Ref.31, and references therein). pling enhancementdevice”forthe lastone. We thenran ABMDhasalsobeenextendedtosupportmultiplewalk- a two-stage flooding scheme: a 5ns coarser stage, with ers and replica exchange. Both variations improve speed τF = 25ps and 4∆Rg = 0.25˚A; followed by a 10ns finer and accuracy of the method due to the better sampling stage, with τ = 180ps and 4∆R = 0.2˚A. As before, of the “evolving” canonical distribution. The replica ex- F g theexchangeattemptsbetween5randomlyselectedpairs change ABMD has been generalized to include different ofreplicaswereperformedevery0.5ps. The“raw”ABMD- temperatures and/or collective variables, that move un- computedfreeenergyassociatedwithR afterthatstage dereitheranevolvingorastaticbiasingpotential. Aside g is shown in Fig.7. In a next step, we ran 64 biased sim- from enhancing the sampling, this swapping of replicas ulations (each comprising of 11 replicas) for 7ns (first hasseveralimportantpracticaladvantages. Mostimpor- 2ns for equilibration followed by 5ns of “production” tantly, it enables one to obtain projections of the free runs) starting from different initial configurations. We energy surface for any number of collective variables one set τ =∞ in all replicas (static biasing potentials) and might wish to investigate. In addition, one can re-use F recorded the values of R in the eleventh replica every previously obtained results in order to enhance the sam- g 10picoseconds. Wethenusedthelog-splinealgorithmof pling of new collective variables. It is also possible to Stone30 at. al. toestimatethe(biased)log-densityofthe exploit the fact that exchangerates at the same temper- R valuesatequilibrium. Thisledustothefinalshapeof atureareindependentofthepotentialenergytoenhance g the free energy curve shown in Fig.7. Compared to the samplingofasoluteinaminimumamountofsolvent(for 7 addition we thank NC State HPC for computational re- -16 sources. -18 ) ol-20 m APPENDIX A: REFERENCE FREE ENERGY / CURVE. al c-22 k ( f Here,weprovidesimulationdetailswithregardstothe -24 reference free energy curve. We first ran short (5 ns, eightwalkerswith τ =60psand4∆ξ =0.2˚A)multiple- F -26 walkersABMDatT =600Ktoreconstructtheglobalwell. ThiswasfollowedbyparalleltemperingABMDruns,using 3.25 3.5 3.75 4 4.25 4.5 4.75 5 5.25 R (˚A) the biasing potential obtained from the multiple-walkers g simulation as the zero-time value for the biasing poten- tials at different temperatures. We used eight replicas FIG. 8: The accurate free energies of Ace-GGPGGG-Nme pep- at T = 300K, 331K, 365K, 403K, 445K, 492K, 543K tideingasphaseasfunctionofRgatT =300K,331K,365K, and 600K and attempted exchanges every 100 MD steps 403K, 445K,492K, 543K and 600K (from bottom to top). (0.1ps). The simulation started with τ = 60ps and F 4∆ξ = 0.2˚A, and ran for 105 exchanges. We then set collective variables independent of solvent atom coordi- τF to 600ps, 4∆ξ to 0.1˚A and ran for 5×105 more ex- nates). We have implemented the ABMD method in the changes. Finally, this was followedup with 1×106 more AMBERpackage9,andplantodistributeitfreely. Here,we exchanges with τF =6ns and 4∆ξ =0.1˚A. havedemonstratedtheworkingsoftheABMDmethodwith We then ran a very long (3 × 107 exchanges, 0.1ps a study of the folding of the Ace-GGPGGG-Nme peptide, between exchanges) biased parallel tempering simula- The application of ABMD to more complicated biomolec- tion in the spirit of Ref.19, in order to get an a pos- ular systems is reserved for future publications. teriori error estimate. From the resulting histogram it follows that the error does not exceed ≈ 0.15kcal/mol for 3.3˚A< R <6.3˚A. The RMS error is probably much g Acknowledgments smaller, since 0.15 corresponds to the absolute non- uniformity of the histogram, i.e., the maximum error, This research was partly supported by NSF under over 3.3˚A< R <6.3˚A. The accurate free energy curves g grants ITR-0121361 and CAREER DMR-0348039. In as a function of temperature are shown in Fig.8. ∗ Electronic address: [email protected] 10 B.Ensing,A.Laio,F.L.Gervasio,M.Parrinello,andM.L. 1 D. Frenkel and B. Smit, Understanding Molecular Sim- Klein, J. Am.Chem. Soc. 126, 9492 (2004). ulation, Computational Science Series (Academic Press, 11 S. V. Churakov, M. Ianuzzi, and M. Parrinello, J. Phys. 2002). Chem. B 108, 11567 (2004). 2 T.Huber,A.E.Torda,andW.F.vanGunsteren,J.Com- 12 F. Gervasio, A. Laio, and M. Parrinello, J. Am. Chem. put.Aided. Mol. Des. 8, 695 (1994). Soc. 124, 2600 (2005). 3 F. Wang and D. P. Landau, Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 2050 13 M.Ceccarelli,C.Danelon,A.Laio,andM.Parrinello,Bio- (2001). phys.J. 87, 58 (2004). 4 E. 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