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Advances in Industrial Control Derong Liu Qinglai Wei Ding Wang Xiong Yang Hongliang Li Adaptive Dynamic Programming with Applications in Optimal Control Advances in Industrial Control Series editors Michael J. Grimble, Glasgow, UK Michael A. Johnson, Kidlington, UK More information about this series at http://www.springer.com/series/1412 Derong Liu Qinglai Wei Ding Wang (cid:129) (cid:129) Xiong Yang Hongliang Li (cid:129) Adaptive Dynamic Programming with Applications in Optimal Control 123 Derong Liu XiongYang Institute of Automation Tianjin University ChineseAcademy of Sciences Tianjin Beijing China China Hongliang Li Qinglai Wei Tencent Inc. Institute of Automation Shenzhen ChineseAcademy of Sciences China Beijing China DingWang Institute of Automation ChineseAcademy of Sciences Beijing China ISSN 1430-9491 ISSN 2193-1577 (electronic) Advances in IndustrialControl ISBN978-3-319-50813-9 ISBN978-3-319-50815-3 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-50815-3 LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2016959539 ©SpringerInternationalPublishingAG2017 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsarereservedbythePublisher,whetherthewholeorpart of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission orinformationstorageandretrieval,electronicadaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilarordissimilar methodologynowknownorhereafterdeveloped. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publicationdoesnotimply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfrom therelevantprotectivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authorsortheeditorsgiveawarranty,expressorimplied,withrespecttothematerialcontainedhereinor foranyerrorsoromissionsthatmayhavebeenmade. Printedonacid-freepaper ThisSpringerimprintispublishedbySpringerNature TheregisteredcompanyisSpringerInternationalPublishingAG Theregisteredcompanyaddressis:Gewerbestrasse11,6330Cham,Switzerland Foreword Nowadays, nonlinearity is involved in all walks of life. It is a challenge for engineers to design controllers for all kinds of nonlinear systems. To handle this issue, various nonlinear control theories have been developed, such as theories of adaptive control, optimal control, and robust control. Among these theories, the theory of optimal control has drawn considerable attention over the past several decades.Thisismainlybecauseoptimalcontrolprovidesaneffectivewaytodesign controllers with guaranteed robustness properties as well as capabilities of opti- mization and resource conservation that are important in manufacturing, vehicle emission control, aerospace systems, power systems, chemical engineering pro- cesses, and many other applications. The core challenge in deriving the solutions of nonlinear optimal control problems is that it often boils down to solving certain Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman (HJB)equations.TheHJBequationsarenonlinearanddifficulttosolveforgeneral nonlinear dynamical systems. Indeed, no closed-form solution to such equations exists, except for very special problems. Therefore, numerical solutions to HJB equationshavebeendevelopedbyengineers.Toobtainsuchnumericalsolutions,a highly effective method known as adaptive/approximate dynamic programming (ADP)canbeused.AdistinctadvantageofADPisthatitcanavoidthewell-known “curse of dimensionality” of dynamic programming while adaptively solving the HJB equations. Due tothis characteristic, many elegantADP approaches and their applications have been developed in the literature during the past several decades. It is also notable that ADP techniques also provide a link with cognitive decision-makingmethodsthatareobservedinthehumanbrain,andthus,ADPhas becomeamainchanneltoachievetrulybrain-likeintelligenceinhuman-engineered automatic control systems. Unlike most ADP books, the present book “Adaptive Dynamic Programming with Applications in Optimal Control” focuses on the principles of emerging optimal control techniques for nonlinear systems in both discrete-time and continuous-time domains, and on creating applications of these optimal control techniques. This book contains three themes: v vi Foreword 1. Optimalcontrolfordiscrete-timenonlineardynamicalsystems,coveringvarious novel techniques used to derive optimal control in the discrete-time domain, such as general value iteration, θ-ADP, finite approximation error-based value iteration,policyiteration,generalizedpolicyiteration,anderrorboundsanalysis of ADP. 2. Optimal control for continuous-time nonlinear systems, discussing the optimal control for input-affine/input-nonaffine nonlinear systems, robust and optimal guaranteedcostcontrolforinput-affinenonlinearsystems,decentralizedcontrol forinterconnectednonlinearsystems,andoptimalcontrolfordifferentialgames. 3. Applications,providingtypicalapplicationsofoptimalcontrolapproachesinthe areas of energy management in smart homes, coal gasification, and water gas shift reaction. ThisbookprovidestimelyandinformativecoverageaboutADP,includingboth rigorous derivations and insightful developments. It will help both specialists and nonspecialists understand the new developments in the field of nonlinear optimal controlusingonline/offlinelearningtechniques.Meanwhile,itwillbebeneficialfor engineers to apply the developed ADP methods to their own problems in practice. I am sure you will enjoy reading this book. Arlington, TX, USA Frank L. Lewis September 2016 ’ Series Editors Foreword TheseriesAdvancesinIndustrialControlaimstoreportandencouragetechnology transferincontrolengineering.Therapiddevelopmentofcontroltechnologyhasan impactonallareasofthecontroldiscipline:newtheory,newcontrollers,actuators, sensors,newindustrialprocesses,computermethods,newapplications,newdesign philosophies, and new challenges. Much of this development work resides in industrialreports,feasibilitystudypapers,andthereportsofadvancedcollaborative projects. The series offers an opportunity for researchers to present an extended expositionofsuchnewworkinallaspectsofindustrialcontrolforwiderandrapid dissemination. The method of dynamic programming has a long history in the field of optimal control. It dates back to those days when the subject of control was emerging in a modernforminthe1950sand1960s.ItwasdevisedbyRichardBellmanwhogave it a modern revision in a publication of 1954 [1]. The name of Bellman became linked to an optimality equation, key to the method, and like the name of Kalman became uniquely associated with the early development of optimal control. One notableextensiontothemethodwasthatofdifferentialdynamicprogrammingdue to David Q. Mayne in 1966 and developed at length in the book by Jacobson and Mayne [2]. Their new technique used locally quadratic models for the system dynamics and cost functions and improved the convergence of the dynamic pro- gramming method for optimal trajectory control problems. Sincethoseearlydays,thesubjectofcontrolhastakenmanydifferentdirections, but dynamic programming has always retained a place in the theory of optimal control fundamentals. It is therefore instructive for the Advances in Industrial Controlmonographseriestohaveacontributionthatpresentsnewwaysofsolving dynamic programming and demonstrating these methods with some up-to-date industrial problems. This monograph, Adaptive Dynamic Programming with Applications inOptimal Control, byDerongLiu, Qinglai Wei, DingWang, Xiong Yang and Hongliang Li, has precisely that objective. Theauthorsopenthemonographwithaveryinterestingandrelevantdiscussion ofanothercomputationallydifficultproblem,namelydevisingacomputerprogram to defeat human master players at the Chinese game of Go. Inspiration from the vii viii SeriesEditors’Foreword better programming techniques used in the Go-master problem was used by the authorstodefeatthe“curseofdimensionality”thatarisesindynamicprogramming methods. More formally, the objective of the techniques reported in the monograph is to control in an optimal fashion an unknown or uncertain nonlinear multivariable system using recorded and instantaneous output signals. The algorithms’ technical framework is then constructed through different categories of the usual state-space nonlinearordinarydifferential systemmodel.Thesystemmodelcanbecontinuous or discrete, have affine or nonaffine control inputs, be subject to no constraints, or have constraints present. A set of 11 chapters contains the theory for various formulations of the system features. Since standard dynamic programming schemes suffer from various implemen- tation obstacles, adaptive dynamic programming procedures have been developed tofindcomputablepracticalsuboptimalcontrolsolutions.Akeytechniqueusedby the authors is that of neural networks which are trained using recorded data and updated, or “adapted,” to accommodate uncertain system knowledge. The theory chapters are arranged in two parts: Part 1 Discrete-Time Systems—five chapters; and Part 2 Continuous-Time Systems—five chapters. An important feature of the monographs of the Advances in Industrial Control series is a demonstration of potential or actual application to industrial problems. After a comprehensive presentation of the theory of adaptive dynamic program- ming, the authors devote Part 3 of their monograph to three chapter-length appli- cation studies. Chapter 12 examines the scheduling of energy supplies in a smart home environment, a topic and problem of considerable contemporary interest. Chapter 13 uses a coal gasification process that is suitably challenging to demon- strate the authors’ techniques. And finally, Chapter 14 concerns the control of the watergasshiftreaction.Inthisexample,thedatausedwastakenfromareal-world operational system. This monograph is very comprehensive in its presentation of the adaptive dynamic programming theory and has demonstrations with three challenging pro- cesses. It should find a wide readership in both the industrial control engineering and the academic control theory communities. Readers in other fields such as computer science and chemical engineering may also find the monograph of con- siderable interest. Michael J. Grimble Michael A. Johnson Industrial Control Centre University of Strathclyde Glasgow, Scotland, UK SeriesEditors’Foreword ix References 1. BellmanR(1954)Thetheoryofdynamicprogramming.BulletinoftheAmericanMathematical Society60(6):503–515 2. JacobsonDH,MayneDQ(1970)Differentialdynamicprogramming,AmericanElsevierPub. Co.NewYork

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