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Preview Activity Analysis in the Theory of Growth and Planning: Proceedings of a Conference held by the International Economic Association

INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE VOLUMES, Numbers 1-50 NUMBER 16 Activity Analysis in the Theory of Growth and Planning ACTIVITY ANALYSIS IN THE THEORY OF GROWTH AND PLANNING Proceedings of a Conference held by the International Economic Association EDITED BY E. MALINVAUD AND M. 0. L. BACHARACH M . . S TOCKTON P R E S S © International Economic Association 1967 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1967 978-0-333-40644-1 All rights reserved. No reproduction, copy or transmission of this publication may be made without written permission. No paragraph of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted save with written permission or in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Act 1956 (as amended). Any person who does any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages. First published 1967 This 50-volume set reprinted 1986 jointly by THE MACMILLAN PRESS LTD Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 2XS and London Companies and representatives throughout the world and YUSHODO CO. LTD 29 Saneicho, Shinjuku-ku Tokyo 160 Japan. Tel: 03(357)1411 Distributed exclusively in Japan through Publishers International Corporation (P.I.C.) Published in the United States and Canada by STOCKTON PRESS 15 East 26th Street, New York, N.Y. 10010 50-volume set ISBN 978-0-333-40626-7 ISBN 978-1-349-08463-0 ISBN 978-1-349-08461-6 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-349-08461-6 CONTENTS PAGE LIST OF PARTICIPANTS vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS vii INTRODUCTION. Edmond Malinvaud viii PART I STUDIES ON GROWTH THEORY CHAP. 1. EcoNOMic GROWTH AT A MAXIMAL RATE. T. C. Koopmans 3 2. MAXIMAL PATHS IN THE VON NEUMANN MODEL. L. W. McKenzie 43 3. SOME ANALYTICAL AND PRACTICAL ASPECTS ON THE THEORY OF CAPITAL. M. Allais 64 PART II PLANNING THEORY 4. DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING OF EcoNOMIC GROWTH. R. Radner 111 5. PROGRAMMING INVOLVING INFINITELY MANY VARIABLES AND CONSTRAINTS. L. Hurwicz 142 6. ALTERNATIVE PREFERENCE FUNCTIONS IN PROBLEMS OF INVEST- MENT PLANNING ON THE NATIONAL LEVEL. S. Chakravarty 150 7. DECENTRALIZED PROCEDURES FOR PLANNING. E. Malinvaud 170 PART III PLANNING EXPERIENCES 8. MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING OF LONG-TERM PLANS IN HuNGARY. J. Kornai 211 9. CoNSISTENT PROJECTIONS IN MuLTI-SEcToR MoDELS. J. R.N. Stone 232 10. PROGRAMMING MODELS OF INTERREGIONAL EFFICIENCY AND LAND UsE IN AGRICULTURE. E. 0. Heady, N. S. Randhawa, and M.D. Skold 245 11. AN EXPERIMENTAL MODEL FOR INVESTMENT PLANNING. S. Rafael 269 PART IV REPORT ON THE PROCEEDINGS SuMMARY RECORD OF THE DEBATE. M. 0. L. Bacharach 281 INDEX 331 v LIST OF PARTICIPANTS Professor M. Allais, Ecole des Mines, Paris, France. Mr. M. 0. L. Bacharach, University of Cambridge, U.K. Professor S. Chakravarty, Presidency College, Calcutta, India. Professor R. Dorfman, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A. Mr. M. J. Farrell, University of Cambridge, U.K. Professor L. Fauvel, Faculte de Droit, University of Paris, France. Professor F. M. Fisher, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cam- bridge, Mass., U.S.A. Professor W. M. Gorman, University of Oxford, U.K. Dr. F. H. Hahn, University of Cambridge, U.K. Professor E. 0. Heady, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, U.S.A. Professor L. Hurwicz, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn., U.S.A. Professor T. C. Koopmans, Yale University, New Haven, Conn., U.S.A. Dr. J. Kornai, Computing Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary. Professor A. A. Lazaris, Athens, Greece. Professor L. W. McKenzie, University of Rochester, N.Y., U.S.A. Dr. M. McManus, University of Birmingham, U.K. Professor E. Malinvaud, Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques, Paris, France. Dr. G. Morton, London School of Economics, U.K. Mr. Philippe Mouchez, Faculte de Droit, University of Clermont Ferrand, France. Dr. A. Nagy, Hungarian Chamber of Commerce, Budapest, Hungary. Professor A. Nataf, Centre de Recherches Mathematiques pour la Plani- fication, Arcueil, France. Professor G. U. Papi, University of Rome, Italy. Mr. M. Posner, University of Cambridge, U.K. Professor R. Radner, University of California, Berkeley, Calif., U.S.A. Dr. S. Rafael, Institute of National Planning, Cairo, U.A.R. Professor E. A. G. Robinson, University of Cambridge, U.K. Professor J. R.N. Stone, University of Cambridge, U.K. vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS THE International Economic Association wishes to express its gratitude to all those who have contributed to the success of the con ference, held at Cambridge in July 1963, of which the papers and dis cussions are recorded in this volume. The Association is particularly indebted to Professor Malinvaud, who was largely responsible for its planning, and to Mr. Michael Bacharach, who has discharged a much more than usually onerous task in recording the discussions and in preparing the papers for publication. It is to the authors of the papers themselves, however, that thanks are principally due. The readers of this volume can judge for themselves the importance of the papers both to activity analysis proper and to the longer-term development of economic theory along these new lines. Secondly we would wish to thank both the Master and Fellows of Clare College, Cambridge, for allowing the conference to enjoy the amenities of their college, and the Faculty of Economics and Politics of the University of Cambridge for making available a most comfort able and convenient conference room. Finally we wish to express the gratitude of the International Economic Association both to UNESCO and to the Ford Foundation which have provided the funds which have made possible the work of the Association generally and the holding of this Conference in particular. vii INTRODUCTION BY E. MALINVAUD lnstitut National de Ia Statistique et des Etudes Economiques, Paris Chairman of Programme Committee THE term 'activity analysis' was introduced ten years ago to designate a new approach to many economic problems, both theoretical and applied, an approach in which the technical constraints on produc tion, transportation, and distribution receive a formalization that differs from the one commonly used in the first half of the century. According to the traditional model of production, any factor or product is considered as substitutable for any other factor or product. This implies the smoothness of the isoquant or cost curves, and is formalized by the differentiability assumption for production functions. In activity analysis, the basic concept is the activity characterized by fixed proportions between inputs and outputs called 'technical coefficients'. An activity may be operated on a smaller or larger scale; no other possibility exists within it. But various activities may be operated simultaneously, each one at the most appropriate level for the purpose to be served. The choice of the activities to be used and of their levels of operation replaces the traditional choice of the best combination of inputs and outputs. In the simplest cases the problem takes the form of a linear programme and may be solved by the techniques developed during the last twenty years. 1 Activity analysis was quickly adopted by economists who were aware of the inadequacies of the marginal concepts in representing the conditions of production now prevailing in industry. There followed a re-examination of the branches of economic theory in which the representation of technical constraints plays an essential role: the theory of the firm, the theory of general economic equili brium, the theory of the allocation of resources, etc. In all cases, it was found that the main results of the traditional theory could be maintained and generalized.2 1 Linear programming and activity analysis were introduced independently by the. Russian mathematician L. V. Kantorovitch and by a group of American economists and mathematicians (see notably Kantorovitch (1939) and Koopmans (1951)). For details of all bibliographical references in this Introduction, seep. xv. 2 Among the many books and articles that popularized activity analysis, we may quote the following: Dorfman (1951), Koopmans (1957), Dorfman, Samuelson, and Solow (1958), Kantorovitch (1959). viii Introduction Simultaneously, activity analysis revealed itself to be of great power in solving many practical problems. Thus, within a very short time, it succeeded in becoming one of the main tools of econo mic sctence. When the International Economic Association decided to organize a Round Table on activity analysis, a question of principle had first to be answered. Would the Round Table aim at improving com munication between specialists in the field and economists working with more traditional analytical tools? Or would it, on the other hand, be devoted to bringing into contact research workers pursuing significant projects using activity analysis? It was thought that the first purpose could hardly be served by a small conference and that, in any case, many successful efforts had already been made to ex pound activity analysis to general economists.1 Like the other Round Tables sponsored by the International Economic Association, the one reported here was intended to stimulate research. The reader should therefore not be surprised by the highly technical character of some of the papers. Activity analysis was created within mathematical economics. It is only natural that research in the field should rely on mathematics, and that some contributions should be difficult to read even for well trained mathematical economists. The authors have done their best to present the motivations and implications of their analysis. The discussions reported at the end of the book should help to clarify any obscurity that could remain. It was soon realized that the subject of the Round Table had to be fairly narrowly defined. Since activity analysis is not a particular branch of economic science, but simply a new approach, the various speakers could have addressed themselves to quite different problems, and the discussion would then have lacked a sufficient degree of unity. The programme of the Round Table was therefore limited to three closely related subjects on which important research is now being carried on: the theory of growth, the theory of planning, and planning experience. In calling for contributions to the Round Table, emphasis was placed as much on these three subject-matters as on the activity analysis formulation. This explains why some of the papers 1 See the references given in footnote 1, above. See also, on a still less technical level, Baumol (1961). ix Introduction published here do not make much use of activity analysis stricto sensu: either the authors consider problems for which the exact form taken by the representation of technological constraints does not matter, or they even prefer formulations which depend on the classical produc tion functions as much as on the definition of 'activities'. * * * Even though such a division is partly artificial, the papers have been grouped under three main headings: growth theory, planning theory, and planning experience. The first three papers study the qualitative features of growth patterns in models containing many commodities. By a formal study of some characteristics of growth paths, they aim at improving our understanding of the problems connected with the physical limitations on growth and with the simultaneous development of the various industries. T. C. Koopmans opens the book with an exposition of what is now called 'turnpike theory', namely the theory built around the following central assertion which is valid under well-specified conditions: in any given technology, there exists a particular combination of activi ties that permits growth at the highest possible speed; moreover, any path that is optimal with respect only to its terminal state, i.e. any 'maximal path', uses for most of the time this particular combination or a combination close to it. The question is more complex than was first thought: it is not necessarily true that the maximizing combination of activities is unique; even if it is, growth at maximal speed may, in some cases, be achieved by a continuous switching from one combination to another within a set of equally profitable combinations. Thus, a complete characterization of all maximal paths may become difficult. In connection with this theory, to which he has already contributed on other occasions, L. McKenzie presents a systematic study of maximal paths in the general model first introduced by J. von Neumann. 1 M. Allais considers the asymptotic behaviour of growth paths that fulfil certain general conditions. He shows that the properties of any such path can be derived from those of another 'homologous' 1 During the meeting, R. Dorfman presented a duality theorem for von Neu mann's model. This theorem permits a new derivation and an extension of the result concerning the existence of a growth-maximizing combination of activities. (See the Summary Record of the Debate, p.p. 290-4.) X

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