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Active particles in heterogeneous media display new physics: existence of optimal noise and absence of bands and long-range order PDF

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Preview Active particles in heterogeneous media display new physics: existence of optimal noise and absence of bands and long-range order

EPJ manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) Active particles in heterogeneous media display new physics 5 existence of optimal noise and absence of bands and long-range 1 order 0 2 Oleksandr Chepizhko1,2,a and Fernando Peruani1,b r a 1 LaboratoireJ.A.Dieudonn´e,Universit´edeNiceSophiaAntipolis,UMR7351CNRS,Parc M Valrose, F-06108 Nice Cedex 02, France 2 Department for Theoretical Physics, Odessa National University, Dvoryanskaya 2, 65026 8 Odessa, Ukraine 1 ] h Abstract. Wepresentadetailedstudyofthelarge-scalecollectiveprop- p ertiesofself-propelledparticles(SPPs)movingintwo-dimensionalhet- - o erogeneousspace.Theimpactofspatialheterogeneitiesontheordered, i collectively moving phase is investigated. We show that for strong b enough spatial heterogeneity, the well-documented high-density, high- . s ordered propagating bands that emerge in homogeneous space disap- c pear. Moreover, the ordered phase does not exhibit long-range order, i s as occurs in homogeneous systems, but rather quasi-long range order: y i.e.theSPPsystembecomesdisorderedinthethermodynamicallimit. h Forfinitesizesystems,wefindthatthereisanoptimalnoisevaluethat p maximizes order. Interestingly, the system becomes disordered in two [ limits,forhighnoisevaluesaswellasforvanishingnoise.Thisremark- 2 able finding strongly suggests the existence of two critical points, in- v steadofonlyone,associatedtothecollectivemotiontransition.Density 0 fluctuations are consistent with these observations, being higher and 1 anomalously strong at the optimal noise, and decreasing and crossing 0 over to normal for high and low noise values. Collective properties are 7 investigated in static as well as dynamic heterogeneous environments, 0 andbychangingthesymmetryofthevelocityalignmentmechanismof . 1 the SPPs. 0 5 1 Introduction 1 : v i We understand by an active particle, a particle that is able to convert energy into X worktoself-propelinadissipativemedium.Thereareseveralstrategiestoachieveself- r propulsion.(i)Particlesmaypossessanenergydepotandbeequippedwithamotor1, a a scenario representative of many biological systems such as moving bacteria [2,3], a e-mail: [email protected] b e-mail: [email protected] 1 Motilityassaysrepresentaparticularcase,wheremotorsarenotattachedtothemoving particles, while theenergy depot could beconsidered as extendedover thespace [1] 2 Will beinserted by theeditor insects[4,5],andanimals[6,7].(ii)Particlesmaybeabletorectifyanexternaldriving inordertoachieveself-propulsioninagivendirection,asituationcommonlyobserved in non-living, artificial active particles such as vibration-induced self-propelled rods and discs [8,9,10], light-induced thermophoretic active particles [11,12,13,14], chem- ically driven particles [15,16,17,18,19,20], and rollers driven by the Quicke rotation effect[21].Independentlyofthestrategyexploitedbytheparticlestoself-propel,these systemsareintrinsicallyoutof(thermodynamic)equilibrium2 andeveninabsenceof particle-particleinteractionsexhibitanon-trivialbehavior.Forinstance,fluctuations in the self-propelling mechanism can lead to complex transients in the mean-square displacement of the particles [22] as well as anomalous velocity distributions [23]. Interestingly,most,ifnotall,activeparticlesystemsfoundinnaturetakeplace,at allscales,inthe heterogeneousmedia:frombacterialmotioninnaturalhabitats[24], suchasthegastrointestinaltractandthesoil,amongothercomplexenvironments,to the migrationofherdofmammals acrossforestsandsteppes [7].Despite this evident fact, active matter research has focused almost exclusively, at the experimental and theoretical level, on homogeneous active systems [25,26,27,23,28]. Non-equilibrium, large-scale properties of active systems such as long-range order in two-dimensions as Vicsek et al. [29] reported in their pioneering paper, the emergence of high-order, high-density traveling bands [30,31], and the presence of giant number fluctuations in ordered phases [26,32,33] are all non-equilibrium features either predicted or dis- covered in perfectly homogeneous systems. Here we show that most of these non- equilibrium features are strongly affected by the presence of spatial heterogeneities. Moreover, we show that these properties vanish in strongly heterogeneous media. More specifically, we extend previous results [34] on the large-scale collective prop- erties of interacting self-propelled particles (SPPs) moving at constant speed in an heterogeneous space. We model the spatial heterogeneity as a random distribution of undesirable areas or “obstacles” that the SPPs avoid.The degree of heterogeneity is controlled by the average density ρ of obstacles. We provide numerical evidence o that indicates that at low densities of heterogeneities ρ , the SPPs exhibit, below o a critical noise intensity η , long-range order (LRO). For noise intensities η close c1 to η , the SPPs self-organize, as in homogeneous space, into high-density traveling c1 structures called “bands”. We find that as ρ is increased, bands become less pro- o nounced to the point that for large enough values of ρ they are no longer observed. o Our results indicate that in strongly heterogeneousmedia, i.e. large values of ρ , the o large-scale properties of the system are remarkably different from what we know of the Vicsek model [29] in two-dimensional homogeneous media. For instance, orien- tational order for η < η is no longer LRO, but rather quasi-long range (QLRO), c1 with the system exhibiting the maximum degree of order at an intermediate noise value η , such that 0 < η < η . Moreover, we provide solid evidence that the M M c1 system becomes disordered as η → 0. The numerical data suggests the existence of a second critical point η , with 0 < η < η below which the system is genuinely c2 c2 c1 disordered. The disordered phase at low η values is characterized by the presence of large, dense moving clusters. We show that the particle number statistics is consis- tent with these observations: giant number fluctuations (GNF) are high 3 near η M and decrease as η approaches η , with GNF becoming weaker as ρ is increased to c2 o thepointthatfluctuationsbecomenormal.Finally,weinvestigateandcomparestatic anddynamicalheterogeneousmedia,aswellasSPPswithferromagneticandnematic velocity alignment. We show that in all cases there exists an optimal noise intensity 2 This is due to the energy consumption involved by the self-propelling mechanism and theenergy dissipated to themedium 3 Theassociated GNF exponentadopts its maximum valuenear η . M Will beinserted by theeditor 3 Fig. 1. Interaction of a self-propelled particle (blue) with an obstacle (green). Angles are givenwithrespecttohorizontalaxisthatisdirectedfromlefttoright.Themovingdirection given by the angle θ(t) evolves in time from an initial direction at t to a final direction at i t final. The temporal evolution of the particle position, with respect to the obstacles, is f givenbytheangleα(t).Theinitialvalueofαatt anditsfinalvalueatt aremarkedwith i f dashed lines. Notice, that after a collision, θ(t ) ≈ α(t ), the difference ∆ = θ(t )−α(t ) f f f f is such that ∆<<1 for either large valuesof γ or large values of R . In thefigure, γ =1 o o o and R =1. o . that maximizes the orderingin the systems.The reportedresults might be of a great importance for the design and control of active particles systems. The paper is organizedas follows.In Section 2 we introduce a generalandsimple model for SPPs in heterogeneous media. The collective motion phase, the associated kinetic phase transition and ordering properties of the model are studied in Sec. 3. Anomalous density fluctuations are addressed in Sec. 4. In section 5, we investigate the collective properties of SPPs in a dynamical heterogeneous environment, and discuss the effect of the velocity alignment symmetry. We summarize our results in Sec. 6. 2 Formulation of the model We consider a system of N self-propelled particles, moving with a constant speed v 0 on a two-dimensional heterogeneous space of linear size L with periodic boundary conditions. We express the equations of motion of the i-th particle as: x˙ = v V(θ ) (1) i o i γ θ˙ = g(x ) b sin[q(θ −θ )] +h(x ,θ )+ηξ (t), (2) i i n (x ) j i  i i i b i |xi−Xxj|<Rb   where the dot denotes temporal derivative, x corresponds to the position of the ith i particle, and θ is an angle associated to its moving direction. Equation (1) indi- i cates simply that the particle moves at speed v in direction V(θ ) = (cosθ ,sinθ ). 0 i i i Equation (2) conveys the dynamics of the moving direction of the particle, which is parametrized by the angle θ . The first term on the right-hand side corresponds to a i velocity-velocityalignmentmechanismactingbetweenneighboringparticlesasinthe Vicsek model [29], the second term models the interaction of the i-th particle with 4 Will beinserted by theeditor (a) (b) (c) o r c i M o r c a M Fig. 2. Simulation snapshots of different phases for ρ = 2.55×10−3 for a system size o N =19600(L=140).TheSPParerepresentedasblackarrows,whiletheobstaclesasgreen b dots. The bottom panels correspond to macroscopic phases, while the top panels to zoom up regions, where the interaction between the SPPs and the obstacles can be appreciated. From left to right: (a) clustered phase, η = 0.01 and r = 0.58, (b) homogeneous ordered phase, η=0.3 and r=0.97, and (c) ordered band phase, η=0.6 and r=0.73. the spatialheterogeneities,andthe thirdtermis anadditivenoise, wherehξ (t)i=0, i hξ (t)ξ (t′)i = δ δ(t −t′), and η denotes the noise strength. The velocity-velocity i j ij alignment is characterized by three parameters: its symmetry, given by q and that we fix for mostof this analysis to be ferromagneticwith q =1,the interactionradius R ,andthealignmentstrengthγ ,wherethesymboln (x )representsthenumberof b b b i SPPsatadistancelessthanorequaltoR fromx ,i.e.thenumberofneighborsofthe b i i-th particle. The function g(x ) controls the relative weight between alignment (to i theotherparticles)andheterogeneity/obstacleavoidance.Wetestedtwopossibilities, bothleadingtothe samemacroscopicbehavior:g(x )=1andg(x )=1−Θ(n (x )), i i o i where Θ(x) is Heaviside step function. The latter implies that in the proximity of an obstacle, the SP particle focuses on avoiding it, without aligning to the neighbors. Results shown here correspond to this definition. Finally, the interaction with the spatialheterogeneities,whichwerefer to as“obstacles”or undesirableareas,is given by the function h(x ,θ ), defined as: i i γ h(x ,θ )= o sin(α −θ ), (3) i i n (x ) k,i i o i |xi−Xyk|<Ro if n (x )>0, otherwise h(x )=0. The term n (x ) represents the number obstacles o i i o i ata distance less than or equalto R . The angle α is simply the angle of the polar o k,i representationofthe vectorx −y =Γ (cosα ,sinα ),wherey is the position i k k,i k,i k,i k of the kth-obstacle and Γ is the norm of the vector. The position y of obstacles, k,i k with k ∈[1,N ], is random and homogeneously distributed in space. The interaction o betweena SPPand anobstacleis depicted infigure 1:as the particle approachesthe obstacle,its trajectoryis deflected.While herewefocus mainly on“obstacles”whose positionisfixedintime, wewill alsoaddressbriefly,atthe endofthe paper,the case of moving obstacle, i.e. free to diffuse around the space. Itisworthanalyzingfewsimplelimitsofthemodelgivenbyequations(1)and(2). For γ =γ =0, the equations define a system of non-interacting persistent random b o Will beinserted by theeditor 5 1 η= 0.1 0.3 r 0.7 0.5 0 5 10 obstacle configurations Fig.3. Averagevaluesoforderparameterrfor10differentinitialconfigurationofobstacles forthreevaluesofthenoisestrengthηandρ =0.0325.SystemsizeN =10000.Noticethat o b theaveragevalueoftheorderparameterdoesnotdependontheparticularconfiguration of therandomlyplaced(static)obstacles.Theerrorbarscorrespondtothestandarddeviation of the time series of r obtained for each obstacle configuration and set of parameters. walkers characterized by a diffusion coefficient D = v2/η2. With γ = 0 and γ >0 x o o b (or equivalently γ > 0 and N = 0), the model reduces to a continuous-time ver- o o sion [35] of the Vicsek model [29]. For γ > 0, γ = 0, and N > 0, the equations o b o describe a system of non-interacting active particles moving at constant speed on an heterogeneous space, where several interesting non-equilibrium features can be observed [36]. At low obstacle density, particles move diffusively with a diffusion co- efficient that is, interestingly, a non-monotonic function of the obstacle density. It reaches a minimum at a given, non-trivial, non-zero obstacle density. On the other hand, at high obstacle density and for large enough interaction strength γ , sponta- b neous trapping of particles can occur. In this scenario,particles move sub-diffusively acrossthespace,spendingarbitrarylongtimeinthespontaneouslyformedtraps[36]. Here, we focus on the general scenario where γ >0, γ >0, and N >0. We reduce o b o the parameter space by fixing the following parameters: R = R = 1, γ = γ = 1, b o b o ρ = N /L2 = 1, v = 1 and a discretization time step to ∆t = 0.1. Notice that our b b 0 main controlparameters are the noise intensity η and the number of obstacles N or o equivalently, the obstacles density ρ =N /L2. o o 3 The order-disorder transition Thesystemexhibitsthreedistinctmacroscopicphases,foranygivenobstacledensity ρ >0,aswemovefromhightolownoiseamplitudeη.Athighnoisevalues,particles o are homogeneously distributed in space as a disordered gas of non-interacting parti- cles. Below a criticalnoise value η , the system undergoes a kinetic phase transition c1 from the disordered gas to a (locally) ordered phase. For finite size systems, there is a symmetry breaking and the ordered phase implies the existence of a net flux of particles in a given direction, or equivalently the existence of a preferred direction of motion. For values close to onset of collective motion, i.e. close to η , and for c1 rather low values of ρ particles self-organize into high-density, high-order traveling o structurescalled“bands”,asillustratedinFig.2(c).Asηisdecreasedfurther,getting deeperintheorderedphase,bandsdisappearandweobserveanorderedphasewhere particles are roughly homogeneously distributed in space, though anomalously large 6 Will beinserted by theeditor (a) (b) 1 1 ρx102= η= o 0.1 r 0 r 0.2 0.254 0.3 1.27 0.6 3.25 0.7 5.10 0.75 0.5 6.25 0.1 7.65 10.2 0 0.01 0 0.4 η 0.8 0 0.2 ρ 0.4 o Fig. 4. (a)Orderparameterrvs.noisestrengthηforvariousvaluesoftheobstacledensity ρ . (b) Order parameter r vs. obstacle density ρ for various values of noise strength η. o o System size: N = 19600 (L = 140). Notice in (a) that curves for ρ > 0 exhibit a (local) b o maximum.Thisimpliestheexistenceofoptimalnoisevaluethatmaximizescollectivemotion. densityfluctuationsarepresent,Fig.2(b).Ifη isdecreasedevenfurther,comingclose to the noiseless limit, counterintuitively the degree of order drops dramatically and particles are organized into densely packed moving clusters, see Fig. 2(a), that are only weakly correlateddue to the constantdeflections they experience when running into obstacles. In order to quantify the degree of order in the system, we use the following order parameter: 1 Nb r =hr(t)i = eiθi(t) , (4) t *(cid:12)Nb (cid:12)+ (cid:12) Xi=1 (cid:12) t (cid:12) (cid:12) whereh...i denotestheaverageovertim(cid:12)e4.Thedefin(cid:12)itionofr issimply,incomplex t (cid:12) (cid:12) notation, the norm of the average velocity of the particles. Values of r larger than zero indicate that there is a net flux of particles in a given direction, while r = 0 corresponds to a disordered system. It is important to stress that the average value of r does not depend on the particular configuration of (static) obstacles, as long as the obstacles have been placed randomly in the space. For instance, if we compare simulations performed with different obstacle configurations, we obtain the same average value of r, as shown in Fig. 3, where the error bars represent the measuredstandarddeviationinthe correspondingtime seriesofthe orderparameter r. In summary, the value of r, Eq. 4, depends only on the noise amplitude η and obstacle density ρ . o Fig. 4 shows the dependency of the order parameter r with respect to the noise intensityηforvariousobstacledensitiesρ ,panel(a),andwithrespecttotheobstacle o densityforvariousnoiseintensities,panel(b).Thecurvethatcorrespondstoρ =0in o Fig.4(a),blackcurve,exhibitsthebehaviorthatweexpectinanhomogeneousspace, i.e. as expected in the classical formulation of the Vicsek model [27]. This reference curve indicates that in an homogeneous system, the maximum order is reached in the noiseless limit. Notice that for an homogeneous system, as the noise intensity is increased, the order parameter r monotonically decreases until the critical noise strength η , above which the system is fully disordered and r = 0. Fig. 4(a) shows c1 thatthepresenceofevenasmallamountofobstaclesleadstoaqualitativelydifferent picture, withthe orderparameterr exhibiting a different behaviorwith η. All curves withρ >0reachamaximumatanon-zerovalueofη,andalldecreaseasthenoiseless o 4 Sinceourinitialconditionistypicallyarandomdistributionofparticlesoverspacewith random moving direction, this average is performed after removing the transient. Will beinserted by theeditor 7 (a) (b) 0.2 2000 η = G0.6 χ ρo=2.55x10-3 0.802 0.801 0.800 ) r ( ρ=2.55x10-3 n 0 o η c1 η 0 0 0 0.4 0.8 0 0.15 r 0.3 (c) η = 0.3 0.802 r 0.801 0.800 0 0 2×105 t 4×105 Fig.5.Evidenceofafirst-orderphasetransitionatlowobstacledensities.(a)Bindercumu- lant G andsusceptibility χ as function of thenoise intensity η.Notice that around η∼0.8, Greachesnegativevaluesandχpeaks.(b)Histogram n(r)oftheorderparameterobtained from time series of r. (c) Time series of the order parameter r. Notice the flip-flops in the time series. System size N =19600 (L=140). b limit is approached. This means that for each value of ρ , there is an optimal value o of η that maximizes collective motion. We refer to this η value as η . On the other M hand, we observe that if we fix the noise intensity η and vary the obstacle density ρ , as displayed in Fig. 4(b), the order parameter r monotonically decreases as ρ is o o increased.Noticethatcurvescorrespondingtodifferentnoisesexhibitaquitedistinct behavior, for instance compare the curve for η = 0.3, close to the optimal noise η M for most ρ values, with the other curves. o In the following we divide our quantitative analysis into two statical data sets that correspond to low obstacle density and high obstacle density, respectively. We show that at quite small obstacle densities, the numerical data is consistent with a discontinuous (kinetic) phase transition. The numerical data indicates that as the obstacle density increases, the traveling bands become weaker until they disappear. We show that once we reach such obstacle densities (i.e. for ρ ≥ 0.1), the order o is no longer long-range (LRO) in the ordered phase, but rather quasi-long range (QLRO).Our results unambiguouslyindicate that at such highobstacle densities, as we approach the noiseless limit, i.e. when particles self-organize into densely packed moving clusters as shown in Fig. 2(a), the system is fully disordered, which suggests the existence of a second critical point. 3.1 Low obstacle density Tocharacterizethephasetransitiontoorientationalorderatlowobstacledensities,we introducetwoadditionalquantities,thesusceptibilityχandtheBindercumulant[37] 8 Will beinserted by theeditor (a) (b) (c) 1 η = 1 0.5 D η 0.05 c1 r 0.1 r µ 0.3 O D 0.4 R 0.6 0.1 η = QL 0.8 0.05 0.1 0.4 1/16 0.01 00..67 0 ηc2 103 N104 105 102 103 N 104 105 0 0.5η 1 b b Fig. 6. Finite size analysis at low and high obstacle densities. (a) Scaling of r as func- tion of the system size N for low obstacle densities, here ρ = 2.55 × 10−3, for vari- b o ous values of η (color coded). The solid lines correspond to exponential fittings: r(N ) = b r∞+C∗exp(−Nb/N∗),withr∞,C∗,andN∗ fittingconstants.NoticethatforNb →∞,the order parameter reaches a constant value r(Nb → ∞) → r∞, i.e. long-range order (LRO). (b)Scalingofr asfunctionofthesystemsizeN forhighobstacledensities,hereρ=0.102, b for various values of η (color coded). The solid curves correspond to power-law fittings: r(N )=AN−µ, where A and µ are fitting constants. We define, see text, quasi-long-range b b order (QLRO)when µ<1/16. On the otherhand, µ=1/2 implies that thesystem is fully disordered. (c) Exponent µ as function of the noise intensity η for ρ=0.102. The diagram allows ustodefinetwocritical points,indicatedbytheverticallines:theverticallinetothe left corresponds to ηc2, while the other one to ηc1. In between ηc2 < η < ηc1 the order is QLRO.The value1/16 is indicated by an horizontal red line. G, whose definitions are given by: χ=hr2i −hri2, (5) t t hr4i t G=1− , . (6) 3hr2i2 t Weuseχtodeterminepreciselythepositionofthecriticalpointη andGtoestimate c1 whether the probability distribution of the orderparameter r is unimodal and Gaus- sian.NoticethatthedefinitionofGisdirectlyrelatedtotheexcesskurtosis.Fig5(a) shows both quantities as function of the strength η for one of the smallest obstacle densities tested, ρ =2.54×10−3. The peak of χ and the sudden change of behavior o ofGatη =0.8indicatesthatthe criticalpointis locatedatη =0.8.ThedropofG c1 to negative values suggests that the probability distribution of r is bimodal [38], as confirmed in Fig. 5(b). This finding is the result of abrupt transitions in the value of r along time, often called “flip-flops”,fromlow values (disorderedgas phase) to high values (ordered phase) and vice versa, Fig. 5(c). In summary, the statical data close to the critical point η is consistent with a discontinuous (kinetic) phase transition: c1 negative values of G, a bimodal distribution, and flip-flops as η →η . c1 Ournextstepistodeterminewhetheratlowobstacledensitiestheobservedorder for η <η remains present in the thermodynamical limit. This involves a finite size c1 scaling. The goal is to obtain the scaling of the order parameter r with the system size. If the system exhibits long-range order (LRO), by increasing the system size, while keeping constant the particle density ρ and obstacle density ρ , we expect r b o to saturate to a non-zerovalue. As measure of the system size we use N 5. Fig. 6(a) b shows that at low obstacles densities, here ρ = 2.55×10−3, r effectively saturates o 5 Asmeasureofsystemsize,insteadofN ,wecanuseeitherN orL.Sinceρ andρ are b o b o constant, knowing either L, N , or N , we can determinethe othertwo. b o Will beinserted by theeditor 9 (a) ρ= (b) 0.03 ο 0.00765 3 0.0127 x) 0.0255 1 ( 0.04 - L 0.1 h 0.ρ015 mdiorevcitnigo n ρh ρ / x1 a m L ρ 0 0 50 100 0.01 0.1 x ρ o Fig. 7. Bands.(a) Theparticledensityprofileρ (x)ofthebandsalongthe(band)moving L direction.Thehorizontallineindicatesthedensityprofilecorrespondingtoanhomogeneous distribution of particles whose value we denote by ρ . (b) Maximum ρ of the density h Lmax profileρ(x) vs.thedensityofobstacles.Thepanelshowsthequantityρ /ρ −1,which L Lmax H drops to zero for large densities, which indicates theabsence of bandsin thesystem. withN to anon-zerovalue foralargerangeofη <η values6.Thus,thenumerical b c1 data at very low densities, up to the system size we could reach, is consistent with LRO.Thisimpliesthatinthethermodynamicallimitweexpectthesystemtoremain ordered, i.e. as N → ∞, r → r (η) > 0, where r (η) is the asymptotic value of r b ∞ ∞ in an infinite system, which is a function of η, ρ , and ρ . b o At low obstacle densities, as mentioned above, we observe close to the critical point η a behavior consistent with a first-order (discontinuous) phase transition. c1 This seems to be related [30] with the emergence of high-order traveling bands 7, as shown in Fig. 2(c). Bands are narrow structures that expand through the whole system,elongatedinthe directionperpendicular to their directionof motion.Several density profiles, corresponding to various ρ values, are displayed in Fig. 7(a). To o construct these profiles, one needs to project the particle positions onto the moving directionofthebandandmakeahistogram.Bandsexhibitasharpfrontandasmooth tail. They move across a background gas of disordered (or weakly ordered) particles andaccumulateparticlesinthe frontastheyadvanceforward,while loosingparticles in the rear. The presence of obstacles strongly affects bands. As ρ is increased, o profiles get smoother as illustrated in Fig. 7(a). This can be more quantitatively seen in Fig. 7(b) that shows how the bands vanish for large value of ρ . In short, o as the number of obstacles is increased, bands become weaker, with a profile that relaxes towards the background gas. At some point, bands and the background gas areundistinguishableandbandsvanish.Thisisevidentforρ >0.1,wherebandsare o no longer observed. 3.2 High obstacle density At high enough obstacle densities, where bands are no longer observed, the system behavior is remarkably different. The finite size study reveals that the system is unable to reach LRO at such high ρ values. We find that the order parameter r o decays with the system size N as a power-law: r ∝ N−µ(η), where the exponent b b 6 Unfortunately,wecannotbesurethatthisbehaviorremainsforη<0.05.Smallernoises are hard toexplore numerically. 7 For instance, when flip-flopsare observed, high values of r coincide with the emergence of bands. Along thesimulation, bands appear and disappear constantly, as flip-flipsdo. 10 Will beinserted by theeditor σ(l) (a) (b) σ(l) 103 ρ0.o0=0255 103 0.153 0.6 2 10 2 10 η = 101 0.01 0.3 101 1.1 <n> <n> 2 4 2 4 10 l 10 10 l 10 (c) (d) β 0.8 β 00.6.75 QLRO η order phase ρ 00..67 0 0.3 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.6 o Fig.8.Numberfluctuationstatistics.(a)Scalingofthevarianceoftheparticlenumberσ(l) vs. the average particle number hni for different values of noise strength η for ρ =0.102. l o (b) Scaling of σ(l) vs hni for different values of the density of obstacles ρ and fixed noise l o strengthη=0.3.In(a)and(b),thescalingσ(l)∝hni1 andσ(l)∝hni1/2 -usedasreference l l - are indicated by a solid red and a dashed blue curve, respectively. The dashed lines in (a) and (b) represent power-law fitting curves. (c) The dependency of the scaling exponent β (see text for more details) on the noise strength η at fixed ρ = 0.102. For ρ = 0.102, o o ηc1 ≈ 0.45 ± 0.05 and ηc2 ≈ 0.15 ±0.05, indicated by two dashed vertical lines in the figure. In therange ηc2 <η<ηc1, the system exhibits Quasi-Long-Ranged Order (QLRO). (d)Dependencyofthescalingexponentβ onthedensityofobstaclesatfixednoisestrength η = 0.3. The region where the system exhibits ordered phases is indicated by a vertical dashed line, where order is first LROand thenQLRO.System size N =40000 (L=200). b µ(η) is a function of η, as shown in Fig. 6(b) for ρ = 0.102. For noises close to o the optimal value η , we obtain exponent values such that 0 < µ < 1/16. Here, by M analogywithKosterlitz-Thoulesstransition[39]wesaythatwhen0<µ<1/16there is quasi-long range order (QLRO), while for µ > 1/16 we assume that the system is disordered. Fig. 6(c) shows that the behavior of µ(η) is such that we can define two disordered phases, one at high noise values and the other one at low noises, and the ordered phase with QLRO at intermediate noises. This implies the existence of two critical points, which obey µ(η ) = 1/16, with i = 1,2 such that η < η , see ci c2 c1 Fig. 6(c). The system exhibits QLRO when η < η < η , while being disordered c2 c1 for η < η and η > η . Notice that for both disordered phases, µ reaches 1/2, in c2 c1 particular we observe that µ → 1/2 in two limits: η → 0 and η → ∞. A scaling r ∝ N−1/2 corresponds to a fully disordered system with a random distribution of b moving directions. Interestingly, the densely packed moving cluster phase at low η values, as the one observed in Fig. 2(a), corresponds, at high obstacle densities (i.e. for ρ ≥ 1), to a fully disordered phase. The presence of only QLRO, or rather the o absence of LRO, implies that in the thermodynamical limit we expect r → 0 for all η >0values,i.e.weexpectaninfinitesystemtobedisordered.Nevertheless,between η <η <η ,weexpecttheSPPsdisplaylargecorrelationsintheirmovingdirection c2 c1 also in the thermodynamical limit.

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