Active Particles in Complex and Crowded Environments Clemens Bechinger (1) 2. Physikalisches Institut, Universit¨at Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 57, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany (2) Max-Planck-Institut fu¨r Intelligente Systeme, Heisenbergstraße 3, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany 6 1 Roberto Di Leonardo 0 (3) Dipartimento di Fisica, 2 Universit`a “Sapienza”, I-00185, Roma, c Italy e (4) NANOTEC-CNR Institute of Nanotechnology, D Soft and Living Matter Laboratory, I-00185 Roma, Italy 9 2 Hartmut L¨owen ] (5) Institut fu¨r Theoretische Physik II: Weiche Materie, t f Heinrich-Heine-Universit¨at Du¨sseldorf, o D-40225 Du¨sseldorf, s Germany . t a Charles Reichhardt m (6) Theoretical Division, - d Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, n New Mexico 87545 USA o c Giorgio Volpe [ (7) Department of Chemistry, 2 University College London, v 20 Gordon Street, 1 London WC1H 0AJ, 8 United Kingdom 0 0 Giovanni Volpe∗ 0 (8) Department of Physics, . 2 University of Gothenburg, 0 SE-41296 Gothenburg, 6 Sweden 1 (9) Soft Matter Lab, : Department of Physics, v i and UNAM — National Nanotechnology Research Center, X Bilkent University, Ankara 06800, r Turkey a (Dated: December 30, 2016) DifferentlyfrompassiveBrownianparticles,activeparticles,alsoknownasself-propelled Brownianparticlesormicroswimmersandnanoswimmers,arecapableoftakingupen- ergy from their environment and converting it into directed motion. Because of this constant flow of energy, their behavior can only be explained and understood within the framework of nonequilibrium physics. In the biological realm, many cells perform directed motion, for example, as a way to browse for nutrients or to avoid toxins. In- spired by these motile microorganisms, researchers have been developing artificial par- ticles that feature similar swimming behaviors based on different mechanisms; these manmade micro- and nanomachines hold a great potential as autonomous agents for healthcare, sustainability, and security applications. With a focus on the basic physi- 2 calfeaturesoftheinteractionsofself-propelledBrownianparticleswithacrowdedand complex environment, this comprehensive review will put the reader at the very fore- frontofthefield,providingaguidedtourthroughitsbasicprinciples,thedevelopment of artificial self-propelling micro- and nanoparticles, and their application to the study ofnonequilibriumphenomena,aswellastheopenchallengesthatthefieldiscurrently facing. CONTENTS D. Sortingofmicroswimmers 41 1. Staticpatterns 41 I. Introduction 2 2. Chiralparticleseparation 42 II. Non-interactingActiveParticlesinHomogenous VI. TowardstheNanoscale 43 Environments 5 A. Brownianmotionvs. activeBrownianmotion 5 VII. OutlookandFutureDirections 44 B. Phenomenologicalmodels 6 1. ChiralactiveBrownianmotion 7 VIII. Acknowledgments 46 2. Modelsforactiveparticlereorientation 8 3. Non-sphericalactiveparticles 9 References 46 4. Modelingactivemotionwithexternalforcesand torques 10 5. Numericalconsiderations 11 C. Effectivediffusioncoefficientandeffective I. INTRODUCTION temperature 11 D. Biologicalmicroswimmers 12 Active matter systems are able to take energy from E. Artificialmicroswimmers 12 their environment and drive themselves far from equilib- 1. Propulsionbylocalenergyconversion 13 2. Propulsionbyexternalfields 14 rium(Ramaswamy,2010). Thankstothisproperty,they 3. SynthesisofJanusparticles 14 featureaseriesofnovelbehaviorsthatarenotattainable bymatteratthermalequilibrium,including,forexample, III. Hydrodynamics 15 A. Microhydrodynamicsofself-propulsion 15 swarming and the emergence of other collective proper- B. Particle–particlehydrodynamicinteractions 17 ties (Schweitzer, 2007). Their study provides great hope C. Hydrodynamiccouplingtowalls 19 to uncover new physics and, simultaneously, to lead to D. Non-Newtonianmedia 20 the development of novel strategies for designing smart IV. InteractingParticles 22 devices and materials. In recent years, a significant and A. Classificationofparticleinteractions 22 growing effort has been devoted to advancing this field 1. Aligninginteractions,Vicsekmodel,and and to explore its applications in a diverse set of dis- swarming 22 ciplines such as statistical physics (Ramaswamy, 2010), B. Collectivebehaviorsofactiveparticles 23 1. Clusteringandlivingcrystals 23 biology (Viswanathan et al., 2011), robotics (Brambilla 2. Self-jammingandactivemicrorheology 24 et al., 2013), social transport (Helbing, 2001), soft mat- 3. Activeturbulence 25 ter (Marchetti et al., 2013), and biomedicine (Wang and C. Mixturesofactiveandpassiveparticles 25 1. Activedoping 25 Gao, 2012). 2. Phaseseparationandturbulentbehavior 26 An important example of active matter is consti- 3. Activebaths 26 tuted by natural and artificial objects capable of self- 4. Directedmotionandgears 27 propulsion. Self-propelled particles were originally 5. Activedepletion 29 6. Flexiblepassiveparticlesandpolymers 31 studied to model swarm behavior of animals at the macroscale. Reynolds (1987) introduced a ‘Boids model’ V. ComplexEnvironments 32 tosimulatetheaggregatemotionofflocksofbirds,herds A. Interactionwithawall 32 B. Activeparticlesinaconfinedgeometry 33 of land animals, and schools of fish within computer 1. Non-Boltzmannpositiondistributionsforactive graphics applications; Vicsek et al. (1995) then intro- particles 33 duced his namesake model as a special case. In the Vic- 2. Activematterforcesandequationofstate 35 sek model, a swarm is modeled by a collection of self- 3. Collectivebehaviorsinconfinedgeometries 35 C. Interactionwithobstacles 35 propellingparticlesthat move withaconstantspeedbut 1. Captureandconcentrationofactiveparticles 35 tend to align with the average direction of motion of the 2. Ratcheteffectsanddirectedmotion 37 particlesintheirlocalneighborhood(Chat´eetal.,2008a; 3. Motionrectificationinamicrochannel 38 Czir´okandVicsek,2000). Swarmingsystemsgiveriseto 4. Extendedlandscapesofobstacles 38 5. Subdiffusionandtrappingofmicroswimmers 40 emergentbehaviors,whichoccuratmanydifferentscales; furthermore, some of these behaviors are turning out to be robust and universal, e.g. they are independent of the type of animals constituting the swarm (Buhl et al., ∗ [email protected] 2006). It has in fact become a challenge for theoretical 3 100000 Biological Swimmers a 10000 h spermatozoa E.coli ) 1000 Artificial Swimmers −1 m s T.majus m µ b: Janus rods ( d e k spe 100 q p g, j: Janus spheres s spermatozoa r o f l E.coli f: chiral particles n i 10 g,j b c l: vesicles d e 1 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 size(µm) FIG. 1 (Color online) Self-propelled Brownian particles are biological or manmade objects capable of taking up energy from their environment and converting it into directed motion; they are micro- and nanoscopic in size and have propulsion speeds (typically) up to a fraction of a millimeter per second. The letters correspond to the artificial microswimmers in Table I. The insets show examples of biological and artificial swimmers. For the artificial swimmers four main recurrent geometries can be identified so far: Janus rods, Janus spheres, chiral particles, and vesicles. physics to find minimal statistical models that capture Brownian particles are provided in Fig. 1 and Table I. these features (Bertin et al., 2009; Li et al., 2008; Toner While the motion of passive Brownian particles is et al., 2005). driven by equilibrium thermal fluctuations due to ran- Self-propelled Brownian particles, in particular, have dom collisions with the surrounding fluid molecules come under the spotlight of the physical and biophys- (Babiˇc et al., 2005), self-propelled Brownian particles ical research communities. These active particles are exhibit an interplay between random fluctuations and biological or manmade microscopic and nanoscopic ob- active swimming that drives them into a far-from- jects that can propel themselves by taking up energy equilibrium state (Erdmann et al., 2000; H¨anggi and from their environment and converting it into directed Marchesoni, 2009; Hauser and Schimansky-Geier, 2015; motion (Ebbens and Howse, 2010). On the one hand, Schweitzer, 2007). Thus, their behavior can only be ex- self-propulsion is a common feature in microorganisms plainedandunderstoodwithintheframeworkofnonequi- (Cates, 2012; Lauga and Powers, 2009; Poon, 2013) and librium physics (Cates, 2012), for which they provide allows for a more efficient exploration of the environ- ideal model systems. ment when looking for nutrients or running away from From a more applied perspective, active particles pro- toxic substances (Viswanathan et al., 2011); a paradig- vide great hope to address some challenges that our maticexampleistheswimmingbehaviorofbacteriasuch society is currently facing — in particular, personal- as Escherichia coli (Berg, 2004). On the other hand, ized healthcare, environmental sustainability, and secu- tremendousprogresshasrecentlybeenmadetowardsthe rity (Abdelmohsen et al., 2014; Ebbens, 2016; Gao and fabrication of artificial micro- and nanoswimmers that Wang,2014;Nelsonet al.,2010;Patraet al.,2013;Wang canself-propelbasedondifferentpropulsionmechanisms; andGao,2012). Thesepotentialapplicationscanbebuilt some characteristic examples of artificial self-propelled around the core functionalities of self-propelled Brown- 4 TABLEI Examplesofexperimentallyrealizedartificialmicroswimmersandrelativepropulsionmechanisms. Thelettersinthe first column correspond to the examples plotted in Fig. 1. Microswimmer Propulsion mechanism Medium Dimensions Max. Speed a PDMS platelets coated with Pt Bubbles generated in a H O H O aqueous 1cm 2cms−1 2 2 2 2 (Ismagilov et al., 2002) aqueous solution by asymmetric meniscus patterns of Pt b Rod-shaped particles consisting of Catalysis of oxygen at the Pt end of Near a boundary 2µm 10µms−1 Au and Pt segments (Paxton et al., the rod in H O acqueous (length), 2 2 2004) solution 370nm (width) c Linear chains of DNA-linked External actuation of the flexible Aqueous solution 30µm 6µms−1 magnetic colloidal particles attached artificial flagella by oscillating to red blood cells (Dreyfus et al., magnetic fields 2005) d Janus spherical particles with a Self-diffusiophoresis catalyzed by a H O aqueous 1.6µm 3µms−1 2 2 catalytic Pt patch (Howse et al., chemical reaction on the Pt surface solution 2007) e DNA-linked anisotropic doublets Rotation induced by a rotating Near a boundary 3µm 3.2µms−1 composed of paramagnetic colloidal magnetic field in aqueous particles (Tierno et al., 2008) solution f Chiral colloidal propellers (Ghosh External actuation by a magnetic Aqueous solution 2µm 40µms−1 and Fischer, 2009) field (length), 250nm (width) g Janus particles half-coated with Au Self-thermophoresis due to local Aqueous solution 1µm 10µms−1 (Jiang et al., 2010) heating at the Au cap h Catalytic microjets (Sanchez et al., H O catalysis on the internal H O aqueous 50µm 10mms−1 2 2 2 2 2011) surface of the microjet solution (length), 1µm (width) i Water droplets containing bromine Marangoni flow induced by a Oil phase 80µm 15µms−1 (Thutupalli et al., 2011) self-sustained bromination gradient containing a along the drop surface surfactant j Janus particles with light-absorbing Local demixing of a critical mixture Critical mixture 0.1 to 10µm 10µms−1 patches (Buttinoni et al., 2012; due to heating associated to (e.g. Ku¨mmel et al., 2013; Volpe et al., localized absorption of light water-2,6-lutidine) 2011) k Rod-shaped particles consisting of Self-acoustophoresis in a ultrasonic Aqueous solution 1 to 3µm 200µms−1 Au and Pt (or Au and Ru) standing wave (length), segments (Wang et al., 2012) 300nm (width) l Pt-loaded stomatocytes (Wilson Bubbles generated in a H O H O acqueous 0.5µm 23µms−1 2 2 2 2 et al., 2012) aqueous solution by entrapped Pt solution nanoparticles m Colloidal rollers made of PMMA Spontaneous charge symmetry conducting fluid 5µm 1mms−1 beads (Bricard et al., 2013) breaking resulting in a net (hexadecane electrostatic torque solution) n Polymeric spheres encapsulating Self-phoretic motion near a Near a boundary 1.5µm 15µms−1 most of an antiferromagnetic boundary due to the decomposition in H O acqueous 2 2 hematite cube (Palacci et al., 2013) of H O by the hematite cube when solution 2 2 illuminated by ultraviolet light o Water droplets (Izri et al., 2014) Water solubilization by the reverse Oil phase with 60µm 50µms−1 micellar solution surfactants above the critical micellar solution p Janus microspheres with Mg core, Bubble thrust generated from the Aqueous solution 20µm 110µms−1 Au nanoparticles, and TiO shell Mg-water reaction 2 layer (Li et al., 2014a) q Hollow mesoporous silica Janus Catalysis powered by Pt or by three Aqueous solution 50 to 500nm 100µms−1 particles (Ma et al., 2015a,b) different enzymes (catalase, urease, and glucose oxidase) r Janus particles half-coated with Cr AC electric field Aqueous solution 3µm 60µms−1 (Nishiguchi and Sano, 2015) s Enzyme-loaded polymeric vesicles Glucose catalysis powered by Aqueous solution 0.1µm 80µms−1 (Joseph et al., 2016) catalase and glucose oxidase 5 ian particles, i.e. transport, sensing, and manipulation. Brownian motion (Section II.A) and serve as a starting Infact, thesemicro-andnanomachinesholdthepromise pointtodiscussthebasicmathematicalmodelsforactive ofperformingkeytasksinanautonomous, targeted, and motion (Section II.B). We will then introduce the con- selective way. The possibility of designing, using, and cepts of effective diffusion coefficient and effective tem- controllingmicro-andnanoswimmersinrealisticsettings perature for self-propelled Brownian particles, as well of operation is tantalizing as a way to localize, pick-up, as their limitations, i.e. differences between systems at and deliver nanoscopic cargoes in several applications equilibrium at a higher temperature and systems out — from the targeted delivery of drugs, biomarkers, or of equilibrium (Section II.C). We will then briefly re- contrastagentsinhealthcareapplications(Abdelmohsen viewbiologicalmicroswimmers(SectionII.D).Finally,we et al., 2014; Nelson et al., 2010; Patra et al., 2013; Wang will conclude with an overview of experimental achieve- and Gao, 2012) to the autonomous depollution of water mentsconnectedtotherealizationofartificialmicro-and and soils contaminated because of bad waste manage- nanoswimmersincludingadiscussionoftheprincipalex- ment, climate changes, or chemical terroristic attacks in perimentalapproachesthathavebeenproposedsofarto sustainability and security applications (Gao and Wang, build active particles (Section II.E). 2014). The field of active matter is now confronted with var- ious open challenges that will keep researchers busy for A. Brownian motion vs. active Brownian motion decades to come. First, there is a need to understand In order to start acquiring some basic understanding how living and inanimate active matter systems develop of the differences between passive and active Brownian socialand(possibly)tunablecollectivebehaviorsthatare motion, a good (and pedagogic) approach is to compare not attainable by their counterparts at thermal equilib- two-dimensional trajectories of single spherical passive rium. Then, there is a need to understand the dynamics and active particles of equal (hydrodynamic) radius R ofactiveparticlesinreal-lifeenvironments(e.g. inliving in a homogenous environment, i.e. where no physical tissues and porous soils), where randomness, patchiness, barriers or other particles are present and where there is and crowding can either limit or enhance how biological a homogeneous and constant distribution of the energy and artificial microswimmers perform a given task, such source for the active particle. as finding nutrients or delivering a nanoscopic cargo. Fi- The motion of a passive Brownian particle is purely nally,thereisstillastrongneedtoeffectivelyscaledown diffusive with translational diffusion coefficient tothenanoscaleourcurrentunderstandingofactivemat- ter systems. k T D = B , (1) With this review, we provide a guided tour through T 6πηR the basic principles of self-propulsion at the micro- and nanoscale, the development of artificial self-propelling wherekB istheBoltzmannconstant,T theabsolutetem- micro- and nanoparticles, and their application to the perature, and η the fluid viscosity. The particle also study of far-from-equilibrium phenomena, as well as undergoes rotational diffusion with a characteristic time through the open challenges that the field is now facing. scale τR given by the inverse of the particle’s rotational diffusion coefficient k T II. NON-INTERACTING ACTIVE PARTICLES IN DR =τR−1 = 8πBηR3 . (2) HOMOGENOUS ENVIRONMENTS Fromtheaboveformulas,itisclearthat,whilethetrans- Before proceeding to analyze the behavior of active lational diffusion of a particle scales with its linear di- particles in crowded and complex environments, we will mension, its rotational diffusion scales with its volume. set the stage by considering the simpler (and more fun- For example, for a particle with R ≈ 1µm in water, damental) case of individual active particles in homo- D ≈ 0.2µm2s−1 and D ≈ 0.17rad2s−1 (τ ≈ 6s), T R R geneous environments, i.e. without obstacles or other while, for a particle 10 times smaller (R ≈ 100nm), particles. We will first introduce a simple model of an D ≈ 2µm2s−1 is one order of magnitude larger but T active Brownian particle,1 which will permit us to un- D ≈ 170rad2s−1 is three orders of magnitude larger R derstandthemaindifferencesbetweenpassiveandactive (τ ≈6ms). R In a homogeneous environment, the translational and rotational motions are independent from each other. 1 Weremarkthattheterm“activeBrownianparticle”hasmainly beenusedintheliteraturetodenotethespecific,simplifiedmodel of active matter described in this section, which consists of re- pulsive spherical particles that are driven by a constant force tothisspecificmodelanditsstraightforwardgeneralizations(see whose direction rotates by thermal diffusion. In the following, Section II.B.1), while we will use the terms “active particle” or we will use the term “active Brownian particle” when we refer “self-propelledparticle”whenwerefertomoregeneralsystems. 6 FIG. 2 (Color online) Active Brownian particles in two dimensions. (a) An active Brownian particle in water (R = 1µm, η = 0.001Pas) placed at position [x,y] is characterized by an orientation ϕ along which it propels itself with speed v while undergoing Brownian motion in both position and orientation. The resulting trajectories are shown for different velocities (b) v = 0µms−1 (Brownian particle), (c) v = 1µms−1, (d) v = 2µms−1, and (e) v = 3µms−1; with increasing values of v, the active particles move over longer distances before their direction of motion is randomized; four different 10-s trajectories are shown for each value of velocity. Therefore, the stochastic equations of motion for a pas- i.e. (cid:104)x(t)(cid:105)=(cid:104)y(t)(cid:105)≡0, where (cid:104)...(cid:105) represents the ensem- sive Brownian particle in a two-dimensional space are bleaverage. Foranactiveparticleinstead,theaverageis a straight line along the x-direction (determined by the (cid:112) x˙ = 2DTξx prescribed initial orientation), (cid:112) y˙ = 2DTξy (3) v (cid:20) (cid:18) t (cid:19)(cid:21) ϕ˙ = (cid:112)2D ξ (cid:104)x(t)(cid:105)= DR [1−exp(−DRt)]=vτR 1−exp −τR , R ϕ (5) where [x,y] is the particle position, ϕ is its orientation while(cid:104)y(t)(cid:105)≡0becauseofsymmetry. Thisimpliesthat, (Fig.2a),andξ ,ξ ,andξ representindependentwhite on average, an active Brownian particle will move along x y ϕ noisestochasticprocesseswithzeromeanandcorrelation the direction of its initial orientation for a finite persis- δ(t). Interestingly, the equations for each degree of free- tence length dom (i.e. x, y, and ϕ) are decoupled. Inertial effects v L= =vτ , (6) are neglected because microscopic particles are typically D R R in a low-Reynolds-number regime (Purcell, 1977). Some examplesofthecorrespondingtrajectoriesareillustrated before its direction is randomized. in Fig. 2b. The relative importance of directed motion versus dif- Foraself-propelledparticle withvelocityvinstead,the fusion for an active Brownian particle can be character- directionofmotionisitselfsubjecttorotationaldiffusion, ized by its P´eclet number which leads to a coupling between rotation and transla- v tion. The corresponding stochastic differential equations Pe∝ √ , (7) D D are T R (cid:112) where the proportionality sign is used because the lit- x˙ = vcosϕ+ 2DTξx erature is inconsistent about the value of the numerical y˙ = vsinϕ+(cid:112)2D ξ (4) prefactor. If Pe is small, diffusion is important, while, if T y ϕ˙ = (cid:112)2D ξ PeTishelamrgoed,edlirfeocrteadctmivoetiBonropwrneivaanilsm. otion described by R ϕ Eqs. (4) can be straightforwardly generalized to the case Some examples of trajectories for various v are shown of an active particle moving in three dimensions. In this in Figs. 2c, 2d, and 2e: as v increases, we obtain active case, the particle position is described by three Carte- trajectories that are characterized by directed motion at sian coordinates, i.e. [x,y,z], and its orientation by the short time scales; however, over long time scales the ori- polar and azimuthal angles, i.e. [ϑ,ϕ], which perform entation and direction of motion of the particle are ran- a Brownian motion on the unit sphere (Carlsson et al., domized by its rotational diffusion (Howse et al., 2007). 2010). To emphasize the difference between Brownian mo- tion and active Brownian motion, it is instructive to consider the average particle trajectory given the ini- B. Phenomenological models tial position and orientation fixed at time t = 0, i.e. x(0) = y(0) = 0 and ϕ(0) = 0. In the case of passive In this section, we will extend the simple model in- Brownian motion, this average vanishes by symmetry, troduced in Section II.A to describe the motion of more 7 complex (and realistic) active Brownian particles. First, chirality (or helicity) to the path, the sign of which de- we will introduce models that account for chiral active termineswhetherthemotionisclockwise(dextrogyre)or Brownianmotion(SectionII.B.1). Wewillthenconsider anti-clockwise (levogyre). The result is a motion along more general models of active Brownian motion where circulartrajectoriesintwodimensions(circleswimming) reorientation occurs due to mechanisms other than ro- andalonghelicaltrajectoriesinthreedimensions(helical tational diffusion (Section II.B.2) and where the active swimming). particles are non-spherical (Section II.B.3). Finally, we Theoccurrenceofmicroorganismsswimmingincircles will discuss the use of external forces and torques when was pointed out more than a century ago by Jennings modeling active Brownian motion (Section II.B.4) and (1901) and, since then, has been observed in many dif- wewillprovidesomeconsiderationsaboutnumerics(Sec- ferent situations, in particular close to a substrate for tion II.B.5). bacteria (Berg and Turner, 1990; DiLuzio et al., 2005; Before proceeding further, we remark that in this sec- Hill et al., 2007; Lauga et al., 2006; Schmidt et al., tion the microscopic swimming mechanism is completely 2008; Shenoy et al., 2007) and spermatozoa (Friedrich ignored; inparticularhydrodynamicinteractionsaredis- and Ju¨licher, 2008; Riedel et al., 2005; Woolley, 2003). regarded and only the observable effects of net motion Likewise, helical swimming in three dimensions has been are considered. While the models introduced here are observed for various bacteria and sperm cells (Brokaw, phenomenological, they are very effective to describe the 1958,1959;Corkidiet al.,2008;Crenshaw,1996;Fenchel motion of microswimmers in homogenous environments. and Blackburn, 1999; J´ekely et al., 2008; Jennings, 1901; Wecancastthispointintermsofthedifferencebetween McHenry and Strother, 2003; Thar and Fenchel, 2001). “microswimmers” and “active particles”. Microswim- Figures 3a and 3b show examples of E. coli cells swim- mers are force-free and torque-free objects capable of ming in circular trajectories near a glass surface and at self-propulsion in a (typically) viscous environment and, a liquid–air interface, respectively. Examples of non- importantly, exhibit an explicit hydrodynamic coupling with the embedding solvent via flow fields generated by the swimming strokes they perform. Instead, active par- (a) (b) ticlesrepresentamuchsimplerconceptconsistingofself- propelled particles in an inert solvent, which only pro- 20µm videshydrodynamicfrictionandastochasticmomentum transfer. While the observable behavior of the two is the same in a homogenous environment and in the absence of interactions between particles, hydrodynamic interac- tions may play a major role in the presence of obstacles or other microswimmers. The simpler model of active particles delivers, however, good results in terms of the particle’sbehaviorandismoreintuitive. Infact,theself- propulsion of an active Brownian particle is implicitly (c) (d) modeledbyusinganeffectiveforcefixedintheparticle’s 5µm 5µm body frame. For this reason, in this review we typically consider active particles, while we will discuss hydrody- namic interactions in Section III (see also Golestanian et al. (2010), Marchetti et al. (2013) and Elgeti et al. (2015) for extensive reviews on the role of hydrodynam- Aucoating 10µm Aucoating 10µm ics in active matter systems). We will provide a more detailed theoretical justification of why active particles FIG. 3 (Color online) Biological and artificial chiral active are a good model for microswimmers in Section II.B.4. Brownian motion. (a) Phase-contrast video microscopy im- ages showing E. coli cells swimming in circular trajectories nearaglasssurface. Superpositionof8-svideoimages. From 1. Chiral active Brownian motion Laugaetal.(2006). (b)Circulartrajectoriesarealsoobserved for E. coli bacteria swimming over liquid–air interfaces but thedirectionisreversed. FromDiLeonardoet al.(2011). (c- Swimmingalongastraightline—correspondingtothe d) Trajectories of a (c) dextrogyre and (d) levogyre artificial linearly directed Brownian motion considered until now microswimmer driven by self-diffusiophoresis: in each plot, — is the exception rather than the rule. In fact, ideal the red bullet correspond to the initial particle position and straightswimmingonlyoccursiftheleft–rightsymmetry the two blue squares to its position after 1 and 2 minutes. relativetotheinternalpropulsiondirectionisnotbroken; Theinsetsshowmicroscopeimagesoftwodifferentswimmers evensmalldeviationsfromthissymmetrydestabilizeany with the Au coating (not visible in the bright-field image) indicated by an arrow. From Ku¨mmel et al. (2013). straight motion and make it chiral. One can assign a 8 (a) v (b) (c) (d) 5µm FIG.4 (Coloronline)ChiralactiveBrownianmotionintwodimensions. (a)Atwo-dimensionalchiralactiveBrownianparticle hasadeterministicangularvelocityωthat,iftheparticle’sspeedv>0,entailsarotationaroundaneffectiveexternalaxis. (b- d)Sampletrajectoriesofdextrogyre(red/darkgray)andlevogyre(yellow/lightgray)activechiralparticleswithv=30µms−1, ω=10rads−1, and different radii (R=1000, 500 and 250nm for (b), (c) and (d), respectively); as the particle size decreases, the trajectories become less deterministic because the rotational diffusion, responsible for the reorientation of the particle direction, scales according to R−3 (Eq. (2)). living but active particles moving in circles are spherical and L¨owen, 2008; Volpe et al., 2014a) camphors at an air–water interface (Nakata et al., 1997) (cid:112) a(Kndu¨mchmirealle(tLa-ls.h,2a0p1e3d)).cFoilnloaildlya,ltsrwaijmecmtoerrisesoonfadesfuobrmstarabtlee x˙ = vcosϕ+ 2DTξx (cid:112) y˙ = vsinϕ+ 2D ξ (8) active particles (Ohta and Ohkuma, 2009) and even of T y completely blinded and ear-plugged pedestrians (Obata ϕ˙ = ω+(cid:112)2D ξ R ϕ et al., 2005) can possess significant circular characteris- tics. Some examples of trajectories are shown in Figs. 4b, 4c, and 4d for particles of decreasing radius. As the particle Theoriginofchiralmotioncanbemanifold. Inpartic- size decreases, the trajectories become less determinis- ular,itcanbeduetoananisotropyintheparticleshape, tic because the rotational diffusion, responsible for the which leads to a translation–rotation coupling in the hy- reorientation of the particle direction, scales according drodynamic sense (Kraft et al., 2013), or an anisotropy to R−3 (Eq. (2)). The model given by Eqs. (8) can be inthepropulsionmechanism;Ku¨mmeletal.(2013)stud- straightforwardly extended to the helicoidal motion of a ied experimentally an example where both mechanisms three-dimensional chiral active particle following an ap- are simultaneously present (Figs. 3c and 3d). Further- proach along the lines of the discussion at the end of more, even a cluster of non-chiral swimmers, which stick Section II.A. togetherbydirectforces(Redneretal.,2013a),byhydro- Itisinterestingtoconsiderhowthenoise-averagedtra- dynamics, or just by the activity itself (Buttinoni et al., jectory given in Eq. (5) changes in the presence of chiral 2013; Palacci et al., 2013), will in general lead to situa- motion. In this case, the noise-averaged trajectory has tions of total non-vanishing torque on the cluster center the shape of a logarithmic spiral, i.e. a spira mirabilis (Kaiser et al., 2015b), thus leading to circling clusters (van Teeffelen and L¨owen, 2008), which in polar coordi- (Schwarz-Linek et al., 2012). Finally, the particle rota- nates is written as tion can be induced by external fields; a standard ex- ρ∝exp[−D (ϕ−ϕ(0))/ω] , (9) ample is a magnetic field perpendicular to the plane of R motionexertingatorqueontheparticles(C¯ebers,2011). where ρ is the radial coordinate and ϕ is the azimuthal We remark that, even though the emergence of circular coordinate. In three dimensions, the noise-averaged tra- motion can be often attributed to hydrodynamic effects, jectoryisaconcho-spiral(WittkowskiandL¨owen,2012), in this section we will focus on a phenomenological de- which is the generalization of the logarithmic spiral. scriptionandleavetheproperhydrodynamicdescription Stochatic helical swimming was recently investigated in to Section III.C. Colonial Choanoflagellates (Kirkegaard et al., 2016). For a two-dimensional chiral active Brownian particle (Fig. 4a), in addition to the random diffusion and the 2. Models for active particle reorientation internal self-propulsion modeledby Eqs.(4), the particle orientation ϕ also rotates with angular velocity ω, where The simple models presented so far, and in particu- thesignofω determinesthechiralityofthemotion. The lar the one discussed in Section II.A, consider an ac- resulting set of equations describing this motion in two tive particle whose velocity is constant in modulus and dimensions is (Mijalkov and Volpe, 2013; van Teeffelen whose orientation undergoes free diffusion. This type of 9 FIG.5 (Coloronline)SampletrajectoriesofactiveBrownianparticlescorrespondingtodifferentmechanismsgeneratingactive motion: (a)rotationaldiffusiondynamics;(b)run-and-tumbledynamics;and(c)Gaussiannoisedynamics. Thedotscorrespond to the particle position sampled every 5s. dynamics — to which we shall refer as rotational diffu- tions of motion of the active particle contain no stochas- sion dynamics (Fig. 5a) — is often encountered in the tic terms and the particle keeps on moving ballistically case of self-propelling Janus colloids (Buttinoni et al., along straight lines until it interacts with some obstacles 2012; Howse et al., 2007; Palacci et al., 2013). There or other particles. Such a limit is reached, e.g., for suffi- are, however, other processes that generate active Brow- ciently large active colloids or for active colloids moving nianmotion;herewewillconsider,inparticular,therun- through an extremely viscous fluid. and-tumble dynamics and the Gaussian noise dynamics (Koumakis et al., 2014). More general models include also velocity- and space-dependent friction (Babel et al., 3. Non-spherical active particles 2014; Romanczuk et al., 2012; Taktikos et al., 2011). It The models presented until now — in particular, hasalsobeenrecentlyspeculatedthatfinite-timecorrela- Eqs. (4) and (8) — are valid for spherical active par- tions in the orientational dynamics can affect the swim- ticles. However, while most active particles considered mer’s diffusivity (Ghosh et al., 2015). in experiments and simulations are spherically or axi- The run-and-tumble dynamics (Fig. 5b) were intro- ally symmetric, many bacteria and motile microorgan- duced to describe the motion of E. coli bacteria (Berg, isms considerably deviate from such ideal shapes, and 2004; Berg and Turner, 1979; Schnitzer et al., 1990). this strongly alters their swimming properties. They consist of a random walk that alternates linear Inordertounderstandhowwecanderivetheequations straight runs at constant speed with Poisson-distributed of motion for non-spherical active Brownian particles, it reorientation events called tumbles. Even though their is useful to rewrite in a vectorial form the model pre- microscopic (short-time) dynamics are different, their sented in Section II.A for the simpler case of a spherical long-time diffusion properties are equivalent to those active particle: of the rotational diffusion dynamics described in Sec- tion II.A (Cates and Tailleur, 2013; Solon et al., 2015a; γr˙ =Feˆ+ξ , (10) Tailleur and Cates, 2008). In the Gaussian noise dynamics (Fig. 5c), the active where γ = 6πηR denotes the particle’s Stokes friction particle velocity (along each direction) fluctuates as an coefficient(forasphereofradiusRwithstickyboundary Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process (Uhlenbeck and Ornstein, conditionsattheparticlesurface),risitspositionvector, 1930). Thisis,forexample,agoodmodelforthemotion F is an effective force acting on the particle, eˆ is its ori- of colloidal particles in a bacterial bath, where multiple entation unit vector, and ξ is a random vector with zero interactions with the motile bacteria tend to gradually meanandcorrelation2k TγIδ(t),whereIistheidentity B change the direction and amplitude of the particle’s ve- matrix in the appropriate number of dimensions. If the locity, atleastaslongastheconcentrationisnotsohigh particle’s orientation does not change, i.e. eˆ(t) ≡ eˆ(0) to give rise to collective phenomena (Wu and Libchaber, (e.g. being fixed by an external aligning magnetic field), 2000). the particle swims with a self-propulsion speed v =F/γ Finally,wecanalsoconsidertheinterestinglimitofthe alongitsorientationeˆanditstrajectoryistriviallygiven rotational diffusion dynamics when the rotational diffu- by r(t) = r(0)+vteˆ(0). If the particle orientation can sioniszero, orsimilarlyintherun-and-tumbledynamics insteadchange,e.g. ifeˆissubjecttorotationaldiffusion, when the run time is infinite. In this case, the equa- the particle will perform active Brownian motion. 10 We can now generalize these simple considerations for (2012),Bialk´eetal.(2012),Redneretal.(2013b),Reich- a spherical particle to more complex shapes, as system- hardt and Olson-Reichhardt (2013a), Elgeti and Gomp- atically discussed in ten Hagen et al. (2015). When the per(2013),MijalkovandVolpe(2013),Filyet al.(2014), particlehasarigidanisotropicshape,theresultingequa- Costanzo et al. (2014) and Wang et al. (2014). tions of motion can be written in compact form as These simple considerations for a spherical active par- ticlecanbegeneralizedtomorecomplexsituations,such H·V=K+χ, (11) as to Eqs. (11) for non-spherical active particles. In gen- where H is the grand resistance matrix or hydrodynamic eral, the following considerations hold to decide whether a model based on effective forces and torques can be ap- friction tensor (see also Section III.A) (Fernandes and plied safely. On the one hand, the effective forces and delaTorre,2002;HappelandBrenner,1991),V=[v,ω] torques can be used if we consider a single particle in isageneralizedvelocitywithvandωtheparticle’strans- an unbounded fluid whose propulsion speed is a generic lational and angular velocities, K = [F,T] is a general- explicit function of time (Babel et al., 2014) or of the ized force with F and T the effective force and torque particle’s position (Magiera and Brendel, 2015). On the actingontheparticle,andχisarandomvectorwithcor- relation2k T Hδ(t). Equation(11)isbestunderstoodin otherhand,bodyforcesandtorquesarising,e.g.,froman B the body frame of the moving particle where H, K, and externalfieldorfrom(non-hydrodynamic)particleinter- actions can simply be added to the effective forces and V are constant, but it can also be transformed to the torques, under the sole assumption that the presence of laboratory frame (Wittkowski and L¨owen, 2012). In the the body forces and torques should not affect the self- deterministic limit (i.e. χ = 0), the particle trajectories propulsion mechanism itself; a classical counter-example are straight lines if ω = 0, and circles in two dimen- tothisassumptionarebimetallicnanorodsdrivenbyelec- sions (or helices in three dimensions) if ω (cid:54)=0 (Friedrich trophoresis in an external electric field (Paxton et al., and Ju¨licher, 2009; Wittkowski and L¨owen, 2012). In 2006, 2004), as the external electric field perturbs the the opposite limit when K=0, we recover the case of a transport of ions through the rod and the screening freeBrownianparticle,whichhoweverfeaturesnontrivial around it, and thus significantly affects its propagation dynamical correlations (Cichocki et al., 2015; Fernandes (Brown and Poon, 2014). anddelaTorre,2002;Kraftetal.,2013;MakinoandDoi, Inordertoavoidapotentialconfusion,weremarkthat 2004). theuseofeffectiveforcesdoesnotimplythatthesolvent flow field is modeled correctly; contrarily, the flow field 4. Modeling active motion with external forces and torques is not considered at all. When the propagation is gener- ated by a non-reciprocal mechanical motion of different Equation (10) describes the motion of a spherical ac- parts of the swimmer, any internal motion should fulfill tive particle using an effective “internal” force F = γv Newton’s third law such that the total force acting on fixed in the particle’s body frame. F is identical to the swimmer is zero at any time. As we will see more in the force acting on a hypothetical spring whose ends detailinSectionIII,thisimpliesthatthesolventvelocity are bound to the microswimmers and to the laboratory field u(r) around a swimmer does not decay as a force (Takatori et al., 2014); hence, it can be directly mea- monopole(i.e. u(r)∝1/r,asiftheparticleweredragged sured, at least in principle. While this force can be by a constant external force field), but (much faster) as viewed as a special force field F(r,eˆ) = Feˆ experienced a force dipole (i.e. u(r) ∝ 1/r2). The notion of an ef- by the particle, it is clearly non-conservative, i.e. it can- fective internal force, therefore, seems to contradict this not be expressed as a spatial gradient of a scalar poten- generalstatementthatthemotionofaswimmerisforce- tial. The advantage in modeling self-propulsion by an free. The solution of this apparent contradiction is that effective driving force is that this force can be straight- the modeling via an effective internal force does not re- forwardly added to all other existing forces, e.g. body solvethesolventvelocityfieldbutisjustacoarse-grained forces from real external fields (like gravity or confine- effective description for swimming with a constant speed ment), forces stemming from the interaction with other along the particle trajectory. Therefore, the concept of particles, and random forces mimicking the random col- effective forces and torques is of limited utility when the lisions with the solvent. This keeps the model simple, solventflowfield,whichisgeneratedbytheself-propelled flexible and transparent. This approach has been fol- particles,hastobetakenintoaccountexplicitly. Thisap- lowed by many recent works; see, e.g., Chen and Leung plies,forexample,tothefarfieldofthesolventflowthat (2006), Peruani et al. (2006), Li et al. (2008), van Teef- governs the dynamics of a particle pair (and discrimi- felen and L¨owen (2008), Mehandia and Prabhu (2008), nates between pullers and pushers (Downton and Stark, Wensink and L¨owen (2008), ten Hagen et al. (2011), 2009)),tothehydrodynamicinteractionbetweenaparti- Angelani et al. (2011a), Kaiser et al. (2012), Kaiser cleandanobstacle(Chilukurietal.,2014;Kreuteretal., et al. (2013), Yang et al. (2012), Wittkowski and L¨owen 2013; Sipos et al., 2015; Takagi et al., 2014), and to the (2012), Wensink and L¨owen (2012), McCandlish et al. complicated many-body hydrodynamic interactions in a