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Draftversion February5,2008 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.11/26/04 ACTIVE CARBON AND OXYGEN SHELL BURNING HYDRODYNAMICS Casey A. Meakin1 & David Arnett1 Draft versionFebruary 5, 2008 ABSTRACT We have simulated 2.5×103 seconds of the late evolution of a 23M⊙ star with full hydrodynamic behavior. We present the first simulations of a multiple-shell burning epoch, including the concur- rent evolution and interaction of an oxygen and carbon burning shell. In addition, we have evolved a 3D model of the oxygen burning shell to sufficiently long times (300 seconds) to begin to assess the adequacy of the 2D approximation. We summarize striking new results: (1) strong interactions 6 occur between active carbon and oxygen burning shells, (2) hydrodynamic wave motions in noncon- 0 0 vective regions,generatedat the convective-radiativeboundaries, are energetically important in both 2 2D and 3D with important consequences for compositional mixing, and (3) a spectrum of mixed p- andg-modesareunambiguouslyidentifiedwithcorrespondingadiabaticwavesinthesecomputational n domains. We find that 2Dconvective motions are exaggeratedrelative to 3D because of vortexinsta- a bility in 3D. We discuss the implications for supernova progenitor evolution and symmetry breaking J in core collapse. 6 1 Subject headings: hydrodynamics, turbulence, stars: interiors, core collapse 1 v 1. INTRODUCTION 177species versionusedto evolvethe 1Dmodel. The 25 8 Numerical simulations of stellar evolution are gener- nucleus network contains electrons, neutrons, protons, 4 ally based upon restrictive assumptions regarding dy- 4He, 12C, 16O, 20Ne, 23Na, 24Mg, 28Si, 31P, 32S, 34S, 3 35Cl,36Ar,38Ar,39K,40Ca,42Ca,44Ti,46Ti,48Cr,50Cr, namics(e.g.,hydrostaticbalanceandmixing-lengthcon- 1 52Fe, 54Fe, 56Ni, and all significant strong and weak in- vection), because the dynamic timescales are so much 0 teraction links. The reaction rates, including 12C(α,γ), shorter than the nuclear burning timescale. Neutrino 6 are from Rauscher & Thielemann (2000). cooling acceleratesthe last burning stages so that direct 0 Atwodimensionalmodelhasbeencalculatedona90◦ dynamic simulation is feasible (Bazan & Arnett 1998; / h Asida & Arnett 2000), at least for the oxygen burning wedge which is embedded in the equatorial plane of a p shell. We are extending this workto longerevolutionary spherical coordinate system and has radial limits which - encompass both the oxygen and carbon burning convec- times, larger computational domains, and three dimen- o tive shells. Table 1 lists some additional details of the r sional flow (3D). In this letter, we summarize new re- t sults with a discussion of the hydrodynamics underlying simulated model. A three dimensional model including s just the oxygen shell and bounding stable layers is par- a importantsymmetrybreakingandcompositionalmixing tially evolved at present (300 seconds). : processes which may significantly affect progenitor and v i core-collapse supernova models. A detailed discussion 3. RESULTS X of these results will appear separately; we indicate the r wider implications here. FlowTopology withTwoBurningShells. Followingthe a readjustment of the outer boundary due to small incon- 2. ADOUBLESHELLMODEL:ACTIVEOXYGENAND sistencies in the initial 1D model, a quasi-steady state CARBONBURNING flow develops, shown in Fig.2. The top half of the figure shows the velocity magnitude; the lower shows energy Previously we have evolved a 23M⊙ model with the generation. Velocities are significant even in the non- one-dimensional TYCHO code to a point where oxy- convective regions, but have different morphology. The gen and carbon are burning in concentric convective convective regions have round patterns (vortices) with shells which overlay a silicon-rich core; details may be occasionalplumes, while the nonconvective regions have found in (Young & Arnett 2005). The resultant stel- flattenedpatterns(mostlyg-modes). Theflowfluctuates lar structure is presented in Figure 1. For subse- strongly. New fuel is ingested from above; the oxygen quent hydrodynamic evolution we use PROMPI, a ver- flame shows “feathery” features corresponding to such sion of the PROMETHEUS direct Eulerian PPM code fuel-rich matter flashing as it descends. This was previ- (Fryxell, Mu¨ller, & Arnett 1989) that has been ported ouslyseen(Bazan & Arnett1998;Asida & Arnett2000). to multi-processor computing systems via domain de- A new feature appears in the movie version of Fig. 2, composition. Ourmulti-dimensionalcalculationsusethe which shows a pronounced, low order distortion of the same physics as the one-dimensional TYCHO code, in- comoving coordinate, squashing and expanding the ap- cluding nuclear reactionrates, equationof state, and ra- parent circles on which carbon burning proceeds. This diative opacities. We use a 25 nucleus reaction network is due to the coupling of the two shells by waves in the in these models, tuned to capture the oxygen and car- nonconvectiveregionbetweenthem. Thisbehaviorseems bonburning energy generationratesto within 1%of the robust; we expect it to persist, so that at core collapse 1StewardObservatory,UniversityofArizona,Tucson,AZ85721 this part of the star (at least) will have significant non- Electronicaddress: [email protected],[email protected] spherical distortion. 2 Fig. 1.— The 23M⊙ TYCHO model used as initial conditions forthehydrodynamicsimulationisshownhere. (top)Densityand Fig. 2.— Themagnitude oftheflowvelocity(top) andthenet temperature profiles are shown illustrating the large number of energy generation rate, ǫnet =ǫnuc+ǫν (bottom), is shown for a scale heights simulated as well as the complex entropy structure snapshotofthesimulationwhichincludesbothanoxygenandcar- duetotheburningshells. (middle)Themixinglengthvelocitiesare bonburningconvectionzone. Thecarbonburningconvectiveshell shownanddelineatetheextentsofthecarbonandoxygenburning extends to a radius of ∼4.5×109 cm whilethe figure is truncated convection zones. The dashed vertical lines mark the boundaries at a radius of ∼2.9×109 cm for clarity. A weak silicon-burning of the simulationdomain. (bottom) Theonion skincompositional convection zone develops at the inner edge of the grid due to a layering of the model is shown here for the four most abundant small boundary-zone entropy error which accumulates during the species. courseofthecalculation. ∂lnρ dlnρ TABLE 1 ν2 =−g − , (1) ModelParameters B (cid:16) ∂r (cid:12)(cid:12)s dr (cid:17) (cid:12) whereg isthegravity,andtheterminparenthesesisthe Quantity Value difference between the fractional density gradient of the stellarstructureandthefractionaldensitychangedueto Stellarmass(M⊙) ...................... 23 a radial (adiabatic) Lagrangian displacement. Regions Stellarage(yr) ......................... 2.3×106 Oxygenshellconvective timescalea (s)... ∼102 whereνB iszeroareunstabletoconvectivemotions. The Carbonshellconvective timescalea (s) ... ∼103 spikes in νB in our model are due to steep, stabilizing Hydrosimulationtime(s) ............... 2.5×103 composition gradients which separate fuel from ash and Inner,outergridradius(109 cm) ........ 0.3,5.0 lead to sharp gradients in density. Convection excites Pressurescaleheights acrossdomain .... ∼9 wave motions in the adjacent stable layers which give Angularextentofgrid(rad) ............. π/2 Gridzoning,nr×nφ×nθ................. 800×320×1 rise to the density perturbations. Similar internal wave Numeroftimesteps ..................... ∼1.5×106 phenomenacanbe observedinlaboratoryice-watercon- vection experiments where the largest temperature fluc- aThese convective timescales are based on the mixing tuationsaremeasuredimmediatelyabovetheconvecting lengththeoryvelocities. layer where the buoyancy frequency is large (Townsend 1966), highlighting the generality of this phenomenon. Resonant Modes. The underlying stellar structure de- termines the set of discrete resonant modes that can be excited. The narrow stable layers which bound the con- Stiffness and theSourceof DensityPerturbations. An- vectiveshellsinoursimulation,includingthe(truncated) other asymmetry, nonspherical density perturbations, corelayer,areisolatedenoughfromotherwavepropaga- was found by Bazan & Arnett (1998); Asida & Arnett tion regions to act as resonating cavities. These modes (2000). The fluctuations in density and temperature, are the deeper, interior counterparts to the modes ob- presented in the top panel of Figure 3 as root mean served in helio and asteroseismology studies of milder square deviations from an angular mean, reach values evolutionary stages. as large as ∼10% and are localized at the nonconvective Eachmodecanbe uniquelyidentifiedbyits horizontal regionjust beyond the convectiveboundary (top panel). wavenumberindex,l,anditsoscillationfrequency,ω. We The fluctuations are coincident with regions where the identifyexcitedmodesinoursimulationbyisolatingspa- buoyancy frequency, νB, is large, which can be seen in tial and time components of the motion throughFourier the bottom panel of Figure 3. Here, ν2 is a measure transforms. In Figure 4 we present a power spectrum at B of the “stiffness” ofthe stratification(Turner 1973), and eachradius inthe simulationfor motions with l=4, the is proportional to the restoring buoyancy force on per- largest horizontal scale that can fit into the 90◦ wedge turbed stellar matter, simulated. A direct comparison between modes identi- 3 termediate nonconvective region, and 6.9×1046ergs in the carbon burning shell. The kinetic energy is small in 0.1 the outer stable region, but is still increasing by the end 0.05 of the simulation. In our simulations, the importance of the excited g- 0 modes in the stable layers lies primarily in the role they play in mediating mixing at the convective boundaries -0.05 andin the stably stratified layers. We identify a cycle in which kinetic energy builds up in the stable layer until -0.1 the underlying wavemodes reachnon-linear amplitudes, breakdown and drive mixing. This process is analogous 1 to the physical picture which underlies semiconvective 0.8 mixing(Stevenson1979;Langer et al.1983;Spruit1992) 0.6 but is driven on a hydrodynamic rather than a ther- 0.4 mal timescale. The growth time for the fastest growing 0.2 modes in our simulation is ∼200 seconds and leads to 0 anaveragemigrationspeedofouteroxygenshellbound- ary of ∼4×104 cm s−1, entraining mass into the con- vection zone at a rate of ∼10−4 M⊙ s−1, significantly affecting the evolution. Identifying the spectrum of ex- Fig. 3.— (top) Nonspherical density and temperature per- cited modes in numerical simulations, including ampli- turbations (rootmeansquarefluctuation aboutthe angularmean dividedbytheangularmean)areshownfortheinner1.2×109 cm tudes and waveforms, provides guidance for developing of the simulation domain. (bottom) In this propagation diagram and testing a quantitative model of this mixing mecha- (showing oscillation frequency versus stellar radius) the gravity nism. Animportantparametercontrollingtheboundary wave and (l=4) acoustic wave propagation zones are indicated by entrainmentrateisthegradientRichardsonnumbersuch the horizontal and cross-hatched shading, respectively. The grav- that steeper density (and composition gradients) will itywavecavityisboundedabovebythebuoyancyfrequency(solid line),whiletheacousticcavityisboundedbelowbytheLambfre- leadtolowermixingratessothatsharpgradientsareex- quency(dashedline). pected to form and persist (Peltier 2003; Alexakis et al. 2004). In addition to the mixing associated with wave- fied in the simulation and those calculated from the lin- breaking,enhancedcompositionaldiffusioncanbedriven earized (non-radial) wave equation of stellar oscillations by the presence of the oscillatory flow setup by g-modes (Unno et al. 1989) is presented in the right hand panel (Press & Rybicki1981;Knobloch & Merryfield1992). It fortwomodeswithsignificantpower. Althoughthesim- has been demonstrated that the structure of presuper- ulation data has additional features, including “noise” nova iron cores is very sensitive to how mixing is han- in the convection zones, the mode shapes in both veloc- dled at convective boundaries with significant implica- itycomponentsarestrikinglysimilarbetweensimulation tions for both the explosion mechanism and nucleosyn- and the wave equation; the identification is unambigu- thetic yields (e.g. Woosley & Weaver 1988). If the am- ous. Gravity waves evanesce (exponentially attenuate) plitudesofthewavemotionsidentifiedinoursimulations beyond the boundaries of the stable layers but still con- remain robust to the numerical limitations (e.g., resolu- tain significant power in the convection zones. Acoustic tion, domain size) then neglecting the mixing processes waves are free to propagate in the acoustic cavity which associatedwith these wavesconstitutes a large source of overlaps the carbon burning convection zone. error in progenitor models. Duringthelateevolutionaryepochsimulatedhere,the g-mode and p-mode propagation zones are not widely 4. DISCUSSION separatedin radius,allowingwavemodes of mixed char- Differences in 2D and 3D.While these 2Dsimulations acter to couple (Unno et al. 1989). The modes in the allow us to see the interaction of carbon and oxygen acoustic cavity are trapped by the boundary conditions shells, and show wave generation at convective bound- of the calculation but would otherwise propagate into aries,they impose an unphysicalsymmetry on the prob- the stellar envelope where they would deposit their en- lem. Our 3D simulations have only been carried to 300 ergythroughradiativedamping,providinganadditional seconds of stellar time, but show that the wave genera- channel for energy transport out of the burning region. tionis a robustresult. The flow inthe convectionzones, The good agreement of the numerical modes with the however, are qualitatively different between the 2D and analytic modes indicates that our numerical procedures 3D models: the 2D flow is dominated by vortices which give an excellent representation of the hydrodynamics span the convection zone, while the 3D flow is charac- of waves, even of very low mach number. We note that terized by smaller scale plumes. Quantitatively, the am- anelasticcodeswillnotreproducethep-modeandmixed plitude of the 2D convective motions are largerthan the mode waves properly, as we have ascertained by direct 3Dbyafactorof8,whilethe3Dmotionsarelargerthan integration of the anelastic wave equation. mixinglengthvaluesbyafactorof1.5. Two-dimensional Kinetic Energies and Wave Induced Mixing. During simulations of gravitational collapse will be misleading at the simulations, convective motions excite waves and least tothe extentthat convective motions are important. build up significant kinetic energy in nonconvective re- Presupernova Models. Perhaps the most important gions. The integrated kinetic energies are 2.1×1045ergs impact that internal waves have on stellar structure in in the inner nonconvective region, 5.2×1047ergs in the the late stages of massive star evolution is the degree to oxygenburningconvectiveshell,9.7×1045ergsinthe in- which they drive compositional mixing. In our simula- 4 Fig. 4.— (left)The frequency power spectrum of the l=4component of the radial velocity (vx) isshown as a function of radius. The dashed horizontal lines indicate the frequencies of two waves with significant power that are compared to linear theory in the adjacent panel. (right)Twol=4waveformsareshown. Thewaveformsextractedfromthesimulationdata(dottedline)andcalculatedwithlinear theory(solidline)areshownforcomparison. Foreachmodethehorizontal(vy)andradialvelocity(vx)componentsarepresentedinunits ofcms−1. Theshadedareascorrespondtostablystratifiedregions. Bothofthesemodeshavesomep-andg-modecharacter. Themode inthebottom panelispredominatelyofg-modecharacter,whilethemodeinthetoppanelismoreclearlyofmixedtype. tionsinternalwavemodesgrowtonon-linearamplitudes The conclusion that internal wave modes do not grow and mix material at convective boundaries on a hydro- to largeamplitudes during corecollapsethroughnuclear dynamical timescale. Given the strong dependence of driven overstability (Murphy et al. 2004), is based upon presupernova structure on the rate at which mixing oc- an analysis that ignores (1) the dynamics of convective curs at convective boundaries we see the incorporation motionand(2)theshell-shellinteractions,bothofwhich of internal wave physics into stellar evolution codes as a are expected to become more violent as collapse is ap- neccesary refinement. proached. Asymmetries in core collapse have implica- Symmetry Breaking. Spherical symmetry in presuper- tions for pulsar birth kicks, explosion mechanisms, and nova models is broken by (1) the density perturbations for gravitational wave generation. Talon & Charbonnel induced by turbulence within the convection zone, (2) (2005)haveshownthatinternalgravitywavescantrans- the wave interactions between burning shells, and (3) portangularmomentumataratesufficientto beimpor- rotationally induced distortions. The perturbations by tantinthe evolutionofsolarmassstars;we suggestthat waveswhicharetrappedbetweentheoxygenandcarbon theyareimportantforevolutionofmoremassivestarsto burning shells are correlated on large angular scales, as core collapse, and for plausible prediction of the angular is rotation, while the turbulent perturbations have both momentum distribution in that collapse. asmallerscaleandamplitude. Ourrestrictedsimulation domain filters out wave modes with l < 4, so it is likely that even larger scale perturbations exist in real stars. The authors would like to thank Jeremiah Murphy, Symmetry breaking will seed instabilities in an outward Christian Ott, Patrick Young, Adam Burrows, Ed Ol- propagating supernova shock (Kuranz et al. 2005), and szewski, Luc Dessart and Philip Pinto for useful discus- in the collapsing core. The converging case has been in- sions and comments. We would also like to acknowledge tensely studied for inertial confinement fusion (Lindl, J. the referee, Raph Hix, for comments that have greatly 1998). The diverging case has implications for the prob- improved the manuscript. This work was supported in lem of 56Ni and56Co decay in SN1987A (Herant & Benz part by the University of Arizona and by a subcontract 1991; Kifonidis et al. 2003). from the University of Chicago ASCI Flash Center. REFERENCES Alexakis,A.,etal.2004,ApJ,602,931 Kifonidis,K.,Plewa,T.,Janka,H.-T.,Mu¨ller,E.2003,A&A,408, Arnett,D.1996,SupernovaeandNucleosynthesis:AnInvestigation 621 of the Historyof Matter, fromthe BigBang to the Present, by Knobloch,E.,&Merryfield,W.J.1992, ApJ,401,196 D.Arnett.Princeton:PrincetonUniversityPress,1996., Kuranz,C.C.,etal.2005,Ap&SS,298,9 Asida,S.M.,&Arnett,D.2000,ApJ,545,435 Langer,N.,Fricke,K.J.,&Sugimoto,D.1983,A&A,126,207 Bazan,G.,&Arnett,D.1998, ApJ,496,316 Lindl, J. 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