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Action Research: From Practice to Writing in an International Action Research Development Program (Utrecht Publications in General and Comparative Literature) PDF

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Preview Action Research: From Practice to Writing in an International Action Research Development Program (Utrecht Publications in General and Comparative Literature)

ACTIORNE SEARCH Dialogues on InWnoorvakti oann d The book seDrUJloguesi es onW orlca ndI nnovaptreisoenn ts embasedp irsitcuadlasi lweyes l l as theoretidciaslcu ssoinot nhspe ra ctiocfeo rganizartieonnewaall . Itpsu blicartieoflnectths e i nrceasliyurn ggennte edf otrh e develoopfnm ewe fnotrms of worko rganizaItinto odna.y i'nst erdepewnodrelwndot,r kplacea nrdoe rfgaonrmi zational effectiveanrneeos l so ngseorl tehlceyo ncoefrni ndivioduragla niztahtileoocal n sa;n dt he globahla ve becocmleo sienltye rconnected. Dialogues onW orka nIdn nwatmiirroorsnt he fact thdaevte leonptmeaerpnnrissodte ci etal developcmaennntbo etk epsetp araFtuer.t hertmhoeSr eer,i focusese s ont hdiea logue between theorya npdra cticaen,td h uso nt hmeu tuaolfkintoyw leadngead c tioonfr, ese arch andd evelopThmee Dnit.alogues strestsh crieti casli gnifiocfaj nocirene tfl exiviinta yc tion­ oriented arnesedta hrnecec he ssfiotprya rticipaptroocrye sisnoes r ganizational change. Editors Hansvan BeinumH,alms tadU niversi(tEyd itor-in-Chief) RicharEdn nalKsi,ngs toUnn iversity WernerF rickFer,i edEribecrtSh t ifiungB,o nn 0yvind PMshaugWeonrk, R esearchI nstitOuksl,o Editorial Board Oguz Bahiirogl(uB � UniversityA.nU rG);Cla udeF aucheux( CREDFSo.ntGineh k4u);D avyddJ . Grttnwood (ComeUU ni"eni�tyni)s G;re gory (RusCkinol •Oxfo.nl );B joGrnu stav(seNn atioJUJl InstitfourteW o"'iLngifo ,S toaholm); Frisod enH ertog ( Univusity limbc{u rg); Frieder Naschold (WiumschaftszmtrvBme,rlin )K;urt AagaardN idsen( Rostilde Uniwrsity);Ro bert Putnam (Action Dt:sign AssociatesN,CJl idc,U SAA)nn;e midcReoo hedc (U ..Wusityo Afm stenlam); JohnS hatt(Uer n iver­ sity Noewf HGmpshire)S;tqJ hen Toulmin (Univeorsityf S CHUhem California)lk;ne van der Vlist (U niwrsoifLety ide n). Volum8e Davydd GJr.ee nwood( ed.) ActiRoens earcFhr:o mp racticet ow riting ina ni nternational raecseatricdeveohln o pmenptrog ram ActioRne search Fromp racett iowc rtiinigna ni nternational actiroens eardcehv elonptmp erogram Editbeyd DAVYDJDG. R EEWNOOD JOHNB ENJIANMPSU BLHIISGN COMPAYN AMSTERDAMI/ALPDHELPHIA 1bc paper used inth isp ublicationm cds the minimurmeq u�i ts ofA merican TM 00 NationalS tandardf oIrn formationS cienc-esPermanenceo fP aper foPr rinted Library MateriaAlNsS,IZ 39-48-198.t- Ulnary of Conpas CalaJosins-io-Publication Data Actioresenarc h :f romp ractitcowrie ting in ani nternationaalcti onres earchdeve lopmenptrogra m I editrcl by Davydd JG.re enwood. p. em-.(Dialogues onwo rk andin novatiIonS,S 1N J8.t-6; 6v87., 1 Indudcsb ibliograprhd"iecalre ncea. 1A.ctio n researchI..G reenwood. DavyddJ I.I Se.ries . HM48.A361 999 )oo'.7�--DC�J 98-55950 ISBN9 o� 7�1 778 (5 Eur./)1 5 568139�9 (US,( Phalk:. perpa, CIP C 199-9J ohBncn jamiPnus blisCohmipansn y Nopart of thisbo ok maybe reproduceidnan y form .by prinpth,o toprmiincrto,film. or anyo ther meanswith.o utw rittpeermni ssifonrom the publisher. JohBnm jamiPm ublisChoi.nP g.O .B75o57x7 107A0N Amstrrdam 1bc Netherlands · · · JohBnm jamiNmo rth America P.O.Box� 751P9h iladdpPhia A1 9u8-o51U9S A · · · Contents Praecfe vii Part 1A:C REaSn Adcti onR esearch Chapte1r On thDee siogftn h e ACPRrEoSg ram 3 Hans vanBe inum Chapte2r ActiRoesne arPcahr adigms 25 MorteLnev in Chapter3 ResearicnAh C RES 39 CluadeFa uchuxe Chapte4r Organizationailn PRArECoSc esses 55 Reenv and erV lits Chapte5r TheR hetoorfAi cct iRoens ecahWr:r ttlinngthe ACRESP rogram 91 Davydd] .G reenwood Chapter6 TheR hetoorfAi cct iRoens eha:Vr iceswf ormA CRESP artiipcants 99 SivF rils.J ohPnu cketOystt.e iSnpj elkavi.ak nAd gnetHaa nsson Part IIC:a seS tudies Chapte7r ApplRieeseda rocrAh c tiRoens eaDrciehffr?e onrCt o mpletmaeryn Methods 171 taysteSipjne klakv l ChapterS LiniknSgoc ilaSc ienWcoer kiLniegfR esearcahn Wdo rRke ofnn: A Rolfeor U niversities 131 KjellE rksison vi COTNENST Chapt9e r TheA ctiRoens eaTrrcahd iitnti hoUenn eidtS tatTeosw:a rd a Strategy forR evitatlhiSezoc iinaSglc ientcheUesn .i vseirtya.n tdh e Americ1a74n City John Pukcetat ndIr Haa kravy Chapt1e0r Bott-oumOpr agnizatiCohnaanlTg hee:S egerstroCmase 196 BerJ/tO lsson Chapt1e1r SetttihnSegc efnoreE ffectiDniogag luBeet weeMne nand WomeantW ork InrgiLdju ngberg vaBn eJunm 181 Chapt1e2r Do WeN eeda G endPeerr specitnAi cvtei Roense arocnWh o rk Organizations? 205 AgnetaH n ansso Chapt1e3r LearnintgoL earn:P aritpaitcoAryc tiRoense aricnPh u blSicch ools 223 AnnM artin Chapt1e4r HowA bouaDt i oagluThe?e CommunaitciPveer specMteievtes 239 thSoec ioecoloPgeircsapelc tive HenrJDokns Flnsrud Reefrences 259 SubjeIcndte x 237 NameI ndex 279 Preface DavydJd.G reenwood The ScandinAacvtiiaRonesne arDcehv elopPmreongtro arAm C RES( Action ReseacrhI nS candinwaavsIi nmaa n}y w ayasn u nuslulnatll aStlupvpeo.r btye d Swedisahn Ndo rwegaigaenn cbiielsa teIraItln lveyod.la vctlorneas rechfermrso NorwayS,w edenF.i nlHaonldl,aG nredBa,rt i taanitdnh .e USntitateseT.dh ea im wast oe nhantchere e asercphr actoifce exsp erieanccteirdoe nase rchebrsy emphasiwzriintgai sna gk e y etnoh ancriesenagrc qhu iatlTyh.e proegnr­am gageadc tiresoena rchIenarsv arioeflt eyarn ign artnep rshiapsn nde twosrokmse, ofw hiacrhse tl cilo ntinuing. ACRES waalssc oh arazcetdbe yrI itnernal tensiaonndcs o nfliboctths , Inteecltlaunaodlr gaantiizotnhaamtla .d teh per ocess stoxamienfwgoha ral ttlh e partciipaInntcsil.nu tgdh set aTffh.e set ensiaortnseh vee rys tfuo ffw hictheh fielodfa ctlorne sehaIs r macde. Howt,h etnob, e t ruteos ucahm utlaicfetpedr ocessA?st heed iotfothe r rseultmianngu scriIpha tv.en oftou ntdh eiass ayn Id watnobet s tratoifrwgahrd aboutthd ee cistihoarntess u ltetdh ivIson l umTeh.ro uag phr ocestsh athet partpiacniatnssd t asffeu tpt ogethseevre.cn a tschehae p teIrnps a rtI oIf t hbeoo k werec hosfeornI ncluosuiotofa n l arnguemrb oefmr a nusctrhipepa trtsi ctispa n produc.Fed otr hocshea ptmeyrsJ .o habs be enp rimathrialtoy f eadni tando r commteantOonreo. f m yq ualifictaost eirvoaenss e diotofthr e b ookI ss imply thIaa tm t hoen lnya tsipveea okfEe nrg loinths ehs ta.ff waIsa lsor esponsfiobrl e the Idneistioigfthean l w ritcionmgp onoeftn htpe r omgr.a Thes icxh atpersm akiunpgp artI .A CRESan dA ctiRoense rcah,a rae dieffremanttt eTrh.efi rsfti vwee rwer itbtyme enm bers tohfse t aaffn rde rpesent theviire wosnA CRESa ndo na ctlornes arceh.O nes tamffe mberK,je lSl. Johannedsinsdoe ctno ,n traic bhuatpett heoru,hg ewh a sf reet o sdooC. ha pt6e r Isac ontrifborumtis oenv eral parotnti hceie pacenotfftf ts h wer ltlfnocgu osn theierx perieInnAc CeR ES. Inw orkionncg ha pter1st hro5ug,Ihe xeirsecda g redaet. oafel d itorial feerdom.T ogetHhaensrv ,a nB elnandu m MorteLne vicno -adimsitnether ed ACRESp rogrfaotmrh ree sotfu s. Ith uhspa lvaec edt wthoge einre eraslsa ys firstV.a nB eln'usmI ntroduccthoaryp tseertst hes tagfeor ACRES and contextmuaanloytf tz hesce o necrntsh altet doA CREhSa vitnhgfe o nnth atI t vlll PREFACE di.dL eiv'nscha ptberri elflayyo su t mtahievn a riseo tfai cetireoseanr candh tracset hvee rdyif efreInntt cetlulaaenlpd r actllltncearlabrywl hesi cthhm ee m­ berso ft hset aff carne tIhpnert eoocss . Folwliontgh esIen troducchtaopryat reaersc hapbtye rC lFaauudceh aenuxd oneb yR ene vaVnl idIsentbor .t hc asesI,u sead h eavyed itioarl hIa nd. substantrieavliaslneysdd h orteFnaeudc h'eesus xsabyy tr yintgof ocus rpslhya ont hwea yI ptr odvsei car eaatnitdvh eo uuglnh atrfraotnti hodene velopomfe nt actiroense haI rnpc hliosoapnhtdyh rougthhhoeiut sto royfs cieInbe clei.et vhei s essay wbiele lx tremevlayl uatboml aen ryae debercsa uIspter ovidkesi ntodhf e htsto/ralncaallybtalcckaglrt ohuaIntssod otfemni ssinIgnw ritaibnogau ctt ion reserach. Van dVelri' ssct ontrni.bau vteirloyo negss ayo nA CRESas a social proc,e sspresaenn teendtd iierffreelknyit n odfc hallIeh naegvei.el diyt ethed Englbiuslthe I ftt lse ngItnht TahcitIs.os ne o ft hmeo sutnu sualy sIeha svsaee ver encountIetpr aedi.n staaknidwn igtlhyco uotmas psiofnor a nynoei.n cilnugd hims,e lcfharacttheaerl imzasesn dfia ilngosft hset aIffntr yintgom akteh e ACREpSr ocess wohrakmd.a nWdyei fficmuolmte nttso getahnweder r oeft en diviodneI ds soufets h e,om ryethaodn.ped r snaols ytle. Sucsht rusggare l eusuahlildydf eornmv ieIwnt hfeni aplr oduocftt h seo rt thaabt oo kre presenbtsuI.th aveelc etendo tto tdhoaI tnm. y v ieawn.dI nm y experietnecaec haicntgir oeansr ecohu.er n teilry satnoioet dia zccosuo nfat ction researpcrhos cseesm akteh onsee wt ot hfei efleedlc omlpetIeclnoym petent. Whent hey experience uncaenrtdea viebnnet cyo.em necr oanwgflieidtthec h t . procoefsstr yintgow ortkh roaucgthi roensr ecaht.h ey oftetno f eeclto hmaet thearey u niquaetflua ylu tn,i quuenlqyu altiocfi oendd suucctah c tiesv.Wi htiilI e amI nn ow ayp romotcionngfl fiorcI tts o wnsa kew.h eand viergser ouopf praicotrniswet itdhif freenet xpercisee.tnh eoripeesrs.o naanldf orsmta yt aleme.s somceo nflIisIc nte avbi.lt eThat wef orsmcu offnereflIdisn c otst u rpritshiantg . wes uirvveIdtt o getIsh Iempro rtaanntd. thraetls tutibohnoegk I sn owc omplete Isr eaw airdnogu tceo.Cm oncfltai nadc tiroens eaare rncohat to pposietned s of sompoel ariWthye.nw ew ork hoanI rssdu eosff undamteanIlm potrantcoeu s personlalsyo,m dee groefce o niflcItsbo undt oo cc.uE rnabglt ihnper octeos s survitvhece o nflIistch tke e y. Van dVeltrs' t est hnographlicct atsnypeda cm ltofsbtru tahlon estaybo ut whawted iadn ddi ndo dto tIhsee froar eu nidqocuuem entth heIit nso royfa ction reserachP.u bliinsIghtI nt hfiorms embodimeysc onvictthiasotun cpe hrs pec­ tivsehso uflormd p aortf r eportoinan cgt rieoasnre cIhwf e w anotu sru ccessotrso learnf ormm oroeft hree ledviamnetns ioofon user x perience. ThJdsoe sn omte anh.o wevera.ll t htseht aataff g raebeo vuatn Vdlei'rs ts viewfsort. h edyon oIte.nv aibtyle acho fu ss eest hIes ssoumese whadtfi frenetly. Thec hapotnew rr itIistn hgoe n loyn oef I tksi nIda ma waroe.fA CRES broke gnreowuI nnmd a kiwnrgi taic negn teropfai cetcierose enra cthr aining. PRFEACE lx The notioofrn e flecptriavcett hircoewu rgiht liswn igd ely abcucrater petledy prtaiccHeedr.te h seta fwfa su neidtl na ffirmitnhgse l glnactnfcoefth ew riting elemeMnutcm.ho rnee etdobes saida bouwtr itlinan cgt riseeoanrc hb,u attl east thliass staIrIsttf .ol lwoed byr eporftsor mth e ptaiprcainftorsw homt hwer iting wasa nas signdedie mnsioofthn e itra sIknsw .r ittihnergie porsn se,ts hehya tdh e drtav fersioofmn y o wn choanpw treirtt iown ogr fkor ma nd utsaoes a p oionft oriaeitnotnTh.e ya lsop rovidedu esmufulfc edheb actkom ea bout owmny chapter. Thufsor,m be ginntioen ngd . ACRES ahnua nsu sbepuerajnole cMtu.l tina­ tionmaullp.te irspect,iw vrainltgci entearendcd.a ses tufdocyu sedi,pt r oviad es rarsee nseo ft hset aotfae c treiseoanr cphr acltnEi ucreo apet pthree sent time and a feelinfgor th ev oicoefts h yeo uenrgg eneraotfpi rotanic nteirowsh oa re emergithneg aoocnnrt eiasrecsche ne. Iam grautlte ofm yc olleagouneth ses tfaf fort hesiurp poofrtth ew riting enterprise.th eiisnruc plpouortdfm i yned git oreiffaolrtl snt hfiisna plh aosef t he prjoectK.a therGionstetc ahkl otfhW er itPirnogg raatCm o rnUenlilve rwsaist y mosgte nerwoiuthse xceptiuosenufalal dlvyi acneds ourwchese nD avydd Greenwowoda sp lannthietn ega chaipnpgro taothc ehA CRESw orkshEovpesn. wheInh adb routhgehm ta nusctroti hpiptso intwa.s s tlita lnIl m menands e unwieseltdo yfc hapt.e rsShatphimaenn gusc ripItn tIotp sr esenvte rsandi on Improvtihnwegr intgthi roughlosu wtto hreok fa s uperebd itEorriF.co axw ,h om It haonnko ucrol lecbethiavlfeorf h eerx cellent work.

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