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Preview Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 1991: Vol 143 Index

Acta Physiol Scand 1991, 143, 453-456 Author index Aars, H. (see JENSEN, J. L.) CrrviN, A., LINDBERG, S. & MERCKE, U. Sympathetic ABERBERTH, B. (see FUXE, K.) nerve stimulation influences mucociliary activity in ABRAHAMSSON, M. (see SJOstROM, A.) the rabbit maxillary sinus, 405 AGutIrRE, J. A. (see Fuxe, K.) CONSTANTIN-TEoDOsIU, D., CARLIN, J. I., CEDERBLAD, AHREN, B. (see DUNNING, B. E.) G., Harris, R. C. & Hutrman, E. Acetyl group ALVING, K. (see MATRAN, R.) accumulation and pyruvate dehydrogenase activity ALVING, K., MATRAN, R., FORNHEM, C. & LUNDBERG, in human muscle during incremental exercise, 367 J. M. Late phase bronchial and vascular responses to allergen in actively-sensitized pigs, 137 Danser, J.-E. (see LINDAHL, O.) ALVING, K., MATRAN, R. & LUNDBERG, J. M. The Dub ey, G. A. (see HATHER, B. M.) possible role of prostaglandin D in the long-lasting Duaaan, K. A. (see HAwLEy, C. M.) airways vasodilation induced by allergen in the DUNNING, B. E., Karisson, S. & AHREN, B. Con- sensitized, 93 tribution of galanin to stress-induced impair- ALVING, K. (see WEITZBERG, E.) ment of insulin secretion in swimming mice, 145 ALZAMoRA, F. (see SANTOS, A. A.) ANDERSSON, K. E. (see HoLMavist, F.) ANDERSSON, K. E. (see PERSSON, K.) EpIn, B. B. The ‘initial burst’ of human primary Anequist, K.-A. (see LINDAHL, O.) muscle spindle afferents has at least two com- ANSvED, T., WALLNER, P. & Larsson, L. Spatial ponents, 169 distribution of motor unit fibres in fast- and slow- Epre.pt, H. (see LUNDVALL, J.) twitch rat muscles with special reference to age, 345 EFENDIC, S. (see Fuxe, K.) ARNER, A. (see MaLmavist, U.) EKLUND, T., WAHLBERG, J., UNGeRsTEDT, U. & AUKLAND, K. (see O1EN, A. H.) HILLeRED, L. Interstitial lactate inosine and hypo- xanthine in rat kidney during normothermic Baur, R., HostMark, A. T., NEWSHOLME, O., GRON- ischaemia and recirculation, 279 NEROD, O. & SEJERSTED, O. M. Effects of exercise ExkstrOM, J. (see NiLsson, B.-O.) on recovery changes in plasma levels of FFA, glycerol, glucose and catecholamines, 105 FarstaD, B. S., SUNDREHAGEN, E., OppaHL, H. & Bark, J. (see NYLANDER, O.) BENESTAD, H. B. Pulmonary, hepatic and splenic BELCHEVA, S. (see KUPENOVA, P.) sequestration of technetium-99m labelled auto- BELL, L., ZareT, B. L. & RuTLEN, D. L. Influence of logous rabbit granulocytes: scintigraphic cell dis- a-adrenergic receptor stimulation on splanchnic tributions after i.v. and i.a. injections of cells passed intravascular volume in conscious humans, 65 through an intermediary host, 211 BeENeESTAD, H. B. (see Farstap, B. S.) FERNANDES, M. H. (see SoarEs-Da-Siva, P.) Bera, T. (see JENSEN, J. L.) FLORHOLMEN, J. (see MauM, D.) BerGu, A. (see LINDAHL, O.) FLORHOLMEN, J. (see MALM, D.) BIRKELAND, S. (see HEXEBERG, E.) FORNHEM, C. (see ALVING, K.) BLOMSTRAND, E., HASSMEN, P. & NEWSHOLME, E. A. FraNnco-Cercepa, A. Resiniferatoxin-, capsaicin- and Effect of branch-chained amino acid supplemen- CGRP-evoked porcine coronary vasodilation is tation of mental performance, 225 independent of EDRF mechanisms but antagonized Bore, I. (see Hickner, R. C.) by CGRP (8-37), 331 BropIn, P. (see JENSEN, J. L.) FREDHOLM, B. B. (see Hu, P.-S.) BuCHANAN, P. (see HATHER, B. M.) Fuxe, K., Ostenson, C. G., AGuiRRE, J. A., EFENDIC, Buace, J. F., Srrokke, E. A. & KuiL, F. Effects of S., ABERBERTH, B. & Mutt, V. Reserpine treatment bradykinin and papverine on renal autoregulation increases PEC-60-like immunoreactivity in the and renin release in the anaesthetized dog, 431 substantia nigra of the male rat as determined by BurHo., P. G. (see MALM, D.) radioimmunoassay, 357 BurHo., P. G. (see Mam, D.) GarptA-PascuaL, A. (see PERSSON, K.) Capito, K. (see ISLIN, H.) Gautvik, K. M. (see PauLsson, E. J.) Car in, J. I. (see CONSTANTIN-TEODOSIU, D.) GILLIs, C. (see HEMSEN, A.) CEDERBLAD, G. (see CONSTANTIN-TEODOSIU, D.) GLaeEveR, A. (see MAM, D.) 453 454 Author index GorDELADZE, J. O. (see PAULSSON, E. J.) K. E. Effects of the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor GrittTl, I. (see ScHIEPPATI, M.) N®-nitro-L-arginine on the erectile response to GRONNEROD, O. (see BAHR, R.) cavernous nerve stimulation in the rabbit, 299 GuNNARSSON, U. (see HJELMQvist, H.) Hote, M. R. F. (see VEEL, T.) Gtr, H. & Larsson, L. Regional differences in the Honia, A. (see JuEL, C.) influence of the interval between removal and Hosrmark, A. T. (see Baur, R.) freezing of muscle samples on muscle fibre size, 445 Hu, P.-S., Jin, S. & FREDHOLM, B. B. 4-Amino- pyridine-induced noradrenaline release from the HAEGERSTRAND, A. (see HEMSEN, A.) rat hippocampus depends on the activation of HavsAck, D.-A., JopAL, M., MANNISCHEFF, M. & glutamate receptors of the non-NMDA type, 139 LUNDGREN, O. Tissue osmolality in intestinal villi Huttman, E. (see CONSTANTIN-TEODOSIU, D.) of four mammals in vivo and in vitro, 271 HaAmMarstTrROM, M. (see WIKLUND, N. P.) IsHIHARA, A. (see Suzuk1, H.) HAnsEN, S. E. (see ISLIN, H.) IsLin, H., Capito, K., HANSEN, S. E., HEDESKOv, Harapsson, B. & Ripper, B. Upper and lower bounds C. J. & THams, P. Ability of omega-3 fatty acids to on capillary permeability ratios of Cr-EDTA to restore the impaired glucose tolerance in a mouse cyanocobalamine in rat hindquarters, 239 model for type-2 diabetes. Different effects in male HaRALDsSON, B., JOHNSSON, E. & RippeE, B. A note on and female mice, 153 the errors of using venous congestion in intact rats IvERSEN, P.O. & NICOLAYSEN, G. Regional dis- for determination of microvascular permeability, tributions of blood flow and tissue uptake rates of 233 vitamin B,, and albumin within single rabbit Harris, R. C. (see CONSTANTIN-TEODOSIU, D.) skeletal muscles, 311 HASsSINEN, I. E. (see Toxova, H.) HAssMEN, P. (see BLOMSTRAND, E.) JENSEN, J. L., Bropin, P., Berc, T. & Aars, H. HatHer, B. M., TescH, P. A., BUCHANAN, P. & Parotid secretion of fluid, amylase and kallikrein Dubey, G. A. Influence of eccentric actions on during reflex stimulation under normal conditions skeletal muscle adaptations to resistance training, and after acute administration of autonomic block- 177 ing agents in man, 321 HauGEn, T. B. (see PAuLsson, E. J.) Jin, S. (see Hu, P.-S.) Haw ey, C. M., DuGGan, K. A., MAcponaLb, G. J. Jopa., M. (see HALLBACK, D.-A.) & SHELLEY, S. Acute but not chronic sodium JoHNsSON, E. (see HARALDSSON, B.) administration regulates vasoactive intestinal pep- Jonas, U. (see Ho_mavist, F.) tide metabolism by the liver, 295 JorFELDT, L. (see Hicker, R. C.) Hepeskov, C. J. (see Istin, H.) Juez, C., Honic, A. & PiteGaarp, H. Muscle lactate HELGASON, G. (see Sjostrom, A.) transport studied in sarcolemmal giant vesicles: HEMsEN, A., GILLis, C., LARSON, O., HAEGERSTRAND, dependence on fibre type and age, 361 A. & LuNbBERG, J. M. Characterization, localization and actions of endothelins in umbilical vessels and KARLSSON, S. (see DUNNING, B. E.) placenta of man, 395 KasuGa, N. (see Suzuki, H.) HENRIKSSON, E. J. & Ho toszy, J.O. Effect of KatsuTa, S. (see TAKAHASHI, H.) diffusion distance on measurement of rat skeletal Ku, F. (see BuGce, J. R.) muscle glucose transport in vitro, 381 KOSKINEN, L.-O. D. (see SELIGSOHN, E. E.) HENRIKSSON, J. (see HICKNER, R. C.) KupENOovA, P., VITANOVA, L., Mitova, L. & BELCHEVA, HEXEBERG, E., MATRE, K., BIRKELAND, S. & LEVKEN, S. Participation of the GABAergic system of the J. Dyssynchrony of segment shortening in the turtle retina in the light adaptation process, 203 anterior wall of the feline left ventricle, 245 HIckNER, R. C., RospaHL, H., Bora, I., UNGERSTEDT, Larson, O. (see HEMSEN, A.) U., JorFELDT, L. & HENRIKSSON, J. Ethanol may be Larsson, L. (see ANSVED, T.) used with the microdialysis technique to monitor Larsson, L. (see Gur, H.) blood flow changes in skeletal muscle: dialysate LERNER, U. H. Parathyroid hormone and transforming glucose concentration is blood flow dependent, 355 growth factor # synergistically stimulate formation HILLERED, L. (see EKLUND, T.) of prostaglandin E, in neonatal mouse calvarial Hyecmqvist, H., ULLMAN, J., GUNNARSSON, U., bones, 133 LUNDBERG, J. M. & RUNDGREN, M. Haemodynamic LEVKEN, J. (see HEXEBERG, E.) and humoral responses to repeated hypotensive LiNnDAHL, O., BeRGH, A., DAMBER, J.-E. & ANGQUIST, haemorrhage in conscious sheep, 55 K.-A. Evaluation of the impression technique by Ho toszy, J. O. (see HENRIKSSON, E. J.) measuring interstitial oedema in rat testis, 255 Ho.movist, F., Steir, C. G., Jonas, U. & ANDERSSON, LINDBERG, S. (see CERVIN, A.) Author index 455 Linker, D. T. (see SLORDAHL, S. A.) OiEN, A. H. & AUKLAND, K. A multinephron model of LunpbBerG, J. M. (see ALVING, K.) renal blood flow autoregulation by tubuloglomerular LunpserG, J. M. (see HEMSEN, A.) feedback and myogenic response, 71 LuNbBERG, J. M. (see HJELMQvist, H.) OPDAHL, H. (see Farsrap, B. S.) LuNDBERG, J. M. (see MATRAN, R.) OsTENSON, C. G. (see Fuxe, K.) LunpserG, J. M. (see WEITZBERG, E.) LUNDGREN, O. (see HALLBACK, D.-A.) PAULSSEN, R. H. (see PAULssoNn, E. J.) LuNpDvALL, J. & EpreLpt, H. Sympathethic control of PauLsson, E. J., PAauLsseN, R.H., Haucen, T. B., vascular resistance in skeletal muscle and skin of Gautvik, K. M. & GorpeLapze, J. O. Regulation man, 359 of G protein mRNA levels by thyroliberin, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide and somatostatin in prolactin- MacponaLD, G. J. (see HAWLEY, C. M.) producing rat pituitary adenoma cells, 195 Mao, D., Guaver, A., VONEN, B., BURHOL, P. G. PERKO, G. (see YNDGAARD, S.) & FLORHOLMEN, J. Somatostatin inhibition of PERSSON, K., GarpiA-PascuaL, A. & ANDERSSON, phospholipase C activity in isolated rat pancreatic K. E. Difference in the actions of calcitonin gene- islets, 413 related peptide on pig detrusor and vesical arterial Ma nM, D., VONEN, B., BURHOL, P. G. & FLORHOLMEN, smooth muscle, 45 J. The interaction between CAMP-dependent and PiENE, H. (see SLORDAHL, S. A.) CAMP-independent mechanisms in mediating the PILEGAARD, H. (see JuEL, C.) somatostatin inhibition of insulin secretion in Pura, N. (see Swerup, C.) isolated rat pancreatic islets, 305 Mawmavist, U., ARNER, A. & Uvetius, B. Mechanics Reaper, M. G. (see VEEL, T.) and Ca**-sensitivity of human detrusor muscle Rippe, B. (see HARALDsSON, B.) bundles studied in vitro, 373 Rota, F. H. (see Santos, A. A.) MANNISCHEFF, M. (see HALLBACK, D.-A.) RoMANo, C. (see ScHiePPATI, M.) Maran, R. (see ALVING, K.) Roos, A. (see Sj6strom, A.) ManrtIns, A. S. (see SANTOS, A. A.) Rospan., H. (see Hickner, R. C.) MatrRan, R. (see ALVING, K.) ROSENGREN, E. (see NiLsson, B.-O.) Matran, R., ALVING, K. & LUNDBERG, J. M. Dif- RUDEHILL, A. (see WEITZBERG, E.) ferential bronchial and pulmonary vascular Runparen, M. (see HjeLMQvist, H.) responses to vagal stimulation in the pig, 387 Ruskoano, H. (see Toxoa, H.) Marre, K. (see HEXEBERG, E.) RUTLEN, D. L. (see BELL, L.) MatzeEN, S. (see YNDGAARD, S.) Rypgvist, B. & Swerup, C. Stimulus response Meister, B. Dopamine D1 receptor mRNA in rat properties of the slowly adapting stretch receptor kidney localization by in situ hybridization, 447 neuron of the crayfish, 11 MercKE, U. (see CERVIN, A.) Rypqvist, B. (see SweruP, C.) MerckE, U. (see CERVIN, A.) Mirtova, L. (see KUPENOVA, P.) Mutt, V. (see Fuxe, K.) SaBaBl, M. (see NYLANDER, O.) SAMUELSON, U. E. (see WIKLUND, N. P.) NEWSHOLME, E. A. (see BLOMSTRAND, E.) SANTIAGO JR, A. T. (see SANTOS, A. A.) NEWSHOLME, O. (see BAHR, R.) Santos, A. A., XAviER-NETO, J., SANTIAGO JR, A. T., NICOLAYSEN, G. (see IVERSEN, P. O.) Souza, M. A. N., Martins, A. S., ALZAMORA, F. & NILsson, B.-O., ROSENGREN, E. & Exstr6M, J. In vivo Rota, F. H. Acute volaemic changes modify the inhibition of parasympathetic nerve induced in- gastroduodenal resistance to the flow of saline in creases in ornithine decarboxylase activity of the rat anaethetized dogs, 261 sublingual gland by a-difluoromethylornine, 135 SaTCHELL, P. The initiation of non-micturating NILsson, B.-O., ROSENGREN, E. & ExstrOM, J. Effects contractions in the feline bladder, 339 of stimulation of the parasympathetic and sym- Scuieppati, M., Gritti, I. & RoMANo, C. Recurrent pathetic innervations in bursts on the synthesis of and reciprocal inhibition of the human mono- polyamines, DNA and protein in salivary glands of synaptic reflex shows opposite changes following the rat: non-adrenergic, non-cholinergic responses, intravenous administration of acetylcarnitine, 27 161 ScHIFTER, S. (see YNDGAARD, S.) NorrseELL, K. (see SJOstROM, A.) SECHER, N. H. (see YNDGAARD, S.) NYLANDER, O., SABABI, M. & Bark, J. Characterization SEJERSTED, O. M. (see BAHr, R.) of *'Cr-EDTA as a marker of duodenal mucosal SELIGSOHN, E. E. & KoskINEN, L.-O. D. Effects of «,- permeability, 117 adrenoceptor blockade and thyrotropin-releasing 456 Author index hormone (TRH) on the cardiovascular system in Tzusimorto, H. (see Suzuki, H.) the rabbit, 187 SHELLEY, S. (see HawLey, C. M.) ULLMAN, J. (see HyELMgvist, H.) SIGNoRINI, M. (see Zopp1, M.) UNGERSTEDT, U. (see EKLUND, T.) Sj6strRoM, A., ABRAHAMSSON, M., NorrsELL, K.., UNGERSTEDT, U. (see HIckNeR, R. C.) HELGASON, G. & Roos, A. Flashed pattern-induced Uusimaa, P. A. (see Toxo.a, H.) activity in the visual system. I. The short latency Uve ius, B. (see MaLMavist, U.) evoked response recorded from the cat visual cortex, 1 VEEL, T., VILLANDER, O., HOLTHE, M. R., SKJORTEN, SkJORTEN, F. S. (see VEEL, T.) F.S. & Raper, M.G. Intravenous bilirubin SLORDAHL, S. A., PrENE, H., Linker, D. T. & Vik, A. infusion causes vacuolization of the cytoplasm of Segmental aortic wall stiffness from intravascular hepatocytes and canalicular cholestasis, 421 ultrasound at normal and subnormal aortic pressure Vik, A. (see SLORDAHL, S. A.) in pigs, 227 VILLANDER, O. (see VEEL, T.) Soares-Da-SILva, P. & FERNANDES, M. H. A study of Vitanova, L. (see KUPENOVA, P.) the renal synthesis of dopamine in aged rats, 287 VOEGELIN, M. R. (see Zoppi, M.) Souza, M. A. N. (see Santos, A. A.) VONEN, B. (see MALM, D.) Steir, C. G. (see Hotmavist, F.) STROKKE, E. A. (see BuGce, J. F.) Wana, M. (see TAKAHASHI, H.) SUNDREHAGEN, E. (see Farstab, B. S.) Suzuk1, H., Tzusimoto, H., KasuGa, N., TAGucHI, S. WAHLBERG, J. (see EKLUND, T.) WALLNER, P. (see ANSVED,’T.) & IsuiHara, A. Effect of endurance training on the oxidative enzyme activity of soleus motoneurons in WEITZBERG, E., RUDEHILL, A., ALVING, K. & LUND- BERG, J.M. Nitric oxide inhalation selectivity rats, 127 attenuates pulmonary hypertension and arterial Swervup, C. (see Rypgvist, B.) Swervup, C., Puraui, N. & Rypgvist, B. Block hypoxia in porcine endotoxin shock, 451 WIKLUND, N. P., SAMUELSON, U. E. & HAMMARSTROM, receptor response in the stretch receptor neuron of the crayfish, 21 M. Adenosine modulation of neuroeffector trans- mission in guinea-pig uterine smooth muscle, 33 TacGucul, S. (see Suzuki, H.) Takanasul, H., Wana, M. & Katsuta, S. Expressions XAVIER-NETO, J. (see SANTOS, A. A.) of myosin heavy chain IId isoform in rat soleus muscle during hindlimb suspension, 131 YNDGAARD, S., SCHIFTER, S., PERKO, G., MATZEN, S. TASKINEN, T. (see ToKoLa, H.) & SecHER, N. H. Calcitonin gene-related peptide Tescu, P. A. (see HATHER, B. M.) (CGRP) during head-up tilt in man, 129 Tuas, P. (see IsLin, H.) ToxoLa, H., Uusimaa, P.A., TaAskINEN, T., ZAMPONI, A. (see ZopP1, M.) HAssINEN, I.E. & RuskoaHo, H. Effect of ZarET, B. L. (see BELL, L.) hypoosmolality on atrial natriuretic peptide gene Zopri, M., VOEGELIN, M.R., SiGNorINI, M. & expression in neonatal cultured cardiomyocytes, ZAMPONI, A. Pain threshold changes by skin 223 vibratory stimulation in healthy subjects, 439 Acta Physiol Scand 1991, 143, 457-459 Subject index Absorption, 117 Coenzyme A, 367 Acetylcarnitine, 367 Concentric and eccentric muscle actions, 177 Acetylcholine, 387 Coronary arteries, 331 Acetyl-CoA, 367 Countercurrent manipulation, 271 Adenosine, 33, 355 Crayfish, 11, 21 Adenosine analogues, 33 Cycle ergometer, 105 Adenosine receptors, 33 Adrenergic, 33 DARPP-32, 332 a-adrenergic blockade Decarboxylase activity, 135 Ageing, 287, 345 Detraining, 177 Allergic reaction, 93 Diclofenac sodium, 93 Amnion, 395 a-difluoromethy! ornithine, 135 Amylase, 321 DNA synthesis, 161 Angiotensin, 55 Dopamine, 447 Animal model, 153 Dopamine synthesis, 287 Aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase, 287 Dynamic exercise, 367 Arteries, 45 Dyssynchrony, 245 Astropine, 387 Atrial natriuretic peptide, 223 EGTA, 117 Atropine, 405 Elastic modulus, 227 Endothelin, 395 Baroceptors, 359 Endothelium, 45 Bilirubin, 421 Endotoxin, 451 Bladder, 339 Endurance training, 127 Blood flow, 93, 187, 355, 359 Energy metabolism, 279 Blood pressure, 129, 187 Epitrochlearis, 373 Blood volume, 65 Equivalent pore radius, 239 Bradykinin, 431 ERG, 203 Brain, 187 Ethanol, 355 Branched-chained amino acids, 225 Excess post exercise oxygen consumption, 105 Bronchial circulation, 93, 137, 387 Exercise, 225 Bronchoconstriction, 387 Exercise duration, 105 Bursts of nerve impulses, 161 Extensor digitorum longus, 373 Extracellular fluid hypoxanthine, 279 Ca**-sensitivity, 373 Extracellular fluid volume expansion, 261 Calcitonin gene-related peptide, 45, 331 Extracellular space, 381 Calcium, 305 cAMP, 305, 332 Feline initiation, 339 Capacitance vasculature, 65 Fibre types and size, 177 Capillary permeability, 233, 239 Fluid and electrolyte transport, 271 Capillary supply, 177 Force, 255 Capsaicin, 331 Force—velocity relation, 373 Cardiac myocytes, 223 Forskolin, 305, 413 Cardiovascular control, 187 Free fatty acids, 105 Carnitine, 367 Cat, 1 G protein, 195 Catecholamines, 105, 357 GABA, 203 Central venous pressure, 129 Gastric emptying, 261 Chewing, 321 Gastroduodenal resistance, 261 Cholate, 421 GH, cells, 195 Cholestasis, 421 Glomerular filtration, 71 Cholesterol, 153 Glucose, 105, 355 458 Subject index Glucose tolerance, 153 L-acetylcarnitine, 27 Glycerol, 105 Godilinium, 21 Macromolecules, 233 Granulocyte, 211 Macula densa, 71, 431 Guanethidine, 405 Man, 359 Guinea-pig, 33 Mannitol, 117 Gustatory stimulation, 321 Margination, 211 Mathematical modelling, 71 H reflex, 27 Maxillary sinus, 405 Haemorrhage, 55, 261 Mechanoreceptor, 21, 339, 439 hCG, 255 Mechanotransduction, 11 Heart rate, 129 Mental performance, 225 Heterogeneity, 239, 311 Metoprolol, 321 Heteroporosity, 233 Microdialysis, 279, 355 Hindlimb suspension, 131 Microsheres, 311 Human, 359 Model, 11, 255 Human detrusor smooth muscle, 373 Monoamine oxidase, 287 Human hand, 169 Motor unit fibres, 345 Humans, 27, 105 Mouse, 145, 361 Hydrochloric acid, 117 mRNA regulation, 195 Hyperosmolality, 117 Mucociliary activity, 405 Hypertrophy, 177 Muscle receptor, 21 Hypoosmolality, 117, 223 Muscle spindle afferents, 169 Hypotension, 55 Muscle strips, 381 Hypovolaemic shock, 129 Muscles Myocardial contraction, 245 Immunoneutralization, 145 Myosin heavy chain IId, 131 Impression technique, 255 Indicator dilution, 239 Initial burst, 169 Nasal circulation, 93 Inosine, 279 Natriuresis, 332 Inositol phosphate metabolism, 405 Na*,K*-AtPase, 332 Insulin secretion, 145, 305 Neostriatum Intact rats, 233 Neurokinin A, 331 Interstitial fluid volume, 255 Neuropeptide Y, 55, 405 Interstitial volume, 311 Nitric oxide, 45, 299, 451 Intestine, 271 Nitroglycerin, 227 Intraartrial injection, 211 Non-adrenergic non-cholinergic responses, 161 Intracellular signal transduction, 305 Non-esterified fatty acids, 105 Intrafusal fibres, 169 Non-micturating contractions, 339 Intravascular ultrasound, 227 Non-uniformity, 24 Intravascular volume, 311 Noradrenaline, 55 Ischaemia, 279 Nuclear yellow, 127 Isoprenaline, 245 Oedema, 255 Kallikrein, 321 Omega-3 fatty acids, 153 Kidney, 279, 287 Ornithine, 135 Kidney blood vessels, 71 Ornithine decarboxylase, 161 Kidney circulation, 71 Oxidative enzyme activity, 127 Kidney tubules, 71 Oxyphencyclimin, 321 Lactate, 279 Lactate flux, 361 Pain, 439 Late phase asthmatic responses, 137 Pancreatic islets, 305, 405 LBNP, 359 Pancuronium, 387 Length-force relation, 373 Papaverine, 431 Light adaptation, 203 Parasympathetic and sympathetic stimulation, 161 Liver, 65 Parasympathetic nerve, 135 Subject index 459 Parotid gland, 321 Sodium state, 295 PEC-60-like peptides, 357 Soleus, 345, 381 Pelvic nerve, 339 Soleus motoneuron, 127 Penile erection, 299 Soleus muscle, 131 Peptide, 295 Somatostatin, 195, 305, 413 Peripheral resistance, 187 Sonomicrometer, 245 Permeability, 311 Spatial distribution, 345 Phentolamine, 405 Spinal cord, 27 Pig, 45, 93, 137, 421 Spleen, 65 Placenta, 395 Strength training, 177 Platelet activating factor, 9 Stress, 145 Polyamines, 161 Stretch, 223 Polymorphonuclear leucocyte, 211 Stretch receptor, 11, 21 Prazosin, 321 Stretch sensitization, 169 Propanolol, 405 Sublingual gland, 135 Prostaglandin D,, 93 Substance P, 331 Protein synthesis, 161 Succinylcholine, 387 Pulmonary circulation, 387 8-p-sulphophenyltheophylline, 33 Pulmonary hypertension, 451 Substantia nigra, 357 Pyruvate dehydrogenase, 367 Sympathetic, 359 Sympathetic nervous system, 145 Rabbit, 211, 299, 361 Systole, 245 Rabbit and sympathetic nerve stimulation, 405 Radioimmunoassay, 357 TAL, 447 Rat, 117, 127, 279, 361 Taurocholate, 421 Rat brain, 357 Technetium-99m, 211 Rats, 71 Testis, 255 Receptors, 395 Thoracic impedance, 129 Reciprocal inhibition, 27 Thyroliberin, 187, 195 Recurrent inhibition, 27 Tibialis anterior, 345 Reflex secretion, 321 Tolbutamide, 413 Reinnervation, 345 TRH, 187 Renal autoregulation, 431 Type-2 diabetes, 153 Renin, 55 Renin release, 431 Umbilical vessels, 395 Reserpine, 357 Urinary bladder, 45, 373 Resiniferatoxin, 331 Uterus, 33 Retinal sensitivity, 203 Vagal stimulation, 387 Saliva, 321 Vascular resistance, 359 Salivary glands, 161 Vasoactive intestinal peptide, 195, 295 Scintigraphy, 211 Vasoconstriction, 395 Secretin, 421 Vasopressin, 55, 355 Secretion, 117 Venous pressure, 233 Sensory threshold, 439 Venous return, 65 Sequestration, 211 Verapamil, 305, 413 Sheep, 55 Vesicles, 361 Short-latency, 1 Vibration, 439 Skeletal muscle, 233, 355, 359 Visual cortex, | Skin, 359 Visual evoked response, | Skin temperature, 439 Visual resolution, | Skinned fibres, 373 Smooth muscle, 33, 45 Wall stiffness, 227

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