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Acta Paediatrica 1992: Vol 81 Index PDF

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Acta Peediatr 81: 1080-5. 1992 Author Index Abadi J 829 Beland M 695 Buhl S 605 Abrahmov A 849 Belaustequi A 488 Burchell A 580 Abt S 550 Belik J 335 Burgio GR 296 Abu-Harb M 498 Bello AB 601 Burman LG 378 Agata H 896 Bellu R 21 Busch C 191 Agostoni C 21 Bengtsson M 1017 Busch RS 355 Aichner F 641 Bennet R 784 Butte NF 264 Akamatsu H 570 Berg G 797 Bagenholm T 566 Akhan O 1054 Berger A 829 Batge B 158 Akimoto H 371 Bergman KA 709 Boe G 944 Alarabi AA 75 Bergqvist D 1044 Al Awad ME 560 Berned Miller E 173, 925 Calevro L 453 Albero R 698 Berntorp E 918 Calne RY 449 Alessandri A 469 Bertelloni S 532, 966 Calvert SA 751 Alexander JR 536 Bertino E 469 Canino G 887 Alexander JA 875 Besana R 21 Cantisani A 469 Amato M 351 Betremieux P 845 Carlson K 1017 Anastasi E 593 Bhatia S 949 Carlsson B 296 Andersen K 652 Bianchi C 853 Carroccio A 933 Andersson R 253 Bianchi P 95 Carroll PB 355 Andersson Y 585 Bibi H 335 Carter N 672 Andersson U 921 Bilgic S 1054 Carvalho NM 484 Andreasson B 262 Bishop NJ 463 Caso P 702 Andreassen TT 912 Bjerknes R 707 Catalanotti P 887 Anglo AA 145 Bjerre I 618 Cavataio F 933 Arbel E 868 Bjorkhem G 712 Cavell B 589 Arends JW 137 Blennow G 618 Cavero E 953 Arisaka M 268 Blumenthal M 649 Ceccarelli M 453 Arisaka O 268, 1061 Boehm G 864 Chevalier JY 725 Arjamaa O 978 Boey KW 870 Chiaretti A 937 Arrigo T 730 Bogdanova M 700 Chierici R 119, 475 Arrowsmith WA 536 Bolla P 853 Chiou Y-M 720 Arvidson J 1017 Boloens M 946 Chiumello G 853 Ascher H 589 Bonamico M 593 Chlebcewicz-Szuba W 558 Ashkenazi I 649 Bonazzi L 227 Choonara I 441 Ashkenazi S 729 Bondestam M 257 Christensson K 488 Atalay Y 182 Booth IW 51 Christiansen P 605 Aust G 962 Boreus L 1065 Avanzini MA 296 Borulf S 69 Cichocka E 244 Avramides A_ 1058 Botto L 937 Cipolloni C 966 Aziz ES 946 Boulton TJC 322 Clayton PT 449 Cohen A 760, 829 Braggion C 1002 Baerts W 25 Braillon P 953 Cole TJ 463 Bakir M_ 1054 Brand N 183, 649 Colombo A 296 BallatiG 593 Brander E 678 Conti A 469 Balsamo V_ 933 Brandt NJ 522 Corbella E 853 Bamberger U 383 Bremberg S 253 Cornelissen EAM 658 Barak M_ 760 Bremme K_ 197 Costil J 725 Barnes ND 449 Brennan E 46 Cowan F 272 Baroncelli GI 532, 966 Brenner R_ 158 Crofton PM 373 Barros FC 12 Briner J 637 Cumming FJ 287 Barth R_ 1040 Broberger U 103 Cunha Ferreira RMC 46 Bartmann P 383 Brolin I 40 Cunningham MJ 84 BartovE 649 Brown JD 51 Curstedt T 665 Baumann N_ 845 Brown GA 51 Bavastrelli M 788 Brunet J 953 D’Avanzo M 887 Beaser RS 355 Bryan E 311 Dahl M 575 Beccaria L 853 Bryan EM 836 Dahlqvist G 186 Beck O 345 Bucci G 788 Danielson BG 75 Becker K 329 Buffolano W 630 Danielsson L 589 Acta Peediatr 81: 1080-5. 1992 Author Index Abadi J 829 Beland M 695 Buhl S 605 Abrahmov A 849 Belaustequi A 488 Burchell A 580 Abt S 550 Belik J 335 Burgio GR 296 Abu-Harb M 498 Bello AB 601 Burman LG 378 Agata H 896 Bellu R 21 Busch C 191 Agostoni C 21 Bengtsson M 1017 Busch RS 355 Aichner F 641 Bennet R 784 Butte NF 264 Akamatsu H 570 Berg G 797 Bagenholm T 566 Akhan O 1054 Berger A 829 Batge B 158 Akimoto H 371 Bergman KA 709 Boe G 944 Alarabi AA 75 Bergqvist D 1044 Al Awad ME 560 Berned Miller E 173, 925 Calevro L 453 Albero R 698 Berntorp E 918 Calne RY 449 Alessandri A 469 Bertelloni S 532, 966 Calvert SA 751 Alexander JR 536 Bertino E 469 Canino G 887 Alexander JA 875 Besana R 21 Cantisani A 469 Amato M 351 Betremieux P 845 Carlson K 1017 Anastasi E 593 Bhatia S 949 Carlsson B 296 Andersen K 652 Bianchi C 853 Carroccio A 933 Andersson R 253 Bianchi P 95 Carroll PB 355 Andersson Y 585 Bibi H 335 Carter N 672 Andersson U 921 Bilgic S 1054 Carvalho NM 484 Andreasson B 262 Bishop NJ 463 Caso P 702 Andreassen TT 912 Bjerknes R 707 Catalanotti P 887 Anglo AA 145 Bjerre I 618 Cavataio F 933 Arbel E 868 Bjorkhem G 712 Cavell B 589 Arends JW 137 Blennow G 618 Cavero E 953 Arisaka M 268 Blumenthal M 649 Ceccarelli M 453 Arisaka O 268, 1061 Boehm G 864 Chevalier JY 725 Arjamaa O 978 Boey KW 870 Chiaretti A 937 Arrigo T 730 Bogdanova M 700 Chierici R 119, 475 Arrowsmith WA 536 Bolla P 853 Chiou Y-M 720 Arvidson J 1017 Boloens M 946 Chiumello G 853 Ascher H 589 Bonamico M 593 Chlebcewicz-Szuba W 558 Ashkenazi I 649 Bonazzi L 227 Choonara I 441 Ashkenazi S 729 Bondestam M 257 Christensson K 488 Atalay Y 182 Booth IW 51 Christiansen P 605 Aust G 962 Boreus L 1065 Avanzini MA 296 Borulf S 69 Cichocka E 244 Avramides A_ 1058 Botto L 937 Cipolloni C 966 Aziz ES 946 Boulton TJC 322 Clayton PT 449 Cohen A 760, 829 Braggion C 1002 Baerts W 25 Braillon P 953 Cole TJ 463 Bakir M_ 1054 Brand N 183, 649 Colombo A 296 BallatiG 593 Brander E 678 Conti A 469 Balsamo V_ 933 Brandt NJ 522 Corbella E 853 Bamberger U 383 Bremberg S 253 Cornelissen EAM 658 Barak M_ 760 Bremme K_ 197 Costil J 725 Barnes ND 449 Brennan E 46 Cowan F 272 Baroncelli GI 532, 966 Brenner R_ 158 Crofton PM 373 Barros FC 12 Briner J 637 Cumming FJ 287 Barth R_ 1040 Broberger U 103 Cunha Ferreira RMC 46 Bartmann P 383 Brolin I 40 Cunningham MJ 84 BartovE 649 Brown JD 51 Curstedt T 665 Baumann N_ 845 Brown GA 51 Bavastrelli M 788 Brunet J 953 D’Avanzo M 887 Beaser RS 355 Bryan E 311 Dahl M 575 Beccaria L 853 Bryan EM 836 Dahlqvist G 186 Beck O 345 Bucci G 788 Danielson BG 75 Becker K 329 Buffolano W 630 Danielsson L 589 ACTA PADIATR 81 (1992) Author index 1081 Dannaeus A 589 Fort P 935 Hagberg H 1017 de Bernard B 633 Fouron J-C 368 Hagelin E 257 Debuse PJ 723 Franciosi RA 716 Hagenfeldt L 1065 Deen L 946 Freude S 641 Hamilton PA 672 Deganello A 163 Frisch H 641 Hammarlund K 764, 769 de la Fuente P 488 Frischer Th 1040 Hammers-Berggren S 921 de Leva F 702 Frydman M 183 Hanada N 792 DelPrete A 95 Fujimoto N 613 Hanawa Y 133 de Luca F 730 Fujita H 1061 Hansen D 1023 Demirsoy S 182 Fukazawa R 570 Hansen OR 605 dePriester JA 463 Fukushima K 326 Hanson LA 296 de Winter PJ 504 Fukutomi O 896 Hansson S 40 de Zegher F 274, 362 Funda J 728 Hara T 547 Di Dato AM 933 Harel J 829 Didier F 938 Gagliardi L 95 Hartmann RM 484 Diekmann L 969 Galdiero F 887 Harvey D 311 Diez JJ 698 Galla A 820 Harvey DR 836 di Mario U 593 Gallo JE 103 Hascoét J-M 938 Doherty J 514 Gangully NK 150 Hashimoto T 1030 Dooms L 362 Garty B-Z 948 Heersema DJ 25 Drayer NM 61, 691 Garwicz S 66 Heiberg A 686 Duca PG 95 Garza C 264 Heiner DC 113 Duquesnoy P 730 Gatzoulis M 847 Heinonen K 705, 851 Dork T 82 Gaudiosi C 630 Heinrichs C 274 Dorner K | Gaudreault P 695 Heiskanen-Kosma T 705 Gerardo A 808 Heldrup J 125 Eden OB 202 German J 86 Hellstro6m-Westas L 35, 812 Edungbola LD 601 Gerver WJM 691 Henningsson S 359 Egberts J 504 Giampaglia CMS 266 Hermann-Kunz E 1040 Ekblad H 978 Gil A 774 Herry A 935 Elfstrand P-O 566 Giles M 580 Herschkowitz S 760 Elinder G 1065 Gillerot Y 365 Herskowitz RD 355 Elkhatieb S 946 Gioeli RA 933 Hertrampf E 824 Elliman AD 311, 836 Giovannini M 21 Hertz H 66 Elliman AM 311, 836 Girodias JB 695 Hibi I 570 Elliott EJ 46 Giuffrida MG 469 Hiekkaniemi H 851 Elmqvist D 618 Giugliani ERJ 484 Higuchi S 133 Elton R_ 222 Gladstone W 79 Hill MJ 119 Endo K 371 Glaser J 849 Himei H 907 Engstrom I 40 Glorieux FH 953 Hirata Y 676 Engvall J 185 Goldberg M 868 Hirayama T 570 Evans DH 498 Gomes M 632 Hjelt K 29, 881 Gomez-Pan A 698 Hjelte L 340 Fabris C 469 Goodman AD 355 Hobolth N 605 Fannin TF 84 Goossens M 730 Hoeger PH 542 Fardy JJ 292 Gortner L 383 Hoiby N 1042 Farina V 702 Gothefors L 585 Holm S 585 Farriaux JP 399 Gottrand F 399 Holmberg L 262 Farthing MJG 46 Gourgiotis D 820 Holmberg Jorgensen P 912 Fauroux B 725 Greenough A 307, 832 Horisberger M 287 Faxelius G 197 Greisen G 389 Horn C 353 Fazzi E 808 Grieu F 287 Horrevorts AM 709 Federico G 532 Grillo G 630 Hosaka A 268, 1061 Fenton AC 498 Grinstein S 983 Hosking M 751 Ferber B 849 Grossmann G 665 Human DG 247 Fetter WPF 25 Guldhammer Skov B 456 Hume R 580 Field DJ 498 Gustafsson G 66 Humphrey GB 61 Finne PH 944 Gébel U 655, 728 Hung W 459 Finnstr6ém O 797 Giiciiyener K 182 Huppertz H-I 329 Fitz CR 459 Huttly SR 12 Fok TF 204 Haannes OC 527 Hausler G 641 Foley J 57 Hadjigeorgiou E 820 Hiippi PS 351 Forget PP 137 Hagberg B 93 Forslund M 840 Hagberg G 93, 407 Iacono G 933 1082 Author index ACTA PADIATR 81 (1992) lacopetta BJ 287 Kasahara E 646 Laitinen S 153 Iafusco F 887 Kase BF 686 Landau EH 277 Iai M 613 Kastrup KW 605 Lanng S 522 Ianniello R 887 Katila ML 678, 851, 891, 989, 993 Lanning M 66 Ibrahim MM 480 Katzir Z 277 Lanzi G 808 Ichiba Y 91 Kawakami T 570 Larsson B 315 Iglesias P 698 Keller MA 113 Leanage R 498 lisalo E 231 Kelnar CJH 373 Ledermann W 631 Ikonen RS 802 Kero P 231, 978 Lefrancois C 845 Illum N 456 Kim K 113 Legros JR 439 Imashuku § 133 Kitsiou-Tzeli S 820 Leijon I 797 Incerti P 21 Kjartansson S 764, 769 Leinonen M 989, 993 Indera Devi B 949 Kjellman B 566, 951 Le Marec B 845 Ishimoto K 133 Kleemola M 705 Lennerstrand G 103, 185 Ishizaka A 646 Knudsen A 494 Lenzi HL 983 Isobe K 792 Kobayashi H 141 Leonard JV 449 Isozaki-Fukuda Y 676 Kobayashi M 133, 907 Leonhardt A 191 Issler RMS 484 Kobayashi T 665 Lessard M 368 Ito M 371 Kobayashi Y 676 Leung DTY 598 Ito Y 326 Koch C 522 Levene MI 498 Ivarsson S-A 69, 1044 Kocgak N 947 Leverger G 725 Kofoed P-E 632 Lie RT 177 Jackson AA 514 Kogo T 570 Lie SO 66 Jacobsen BB 605 Kohelet D 868 Lim GC 870 Jakobson AM 359 Koivisto ME 207 Lin J-Y 720 Jakobson A 1017 Koivikko MJ 802 Lindberg T 585, 589 Jakobsson I 864 Kojima T 676 Linderkamp O 745 Jalling B 187 Kokkonen J 100, 1013 Lindfors A 73, 381 Janas MO 802 Koleska D 1007 Lindgren A-K 918 Jani BR 847 Koletzko B 302, 682 Lindquist B 589 Januszewicz P 244 Kondo N 86, 896 Lingman G 712 Jaaskelainen J 989, 993 Koppe J 946 Linna O 100, 1013 Jobs K 244 Kornfalt R 262 Littleton P 672 Jodal U 40 Korppi M 678, 705, 851, 891, 989, Ljung R 69, 918 Johansen A 413 993 Llaguno S 824 Johansen HK 1042 Korvenranta H 978 Lloyd DR 51 Johanson RB 859 Kostiala AAI 856 Lombardo F 730 John E 213 Koul PA 568 Lopez Guzman A 698 Johnson A-WBR 941 Kovar IZ 847 Lubinski J 558 Johnson P 609 Kowalewska M 1007 Lucas A 463 Johnston SS 84 Krasilnikoff PA 29, 394, 881 Luhmer I 562 Jones P 859 Kraus M 745 Lui K 213 Jonmundsson G 66 Kreth HW 329 Lukin M 100 Juntunen-Backman K 518 Kreuger A 66, 75, 359, 1017 Lundberg B 73, 381 Justo EB 484 Krull F 560 Lundstr6m N-R 712, 1044 Juto P 40 Kruse K 558, 633 Lyall EGH 373 Jorgensen PH 605 Kroger L 678, 891 Lyall H 580 Jorgensen BA 902 Kuehr J 1040 Lo6nnerdal B 107 Kuijten RH 137 Lonnerholm G 1017 Kaad PH 652 Kumar L 150 Lonnerholm G 951 Kaada B 283 Kunz C 107, 969 Kahn A 959 Kupke I 682 Kaitila I 1026 Kurlat I 662 Madina EH 145 Kak VK 949 Kuroda Y 1030 Madsen LP 413 Kalhoff H 969 Kuusinen EJ 802 Malla DS 859 Kalm O 125 Koster K 962 Malmborg A-S 340 Kamienska E 558 Kuwabara N 86 Malvaux P 274 Kamps WA 61 Maly E 1044 Kanarek KS 974 Lagercrantz H 187, 488, 609, 733 Mandel H 948 Kanarios J 820 Lagerstrom M 197 Manners PJ 1049 Kanzaki S 907 Lagerstrém P-O 35 Manz F 969 Kaplan M 849 Lahdenne P 235 Marani M 95 Karapiperis A 1058 Lahtela P 1013 Mariani P 593 Karmaus W 1040 Laippala P 802 Marin V 824 ACTA PAEDIATR 81 (1992) Author index 1083 Markestad T 707 Murakawa K_ 1030 Ortisi MT 21 Markus D 351 Murray KJ 1049 Osuga T 792 Marrella M 163 Muttilainen M 856 Otamiri G 797 Martin-Sanchez JM 439 Miller J 605 Oullette M 335 Martinez-Cortés F 439 Miiller PK 158 Oxlund H 912 Martinez-Guerrero MV 439 Myrmel H 707 Marzetti G 788 Myrvang Hogasen AK 944 Paganus A 518 Massa G 362 Mansson M 864 Palm L 618 Mastella G 227, 1002 Maenpaa J 153 Palme-Kilander C 739 Matsumoto S 646 Makitie O 1026 Panero A 788 Matsumoto T 1061 Moller J 353 Parenti G 702 Matsuo M 547 MOttoénen M 929 Pasinetti G 95, 296 Matsuyama T 133 Pasqualicchio M 163 Matsuzono Y 997 Nagafuchi S 570 Pedersen S 902 McClure R 441 Nagata M 547 Pedersen-Bjergaard L 605 Meeuwisse G 951 Nair A 213 Peltola H 631 Meinert R 1040 Nakagome Y 570 Pelz L 946 Meis JF 709 Nakahori Y 570 Peng R-Q 217 Mellander L 296 Nakamura H_ 133 Peng C-T 720 Mellbin T 417, 424 Nakanishi M 646 Pentti J 1035 Memioglu N 182 Nakayama Y 268, 1061 Perfetti R 593 Mena P 824 Nanton MA 247 Persson E 618 Metzker A 729 Napolitano L 469 Persson LA 480 Meunier PJ 953 Narita M 141, 997 Petecca C 95 Michaelsen KF 1023 Nathanson M 725 Petersen KE 605 Michaélsson M 843 Nau H 550 Petersen SA 605 Michielutti F 163 Navari C 983 Petrini P 918 Midulla M 788 Neiderud J 430 Philip I 430 Mihara M 326 Nelle M 745 Picton-Jones E 319 Milad M 824 Nerlich A 158 Pietikadinen M 678, 891 Milanino R 163 Neuteboom B 469 Pintov S 868 Milerad J 609 Nielsen B 632 Pisacane A 630 Mirminanchi FA 947 Nielsen K 605 Plebani A 296 Mistchenko AS 983 Nielsen LB 605 Plum C 550 Mitchell V 399 Niggemann B 542 Poets CF 319, 536, 875 Miyazaki M 1030 Nilsson KO 1044 Pohlandt F 383 Mizuno Y 547 Nilsson P 69 Polidori G 937 Mizutani K 646 Nir M 1042 Pop-Jordanova N 700 Moe PJ 66, 359 Nishikawa K 792 Popovtzer MM 277 Mokuolu OA 941 Nishizaki Y 91 Pradal U 1002 Molander M-L 186 Nitta K 665 Prellner K 125 Molto L 774 Nitzan M 729, 948 Priolisi A 933 Monafo V 296 Nord CE 784 Pryds O 389 Monier B 725 Nordwall A 173, 925 Puhakka HJ 231 Monin P 938 Notarbartolo A 933 Putnam PE 635 Monnens L 709 Nukada O 907 Puyol P 488 Montalto G 933 Nussinovitch M 183 Perregaard A 29, 881 Moosa R 560 Moreau H S511 Oates K 448 Quintela M*J 402 Morellini M 593 Obladen M 962 Moreno L 488 Oda M 133 Rachmel A 729, 948 Moretti U 163 Oechler HW 716 Radotra BD 949 Mori S 86 Ohlsson K 270, 751, 757 Rahman AKSM 632 Morillas JM 774 Oldigs H-D 1 Rajantie J 1026 Morishima T 792 Olivares M 824 Raziuddin S 560 Moriwake T 907 Oliveros R 402 Rebuffat E 959 Moro L 633 Ollikainen J 851 Reid MMcC 84 Morsi MR 145 Omar MM 480 Reid MM 1052 Mortimer O 359 Ometto A 808 Reigstad H 707 Moshidou A 1058 Onile BA 941 Richardson K 820 Mossberg H-O 1066 Orcesi S 808 Riesenfeld T 769, 843 Mota EM 983 Orenstein SR 635 Rigo A 227 Motohara K 658 Orii T 86, 896 Riva E 21 Motoyoshi F 86 Oriot D 845 Roberts AK 119 1084 Author index ACTA PADIATR 81 (1992) Roberston B 446, 665 Seyberth HW 191 Sundqvist PA 378 Robles R 774 Shaffer SG 978 Suzuki Y 665 Rodriguez-Soriano J 402 Shahar E 649 Sveger T 270, 757 Roggini M 788 Shaw NJ 222 Svenningsen NW 35, 270, 757 Roine I 631 Shearer M 728 Swyer PR 443 Rolfe P 859 Shennan AT 751 Szymanik-Grzelak H 1007 Rolles K 449 Shenoi A 150 Soderhjelm L 731 Rondini G 808 Shibata M 141, 997 Rosendahl K 177 Shimokawa T 133 Rosenthal SR 79 Shimura N 268, 1061 Tadesse K 598 Rosén I 35 Shinoda S 896 Takedatsu M 676 Rossa M 353 Shirai M 371 Talbert DG 737 Rossi B 453 Shmerling DH 637 Tamai K 613 Rossi D 788 Shulman D 974 Tamassia G 163 Rydelius P-A 189 Shvil Y 277 Tamisari L 475 Rydell A-M 257 Siciliano G 453 Tammela OKT 207 Ryding J 389 Sieniawska M_ 1007 Tammela O 1013 Raiha NCR 864 Sievers E | Tamminga RYJ 61 Rasanen L 7, 153 Siimes MA 66 Tan KL 870 Renneberg R 779 Siker D 716 Tanabe Y 613 Siles C 488 Tanae A 570 Saggese G 532, 966 Silva MLM 266 Tang TT 716 Sagren A 843 Simonsson B 1017 Taniguchi N 133 Sahdev I 935 Sinaniotis C 820 Tanizaki M 91 Sakiyama Y 646 Single T 322 Tarantino E 453 Sakuma T 436 Sjolin S 430 Tato L 163 Saleem SM 568 Skakkebek NE 605 Tayama M_ 1030 Salfield SAW 536 Skov L 389 Teani M 95, 296 Salle BL 953 Skovby F 1023 Tegtmeyer FK 353 Salmi TT 66 Skyberg D 527 Teien D 247 Salminen JJ 1035 Skara B 779 Tengborn L 566 Salt A 449 Smedler A-C 197 Terho P 1035 Salvador J 698 Smedmyr B 1017 Tessin I 377 Salzano M 788 Smith R 322 Thakur RC 949 Samuels MP 319, 875 Smith A 672 Thamdrup E 605 Samuelson G 1066, 1067 Sola AA 662 Thisted E 605 Sanchez-Pozo A 774 Soler R 637 Thivierge RL 695 Sarialioglu F 1054 Soliman AT 145 Thommessen M 686 Sarihyan S 150 Sollecito D 788 Thompson FM 983 Sarles J 511 Solvig J 69 Thompson PJ 307 Sasaki M 133 Sonesson S-E 368 Thoresen M 272 Sastre J 698 Sottiaux M 959 Thungappa U 213 Savilahti E 518 Southall DP 319, 536, 875 Tirosh E 829 Sawatzki G 119, 475 Spencer SA 859 Togashi T 141, 997 Schaub J 1 Spurkland A 283 Tolone C 887 Schigtz PO 522 Stanghelle JK 527 Toppet M 365 Schober E 641 Stebbens VA 536, 875 Toraldo R 887 Schonau E 633 Steinkamp G 82 Torres E 439 Schroeder C 542 Stenhammar L 73, 381, 589 Tournier G 725 Schroder H 66 Stiernstedt G 921 Trammer RM 962 Schulman S 564 Stirling HF 373 Tranebjerg L 605 Schulte-Hobein B 550 Stival G 95 Triantafyllidou E 1058 Schuize-Neick I 562 Stock GJ 969 Triglione P 593 Schwartz M 522 Storm K 413 Trollfors B 377 Schwartz-Bickenbach D 550 Strandvik B 340, 731 Tsai F-J 720 Schweer H 191 Strayer DS 446 Tsai C-H 720 Scimone F 95 Strisciuglio P 702 Tsuchida M 133 Scippa L 702 Strémberg A 378 Tsukimoto I 133 Sedin G 764, 769 Sugie H 371 Tsunosue M 326 Seffrin CF 484 Sugie Y 371 Tufveson G 75 Segura AD 716 Sugita K 613 Tullus K 185, 378 Seidel H 359 Sugiyama N 436 Tumme R 153 Seifert B 335 Sunahara GI 287 Tunaoglu FS 182 Seino Y 907 Sundelin C 417, 424, 575 Turck D 399 ACTA PADIATR 81 (1992) Author index 1085 Totterman TH 1017 von Kries R 655, 728 Winklhofer-Roob BM 637 Tummler B 82 von Wendt L 173, 925 Winrow AP 847 Vuille J-C 417, 424 Winter HS 79 Ubetagoyena M 402 Vuolteenaho O 978 Winther Nielsen H 456 Ueda K 133, 547 Vyzantiadis A 1058 Witt Engerstr6ém I 167 Ugazio AG 296 Woelfel D 280 Uhari M 929 Wada Y 436 Wolthers OD 902 Ura Y 547 Waldhauser F 641 Wong WW 264 Urbanek R_ 1040 Walker J 311 Woods KL 498 Uvebrant P 407 Walker-Smith JA 46 Woodward DR 292 Wall S 480 Wu S-X 217 Vaara I 315 Wang D-W 720 Wulbrand U 82 Vadillo J 439 Wardle N 560 Wyszynska T 244 Valdivielso P 439 Wardrop CAJ 319 Valletta EA 227 Wasik M_ 1007 Yabuta K 268, 1061 Valli P 231 Watanabe K 792 Yamashiro Y 268, 1061 Vallo A 402 Watillon P 365 Yamashita F 326 Vamos E 365 Watson AJM 46 Yang C 158 van Bel F 504 Wattsgard C 69, 1044 Yin JA 204 van de Bor M 504 Weaver LT Yl6nen K 7 van der Meer SB 137 Weile B 394 Yoda T 907 Vanderschueren-Lodeweyckx M Weintraub M 849 Yousef-Ayash H 820 274, 362 Weir FJ 672 Yssing M 66 van EsA 691 Wendel H 247 Yuen PMP 204 van Hof-van Duin J 25 Wendel U 682 Yuen RCF 598 Van Lieburg AF 658 Wendt-Goeknur MAV 280 Yuksel B 832 van Maldergem L 365 Wennergren G 40 van Oostrom CG 658 Wesenberg F 66 Zampino G 937 Van Vliet G 274, 365 Westbom L 625 Zanolla L 227 Varsano I 183 Westerlund M 257 Zeilinger G 280 Vaughan JP 12 Westerstrahle M 856 Zeitlyn S 632 Vayas S 1058 Westgren U 35 Zetterstro6m R i, 784 Velo GP 163 Widén B 340 Zilow EP 745 Verger R 411 Wieteska-Klimezak A 244 Vert P 938 Wijnancs HBG 504 Ahstrém L 66 Victora CG 12 Wikstrim B 75 Akerblom HK. 153 Vidaurreta S 983 Wildervanck de Blécourt-Devilée 25 Amark M 40 Vigi V 119, 475 Wilschanski M 849 Amark P 345 Virtanen M 153 Wilson DC 84 Virtanen SM_ 153, 239 Wimberger D 641 Oberg G 1017 Volpato S 119, 475 Winberg J 380 Ortoft G 912 von Knorring A-L 187, 188 Winbladh B 188 Ozsoylu S 947 Acta Paediatr 81: 1086-90. 1992 Subject Index Abdominal pain Bilirubin With gastroesophageal reflux 137 Cord Zn, Mg and Cu levels and hyperbilirubinemia 868 Achondrogenesis Phototherapy for hyperbilirubinemia 870 Collagen type II in Langer-Saldino achondrogenesis 158 Bloom’s syndrome Adolescents Immunodeficiency 86 Diet in diabetics 239 Books reviews 185, 380, 731, 951, 1065 Medical guidance 253 Bovine milk Metabolic control in diabetics 239 Epidermal growth factor 287 Allergy Follow-up of cow’s milk allergy 518 Cholesterol in asthma and allergic rhinitis 150 Breast feeding Cow’s milk intolerance in nephrotic syndrome 1007 Breast-feeding and dietary habits of children in rural Erythema multiforme in cow’s milk intolerance 729 Somalia 480 Follow-up in cow’s milk allergy 518 Breast-feeding in Brazil, termination 484 Intranasal budesonide in seasonal rhinitis 902 Duration 12. PMN chemiluminescence 542 Selenium and human lactation 292 Prognosis in allergic rhinitis 100 Bronchopulmonary dysplasia Anaemia Prevention by fluid restriction 207 Congenital sideroblastic anemia 652 In cartilage-hair hypoplasia 1026 Cardiology Aplasia cutis congenita of scalp 182 Anesthesia-induced rhabdomyolysis 716 Apnoea Atrial natriuretic peptide in PDA 672 Obstructive sleep apnoea 609 Doppler ecocardiography following repair of aortic Arnold-Chiari malformation coarctation 241 Sleep apnoea 609 Efficiency of prostaglandin E, in coarctation oft he Arthritis aorta 938 Borellia arthritis 921 Rhabdomyomas in neonates 712 Bone marrow examination before steroids 1052 Cardiovascular disease Asthma Family history and blood lipids in newborns 21 Schoolteachers’ knowledge about asthma 413 Takayasu’s aortitis 1044 Attention deficits Carnitine Sleep and wakefulness 618 Acylcearnitine in urine in transient Atrial natriuretic peptide hyperammoniemia 436 Circulating levels 676 Deficiency and gastrointestinal dysmotility 79 During treatment of congenital adrenal hyperplasia Cartilage-hair hypoplasia In diagnosis of patent ductus arteriosus 672 Anaemia and macrocytosis 1026 In preterm infants 978 Cerebral palsy Auditory stimulation Dyskinetic and dystonic c.p. 57, 93 Cardiac response and effect of body movements 959 Intrauterine growth inc.p. 407 Auditory system Child and adolescent psychiatry Effect of narcotics and nicotine in newborns 962 Sleep and wakefulness in deficits in attention 618 Autism Child health examination Brain structure 1030 Heath examination and school adjustment 257 Cholelithiasis Ininfancy 69 Cholestas Bacteriology Progressive idiopathic cholestasis 637 Small bowel anaerobic contamination and fatty acids 51 Chronic granulomatous disease Detection of mycobacterium tuberculosis 997 Neonatal pericarditis, presenting manifestation 849 Detection of mycobacterium tuberculosis with PCR 141 Chronic illness Diagnosis of EPEC in neonatal diarrhoea 217 Well-being in chronic illness 625 Elastase alfa-proteinase inhibitor in neonatal Clotting disorders septicemia 353 Late hemorrhagic disease of newborn 728 Faecal flora and lactoferrin supplementation to Recombinant factor VII a treatment 566 formula 119 Vitamin K deficiency bleeding 655 Inhibition of EPEC adherence to HeLa Cells by human Coeliac disease milk 266 Diabetes related antibodies 593 Transient colonisation of the gut 784 Incidence in Danish children 394 Beriberi Increased incidence in Sweden 589 Shoshin beriberi in infant of thiamine deficient Collagen mother 723 In achondrogenesis 158 ACTA PAEDIATR 81 (1992) Subject index 1087 Congenital adrenal hyperplasia Endocrinology Atrial natriuretic peptide during treatment 268 Cushing’s disease 91 Congenital dislocation of hip Effect on GH on rat cortical bone 912 Prospective study of ultrasonic and clinical Septo-optic dysplasia and GH deficiency 641 examination 177 Thyroidal c-cell secretion in Turner’s syndrome 532 Community pediatrics Thyroid dyshormongenesis 274 Day care and sickness 929 TSH-secreting pituitary microadenoma 1058 Energy and nutrient in Greek immigrant children 430 Vasopressin and gonadotrophin deficiency in special Identification of adolescents with psychosocial syndromes 365 problems 424 Endothelin Low back pain in school children 1035 Circulating levels 676 Public services and identification of health problems 417 Environmental medicine C-reactive protein Cigarette smoke exposure of infants 550 In hepatitis A 631 Erytheme multiforma Cryptorchidism In cow’s milk intolerance 729 Hormonal treatment 605 Ethics Cystic fibrosis How small is too small 443 Genetic analysis 522 Hemoglobin desaturation in airway obstruction 1002 Family and child Home i.v. antibiotic treatment 340 Attitudes towards discipline 441, 448 Incidence of pseudomonas cepacia infection 1042 Feeding problems Markers of inflammation in exacerbation 227 In an affluent society 575 Mild course and heterozygosity 82 Formula Mutations and clinical severity 262 Adapted with bovine lactoferrin 119 Pulmonary function and oxygen uptake 527 Supplementation with bovine lactoferrin 475 Vitamin K status 658 Gastroenterology Delivery Carnitine deficiency and dysmotility 79 Gastroesophageal reflux 635 Neurological adaptation of infants delivered by caesarian section 797 Lactose absorption 598 Post-delivery care and neonatal body temperature 859 Macromolecular absorption in SGA infants 864 Rupture of the trachea 944 Ontogeny of human gastric lipase 511 Developmental physiology Steateric test in newborns 933 Equation for total body water during infancy 264 Transient colonization of the gut by orally administered Prostanoid excretion in urine 191 bacteria 784 Developmental psychology Genetics Neonatal behaviour and subsequent temperament 829 Genetic analysis in cystic fibrosis 522 School adjustment 257 Gestational age Diabetes mellitus Assessment 95 Diet in adolescents 153 Glomerulonephritis Macrophage-released interleukin-1 935 Treatment of hypertension 145 Metabolic control and diet 239 Growth and development Rapid onset of retinopathy, cataract and Gestational age correction for height in preterm nephropathy 355 children 836 Growth and motor performance in preterm children 840 Urinary glycylprolyldipeptidyl aminopeptidase 907 In acute leukaemia 61 Diabetes insipidus In empty sella syndrome 459 In hypercholesterolemia 1023 Diarrhoea acute In VLBW SGA infants 197 Intrauterine growth in children with cp 407 Glucose polymers and hypernatraemia 73 Trans fatty acids and growth impairment 302 Increased protein absorption 589 Growth failure Neonatal diarrhoea, diagnosis of EPEC 217 Albuminuric growth failure 373 Treatment with ORS in rat model 46 Psychosocial growth failure and response to GH Diarrhoea chronic treatment 322 In giardiasis 881 Turner's syndrome hyperthyroidism accelerates 362 Drug adverse reactions Guillain-Barré syndrome Phenytoin-induced immuno-deficiency 646 Musculoskeletal pain 1049 Eczema Hemophilia Prognosis 1013 Alternative treatment in hemophilia 564 Editorials Central venous catheter and prophylactic treatment 918 Duplicate publication 573 Recombinant factor VII a treatment 566 Electroencephalography Hemoglobin level EEG-monitoring in sick newborn infants 812 Reduced in life-threatening events 319 1088 Subject index ACTA PAEDIATR 81 (1992) Hepatitis Infections, viral C-reactive protein 630 Ganciclovir therapy of congenital CMV infection 707 Hepatology Participation of immune complexes in adenovirus Alagille syndrome and hepatocarcinoma 937 infection 983 Chronic active hepatitis 568 Placental transfer of IgG and subclasses to herpes simplex Hepatorenal syndrome 75 virus 792 Impairment of glucose-6-phosphatase system in preterm Intestinal biopsy infants 580 Fiberendoscopy and Watson capsule 399 Histiocytic hemophagocytosis Intoxication In miliary tuberculosis 725 Treatment of ethanol intoxication 280 Hoarseness CSF exchange after methotrexate overdose 356 In gastroesophageal reflux 635 Human milk Jaundice Components cross-reacting with antibodies against Basal yellow skin colour in newborn and later lactoglobulin 469 jaundice 494 Epidermal growth factor 287 Essential fatty acids in colostrum 779 Kostmann’s syndrome Immunoglobulin subclasses in colostrum and milk 113 Treatment with granulocyte-colony stimulating Inhibition of EPEC adherence to Hela cells 266, 287 factor 133 Whey protein/casein ratio 107 Hypercalciuria Treatment with thiazide 277 Letters to the Editor 377, 378, 946 Hypercholesterolemia Life-threatening events Growth during treatment 1023 Reduced haemoglobin levels 319 Treatment 682 Liver transplantation Hypertension In tyrosinemia type 1 449 Center for children with hypertension 244 Lipid metabolism In Takayasu’s aortitis 1044 Lipids and lipoproteins in cord blood 439 Treatment in glomerulonephritis 145 Lipoproteins in preterm and SGA infants 774 Short chain fatty acids and anaerobic bowel contamination 51] Immunization Trans fatty acids and long-chain polyunsaturates 302 Measles-mumps-rubella vaccination and neutrophil Lung disease functions 887 Intratracheal N-acetylcysteine in chronic disease 335 Skin test reactivity to atypical mycobacteria following Lymphocytes BCG-vaccination at birth 891 Blood T and B subpopulations 125 Tetanus immunization coverage 632 Tuberculin reactivity after vaccination 678 Malnutrition Immunodeficiency Dietary pectin and urea kinetics in recovery from In Bloom’s syndrome 86 malnutrition 514 Phenytoin-induced deficiency 646 Glucocorticoid treatment or food deprivation 912 Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome 558 Medical guidance Immunology Vocational in adolescents 253 Immune complexes in adenovirus 983 Microphthalmos Immunoglobulin G subclasses in colostrum, milk and Associated with other abnormalities 1054 saliva 113 Meningitis Interferon-induced enzyme 329 And facial deformity 84 Secretory leucocyte protease inhibitors in newborn 270 Chloramphenicol-resistant Haemophilus influenzae Secretory antibodies in breast- and formula-fed meningitis 941 infants 296 Plasma endotoxin and glycolipid antibodies 560 Inborn errors of metabolism Mucopolysaccharidosis Liver transplantation in tyrosinaemia type 1 449 Echo-Doppler abnormalities 702 Incontinence Mumps Phenylpropanolamine and neurogenic bladder 345 Transverse myelitis 183 Incubators Munchausen syndrome by proxy Reduction of high-noise levels 843 Albuminuric growth failure 373 Infections, bacterial Muscular dystrophy Borellia arthritis 921 Anaesthesia-induced rhabdomyolysis 716 Chlamydia tracomatis in very preterm infants 788 Myelitis Moraxella catarrhalis as a respiratory pathogen 993 Transverse following mumps 183 Neonatal salmonella Panama infection 856 Myotonia Non-capsulated Haemophilus infection influenzae as Congenital myotonic dystrophy 613 respiratory pathogen 989 Myotonia congenita Ureaplasma urealyticum and hydrops fetalis 851 Treatment with mexiletine 453

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