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Preview Acta Neurochirurgica 1993: Vol 122 Index

Author-Index Alexander III, E., Loeffler, J. S., Schwartz, Delgado-Zygmunt, T., Shiokawa, Y., Arbab, Haselgrove, J. C., vide Andersen, C. 218 R. B., Johnson, K. A., Carvalho, P. A., M. A.-R., Svendgaard, N.-A., Effect of Hashimoto, N., vide Nakatani, H. 244 Garada, B. M., Zimmerman, R. E., Hol- Spantide, a Substance-P Antagonist, of Hernesniemi, J., Vapalahti, M., Niskanen, man, B. L., Thallium-201 Technetium- Cerebral Vasospasm in Primates 122 M., Tapaninaho, A., Kari, A., Luukko- 99m HMPAO Single-Photon Emission Dematons, C., vide Mourier, K. L. 130 nen, M., Puranen, M., Saari, T., Rajpar, Computed Tomography (SPECT) Imag- Demircivi, F., Ozkan, N., Biiyiikkegeci, S., M., One-Year Outcome in Early Aneu- ing for Guiding Stereotactic Craniotomies Yurt, I., Miniksar, F., Tektas, S., Trau- rysm Surgery: a 14 Year Experience 1 in Heavily Irradiated Malignant Glioma matic Subarachnoid Haemorrhage: Anal- Hirschberg, H., vide Slettebo, H. 231 Patients 215 ysis of 89 Cases 45 Holman, B. L., vide Alexander III, E. 215 Al-Khalaf, B., vide Donauer, E. 23 Doenstrup, S., vide Anderson, C. 218 Hulmstedt, L., vide Brandt, L. 97 Andersen, C., Haselgrove, J. C., Doenstrup, Donauer, E., Reif, J., Al-Khalaf, B., Men- Holtas, S., vide Brandt, L. 97 S., Astrup, J., Gyldensted, C., Resorption gedoht, E.-Fr., Fraubert, C., Intraventri- Itoh, T., vide Asari, Sh. 54 of Peritumoural Oedema in Cerebral cular Haemorrhage Caused by Aneu- Iwabuchi, T., vide Suzuki, N. 49 Gliomas During Dexamethasone Treat- rysms and Angiomas 23 Johnson, K. A., vide Alexander III, E. 215 ment Evaluated by NMR Relaxation Dreval, O. N., Ultrasonic DREZ-Operations Kari, A., vide Hernesniemi, J. 1 Time Imaging 218 for Treatment of Pain Due to Brachial Karlsson, M., vide Brandt, L. 97 Andrychowski, J., vide Ryba, M. 194, 240 Plexus Avulsion 76 Katayama, Sh., vide Asari, Sh. 54 Arbab, M.A.-R., vide Delgado-Zygmunt, T. Dziewiecki, C., vide Ryba, M. 194 Kikuchi, H., vide Nakatani, H. 244 122 Erbengi, T., vide Gedikoglu, Y. 266 Konopka, L., vide Ryba, M. 240 Asari, Sh., Makabe, T., Katayama, Sh., Itoh, Fandifo, J., Botana, C., Viladrich, A., Kunishio, K., vide Asari, Sh. 54 T., Tsuchida, Sh., Kunishio, K., Ohmoto, Gomez-Bueno, J., Reoperation After Lang, D. A., vide Gerber, C. J. 11 T., Evaluation of MRI Score in the Dif- Lumbar Dis Surgery. Results in 130 Cases Lee, S. W., vide Bothe, H. W. 105 ferentiation Between Glioblastoma Mul- 102 Lindegaard, K.-F., vide Slettebo, H. 213 tiforme and Metastatic Adenocarcinoma Faubert, C., vide Donauer, E. 23 Lindquist, C., International Stereotactic Ra- of the Brain 54 Fortuna, A., vide Lunardi, P. 236 diosurgery Society. Abstracts Selected for Astrup, J., vide Andersen, C. 218 Garada, B. M., vide Alexander III, E. 215 Presentation at the Ist Congress in Stock- Barczewska, M., vide Ryba, M. 194 Garnacho, A., vide Sahuquillo, J. 204 holm, Sweden, on June 16-19, 1993 135 Bellec, C., vide Mourier, K. L. 130 Gaus, C., vide Voges, J. 127 Lippitz, B., vide Mayfrank, L. 32 Gedikoglu, Y., Colak, A., Benli, K., Erbengi, Beni, L., vide Pomeranz, Sh. 113 Loeffler, J. S., vide Alexander III, E. 215 T., Reaction of Rabbit Lateral Periven- Benli, K., vide Gedikoglu, Y. 266 Lot, G., vide Mourier, K. L. 130 tricular Tisse to Non-Infected and In- Benzel, E. C., Reeves, J. P., Nguyen, Ph. K.., Lunardi, P., Cervoni, L., Maleci, A., Fortuna, fected (Staphylococcus Epidermidis) Hadden, Th. A., The Treatment of Hy- A., Isolated Haemangioblastoma of Shunt Tubing Implants. A Light and drocephalus in Preterm Infants with In- Spinal Cord: Report of 18 Cases and a Transmission Electron Microscope Study traventricular Haemorrhage 200 Review of the Literature 236 266 Bertalanffy, H., vide Mayfrank, L. 32 Luukkonen, M., vide Hernesniemi, J. 1 Gelbert, F., vide Mourier, K. L. 130 Bojarski, P., vide Ryba, M. 194 Makabe, T., vide Asari, Sh. 54 George, B., vide Mourier, K. L. 130 Borgers, M., vide Verlooy, J. 250 Maleci, A., vide Lundardi, P. 236 Gerber, C. J., Lang, D. A., Neil-Dwyer, G., Botana, C., vide Fandifio, J. 102 Smith, P. W. F, A Simple Scoring System Mayfrank, L., Lippitz, B., Groth, M., Ber- Bothe, H.W., Lee, S. W., Samii, M., Soma- for Accurate Prediction of Outcome talanffy, H., Gilsbach, J. M., Effect of tosensory Evoked Potentials and Intra- Within Four Days of a Subarachnoid Recombinant Tissue Plasminogen Acti- cranial Pressure During Chronic Dilata- Haemorrhage 11 vator of Clot Lysis and Ventricular Dil- tion of an Artificial Extraparenchymal Gilsbach, J. M., vide Mayfrank, L. 32 atation in the Treatment of Severe In- Space-Occupying Lesion in Cats 105 Gobin, P. Y., vide Mourier, K. L. 130 traventricular Haemorrhage 32 Brandt, L., Karlsson, M., Holmstedt, L., Ob- Godet, C., vide Sahuquillo, J. 204 Mengedoht, E.-Fr., vide Donauer, E. 23 rant, K. J., Holtas, S., Myelography in the Goffin, J., vide Van Loon, J. 187 Mezzadri, J. J. M., Otero, J. M., Ottino, C. Late Postoperative Period in Patients Sub- Gomez-Bueno, J., vide Fafidino, J. 102 A., Management of 50 Spontaneous Cer- jected to Anterior Cervical Decompres- Grieb, P., vide Ryba, M. 118, 240 ebellar Haemorrhages 39 sion and Fusion 98 Groen, G. J., vide Stolker, R. J. 82 Miniksar, F., vide Demirgivi, F. 45 Biiyiikkecgeci, S., vide Demircivi, F. 45 Groth, M., vide Mayfrank, L. 32 Mourier, K. L., Bellec, C., Lot, G., Reizine, Carvalho, P. A., vide Alexander III, E. 215 Gullotta, G., vide Schultheiss, R. 91 D., Gelbert, F., Dematons, C., Gobin, P. Cervoni, L., vide Lunardi, P. 236 Gyldensted, C., vide Andersen, C. 218 Y., George, B., Pyogenic Parenchymatous Coello, F., vide Sahuquillo, J. 204 Hadden, Th. A., vide Benzel, E. C. 200 and Nidus Infection After Embolization Colak, A., vide Gedikoglu, Y. 266 Hall, C., vide Orlin, J. R. 257 of an Arteriovenous Malformation 130 Author-Index Alexander III, E., Loeffler, J. S., Schwartz, Delgado-Zygmunt, T., Shiokawa, Y., Arbab, Haselgrove, J. C., vide Andersen, C. 218 R. B., Johnson, K. A., Carvalho, P. A., M. A.-R., Svendgaard, N.-A., Effect of Hashimoto, N., vide Nakatani, H. 244 Garada, B. M., Zimmerman, R. E., Hol- Spantide, a Substance-P Antagonist, of Hernesniemi, J., Vapalahti, M., Niskanen, man, B. L., Thallium-201 Technetium- Cerebral Vasospasm in Primates 122 M., Tapaninaho, A., Kari, A., Luukko- 99m HMPAO Single-Photon Emission Dematons, C., vide Mourier, K. L. 130 nen, M., Puranen, M., Saari, T., Rajpar, Computed Tomography (SPECT) Imag- Demircivi, F., Ozkan, N., Biiyiikkegeci, S., M., One-Year Outcome in Early Aneu- ing for Guiding Stereotactic Craniotomies Yurt, I., Miniksar, F., Tektas, S., Trau- rysm Surgery: a 14 Year Experience 1 in Heavily Irradiated Malignant Glioma matic Subarachnoid Haemorrhage: Anal- Hirschberg, H., vide Slettebo, H. 231 Patients 215 ysis of 89 Cases 45 Holman, B. L., vide Alexander III, E. 215 Al-Khalaf, B., vide Donauer, E. 23 Doenstrup, S., vide Anderson, C. 218 Hulmstedt, L., vide Brandt, L. 97 Andersen, C., Haselgrove, J. C., Doenstrup, Donauer, E., Reif, J., Al-Khalaf, B., Men- Holtas, S., vide Brandt, L. 97 S., Astrup, J., Gyldensted, C., Resorption gedoht, E.-Fr., Fraubert, C., Intraventri- Itoh, T., vide Asari, Sh. 54 of Peritumoural Oedema in Cerebral cular Haemorrhage Caused by Aneu- Iwabuchi, T., vide Suzuki, N. 49 Gliomas During Dexamethasone Treat- rysms and Angiomas 23 Johnson, K. A., vide Alexander III, E. 215 ment Evaluated by NMR Relaxation Dreval, O. N., Ultrasonic DREZ-Operations Kari, A., vide Hernesniemi, J. 1 Time Imaging 218 for Treatment of Pain Due to Brachial Karlsson, M., vide Brandt, L. 97 Andrychowski, J., vide Ryba, M. 194, 240 Plexus Avulsion 76 Katayama, Sh., vide Asari, Sh. 54 Arbab, M.A.-R., vide Delgado-Zygmunt, T. Dziewiecki, C., vide Ryba, M. 194 Kikuchi, H., vide Nakatani, H. 244 122 Erbengi, T., vide Gedikoglu, Y. 266 Konopka, L., vide Ryba, M. 240 Asari, Sh., Makabe, T., Katayama, Sh., Itoh, Fandifo, J., Botana, C., Viladrich, A., Kunishio, K., vide Asari, Sh. 54 T., Tsuchida, Sh., Kunishio, K., Ohmoto, Gomez-Bueno, J., Reoperation After Lang, D. A., vide Gerber, C. J. 11 T., Evaluation of MRI Score in the Dif- Lumbar Dis Surgery. Results in 130 Cases Lee, S. W., vide Bothe, H. W. 105 ferentiation Between Glioblastoma Mul- 102 Lindegaard, K.-F., vide Slettebo, H. 213 tiforme and Metastatic Adenocarcinoma Faubert, C., vide Donauer, E. 23 Lindquist, C., International Stereotactic Ra- of the Brain 54 Fortuna, A., vide Lunardi, P. 236 diosurgery Society. Abstracts Selected for Astrup, J., vide Andersen, C. 218 Garada, B. M., vide Alexander III, E. 215 Presentation at the Ist Congress in Stock- Barczewska, M., vide Ryba, M. 194 Garnacho, A., vide Sahuquillo, J. 204 holm, Sweden, on June 16-19, 1993 135 Bellec, C., vide Mourier, K. L. 130 Gaus, C., vide Voges, J. 127 Lippitz, B., vide Mayfrank, L. 32 Gedikoglu, Y., Colak, A., Benli, K., Erbengi, Beni, L., vide Pomeranz, Sh. 113 Loeffler, J. S., vide Alexander III, E. 215 T., Reaction of Rabbit Lateral Periven- Benli, K., vide Gedikoglu, Y. 266 Lot, G., vide Mourier, K. L. 130 tricular Tisse to Non-Infected and In- Benzel, E. C., Reeves, J. P., Nguyen, Ph. K.., Lunardi, P., Cervoni, L., Maleci, A., Fortuna, fected (Staphylococcus Epidermidis) Hadden, Th. A., The Treatment of Hy- A., Isolated Haemangioblastoma of Shunt Tubing Implants. A Light and drocephalus in Preterm Infants with In- Spinal Cord: Report of 18 Cases and a Transmission Electron Microscope Study traventricular Haemorrhage 200 Review of the Literature 236 266 Bertalanffy, H., vide Mayfrank, L. 32 Luukkonen, M., vide Hernesniemi, J. 1 Gelbert, F., vide Mourier, K. L. 130 Bojarski, P., vide Ryba, M. 194 Makabe, T., vide Asari, Sh. 54 George, B., vide Mourier, K. L. 130 Borgers, M., vide Verlooy, J. 250 Maleci, A., vide Lundardi, P. 236 Gerber, C. J., Lang, D. A., Neil-Dwyer, G., Botana, C., vide Fandifio, J. 102 Smith, P. W. F, A Simple Scoring System Mayfrank, L., Lippitz, B., Groth, M., Ber- Bothe, H.W., Lee, S. W., Samii, M., Soma- for Accurate Prediction of Outcome talanffy, H., Gilsbach, J. M., Effect of tosensory Evoked Potentials and Intra- Within Four Days of a Subarachnoid Recombinant Tissue Plasminogen Acti- cranial Pressure During Chronic Dilata- Haemorrhage 11 vator of Clot Lysis and Ventricular Dil- tion of an Artificial Extraparenchymal Gilsbach, J. M., vide Mayfrank, L. 32 atation in the Treatment of Severe In- Space-Occupying Lesion in Cats 105 Gobin, P. Y., vide Mourier, K. L. 130 traventricular Haemorrhage 32 Brandt, L., Karlsson, M., Holmstedt, L., Ob- Godet, C., vide Sahuquillo, J. 204 Mengedoht, E.-Fr., vide Donauer, E. 23 rant, K. J., Holtas, S., Myelography in the Goffin, J., vide Van Loon, J. 187 Mezzadri, J. J. M., Otero, J. M., Ottino, C. Late Postoperative Period in Patients Sub- Gomez-Bueno, J., vide Fafidino, J. 102 A., Management of 50 Spontaneous Cer- jected to Anterior Cervical Decompres- Grieb, P., vide Ryba, M. 118, 240 ebellar Haemorrhages 39 sion and Fusion 98 Groen, G. J., vide Stolker, R. J. 82 Miniksar, F., vide Demirgivi, F. 45 Biiyiikkecgeci, S., vide Demircivi, F. 45 Groth, M., vide Mayfrank, L. 32 Mourier, K. L., Bellec, C., Lot, G., Reizine, Carvalho, P. A., vide Alexander III, E. 215 Gullotta, G., vide Schultheiss, R. 91 D., Gelbert, F., Dematons, C., Gobin, P. Cervoni, L., vide Lunardi, P. 236 Gyldensted, C., vide Andersen, C. 218 Y., George, B., Pyogenic Parenchymatous Coello, F., vide Sahuquillo, J. 204 Hadden, Th. A., vide Benzel, E. C. 200 and Nidus Infection After Embolization Colak, A., vide Gedikoglu, Y. 266 Hall, C., vide Orlin, J. R. 257 of an Arteriovenous Malformation 130 Author-Index Il Mrowiec, E., vide Ryba, M. 240 A Strategy for Analyzing Multiple Para- Svendgaard, N.-A., vide Delgado-Zygmunt, Nakatani, H., Hashimoto, N., Kikuchi, H., meters with Application to Aneurysmal ¥. §22 Yamaguchi, S., Niimi, H., In vivo Flow SAH Patients All of Them Clipped but Tapaninaho, A., vide Hernesniemi, J. 1 Visualization of Induced Saccular Cere- Treated with and without Cyclosporine Tektags, S., vide Demirgivi, F. 45 bral Aneurysms in Rats 244 194 Thomas, D. G. T., vide Zakrzewska, J. M. Neil-Dwyer, G., vide Gerber, C. J. 11 — Grieb, P., Pastuszko, M., Wegier-Filipiuk, 225 Nguyen, Ph. K., vide Benzel, E.C. 200 B., Mrowiec, E., Andrychowski, J., Kon- Triginer, C., vide Sahuquillo, A. 204 Niimi, H., vide Nakatani, H. 244 opka, L., Impaired in vitro Proliferative Tsuchida, Sh., vide Asari, Sh. 54 Niskanen, M., vide Hernesniemi, J. 1 Response of Suppressor Lymphocytes in Valentino, V., Schinaia, G., Raimondi, A. J., Obrant, K. J., vide Brandt, L. 97 Patients with Subarachnoid Haemorrhage The Results of Radiosurgical Manage- Ohmoto, T., vide Asari, Sh. 54 from Ruptured Intracranial Aneurysm ment of 72 Middle Fossa Meningiomas 60 Orlin, J. R., Zwetnow, N. N., Hall, C., Re- 240 Van Calenbergh, F., vide Van Loon, J. 187 gional Blood Flow in Brain and Peripheral Saari, T., vide Hernesniemi, J. 1 Van Deuren, B., vide Verlooy, J. 250 Tissues During Acute Experimental Ar- Sahuquillo, J., Poca, M. A., Garnacho, A., Van de Vyver, F., vide Verlooy, J. 250 terial Subdural Bleeding 257 Robles, A., Coello, F., Godet, C., Trigi- Van Loon, J., Van Calenbergh, F., Goffin, J., Otero, J. M., vide Mezzadri, J. J. M., 39 ner, C., Rubio, E., Early Ischaemia After Plets, C., Controversies in the Manage- Ottino, C. A., vide Mezzadri, J.J. M. 39 Severe Head Injury. Preliminary Results ment of Spontaneous Cerebellar Haem- Ozkan, N., vide Demirgivi, F. 45 in Patients with Diffuse Brain Injuries 204 orrhage. A Consecutive Series of 49 Cases Pastuszko, M., vide Ryba, M. 118, 194, 240 Samii, M., vide Bothe, H. W. 105 and Review of the Literature 187 Pastyr, O., vide Voges, J. 127 Sawicki, J., vide Ryba, M. 118 Van Reempts, J., vide Verlooy, J. 250 Peersman, G., vide Verlooy, J. 250 Schinaia, G., vide Valentino, V. 60 Vapalahti, M., vide Hernesniemi, J. 1 Plets, C., vide Van Loon, J. 187 Schlegel, W., vide Voges, J. 127 Verlooy, J., Van Reempts, J., Peersman, G., Poca, M. A., vide Sahuquillo, J. 204 Schultheiss, R., Gullotta, G., Resection of Van de Vyver, F., Van Deuren, B., Bor- Pomeranz, Sh., Beni, L., Shalit, M. N., The Relevant Nerve Roots in Surgery of gers, M., Selosse, P., Photochemically-In- Effect of Intracranial Hypotension on Spinal Neurinomas Without Persisting duced Cerebral Infarction in the Rat: Cerebral Blood Flow in a Feline Model Neurological Deficit 91 Comparison of NMR Imaging and His- 113 Schwartz, R. B., vide Alexander III, E. 215 tologic Changes 250 Puranen, M., vide Hernesniemi, J. 1 Selosse, P., vide Verlooy, J. 250 Vervest, A. C. M., vide Stolker, R. J. 82 Raimondi, A. J., vide Valentino, V. 60 Shalit, M. N., vide Pomeranz, Sh. 113 Viladrich, A., vide Fanidino, J. 102 Rajpar, M., vide Hernesniemi, J. 1 Shiokawa, Y., vide Delgado-Zygmunt, T. Voges, J., Gaus, C., Schlegel, W., Pastyr, O., Rappaport, Z. H., Suprasellar Arachnoid 122 Wowra, B., Sturm, V., Interstitial Irra- Cysts: Options in Operative Management Slettebo, H., Hirschberg, H., Lindegaard, K.- diation of a Large, Low Grade Ependy- ys. F., Long-Term Results After Percuta- moma with Stereotactically Implanted Io- Reeves, J. P., vide Benzel, E. C. 200 neous Retrogasserian Glycerol Rhizo- dine-125 Seeds 127 Reif, J., vide Donauer, E. 23 tomy in Patients with Trigeminal Neu- Walski, M., vide Ryba, M. 118 Reizine, D., vide Mourier, K. L. 130 ralgia 231 Wegier-Filipiuk, B., vide Ryba, M. 240 Robles, A., vide Sahuquillo, J. 204 Smith, P. W. F., vide Gerber, C. J. 1! Wowra, B., vide Voges, J. 127 Rubio, E., vide Sahuquillo, A. 204 Stolker, R. J., Vervest, A. C. M., Groen, G. Yamaguchi, S., vide Nakatani, H. 244 Ryba, M., Grieb, P., Walski, M., Sawicki, J., J., Percutaneous Facet Denervation in Yurt, I., vide Demirgivi, F. 45 Pastuszko, M., 2-Chloro-2' Deoxyaden- Chronic Thoracic Spinal Pain 82 Zakrzewska, J. M., Thomas, D. G. T., Pa- osine Prevents Angiopathic Changes in Sturm, V., vide Voges, J. 127 tient’s Assessment of Outcome After Cerebral Arteries in Experimental SAH in Suzuki, N., Suzuki, Sh., Iwabuchi, T., Neu- Three Surgical Procedures for the Man- Rabbits 118 rological Improvement After Cranio- agement of Trigeminal Neuralgia 225 — Pastuszko, M., Dziewigcki, C., Andry- plasty 49 Zimmerman, R. E., vide Alexander III, E. 215 chowski, J., Bojarski, P., Barczewska, M.., Suzuki, Sh., vide Suzuki, N. 49 Zwetnow, N. N., vide Orlin, J. R. 257 Author-Index (Abstracts) Adler, J. R., A Novel System for Frameless — Larson, D., A Conformal Planning/Deliv- rosurgical Team Management of Gamma Stereotaxic Radiosurgery 182 ery System for Optimizing Dose in Ra- Knife Radiosurgical Patients 168 Amies, C., Smee, R., Schneider, M., Vonnau, diosurgery 180 Flickinger, J. C., Kondziolka, D., Lunsford, M., Matheson, J., A Comparison of CT Coffey, R. J., Yamamoto, Y., Wiebers, D. O., L. D., Coffey, R. J., Goodman, M., Angiogram and MRI Information for Swanson, J. W., Shaw, E. G., Treatment Hudgins, R., Weiner, R. L., Harsh, G. R., Stereotactic Isocentre Determination 141 of Large AVM’s by Gamma Knife Ra- Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Solitary Amin, P. P., Fiandaca, M. S., Sewchand, W. diosurgery-Obliteration Rate May be In- Metastatic Brain Tumours: a Multi-In- S., Wolf, A. L., Rigamonti, D., Salazar, dependent of Size and Dose 136 stitution Study Using the Gamma Unit O. M., Irradiation with the Gamma Unit Coghe, M., Van den Berge, D., Herregodts, 159 for Recurrent, Previously Irradiated Pa- P., Storme, G., Adaptation and Extension Friehs, G. M., Schrottner, O., Ojakangas, C. tients 160 of Sherouse’s Gratis Three-Dimensional L., Pendl, G., Gamma Knife Treatment Ammar, A., Lars Leksell’s Vision: Radiosur- Treatment Planning System for Radio- of Parkinsonism 178 gery 135 surgery 175 Fujita, K., Ehara, K., Tamaki, N., Imanaka, Bajada, C. L., De Salles, A. A. F., Application Colombo, F., Pozza, F., Chierego, G., Cas- K., Sakaguchi, T., Kouno, M., Linear Ac- of Radiosurgery to the Head and Neck entini, L., Linear Accelerator Radiosur- celerator Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Region 184 gery of Cerebral Arteriovenous Malfor- Arterio Venous Malformations (AVM’s). Barcia, J. A., Barcia-Salorio, J. L., Hernan- mations: Current Status 136 Usefulness of Dynamic CT for Treatment dez, G., Sancho, R., Genovés, J. M., Soler, — Francescon, P., Dal Sasso, M., Milani, G. Planning of AVM’s 143 F., Obliteration of Large Cerebral Arte- P., Bono, R., Comparison of Irradiation Fukuoka, S., Seo, Y., Takanashi, M., Sasaki, riovenous Malformations with a Combi- Procedures Using Dose-Volume Histo- T., Suematsu, K., Nakamura, J., The nation of Stereotactic Radiotherapy and gram Reduction Algorithms 169 Early Effect of Gamma Knife Radiosur- Radiosurgery 137 Cox, R. S., Adler, J. R., Treatment Planning gery for Brain Metastases 158 Barcia-Salorio, J. L., Ferrer, E., Hernan- for the Neurotron 1000 182 — Nakagawara, J., Seo, Y., Takanashi, T., dez, G., Stereotactic Irradiation of Low- DeSalles, A., Brekhus, S., Goetsch, S., Selch, Suematsu, K., Nakamura, J., The Use- Grade Gliomas 153 M., Solberg, T., Holly, F., Black, K., fulness of 2°! TICI-Spect for Evaluation of Barcia-Salorio, J. L., Soler, F., Hernandez, Becker, D., Steroid Dependence and the Effect of Gamma Knife Radiosurgery G., Barcia, J. A., Radiosurgical Treat- Quality of Life After Radiosurgery for for Brain Metastases 161 ment of Low Flow Carotid Cavernous Glioblastoma Multiforme 155 Ganz, J. C., Aanderud, S., Larsen, J. L., Fistulae 140 Dunbar, S. F., Tarbell, N., Kooy, H. M., Morks, S., Thorsen, F., Tumour Volume Barcia, J. A., Hernandez, F., Lopez- Black, P. M., Alexander, E. A., Loeffler, Reduction Following Gama Knife Radio- Gomez, L., Radiosurgery of Epilepsy. J. S., Early Experience with Stereotactic surgery: The Relationship Between X-Ray Long-Term Results 178 Radiation Therapy in the Management of and Histological Findings 149 Intracranial Lesions: the First 1000 Treat- Birich, T. V., Birich, T. A., Marchenko, L. — Larsen, J. L., Thorsen, F., Radiosurgical ments 170 N., Ocular Melanoblastomas 161 Treatment of Gliomas of the Dience- Epstein, M., Wahlberg, L., Chang-Demoran- Bourland, J. D., A Method for Radiosurgery phalon 153 ville, B. M., Lindquist, C., Jackson, I., with Shaped, Static Fields: Update 176 Gibon, D., Rousseau, J., Coche, B., Blond, Role of Gamma Knife in the Management Brada, M., Laing, R. W., Graham, J., War- S., Vasseur, C., Marchandise, X., Dose of Pituitary Tumours—the Initial New rington, A. P., Hines, F., Fractionated England Experience 148 Optimization in Stereotactic Multibeam Stereotactic Radiotherapy in the Treat- Ericson, K., Guo, W.-Y., Kihlstrom, L., Lind- Radiotherapy 171 ment of Recurrent High Grade Glioma — quist, Ch., Mogard, J., Stone-Elander, Goble, J. C., FIPA-I: A Fast Inverse Planning Dose Escalation Study 151 Sh., PET in Stereotactically Irradiated In- Algorithm for Single Isocenter Radiosur- Brenner, D. J., Hall, E. J., The Radiobiology tracranial Metastases 159 gery 169 of Radiosurgery 143 Fedorcsak, I., Horvath, A., Kontra, G., Sipos, Goetsch, S., Mackie, T., Kooy, H., Reck- Bunge, H., Antico, J., Chinela, A., Guevara, L., Osztie, E., The Effect of Stereotactic wardt, P., DeSalles, A., Solberg, T., Holly, J., Lemme-Plaghos, L., Risks of Radio- Linac Based Radiosurgery in the Treat- F., Comparison of Four Treatment Plan- surgery in Arteriovenous Malformations ment of Brain Metastases 161 ning Systems for Radiosurgery 175 Located in Eloquent Brain Areas 138 Fedulov, A., Sheleg, S., Oleshkevich, F., Gramaglia, A., Milani, F., Cerchiari, U., Butler, W. E., Gall, K., Okunieff, P., Rosen- Kvacheva, Z., Predicting the Efficacy of Giorgi, C., A Three-Dimensional Dose thal, S., Munzenrider, J., Chapman, P. H., Curability of Malignant Brain Gliomas in Planning System for Linac Stereotactic Frameless Stereotactic Radiosurgery 182 Cell Cultures 156 Radiotherapy. Clinical Experience in Cer- Carol, M. P., Targovnik, H., Bagne, F., Bron, Fiandaca, M. S., Wolf, A. L., Rigamonti, D., ebral Metastatic Tumours 172 D., An Integrated Approach to Fraction- Robinson, W. L., Amin, P. P., Sewchand, Greenberg, J. A., Anaesthesia for Paediatric ated Stereotactic Radiation Therapy 173 W.., Pros and Cons of a Subspecialty Neu- Stereotactic Radiosurgery 163 Author-Index (Abstracts) Vv Guo, W. Y., Wikholm, G., Karlsson, B., for Different Methods of Convergent — Tanaka, T., Kida, Y., The Effects of Lindquist, C., Svendsen, P., Ericson, K.., Beam Radiotherapy 174 Gamma Knife Treatment on Neuroecto- Combined Embolization an Gamma Hosoda, H., Sakata, K., Ishiwata, Y., Hi- dermal Tumours 157 Knife Radiosurgery for Cerebral Arterio- daka, K., Yamataki, A., Iwaya, H., AVM — Tanaka, T., Kida, Y., The Early Effects venous Malformations 137 Haemodynamic Study in Stereotactic Ra- of Gamma Knife on 40 Cases of Acoustic Lindquist, C., Kihlstrém, L., Mindus, P., diosurgery Using Ultrafast CT (Imatron) Neurinoma 165 Radionecrosis Created in the Internal 138 Kondziolka, D., Kanal, E., Talagala, L., Capsule for Psychosurgery with the Houdek, P. V., Schwade, J. G., Landy, H. J., Lunsford, L. D., Stereotactic Magnetic Gamma Knife: a Serial CT and MR Im- Integration of the Radiosurgery Process Resonance Angiography (MRA) for Tar- aging Study 145 167 geting in AVM Radiosurgery 139 Gutin, P. H., Torres, R., Harsh, G. R., Pra- Hudgins, W. R., Simpson, C. W., Hood, T. — Lunsford, L. D., Martinez, A.-J., Wu, A., dos, M., Sneed, P., Larson, D. A.,Gamma W.., Intracerebral Haemorrhage Remote Flickinger, The Normal Primate Brain- Knife Radiosurgery of Malignant from a Radiosurgically Obliterated AVM. stem Response to Radiosurgery: Histo- Gliomas 152 Report of a Case 143 logic Comparisons to the Human Tha- Hakansson, S., Lindquist, C., Radiosurgery — Meineke, M., Decision Analysis of Ves- lamic Response 145 for Trigeminal Neuralgia 178 tibular Schwannoma Treatment. Gamma — Claassen, D., Linskey, M. E., Flickinger, Hall, W., Sperduto, P., Heros, R., Gibbons, Knife Radiosurgery or Microsurgery? 166 J. C., Lunsford, L. D., Cranial Nerve Sen- J., LaPorte R., Stereotactic Radiosurgery Huneidi, A. H., Nimmon, C., Afshar, F., sitivity and Radiosurgery: Results with for Large-Volume AVM’s 137 Plowman, P. N., Britton, K. E., Radio- the Rat Optic Chiasm Model 147 — Sperduto, P., Gibbons, J., LaPorte, R., surgery for Arteriovenous Malforma- Lunsford, L. D., Flickinger, J.C., Gamma Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Peadiatric tions: a Spet Follow-up Study 138 Knife Radiosurgery for Pituitary Tu- Brain Tumors 163 Inoue, H. K., Kakegawa, T., Hirato, M., mours: Imaging, Visual and Endocrine Hamilton, A. J., Lulu, B., Stea, D., Prelimi- Nakamura M., Shibazaki, T., Ando, Y., Results 148 nary Clinical Experience with Spinal Ohye, C., Radiosensitive Craniopharyn- Kooy, H. M., Bellerive, M., Dunbar, S. F., Stereotactic Radiosurgery 183 giomas. Role of Radiosurgery 149 Mannarino, E., Finn, L., Tarbell, N., Hardy, T. L., Brynildson, L. R. D., Com- — Nakamura, M., Ono, N., Kohga, H., Alexander III E., Loeffler, J. S., Svensson, puterized Atlas for Functional Stereotaxis Kakegawa, T., Long-Term Follow-up G. K., Installation and Operation of a and Radiosurgery 183 Study of Conventional Irradiation for Dedicated Linear Accelerator Based Ster- Hartmann, G. H., Quality Assurance Pro- Brain Tumours in Children: Role of Ra- eotactic Center 170 gram on Stereotactic Radiosurgery 166 diosurgery 163 — Herk, M., van, Dunbar, S. F., Barnes, P., Heilbrun, M. P., Leavitt, D. D., Gibbs, F. Jr., Jokura, H., Takahashi, K., Yoshimoto, T., Tarbell, N., Alexander III E., Mulkern, Dynamic Dose Rate Control to Improve Gamma Knife Radiosurgery for Mini- R., Holupka, E., Loeffler, J. S., Image Dose Uniformity in Stereotactic Radio- mally Selected Metastatic Brain Tumours Fusion in Stereotactic Radiotherapy and surgery 168 159 Radiosurgery 181 Helenowski, T. K., Clark, S. K., Grutsch, J., Kalend, A. M., Wu, A., Maitz, A. H., Flick- Laing, R. W., Bentley, R. E., Nahum, A. E., Survival of High Grade Astrocytomas Pa- inger, J., Lunsford, L. D., Yum, G.O., A Warrington, A. P., Brada, M., Stereotac- tients Following Gamma Knife Radio- Multidimensional Dose Planning System tic Radiotherapy for ‘rregular Targets: a surgery 151 (RTPS) in the Gamma Knife Stereotactic Comparison Between Non-Coplanar Arcs Radiosurgery 167 and Conformal Static Beams 169 — Rumana, Ch., Volumetric Analysis of — Zheng, Z., Wu, A., Maitz, A. H., Flick- Landi, A., Casentini, L., Colombo, F., Meningiomas Treated Using Gamma inger, J. C., Lunsford, L. D., Experimen- Neurophysiological Changes Following Knife Radiosurgery 162 tal Design and Monte Carlo Simulation Stereotactic Radiosurgery 147 Hellstrand, E., Knutsson, E., Lindquist, C., of a p-Chamber for Absolute Dose De- Landy, H. J., Schwade, J. G., Houdek, P. V., Kihlstrém L., Jernberg, B., Flodmark, O., termination in Radiosurgery 171 Markoe, A. M., Feun, L., Long-Term Schneider, S., Abraham-Fuchs, K., Strie- — Wu, A., Zwicker, R. D., Zheng, Z., Com- Follow-up of Gliomas Treated with Frac- bel, W., Stereotactic Magnetoencephal- ments of Dose Measurements for a Nar- tionated Stereotactic Irradiation 154 ography — a New Studying Medically In- row Beam in Radiosurgery 172 Langheinrich, W. S., Linskey, M. E., Marti- tractable-Epilepsy at the Karolinska Hos- Karim, A. B. M. F., The Limitations and the nez, A. J., Maitz, A. H., Whiteside, T., pital 179 Perspectives of Stereotactic Radiotherapy Kondziolka, D., Lunsford, L. D., The Ra- Henderson, J. M., Buchholz, R. D., A Method 170 diobiology of Human Meningioma: Sub- for Frameless Stereotactic Surgery Util- Karlsson, B., Steiner, L., Lindquist, C., Lax, renal Capsule Xenograft Model 146 izing Forehead Contour Matching 176 I., Kihlstr6m, L., Guo, W., Steiner, M.., Langmann, G., Penl, G., Backlund, O. F., Hirai, T., Moriki, A., Makino, A., Suzuki, How Should AVM be Treated in the Faulborn, J., Combined Ruthenium 106 K., Nakamura, M., Kikuti, T., How to Gamma Knife to Maximize the Chance and Leksell Gamma Knife Therapy for a Make Suitable Dose Planning for the for Obliteration and Minimize the Risk Large Uveal Melanoma 160 Treatment of Brainstem and Thalamic for Complications 138 Lax, I., Blomgren, H., Naslund, I., Svan- AVM 142 — Lax, I., Lindquist, C., Kihlstrém, L., Stei- strom, R., Stereotactic Radiotherapy/Ra- Hirato, M., Takahashi, A., Ohye, C., Andou, ner, L., A Risk Estimation Model for diosurgery of Malignancies in the Body- Y., Gamma Knife Radiosurgery in Pri- Gamma Knife Treatment of AVM 136 Methodological Aspects 183 mary Brain Stem Malignant Lymphoma Kihlstrém, L., Lindquist, C., Lindqvist, M., Lee, D. J., Kim., C. J., Whang, C. J., The 157 Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Tectal Low- Measurement of the Relative Colimator — Inoue, H. K., Nakamura, M., Ohye, C., Grade Gliomas 153 Factors of Gamma Unit with Conven- Shibazaki, T., Andou, Y., Gamma Knife — Karlsson, B., Lindquist, C., Stereotactic tional Dosimetry System 176 Radiosurgery in Acoustic Neurinome: Radiosurgery for Single and Multiple Cer- Leith, J., Clabresi, P., Lindquist, C., Epstein, Early Effects and the Preservation of ebral Metastases 158 M., Responses of Human Tumour Cells Hearing 165 Kobayashi, T., Tanaka, T., Kida, Y., The to High X-Ray Doses: Implications for Hodapp, N., Nanko, N., R6hner, F., Fromm- Early Effects of Gamma Knife on Hy- Stereotactic External Beam Irradiation hold, H., Quality Assurance Procedures pothalamic-Pituitary Tumours 149 146 VI Author-Index (Abstracts) Levin, A. B., Mehta, M. P., Masciopinto, J., — Meyerson, B. A., Radiofrequency or Ra- Rousseau, J., Coste, E., Gibon, D., Leclercq, Rhode, B., Stereotactic Radiosurgery for diosurgery Capsulotomy in Extreme Anx- X., Blond, S., Castelain, B., New Method Glioblastoma Multiforme 154 iety Disorders: What are the Pros and of DSA Stereotactic Localization 181 Lindquist, C., Karlsson, B., Kihlstrém, L., Cons 177 Sadikot, A. F., Olivier, A., Souhami, L., Le- Management of Cerebral Arteriovenous Moriki, A., Mori, T., Hirai, T., Makino, A., blanc, R., Bertrand, G., Podgorsak, E., Malformations from an Unselected Pop- Suzuki, K., Nakamura, M., Kikuchi, T., Extended Clinical and Angiographic Fol- ulation at the Karolinska Institute 1989- Kurisaka, M., Mori, K., The Successful low-up of AVM’s of the Brain After 1991 135 Treatment of Two Carotide Cavernous Linac-Based Radiosurgery 137 — Kihlstrém, L., Hellstrand, E., Knutsson, Fistula (CCF) Cases Using the Gamma Schr6ttner, O., Friehs, G., Pendl, G., Egger, E., Stereotactic Radiosurgery Instead of Knife 140 J., Kreuzer, J., Bilateral Anterior Gamma- Conventional Epilepsy Surgery 179 Moutaery, K. R., Aabed, M., Al Deeb, S., Capsulotomies in Chronic Deafferenta- Linskey, M. E., Langheinrich, W., Martinez, Riyadh Armed Forces Hospital: Experi- tion Pain 177 A. J., Maitz, A. H., Kondziolka, D., Flick- ence with Radiosurgery 172 Schulte, R. W. M., Radiosurgery Versus Ster- inger, J.C., Lunsford, L. D., The Athymic Moyers, M., Vatnitsky, S., Miller, D., Small eotactic Radiation Therapy. Guidelines Mouse Subrenal Capsule Xenograft Proton Beams for Stereotactic Radiosur- for a Rational Choice of the Optimal Model for Studying the Radiobiology of gery 173 Strategy 144 Slowly Growing Human Neoplasms 146 Nordell, B., Guo, W. Y., Olsson, L. E., Fer- Scielzo, G., Ruggieri, F. G., Carini, S., Tech- Lo, E. H., Analysis of Haemodynamic and rosulphate Dosimeter Gel for Studying nical Tools for Fractionated Stereotactic Biomechanical Changes in Intracranial the Overall Geometrical Error in Gamma Radiotherapy in CNS Peadiatric Tu- AVM’s_ 140 Knife Radiosurgery 168 mours 163 Lobato, R. D., Clinical Presentation of Symp- Norén, G., Hirsch, A., Mosskin, M., Long- Sewchand, W., Sjodin, L., Amin, P. P., Fian- tomatic Occult Vascular Malformations Term Efficacy of Gamma Knife Radio- daca, M. S., Wolf, A. L., Rigamonti, D., 139 surgery in Vestibular Schwannomas 164 Salazar, O. M., Variable Effective Colli- Logani, S., Ali, B., Cho, A. S., Hall, M. O., — Lax, I., Dosimetry in Gamma Knife Ra- mation for Gamma Knife Radiosurgery Withers, R. H., Lee, D. A., Straatsma, B. diosurgery of Vestibular Schwannomas Using Coincident and Displaced Multiple R., The Effects of Single vs Fractionated 165 Weighted Fields 172 Doses of Cobalt 60 Gamma Radiation on Novotny, J., Valdyka, V., Simonova, G., Lis- Shaw., E., Dinapoli, R., Coffey, R., Earle, J., the OM 431 Ocular Melanoma Cell Line cak, R., Radiation Safety During Radio- Foote, R., Schomberg, P., Cascino, T., 147 surgical Treatment 167 O’Neill, B., Davis, D., Kelly, P., Stevens, Lotbiniére, A. C. J., de, Knisely, J. P. S., Ogunrinde, O. K., Lunsford, L. D., Flickin- L., Radiosurgical Treatment of Recurrent Haffty, B. G., Schultz, R. J., Ibbott, G. ger, J. C., Cranial Nerve Preservation Af- Brain Tumours Following Previous Ex- S., The Role of Stereotactic Radiation ter Stereotactic Radiosurgery of Small ternal Beam Radiation Therapy 150 Therapy in the Treatment of Intracranial Acoustic Tumours 165 Shirato, H., Isu, T., Shimizu, Y., Abe, S., Ni- Tumours 154 Ohye, C., Possible Use of Gamma Knife for shioka, T., Stereotactic Boost Combined — Mayer, P. L., Adcock, A. R., Goldman- Functional Neurosurgery 176 with Fractionated Radiotherapy for In- Rakic, P. S., The Use of Radiosurgery for Podgorsak, E. B., Physics and Treatment tracranial Small Lesions 142 Functional Neurosurgery in the Non-Hu- Planning in Radiosurgery 180 Smith, V., Verhey, L., Serago, C., Compari- man Primate 180 — Souhami, L., Caron, J.-L., Pla, M., Clark, son of Treatment Modalities for Radio- Lulu, B. A., Hamilton, A., Stea, B., Dosi- B., Pla, C., A Technique for Fractionated surgery Based on Complication and Con- metric Comparison of Radiosurgery and Stereotactic Radiotherapy 181 trol Prohabilities 167 Stereotactic Implants for Malignant Brain Pollock, B. E., Konziolka, D., Flickinger, J. Solberg, T. D., DeSalles A. A. F., Hovda, D., Tumours 174 C., Lunsford, L. D., Radiosurgery for Holly, F. E., Goetsch, S. J., A Universal, Lunsford, L. D., The Impact of Stereotactic Non-Acoustic Schwannomas of the Cra- Multi-Modality Localization System for Radiosurgery within Neurosurgery: Ex- nial Base 166 Animal Radiosurgery 146 perience with 1,000 Patients 135 Popescu, G. F., von Hanwehr, R., Rodgers, Somaza, S., Kondziolka, D., Lunsford, L. D., — Kondziolka, D., Flickinger, J. C., Ster- J. E., Cumberlin, R., Correlating Angio- Flickinger, J. C., Stereotactic Radiosur- eotactic Radiosurgery of Cavernous Type grams with CT/MRI Scans for Radiosur- gery for Cerebral Metastatic Melanoma Malformations Unsuitable for Microsur- gery 142 159 gery 139 Rahm, B., Kanaan, I., Jallu, M. A., Has- Souhami, L., Villemure, J.-G., Caron, J.-L., — Kondziolka, D. S., Ogunrinde, O. K., sounah, M. I., Tumours Around the Sella Podgorsak, E. B., Bahary, J.-P., Olivier, Flickinger, J. C., The Evolution of Tech- in Paediatrics 162 A., Tampieri, D., Fractionated Stereotac- nique in Stereotactic Radiosurgery of Rahn, T., Collins, P., Carlbom, E., Radi- tic Radiotherapy in the Management of Acoustic Tumours 164 osensitivity of Optic Nerve/Chiasma in Marks, L. B., Spencer, D., Weeks, K., Turner, Rabbits at Gamma Knife Surgery 145 Low Grade Brain Astrocytomas 153 D., Friedman, A., Theoretical Impact of — Gamma Knife Surgery in Pituitary Ad- Spencer, D. P., Acker, J., Dewhirst, M., Dose Inhomogeneities on Lesion Control enomas 148 Marks, L. B., A Small Collimator for Rat Rate 144 Rieke, J. W., Jones, D., Hafermann, M. D., Brain Irradiation 173 Martens, F., Verbeke, L., Radiosurgical Fractionated Stereotactic Radiosurgery — Weeks, K. J., Marks, L. B., Optimizing Treatment of Acoustic Neurinomas on a of Brain Tumours: Results and Toxicity Collimator Diameter and ARC Weights Linear Accelerator 164 in 41 Patients 170 174 Mehta, M. P., Werwie, S., Levin, A. B., Kin- — Jones, D., Hafermann, M. D., Accomo- Sperduto, P. W., Hall, W. A., Peterson, K., sella, T. J., Surgery versus Radiosurgery dation for Spatial Uncertainties in Radio- Rohr, M., Gibbons, J., LaPorte, R., Ra- for Metastases 157 surgery 175 diosurgical Dose and Volume Escalation Mindus, P., Gou, W.-Y., Kihlstrém, L., Lind- Ronne-Engstr6m, E., Kihlstrém, L., Flink, in Recurrent High Grade Gliomas: Sur- quist, C., Gamma Knife Surgery in Ex- R., Hillered, L., Carlson, H., Lindquist, vival and Complications 150 treme Anxiety Disorders. A Neuropsy- C., Lin, K., Gamma Knife Surgery in Epi- — Hall, W. A., Peterson, K., Rohr, M., Gib- chiatric and Neuroradiological Evalua- lepsy: an Experimental Model in the Rat bons, J., LaPorte, R., Absence of Com- tion 177 179 plications in High Dose, Large Volume Author-Index (Abstracts) VII Radiosurgery for Recurrent High Grade Miller, R. P., Sturm, V., Quality Control Worthington, C., Jenrette, J. M., Fenn J. O., Gliomas and Metastases 154 in Stereotactic Convergent Beam Irradia- Treatment of Nonglial Tumours of the Stea, B., Hamilton, A., Lulu, B. A., A Com- tion with a Linear Accelerator 174 Brain Using Dynamic Stereotactic Radio- parison of Survival Between Radiosurgery Valentino, V., NMR-Guided Radiosurgery in surgery 150 and Stereotactic Implants for Malignant Malignant Gliomas. Preliminary Study — Jenrett, J. M., Fenn, J. O., Cuddy, B. G., Astrocytomas 151 157 Stereotactically Directed Fractionated Suarez-Campos, J. J., Guzman, E. I., Herrera, Verhey, L., Smith, V., Serago, C., Compari- Adjuvant Radiation Therapy in the Treat- H.C., Cordova, M. J., Structural Changes son of Radiosurgery Treatment Modali- ment of High Grade Gliomas 156 Induced by Stereotactic Radiosurgery in ties Based on Physical Dose Distributions Yamamoto, M., Jimbo, M., Ide, M., Tanaka, Arteriovenous Fistulas in Rats 140 180 N., Postradiation Volume Changes in — dela Rosa, V. M., Chagoya, B. J., Pérez, Vladarova, D., Drobny, M., Sutorova, D., Gamma Unit-Treated Cerebral Arterio- L. R., The Effect of Radiosurgery on Kasuba, J., Kovacik, A., Vladar, L., The venous Malformations (AVM’s) 142 Chronic Pain. An Experimental Model First Slovak Experiences in Radio-Sur- Young, R. F., Rand, R. W., Jacques, D. B., 178 gical Therapy of AVM’s Realized by Copcutt, B., Stereotactic Medial Thala- Suh, T. S., Park, C. I., Ha, S. W., Yoon, S. Gamma Knife Abroad 141 motomy with the Leksell Gamma Knife C., Kim, M. C., Shinn, K. S., Bahk, Y. Voges, J., Treuer, H., Schlegel, W., Pastyr, for Treatment of Chronic Pain 177 W., Rapid Optimization for Multiple Is- O., Miiller, R. P., Lorenz, W. J., Sturm, Yuan, S. B., Hu, W. Y., Zeng, X. B., Inter- ocenters for Stereotactic Radiosurgery V., Linac-Radiosurgery in Brain Metas- stitial Brachytherapy for Intracranial Tu- 175 tases 158 mours 156 Tanaka, T., Kobayashi, T., Kida, Y., Early Wahlberg, L., Glantz, M., Lindquist, C., Ep- Zamorano, L., Fernandez, P., Gaspar, L., Results of Stereotactic Radio-Surgery of stein, M., Malignant Glioma Radiosur- Yakar, D., Permanent I-125 Implant in Arteriovenous Malformations 141 gery 152 the Upfront Treatment of Malignant — Kobayashi, T., Kida, Y., Early Results of Waidhauser, E., Kihlstrém, L., Steude, U., Gliomas: Report of 58 Cases 151 Stereotactic Radiosurgery of Skull Base Meningiomas 162 Noren, G., Possible Combinations of Mi- — Yakar, D., Interstitial 1-125 Irradiation Terahara, A., Aoki, Y., Shirouzu, I., Sasaki, crosurgery and Radiosurgery in the Man- for Malignant Brain Tumours. Advantage Y., Kawamoto, S., Usefulness of Stereo- agement of Skull Base Tumours 162 of Permanent Implant (PI) over Tempo- tactic CT Study in Radiosurgery for AVM Warnke, P. C., Hans, F. J., Ostertag, C. B., rary Implants (TI) 156 141 Radiobiology of Interstitial Radiosurgery — Gaspar, L., Moure, F., Warmelink, C., Treuer, H., Schlegel, W., Pastyr, O., Hoevels, 144 Stereotactic Radiosurgery: Implementa- M., Hartmann, G. H., Miiller, R. P., — Kreth, F., Ostertag, C. B., Interstitial Ster- tion of Radiosurgical Center and Initial Sturm, V., Dosimetry of a Multi-Leaf Col- eotactic Radiosurgery of Gliomas of the Clinical Experience on 32 Patients 171 limator Used for Stereotactic Convergent Optic Pathway 152 Zervas, N. T., Yanch, J. C., Hochberg, F., Beam Irradiation with a Linear Acceler- Whang, C. J., Kim, C. J., Less, D. J.. Gamma Okunieff, P., Therapeutic Miniature In- ator 168 Knife Radiosurgery for Malignant Tu- tracranial Electron Accelerator Probe for — Pastyr, O., Hartmann, G. H., Schlegel, W., mours 160 Radiosurgery 183

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