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ACTA METEOROLOGICA SINICA INDEX TO CONTENTS OF 1993 AMS Vol. 7 1993 NO. 1 A Simple Prognostic Closure Assumption to Deep Convective Parameterization: | ++++sssssesssseeesccsceescecscescens SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSESSESSSESSSSSSSSSESSSESSSSSSSSESSSESSESSESSSSSSSESSESSESSESESEESEESESCEEES Chen Dehui (PF) and Philippe Bougeault (1) Implicit Nonlinear Normal Mode Initialization: A Multigrid Approach -++++ss+sresseeeereecccceescccccecccccescsccoocscososs SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSESSSSSSESSSSSSSESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSESSSESSESSSSESSEESSESESSEESES D. R. C. Nair, B. Chakravarty and P. Niyogi (19) The Three—Level Global Atmospheric General Circulation Model: Formulation and Results ++++++++s+seeeeeseeeeeeeees re 72 Longxun (PR BE i), Wang Anyu (= & ¥), Fan Yun (8% 2Z), Chen Shaowei (M& 43 fi) and Wu Chisheng (R th HE) (31) The Role Played by the Stratosphere in Greenhouse Effects SOSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSS OSSSSSSSSSHS SESS SS SESSESSOSSESSSESSESEEESEESOEESES seecececscccccesescssccccesssscscsccssscsccscssessscssossoss (G0 Caili (9FZh HN ), Li Weiliang (#3) and Liu Yu(*) #%) (50) Numerical Study on Effects of the Qinghai—Xizang Plateau on Formation of the Ural Blocking High ‘+++++++s++++ees seccesececescsscssecssssoss Zheng Qinglin (AK), Gu Yu(ti HM), Song Qingli (A FFB A) and Jiang Ping (## *F) (61) A Possible Mechanism of Abrupt Global Warming in the 1920s+++++++- Wang Qiang(+ %&)andG.R.Demaree (70) Study on Air—Sea Heat Exchange Mechanism in El Nino and La Nina Events «+s++sss+ssreeseeseesecscceececsccecccscosees PTITTITITITITITITITITIT TTT ttt Ma Kaiyu (4,77), Yao Huadong (PE AE HE) and Jiang Dayong (#jKRE) (79) Study of Nonlinear Rossby Waves in the Atmosphere under Semi—Geostrophic Approximation ***++++s++seesseereeeees teeeeccereccccecccecececcererecscscsccscscccsesscesscsosscscsesssescsssccsccssscccssssscsssssscssssssssoes He Jianzhong (fia) (90) The Combinatory Method for Determination of the Turbulent Fluxes and Universal Functions in the Surface Layer Corcccccccccvccccsccccccsccccccsccsccsoescccscoscesceccesocsccesoscoosos P11, Yingiao (5H Be te) and Ji Yuejin (#F BRE) (101) | Climate Change in China and Its Influence on Agriculture Production in the Last 40 Years *++++*+++++- seccecccecccoococs | PTITITITITITITITITITIITITITTT TTT ttt Zhang Jijia (RE), Xu Xiangde (th ¥ ) and Miao Jun feng (fh 8 te) (i 10) | Variation in Thermodynamic Structure of PBL as a Monsoon Depression Passes———-A Case Study sserssseeseeseeees SSSSSSSSSSESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSOESSSSESSSSSSOSSOSSESSSEEOES G. Rajkumar, R. S. Saraswat and B. Chakravarty (i 15) Some Rules of Variation Coefficient of Annual Rainfall in Xinjiang, Chinasss++++ss+sssreeeeceescccscccccrcccccccscccsscoses eccccccccccscccoces eeccccccccccccccccccccccoscccccccccccesccccscescoss Ny Shuhong (Gim4) and Zhang Xuewen (Se we) (123) 510 INDEX TO CONTENTS OF 1993 AMS NO. 2 The Formation and the Development of CAMS Two-Dimensional Dynamical—Physical Climate Model -++++++ seeees Coe eerereesereceseseeeseeeseeeeeseseseseeeeees esoee Ji W eiliang (74 HE FE), Gong Wei (4 i) and W ang W ei—Chyung (129) Variations of Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Level Pressure over the Pacific and Indian Oceans and Their Influence on Cold Summer in East Asia s*++++s+esseeeeeeeeeee" Sha Wenyu (vb X¥E) and Cai Jianping (#3) (147) Study of the Randomness Inherent in the Typhoon Movement SOOO SOESESEEES ESSO SOE SEESS ESSS ESOSSEOESESSES SSESEO ESESESESESS eee seecerecececcresesscscecscscssssssesecesscscssssscsssscesesssssssssssesess Fug Zhexian (¥% tt) and Ma Jingxian (4) 84a) (153) Zonal Mean Structures of the Extratropical Troposphere ++essssssssseeseseccceccccccesccccceccssccccsssoors Y J McHall (162) Low-Frequency Oscillation and Mechanism of Vertical Circulation of Eastern Asian Monsoon ¢+++++sssseeeseeeeeeeees seececccccccccccescssccesecscscssscscssososes Yang Song (4% #8), Zhu Qiangen (4RL A R) and W ang Jiande (E@H) (176) Energy Equation and Symmetric Instability Criterion -+++++++++essseseeeeceesesceseesseeseseeeees Zhao Ruixing (Asn) (186) A Study on the Variations of Circulation Pattern in the Northern Hemisphere and Climate Change in China for the Recent 100 Years COCCCC CESS OOOO SEO SOOEEOSEEOOOS EOS ESOOSEEEESOOESES Zhang Jija (REF) and Gao Xue je (FAS) (194) Radiative Characteristics of Aerosols at Golmud on the Tibetan Plateau ee+essssseesceccccccccccccccccccsccccccccscccccscscoes SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSESSSSESSESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSESSESSEES Sun Zhi’ an (Pi# Be) and Keith P. Shine (199) A Simple Prognostic Closure Assumption to Deep Convective Parameterization: II ++++++++ssserereeeeesccceessoscsoosess SSSSSSSSSSSSESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSESSSSSESESSSSSSSESSESSESSSSSSESSEESESEE Chen Dehui (Pe FE) and Philippe Bougeault (212) On the Effect of Ambient Turbulence on the Buoyant Plume Rise eeessessecescccccccccccces PTITitiiiiiiiitittittttt itt seecececccsscssccsccsssccccscssssscscssssssesesessssscsssssssssessssssssses Dy Shuming (Ft HA) and Li Zongkai(#mta) (224) Comparison of Single—Station Lightning Location with Three—Station Measurements and Radar Datassrs++++s+eeees secccecescecscesesoes Tao Shanchang (h%i& A) , Li Xi(4 WR), Meng Qing(ch FF) and Liu Guangbao (XIIETR) (232) Lightning Data and Study of Thunderstorm Nowcasting a) eeeses Oie Xiushu (28% #5), Yan Muhong (¥ B41.), Guo Changming (388 4A) and Zhang Guangshu (HK) HE) (244) NO. 3 A Three—Dimensional Elastic Nested—Grid Meso—(B—y) Scale Atmospheric Model——Part I: Model Description SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSESSSSSSESSSSSSSSSESSSESSSESSEESEEEEOSE Liu Yubao (X35 ), Zhou Xiuji Al FM) and Hu Zhij in (HEY) (257) Numerical Modeling of Air Pollutant and Rainfall Effect on Acid Wet Deposition *s+srrrseseeeeeccccccceccevcccoscccoes Coccccccccccccccscccsccccccoccccsoosoosoosoos Bin Huisheng (FRA), Luo Chao (F iB) and Li Xingsheng (FESLAE) (273) ACTA METEOROLOGICA SINICA S11 Preliminary Analysis of the Variations of Surface Ozone and Nitric Oxides in Lin’ an seeeeeees Zhou Xiuji UAFW), Luo Chao(¥ iB), Ding Guo'an (T ®), Tang Jie (tm t#) and Liu Qijun (X14) (287) Measurements of Ice-Forming Rates Produced by Supersonic Flow and Investigation of Mechanisms of Ice Crystal Generation -+*+++++++*+ Huang Shihong (KR tHt}$), Li Ruxiang ( 4n##) and Qian Changguo (#% Afi) (295) Numerical Simulations of the Effects of Aerosols in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer on the Climate 9 «+++++++++++s«+ oe ee eeeeeceeeeeeeeeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeeeeseeesesesseeseeeeeeeeeseeseeeeeeeees seeees ** Qian Yongf u( F&A) (303) Radiation Balance and Turbulent Flux Characteristics over Mizuho Station in Antarctica +*+++++++sesesseeees seccccccccccccccoccccccocccccccoscesoscoccscesosossoss $ift y Shuhua (Xi) Fat AE) Yu Peng (¥F w) and Xiong Kang (fe He) (316) Theoretical Calculation Model of Shortwave Radiation for the Earth~Atmosphere System and Its Testing Results eeeeeeece eeeeeeeeeeeceeeeee SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSESSSSSESSESESEEECECEE W ang Xuan ji (EB B) and Gao Guodong (i El HR) (327) The Meander of Kuroshio and Oscillation in a Coupled Ocean—Atmosphere Model +++++rerseseeeeseresececececscccecesees seccscececessesees Lin Oinyu (XA), Xu Qichun (RAF), Wang Zhilian (¥.&HK) and Qin Zenghao (4B) (338) Role in Moisture Transportation of Seasonal Mean and Intraseasonal Oscillations in Asian Summer Monsoon Area——Long-Term Average Characteristics SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSESSESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSESSESSESESESESE seeesccsscssssscsscssccscssosscsscsssesessssseesseeses Xu Jian pun (RMF), He Jinhai (fel Se) and Zhu Gang (Fl!) (347) Northern and Southern Hemispheric Polar Lows——-A Comparative Study «*++sssssseseeeeeeeee Erik A. Rasmussen (355) Advances in Applied Research of the Outgoing Longwave Radiation in Chinas++++*+++ Jiang Shangcheng (##i $k) (367) Subscription Information on the AMS +ssssssssseeeseeeeeeeeee sececcccccccccecccccccccccocccccossesocecoscescsccsccccccssccscssseoss (381) New Books SOSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSESSSSSSSSESSSSESSESSSSESESSSESSESSSSESSSSESSSSSSESSEESSESSSSSSSESSESESSSSSESSSSSSSSSESSESSSSESESSSHESSSESSESEHSSESSESSESSESESESEESESESE (382) NO. 4 Analysis ofa Case of East Asia Coastal Cyclogenesis SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSESSSESSSSSSSSESSSSSSESSSSSEOSESEEEE eccccccccccccccccccccccscoscccccscsosss (hen Shou jun (rae ®), Kuo Ying—Hwa (FRE) and Bai Lesheng (4 TRAE) (385) || | Modulation of Atmospheric Thermal and Mechanical Forcings and Numerical Modeling of Mean Meridional Circulation SOSSSOSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSOSS SS SESSSESOSSSESESSESSESESES Wu Guoxiong (3% Be) and Cai Yaping (#5 EXE) (412) The Numerical Simulation of the Ice Age Climate 9+ +++++++++" Wang Huijun (+2) and Zeng Qingcun (4 KF) (423) Numerical Experiments on the Effect of Indian Subcontinent Vegetation Cover on Summer Monsoon **+esssssse%es PPrrrrrrrrrrr irr W eiliang (7 HE HE) and Zhang Zhengqiu (3K iE #) (431) Quasi—Resonance of Baroclinic Atmospheric Waves and Extratropical Low—Frequency Oscillation ++++++++++sssssess PPrITITTririirittti itr W eisong (Biti 4E #2) (442) 512 INDEX TO CONTENTS OF 1993 AMS Mixed-—Phase Stratiform Cloud System Model and Case Modeling on Two Low-Level Mesoscale Vortices *++++++- . occeccccccccccccocccscccccccooeesoes cesseeeseees Liu Gongbo (XZ), Hu Zhijin (AGF) and You Laiguang (iff Ht) (454) A Three—Dimensional Elastic Nested—Grid Meso—(B—y) Scale Atmospheric Model——Part II: Model Validation SOSSOSSSESSSSOSSSSSESESESESESESSSESSESEEESESEOESE Liu Yubao (HK SE), Zhou Xiuji UF) and Hu Zhij in (HAH) (469) Trajectory Diagnosis of Air Parcels in High- and Low-Level Jets for a Heavy Rainfall Case During Meiyu Season of 1991 SOSSSSSSSSSSSESSSOSSSSESS SES OSES SSESESSEESESESESESESESESD Tao Zuyu ( Bld #81 EE ) and Huang Wei (KR mu) (486) The Effects of Vertical Variation of Basic Flow and Horizontal Gradient of Temperature on Linear and Nonlinear Gravity Waves s*sssssesssseeeeseeeeececeeeeseeeees Vig Youlong (9 KH) and Zheng Zuguang (AHI) (495) Subscription Information on the AMS PTIrtiiiTiiiitiiiitiiiii tii titi t (505) New Books SOSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSESSSSSSSSSSSSESSSSSSSSESSSSESSSESSSSSSSSSESSESSSSSSSSSESSSSSSSESSSSSESSESSESSESSSSSESSESSESSSSESSESESSESESSSESSSESSESESESEEEE (506) Index to Contents of 1993 yN\Y tet rr (509)

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