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ACT and RFT in Relationships. Helping Clients Deepen Intimacy and Maintain Healthy Commitments Using... PDF

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“This is a fascinating account of love from the perspective of modern behavioral analysis. This book will get you thinking about yourself, your partner, and love in ways that you probably haven’t thought of before. It brings scientific illumination to the candle lights of intimacy.” —Andrew Christensen, PhD, is professor of psychology at UCLA, a cofounder of integrative behavioral couple therapy, and author of Reconcilable Differences ACT RFT & in relationships Helping Clients Deepen Intimacy and Maintain Healthy Commitments Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Relational Frame Theory JoAnne Dahl, PhD Ian Stewart, PhD Christopher Martell, PhD Jonathan S. Kaplan, PhD C P ONTEXT RESS An Imprint of New Harbinger Publications, Inc. Publisher’s Note This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering psychological, financial, legal, or other professional services. If expert assistance or counseling is needed, the services of a competent professional should be sought. Distributed in Canada by Raincoast Books Copyright © 2013 by J oAnne Dahl, Ian Stewart, Jonathan Kaplan, & Christopher Martell New Harbinger Publications, Inc. 5674 Shattuck Avenue Oakland, CA 94609 www.newharbinger.com Cover design by Amy Shoup Acquired by Melissa Kirk Edited by Will DeRooy All Rights Reserved Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data on file Printed in the United States of America 15 14 13 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 First printing Contents Foreword v Acknowledgments ix 1 Introduction to Romantic Love 1 2 The Roots of Our Approach 21 3 Relational Frame Theory 41 4 Acceptance and Commitment Therapy 73 5 Language Traps and Self-as-Content 103 6 Psychological Rigidity 131 7 Valuing Intimate Relationships 153 8 Self-Compassion 183 9 Couples Therapy 217 10 Summary and Conclusions 245 References 255 Index 269 Foreword Dear reader, About twice a year, my husband and I take a long road trip to visit my brothers and their families. They always take the time to spruce up the guest room and light a candle for our arrival. After the fun of greeting everyone, my husband and I move our suitcases into the guest room. Each time, as I swing the door open, I am greeted with a warm and welcoming sign that hangs right above the bed: “If there is anything better than to be loved, it is to be loving.” The sign is plain and unpretentious—s imple white letters on a dark background, signed by no one. Yet its message settles in easily, like gentle snow falling on the winter ground. Creating the stuff of this message in your clinical work— to be loving is what this book is about. As coauthor of The Mindful Couple: How Acceptance and Mindfulness Can Lead You to the Love You Want, as well as a longtime practitioner and trainer of acceptance and commit- ment therapy (ACT) and a participant in the ACT and rela- tional frame theory (RFT) community, I am delighted to introduce this coherent and thoughtful book that marries behavior analytic science and love. The authors provide the ACT and RFT in Relationships reader with a way forward in the challenging yet fulfilling enter- prise of couples and relationship counseling. I first met JoAnne Dahl in mid- 2004 at an Association for Contextual and Behavioral Science conference. She immedi- ately struck me as someone whose work was grounded in com- passion and primarily concerned with the “ways” of love and relationship. But she also struck me as a person interested in science’s role in these matters, working seriously to develop rel- evant clinical knowledge through her position as associate pro- fessor in the department of psychology at the University of Uppsala in Sweden. And she has joined others of similar character to write this book. One of them is Ian Stewart, a faculty member in the psy- chology department at the National University of Ireland, Galway and a longtime associate and friend, as well as a bril- liant researcher who has brought his talents in understanding relational frame theory to this endeavor. There are many times when I have been truly grateful for his diligence in helping others to understand the RFT analysis of human language. Christopher R. Martell, a professor at the University of Washington in Seattle, brings fundamental knowledge to this book with his expertise in behavioral activation. He is an expert in this intervention, training people to embolden themselves by taking action linked to values. And last but surely not least is author Jonathan S. Kaplan, a clinician and adjunct professor who writes and shares his impor- tant work on television and radio, and has been featured in O, The Oprah Magazine as well as on BBC News and MSNBC. He is invested in cultivating peace, purpose, and presence through his work— a fitting way to round out the contributions to and development of this book. vi Foreword While reading ACT and RFT in Relationships, I regularly returned to and considered the notion of intimacy. The word itself is related to the word familiar, meaning “well- known.” Finding a way to be well- known in a relationship, with all of the fear, dread, and secrets that can accompany this— as well as the promise— is a unique challenge for human beings. It is often difficult for us to be fully present to our own emotional experi- ence, let alone to open ourselves up and share that experience with another. Indeed, the prospect of being well- known is, for some, the very barrier to love. However, Drs. Dahl, Stewart, Martell, and Kaplan walk the reader through a set of processes that create just the space in which intimacy in relationship is possible. The truly notewor- thy feature of this book— and the basis of its utility— is the authors’ theoretical understanding of ACT and RFT and their application to the creation of deep and meaningful relation- ships. The authors do not take the conventional path, which generally explores love and intimacy as parts of a plan for self- improvement leading to a felt positive state. Rather, they provide a behavior analytic conceptualization of love, linking this very human issue to a sound theoretical and scientific approach and a thorough understanding of human language and cognition. Do not be scared away by this distinctive part of the book. The behavior analytic approach forms the backbone of a technology that will guide him or her in the use of the intervention while promoting maximum flexibility in the therapy room. In part 1, the authors introduce functional contextualism, basics in behavior analysis, the origins of love, and the problem of language as it relates to human relationship. Each concept is presented in a digestible fashion and linked to the exploration of love and intimacy in human connection. The reader will find vii

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