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Acoustic Emission in Friction PDF

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× ElsevierUK Jobcode: AEF 0aefPre 3-11-2006 12:48p.m. Page:vii Trimsize:165 240MM PREFACE Acoustictechniquesarewidespreadamongthemethodsofengineeringdiagnosis used nowadays to assess the state of machines and mechanisms comprising rotating parts and movable joints. Noise and vibration diagnosis traditionally cover the majority of tests involving the acoustic methods and use of the registration and analysis of acoustic noises and vibrations of mechanisms in the low-frequency spectral band. The high-frequency component of acoustic emission is not usually analyzed in this case. A great part of this emission is acoustic emission (AE) which is induced by various processes running in the materialandonthesurfacesofpartsmakingupmovablejoints,orfrictionpairs. CharacteristicsofAEareverysensitivetothestateofthesurfaces,thepresence of a lubricant, changes in friction regimes and wear mode. For this reason AE has attracted the attention of tribologists during the last decade. Inthisbookwehaveattemptedtosystematizetheoreticalandexperimental results obtained till now in the application of the AE method in tribology. Great attention has been paid to the comparatively new and rapidly developed direction, namely the tribology of nuclear power engineering. Despite the fact that a substantial part of experimental data relates to this quite specific field of engineering we would like to emphasise the universality of the method and the possibility of its application wherever the field inspection of friction units is necessary. Therefore, we hope that this book will be of interest to a wide audienceofengineersandexpertsinvolvedinthedevelopmentandmaintenance of new equipment. We would like to thank Professor N. K. Myshkin and Dr. D. V. Tkachuk, Metal-PolymerResearchInstituteofBelarusNationalAcademyofSciences,for their assistance in preparing the English edition of the book. Victor Baranov, Evgeny Kudryavtsev, Gennady Sarychev, Vladimir Schavelin BasalFonts:Times Margins:Top:54pt Gutter:5pc FontSize:11/13 TextWidth:29p6 Depth:42Lines × ElsevierUK Jobcode: AEF 0aefPre 3-11-2006 12:48p.m. Page:ix Trimsize:165 240MM INTRODUCTION The statistics of failures and malfunctions of machines and mechanisms has shown that their most part results from wear. To demonstrate the acuteness of the problem it is enough to note that losses of energy and materials due to friction and wear in the machine-building industries of developed countries have reached at least 5% of GNP in the mid 1980s. These losses inspired wide researchinthefieldoftribologythatisconcentratednowadaysonthefollowing six areas: Theoretical studies in the mechanics, physics and chemistry of surface and contact phenomena; Materials in tribosystems; Technologies controlling the tribological behavior of movable joints; Design of tribosystems; Condition monitoring of tribosystems; Information processing and analysis in tribology. Though such division of these directions is relative and they are closely interrelated, the given classification represents the frame of problems arising when studying friction as well as the relation of tribology with other fields of science and engineering. Despite the progress in tribology, many problems concerning the improve- ment of the wear resistance and the reduction of friction losses are still far from reaching a solution. This fact results from the complexity of phenomena simultaneously occurring in the friction contact. Therefore, the diagnosis and condition monitoring of friction units are of primary importance when provid- ing the non-failure operation of machines and mechanisms. The diagnosis of friction units of equipment used at nuclear power stations (main circulation pumps, drives of control and protection systems, coolant circulators, turbines) being potentially dangerous engineering objects is of special significance. The non-failure operation of friction units of these mechanisms governs greatly the reliable operation of the whole energy system. As it follows from practical experience, the characteristics of tribosystem operation such as the friction coefficient, wear rate, and contact temperature are not adequate in controlling the tribosystem state in many cases. Hence, they do not allow one to predict the remained life of the system with a necessary accuracy.Fromtheotherhand,thediagnosisoffrictionunitsfrequentlyrequires them to be stopped and disassembled. Therefore, methods and means of the on-line monitoring of friction units are desired which implement functional diagnostics techniques. This forms a basis for monitoring friction units. BasalFonts:Times Margins:Top:54pt Gutter:5pc FontSize:11/13 TextWidth:29p6 Depth:42Lines × ElsevierUK Jobcode: AEF 0aefPre 3-11-2006 12:48p.m. Page:x Trimsize:165 240MM x INTRODUCTION The following basic requirements are put for these methods and means. First of all, the analysis of the state of tribosystem surfaces, wear measurement andtheassessmentoftheefficiencyofthesystemasawholeshouldexcludeits disassemblingandstopping.Thetimeofcollectingdiagnosticdataandselecting informative indicators and characteristics of signals should be minimal. The monitoring methods should be simple and the devices should be compact and includebuilt-inalgorithmsofdataprocessinganddecisionmaking.Tominimize the subjective factor when interpreting diagnosis data automatic procedures are desired. Among the available monitoring methods the emission methods meet the above requirements best. They are based on registering radiation of different physical nature, which accompany structural transformations in solids includ- ing those occurring in friction. They are thermal electron emission, exoelectron emission, electromagnetic field, and acoustic emission. At present the acoustic emission (AE) method is one of the best developed ones and it is suitable for practical application in tribodiagnosis. It involves the registration and analysis of high-frequency acoustic emission generated in friction. Acoustic emission accompanies almost all known processes running in solids and provides impor- tantdataontheircurrentstate.TheadvantagesoftheAEmethodarewellknown and it is used successfully to monitor the material state and diagnose the failure of power engineering objects. First attempts of the practical application of the AE method in tribosystem monitoring were made at the end of the seventies of the last century. Progress in nuclear power engineering posed some new problems in tri- bology. Among them are the study of friction between nuclear fuel pellets and the fuel element cladding in nuclear reactors, the development of materials and antifrictioncoatingsforoperationunderextremeconditions,thedevelopmentof methods and means of the monitoring and diagnosis of bearings used in nuclear power station equipment. Friction units of nuclear power objects operate under conditions far from common conditions – that is under heavy loads, at elevated temperatures, under the effect of ionizing radiation, in high-pure helium and liquid sodium, without or with few personnel. Thesolutionoftheabove-mentionedproblemsrequirestheuseofmethods oftheradiationphysicsofsolidsandnuclearmaterialsscience.Noveltechniques andmeasuringinstrumentsarenecessarytoperformexperimentalstudiesinthis field.TheAEmethodcanbehighlyhelpfulwhensolvingtheproblems.Specific features of the phenomena under study and the application of new experimental methods and means indicate the appearance of a new direction in tribology, i.e. radiation tribology or nuclear engineering tribology. Research centers are established worldwide to carry out studies in this field. Despitethefactthatfirststudiesdealingwiththecalculationofinterrelation between AE characteristics and characteristics of friction surfaces were carried BasalFonts:Times Margins:Top:54pt Gutter:5pc FontSize:11/13 TextWidth:29p6 Depth:42Lines × ElsevierUK Jobcode: AEF 0aefPre 3-11-2006 12:48p.m. Page:xi Trimsize:165 240MM INTRODUCTION xi outapproximatelyfiftyyearsagogenerallyacceptedtheoreticalconceptsonthe relation between characteristics of acoustic emission and processes running in friction units have not been formed yet. For this reason the interpretation of the experimental data reported in publications is quite ambiguous that makes the analysis and comparison of results obtained by different researchers dif- ficult. The lack of good theoretical results and monitoring methods based on them hampers the practical application of the AE method for the maintenance diagnostics of friction units. The authors of this book were involved for a long time in theoretical and experimental studies in the field of acoustic monitoring methods including the practical application of the methods. They hope to attract the attention of tribologists and designers of tribosystems and monitoring equipment to the potential of AE method. ForthispurposewedescribedthephysicalbackgroundoftheAEphenom- ena, considered the methodical aspects of registering high-frequency acoustic emission accompanying friction unit operation, and outlined the design of the developed setups and instruments for studying AE in friction. In addition, the monograph contains a lot of experimental data illustrating the possibilities of the AE methods in studying the frictional behavior of materials and protective coatings and in diagnostics of friction unit state at different stages of operation including friction units of nuclear power station equipment. Chapter1presentstheanalysisofthemainsourcesofAEsignalsinfriction of solids, their informative content, and the possibilities of the AE method in the diagnosis and condition monitoring of friction units of machines and mechanisms. InChapter2wedisclosethetheoreticalbasisofthetribologicalapplication of the AE method, the physical principles and mathematical models for calcu- lating the main informative characteristics of AE resulted from solid friction. The effect of physical-mechanical characteristics of solids, statistical character- istics of solid surfaces and friction conditions and regimes on the amplitude, amplitude-timedistributionandthespectraldensityofAEsignalsisconsidered. Chapter 3 contains the operation principles, design solutions and main technical characteristics of the experimental equipment and AE instruments for tribological studies of materials and antifriction coatings. The setups with wide possibilities for studying tribological characteristics of materials and protec- tive coatings within a wide temperature range, in different environments and vacuum, particularly under the effect of reactor radiation, are described. We proposethecircuitsolutionsofthedevelopedmeasuringinstrumentsforvarious applications including the condition monitoring of bearings used in machines and mechanisms operating under extreme conditions. Chapter 4 illustrates the experimental results showing main regularities of AEinfrictionofsolidsandprotectiveantifrictioncoatingfailurewhenusingthe BasalFonts:Times Margins:Top:54pt Gutter:5pc FontSize:11/13 TextWidth:29p6 Depth:42Lines × ElsevierUK Jobcode: AEF 0aefPre 3-11-2006 12:48p.m. Page:xii Trimsize:165 240MM xii INTRODUCTION developed setups and instruments. Changes in the informative characteristics of AEsignalsresultedfromvaryingfrictionconditionsandregimesareinterpreted on the basis of theoretical ideas on the nature of acoustic emission in friction. The acoustic emission techniques of friction pair monitoring are described. Chapter 5 deals with the study results of the friction of structural and fuel materials of fuel elements and bearing materials used in nuclear reactors. The data are reported on the resistance of protective barrier coatings covering the internal surfaces of fuel element claddings. The results of laboratory and bench tests of bearings are given which confirm the applicability of the proposed acoustic emission techniques of friction unit diagnostics. Someissuesconsideredinthebookmightinitiatediscussionsincefrictionis acomplicatedphenomenonaccompaniedbyavarietyofphysicalprocesses.The authors will thank everyone for remarks. Nevertheless, the presented material basedmainlyontheresultsoftheauthors’studieswillbehelpfulwhenanalyzing the possibilities of the AE method. We hope that our data might be useful in evaluating advantages and disadvantages of AE method and advisability of its application for research work and the condition monitoring in tribology. BasalFonts:Times Margins:Top:54pt Gutter:5pc FontSize:11/13 TextWidth:29p6 Depth:42Lines × ElsevierUK Jobcode: AEF 0aef01 3-11-2006 9:32a.m. Page:1 Trimsize:165 240MM Chapter 1 FRICTION OF SOLIDS AND NATURE OF ACOUSTIC EMISSION 1.1. FRICTION PROCESSES Friction (or external friction) is termed as a set of phenomena occurring within thezoneofcontactbetweenrelativelymovingsolidsresultingintheappearance of contact forces. According to modern ideas, a variety of physical-chemical processesrunsimultaneouslyinfriction.Amongthem,firstofall,aremechanical and chemical interaction of surfaces in contact, structural and chemical changes in surface and subsurface layers of mating materials, the damage of surfaces and their strong interaction with the environment. As a rule, these processes are accompanied with corrosion, heat, electrical, magnetic and electromagnetic phenomena. The mentioned processes are interdependent that complicates their investi- gation. For example, results are reported proving that chemical phenomena and deformation in friction cannot be considered separately [1]. The interconnectivity of friction phenomena has resulted in an idea that friction is a self-organising process [2, 3] and tribosystems are dissipative sys- tems, which obey the following self-organisation conditions [4]: • the system is thermodynamically open, i.e. it can interchange energy and matter with the environment; • the dynamic equations describing the system behaviour are nonlinear; • the deviation from the system equilibrium state exceeds a critical value; • microscopic processes proceed cooperatively in the system. Additionally to processes leading to surface damage, processes decreasing friction and wear may run in such systems. The latter phenomena really occur in friction units of animate nature and machinery. The lack of valid data on physical-mechanical properties of solid surface layers at high strain rates, significant temperature gradients, and heavy loads in various environments complicates the study of interrelated, dissimilar by nature phenomena occurring in friction. So far, there is no a common concept of the properties of these layers. The above list of the processes running in friction units, which is far from being full, shows that the development of adequate friction and wear models is an extremely arduous task. To solve it, coordinated efforts of researchers from various fields of science are required. BasalFonts:Times Margins:Top:54pt Gutter:5pc FontSize:11/13 TextWidth:29p6 Depth:42Lines × ElsevierUK Jobcode: AEF 0aef01 3-11-2006 9:32a.m. Page:2 Trimsize:165 240MM 2 CHAPTER1 Subsurface layers of contacting solids undergo significant changes due to friction. These changes govern the value of friction force. External fric- tion results from overcoming both surface interaction forces and mechanical resistance related to surface deformation. The friction of solid surfaces occurs within discrete contact areas (contact spots) because of the heterogeneity and random shape of the surfaces. Three types of contact areas are distinguished, namely real, nominal, and contour areas. Real contact area is treated as a region over which atoms of one surface are within the range of repulsion forces of another surface. This is the only mechanism whereby atoms of the materials “bear” the load. The real contact area equals the sum of small regions where surface atoms interact. The nominal contact area is determined by the total dimensions of solids in contact while the contour contact area comprises zones of contact of deformed surface waviness. The size of real contact spots ranges from 0.1 to 10–40(cid:2)m depending on surface roughness and contact load. Pressure on these spots may reach 10–20% of the theoretical strength of material. With increasing load the real contact area rises mainly due to the increase of the contact spot number while the spot – – dimensions grow insignificantly. The real contact area amounts to 10 4–10 1 of the nominal contact area and does not exceed 40% even at heavy loads. In case of two metals differing in hardness the real contact area is governed by the characteristics of the softer metal and surface geometry of the harder one. Friction and wear have statistical nature because of discrete frictional con- tact of solids and random distribution of temperature and strain fields over real contact spots that result in the non-uniform damage of surface layers. For this reason stochastic models of friction are widely used to describe frictional interaction. Type and Strength of Bond. Dry friction and the friction of solid lubri- cant coatings (SLC) in vacuum or inert atmosphere at elevated temperatures are strongly governed by the type and strength of the bond between contacting surface spots. The formation of the bonds between dissimilar solids is referred toasadhesionwhiletheinteractionoccurringwhentouchingthesurfacesoflike solids is termed cohesion. When the materials are deformed plastically, molec- ular surface forces act within spots of real contact resulting in the appearance of adhesion junctions [5]. Forces of attraction between contacting solids are caused by practically all typesofinteractionwhichmayactamongmoleculesandatoms,namelymetallic, covalent, ionic, and Van der Waals interactions. During the initial stage of the approaching of metallic bodies Van der Waals forces act which increase as the distancebetweenthebodiesdecreases(incaseofgoldtheinteractionoccursata distance ≈2nm). When the approaching continues, ionic metallic bond appears andrepulsionforcesstarttoactwhichareeffectiveatshortdistancesandprovide BasalFonts:Times Margins:Top:54pt Gutter:5pc FontSize:11/13 TextWidth:29p6 Depth:42Lines × ElsevierUK Jobcode: AEF 0aef01 3-11-2006 9:32a.m. Page:3 Trimsize:165 240MM FRICTIONOFSOLIDSANDNATUREOFACOUSTICEMISSION 3 ultimate equilibrium. The energy of metallic bond exceeds approximately by an order of magnitude that of Van der Waals interaction. Recently the electrostatic theory of adhesion has become popular. It takes into account the effect of the double electric layer appearing in molecular interaction of solids. D. Buckley has pointed that the strongest adhesion bond appears between donor and acceptor atoms [1]. As a result, the shear strength gradient rule has been formulated which has become a fundamental concept of tribology. According to the rule, the following processes running in the subsurface layers of interacting solids influence the value and sign of the gradient: • the appearance of excess vacancies resulting in a positive gradient; • the generation of dislocations resulting in a negative gradient; • the formation of protective films favouring a positive gradient; • the elevation of contact temperature and the increase in material ductility providing a positive gradient. Itisthoughtthatapositiveshearstrengthgradientisthenecessarycondition for normal friction and wear. Deformation Mode and Residual Stresses. The following modes of surface asperity deformation occur in friction: elastic, elastoplastic without hardening, and elastoplastic with hardening. All these deformation modes take place simultaneously. However, any mode of asperity deformation may prevail depending on contact load, physical-mechanical properties of the mating mate- rialsandtheirsurfaceroughness.Duringtheinitialinteractionstagetheasperity deformation of metallic surfaces having a standard engineering roughness is mainly plastic. Contact spots undergo repeated loading in friction that leads to the strain hardening of the surface layer and to changes in asperity shape. As a result, elastic deformation becomes predominant. The depth of the deformed zone can reach 3–25(cid:2)m [6]. In the process of friction residual strains appear in real contact regions while residual compressive stresses occur in subsurface layers due to plastic deformation. Effect of Surface Films. Ultrathin films of gases, vapour of water, and other liquids containing in air, as well as of substances dissolved in liquids and contacting the solid surface are usually cover the surface. These films are classified as adsorbed and chemisorbed layers. As a rule, the films and even monomolecularlayersweakenthesurfacebonds.Itisknownthatmetallicbond is completely ruptured if the interatomic distance exceeds 0.1nm. Therefore, a layer of adsorbed gas ≈0(cid:3)5nm thick reduces interaction between the solids in contacttoresidualVanderWaalsinteractionthatresultsinanoticeablyweaker adhesion. The latter effect is most marked when the film thickness exceeds 2nm. Oxide films with thickness 2–10nm, which quickly appear on metallic BasalFonts:Times Margins:Top:54pt Gutter:5pc FontSize:11/13 TextWidth:29p6 Depth:42Lines × ElsevierUK Jobcode: AEF 0aef01 3-11-2006 9:32a.m. Page:4 Trimsize:165 240MM 4 CHAPTER1 surfaces under atmospheric conditions, also can be considered as such layers. They hamper the formation of metallic bond between the contacting solids and prevent underlying layers against direct contact. In the presence of liquid lubricants the monomolecular layers of fatty acids or soaps appear on the solid surfaces. Their molecules form a film about 2nm thick which is quite elastic and adheres strongly to metals. In this case slidingoccurswithinthefilmreducingsubstantiallythefrictionandwearofthe surfaces. The presence of surfactants favours the effect of strength reduction through adsorption discovered by P.A. Rehbinder. This effect is governed by the influence of polar-active components of a liquid. When the surfactants are adsorbed on juvenile metallic surfaces being exposed in friction (for example, on internal surfaces of microcracks) the metal becomes loosed that leads to the softening of the surface layer and a lesser yield stress. Adsorbed surfactant moleculescoverthefreshsurface,penetrateintomicroscopiccracksandmigrate over their walls with a velocity considerably exceeding the inlet velocity of the liquid in the gap. The crack can expand due to the propping effect of the surfactantmolecules.Itshouldbenotedthatrefractorymetalsbeingintheliquid state (for example, sodium) are strong surfactants for refractory metals. Chemical Processes on Friction Surfaces. As a rule, friction is accompa- niedbychemicalprocesses.Duringfrictioninairmetallicsurfacesveryquickly get covered with oxide films, just as during machining. The rate of the film formationisveryhighatcommonconditions.Forexample,alayer1.4nmthick isformedduring0.05s[7].Theelevationofthetemperaturepromotestheaccel- eration of oxidation. In addition to oxidation other chemical reactions may run in friction including such reactions that do not occur without friction [1]. Friction intensifies chemical processes on the surfaces in contact. On the other hand, reaction products may substantially influence friction. For example, films of some oxides – Fe O and FeO – reduce friction and wear while Fe O 3 4 2 3 films intensify them acting as an abrasive. The role of oxide films is mainly governed by the ratio between the parent metal and oxide hardnesses. Fast-Running and Emission Processes in Friction. When solid surfaces are in relative motion the life of single contact spots is short. For example, at – – a velocity of 1m/s the life is 10 7–10 5s. During this period great energy is generated in the microcontact zone. Theoretical assessments and direct mea- surements show that the temperature of contact spots can reach 800–1000(cid:3)C while the bulk temperature remains close to the ambient temperature and does not exceed 30–60(cid:3)C [5]. The time of temperature flashes is about 10–3s while the duration of transition regimes related to material heating and cooling at the appearance and disappearance of contact is 0.1–1.0ms. Proceeding from these data, Tissen et al. made several hypotheses [5] on the state of the matter in the zoneoftemperatureflashessomeofwhichhavebeenexperimentallyconfirmed. For example, they supposed that in friction the valence electrons are detached BasalFonts:Times Margins:Top:54pt Gutter:5pc FontSize:11/13 TextWidth:29p6 Depth:42Lines × ElsevierUK Jobcode: AEF 0aef01 3-11-2006 9:32a.m. Page:5 Trimsize:165 240MM FRICTIONOFSOLIDSANDNATUREOFACOUSTICEMISSION 5 fromtheiratomsduetoenergyabsorptionwithintherealcontactareaandsome share of the substance transforms into plasma. Thus, during some period the material exists in all four aggregative states within the area of contact spots, namely solid, liquid, gaseous, and plasma. Since spot dimensions are small and the spot lifetime is short the state of the material in the zone of temperature flashes is far from equilibrium and requires the application of nonequilibrium thermodynamics methods to be described. The presence of temperature flashes, heavy contact dynamic loads, and high energy absorption cause several emission processes accompanying fric- tion. Among them are acoustic emission, electromagnetic radiation, lumines- cence, and other electrical, magnetic and electromagnetic phenomena [1, 5, 8]. S.N. Postnikov pointed out [9] that friction may be accompanied by almost all electrical effects known in the physics of solids: • thermalelectronemission(TEE)beingtheliberation(“evaporation”)ofhigh- energy (“hot”) electrons from the solid surface due to heating; • exoelectron emission (EEE) or the Kramer effect being the emission of elec- trons by a cold metallic surface owing to mechanical deformation or damage. Lubricants can reduce EEE while surfactants, as a rule, intensify it; • thermoelectronic phenomena such as the Seebeck effect being the appearance ofelectromotiveforceinacircuitwithdissimilarconductors;thePeltiereffect being heat liberation or absorption when passing electric current through a contactoftwodissimilarconductors;theThomsoneffectbeingheatliberation or absorption in a conductor with electric current along which a temperature gradient exists; • thermo- and galvanomagnetic effects resulted from the influence of magnetic fields on heat flows and electric currents in metals; • electrochemical effects related to the transition of charge from one phase into another, for example, through a metal–electrolyte interface and to the appearance of voltage jump (double electric layer) over the interface. As a rule, many of the above mentioned processes run simultaneously. For this reason, electromagnetic radiation results from their joint action and reflects the electron distribution variations in materials and electrochemical transformationsinfriction.Monograph[10]dealswithtriboengineeringmethods based on measuring characteristics of various emission phenomena. Theanalysisofemissionprocessesopensupwideopportunitiestomonitor and diagnose friction units by studying their current state. Acoustic emission has been used for this purpose for enough long time while the engineering application of other emission processes is a prospective task. BasalFonts:Times Margins:Top:54pt Gutter:5pc FontSize:11/13 TextWidth:29p6 Depth:42Lines

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